Post Call Survey


A Post Call Survey takes place after usual call treatment. It is typically used to determine whether customers are satisfied with their call center experiences. This feature lets you configure a call flow that, after the agent disconnects from the caller, optionally sends the call to a Dialed Number configured for a Post Call Survey.

The Unified CCE script can enable and disable Post Call Survey on a per-call basis by testing for conditions and setting an expanded call variable that controls post call survey. For example, the script can invoke a prompt that asks callers whether they want to participate in a survey. Based on the caller's response, the script can set the expanded call variable that controls whether the call gets transferred to the Post Call Survey dialed number.

The Post Call Survey call works just like a regular call from the Unified CCE point of view. Scripts can be invoked and the customer can use the keypad on a touch tone phone and/or voice with ASR/TTS to respond to questions asked during the survey. During Post Call Survey, the call context information is retrieved from the original customer call.


The call context for the post call survey includes all context up to the point where the call is transferred to the agent. Context that the agent creates after the transfer is not included in the post call survey context.

Design Considerations

Observe the following conditions when designing the Post Call Survey feature:

  • A Post Call Survey is triggered by the hang-up event from the last agent. When the agent ends the call, the call routing script launches a survey script.

  • The mapping of a dialed number pattern to a Post Call Survey number enables the Post Call Survey feature for the call.

  • The value of the expanded call variable user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey controls whether the call is transferred to the Post Call Survey number.

    • If user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey is set to y (the implied default), the call is transferred to the mapped post call survey number.

    • If user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey is set to n, the call ends.

    • To route all calls in the dialed number pattern to the survey, your script does not have to set the user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey variable. The variable is set to y by default.

  • REFER call flows are not supported with Post Call Survey. The two features conflict: REFER call flows remove Unified CVP from the call and Post Call Survey needs Unified CVP because the agent has already disconnected.

  • For Unified CCE reporting purposes, when a survey is initiated, the call context of the customer call that was just transferred to the agent is replicated into the call context of the Post Call Survey call.

Initial Setup

To set up the Post Call Survey feature:


Step 1

Create one or more survey scripts and add the files to the CVP media servers. See Create a Survey Script.

Step 2

Configure Unified CCE for Post Call Survey. This step adds a required expanded call context variable, adds a new call type for Post Call Survey, maps incoming dialed number to a survey dialed number pattern, and associates your survey dialed number patterns to the survey call type. See Configure Packaged CCE for Post Call Survey.

Step 3

Modify your Unified CCE call routing scripts to launch the survey scripts. See Modify CCE Scripts for Post Call Survey.

The scripts can optionally contain nodes that test for conditions and dynamically control whether a call is transferred to the survey.

Configure Packaged CCE for Post Call Survey

You can enable and disable Post Call Survey within a CCE routing script by using the ECC variable variableuser.microapp.isPostCallSurvey. A value of n or y disables and enables the feature. (The value is case-insensitive.)

Configure the ECC variable to a value of n or y before either the label node or the Queue to Skillgroup node. This configuration sends the correct value to Unified CVP before the agent transfer. This ECC variable is not needed to initiate a Post Call Survey call, but you can use it to control the feature once Post Call Survey is configured in the Unified CCE Administration. Dialed Number is mapped to the Post Call Survey Dialed Number patter to automatically transfer the call.


  • The Post Call Survey DN is called if the Unified CVP has received at least one CONNECT message from CCE (either from the VRU leg or from the Agent leg). Use the END node in your CCE routing script if the Post Call Survey is not required for the calls disconnected from the IVR.

  • If Router Requery is configured incorrectly and the Ring-No-Answer timeout expires, the caller is still transferred to the Post Call Survey DN. This can occur if a Queue node is used and Enable target requery is not checked.


Step 1

In Unified CCE Administration, navigate to Overview > Call Settings > Route Settings > Expanded Call Variables.

Step 2

Click New to open the New Expanded Call Variable window.

Step 3

Create a new ECC variable with Name:user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey.

Step 4

Set Max Length: to 1.

Step 5

Check the Enabled checkbox. Then click Save.

In your CCE routing scripts, remember that, at script start, the default behavior of Post Call Survey equals enabled, even if user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey has not yet been set in the script. You can turn off Post Call Survey in the script by setting user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey to n. You can later enable Post Call Survey in the same path of the script by setting this variable to y.

Step 6

Navigate to Overview > Call Settings > Route Settings > Call Types.

Step 7

Add the call type for Post Call Survey, and click Save.

Step 8

Navigate to Overview > Call Settings > Route Settings > Dialed Numbers.

Step 9

Click New and complete the following fields:

Field Required? Description

Dialed Number String


The value used to route the call, which is the Post Call Survey Dialed Number. Enter a string value that is unique for the routing type, maximum of 25 characters.



The External Voice and Post Call Survey routing types must not have the same dialed number strings for the same site.



Enter a maximum of 255 characters to describe the dialed number string.


yes (for departmental administrators)

A departmental administrator must select one department from the popup list to associate with this dialed number. The list shows all this administrator's departments.

When a departmental administrator selects a department for the dialed number, the popup list for call type includes global call types and call types in the same department as the dialed number.

A global administrator can leave this field as Global (the default), which sets the dialed number as global (belonging to no departments). A global administrator can also select a department for this Dialed Number.

When an administrator changes the department, selections for call type are cleared if the selections do not belong to the new department or the global department.

Routing Type


From the drop-down menu, select Post Call Survey: .

Post Call Survey: Select this option for Post Call Survey dialed number strings that apply to voice calls coming from Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (CVP). This option is similar to External Voice where the calls comes from outside of the enterprise through a gateway. However, Unified CVP directs the calls internally to Post Call Survey after agent ends the call. This option allows you to enter the Post Call Survey Dialed Number and associate the Dialed Number Patterns to the Post Call Survey Dialed Number.

For remote sites, the Post Call Survey option is available if the site is configured to VRU PG.

Media Routing Domain


The Media Routing Domain associated with the dialed number. Media Routing Domains (MRDs) organize how requests for media are routed. The system routes calls to agents who are associated with a particular communication medium; for example, voice or email. The selection of Routing Type determines what appears in this field.

  • If the Routing Type is External Voice, Internal Voice, or Outbound Voice, the Media Routing Domain is Cisco_Voice and you cannot change it.

  • If the Routing Type is Multichannel, click the magnifying glass icon to display the Select Media Routing Domain popup window.

Call Type


Use the drop-down menu to select the call type that you created for Post Call Survey.

PCS Enabled Dialed Number Patterns




The PCS Enabled Dialed Number Patterns field appears if the Routing Type is Post Call Survey.

Enter one or more dialed number patterns that allow calls to transfer to the Post Call Survey dialed number entered in the Dialed Number String field.

The field allows maximum of 512 characters that can have the comma separated list without any spaces. Both alphanumeric and special characters are supported.

Ringtone Media File




The Ringtone Media File field appears if the Routing Type is External Voice.

Enter filename of the custom ringtone - maximum of 256 characters without any spaces.

Step 10

Click Save.

Step 11

Restart the active generic PG (side A or B) to register the new ECC variable.

If the ECC variable already existed, you can skip this step.



The user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey setting takes effect on Unified CVP only when it receives a connect or temporary connect message. Therefore, if you do not want the survey to run, without first reaching an agent (such as 'after hours of treatment'), you must set the isPostCallSurvey to n before the initial 'Run script request'.

Modify CCE Scripts for Post Call Survey

In Script Editor, modify your CCE call routing scripts for incoming calls as follows:

  • Add nodes to invoke the call studio survey script, if needed. The following notes explain when you might need to explicitly add nodes to call the survey script.

    If a DN is mapped for Post Call Survey, the call is automatically transferred to the configured Post Call Survey dialed number.


    The Post Call Survey dialed number is only called if the script ends with a call to an agent. If the script completes without going to an agent then the call is not directed to the Post Call Survey dialed number . In these cases, you can, for example, use a Send to Script node in your Unified CCE script to direct the call to the Post Call Survey script.
  • Optionally, you can add nodes in the script to test for conditions for which you want to turn the survey off.

    • To dynamically control whether the survey is offered to callers, you must explicitly set the user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey expanded call context variable to y and n.

    • To offer the survey to all callers, you do not need to set the variable in the script. It is set to y by default.

    • Configure the expanded call context variable to a value of n or y before the Queue to Skillgroup node. This sends the correct value to Unified CVP before the agent transfer.

The following example calls a script that asks callers if they want to participate in a survey. The script then sets the user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey variable according to the caller's response.

Create a routing script for the Post Call Survey Call Type to play your survey script or application to the caller. The following script is an example:

Administration and Usage

Get Survey Results

For reporting purposes, in both the CVP and the CCE databases, a post call survey call has the same RouterCallKey, Call GUID, and call context as the original inbound call.

To obtain survey results, you query or create a report that gathers survey data from the CVP database.

For more information on how to configure a Data Source, see the Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise Installation and Upgrade Guide at


Step 1

In Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reporting tool, connect to the CVP database.

Step 2

Create a query that identifies survey calls, gathers call information from those calls, and extracts data related to specific survey dialed numbers:

  1. In the Call_Type table, test for Event_Type = Post_Call_Survey.

  2. If true, use that entry's call information to query the VXML_Element table and get the VXML data for the call.

  3. In the VXML data, you can identify the exact survey that a caller participated in from the dialed number used to place the Post Call Survey.

Step 3

To report on the results of a particular survey, collate the VXML data for all calls with that survey's dialed number.

Step 4

To identify answers to survey questions, in the CauseRef table, the CauseID is 20, and the Cause is Post Call Answer.