Real Time All Fields Report Templates

Agent Precision Queue Membership

Agent Precision Queue Membership displays the active membership of agents in precision queues along with the attributes in those precision queues. Note that this membership is dynamic so this information is available in real-time only.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Precision Queue Membership.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Agent.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Attribute

  • Person

  • Precision Queue

Available Fields in the Agent Precision Queue Membership Grid View

Additional Available fields in this report are populated from fields in the Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Note also that:

  • Precision Queue is derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName

  • Attribute [1-n] is derived from: Attribute.EnterpriseName

Current Fields in the Agent Precision Queue Membership Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Precision Queue

The precision queues with which the agent is associated.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.

Agent Queue Real Time

Agent Queue Real Time provides combined information for Skill Groups and Precision Queues. Note that agents with multiple skills or Precision Queues have a line item for each one in this report. Use this report to understand activity and staffing of Skill Groups and Precision Queues.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Queue Real Time.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Attribute

  • Controller_Time

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision Queue

  • Reason_Code

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

Available Fields in the Agent Queue Real Time Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

Additional Available fields in this report are populated from fields in the Agent_Real_Time table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Note also that:

  • Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

  • Service Name is derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.

  • Enterprise Name is derived from: Agent.EnterpriseName.

Current Fields in the Agent Queue Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue / Skill Group

Precision Queue or Skill Group.

Precision Queue is derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName

The precision route associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. Because an agent can log into multiple precision routes, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.

Skill Group Name is derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

The skill group associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. Because an agent can log into multiple skill groups, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.

Queued Now

The number of tasks currently queued for the skill group or precision queue.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow.


The phone extension into which the agent is logged.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Extension.

Agent State

The current state of the agent in this skill group or precision queue. See Agent states.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.AgentState.

Logged On DateTime

The date and time that the agent logged in to the skill group or precision queue. The format is MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.DateTimeLogin.


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange, getdate()).

Mobile Agent Mode

The mode by which the agent is connected (populated only for the Unified CCE):

  • 0 = Not Mobile (Local agent; normal ACD/Unified CCE phone or non-voice task).

  • 1 = Call By Call (Mobile agent's phone is connected for each incoming call).

  • 2 = Nailed Connection (Mobile agent calls and logs in once; line remains connected through multiple calls).

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.PhoneType.

Mobile Agent Phone#

For a mobile agent (an agent working remotely), the current phone number. Populated only for the Unified CCE.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.RemotePhoneNumber.


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If the code is not defined, this displays 0.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.ReasonCode.

Supervisor Assist Requested

Whether or not the agent requested supervisor assistance: No|Yes.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.RequestedSupervisorAssist.


The type of outbound task on which the agent is currently working.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Destination.


The direction of the call that the agent is currently working on:

  • NULL = None

  • 0 = None

  • 1 = In

  • 2 = Out

  • 3 = Other In

  • 4 = Other Out/Outbound Direct Preview

  • 5 = Outbound Reserve

  • 6 = Outbound Preview

  • 7 =Outbound Predictive/Progressive

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Direction.

Available in MRD

Whether or not the agent is available to accept a task in this Media Routing Domain:

  • NO (Not available)

  • YES_ICM (Unified ICM available in media routing domain)

  • YES_APP (Application available in media routing domain)

An agent is available for a task in a media routing domain (MRD) if the agent's state in that MRD is anything other than Not Ready, the agent is not at the agent's maximum task limit for the MRD, and the agent is not working on a non-interruptible task in another MRD. If an agent is Unified ICM-available, then the Unified ICM can assign tasks to the agent. If an agent is Application-available, then the application can assign tasks to the agent. In the former case, only the Unified ICM can assign tasks to the agent. In the latter, only the application can assign tasks to the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.AvailableInMRD.


The number of tasks associated with the skill group that the agent is working on.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.CallInProgress.

Agent Skill Target ID

The SkillTargetID of the agent. Together with SkillGroupSkillTargetID identifies the skill group member.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.SkillTargetID.

Skill Target ID

An identifier that is unique among all skill targets in the enterprise.

Derived from: Skill_Group.SkillTargetID

Agent Real Time

This report presents a table of selected agents showing each agent's currently active skill group, state, and call direction within each Media Routing Domain into which the agent is logged. Agent Real Time provides information about current individual agent activity, such as how long an agent has been on a call or whether the agent is currently handling a voice or chat interaction.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Real Time.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent.

Value Lists: Agent, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Controller_Time

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision_Queue

  • Reason_Code

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

Available Fields in the Agent Real Time Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from fields in the Agent_Real_Time table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Note that:

  • Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

  • Service Name is derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.

  • Enterprise Name is derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

Current Fields in the Agent Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

Precision Queue or Skill Group or NotApplicable.

Precision Queue is derived from:Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName.

The precision route associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the media routing domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can log in to multiple precision routes, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.

Skill Group Name is derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

The skill group associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the media routing domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can be logged in to multiple skill groups, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the Precision Queue or Skill Group Name.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.

Derived from: Attribute.EnterpriseName


The current state of the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.AgentState.


The type of outbound task on which the agent is currently working.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Destination.


The direction of active task:

  • In (inbound task, as non-voice tasks are always inbound).

  • Out (outgoing external task).

  • Other (outgoing or incoming internal task).

  • Not Applicable (if the logged-in agent is not active in the skill group).

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Direction.


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange, getdate()).


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If the code is not defined, this displays 0.

For reason codes to appear in a report, you must configure the agent's CTI OS desk settings and CTI OS registry settings to display the reason code. Set this in the Unified ICM Configuration Manager Agent Desk Settings List tool.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.ReasonCode.

Agent Skill Group Real Time

The Agent Skill Group Real Time report presents a table of agents within selected skill groups. The table provides information about each agent's current activity, such as the current state, the duration in the current state, the Mobile agent mode, and the call direction within each Media Routing Domain into which the agent is logged.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Skill Group Real Time.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group and then sorted by Agent.

Value List: Skill Group, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Controller_Time

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Reason_Code

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

Current Fields in the Agent Skill Group Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The skill group enterprise name for the selected skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The last name and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName

Queued Now

The number of tasks currently queued for the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow


The phone extension into which the agent is logged.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Extension

Agent State

The current state of the agent in this skill group.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.AgentState

Log On DateTime

The time spent in the current agent state in this skill group in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLogin


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange, getdate())

Mobile Agent Mode

The mode by which the agent is connected (populated for CCE only):

  • 0 = Not Mobile (Local agent; normal ACD/CCE phone or non-voice task)

  • 1 = Call By Call (Mobile agent's phone is connected for each incoming call)

  • 2 = Nailed Connection (Mobile agent calls and logs in once; line remains connected through multiple calls)

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.PhoneType

Mobile Agent Phone#

For a mobile agent (an agent working remotely), the current phone number. Populated for CCE only.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.RemotePhoneNumber


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If the code is not defined, the reason code displays 0.

For reason codes to be displayed in a report, the agent's CTI OS desk settings and CTI OS registry settings must be configured to display the reason code. Set this in the Unified ICM Configuration Manager Agent Desk Settings List tool.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.ReasonCode

Supervisor Assist Requested

Whether or not the agent requested supervisor assistance: No|Yes.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.RequestedSupervisorAssist


The type of outbound task on which the agent is currently working.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Destination


The direction of the call that the agent is currently working on:

  • NULL = None

  • 0 = None

  • 1 = In

  • 2 = Out

  • 3 = Other In

  • 4 = Other Out/Outbound Direct Preview

  • 5 = Outbound Reserve

  • 6 = Outbound Preview

  • 7 = Outbound Predictive/Progressive

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Direction

Avail in MRD

Whether or not the agent is available to accept a task in this media routing domain:

  • NO (Not available)

  • YES_ICM (Unified CCE available in media routing domain)

  • YES_APP (Application available in media routing domain)

An agent is available for a task in a media routing domain (MRD) if the agent's state in that MRD is anything other than Not Ready, the agent is not at the agent's maximum task limit for the MRD, and the agent is not working on a non-interruptible task in another MRD. If an agent is ICM-available, then Unified CCE can assign tasks to the agent. If an agent is Application-available, then the application can assign tasks to the agent. In the former case, only Unified CCE can assign tasks to the agent. In the latter, only the application can assign tasks to the agent.


The number of tasks associated with the skill group that the agent is working on.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsInProgress

Agent State Real Time Graph

This report is a pie chart showing the current total count of agents in different agent states.

Views: This report has one chart view, Agent State Real Time Graph.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved: Agent_Real_Time.AgentState

The following data is represented in the Agent State Real Time pie chart graph.

Table 1. Agent State Real Time Pie Chart



Not Ready

The agent is not available to be assigned a task.


The agent has put himself in the Ready state using his agent desktop tool.


The agent is working on a task or a call.

Wrap Up

The agent is performing wrap-up work for a call.


The agent has been offered a call or task.

For voice calls, agents are Reserved when their phones are ringing.


The agent receives a non-interrupted call or task while handling an interrupted task.


The agent state is unknown.


For agents handling Outbound Option calls, the Hold state indicates that the agent is reserved for a call because the Outbound Dialer put the agent on hold while connecting the call.

Agent Team Real Time

This report shows the current status of the selected Agent Teams and the current agent states of each agent within the selected Agent Teams. Agent Team Real Time provides similar information to the Agent State Real Time but presented and grouped by teams.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Team Real Time.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent Team and then by Supervisor.

Value List: Agent Team

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision Queue

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

Available Fields in the Agent Team Real Time Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are from the Agent_Real_Time table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Other tables used are:

  • Agent_Team

    • The Agent Team field is derived from: Agent_Team.AgentTeamID.

    • The PriSupervisor Skill Target ID field is derived from: Agent_Team.PriSupervisorSkillTargetID.

  • Person

    • FirstName is derived from: Person.FirstName.

    • LastName is derived from: Person.LastName.

  • Media_Routing_Domain

    • The Media field is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

  • Service

    • Service Name is derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.

Current Fields in the Agent Team Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team Name

The Enterprise Name of the Agent Team.

Derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.

Agent Name

The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName ", " Person.FirstName.


The login name for the Agent.Derived from: Person.LoginName


The phone extension into which the agent is logged.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Extension

Pheripheral Number

The login ID of the agent. This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent.PeripheralNumber


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If no reason code is defined, this value is 0 (zero).

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.ReasonCode.


The current state of the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.AgentState.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

Precision Queue or Skill Group or Not Applicable.

Precision Queue is derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.

The precision route associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the Media Routing Domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can log in to multiple precision routes, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.

Skill Group Name is derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

The skill group associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the Media Routing Domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can be logged in to multiple skill groups, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange, Select NowTime From Controller_Time)


The direction of the call that the agent is currently working on:

  • NULL= None

  • 0 = None

  • 1 = In

  • 2 =Out

  • 3= Other

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Direction.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the Precision Queue or Skill Group Name.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

Report Summary: There is a summary row for Agent Team, a summary row for each Supervisor and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Agent Team State Counts Real Time

Agent Team State Counts provides the distribution of agent states per team. Use this report to identify how many agents are available in a current team.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Team State Count Real Time.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Grouping: There is no grouping for this report. It is sorted by Agent Team.

Value List: Agent Team

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

Available Fields in the Agent Team State Counts Real Time Report

Available fields for this report include all fields that appear by default as Current. In the Current panel, they appear by their display names (for example, Hold). In the Available panel, they appear by their database names (for example, hold_state).

These fields are from the Person, Agent_Team, Agent_Team_Member, and Agent_Real_Time tables.

Additional Available fields in this report are:
  • Agent Team ID Derived from: Agent_Team_Member.AgentTeamID.

  • Media Derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

  • Eligible for Task Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AvailableInMRD is 0.

    The number of agents who are eligible to receive tasks in the specified Media Routing Domain.

    An agent can be in the Not Active state (available) and not be Eligible For Task in a Media Routing Domain.

    This can occur under the following circumstances:

    • In Media Routing Domains other than Voice: if the agent is currently working on a Voice task.

    • In the Voice media routing domain: if the agent is currently working on a multimedia task other than an Email task.


    An agent can work on a task (Active In state) and be Eligible For Task in a media routing domain. This can occur in the Multi Session Chat (MSC) Media Routing Domain. If the agent is currently working on an MSC task, an agent is eligible to receive a task up to the maximum task limit configured in the system.

Current Fields in the Agent Team State Counts Real Time Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Columns (Fields)


Agent Team

The enterprise name of the Agent Team.

Derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.


The team's primary supervisor.

Derived from: Person.LastName + ' ' + Person.FirstName.

Total On Team

The count of agents configured for the individual team.

Derived from: Count(Agent_Team_Member.SkillTargetID).

Agent Logged On

The number of agents currently logged in.

Derived from: Count of agents with Agent_Real_Time.AgentState not equal to 0.

Active In

The number of agents currently working on incoming tasks.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 11 or 4 and Agent_Real_Time.Direction is 1.

Active Out

The number of agents currently working on outbound tasks.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 11 or 4 and Agent_Real_Time.Direction is 2.

Active Other

The number of agents currently working on internal (neither inbound nor outbound) tasks. Examples of other tasks include agent-to-agent transfers and supervisor tasks.

Derived from: count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 11 or 4 and Agent_Real_Time.Direction is 3.


The number of agents that have all active tasks on hold and have paused tasks. The agent is not in the Hold state with one task on hold and talking on another task (for example, a consultative call). The agent must have all active tasks on hold.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 10 or 12.

Not Active

The number of agents in the Not Active state, the state where the agent is ready to accept tasks, but is not currently involved in task work.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 3 or 14.

Wrap Up

The number of agents in the Work Not Ready state and Work Ready state. The Work Not Ready state is a state in which an agent is involved in after task work and is assumed not to be ready to accept incoming tasks when done. The Work Ready state is a state in which an agent is involved in after a task work and is assumed to be ready to accept incoming tasks when done.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 5 or 6.

Not Ready

The number of agents in the Not Ready state, a state in which agents are logged in but are neither involved in any task handling activity nor available to handle a task.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 2.


The number of agents currently in the Reserved state, a state in which an agent is selected to receive a task. An agent is in the Reserved state until the task is answered.

Derived from: Count of agents where Agent_Real_Time.AgentState is 8.

Report Summary: There is a summary row for the total report. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Call Type Real Time

Reports generated from the Call Type Real Time template show the current status of call types. The report provides an overall view, by Call Type, of current activity such as Calls in Queue, longest call in queue, and last 5-minute statistics.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has a default grid view (Call Type Real Time) and a chart view (Call Type Queue Now).

Value List: Call Type

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Call_Type

  • Call_Type_Real_Time

Current Fields in the Call Type Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type Name

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName.

Avg Speed of Answer 5

Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five-minute interval. The total Answer Time for all tasks of the call type divided by the number of tasks of this type answered during the current five-minute interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5).

VRU not Queued Now

The number of tasks in Run VRUScript or Wait state. This represents the number of tasks at VRU prompting or self service.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAtVRUNow - Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow.

Queued Now

The number of tasks currently in the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow.

CCE Agent Now

The number of tasks that have been routed to the Unified CCE agents but are not yet ended. This column is incremented when the call is answered and decremented when the call ends, after wrap up is complete, if applicable.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAtAgentNow.

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, determined by subtracting the time the task entered the queue (Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ) from the current time.

Service Level

The service level for the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelTo5.


The number of calls of this call type handled for the call type ending during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.


The number of tasks abandoned at the IVR during the rolling five-minute interval, while offered to the agent and on route to the agent.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5.

Abandoned Within Service Level

The number of tasks abandoned before the service level timer expired during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.ServiceLevelAbandTo5.

Average Abandon

The average time of abandoned calls for this call type during the rolling five-minute interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallDelayAbandTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5.

Report Summary: There is a summary for all data in the report.

Enterprise Skill Group Real Time

The Enterprise Skill Group Real Time report shows the current status of the selected enterprise skill groups, providing real time information about calls in queue for Enterprise Skill Groups. Enterprise Skill Groups provide the ability to group skill groups within a peripheral or in different peripherals.

If a call is queued to an Enterprise skill group, then the call is queued at each peripheral skill group that belongs to the enterprise skill group. Therefore one call queued to an enterprise skill group composed of five peripheral skill groups shows up as five calls.

For more information about Enterprise Skill groups, see Reporting Concepts for Cisco Unified ICM/CCE at

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Enterprise Skill Group Real Time.

Value Lists: Enterprise Skill Group, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Enterprise_Skill_Group

  • Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

Current Fields in the Enterprise Skill Group Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Enterprise Skill Group

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID).


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

Queued Now

The number of calls currently queued to the skill group at the CallRouter and at the local ACD queue.

This field is Current by default.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow.

Longest Queued

The longest queued task on the routing media, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is Current by default.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallInQ.


The Average Speed of Answer measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format for the skill group during the rolling five minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5.


The number of tasks that were handled during the rolling five minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Avg Handle Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it has taken during the rolling five minute interval to handle a task.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.HandleCallsTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Log On

The number of agents that are currently logged in to the skill group. This count is updated each time an agent logs in and each time an agent logs out.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.LoggedOn.

Not Ready

The number of agents in the Not Ready state for the skill group. Not Ready is a state in which agents are logged in but are neither involved in any call handling activity nor available to handle a call.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.NotReady.

Not Active

The number of agents in the skill group who are currently not working on a task associated with the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Avail.

Active In

The number of agents in the skill group currently working on inbound tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingIn.

Active Out

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on outbound calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingOut.

Active Other

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on internal (neither inbound nor outbound) calls.

Examples of other calls include agent-to-agent transfers and supervisor calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingOther.

Active Auto Out

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on AutoOut (predictive) calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingAutoOut.

Active Preview

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on outbound Preview calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingPreview.

Active Reservation

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on agent reservation calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingReserve.

Avg Active Time

The average talk or active time measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Real_Time.HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5).

Wrap Up

The number of agents currently in wrap-up state for this skill group. Wrap Up is call-related work performed by an agent after the call is over. An agent performing wrap up is in either the Work Ready or Work Not Ready state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.WorkReady + Skill_Group_Real_Time.WorkNotReady.


The number of agents that have all active calls on hold or whose state to the skill group is Paused. The agent is not in the Hold state with one call on hold and talking on another call (for example, a consultative call). The agent must have all active calls on hold.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Hold.


The number of agents for the skill group currently in the Reserved state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.ReservedAgents.

Busy Other

The number of agents currently in the BusyOther state.

Busy Other is a state in which the agent is handling calls assigned to other skill groups during the interval.

For example, an agent might be talking on an inbound call in one skill group while simultaneously logged in to and ready to accept calls from other skill groups. The agent can be active (talking on or handling calls) in only one skill group at a time. Therefore, while active in one skill group, for the other skill group the agent is considered to be in the Busy Other state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.BusyOther.

% Utilization

The percentage of Ready time that agents in the skill group spent talking or doing call work during the current five-minute interval. This is the percentage of time agents spend working on calls versus the time agents were ready.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.PercentUtilizationTo5.

Report Summary: There is a report summary for all data.

Current Fields in the Enterprise Skill Group Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Enterprise Skill Group

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID).


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

Queued Now

The number of calls currently queued to the skill group at the CallRouter and at the local ACD queue.

This field is Current by default.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow.

Longest Queued

The longest queued task on the routing media, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is Current by default.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallInQ.


The Average Speed of Answer measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format for the skill group during the rolling five minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5.


The number of tasks that were handled during the rolling five minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Avg Handle Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it has taken during the rolling five minute interval to handle a task.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.HandleCallsTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Log On

The number of agents that are currently logged in to the skill group. This count is updated each time an agent logs in and each time an agent logs out.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.LoggedOn.

Not Ready

The number of agents in the Not Ready state for the skill group. Not Ready is a state in which agents are logged in but are neither involved in any call handling activity nor available to handle a call.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.NotReady.

Not Active

The number of agents in the skill group who are currently not working on a task associated with the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Avail.

Active In

The number of agents in the skill group currently working on inbound tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingIn.

Active Out

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on outbound calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingOut.

Active Other

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on internal (neither inbound nor outbound) calls.

Examples of other calls include agent-to-agent transfers and supervisor calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingOther.

Active Auto Out

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on AutoOut (predictive) calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingAutoOut.

Active Preview

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on outbound Preview calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingPreview.

Active Reservation

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on agent reservation calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingReserve.

Avg Active Time

The average talk or active time measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Real_Time.HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5).

Wrap Up

The number of agents currently in wrap-up state for this skill group. Wrap Up is call-related work performed by an agent after the call is over. An agent performing wrap up is in either the Work Ready or Work Not Ready state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.WorkReady + Skill_Group_Real_Time.WorkNotReady.


The number of agents that have all active calls on hold or whose state to the skill group is Paused. The agent is not in the Hold state with one call on hold and talking on another call (for example, a consultative call). The agent must have all active calls on hold.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Hold.


The number of agents for the skill group currently in the Reserved state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.ReservedAgents.

Busy Other

The number of agents currently in the BusyOther state.

Busy Other is a state in which the agent is handling calls assigned to other skill groups during the interval.

For example, an agent might be talking on an inbound call in one skill group while simultaneously logged in to and ready to accept calls from other skill groups. The agent can be active (talking on or handling calls) in only one skill group at a time. Therefore, while active in one skill group, for the other skill group the agent is considered to be in the Busy Other state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.BusyOther.

% Utilization

The percentage of Ready time that agents in the skill group spent talking or doing call work during the current five-minute interval. This is the percentage of time agents spend working on calls versus the time agents were ready.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.PercentUtilizationTo5.

Report Summary: There is a report summary for all data.

Peripheral Service Real Time All Fields

Peripheral Service Real Time report provides current information, such as calls in queue per service.

For more information about services, see Reporting Concepts for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at For information on mapping TDM entities, such as VDNs in Avaya, see the relevant ACD supplement at

Peripheral Service reports are not applicable to Contact Center Enterprise environments.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Peripheral Service Real Time All Fields.

Value List: Service

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Service

  • Service_Real_Time

Available Fields in the Peripheral Service Real Time All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report grid include the fields that appear by default as Current. Available fields in this report are populated from the Service_Real_Time table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

The exception is the Service field, which is derived from Service.EnterpriseName.

Current Fields in the Peripheral Service Real Time All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid generated from the stock template.

Column (Field)


Service Name

The enterprise name of the peripheral service.

Derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.

In Progress

The number of inbound and outbound calls currently that were previously offered (for example, calls being played, an announcement, queued calls, or connected calls) and are currently being handled for the service.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.CallsInProgress.

Queued Now

The tasks in queue associated with the service now at the peripheral.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.CallsQNow.

Abandoned in Queue 5

The number of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned while in queue or ringing during the rolling five-minute interval.

An abandoned task is one in which the caller hung up before being connected with an agent. If the caller hangs up almost immediately, you might not want to count that as an abandoned task. When configuring each peripheral, you can specify the minimum length of an abandoned task.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.CallsAbandQTo5.

Average Delay in Queue Aban5

The average delay time of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in the service queue during the rolling five-minute interval. This value is calculated as follows:DelayQAbandTimeTo5 / CallsAbandQTo5.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.AvgDelayQAbandTo5.

Average Speed of Answer to 5

The average answer wait time for tasks associated with the service during the rolling five-minute interval: AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / CallsOfferedTo5.

Answer wait time is the elapsed time from when the task is offered at the peripheral to when it is answered. This includes all DelayTime, LocalQTime, and RingTime associated with the task.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.AvgSpeedAnswerTo5.

Average Handle Time to 5

The average handle time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks associated with the service during the rolling five-minute interval. The value is calculated as follows: HandleTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.AvgHandleTimeTo5.

Longest Available Agent

The time that the longest available agent associated with the service became available.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.LongestAvailAgent.

Longest Task in Queue

The time that the longest call in the queue for the service was put there.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.LongestCallQ.

Flow In 5

The number of calls the peripheral overflowed into this service during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.OverflowInTo5.

Flow Out 5

The number of calls overflowed out of this service during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.OverflowOutTo5.

Service Level to 5

The Enterprise service level for the service during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.ServiceLevelTo5.

Service Level to 5 Aban

The number of calls to the service abandoned within the service level threshold during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.ServiceLevelAbandTo5.

Service Level to 5 Tasks

The number of calls to the service answered within the service level during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.ServiceLevelCallsTo5.

Report Summary: The report has a total summary row for all fields. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Peripheral Service Real Time All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report grid include the fields that appear by default as Current. Available fields in this report are populated from the Service_Real_Time table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

The exception is the Service field, which is derived from Service.EnterpriseName.

Current Fields in the Peripheral Service Real Time All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid generated from the stock template.

Column (Field)


Service Name

The enterprise name of the peripheral service.

Derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.

In Progress

The number of inbound and outbound calls currently that were previously offered (for example, calls being played, an announcement, queued calls, or connected calls) and are currently being handled for the service.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.CallsInProgress.

Queued Now

The tasks in queue associated with the service now at the peripheral.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.CallsQNow.

Abandoned in Queue 5

The number of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned while in queue or ringing during the rolling five-minute interval.

An abandoned task is one in which the caller hung up before being connected with an agent. If the caller hangs up almost immediately, you might not want to count that as an abandoned task. When configuring each peripheral, you can specify the minimum length of an abandoned task.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.CallsAbandQTo5.

Average Delay in Queue Aban5

The average delay time of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in the service queue during the rolling five-minute interval. This value is calculated as follows:DelayQAbandTimeTo5 / CallsAbandQTo5.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.AvgDelayQAbandTo5.

Average Speed of Answer to 5

The average answer wait time for tasks associated with the service during the rolling five-minute interval: AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / CallsOfferedTo5.

Answer wait time is the elapsed time from when the task is offered at the peripheral to when it is answered. This includes all DelayTime, LocalQTime, and RingTime associated with the task.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.AvgSpeedAnswerTo5.

Average Handle Time to 5

The average handle time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks associated with the service during the rolling five-minute interval. The value is calculated as follows: HandleTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.AvgHandleTimeTo5.

Longest Available Agent

The time that the longest available agent associated with the service became available.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.LongestAvailAgent.

Longest Task in Queue

The time that the longest call in the queue for the service was put there.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.LongestCallQ.

Flow In 5

The number of calls the peripheral overflowed into this service during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.OverflowInTo5.

Flow Out 5

The number of calls overflowed out of this service during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.OverflowOutTo5.

Service Level to 5

The Enterprise service level for the service during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.ServiceLevelTo5.

Service Level to 5 Aban

The number of calls to the service abandoned within the service level threshold during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.ServiceLevelAbandTo5.

Service Level to 5 Tasks

The number of calls to the service answered within the service level during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Service_Real_Time.ServiceLevelCallsTo5.

Report Summary: The report has a total summary row for all fields. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Peripheral Skill Group Real Time All Fields

Peripheral Skill Group reports show real time statistics per skill group such as calls in queue and longest delay. Use this report for skill group activity.


If there are primary or secondary skill groups defined for the base skill group, then the base skill group is not shown.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Peripheral Skill Group Real Time All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group

Value Lists: Skill Group, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

Current Fields in the Peripheral Skill Group Real Time All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The enterprise name of the skill group and its skill target ID.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName and Skill_Group.SkillTargetID.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.

Queued Now

The number of calls currently queued to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow.

Longest Queued

The longest queued task on the routing media, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallInQ.

Average Speed of Answer to 5

The Average Speed of Answer measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format for the skill group during the rolling five minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5.

Answered Within Service Level

The Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five minute interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format for the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5.

Abandoned Within Service Level

The count of calls that are answered within the skill group service level threshold during the rolling five minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.ServiceLevelCallsTo5.


The number of tasks that were handled during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Average Handle Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it takes during the rolling five-minute interval to handle a task.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.HandleCallsTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Log On

The number of agents that are currently logged in to the skill group. This count is updated each time an agent logs in and each time an agent logs out.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.LoggedOn.

Not Ready

The number of agents in the Not Ready state for the skill group. Not Ready is a state in which agents are logged on but are neither involved in any call handling activity nor available to handle a call.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.NotReady.

Not Active

The number of agents in the skill group who are currently not working on a task associated with the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Avail.

Active In

The number of agents in the skill group currently working on inbound tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingIn.

Active Out

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on outbound calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingOut.

Active Other

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on internal (neither inbound nor outbound) calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingOther.

Active Auto Out

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on AutoOut (predictive) calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingAutoOut.

Active Preview

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on outbound Preview calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingPreview.

Active Reservation

The number of agents in the skill group currently talking on agent reservation calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TalkingReserve.

Avg Active Time

The average talk or active time measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Real_Time.HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5).

Wrap Up

The number of agents currently in wrap-up state for this skill group. Wrap Up is call-related work performed by an agent after the call is over. An agent performing wrap up is in either the Work Ready or Work Not Ready state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.WorkReady + Skill_Group_Real_Time.WorkNotReady.


The number of agents that have all active calls on hold or whose state to the skill group is Paused. The agent is not in the Hold state with one call on hold and talking on another call (for example, a consultative call). The agent must have all active calls on hold.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Hold.


The number of agents for the skill group currently in the Reserved state. Reserved is a state in which an agent is awaiting a call and is unavailable to receive any incoming calls. This state applies only to agents on Northern Meridian ACDs.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.ReservedAgents.

Busy Other

The number of agents currently in the BusyOther state.

Busy Other is a state in which the agent is handling calls assigned to other skill groups during the interval.

For example, an agent might be talking on an inbound call in one skill group while simultaneously logged in to and ready to accept calls from other skill groups. The agent can be active (talking on or handling calls) in only one skill group at a time. Therefore, while active in one skill group, for the other skill group the agent is considered to be in the Busy Other state.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.BusyOther.

% Utilization

The percentage of Ready time that agents in the skill group spent talking or doing call work during the current five-minute interval. This is the percentage of time agents spend working on calls versus the time agents were ready.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.PercentUtilizationTo5.

Report Summary: There is a summary row for Skill Group. There is a total report summary for all fields except % Busy Other.

Precision Queue Real Time All Fields

The Precision Queue Real Time report shows the current status of the selected precision queues. The report provides information such as calls in queue and longest delay per precision queue.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report one grid view, Precision Queue Real Time All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Precision Queue.

Value Lists: Precision Queue, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Attributes

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Precision_Q_Real_Time

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Real Time All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the precision queue.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the precision queue.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.

Derived from: Attribute.EnterpriseName

Queued Now

The number of calls currently queued to the precision queue.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.CallsQNow.

Longest Queued

The longest queued call on the routing media, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.LongestCallInQ

Avg Speed of Answer 5

The Average Speed of Answer measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format for the precision queue during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5/ Precision_Q_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5.

Answered Within Service Level

The count of calls that are answered within the precision queue service level threshold during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.ServiceLevelCallsAnsTo5

Abandon Within Service Level

The count of calls that are abandoned within the precision queue service level threshold during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.ServiceLevelCallsAbandTo5.


The number of tasks that have been handled during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Avg Handle Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it takes during the rolling five-minute interval to handle a task.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.HandleCallsTimeTo5 / Precision_Q_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5.

Logged On

The number of agents that are currently logged in to the precision queue. This count is updated each time an agent logs on and each time an agent logs off.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.LoggedOn.

Not Ready

The number of agents in the Not Ready state for the precision queue. Not Ready is a state in which agents are logged in but are neither involved in any call handling activity nor available to handle a call.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.NotReady.

Not Active

The number of agents in the precision queue who are currently not working on a task associated with the precision queue.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.Avail.

Active In

The number of agents in the precision queue currently working on inbound tasks.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.TalkingIn

Active Other

The number of agents in the precision queue currently talking on international (neither inbound nor outbound) calls.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.TalkingOther

Avg Active Time

The average talk or active time measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: ( Precision_Q_Real_Time.HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / Precision_Q_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5)

Wrap Up

The number of agents currently in wrap-up state for this precision queue. Wrap Up is call-related work performed by an agent after the call is over. An agent performing wrap up is in either the Work Ready or Work Not Ready state.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.WorkReady + Precision_Q_Real_Time.WorkNotReady


The number of agents that have all active calls on hold or whose state to the precision queue is Paused. The agent is not in the Hold state with one call on hold and talking on another call (for example, a consultative call). The agent must have all active calls on hold.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.Hold

Busy Other

The number of agents currently in the BusyOther state.

Busy Other is a state in which the agent is handling calls assigned to other precision queues during the interval.

For example, an agent might be talking on an inbound call in one precision queue while simultaneously logged on to and ready to accept calls from other precision queues. The agent can be active (talking on or handling calls) in only one precision queue at a time. Therefore, while active in one precision queue, for the other precision queue the agent is considered to be in the Busy Other state.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Real_Time.BusyOther

% Utilization

The percentage of Ready time that agents in the skill group spent talking or doing call work during the current five-minute interval. This is the percentage of time agents spend working on calls versus the time agents were ready.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.PercentUtilizationTo5

Precision Queue Step Real Time

The Precision Queue Step Real Time report generated from this template shows the current status of the selected precision queues. The report provides real time information on a per-step basis to provide visibility into which step calls are queued in currently.

Query: This report is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Precision Step Real Time.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Precision Queue and by Step Order.

Value List: Precision Queue

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Precision_Queue

  • Precision_Queue_Step

  • Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Step Real Time Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the precision queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID.


An integer that defines the unique row for a precision queue step. It is the primary key.

Derived from: Precision_Queue_Step.PrecisionQueueStepID.

Agents Logged On

The number of agents logged on for this precision queue step.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time.AgentsLoggedIn.

Agents Available

The number of agents eligible and available for this precision queue step.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time.AgentsAvailable.

Longest Available Agent

The length of time that the next agent to be selected has been available.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time.NextAvailAgent.

In Queue

The number of tasks in queue for this precision queue step.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time.CallsInQueue.

Avg Queue Time

The average length of queue time for this precision queue step.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time.AvgCallsInQueueTime.

Longest Queued

The time stamp of the longest call in queue for this precision queue step.

Derived from: Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time.LongestCallInQueue.

System Capacity Real Time

The System Capacity Real Time report presents a summary of overall system capacity. The table provides system capacity, congestion information, and key performance indicators.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.


This report has one grid view, System Capacity Real Time and the following chart views:

  • Congestion Information

  • Current Rejection Percentage

  • Key Performance Indicators

Grouping: This report is grouped by Unified CCE Instance Enterprise Name.

Value List: ICR Instance

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • System_Capacity_Real_Time

  • ICR_Instance

  • Controller_Time

  • Congestion_Control

Available Fields in the System Capacity Real Time Grid View and Gauge View

Available fields for the grid view for this report include the fields that display by default as current. Additional available fields in this report are taken directly from the System_Capacity Real_time table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

There is one additional available field in this report, which is ICRInstanceID. This field is derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.ICRInstanceID and is a unique identifier for the instance.

Grid views and a gauge view are available. The grid views are as follows:

  • Congestion Information, which displays the congestion details in real time.

  • Key Performance Indicators, which displays the capacity details in real time.

  • System Capacity Real Time, which displays both congestion and system capacity details in real time.

The gauge view has a Rejection Percentage view, which displays the current rejection percentage.

Current Fields in the System Capacity Report Views

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Columns (Fields)


Generic System Information

Unified CCE Instance Name

An enterprise name for the node. This name must be unique for all nodes in the enterprise.

Derived from ICR_Instance.EnterpriseName.

Deployment Type

The Unified CCE deployment type.

Derived from Congestion_Control.DeploymentType


The date and time of the selected row's data in YYYY/MM/DD ( year, month, date) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.DateTime.

Congestion Information

Current Congestion Level

The current congestion mode in the system:

  • No Congestion = Normal operating mode with no congestion

  • Level 1 = Congestion mode is level 1

  • Level 2 = Congestion mode is level 2

  • Level 3 = Congestion mode is level 3

The threshold that has been set for this field:

  • On No Congestion, the background color field is Green

  • On Level 1, the background color field is Yellow

  • On Level 2, the background color field is Yellow

  • On Level 3, the background color field is Red

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.CurrentCongestionLevel

Current Rejection Percentage

The call reduction percentage based on the current congestion level:

  • For Level 0, reduction percentage is 0 %.

  • For Level 1, reduction percentage is 10 %.

  • For Level 2, reduction percentage is 30 %.

  • For Level 3, reduction percentage varies from 30% to 100% depending on the incoming call rate.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.RejectionPercentage

Duration Congested at Current Level

The time that the system has been at the current congestion level, even if it is Level 0 (No Congestion.) Measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(minutes, System_Capacity_Real_Time.DateTimeCurrentLevel, Controller_Time.NowTime).

Duration Congested

The time spent in congestion measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. This value is 0 if the current congestion level is Level 0 (No Congestion).

This is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(minutes, System_Capacity_Real_Time.DateTimeCongested, Controller_Time.NowTime).

Level1 Onset CPS

Onset Calls Per Second (CPS) determination for Congestion level 1.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level1Onset

Level1 Abatement CPS

Abatement CPS determination for Congestion Level 1.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level1Abatement

Level1 Reduction

Call rate reduction percentage for Congestion Level 1.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level1Reduction

Level2 Onset CPS

Onset CPS determination for Congestion level 2.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level2Onset

Level2 Abatement CPS

Abatement CPS determination for Congestion level 2.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level2Abatement

Level2 Reduction

Call rate reduction percentage for Congestion Level 2.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level2Reduction

Level3 Onset CPS

Onset CPS determination for Congestion level 3.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level3Onset

Level3 Abatement CPS

Abatement CPS determination for Congestion level 3.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level3Abatement

Level3 Reduction

Call rate reduction percentage for Congestion Level 3.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.Level3Reduction

Capacity Information

Total Agents Logged On

The total number of agents logged in to the system.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.TotalAgentsLoggedOn

Avg Skills Per Agent

The average number of skill groups associated per agent.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.AverageSkillsPerAgent

Configured Capacity in CPS

Configured call per second capacity of the system.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.ConfiguredCapacity

Adjusted Capacity in CPS

Adjusted Call per second capacity during run time.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.AdjustedCapacity


Runtime weighed averaged call per second.

Derived from System_Capacity_Real_Time.AverageCPS