Schedule Report

Schedule Report

Campaign Manager Schedule Report page provides an interface for sending out periodical reports by email to appropriate personnel in a contact center.

Click Schedule Report in the Menu pane on the left. The page displays a list of reports that have been scheduled for delivery.

The grid displays the following information:

  • Name: The name of the specific schedule for sending out reports.

  • Frequency: The frequency at which the reports are scheduled to be sent out.

  • Report Name: The report that is sent out as configured in this schedule.

  • Report Time: The time at which the report is to be sent out to the recipient

  • Activate: Activate the switch to ON to send out reports, turn OFF to stop sending out reports.

  • Actions: Use buttons to edit a schedule or delete a schedule.

You can use the Search box to search for any specific schedule that matches the pattern you enter here.

To add a new schedule, click the Schedule Report FAB.

The Schedule Report screen, shown in the next illustration, opens for you to create a new schedule.

To create a schedule:

  1. Enter a Name for this schedule.

  2. Enter a Description for this schedule.

  3. Select a TimeZone. The data for the scheduled report is taken from this time zone.

  4. From the Report drop-down, select a report to be sent out by email.


    The Contact Attempt Bucket excludes the current day data.

  5. Click ADD. The Report Parameters for the selected report is shown. Complete the report parameters and enter any filter criteria. For more information, see Historical Report Filter Criteria.


    Report Parameters and Filter Criteria can vary from report to report. For more information, see Historical Report Filter Criteria.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Select a Frequency at which you want to generate report. The available options are:

    • Monthly - Report sent out on the first calendar day of every month. The data populated in the report pertains to the immediate preceding calendar month.


      The first report is sent on successful saving of the schedule; thereafter on the first calendar day of every month.

    • Weekly - Report sent out every week on the selected day. Select an appropriate day to send out the report. You can select only one day. The data populated in the report pertains to the immediate preceding seven days. For example, if you select Wednesday as the report dispatch date, the data from the previous Wednesday 00.00 hours to Tuesday 23.59 hours is populated in the report.

    • Specific Days - Report sent out on specific days of the week. Select check boxes for the appropriate day(s) to send out this report. Multiple selections are allowed. The data populated is for the specific day, up to the Report Time selected. For example, if you select Monday and Report Time as 18.00 hours, the report contains data from 00.00 hours on Monday to 18.00 hours on Monday.

    • Daily - Report sent out every day. The data in the report is from midnight onwards till the Report Time, every day.


      On selecting a Frequency, the application presents information about the duration of data that is populated in the report.

  8. From the time panel, select the Report Time - the time at which the report has to be sent out.

  9. Enter one or more email addresses to send out the report to - separate each email address with a comma.

  10. Click Save.

The saved schedule now appears on the Schedule Page. The application sends out reports as scheduled.