Syslog Message Interface

The Cisco Log Message Format

The Cisco Log message format is:


An example of a CiscoLog formatted syslog event follows. An entry displays on a single line.

<134>25: host-w3k: Feb 13 2007 18:23:21.408 +0000: %ICM_Router_CallRouter-6-10500FF: 
[comp=Router-A][pname=rtr][iid=acme1][mid=10500FF][sev=info]: Side A rtr process is OK.

The following table describes the Cisco Log message fields:

Table 1. Cisco Log Message Fields




Encodes syslog message severity and syslog facility. Messages are sent to a single syslog facility (that is, RFC-3164 facilities local0 through local7). For more information, see RFC-3164.


Number used to order messages in the time sequence order when multiple messages occur with the same time stamp by the same process. Sequence number begins at zero for the first message fired by a process since the last startup.


Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), hostname, or IP address of the originating system.


Current month represented in MMM format (for example, "Jan" for January)


Current day represented in DD format. Range is 01 to 31.


Current year represented in YYYY format.


Hour of the timestamp as two digits in 24-hour format; range is 00 to 23.


Minute of the timestamp as two digits; range is 00 to 59.


Second of the timestamp as two digits; range is 00 to 59.


Milliseconds of the timestamp as three digits; range is 000 to 999.


Abbreviated time zone offset, set to +/-#### (+/- HHMM from GMT).


Name of the application that generated the event. APPNAME field values are:


PRODUCT – such as ICM

COMPONENT – such as Router

SUBCOMPONENT – such as CallRouter


Supported severity values are:

3 (Error)

4 (Warning)

6 (Informational)

7 (Debug)


Hexadecimal message id that uniquely identifies the message, such as 10500FF.


(Optional) Supported tags are:

[comp=%s] - component name including side, such as Router-A

[pname=%s] - process name, such as rtr

[iid=%s] - instance name, such as acme1

[mid=%d] - message id, such as 10500FF

[sev=%s] – severity, such as info


A descriptive message about the event.

Configure Syslog Destinations

You can configure syslog destinations using the Cisco SNMP Agent Management Snap-in. The syslog feed is available only on the Unified ICM/Unified CCE Logger Node.

Before you begin

Before you configure the syslog destinations, start the syslog process (cw2kfeed.exe) from the Web Setup tool.

  1. Open the Web Setup tool.
  2. Select Component Management > Loggers, and then choose the instance of the logger for which you want to enable the syslog event feed.
  3. In the Additional Options area, check the Enable Syslog check box to enable the syslog event feed process.
Figure 1. Enable Syslog

These steps runs the CW2KFEED process when the logger is started.


Step 1

Go to Start menu and select Run.

Step 2

In the Start box, type mmc / 32 and press Enter key.

Step 3

Expand Cisco SNMP Agent Management in the left pane of MMC snap-in.

Step 4

Highlight Syslog Destinations in the left pane under Cisco SNMP Agent Management.

The following columns appear in the right pane:
  • ICM Instance Name
  • Feed Enabled
  • Ping Disabled

Step 5

Right-click the white space in right pane and select Properties.

A dialog box appears:
Figure 2. Syslog Destinations Properties Dialog Box

Step 6

From the ICM/IPCC Instances list box, select one Unified ICM/Unified CCE instance.

The Instance field displays the selected instance.

Step 7

Check Enable Feed? check box.

Step 8

In the Collector Address field, enter the IP address or Host Name.

Step 9

(Optional) In the Port field, enter the collector port number on which syslog collector is listening.


The default port is 514.

Step 10

Click Insert to add the IP address to the list.


You can add up to five IP addresses.

Step 11

(Optional) To remove an existing IP address, select the IP address in the Collector Address List area, and click Remove.

Step 12

(Optional) Check Disable Ping Tests? check box.

Step 13

Click Save.

Step 14

Click OK.