Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a set of commands applicable to the operating system, to the Unified Intelligence Center database (cuic_data) and to the system database (ccm_<version>).

These commands allow basic maintenance and failure recovery and also enable some system administration when the Unified Intelligence Center operations console is unavailable.

You can access the CLI directly, using the monitor and keyboard at the server console:

  1. Enter the ID for the System Administration user (the one created during install).

  2. When prompted, enter the password for the System Administration user.

In addition to the CLI commands listed in this chapter, you can also enter:

  • help - to display the list of all supported commands. For example, to display help for a specific command, type help delete dns and press Enter.

  • quit - to close the CLI.

In the command syntax descriptions:

bold is used for the base command.

italics are used for mandatory parameters, when the syntax includes them.

[ ] brackets are used for options, when the syntax includes them.

Unset Command

unset cuic properties

Use this command to remove the translation of host-to-ip setting.

Command Syntax

unset cuic properties host-to-ip hostname

unset ipsec

Use these commands to disable ipsec policies.

Command Syntax

unset ipsec policy_group [group | all]

Use to disable all policies within a group or all groups.

Command Syntax

unset ipsec policy_name [policy_group] [policy_name]

Use to disable a policy with a given policy name and group. For example, set ipsec policy_name group1 name1.

unset network dns

Command Syntax

unset network dns options [options]

This command removes the DNS options setting and causes a temporary loss of network connections.


[timeout] sets the wait time before the system considers a DNS query failed to the default.

[attempts] sets the number of DNS attempts to make before failing to the default.

[rotate] sets the method for selecting a nameserver to the default. This affects how loads are distributed across nameservers.

Command Syntax

unset ipv6 [policy_group] [policy_name]

These commands disable the policy group or all groups, or a policy with a specified group and name.


Use this command to remove any host-to-ip configurations that were defined with the command set cuic properties.

Running this command removes the node-specific override for the IP address of the Unified CCE databases and reverts to the default for the Unified CCE databases as configured in the Data Sources page.

Command Syntax


Utils Command

utils auditd

These commands display enable, disable, and show the status of the audit daemon.

When enabled, auditd log files for the system are retrievable through RTMT. The auditd system monitors for specific security sensitive system calls at the OS kernel level and provides a record-keeping trail for such activities as file permission changes, failures to manipulate files due to permission settings, and changes to the system time and name.

Command Syntax

utils auditd disable

utils auditd enable

utils auditd status

utils core

These commands display information for core files.

Command Syntax

utils core analyze core_file_name

This command displays backtrace for the specified core file.

PARAMETER core_file_name.

Command Syntax

utils core list

This command lists existing core files.

utils create report

These commands create a system report. If you specify hardware, the report contains disk array, remote console, diagnostic, and environmental data.

If you specify platform, the system collects the platform configuration files and copies them to a common log location.

As these reports take time to complete, the system prompts for a confirmation.

Command Syntax

utils create report hardware

utils create report platform

utils cuic

utils cuic authorize_remote_node

This command authorizes you to Unified Intelligence Center remote node.

Command Syntax

utils cuic authorize_remote_node



utils cuic cpudiagnostics

This command is to monitor cuic tomcat process continuously and report the CPU usage per thread. It uses a combination of top and jstack commands to find out CPU usage at thread level and merge the results into the standard jstack output.

Command Syntax

utils cuic cpudiagnostics enable <max_cpu>

This command is to enable cpu diagnostic process.


Max CPU usage at which to log thread details, max_cpu should be between 50 to 90. Default value is "50"

Command Syntax

utils cuic cpudiagnostics disable

This command line is to disable the cpudiagnostics process.

utils cuic mbeans

Command Syntax

utils cuic mbeans [_c] [_e] [_i <val>] [_l <val>] [_n] [_o <val>] [_p <val>] [_u <val>] [_v <val>] [_x <val>]


_e,__exitonfailure With this flag, terminal exits for any Exception

_i,__input <val> Input script file. There can only be one input file. Default value is "stdin"

_l,__url <val> Location of MBean service. It can be <host>:<port> or full service URL.

_n,__noninteract Non interactive mode. Use this mode if input doesn't come from human or jmxterm is embedded

_o,__output <val> Comma separated output list, file and/or stdout. Default value is "stdout".

_p,__password <val> Password for user/password authentication

_u,__user <val> User name for user/password authentication

_v,__verbose <val> Verbose level, could be silent|brief|verbose. Default value is "brief".

_x,__execute <val> Executes a command (a connection must be opened first with _l)


Without any option, this command opens an interactive command line based console. With a given input file, commands in file are run and process ends after file is processed. The execute option may be used to run a command directly, without opening the interactive command line. If the command requires an open connection, it must be opened with _l. Quotes may be used to group words in the command and any dashed arguments use underscore instead.

utils cuic nmon

Command Syntax

utils cuic nmon start s [seconds] c [count]


s specifies the time interval (in seconds) between each collection.

c specifies the number of collections that you want to invoke. Each collection takes up about one Kilobyte of disk space.

Command Syntax

utils cuic nmon stop

This command stops the nmon capture. The data that is captured in this nmon session is savedin/common/log/installin nmon_output.nmonfile.

utils cuic purge

This command runs a manual purge of the cuic database tables. You might do this if you receive an alert that the database is nearing capacity and you do not want to wait for the daily automatic purge.

The tables purged are:

  • CuicDataSetInfo

  • CuicDataSet

  • CuicReportDefinitionFilter

  • CuicReportDefinitionFilterField

  • CuicReportDefinitionFilterParameter

  • CuicCollection

  • CuicCollectionValue

This command prompts for the password of the administration user. When the password is confirmed, the purge runs immediately.

utils cuic restorepub

This command restores security files like keypassfile and cuickeystore files from subscriber to publisher in the same cluster.

Command Syntax

utils cuic restorepub


No optional parameters.

utils cuic session

utils cuic session list

This command lists the current Cisco Unified Intelligence Center sessions.

Command Syntax

utils cuic session list


No parameters


admin:utils cuic session list
Command run successfully
Session ID details saved to file.
To view file, type "file view activelog cuic-session.out"
To SFTP file, type "file get activelog cuic-session.out"
utils cuic session delete

This command deletes the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center sessions based on the session IDs that you pass to this command.

Command Syntax

utils cuic session delete <sessions ID1,sessions ID2> utils cuic session delete <username 1,username 2>


Sessions IDs are IDs of the current Cisco Unified Intelligence Center sessions.

To get the current session IDs, you must first run the utils cuic session list command and then run file view activelog cuic-session.out command.


admin:utils cuic session delete a5fB22f89658e97D089Ab51Ee859b2c1
Session Deleted successfully

utils cuic cluster show

This command shows the current cluster mode enabled on this node and the other member details.


The member details are available only in the TCP/IP mode. The member details displayed are of the configured members and does not represent the cluster in real-time.

Command Syntax

utils cuic cluster show

utils cuic cluster mode

This command is used to switch the CUIC cluster join configuration from Multicast to TCP/IP and vice versa.


After changing the cluster mode in all the nodes, restart “Intelligence Center Reporting Service ” in all the nodes starting from the publisher sequentially.

Command Syntax

utils cuic cluster mode

utils cuic cluster refresh

This command refreshes the cluster node information only when run in the TCP/IP mode and must be run when there is an addition or deletion of nodes to the CUIC cluster.

Command Syntax

utils cuic cluster refresh

utils cuic user make-admin

This command provides all the roles to the new user and copies all the permission from the administrator to the user.

Command Syntax

utils cuic user make-admin



domain\username should be the complete username, including the prefix, as listed in CUIC User List page.

utils dbreplication

utils dbreplication clusterreset

This command is used to reset replication on an entire cluster.


Before executing this command, run the command utils dbreplication stop on all Member nodes and then on the publisher (the Controller node).

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication clusterreset

utils dbreplication dropadmindb

This command is used to drop the Informix syscdr database on any server in the cluster.


Run this command only if the command utils dbreplication reset or utils dbreplication clusterreset fails and replication cannot be restarted.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication dropadmindb

utils dbreplication rebuild

This command is used to set up database replication across the cluster. This command can only be run from the publisher. This command will run the following commands on the specified nodes:

  • utils dbreplication stop

  • utils dbreplication dropadmindb or dropadmindbforce

  • utils dbreplication reset

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication rebuild { [nodename] | | all }

utils dbreplication repair

This command repairs mismatched data on a named node or between nodes. It does not repair replication setup.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication repair nodename

utils dbreplication repair all

utils dbreplication reset

This command is used to reset replication.


Run this command only when replication setup has failed after an install or upgrade.

Before running this command, you must run utils dbreplication stop. If resetting all, stop replication on all nodes first. If resetting <nodename>, stop replication on that node first.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication reset all

utils dbreplication reset nodename

utils dbreplication runtimestate

This command is used to monitor progress of the database replication process and provides replication state in the cluster.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication runtimestate nodename

OPTION: [nodename} limits the status to that of the node indicated.

utils dbreplication setrepltimeout

Use this command to increase the default timeout for replication setup on large clusters.

The default timeout is 5 minutes, thus all subscribers requesting replication within 5 minutes will be on the broadcast list and will be replicated.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication setrepltimeout nteger value of new timeout in seconds

PARAMETER: integer value of new timeout in seconds must be between 300 and 3600 seconds.

utils dbreplication status

Use this command to view status of database replication after setup is complete. To monitor status during setup, use RTMT.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication status

utils dbreplication stop

This command is used to stop the automatic setup of database replication and to stop the ongoing setup of replication.

Run this command on each node where replication needs to be stopped.

Run on all Member nodes first and then on the publisher (the Controller node).

Run this command with no parameters to run the stop operation on the local node only.

On the publisher, run this command as stop all or stop nodename to run the stop operation on all nodes or on a named node.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication stop all

utils dbreplication stop nodename

utils diagnose

Use these commands for various diagnostic functions.

Command Syntax

utils diagnose fix

This command runs diagnostic tests, displays the results, and if possible, attempts to repair the system.

Command Syntax

utils diagnose list

This command lists all available diagnostic commands.

Command Syntax

utils diagnose module module name

This command runs a test on a named module test and attempts to fix the problem if possible.

Command Syntax

utils diagnose test

This command runs diagnostic tests and displays the results.

Command Syntax

utils diagnose version

This command displays the version of the diagnostics system.

utils disaster_recovery

utils disaster_recovery backup

This command invokes a backup and makes the tar file on the network drive or the tape.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery backup network <featurelist> <path> <servername> <userid >


featurelist indicates the comma-separated feature list to back up. Use the command utils disaster_recovery show_registration to display the list of registered features.

path indicates the path to save back up files.

servername is the server ip/hostname where the backup file is to be stored.

userid is the user id used to connect to the remote machine.

utils disaster_recovery backup tape <featurelist><tapeid>


featurelist indicates a comma-separated feature list to back up.

tapeid indicates the tape ID to back up the files. Use the command utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid to display the list of tape IDs.

utils disaster_recovery cancel_backup

This command cancels an ongoing backup.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery cancel_backup confirm

confirm is mandatory and prompts you to enter Yes/Y to continue or any other key to stop.

utils disaster_recovery device

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery device add network devicename path server_namei/ip_address username [Number_of_backups]

This command adds the backup network device.


devicename: Specifies the name of the backup device to be added (mandatory).

path : Specifies the path to retrieve the backup device (mandatory).

server_namei/ip_address : Specifies the hostname or IP address of the server where the backup file is stored (mandatory).

username : Specifies the userid required to connect to the remote location.

Number_of_backups : Specifies the number of backups to store on the Network Directory (default 2). This parameter is optional.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery device delete device_name \*

This command deletes the specified device.


device_name: Name of the device to be deleted .

* : Deletes all existing devices except for the ones associated to a schedule

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery device list

Displays the device name, device type, and device path for all the backup devices.

utils disaster_recovery estimate_tar_size

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery estimate_tar_size featurelist


featurelist indicates the comma separated feature list to backup. Use utils disaster_recovery show_registration <servername> to display the list of registered features.

utils disaster_recovery history

This command displays the history of previous backups and restores.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery history [operation]

operation specifies backup and restore.

utils disaster_recovery jschLogs

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery jschLogs operation


operation name of operation like Enable\Disable.

utils disaster_recovery prepare

This command prepares for backup and restore from publisher and subscriber.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery prepare restore

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery prepare restore pub_from_sub

utils disaster_recovery restore

These commands invoke a restore.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery restore network <restore_server> <tarfilename> <path> <servername> <userid>


restore_server is the hostname of the server to be restored.

tarfilename is the tar file name to be restored.

path is the mandatory path that retrieves the backup tar file from this location.

servername is the server ip\hostname from which to retrieve backup tar file.

userid is the user id used to connect to the remote machine.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery restore tape <server><tarfilename> <tapeid>


server is the hostname of the server to be restored.

tarfilename is the tar file name to be restored.

tapeid is the tape ID used to restore files from the tape device. Use the command utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid to display the list of tape IDs.

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles

These commands retrieve information about backup files.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles network <path> <servername> <userid>


path indicates the location of the backup file.

servername is the server ip/hostname where the backup file has been stored.

userid is the user id used to connect to the remote machine.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles tape tapeid

PARAMETER: tapeid is the ID of the tape device.

utils disaster_recovery show_registration

This command shows all the registered features and components on a given server.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_registration

utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid

This command shows the list of tape IDs.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid

utils disaster_recovery status

This command shows the status of the ongoing backup or restore operation.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery status operation

PARAMETER operation is the name of the operation: backup or restore.

utils firewall

These commands perform various actions pertaining to the firewall.

Command Syntax

utils firewall disable [time]

utils firewall enable

utils firewall list

utils firewall status

OPTION: [time} is the duration in seconds for which the firewall is to be disabled.

utils firewall ipv4

These commands perform various actions pertaining to the firewall ipv4.

Command Syntax

utils firewall debug [off \\ time]


This command turns IPv4 firewall debugging on or off. If you do not enter a time parameter, this command turns on debugging for 5 minutes.

off Turns off the IPv4 firewall debugging. If you do not enter the time parameter, this command disables the firewall for 5 minutes.

time (Optional) Sets the duration for which the firewall debugging is to be enabled in the following formats:
  • Minutes: 0-1440m
  • Hours: 0-23h
  • Hours and minutes: 0-23h 0-60m

Command Syntax

utils firewall disable [time]

disable Turns off the IPv4 firewall. If you do not enter the time parameter, this command disables the firewall for 5 minutes.

Command Syntax

utils firewall enable [time]

enable Turns on the IPv4 firewall.

Command Syntax

utils firewall list

This commands displays the current configuration of the IPv4 firewall.

Command Syntax

utils firewall status

This command displays the current status of the IPv4 firewall.

utils firewall ipv6

These commands perform various actions pertaining to the firewall ipv6.

Command Syntax

utils firewall debug [off \\ time]


This command turns IPv6 firewall debugging on or off. If you do not enter a time parameter, this command turns on debugging for 5 minutes.

off Turns off the IPv6 firewall debugging. If you do not enter the time parameter, this command disables the firewall for 5 minutes.

time (Optional) Sets the duration for which the firewall debugging is to be enabled in the following formats:
  • Minutes: 0-1440m
  • Hours: 0-23h
  • Hours and minutes: 0-23h 0-60m

Command Syntax

utils firewall disable [time]

disable Turns off the IPv6 firewall. If you do not enter the time parameter, this command disables the firewall for 5 minutes.

Command Syntax

utils firewall enable [time]

enable Turns on the IPv6 firewall.

Command Syntax

utils firewall list

This commands displays the current configuration of the IPv6 firewall.

Command Syntax

utils firewall status

This command displays the current status of the IPv6 firewall.

utils import config

This command takes data from the platformConfig.xml file on the virtual floppy drive and modifies the system to match the configuration file. The system will reboot after the command successfully completes.

Command Syntax

utils import config



Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


To run this command on a VMware deployment that has been cloned (copied) from a template:

  1. Power on the VM.

  2. Use the Answer File Generator (AFG) tool. For more information, see

  3. Insert the Config.xml file into a virtual floppy instance. For more information, see

  4. Mount the .flp file in the floppy drive of the new VM.

  5. Log in to the CLI of the VM (using console or SSH) and run the utils importconfig command. The command cycles through all of the data found in the xml file and if data is found that is different than what is currently set on the VM, it modifies the VM to match the new data.

  6. The system reboots with the new identity.


If the platformConfig.xml file contains a new IP address for the publisher, refer to the section Change Cluster IP Address for Publisher Server Defined by IP Address in Chapter 3 and perform Step1 on all subscriber nodes before running this CLI from the publisher node.


If the platformConfig.xml file contains a new IP address for the subscriber, refer to the section Change Cluster IP Address for Subscriber Servers Defined by IP Address in Chapter 3 and perform Step 1 to Step 4 on the publisher node before running this CLI from the subscriber nodes.

utils iostat

This command provides the iostat output for the given number of iterations and interval.

Command Syntax

utils iostat [options]


[interval] indicates the interval in seconds. Mandatory if iterations is also used.

[iterations] indicates the number of iostat iterations to be performed. Mandatory if interval is also used.

[filename] redirects the output to a file.

utils iothrottle

These commands enable, disable, or show status of I/O throttling enhancements.

Command Syntax

utils iothrottle disable

utils iothrottle enable

utils iothrottle status

utils netdump

This command enables, disable and displays status of the netdump.

Command Syntax

utils netdump enable

Command Syntax

utils netdump disable

Command Syntax

utils netdump status

utils netdump client

These commands configure the netdump client.

Command Syntax

utils netdump start ip-address-of-netdump-server

This command starts the netdump client.

PARAMETER ip-address-of-netdump-server specifies the IP address of the netdump server to which the client will send diagnostic information.

Command Syntax

utils netdump status

This command starts the netdump client.

Command Syntax

utils netdump status

This command displays the status of the netdump client.

utils network

utils network arp

This command lists, sets, or deletes Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table entries.

Command Syntax

utils network arp delete host

This command deletes an entry in the address resolution table.

host represents the host name or IP address of the host to delete from the table.

Command Syntax

utils network arp list [options]

This command lists the contents of the address resolution protocol table.


[host host] is the host and host name to list.

[page] displays the output one page at a time.

[numeric] displays hosts as dotted IP addresses.

Command Syntax

utils network arp set <host> <address>

This command sets an entry in the address resolution protocol table.

<host> is the name or dotted IP address of the host to add to the table.

<address> is the hardware address (MAC) of the host to be added.

utils network capture

This command captures IP packets on the ethernet interface.

Command Syntax

utils network capture [options]


[page] pauses output.

[numeric] show hosts as dotted IP addresses.

[file fname] outputs the information to a file saved in platform/cli/fname.cap.

[count num] indicates a count of the number of packets to capture.

[size bytes] indicates a count of the number of packets to capture. Note: The maximum count for the screen is 1000; for a file it is 100000.

[src addr] indicates the source address of the packet as a host name or IPV4 address.

[dest addr] indicate the destination address of the packet as a host name or IPV4 address.

[port num] indicates the port number of the packet (either src or dest).

[host protocol] indicates the host address of the packet as a host name or IPV4 address. This option will display all packets to and from that address. Note: If "host" is provided, do not provide "src" or "dest".

utils network connectivity

This command is valid only on a subscriber (Member) node. It tests the network connectivity from this system to the publisher node (the Controller node).

Command Syntax

utils network connectivity

utils network host

This command resolves a hostname to an address, or an address to a hostname. This command looks for the host locally first. If it cannot resolve it locally, and DNS is configured, then it does a DNS lookup.

Command Syntax

utils network host name

PARAMETER name is the name of the host or address to resolve.

utils network ping

This command sends one or more ping packets to a remote destination.

Command Syntax

utils network ping dest [count]

PARAMETER dest is the dotted IP or host name of the destination.

OPTION [count] is the optional count value (default is 4).

utils network tracert

This command traces IP packets to a remote destination.

Command Syntax

utils network tracert dest

PARAMETER dest is the dotted IP or host name of the destination.

utils network ipv6

Command Syntax

utils network ipv6 host {host_name \ ipv6_address}

This command does an IPv6 host lookup (or IPv6 address lookup) for the specified host name or IPv6 address.

host_name Specifies the name of the server.

ipv6_address Specifies the IPv6 address of the server.

Command Syntax

utils network ipv6 traceroute { ipv6-address \ address}

This command does an IPv6 host lookup (or IPv6 address lookup) for the specified host name or IPv6 address.

hostname Specifies the host name that you want to trace.

ipv6-address Specifies IPv6 address that you want to trace.

Command Syntax

utils network ipv6 ping destination [count]

This command allows you to ping an IPv6 address or hostname.

destination Specifies a valid IPv6 address or host name that you want to ping. .

count Specifies the number of times to ping the external server. The default count equals 4.

utils ntp

This command displays the NTP status or configuration.

Command Syntax

utils ntp status

utils ntp config

Command Syntax

utils ntp restart

Command Syntax

utils ntp server add s1 [ s1| s2| s3| s4| s5 ] [norestart]

The command adds a maximum of five specified NTP servers.


s1... Specifies the NTP servers.

norestart Causes the NTP service to not restart after you add the servers.

Command Syntax

utils ntp server delete

This command deletes NTP servers that are configured.

Command Syntax

utils ntp server list

This command lists all NTP servers.

Command Syntax

utils ntp start

This command starts the NTP service if it is not already running.


You can not stop the NTP service from the command line interface. Use this command when the utils ntp status command returns stopped.

utils raid disk maintenance

Use these commands to maintain the RAID disk. They are needed only on servers using RAID software.

Command Syntax

utils raid disk maintenance disable

This command stops the scheduled RAID service.

Command Syntax

utils raid disk maintenance enable

This command verifies the RAID scheduling.

Command Syntax

utils raid disk maintenance status

This command gives the status for the weekly scheduled RAID software disk verify service.

utils remote_account

These commands create, enable, disable, and show the status of a remote account.

A remote account generates a pass phrase that allows Cisco Systems support personnel to get access to the system for the specified life of the account. You can have only one remote account that is enabled at a time.

Command Syntax

utils remote_account create <account> <life>

account is the account name.

life indicates the life of the account in days.

utils remote_account disable

utils remote_account enable

utils remote_account status


These commands reset user names and passwords.

Command Syntax

utils reset_application_ui_administrator_name

Use this command to reset the application user name. The application user is the initial Super User who can sign in to the Administration console.

This command prompts for the new name.

Make sure to do the following while running this command:

  1. Run this command only when replication is running.

  2. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes to ensure that the user name is reset across all nodes.

  3. Restart the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center application on all nodes to complete the process.


If you log in to the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center application without completing these steps you will lose all administrator privileges.

Command Syntax

utils reset_application_ui_administrator_password

Use this command to reset the password for the application user. The application user is configured during installation and is the initial Super User who can sign in to the Administration console.

utils restore_application_ui_administrator_account

This command restores the administrator account information in the application.

Command Syntax

utils restore_application_ui_administrator_account

utils service

utils service list

This command retrieves status for all services.

Command Syntax

utils service list [page]

OPTION [page] pauses after each page.

utils service restart

This command restarts a service.

Command Syntax

utils service restart serv

PARAMETER serv is the name of the service to restart.

utils service start

This command starts a service.

Command Syntax

utils service start serv

PARAMETER serv is the name of the service to start.

utils service stop

This command stops a service.

Command Syntax

utils service stop serv

PARAMETER serv is the name of the service to stop.

utils snmp

utils snmp get

This command gets the SNMP data for the specified MIB OID.

Command Syntax

utils snmp get <version>


version is 1 or 2c.

Enter the community string:<Community string>

Enter the ip address of the Server :<IP address of the server>

The Object ID (OID) <Object ID>

Enter parameter as "file" to log the output to a file. [nofile] < name of the text file>

Press Enter to display the results on screen without saving any text files.

utils snmp test

This snmp test sends sample alarms to local syslog, remote syslog and snmp trap.

Command Syntax

utils snmp test

utils snmp walk

This command is used to walk the SNMP MIB starting with the specified OID.

Command Syntax

utils snmp walk <version>


version is 1 or 2c.

Enter the community string: <Community string>

Enter the ip address of the Server :<IP address of the server>

The Object ID (OID) :<Object ID>

Enter parameter as "file" to log the output to a file. [nofile]<name of the text file>

Press Enter to display the results on screen without saving any text files.

utils snmp configure

utils snmp config 1/2c community-string

This interactive command adds, deletes, lists or updates a community string.

utils snmp config 1/2c community-string {add | | delete | | list | | update}


add Adds a new community string.

delete Deletes a community string.

list Lists all community strings.

update Updates a community string.

utils snmp config 1/2c inform

This interactive command adds, deletes, lists or updates inform notification destinations.

utils snmp config 1/2c inform {add | | delete | | list | | update}


add Adds a notification destination.

delete Deletes a notification destination.

Lists Lists all notification destination.

Update Updates all notification destination.

utils snmp config 1/2c trap

This interactive command affects trap notifications.

utils snmp config 1/2c trap {add | delete | list | update}


add Adds a new v1/2c trap notification destination associated with a configured v1/2c community string.

delete Deletes the configuration information for an existing v1/2c trap notification destination.

List Lists the v1/2c trap notifications currently configured.

update Updates configuration information for an existing v1/2c trap notification destination.

utils snmp config 3 inform

This interactive command affects the v3 inform notification.

utils snmp config 3 inform {add | | delete | | list | | update}


add Adds a new v3 inform notification destination associated with a configured v3 username.

delete Deletes the configuration information for an existing v3 inform notification destination.

list Lists the v3 inform notifications currently configured.

update Updates configuration information for an existing v3 inform notification destination.

utils snmp config mib2

This interactive command affects the Mib2 configuration information.

utils snmp config mib2 {add | | delete | | list | | update}


add Adds the Mib2 configuration information.

delete Deletes the Mib2 configuration information.

list Lists the Mib2 configuration information.

update Updates the Mib2 configuration information.

utils snmp config 3 trap

This interactive command affects trap notifications.

utils snmp config 3 trap {add | | delete | | list | | update}


add Adds a new v3 trap notification destination associated with a configured v3 username.

delete Deletes the configuration information for an existing v 3 trap notification destination.

list Lists the v3 trap notifications currently configured.

update Updates configuration information for an existing v3 trap notification destination.

utils snmp config 3 user

This interactive command affects v3 user configuration.

utils snmp config 3 user {add | | delete | | list | | update}


add Adds a new v3 user with the v3 authentication and privacy passwords.

delete Deletes the configuration information for an existing v3 user.

list Lists the v3 users currently configured.

update Updates configuration information for an existing v3 user.

utils soap realtimeservice test

This soap test runs a number of test cases on the remote server as specified by a parameter of remote-ip, remote-https-user, or remote-https-password.

Command Syntax

utils soap realtimeservice test <remote-ip> <remote-https-user> <remote-https-password>

PARAMETERS: (At least one parameter is required.)

remote-ip = remote ip address of the machine under test

remote-https-user= remote http user who has role to access soap api

remote-https-password = remote http users password

utils system

These commands perform system operations.

utils system restart

This command restarts the server after presenting a confirmation (yes | no) message.

Command Syntax

utils system restart

utils system shutdown

This command shuts the server down after presenting a confirmation (yes | no) message.


It is important to shut down using this CLI command. Do not shut down by pressing the power button on the server.

Command Syntax

utils system shutdown

utils system switch-version

This command switches to the other installed version on the server after presenting a confirmation (yes | no) message. Note that if you switch back to an earlier version, any services or functionality available only in the later version are removed.

Command Syntax

utils system switch-version

utils system upgrade

This command allows you to upgrade the server.

Command Syntax

utils system upgrade <cancel> <status> <initiate>


cancel cancels the active upgrade.

status gets the status of the upgrade.

initiate starts an upgrade. Specify the required inputs as the upgrade proceeds.

utils vmtools

utils vmtools refresh

This command refreshes the version of the currently installed VMware tools on the virtual machine to the same version as that of the ESXi host.

Command Syntax

utils vmtools refresh

The VMware Tools ISO is not mounted in the CD/DVD drive.

Please ensure that you have selected Guest -> Install/Upgrade VMware Tools -> Interactive Tools Upgrade by right-clicking on the VM from your VI client.

After you perform the above step, run the command again utils vmtools refresh

VMware Tools are out-of-date. Proceeding with tools upgrade.

*** W A R N I N G ***

Running this command will update your current version of VMware Tools to the latest version prescribed by the ESXi host on which this VM is running. The tools install will cause your system to reboot twice.Continue (y/n)? Y Starting VMware Tools upgrade ...

Uninstalling VMware Tools 8.6.0-425873...... Done

Restarting system to complete tools upgrade...

*** W A R N I N G ***

Restart could take up to 5 minutes... Stopping Service Manager

Show Commands

show account

This command lists all accounts except the primary admin account.

Command Syntax

show account

show accountlocking

This command shows the current account locking settings.

Command Syntax

show accountlocking

show cert

These commands show certificate information about the selected certificate type.

Command Syntax

show cert list type

PARAMETER type is mandatory and can be own or trust.

show cert ownname

show cert trustname

PARAMETER name must be a valid certificate name.

show cli

Run this command to show if pagination of the current CLI session is on or off.

Command Syntax

show cli pagination

Run this command to show the CLI session timeout. The CLI session timeout is set to 30 minutes for new CLI sessions.

Command Syntax

show cli session timeout

show cuic-properties

These commands show information about Unified Intelligence Center properties.

Command Syntax

show cuic properties host-to-ip

This command shows the current host-to-ip translation for Unified Intelligence Center databases in the cluster.

Command Syntax

show cuic properties http-enabled

This command shows the value on or off, depending on the current value that is set for the http-enabled property.

Command Syntax

show cuic properties purge-retention

This command shows the number of days that data in the Unified Intelligence Center database is retained before it gets purged.

Command Syntax

show cuic properties purge-time

This command shows the time of the day when the data in the Unified Intelligence Center database will be purged and the interval (in minutes) after which the purge operation should be rerun.

Command Syntax

show cuic properties session-timeout

This command shows the Session Timeout for the Unified Intelligence Center web application.

show cuic component-status

These commands show the status of the Unified Intelligence Center components.

Command Syntax

show cuic component-status subsystem [options]

PARAMETER subsystem is mandatory.


[CuicStatus] shows the status of cuic web engine and the DB replication.

[DBReplStatus] shows the status of database replication on this node.

[DBStatus] shows the database status.

[SchedulerStatus] shows status of the report scheduler.

The following subsystem options are not supported for Unified Intelligence Center 11.0(1):

[ICMUserStatus] shows the status of Unified ICM user integration.

[EmailStatus] shows status of the emailer component.

[DataSourceConnectionStatus] shows data source connection status.

show cuic license-info

This command shows information about the license that the cluster is using.

  • License Type: standard; premium; demo or trial

  • Node Count: the number of licensed nodes in the cluster. If not provided, the default value (8) is assumed.

  • User Count: the number of simultaneous reporting users allowed. If omitted in the license file, the default is assumed, which is no limit.

  • Start Date: The date from which the license is valid.

  • Expiry Date: Shows "permanent" or a specific expiry date.

For more information, see Manage License.

show diskusage

These commands show disk usage of the given directory as well as the usage of the disk partition the directory exists on.

Command Syntax

show diskusage activelog [options]

show diskusage common [options]

show diskusage inactivelog [options]

show diskusage install [options]

show diskusage tftp [options]

show diskusage tmp [options]


[file fname] outputs the information to a file saved in platform/cli/fname.

[directory] show only directory sizes.

[sort] sorts output by sizes in 1024 byte blocks.

show environment

These commands retrieve the current reading of the various fan, power-supply, or temperature sensors.

Command Syntax

show environment fans

show environment power-supply

show environment temperatures

show hardware

This command retrieves some basic platform hardware information.

Command Syntax

show hardware

show ipsec

Use these commands to display ipsec policies.

Command Syntax

show ipsec information [policy_group] [policy-name]

Use to display detailed information about the specified ipsec policy.

Command Syntax

show ipsec policy_group

Use to display the list of ipsec policy names with specified policy group.

Command Syntax

show ipsec policy_name

Use to view a policy with a given policy name and group. Example:set ipsec policy_name group1 name1.

Command Syntax

show ipsec status

Use to display the status of all ipsec tunnels defined in the system.

show logins

This command shows the last number of platform admin logins. The default is to show 20 logins.

Command Syntax

show logins last n


[last n] specifies a number of logins to show. Entering the command with no option shows 20 logins. Specifying a value of 0 will display all previously saved logins.

show memory

These commands displays information about the server memory.

Command Syntax

show memory count

show memory module module number

show memory module ALL

show memory size

show myself

This command shows information about the current account: machine name, account name, admin privilege level, output setting and logging setting. Use the commands set commandcount and set logging to modify current account settings.

Command Syntax

show myself

show network

show network all

This command retrieves all basic platform network information.

Command Syntax

show network all [options]


[detail] displays more detail.

[page] pauses the output .

[search srchtxt] looks for srchtxt in the output. This is a case-insensitive search.

show network cluster

This command shows the nodes that are part of the network cluster.

Command Syntax

show network cluster

show network dhcp eth0 status

This command displays the DHCP status on eth0.

Command Syntax

show network dhcp eth0 status [options]

show network failover

This command shows network fault tolerance information.

Command Syntax

show network failover [options]


[detail] displays more detail.

[page] pauses the output.

show network ip_conntrack

This command retrieves the current utilization of ip_conntrack.

Command Syntax

show network ip_conntrack [options]

show network ipprefs

These commands display the network ports and their status.

Command Syntax

show network all

show network enabled

show network public

show network ipv6

This command shows the IPv6 network settings.

Command Syntax

show network ipv6 settings

Command Syntax

show network ipv6 route [options]




show network max_ip_conntrack

This command retrieves ip_conntrack_max information.

Command Syntax

show network all

show network ntp

This command displays security option configured on /etc/ntp.conf file.

Command Syntax

show network ntp option

show network route

This command retrieves some basic platform network route information.

Command Syntax

show network route [options]


[detail] displays more detail.

[search srchtxt] looks for srchtxt in the output. This is a case-insensitive search.

show network status

This command retrieves some basic platform network status information.

Command Syntax

show network status [options]


[detail] displays additional information.

[listen] displays only listening sockets.

[process] displays the process ID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.

[all ] displays both listening and non-listening sockets.

[nodes] displays numerical addresses without any DNS information.

[search sext] searches for the "sext" in the output. This is a case-insensitive search.

show open

show open files

These commands show open files.

Command Syntax

show open files all

This command displays all the open files on the machine.

Command Syntax

show open files process ProcessID1, ProcessID2

This command displays all the open files on the machine belonging to given process(es).

PARAMETER Processid must be a valid process id. You can enter a comma-delimited list of processes.

Command Syntax

show open files regex "regex"

This command displays all the open files on the machine that match the regular expression.

PARAMETER "regex" is the regular expression to match and must be enclosed in quotation marks.

show open ports

These two commands show open ports.

Command Syntax

show open ports all

This command shows all open ports.

Command Syntax

show open ports regex "string"

This command shows all the open ports on the machine that match the regular expression. It takes the parameter "string".

show packages

These commands retrieve the version number of one or more packages on the active or inactive side.

Command Syntax

show packages active pkg [page]

show packages inactive pkg [page]

PARAMETER pkg must be a valid package name.


[page] pauses the display.

show password

Use these commands to configure password rules.

Command Syntax

show password age maximum | days minimum | days

show password complexity character minimum-length

These commands display the status of the password complexity as enabled or disabled and the minimum length that the password must be.

Command Syntax

show password expiry maximum-age minimum-age user

These commands display the status of the password expiration; the maximum and minimum expiration parameters and the expiration parameter for a specific user.

Command Syntax

show password history number

This command displays the number of passwords that will be maintained in the history.

show perf

show perf counterhelp

This command lists the explaining text for a particular perfmon counter.

Command Syntax

show perf counterhelp <class-name> <counter-name>


class-name is the perf class name that contains the perf counter.

counter-name is the perf counter name to view.


If either parameters contain white space, then both should be in quotation marks. For example, show perf counterhelp "Cisco Phones" "CallsAttempted".

show perf list

These four commands show various perfmon information.

Command Syntax

show perf list categories

This command lists all categories in the perfmon system.

Command Syntax

show perf list classes [options]

This command lists perfmon classes.

Command Syntax

show perf list counters class-name [options]

This command lists perfmon counters in a particular perfmon class.

Command Syntax

show perf list instances class-name [options]

This command lists perfmon instances of a particular perfmon class.

PARAMETER class-name is the name of the perfmon class.


[cat category] shows perfmon classes for a particular category.

[detail] shows detailed information.

show perf query

These four commands show various perfmon queries.

Command Syntax

show perf query class class-name

This command queries the perfmon class to show all instances and counter values of each instance.

Most Unified Intelligence Center counters display with this command. For example show perf query class SchedulerInfo shows the SchedulerIntervalLength, SchedulerJobsCompletedCount, SchedulerJobsFailedCount, SchedulerJobsRunningCount, and SchedulerState.

Command Syntax

show perf query counter class-name <counter-name, counter-name...>

This command queries a counter to show the counter value of all instances.

Command Syntax

show perf query instance <class-name> <instance-name, instance-name...>

This command queries an instance to show its all counter values.

Command Syntax

show perf query path path-spec, path-spec

class-name is the name of the perfmon class. Accepts a comma-delimited list of up to five class-names. If class-name contains white space, enclose it in double quotes.

counter-name is the counter name to view. You can query a maximum of five comma-delimited counter-names. If the name contains white space, enclose it in double quotes.

instance-name is the instance name to view. You can query a maximum of five comma-delimited instance-names. If the name contains white space, enclose it in double quotes.

path-spec is the perfmon query path to view. You can query a maximum of five, comma-delimited path-specs.

show process

These commands show process information.

show process list

This command is used to get the list of all the processes, and critical information about each one of them. This command also displays visually the child-parent relationship between these processes.

Command Syntax

show process list [options]


[file] - optional file-name for the output.

[detail] - optional detailed output.

show process load

This command shows the current load on the system including the number "num" of processes using the most cpu or memory or time.

Command Syntax

show process load [options]


[cont] - the command will repeat continuously.

[clear] - the screen will clear before displaying output.

[noidle] - the command will ignore the idle/zombie processes.

[num XX] - configure the number of processes to be displayed (using most cpu) XX is the number of processes: default is 10 processes; minimum value is 1; use 'all' for all processes.

[thread] - show threads.

[cpu]- sort output by CPU usage.

[memory] - sort output by memory.

[usage time] - sort output by time usage.


Only one of cpu, memory or time may be specified.

[page] - pause output.

show process name

This command is used get the details of processes that share the same name. This also displays parent-child relationship.

Command Syntax

show process name process-name [file-filename]

PARAMETER process-name must be a valid process name.

OPTION [file file-name] is the file-name for the output.

show process open-fd

This command is used to list the open file descriptors for a comma separated list of process Ids.

Command Syntax

show process open-fd p1, p2, p3 [file]

PARAMETER p1 is the process ID. You can enter a comma-separated string of process IDs.

OPTION [file] is the file-name for the output.

show process search

This command lets you search some particular patterns in the output of the operating system specific process listing.

Command Syntax

show process search regexp [file]

PARAMETER regexp specifies the regular expression.

OPTION [file] is the file-name for the output.

show process user

This command displays the user and more details on the process used, including the virtual memory used and others.

Command Syntax

show process user user-name [options]

user-name is mandatory.


[file] is the file-name for the output.

[vm] is the virtual memory of the process.

[detail] show process's page fault, virtual memory, start time and others.

[cont] to repeat the command continuously.

show process using-most

These commands show the processes using the most cpu or the most memory.

Command Syntax

show process using-most cpu [options]

show process using-most memory [options]


[file] - the file-name for the output.

[number] - The number of processes. The default is 5.

show registry

This command displays the contents of the registry.

Command Syntax

show registry <system> <component name> page


system represents the registry system name.

component represents the registry component name.

OPTION: [page] displays one page at a time.

show smtp

This command shows the SMTP server.

Command Syntax

show smtp

show stats io

This command shows system input/output statistics of the machine.

Command Syntax

show stats io [options]


[kilo ] display statistics in kilobytes.

[detail] displays detailed statistics of every available device on the system. This option overrides the [kilo] option.

[page] pauses the output.

[file fname] outputs to a file. The file is saved in platform/cli/fname.txt. The fname must not contain the " character.

show status

This command retrieves basic platform status.

Command Syntax

show status

show tech

show tech activesql

This command shows the active queries to the database taken in the last one minute.

Command Syntax

show tech activesql

show tech all

This command displays all of the different show tech xxx commands and may produce a large output of data.

Command Syntax

show tech all [options]


[page] displays one line at a time.

[file fname] outputs to a file saved in platform/cli/fname.txt.

show cuic tech

These commands display information about the Unified Intelligence Center database.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech procedures

This command shows the procedures in use for the Unified Intelligence Center database.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech systables

This command displays the name of all tables in the Unified Intelligence Center database.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech table <tablename>

This command shows the contents of a table on the Unified Intelligence Center database.

PARAMETER tablename is mandatory and must be the name of a table in the Unified Intelligence Center database.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech triggers

This command displays Unified Intelligence Center table names and the triggers associated with those tables.

show tech database

These commands show database information.

Command Syntax

show tech database dump [options]

This command dumps the database so that you can send it for debugging.


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command shows the operating system database.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database.

Command Syntax

show tech database sessions

This command redirects the session and SQL information of present session IDs to a CSV file.

show tech dberrorcode

This command shows the explanation for a particular database errorcode.

Command Syntax

show tech dberrorcode errorcode

PARAMETER errorcode is mandatory. Enter the code for the error you are investigating.

show tech dbintegrity

This command checks database server specified disk structures for inconsistencies and displays output in a file.

Command Syntax

show tech dbintegrity

show tech dbinuse

This command displays the database in use.

Command Syntax

show tech dbinuse

show cuic tech dbschema

This command displays the database schema in a CSV file.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech dbschema [options]


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command shows the operating system schema.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database.

show tech dbstateinfo

This command shows the database state information and outputs it to a file.

Command Syntax

show tech dbstateinfo

show tech dumpCSVandXML

This command collects csv and xml files into a single tar file.

Command Syntax

show tech dumpCSVandXML

show tech network

These commands shows network aspects of the system.

Command Syntax

show tech network all [options]

show tech network hosts [options]

show tech network interfaces [options]

show tech network resolv [options]

show tech network routes [options]

show tech network sockets [options]


[page] displays one line at a time.

[search txt] searches the output for txt *. Case insensitive search.

[file fname] outputs to a file saved in platform/cli/fname.txt.

[numeric] displays ports in numeric format.

show tech notify

This command displays the database change notify monitor.

Command Syntax

show tech notify [search pattern]

OPTION [search pattern] is a string that needs to be searched in the command output.

show tech params

These commands display the database parameters.

Command Syntax

show tech params all

Shows all parameters.

Command Syntax

show tech params enterprise

Shows enterprise parameters.

Command Syntax

show tech params service

Shows service parameters.

show cuic tech procedures

This command displays the stored procedures in use for the database.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech procedures [options]


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command shows the procedures in use for the operating system database.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database.

show tech repltimeout

This command shows the replication timeout setting.

Command Syntax

show tech repltimeout

show tech sqlhistory

This command collects sqlhistory statements into a single file (*.out) and directs you to the location of that file.

Command Syntax

show tech sqlhistory

show cuic tech systables

This command displays the name of all tables in the database.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech systables [options]


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command shows the tables in the operating system database.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database.

show tech system

These commands show various aspects of the system.

Command Syntax

show tech system all [options]

show tech system bus [options]

show tech system hardware [options]

show tech system host [options]

show tech system kernel

show tech system software

show tech system tools


[page] displays one line at a time.

[file fname] outputs to a file are saved in platform/cli/fname.txt.

show cuic tech table

This command redirects the contents of the specified database table into a file.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech table [options]

This command shows the contents of a table on the operating system database.

PARAMETER tablename must be the name of a table in the database.


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command shows only tables in the operating system database.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database.

This example shows the cuicversion table from the cuic database: show cuic tech table cuicversion cuic.

show cuic tech triggers

This command displays table names and triggers associated with those tables.

Command Syntax

show cuic tech triggers [options]


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command shows the table name and triggers associated with the operating system database.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database.

show tech version

This command displays the version of all RPMs (RedHat Package Manager) installed on the system.

Command Syntax

show tech version

show timezone

These commands display the currently-configured timezone or list of all zones.

Command Syntax

show timezone config

Shows the timezone currently set for the server.

Command Syntax

show timezone list

Displays a list of all timezones. See also set timezone.

show cuic trace

This command shows the log level and trace masks of the given subsystem. A logging level set to DEBUG displays the tracemask. If the logging level is set to INFO, no tracemasks display.


This command is case-sensitive.


This CLI command can only be run on the Controller node. To set traces on the Member nodes you must use the Operations Console command Device Management > Log And Trace Settings.

Command Syntax

show cuic trace cuicserver

Options: Subsystems: CUIC | Infrastructure

Command Syntax

show cuic trace oampserver

Options: Subsystems: OAMP | OAMP_BO | Infrastructure | WSM_BO

show ups status

This command communicates with an attached Uninterruptible Power Supply and displays status.

Command Syntax

show ups status

show version

This command displays the software version on the active or inactive side.

Command Syntax

show version [active | inactive]

The indicator to the active or inactive partition is required.

show web-security

This command displays web security information.

Command Syntax

show web-security

show workingdir

This command displays the current working directories for the activelog and inactivelog.

Command Syntax

show workingdir

Set Commands

set account

Command Syntax

set account name

This command sets up a new account and prompts for privilege level and password.

PARAMETER name specifies the name of the admin account.

Command Syntax

set account enable

Use this command to enable the user account if the account is disabled due to password inactivity.

set accountlocking

Use these commands to control the administrator accounts.

Command Syntax

set accountlocking {enable | disable | unlocktime}

PARAMETER enable enables account locking.

PARAMETER disable disables account locking.

PARAMETER unlocktime used to configure the unlock time for admin accounts in seconds. Acceptable values are equal to or greater than 300 seconds but less than 3600 seconds (60 mins).

set cert

This command regenerates the certificate for the unit name. See also show cert.

Command Syntax

set cert bulk {unit | all}

This command consolidates all the certificates available for this unit in the pre-configured sftp location and exports the consolidated file to the same sftp location.

Command Syntax

set cert import {unit | all}

This command consolidates all the certificates available for this unit in the pre-configured sftp location and imports the consolidated file to the same sftp location.

Command Syntax

set cert regen unit name

This command regenerates the certificate for the unit name and prompts for a restart to activate the regenerated certificate.


unit and unit name specifies the name of the unit.

set cli

Run this command to set the pagination of the current CLI session.

Command Syntax

set cli pagination name

PARAMETER on or off

Run this command to set the CLI session timeout minutes. Minutes are mandatory. The number of minutes after which sessions are declared to be invalid; range is 5 to 99999.

Command Syntax

set cli session timeout minutes

set commandcount

These commands change the CLI command prompt, so it displays or hides the number of CLI commands run in the current session.

Command Syntax

set commandcount enable

set commandcount disable

set cuic properties

Use these commands to set values for the Unified Intelligence Center properties.

Command Syntax

set cuic properties host-to-ip

PARAMETER <host> <ip-address>

This command sets the IP to be used for the data source host name that is specified while configuring the Unified Intelligence Center data source. This command allows for scalability and overrides the default Historical or Real-time database server that is defined in the Data Sources interface.

For <host>, enter the value for the host DNS name for the server, as displayed on the Data Sources interface.

For <ip-address>, enter the IP address of the server for the Historical or Real-time database.


You must restart the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting Services for the change to take effect.

Command Syntax

set cuic properties purge-time


PARAMETER 2 <Interval (in minutes)>

This command sets the time of day when the Unified Intelligence Center database will be purged and the duration (in minutes) after which the purge operation should be rerun. The default purge time is 12:00 AM and the default purge interval is 60 minutes.

For <HH:MM> and <AM/PM> specify the time of the day when you want the purge job to run for the first time.

For <Interval (in minutes)>, specify the interval in minutes after which you want the purge job to rerun.

After you run this command with the correct parameters, the system displays a message as follows:

Next purge is scheduled to run after <x> hours <y> minutes.
Value has been successfully set.

Following are the various categories of data that the system purges when you use these CLI commands:

  1. Cached report data - Data in this category is purged based on the time specified using the set cuic properties purge-time command. Note that the purge time is calculated based on the time when the filter used to run the report was last used or refreshed.

  2. Audit trail - All audit trail data that is older than a month are purged during the last purge operation of the day.

  3. Cached scheduled report data - The set cuic properties purge-retention CLI command applies only to this category.

Each rerun that the system performs using this command, results in the purging of the cached report data. Other categories are purged only during the last purge run of the day.

If you restart the Unified Intelligence Center server after the purge start time, the system discontinues the current purge cycle until the same purge start time on the next day.

For example, if you have set to run the purge job at 11.45 AM on a day with a rerun interval of 1 hour and the Unified Intelligence Center server was restarted at 2 PM, the following happens with respect to the purge runs and reruns:

  • Purge job runs typically at 11.45 AM, 12.45 PM., and 1.45 PM.

  • After the restart at 2 PM, the system checks for the purge start time and since the purge start time is set as 11.45 AM, the next purge run happens only at 11.45 AM on the next day.

To have continuous rerun even after the system restarts, you must set the purge start time and interval again using the set cuic properties purge-time CLI command.

Command Syntax

set cuic properties purge-retention

PARAMETER #number of days

This command sets the number of days that data in the Unified Intelligence Center database is retained before it gets purged. The default is one day and the maximum permissible value is 31 days.


Cached scheduled report data - The set cuic properties purge-retention CLI command applies only to this category.

Command Syntax

set cuic properties session-timeout

PARAMETER #numberofSeconds

This command sets the Session Timeout for the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting web application. The valid range is 1,800-14,400 seconds. The default is 14,400 seconds (4 hours).


You must restart the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting Services for the change to take effect.

Command Syntax

set cuic properties http-enabled

PARAMETER <on|off>

This command sets the http-enabled property to on or off. By setting the value to on or off, you can enable and disable the HTTP protocol. By default, the value is set to off.


There is no need to restart the Unified Intelligence Center system after setting the http-enabled property.

set ipsec

Use these commands to enable ipsec policies.

Command Syntax

set ipsec policy_group {group | all}

Use to enable all policies within a group or all groups.

Command Syntax

set ipsec policy_name [policy_group] [policy_name]

Use to enable a policy with a given policy name and group. Example: set ipsec policy_name group1 name1

set logging

These commands allow you to enable or disable logging.

Command Syntax

set logging enable

set logging disable

set network

set network cluster publisher


These commands are not supported for Unified Intelligence Center.

Command Syntax

set network cluster publisher hostname

This command configures the cluster publisher hostname and causes a temporary loss of network connectivity while the network is restarted with the new configuration.

Command Syntax

set network cluster publisher ip

This command configures the cluster publisher ip address and causes a temporary loss of network connectivity while the network is restarted with the new configuration.

set network dhcp eth0

These commands set the ethernet interface to disable dhcp (if enabled) or to use dhcp (if not already enabled). Entering this command prompts for verification and, if run, causes the system to restart.

Command Syntax

set network dhcp eth0 enable

set network dhcp eth0 disable

set network dns options

This command allows you to set the dns options.

Command Syntax

set network dns options [options]


[timeout xx] sets the DNS request timeout in seconds.

[attempts xx] sets the number of times to attempt a DNS request before quitting.

[rotate] causes the system to rotate among the configured DNS servers, distributing the load.

set network dns {primary | secondary}

These commands set the IP address for the primary or secondary DNS server. Entering this command prompts for verification and, if run, causes a loss of network connectivity.

Command Syntax

set network dns primary addr

set network dns secondary addr

PARAMETER addr specifies the address of the server.

set network domain

This command sets the domain name for the system. Entering this command prompts for verification and, if run, causes a loss of network connectivity.

Command Syntax

set network domain name

PARAMETER name specifies the name of the domain.

set network failover

These commands enable and disable Network Fault Tolerance on the Media Convergence Server network interface card. Entering the command prompts for verification and, if run, causes the system to restart.

Command Syntax

set network failover ena op

set network failover dis op

PARAMETER op indicates the operation.

set network gateway

This command enables you to configure the IP address of the network gateway. Entering this command prompts for verification and, if run, causes the system to restart.

Command Syntax

set network gateway addr

PARAMETER addr specifies the address of the gateway.

set network hostname

This command sets the network hostname and then causes a restart of the system The hostname must follow the rules for ARPANET host names. The hostname must start with an alphabet, end with an alphanumeric, and may contain any alphanumeric characters or hyphens in between. The hostname must be 63 characters or less.

Command Syntax

set network hostname [name] addr

PARAMETER name specifies the network hostname.

set network IP eth0

This command sets the IP address for Ethernet interface 0.

The system asks whether you want to continue to run this command. If you continue, this command causes the system to restart.

Command Syntax

set network ip eth0 <ipaddr> <mask> <gateway>


ipaddr is the IP address.

mask is the mask.

gateway is the gateway.

set network ipv6

These commands are used for configuring the IPv6 feature on the machine.

Command Syntax

set network ip dhcp action reboot

This command is used for enabling or disabling the DHCPv6 client.

Command Syntax

set network ip service action reboot reboot

This command is used for enabling or disabling the IPv6 feature client.

Command Syntax

set network ipv6 static_address addr mask

This command is used for setting the static IPv6 address on the server.


Action is mandatory can have either of these values: {enable | disable}

mask is the mask.

Reboot. Reboot after making these changes.

addr is the IP address.

mask is the mask.

set network max_ip_conntrack

This command sets the maximum value for ip_conntract_max.

Command Syntax

set network max_ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_max

PARAMETER ip_conntrack_max indicates the maximum value.

set network mtu

This command sets the maximum MTU value. The valid range is 500-1500.

Command Syntax

set network mtu size

PARAMETER size must be 1500 for all servers in the cluster.

set network nic eth0

This command sets the properties of the Ethernet Interface 0. It asks if you want to continue. If you continue, this command causes a temporary loss of network connections while the NIC is reset.

Command Syntax

set network nic etho0 auto [en | dis] speed [10 | 100] duplex [half | full]

PARAMETERS: At least one is mandatory. Each parameter takes options indicated.

auto specifies whether auto negotiation gets enabled or disabled.

speed specifies the speed of the Ethernet connection: 10 or 100 Mbps.

duplex specifies half-duplex or full-duplex.

set network pmtud

This command enables or disables Path MTU Discovery.

The system asks whether you want to continue to run this command. If you continue, the system temporarily loses network connectivity.

Command Syntax

set network pmtud state {enable | disable}

PARAMETER state {enable | disable}

set network restore

This command restarts the networking on this host. If confirmed, this command causes a temporary loss of network connectivity.


Only use this command when all other CLI 'set network ...' commands have failed to restore network connectivity to an Ethernet port. This command removes all previous Ethernet and Network Fault Tolerance settings. The specified Ethernet port is configured with a minimal static IP address configuration. It is imperative that the original Ethernet port settings be reconfigured AFTER this command using other CLI 'set network ...' commands.

Command Syntax

set network restore <ethernet port> <ip-address> <network-mask> <gateway>


ethernet-port is the Ethernet port (for example, eth0).

ip-address is the IP address of the host.

network-mask is the network mask.

gateway is the Gateway IP address.

set network status eth0

This command sets the state of the ethernet interface eth0 to up or down.


Only use this command when all other CLI 'set network ...' commands have failed to restore network connectivity to an Ethernet port. This command erases all previous Ethernet and Network Fault Tolerance settings. The specified Ethernet port is configured with a minimal static IP address configuration. It's imperative that the original Ethernet port settings be reconfigured AFTER this command using other CLI 'set network ...' commands.

Command Syntax

set network status eth0 state {up | down}

PARAMETER state {up | down} to set the status up or down is required.

set password

Use these commands to configure password rules.

Command Syntax

set password age maximum | days minimum | days

set password complexity character minimum-length

set password system bootloader encryptHash

set password change-at-login enable\disable

Use this commands to enable or disable password complexity rules.

Command Syntax

set password expiry maximum-age minimum-age

set password history number

set password inactivity {enable | disable | period (days)}

Use these commands to enable the operating system password inactivity to the default value of 10 days, to disable password inactivity, or set the number of days.

Command Syntax

set password user admin security

These commands allow you to change the system administrator and security passwords.

The system prompts you for the old and new passwords and checks the password for strength.


character takes {enable | disable}

When enabled, passwords need to meet these guidelines:

  • Have at least one lower-case character.

  • Have at least one uppercase, one digit and one special character.

  • Contain no characters that are adjacent on the keyboard.

  • Have not been used as any of the previous ten passwords. The admin user password can be changed only once in 24 hours.

  • Cannot have been changed in the past 24 hours.


When enabled, modify the value of minimum password length for Unified CM OS accounts. Acceptable values should be equal to or greater than 6. Use this command only after enabling the character complexity of passwords.

maximum days - Sets the value of the maximum age for the admin accounts in days. Acceptable values should be equal to or greater than 10 days but less than 3650 days (10 years).

minimum days - Sets the minimum password age for the admin accounts in days.

maximum-age - Takes {enable | disable) .

Enabling the maximum age sets the value of maximum password age to 3650 days (10 yrs) for CUCM OS admin accounts.

minimum-age - Takes {enable | disable).

number - The number of passwords to maintain in history. Default is 10. Maximum is 20. Enter 0 to disable.

admin - Sets the admin password.

security - Sets the security password.

set smtp

This command sets the SMTP server hostname.

Command Syntax

set smtp host

PARAMETER host indicates the hostname for the smtp server.

set cuic syslog

This command sets the syslog as enabled or disabled.

Command Syntax

set cuic syslog {enable | disable}

set timezone

This command changes or sets the timezone. You must restart the system after you change the timezone.

Command Syntax

set timezone zone

PARAMETER zone indicates the timezone.

Enter the appropriate string or zone index id to uniquely identify the timezone.

To see a list of valid timezones, use the show timezone command.

Be aware that the timezone name is case-sensitive.

set tls min-version

This command allows you to set the minimum TLS version in the server or client that can be used for inbound or outbound SSL connections respectively. You must restart the system for the changes to take effect.


  • When you upgrade the TLS minimum version from TLSv1.0 to TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2, reinstall the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool.

  • In a multi-node CUIC deployment, run this CLI command on all the nodes of the cluster starting from the publisher. Restart all the nodes after executing the CLI command.

Command Syntax

set tls [server | client]min-version<1.0|1.1|1.2>

set trace

Use these commands to set or change the log levels and trace setting for the subsystems of two server processes (cuicserver and oampserver) to basic or detailed.

Command Syntax

set cuic trace basic cuicserver [subsystem] none

set cuic trace basic oampserver [subsystem] none

set cuic trace infrastructure cuicserver [subsystem] [TRACE_FLAGS | none]

set cuic trace infrastructure oampserver [subsystem] [TRACE_FLAGS | none]

set cuic trace subsystem cuicserver [subsystem] [trace_mask1 trace_mask2]

set cuic trace subsystem oampserver [subsystem] [trace_mask1 trace_mask2]

For cuicserver, the valid subsystems are:

  • Infrastructure

  • CUIC










For oampserver, the valid subsystems are:

  • Infrastructure


  • OAMP

  • WSM_BO

Detailed log levels are set by enabling trace flags, which allows debug statements to appear in the logs. You can control debug tracing for specific functionalities (specified in the TRACE flag name), within specific subsystem components. For more information, see Infrastructure Trace Definitions.

basic indicates to set a basic level of tracing. With this setting, messages and warnings are displayed.

detailed indicates to set a debug level and allows you to turn on tracing for specific components.

subsystem indicates the subsystem you are setting and displays the list of all valid subsystems.

none indicates that you do not want to set a flag for tracing.

set web-security

This command sets the web security certificate information for the operating system.

Command Syntax

set web-security <orgunit> <orgname> <locality> <state> < country>[hostname]

PARAMETERS: (First five parameters are mandatory.)

orgunit is the organizational unit.

orgname is the organizational name.

locality is the location of the organization.

state is the state of the organization.

country is the country of the organization.

hostname is the alternate hostname. This parameter is optional.

For more information about setting the alternative host name, see

set workingdir

These commands set the CLI working directory for activelog or inactivelog.

Command Syntax

set workingdir activelog directory

set workingdir inactivelog directory

PARAMETER directory must be a valid sub-directory of the activelog or inactivelog.

Run Commands

run loadxml

This command can be run on the publisher (the Controller node) as a workaround when service parameters or product specific information does not appear on the administration screen.

Running this command might necessitate a restart of some services.

Command Syntax

run loadxml

run cuic sql

This runs a SQL command to query and select from the database and table.

Command Syntax

run cuic sql sql statement [options]

PARAMETER sql statement specifies the SQL command to run. For example, select * from tablename.


[ccm] - operating system database. This is the default. If you do not include the cuic option, this command runs a sql statement from the system database.

[cuic] - Unified Intelligence Center database. For example, select * from cuic:tablename

You can run only one sql_statement at a time. But in the sql_statement you can use multiple tables. For example: Select * from cuic:cuicreport, cuic_data:cuicreportdefinition.

run loadcsv

This command runs on the publisher, to install product csv's on the server. It is necessary to run this command on the publisher only.

Running this command might necessitate a restart of some services.

Command Syntax

run loadcsv

file commands


File commands that include activelog list a livedata directory. For Packaged CCE deployments only, this directory contains logs for the Live Data reporting components.


File commands that include activelog list a livedata directory. For Packaged CCE deployments only, this directory contains logs for the Live Data reporting components.

file check

This command checks whether any files or directories have been added, removed, or changed in size since the last fresh installation or upgrade. The results display after the check.


This command is system-intensive. Run it at off-hours.

Command Syntax

file check [detection-size-kb]

OPTION: [detection-size-kb] specifies the minimum file size change that is required for the command to display the file as changed. The default is 100Kb.

file delete

These commands delete one or more specified files.

Command Syntax

file delete activelog file-spec [options]

file delete inactivelog file-spec [options]

file delete install file-spec [options]

file delete license file-name [options]


file-spec specifies the path and filename of the file(s) to delete.

file-name specifies the name of the license file to delete.


[detail] displays a listing of deleted files with the date and time.

[noconfirm] deletes files without asking you to confirm each deletion.


You cannot recover a deleted file, except possibly by using the Disaster Recovery System.

file dump

These commands dump the contents of the indicated files to the screen, one page at a time.

Command Syntax

file dump activelog file-spec [options]

file dump inactivelog file-spec [options]

file dump install file-spec [options]

file dump sftpdetails file-spec [options]

PARAMETER file-spec specifies the path and filename of the file(s) to dump.


[detail] displays listing with the date and time.

[hex] displays output in hexadecimal.

file get

These commands get (transfer) the specified file to another system by using SFTP. After the command identifies the specified files, you are prompted to enter an SFTP host, username, and password.

Command Syntax

file get activelog file-spec [options]

file get inactivelog file-spec [options]

file get install file-spec [options]

file get partBsalog file-spec [options]

file get salog file-spec [options]

PARAMETER file-spec specifies the path and filename of the file(s) to transfer.


[abstime] is absolute time period, specified as hh:mm:MM/DD/YY.

[reltime] is relative time period, specified as minutes | hours | days | weeks | months value.

[match] matches a particular string in the filename, specified as string value.

[recurs] gets all files, including subdirectories.

file list

These commands list the log files in an available log directory.

Command Syntax

file list activelog file-spec [options]

file list inactivelog file-spec [options]

file list install file-spec [options]

file list partBsalog file-spec [options]

file list salog file-spec [options]

PARAMETER file-spec specifies the path to the directory to list.


[page] displays the output one screen at a time.

[reverse] reverses sort direction.

[detail] displays a long listing with date and time.

[date] sorts by date.

[size] sorts by file size.

file search

These commands search the content of a log and display the matching lines one page at a time.

Command Syntax

file search activelog file-spec [options]

file search inactivelog file-spec [options]

file search install file-spec [options]


file-spec represents the path to the file(s) to search.

reg-exp represents a regular expression.


[reltime] only search files that were modified within relative time.

[abstime] only search files that were modified within specific time range.

[ignorecase] ignores case distinctions.

[recurs] searches for the pattern recursively through subdirectories.

file tail

These commands tail (print the last few lines) of a log file.

Command Syntax

file tail activelog file-spec [options]

file tail inactivelog file-spec [options]

file tail install file-spec [options]

PARAMETER file-spec specifies the path to the file to tail.


[detail] displays a long listing with date and time.

[hex] displays hexadecimal listing.

[lines] specifies number of lines to display.

file view

These commands display the contents of the logging files specified.

Command Syntax

file view activelog file-spec

file view inactivelog file-spec

file view install file-spec

file view system-management-log

PARAMETER file-spec specifies the path to the file to view.

Delete Commands

delete account

This command allows you to delete an administrator account.

Command Syntax

delete account name

PARAMETER name specifies the name of the admin account.

delete dns

This command deletes the specified DNS server from the system and results in loss of network connectivity.

Command Syntax

delete dns addr

PARAMETER addr specifies the IP address name of the domain name server.

delete ipsec

These commands allow you to delete IPSec policies. You can delete a pokcy with a given policy name and group.

Command Syntax

delete ipsec policy_group [group | all]

Use to delete all policies within a group or to delete all groups.

Command Syntax

delete ipsec policy_name [policy_group] [policy_name]

Use to delete a policy with a given policy name and group. Example: delete ipsec policy_name group1 name1




delete process

This command allows you to delete a particular process.

Command Syntax

delete process pid [options]

PARAMETER pid specifies the process ID number.


[force] stops the process.

[terminate] terminates the process.

[crash] crashes the process with a crash dump.

delete smtp

This command deletes the SMTP host.

Command Syntax

delete smtp



If you choose to configure Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data using CLI commands, refer chapter 4 on Live Data Installation in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Installation and Upgrade Guide at

Certain CLI commands are useful for specific inquiries.