Historical Transitional Report Templates

Agent Attendance Historical

The Agent Attendance Historical Report gives the total staffed time, handle time, wrap up time, not ready time, time in the ringing state, available time, and the number of tasks handled by an agent for the specified period for all splits or skills the agent was logged into.

You can select Agent Attendance templates to display the data in a daily report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report. When viewing the daily report, you can display an interval view by selecting Agent Attendance Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Agent Attendance Historical

Agent Attendance Historical

Agent Attendance Interval Historical

Agent Attendance Weekly Historical

Agent Attendance Weekly Historical

Agent Attendance Monthly Historical

Agent Attendance Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent Name and then by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Person

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Agent Attendance Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the Agent Attendance report selected.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime

Logged on Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime


The number of Unified CCE Routed tasks this agent has handled across skill groups during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Handle Time

The total number of seconds spent on inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents across skill groups during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime

Wrap Up Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime

Agent Ring Time

How long an agent is in Reserved state. This is counted using Agent state.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime


The number of internal tasks agents across skill groups ended during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCalls

Internal Time

The total number of seconds an agent across skill groups spent on internal tasks that ended during the reporting interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCallsTime

Available Time

The total time in seconds an agent was in the Not_Active state across skill groups during the reporting interval. AvailTime is included in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. Value taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Skill Historical

The Agent Split/Skill Historical report shows an individual agent's performance by split or skill for the specified period.

You can select Agent Skill Historical templates to display the report in a daily view (the default), a weekly view, or a monthly view. When viewing the daily report, you can display an interval view by selecting Agent Skill Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Agent Skill Historical

Agent Skill Historical

Agent Skill Interval Historical

Agent Skill Weekly Historical

Agent Skill Weekly Historical

Agent Skill Monthly Historical

Agent Skill Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped by Agent Name then Skill Group Name, and sorted by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Person

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Agent Skill Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Precision Queue/ Skill Group

The precision queue's enterprise name or the enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroup)

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The interval, date, week, or month, depending on the view/report selected.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


The number of inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Handle Time

The amount of time agents in the skill group have spent handling tasks during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime

Wrap Up Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime


The number of internal tasks agents associated with this skill group ended during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCalls

Internal Time

The total number of seconds an agent associated with this skill group spent on internal tasks that ended during the reporting interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCallsTime


The number of tasks for which an agent received supervisor assistance during the report interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.Emergency Assists + Agent_Skill_Group.SupervAssistCalls


The number of incoming tasks to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Hold Time

The total number of seconds that inbound ACD tasks that an agent associated with this skill group placed on hold that ended during the reporting interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime


The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The number is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the task.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Summary Historical

The Agent Summary Historical report lists the totals for each agent in the group summed over all splits/skills that the agent was logged into during the time period covered in the report, displayed on a daily basis (the default view). The report also contains information on the overall occupancy of the selected agent group, expressed as a percentage, both with and without Wrap Up Time included.

You can select Agent Summary Historical templates to display the data in a daily report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report. When viewing the daily report, you can display an interval view by selecting Agent Summary Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Agent Summary Historical

Agent Summary Historical

Agent Summary Interval Historical

Agent Summary Weekly Historical

Agent Summary Weekly Historical

Agent Summary Monthly Historical

Agent Summary Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped by Agent Name and sorted by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Person

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Agent Summary Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the view/report selected.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data. (Applicable only for monthly report.)

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


The number of inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents across skill groups during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Handle Time

The total number of seconds spent on inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents across skill groups during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field derived from:

(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled)

Avg Wrap Time

The average time spent by the agent in after task work time, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WrapTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

% Occupancy

The percentage of time that the agent has spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing tasks to/from skill groups in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WrapTime + Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. HoldTime )* 1.0 / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

%Occupancy Without Wrap Time

The percentage of time that the agent has spent talking on tasks across skill groups in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime + Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. HoldTime ) * 1.0 / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime


The number of internal tasks agents across skill groups ended during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCalls

Internal Time

The total number of seconds an agent across skill groups spent on internal tasks that ended during the reporting interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCallsTime

Wrap Up Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime

Agent Ring Time

How long an agent is in Reserved state. This value is counted using Agent state.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime.

Available Time

The total time in seconds an agent was in the Not_Active state across skill groups during the reporting interval. AvailTime is included in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

Logged on Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime


The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The number is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the task.

This is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls


The number of incoming tasks to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that tasks were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming tasks that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold)

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Team Historical

The Agent Team Historical Report gives the total staffed time, handled time, wrap time, occupancy, Not Ready time, time in the ringing state, extension time, available time, and the number of tasks handled by a team and its agents for the specified time period.

You can select Agent Team Historical templates to display the data in a daily report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report. When viewing the daily report, you can display an interval view by selecting Agent Team Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each team at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Agent Team Historical

Agent Team Historical

Agent Team Interval Historical

Agent Team Weekly Historical

Agent Team Weekly Historical

Agent Team Monthly Historical

Agent Team Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Team Name, then by Agent Name, and then by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Agent Teams

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Person

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Agent Team Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team Name

The Enterprise Name of the agent team.

Derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the view/report selected.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


The number of inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents across skill groups during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Handle Time

The total number of seconds spent on inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents across skill groups during the interval

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled)

Avg Wrap Time

The average time spent by the agent in after task work time, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WrapTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled


The percentage of time that the agent has spent talking on tasks across skill groups in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WrapTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. HoldTime )* 1.0 / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

%Occupancy Without Wrap Time

The percentage of time that the agent has spent talking on tasks across skill groups in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. HoldTime) * 1.0 / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime


The number of internal tasks agents across skill groups ended during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCalls

Internal Time

The total number of seconds an agent spent on internal tasks (across skill groups) that ended during the reporting interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCallsTime

Wrap Up Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group.WorkReadyTime

Agent Ring Time

How long an agent is in Reserved state. This value is counted using Agent state.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime.

Available Time

The total time in seconds an agent was in the Not_Active state across skill groups during the reporting interval. AvailTime is included in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

Logged On Time

The total time that the agents were logged in (staffed) for the specified time period in any split/skill, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Team Attendance Historical

The Agent Team Attendance Historical Report displays the total staffed time, handled time, wrap time, Not Ready time, time in the ringing state, extension time, available time, and the number of tasks handled by a team for the specified time period for all splits or skills the agent was logged into.

You can select Agent Team Attendance Historical templates to display the data in a daily report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report. When viewing the daily report, you can display an interval view by selecting Agent Team Attendance Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following Grid views:



Agent Team Attendance Historical

Agent Team Attendance Historical

Agent Team Attendance Interval Historical

Agent Team Attendance Weekly Historical

Agent Team Attendance Weekly Historical

Agent Team Attendance Monthly Historical

Agent Team Attendance Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent Team, then by Agent Name, and then by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Agent Team

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Person

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Agent Team Attendance Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team Name

The enterprise name for the Agent Team Name.

Derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The interval, date, week, or month, depending on the view/report selected.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


The login name for the Agent.

Derived from: Person.LoginName

Logged on Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime


The tasks handled by the particular agent.

Derived from: SUM(ISNULL(Agent_skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled, 0))

Handle Time

The total time the agent spent handling tasks.

Derived from: SUM(ISNULL(Agent_skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime, 0))

Wrap Up Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime

Agent Ring Time

How long an agent is in Reserved state. This value is counted using Agent state.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime


The number of internal tasks handled by the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCalls

Internal Time

The total number of seconds an agent spent on internal tasks (across skill groups) that ended during the reporting interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.InternalCallsTime


The outgoing tasks handled by the particular agent.

Derived from: SUM(ISNULL(Agent_skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls, 0))

External Time

The outgoing tasks time for the particular agent.

Derived from: SUM(ISNULL(Agent_skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCallsTime, 0))

Available Time

The total time in seconds an agent was in the Not_Active state across skill groups during the reporting interval. AvailTime is included in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Call Type Skill Group Historical

The Call Type Skill Group Historical Report summarizes the activity for an entire skill for each call type, displaying the date, inbound tasks, average speed of answer, abandoned tasks, average abandoned time, handled tasks, average handled time, average wrap time for a given period, service level, and abandoned within service level on a daily basis (the default view).

You can choose from three Call Type Skill Group Historical templates to display the data in a daily/interval report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report:

  • Call Type Skill Group Historical

  • Call Type Skill Group Weekly Historical

  • Call Type Skill Group Monthly Historical

When viewing the Call Type Skill Group Historical report, you can display the interval view by selecting Call Type Skill Group Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Call Type Skill Group Historical

Call Type Skill Group Historical

Call Type Skill Group Interval Historical

Call Type Skill Group Weekly Historical

Call Type Skill Group Weekly Historical

Call Type Skill Group Monthly Historical

Call Type Skill Group Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Call Type Name, Skill Group Name, and then by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Call Types

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Skill_Group

  • Call_Type

  • Call_Type_SG_Interval

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Precision_Queue

Current Fields in the Call Type Skill Group Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type Name

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName

Precision Queue/Skill Group

The enterprise name for the Skill Group.

Derived form: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the view/report selected.

Derived from: Call_Type.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.DateTime


Tasks that have been offered to this call type during the interval.

Derived from: sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsOffered,0))

Avg Speed of Answer

The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was executed for this call to when this call was answered.

This field is a calculated field derived from:

CASE WHEN sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsAnswered,0)) = 0
 ELSE sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.AnswerWaitTime,0)) * 1.0 / 

% Queued

The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field derived from:

(Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsQHandled /


Abandon in Queue

The total number of tasks abandoned while in VRU (that is, while undergoing prompting or listening to voice menus options), tasks abandoned while queued to skill group, and tasks abandoned at agent desktop. This value also includes abandons for tasks that are not in the queue. Therefore, the number of tasks abandoned at a VRU before being queued is TotalCallsAband minus RouterCallsAbandToAgent and RouterCallsAbandQ. The number does not include short tasks.

Derived from: sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ, 0)

Avg Abandon Time

The average time of abandoned tasks for this call type measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

CASE WHEN sum( isnull (Call_Type_SG_Interval.TotalCallsAband, 0)) = 0 THEN 0
 ELSE isnull ((sum( isnull (Call_Type_SG_Interval.DelayQAbandTime, 0)) / sum (isnull 
(Call_Type_SG_Interval.TotalCallsAband, 0))),0)


The number of tasks handled across agents in the call type.

Derived from: sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled,0))

Avg Handle Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it has taken to handle a task.

sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.HandleTime,0)) / sum(isnull(CTSG.CallsHandled,0))

Avg Wrap Time

The average time spent across agents in the call type after call work time, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

CASE WHEN (sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.HandleTime,0)) 
- sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.TalkTime,0)) 
- sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.HoldTime,0))) = 0
 ELSE (sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.HandleTime,0)) 
- sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.TalkTime,0)) 
- sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.HoldTime,0))) / sum(isnull(Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled,0))

Service Level

The Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Abandon Within Service Level

The total number of tasks of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Historical

The Skill Historical Report displays the tasks handled, agent time and assists, and transfers and holds for each agent in a skill. This report shows only the time each agent worked in this particular skill.

You can choose from four Skill Historical templates to display the data in a daily report (the default), an interval report, a weekly report, or a monthly report:

  • Skill Daily Historical

  • Skill Interval Historical

  • Skill Weekly Historical

  • Skill Monthly Historical

The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Skill Daily Historical

Skill Daily Historical

Skill Interval Historical

Skill Historical

Skill Weekly Historical

Skill Weekly Historical

Skill Monthly Historical

Skill Monthly Historical

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list located on the top left corner.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group Name and Agent Name, then by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Person

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Skill Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName"," Person.FirstName

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the report selected.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


The number of inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Handle Time

The percentage of time, in relation to LoggedOnTime, that the agent has spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing tasks for each skill group.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field derived from:

(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled)

Avg Wrap Time

The average time spent by the agent in after task work time, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WrapTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Wrap Up Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime

Agent Ring Time

How long an agent is in Reserved state. This value is counted using Agent state.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state for this skill for the specified time period. This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime.

Available Time

The total time in seconds an agent associated with this skill group was in the Not_Active state with respect to this skill group during the reporting interval. AvailTime is included in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime


The number of tasks for which an agent received supervisor assistance during the report interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.Emergency Assists + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.SupervAssistCalls


The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The number is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the task.

This is a calculated field, derived from:

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls


The number of incoming tasks to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that tasks were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming tasks that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold)

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Call Profile Historical

The Skill Call Profile Historical report shows how well the skill you specify performed compared to the predefined service levels for your call center for the date you specify, for a given time period.

You can choose from three Skill Call Profile Historical templates to display the data in a daily/interval report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report:

  • Skill Call Profile Historical

  • Skill Call Profile Weekly Historical

  • Skill Call Profile Monthly Historical

When viewing the Skill Call Profile Historical report, you can display the interval view by selecting Skill Call Profile Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Skill Call Profile Historical

Skill Call Profile Historical

Skill Call Profile Interval Historical

Skill Call Profile Weekly Historical

Skill Call Profile Weekly Historical

Skill Call Profile Monthly Historical

Skill Call Profile Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group Name and sorted by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Skill_Group_Interval

  • Bucket_Interval

  • Skill_Group

Current Fields in the Skill Call Profile Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID)

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the report selected.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data. (Applicable only for monthly report.)

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


The number of inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Avg Speed Of Answer

The average time the skill ACD tasks were waiting in queue and ringing before being answered by an agent.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered


The percentage of tasks queued to the skill that was answered by agents for this skill.

This is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled /Skill_Group_Interval.CallsOffered

Abandon Calls

The number of skill ACD tasks that abandoned within each service level increment.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + RouterCallsAbandToAgent )

Avg Abandon Time

The average time the skill ACD tasks were waiting in queue or ringing before abandoning.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterDelayQAbandTime + SGHH.AbandonRingTime/SGHH.RouterCallsAbandQ+SGHH.AbandonRingCal


The percentage of tasks abandoned.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

(Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonCallsRing )/ Skill_Group_Interval.CallsOffered

Abandon, 0-9

The number of abandoned tasks in each Bucket Interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterAbandInterval

Answered, 0-9

The total number of answered tasks in each Bucket Interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterAnsInterval

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Summary Historical

The Skill Summary Historical Report summarizes the activity for an entire skill by time. You can use this report to analyze the overall performance of a skill or to compare two or more comparable skills.

You can choose from three Skill Summary Historical templates to display the data in a daily/interval report (the default), a weekly report, or a monthly report:

  • Skill Summary Historical

  • Skill Summary Weekly Historical

  • Skill Summary Monthly Historical

When viewing the Skill Summary Historical report, you can display the interval view by selecting Skill Summary Interval Historical in the report drop-down list located on the top left corner. The interval view summarizes the data for each agent at the configured interval, 15 or 30 minutes.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: These reports have the following grid views:



Skill Summary Historical

Skill Summary Historical

Skill Summary Interval Historical

Skill Summary Weekly Historical

Skill Summary Weekly Historical

Skill Summary Monthly Historical

Skill Summary Monthly Historical

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group and sorted by Date (Daily); Date Time (Interval); Week (Weekly); or Month (Monthly).

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Interval

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Skill Summary Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID)

Date/Date Time/Week/Month

The date, interval, week, or month, depending on the view/report selected.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime


(Appears only in Weekly report)

A unique name for this media class. Initially, the EnterpriseName is set to Cisco_Voice.


(Appears only in Monthly report.)

The year of the selected row's data.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime

Avg Speed Of Answer

The average time the skill ACD tasks were waiting in queue and ringing before being answered by an agent.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered

Avg Abandon Time

The average time the split/skill ACD tasks were waiting in queue or ringing before abandoning.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterDelayQAbandTime + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingTime / Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCall


The number of inbound tasks that have been answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field derived from:

(Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled)

Avg Wrap Time

The average time spent by the agent in after task work time, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Skill_Group_Interval.WrapTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled


For voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing. For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandToAgent)

Max Delay Time

The longest a task had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallsWaitTime


The number of tasks that were dequeued from this skill group to be routed to another skill group in the reporting interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsDequeued

% Handle Time

The percentage of time on handled tasks.

This is a calculated field, derived from:

Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime /Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Answer

The percentage of answered tasks.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled /Skill_Group_Interval.CallsOffered

Report Summary This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Login/Logout Historical

The Agent Login/Logout (Skill) Historical report shows the times that agents logged in and logged out, the reason codes associated with the logout (if there is one), and the skills with which the agents logged in and out.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report one grid view, Agent Login Logout Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Agent Name and sorted by Date Time.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Agent_Logout

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Logout

  • Skill_Group

  • Agent

  • Person

  • Reason_Code

  • Agent_Attribute

  • Attribute

Current Fields in the Agent Login/Logout Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from:Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


The phone extension into which the agent is logged. Taken directly from the table.

Derived from: Agent_Logout.Extension

Logged On DateTime

The date that the agent logged on to the given set of skills, measured in MM:DD:YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Logout.LogoutDateTime-Agent_Logout.LoginDuration

Logout DateTime

The date that the agent logged out from the given set of skills, measured in MM:DD:YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Logout.LogoutDateTime

Logged On Time

The total time that the agents were logged in (staffed) for the specified time period in any split/skill, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

Logout Reason

A code and text (if configured) from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If not defined, this value displays 0.

Derived from: Agent_Logout.Reason_Code

Attribute, 1 to 3

The attributes with which the agent primarily interacted during this session.

Skill, 1 to 3

The skills with which the agent primarily interacted during this session.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Logout.SkillGroupSkillTargetID

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Not Ready Historical

The Agent Not Ready Historical report shows the total Logged On Time, total Not Ready time, and Not Ready time for each reason code for an agent.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Not Ready Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent Name and then by Date and Time every interval.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Person

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Event_Detail

Current Fields in the Agent Not Ready Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime

Logged On Time

The total time that the agents were logged in (staffed) for the specified time period in any split/skill, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. Value taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime

Time in

RC0 to RC9

The time that the agent spent in Not Ready state with each of the reason codes 0 - 9.

Derived from: Agent_Event_Detail


Not Ready Time spent in 50002. A CTI OS component failed, causing the agent to be set to Not Ready. This could be due to closing the agent desktop application, heartbeat timeout, a CTI OS Server failure, or a CTI OS failure.


Not Ready Time spent in 50003; the agent was logged out because the Unified CM reported the agent's device as out of service.


Not Ready Time spent in 50004; the agent was logged out due to agent inactivity as configured in agent desk settings.


Not Ready Time spent in 50010; the agent did not receive multiple consecutive tasks routed to him/her. The system makes the agent Not Ready automatically so that additional tasks are not routed to the agent. By default, the number of consecutive tasks missed before the agent is made Not Ready is two.


Not Ready Time spent in 50020; for deskilling operations on active agents, the agent was logged out of the skill group due to a deskilling operation that removed the skill group assignment to that agent. This reason code is used in the Agent_Event_Detail record and the Agent_Skill_Group_Logout record to identify the skill group the agent was removed from (due to the deskilling operation).


Not Ready Time spent in 50030; the agent was logged out because the agent was logged into a dynamic device target that was using the same dialed number (DN) as the PG static device target.


Not Ready Time spent in 50040; the mobile agent was logged out because the task failed.


Not Ready Time spent in 50041; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready because the task failed when the agent's phone line rings busy.


Not Ready Time spent in 50042; the mobile agent was logged out because the phone line is connected when using nailed connection mode.


Not Ready Time spent in 32767; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready because the agent did not answer a task and the task was redirected to a different agent or skill group.


Not Ready Time spent in 20001; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready and the agent was forcibly logged out.


Not Ready Time spent in 20002; the normal logout reason code condition from Not Ready.


Not Ready Time spent in 20003; the agent is not in Not Ready state. A request is made to place the agent in Not Ready state and then a logout request is made to log the agent out.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent State Trace Historical

The Agent State Trace Historical Report lists each agent's activity and the time the activity occurred.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent State Trace Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent Name and then by Date and Time (Interval).

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent_State_Trace

  • Agent

  • Person

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Agent State Trace Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Precision Queue / Skill Group

The Skill Group or the Precision Queue associated with an agent for the corresponding Agent State.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime

Agent State

The state for the Agent.

Derived from:

CASE Agent_State_Trace.AgentState 
WHEN 0 THEN 'Logged Out' 
WHEN 1 THEN 'Logged On' 
WHEN 2 THEN 'Not Ready' 
WHEN 3 THEN 'Ready' 
WHEN 4 THEN 'Talking' 
WHEN 5 THEN 'Work Not Ready' 
WHEN 6 THEN 'Work Ready' 
WHEN 7 THEN 'Busy Other' 
WHEN 8 THEN 'Reserved' 
WHEN 9 THEN 'Unknown' 
WHEN 10 THEN 'Hold' 
WHEN 11 THEN 'Active' 
WHEN 12 THEN 'Paused' 
WHEN 13 THEN 'Interrupted' 
WHEN 14 THEN 'Not Active' 
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, Agent_State_Trace.AgentState) 

Logout Reason

The reason why an agent logged out.

Derived from:

CASE WHEN Agent_State_Trace.EventName=2 THEN 
  (SELECT ReasonText FROM Reason_Code WHERE Deleted='N' and ReasonCode=Agent_State_Trace.ReasonCode)
    ELSE 'None' 

Not Ready Reason

The reason why an agent is in a Not Ready state.

Derived from:

CASE WHEN Agent_State_Trace.EventName=3 THEN 
   SELECT ReasonText FROM Reason_Code WHERE Deleted='N' and ReasonCode=Agent_State_Trace.ReasonCode)
    ELSE 'None' 


The enterprise name for the Domain.

Derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName


The direction of the task.

Derived from:

CASE WHEN Agent_State_Trace.Direction=1 THEN 'In'
WHEN Agent_State_Trace.Direction=2 THEN 'Out'
WHEN Agent_State_Trace.Direction=3 THEN 'Other'
   ELSE 'None'

Peripheral Call Key

The key assigned by the peripheral to the task associated with the event.

Derived from: ISNULL(Agent_State_Trace.PeripheralCallKey,0)

Router Call Key

This field is not set for tasks.

Derived from: ISNULL(Agent_State_Trace.RouterCallKey,0)

Router Call Key Day

This field is not set for tasks.

Derived from: ISNULL(Agent_State_Trace.RouterCallKeyDay,0) in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

Router Call Key Sequence Number

This field is not set for tasks.

Derived from: ISNULL(Agent_State_Tra ce.RouterCallKeySequenceNumber,0)

Agent Team Not Ready Historical

The Agent Team Not Ready Historical Report shows the total staffed time, total Not Ready time, and Not Ready time for each reason code for all agents in an agent group.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Team Not Ready Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Team Name, then by Agent Name, and then by Date and Time at every interval.

Value List: AgentTeam

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Person

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Event_Detail

Current Fields in the Agent Team Not Ready Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team Name

The Enterprise Name of the agent team.

Derived from: Agent_Team. EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The first and last name of the agent.

Derived from Person. LastName ", " Person. FirstName


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. DateTime

Logged On Time

The total time that the agents were logged in (staffed) for the specified time period in any split/skill, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. LoggedOnTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. Value taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval. NotReadyTime

Time in

RC0 to RC9

The time that the agent spent in Not Ready state with each of the reason codes 0 - 9.

Derived from: Agent_Event_Detail


Not Ready Time spent in 50002; a CTI OS component failed, causing the agent to be logged out. This could be due to closing the agent desktop application, heartbeat timeout, a CTI OS Server failure, or a CTI OS failure.


Not Ready Time spent in 50003; the agent was logged out because the Unified CM reported the agent's device as out of service.


Not Ready Time spent in 50004; the agent was logged out due to agent inactivity as configured in agent desk settings.


Not Ready Time spent in 50010; the agent did not receive multiple consecutive tasks routed to him/her. The system makes the agent Not Ready automatically so that additional tasks are not routed to the agent. By default, the number of consecutive tasks missed before the agent is made Not Ready is two.


Not Ready Time spent in 50020; for deskilling operations on active agents, the agent was logged out of the skill group due to a deskilling operation that removed the skill group assignment to that agent. This reason code is used in the Agent_Event_Detail record and the Agent_Skill_Group_Logout record to identify the skill group the agent was removed from (due to the deskilling operation).


Not Ready Time spent in 50030; the agent was logged out because the agent was logged into a dynamic device target that was using the same dialed number (DN) as the PG static device target.


Not Ready Time spent in 50040; the mobile agent was logged out because the task failed.


Not Ready Time spent in 50041; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready because the task failed when the agent's phone line rings busy.


Not Ready Time spent in 50042; the mobile agent was logged out because the phone line is connected when using nailed connection mode.


Not Ready Time spent in 32767; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready because the agent did not answer a task and the task was redirected to a different agent or skill group.


Not Ready Time spent in 20001; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready and the agent was forcibly logged out.


Not Ready Time spent in 20002; the normal logout reason code condition from Not Ready.


Not Ready Time spent in 20003; the agent is not in Not Ready state. A request is made to place the agent in Not Ready state and then a logout request is made to log the agent out.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.