The Administration Console Interface


The left panel of the Administration interface contains drawers.

Drawers are similar to menus: they group logically-related functions. Clicking (opening) a drawer in the left panel might immediately open a page in the right panel or it might expand to show a list or tree of nested links.

Figure 1. Drawers in the Administration Console


Many pages let you filter items to limit the number of results that appear in a given list. You can also filter items to find a specific item or a subset of items with similar values.


Quickly clear a filter by clicking the Clear Filter button.

Online Help

There is a Help icon on each page.

Clicking Help opens a new window with a topic relevant to the window you are on.

From a help topic, click the Navigation icon

Figure 2. Online Help Navigation Icon
This opens the Table of Contents and exposes the help functions such as Index and Search.
Figure 3. Online Help

Sort Items by Field Name

Any page that contains lists of items can be sorted by any field name. To sort a list of items:


Step 1

Click the name of the field on the top of the column that you want to sort.

The listed is sorted in ascending order for that column.

Step 2

Click the name of the field again to sort the list in descending order.

Step 3

Click any other field name at the top of the column to sort on that column.

Title Bar

The title bar is visible from each window and has the following:

  • A Cisco Systems logo that links to

  • A Navigation drop-down, where you can open Disaster Recovery System, Cisco Unified OS Administration, and Cisco Unified Serviceability

  • A Log Out link

  • The About link


Unified Intelligence Center licenses are "node-locked." This means a license is physically located on the Controller node and is distributed to all members nodes in the cluster through database replication.

There can be only one license installed on a system at any point in time.

Uploading the license file is the first action the Super User must take after installing the Controller node.

After installation and until the System Application User obtains and uploads Premium license, you:

  • Can sign in to the Administration Console to view the Controller and to add the alias name.

  • Cannot perform other Administration Console functions.

  • Cannot install member nodes.

  • Cannot access Report Definition in Unified Intelligence Center Reporting application.

How to Upload the License

Upload the license in the Unified Intelligence Center Administration interface.

To do this, select Cluster Configuration > License Management. Refer to the online help for instructions.

License Types

Unified Intelligence Suite has four license types: Demo, Lab/Trial, Standard, and Premium.







Valid for 90 days and contains an expiration date.

Can be extended for one additional 90-day session with a reinstallation of Unified Intelligence Center.

Controller node only

No limit

Premium feature set


Has no expiration/timeout.

Controller and all member nodes (up to a maximum of 8 nodes)

Five users

Premium feature set


Has no expiration/timeout.

Controller and all Member nodes (a maximum of 8 nodes)

Unlimited but requires system sizing for optimum performance. See the Sizing Tool for guidelines.

Standard feature set and is available for embedded UCCX only


Has no expiration/timeout.

Controller and all Member nodes (a maximum of 8 nodes)

Unlimited but requires system sizing for optimum performance. See the Sizing Tool for guidelines.

Premium feature set and is available for PCCE, UCCE and as standalone CUIC for UCCX

Users in the Administration Console

There are three user accounts that have access to the Administration console:

Super Users

This user role is defined in the Administration console. It is the only user role for Administration.

The initial and default Super User is the System Application User who is configured during installation.

The initial Super User (the System Application User) can sign in to the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting console and has all User Roles and full permissions for all drawers in Unified Intelligence Center Reporting. Those credentials cannot be removed from the initial Super User.

Additional Super Users who are added in the Administration Console can also sign in to Unified Intelligence Center Reporting and are considered to be IMS users. They have limited Login User role only, until the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting security administrator gives them additional roles and flags them as Active users.

Local users can log in using their IMS username and password. After logging in for the first time, the users are listed on the User List Page. The username is not case sensitive, but the password is case sensitive.

System Application User

This user role is defined during installation. Although it is possible to define unique application user names and passwords during the installation of each node, you must use the same credentials for all installations.

The application user defined during the installation of the Controller is the only System Application User recognized by Unified Intelligence Center.

This user has full rights to all functions in the Administration and Unified Intelligence Center Reporting applications, as described below:

  • Can log in to the Administration application and becomes the initial Super User for Administration.

  • Can create additional Super Users in the Administration application.

  • Can log in to Unified Intelligence Center and has full rights to all functions in Unified Intelligence Center.

  • Is the initial Security Administrator user in the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting application.

  • Can create additional Security Administrator users in the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting application.

  • Cannot have any role taken away from them.

  • Cannot take any role away from himself.

  • This user can log in to the Reporting application and is the initial System user.

System Administration User

The System Administrator account User ID and password are configured at installation for each node. You must enter the same user name and password for all nodes.

The System Administrator for the Controller can access:

  • The Cisco Systems tools on the Navigation drop-down menu in the Administration console: Disaster Recovery System, Cisco Unified Serviceability, and Cisco Unified OS Administration interfaces.

  • The CLI for the Controller.

The System Administrator has no access to functions in the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting application.


If you configure unique System Administrator credentials for Member nodes, use those credentials to access the CLI for those Member servers.