Phone Configuration Settings

This chapter contains settings that you configure when you add and update phones (or VPT phone templates). After you become familiar with how the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool works, consider printing this chapter to use as a reference. This chapter contains information on the following topics:

VPT Phone Template and Phone Pages

Considerations for Phone Settings

Phone Parameters

Basic Phone Settings

Advanced Phone Settings

Basic Line Configuration Settings for Phones

Advanced Line Configuration Settings for Phones

Bulk Provisioning

Phone Settings for Bulk Provisioning

Line Settings for Phone Bulk Provisioning

Considerations for Phone Settings

Consider the following information before you review the phone configuration settings:

Most settings in the tables are considered optional; that is, you do not need to configure them to add or update a phone (or phone template).

For required settings, an asterisk (*) displays next to the setting in the GUI.

For templates, you can leave most fields blank; enter partial data (for example, half of a MAC address); or specify the exact information as you want it to display for individual phones.

Because some settings do not display in the GUI when you add a phone or update a phone, the order in the tables may not reflect the order of the settings in the GUI. This document does not distinguish the settings for additions or modifications; if the setting does not display on the page, you cannot configure it.

Phone Parameters

The parameters in Table 12-1 allow you to specify the phone model that you want to configure and the applicable Cisco CallManager product system for the phone. Use Table 12-1 in conjunction with the following sections:

Template Pages

Adding a VPT Phone or Device Profile Template

Updating a VPT Phone or Device Profile Template

Phone Pages

Adding a Single Phone or Device Profile, page 4-2

Updating a Single Phone or Device Profile, page 4-3

Updating Multiple Phones or Device Profiles at the Same Time, page 4-4

Table 12-1 Phone Parameters 

Template Pages

Template Name

Enter a maximum of 255 characters to create a unique template name.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool validates that the template name does not exist in the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool database. If the name exists, the GUI displays an error message.

Template Description

Enter a maximum of 255 characters to describe the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template.

Phone System

From the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco CallManager that you want to associate with the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool phone template.

Device Class

From the drop-down list box, choose the type of Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template that you want to create. To create a phone template, choose Phone.

Device Type

From the drop-down list box, choose the phone model for which you want to create the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template.

Because all phones do not support the same features, the phone model that you choose determines the settings that display for the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template.

Phone Pages

VPT Phone Template

If you want to do so, choose a Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template to apply the template settings to the device.

Phone System

From the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco CallManager that you want to associate with the phone.

Device Class

From the drop-down list box, choose Phone.

Device Type

From the drop-down list box, choose the phone model that you want to configure.

Because all phones do not support the same features, the phone model that you choose determines the settings that display in the GUI.

Basic Phone Settings

Use Table 12-2 in conjunction with the following sections:

Template Pages

Adding a VPT Phone or Device Profile Template

Updating a VPT Phone or Device Profile Template

Phone Pages

Adding a Single Phone or Device Profile, page 4-2

Updating a Single Phone or Device Profile, page 4-3

Updating Multiple Phones or Device Profiles at the Same Time, page 4-4

Table 12-2 Basic Phone Settings 


MAC Address

Enter the Media Access Control (MAC) address that identifies Cisco IP Phones (hardware phones only). Make sure that the value comprises 12 hexadecimal characters.

To access your MAC address on the phone, see the Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide that supports the version of Cisco CallManager that runs in the cluster.


Identify the purpose of the device. You can enter the user name (such as John Smith) or the phone location (such as Lobby) in this field.

Device Pool

Choose the device pool to which you want this phone assigned. The device pool defines sets of common characteristics for devices, such as region, date/time group, softkey template, and MLPP information.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Phone Button Template

Choose the appropriate phone button template, which is required for line configuration in the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool. The phone button template determines the configuration of buttons on a phone and identifies which feature (line, speed dial, and so on) is used for each button.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Calling Search Space

From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate calling search space (CSS). A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched to determine how a dialed number should be routed. The calling search space for the device and the calling search space for the directory number are used together. The directory number CSS takes precedence over the device CSS.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

AAR Calling Search Space

Choose the appropriate calling search space for the device to use when it performs automated alternate routing (AAR). The AAR calling search space specifies the collection of route partitions that are searched to determine how to route a collected (originating) number that is otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Enable Extension Mobility Feature

Check this check box if this phone supports extension mobility.

Log Out Profile

This field specifies the device profile that the device uses when no one is logged into the device by using Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility. Choose an option from the drop-down selection box. Options include Use Current Device Settings and Select a User Device Profile. When you choose Select a User Device Profile, a configuration window displays for you to choose the user device profile that was already configured.

Display (Internal Caller ID)

Leave this field blank to have Cisco CallManager display the extension.

To have the system display a name, enter a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. Typically, use the user name or the directory number (if using the directory number, the person receiving the call may not see the proper identity of the caller).

Apply to All Lines

Click this button to ensure that the information in the Display (Internal Caller ID) field applies to all lines (directory numbers) that you configure for this device.

Certificate Operation

From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options if you want to use certificates in the phones:

No Pending Operation—Displays when no certificate operation is occurring (default setting).

Install/Upgrade—Installs a new or upgrades an existing locally significant certificate in the phone.

Delete—Deletes the locally significant certificate that exists in the phone.

Troubleshoot—Retrieves the locally significant certificate (LSC) or the manufacture installed certificate (MIC), so you can view the certificate credentials in the CAPF trace file. If both certificate types exist in the phone, Cisco CallManager creates two trace files, one for each certificate type.

By choosing the Troubleshooting option, you can verify that a LSC or MIC exists in the phone.

Authentication Mode

This field allows you to choose the method in which you want the phone to authenticate with CAPF. Use this field if you want to install/upgrade, delete, or troubleshoot a locally significant certificate or authenticate by a manufacture installed certificate. From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options:

By Authentication String

By Null String

By Existing Certificate (Precedence to LSC)

By Existing Certificate (Precedence to MIC)

Tip The Cisco CallManager Security Guide provides details and caveats for these settings. See that document before you configure the authentication mode.

Authentication String

If you chose the By Authentication String option in the Authentication Mode drop-down list box, this field applies. Manually enter a string that can only be used once. Ensure that the string contains 4 to 10 digits.

To install, upgrade, delete, or troubleshoot a locally significant certificate, the phone user or administrator must enter the authentication string on the phone.

Key Size (bits)

From the drop-down list box, choose the key size for the certificate. The default setting equals 1024. Other options include 512 and 2048.

Operation Completes by**

This field, which supports the all options for the Certificate Operations setting, specifies the date and time in which you must complete the operation.

The values that display are for the publisher database server.

Certificate Operation Status

This field displays the progress of the certificate operation, for example, <operation type> pending, failed, or successful, where operating type equals the Install/Upgrade, Delete, or Troubleshoot Certificate Operation options. You cannot change the information that displays in this field.

Advanced Phone Settings

Use Table 12-3 in conjunction with the following sections:

Template Pages

Adding a VPT Phone or Device Profile Template

Updating a VPT Phone or Device Profile Template

Phone Pages

Adding a Single Phone or Device Profile, page 4-2

Updating a Single Phone or Device Profile, page 4-3

Updating Multiple Phones or Device Profiles at the Same Time, page 4-4

Table 12-3 Advanced Phone Configuration Settings 


Owner User ID

Enter the user ID of the person who is assigned to this phone. The user ID is recorded in the call detail record (CDR) for calls that are made from this device.

Note Do not configure this field if you are using extension mobility because it does not support device owners.

Media Resource Group List

Choose the appropriate Media Resource Group List. A Media Resource Group List comprises a prioritized grouping of media resource groups. An application chooses the required media resource, such as a Music On Hold server, from the available media resources according to the priority order that is defined in a Media Resource Group List.

If you do not choose an option, Cisco CallManager uses the Media Resource Group that is defined in the device pool.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Network Hold Audio Source

To specify the audio source that is played when the network initiates a hold action, choose an audio source from the drop-down list box. If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco CallManager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

User Hold Audio Source

To specify the audio source that plays when a user puts the call on hold, choose an audio source from the list that displays. If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco CallManager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.


Choose the appropriate location for this Cisco IP Phone. The location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and from this location. A location setting of Not Selected indicates that the location feature does not track the bandwidth that the Cisco IP Phone consumes.

Before options other than the default setting display in the drop-down list box, you must configure the setting in Cisco CallManager Administration. For information on how to perform this task, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only)

From the drop-down list box, choose Enabled to configure call display restrictions on a call-by-call basis. When you enable this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls.

Use this configuration in combination with the callingline ID presentation and connected line ID presentation configuration at the translation pattern level. Together, these settings allow you to configure call display restrictions to selectively present or block calling and/or connected line display information for each call. For information on how configure translation patterns, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Network Locale

From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone. The network locale contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phone in a specific geographic area uses.

If no network locale is specified, Cisco CallManager uses the network locale that is associated with the device pool.

If country-specific tones must play on the phone, verify that the locale is installed before configuring the network locale. See the Cisco IP telephony locale installer documentation.

User Locale

From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font.

Cisco CallManager makes this field available only for phone models that support localization.

If no user locale is specified, Cisco CallManager uses the user locale that is associated with the device pool.

If the users require information to be displayed on the phone in any language other than English, verify that the locale installer is installed before configuring user locale. See the Cisco IP telephony locale installer documentation.

Built In Bridge

Enable or disable the built-in conference bridge for the barge feature by using the Built In Bridge drop-down list box (choose On, Off, or Default). For more configuration information, see the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

Device Security Mode

Use this setting to configure security for the phone. From the drop-down list box, choose the mode that you want to set for the device:

Use System Default—The phone uses the value that you specified for the enterprise parameter, Device Security Mode.

Non-secure—No security features exist for the phone. A TCP connection opens to Cisco CallManager.

Authenticated—Cisco CallManager provides integrity and authentication for the phone. A TLS connection using NULL/SHA opens.

Encrypted—Cisco CallManager provides integrity, authentication, and encryption for the phone. A TLS connection using AES128/SHA opens.

Signal Packet Capture Mode

This setting exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high CPU usage or call-processing interruptions. Choose one of the following options from the drop-down list box:

Real-Time Mode—Cisco CallManager sends decrypted or nonencrypted messages over a secure channel to analyzing devices. A TLS connection opens between Cisco CallManager and the TAC debugging tool. After authentication occurs, Cisco CallManager sends the SCCP messages to all connected real-time debugging tools; this action occurs only for the chosen devices where you configured packet capturing.

This mode eliminates sniffing over the network.

Batch Processing Mode—Cisco CallManager writes the decrypted or nonencrypted messages to file, and the system encrypts each file. On a daily basis, the system creates a new file with a new encryption key. Cisco CallManager, which stores the file for seven days, also stores the keys that encrypt the file in a secure location. Cisco CallManager stores the file in C:\Program Files\Cisco\PktCap. A single file contains the time stamp, source IP address, destination IP address, SCCP message length, and the SCCP message. The debugging tool uses HTTPS, administrator username and password, and the specified day to request a single encrypted file that contains the captured packets. Likewise, the tool requests the key information to decrypt the encrypted compressed file.

Tip For more information on these options, see the Cisco CallManager Security Guide.

Packet Capture Duration

This setting, which works in conjunction with the Signal Packet Capture mode setting, exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high CPU usage or call-processing interruptions.

This field specifies the maximum number of minutes that is allotted for one session of packet capturing. The default setting equals 60.


For each phone that wants Privacy, choose On in the Privacy drop-down list box. For more information, see the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

Retry Video Call as Audio

This check box applies only to video endpoints that receive a call. If this phone receives a call that does not connect as video, the call tries to connect as an audio call.

By default, the system checks this check box to specify that this device should immediately retry a video call as an audio call (if it cannot connect as a video call) prior to sending the call to call control for rerouting.

If you uncheck this check box, a video call that fails to connect as video does not try to establish as an audio call. The call then fails to call control, and call control routes the call via Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) and/or route/hunt list.

Softkey Template

Choose the appropriate softkey template. The softkey template determines the configuration of the softkeys on Cisco IP Phones. Leave this field blank if the device pool contains the assigned softkey template.

Module 1

Choose the appropriate expansion module or none.

Module 2

Choose the appropriate expansion module or none.

Phone Load Name

Enter the custom software firmware load for the Cisco IP Phone.

The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. For more information on device default values, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

Module 1 Load Name

Enter the custom software for the appropriate expansion module, if applicable.

The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. Ensure the firmware load matches the module load.

Module 2 Load Name

Enter the custom software for the second expansion module, if applicable.

The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. Ensure the firmware load matches the module load.


Enter the location (URL) of the help text for the information (i) button. To accept the default setting, do not change the text.


Enter the location (URL) for Cisco IP Phone Services. To accept the default setting, do not change the text.


Enter the server from which the phone obtains directory information.To accept the default setting, do not change the text.

Authentication Server

Enter the URL that the phone uses to validate requests that are made to the phone web server. If you do not provide an authentication URL, the advanced features on the Cisco IP Phone that require authentication do not function.

By default, this URL accesses a Cisco IP Phone User Options page that was configured during the Cisco CallManager installation.

To accept the default setting, do not change the text.


Leave this field blank (not used by Cisco CallManager).

Proxy Server

Enter the host and port (for example, that are used to proxy HTTP requests for access to non-local host addresses from the phone HTTP client.

If the phone receives a URL such as in a service and the phone is not configured in the domain, the phone uses the proxy server to access the URL. If the phone is configured in domain, the phone accesses the URL without using the proxy because the phone is in the same domain as the URL.

If you do not configure this URL, the phone attempts to connect directly to the URL.

Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.


Enter the URL that displays on the Cisco IP Phone display when the phone has not been used for the time that is specified in the Idle Timer field. For example, you can display a logo on the LCD when the phone has not been used for 5 minutes.

Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.

Idle Timer (seconds)

Enter the time (in seconds) that you want to elapse before the URL that is specified in the Idle field displays.

Leave this field blank to accept the value of the Idle URL Timer enterprise parameter in Cisco CallManager Administration.

MLPP Domain (e.g., "0000FF")

Enter a hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFFFF for the MLPP domain that is associated with this device. If you leave this field blank, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value set from the device pool that is configured for the phone. If the device pool does not have an MLPP domain setting, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value set for the MLPP Domain Identifier enterprise parameter.

MLPP Indication

If available, this setting specifies whether a device that supports precedence tones will play the tones when it places an MLPP precedence call.

Choose one of the following options to assign to this device:

Default—This device inherits its MLPP indication setting from its device pool.

Off—This device does not handle nor process indication of an MLPP precedence call.

On—This device does handle and process indication of an MLPP precedence call.

Note Do not configure a device with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.

Note Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter, device pool, or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device.

MLPP Preemption

This setting specifies whether a device that supports preempting calls in progress will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call.

Choose one of the following options:

Default—This device inherits its MLPP preemption setting from its device pool.

Disabled—This device does not allow preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls.

Forceful—This device allows preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls.

Note Do not configure a device with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.

Disable Speakerphone

This setting disable only the speakerphone functionality. Disabling speakerphone functionality will not affect the headset. You can use lines and speed dials with headset/handset.

The default setting equals Off.

Disable Speakerphone and Headset

This setting disables all speakerphone functions and headset microphone.

The default setting equals Off.

Forwarding Delay

This setting indicates whether the internal switch begins forwarding packets between the PC port and switched port on your phone when your phone becomes active. When you set forwarding delay to Disabled, the internal switch begins forwarding packets immediately. When you set forwarding delay to Enabled, the internal switch waits 8 seconds before forwarding packets between the PC port and the SW port. Set Forwarding Delay to Enabled when you connect both ports to switches for redundant uplinks or when you daisy chain phones together.

The default setting equals Disabled.

Settings Access

This setting indicates whether the Settings button on the phone is functional. When you enable Settings Access, you can change the phone network configuration, ring type, and volume on the phone. When you disable Settings Access, the Settings button is completely disabled; no options appear when you press the button. Also, you cannot adjust the ringer volume or save any volume settings. When Settings Access is restricted, you can only access User Preferences and volume settings. By default, Settings Access is enabled.

PC Port

This setting indicates whether the PC port on the phone is enabled or disabled. The port labeled "10/100 PC" on the back of the phone connects a PC or workstation to the phone so they can share a single network connection.

The default setting equals Enabled.

PC Voice VLAN Access

This setting indicates whether the phone allows a device attached to the PC port to access the Voice VLAN. Disabling this setting prevents the attached PC from sending and receiving data on the Voice VLAN. It will also prevent the PC from receiving data sent and received by the phone. Enable this setting if an application is being run on the PC that requires monitoring of the phones traffic; for example. monitoring and recording applications and network monitoring software for analysis purposes.

The default setting equals Enabled.

Gratuitous ARP

This setting indicates whether the phone will learn MAC addresses from Gratuitous ARP responses. Disabling the phone's ability to accept Gratuitous ARP prevent s voice-stream monitoring and recording applications from working. If you do not need to monitor voice streams, set the setting to Disabled.

The default setting equals Enabled.

Video Capabilities

When enabled, this setting indicates that the phone participates in video calls when connected to a PC that is equipped for video calls.

The default setting equals Disabled.

Auto Line Select

When enabled, this setting indicates that the phone shifts the call focus to incoming calls on all lines. When disabled, the phone only shifts the focus to incoming calls on the currently used line.

The default setting equals Disabled.

Web Access

This parameter indicates whether the phone accepts connections from a web browser or other HTTP client. Disabling the web server functionality of the phone blocks access to the phones internal web pages. These pages provide statistics and configuration information. Features, such as QRT (Quality Report Tool), do not function properly without access to the phones web pages. This setting also affects any serviceability application that relies on web access; CiscoWorks2000.

The default setting equals Enabled.

Display On Time

This field indicates the time of day the display is to automatically turn itself on for days listed in the off schedule. Enter the value by using a 24 hour format where 0:00 is the beginning of the day and 23:59 is the end of the day. Leaving this field blank activates the display at the beginning of the day; that is, 0:00. To set the display to turn on at 7:00AM, enter 07:00. To turn the display on at 2:00PM, enter 14:00 without the quotes.

The default equals 07:30. The maximum length of characters equals 5.

Display On Duration

This field indicates the amount of time the display is to be active when it is turned on. No value indicates the end of the day. Maximum value equals 24 hours. Enter a value that exists in free form hours and minutes; for example, 1:30 activates the display for one hour and 30 minutes.

The default setting equals 10:30. The maximum length of characters equals 5.

Display Idle Timeout

This field indicates how long to wait before the display is turned off after it is turned on by user interaction. This inactivity timer continually resets during user activity. Leaving this field blank makes the phone use a predetermined default value of one hour. Maximum value equals 24 hours. Enter a value that exists in free form hours and minutes; for example, 1:30 turns off the display after one hour and 30 minutes of inactivity.

The default setting equals 01:00. The maximum length of characters equals 5.

Days Display Not Active

This field allows the user to specify the days that the backlight is to remain off by default. Typically this would be Saturday and Sunday for US corporate customers. The list contains all of the days of the week.

The default setting equals Sunday.

Span to PC Port

This setting indicates whether the phone forwards packets transmitted and received on the Phone Port to the PC Port. Choose Enabled if an application is being run on the PC Port that requires monitoring of the IP Phone's traffic; for example, a monitoring and recording applications (common in call center environments) or network packet capture tools used for diagnostic purposes. To use this feature, you must enable the PC Voice VLAN access setting.

The default setting equals Disabled.

The Following Settings Support Cisco IP Communicator Only

IP Address Autodetection URL

Enter a fully-qualified URL so that other phones can detect the Cisco IP Communicator's address. Consider this setting required for compatibility with NATs, non-Cisco VPN clients, and other similar network topologies. To use this option, you must first install and configure an address detection web page.

RTP Port Range Start

This setting specifies the lowest port number to use for transmitting and receiving RTP audio packets, expressed in decimal notation. This option proves useful for compatibility with NATs, firewalls, and other network topologies that require applications to use a well known set of ports. If no port is specified, the default value of 24576 (0x6000) is used.

The minimum value equals 1. The maximum value equals 65535.

RTP Port Range End

This setting specifies the highest port number to use for transmitting and receiving RTP audio packets, expressed in decimal notation. This option is useful for compatibility with NATs, firewalls, and other network topologies that require applications to use a well-known set of ports. If no port is specified, the default value of 32768 (0x8000) is used.

The minimum value equals 1. The maximum value equals 65535.

LDAP Server Information File

This setting specifies the location of the LDAP server information file on the TFTP server. (If unspecified, the default equals Communicator/LdapServers.xml.) This file contains a list of LDAP directories for use in directory dialing as described in the Cisco IP Communicator Administration Guide.

Verify Software Versions

The setting indicates whether the Cisco IP Communicator application verifies the authenticity and completeness of its installed software components when it is upgraded or started. If this option is set to On Upgrade (the default), the application launches quickly but does not automatically repair itself if any of its files are deleted or modified by the user. If this option is set to At Startup, the application launches slowly but detects and repairs most modifications or a corruption.

The default setting equals On Upgrade.

Basic Line Configuration Settings for Phones

Use Table 12-4 in conjunction with the following sections:

Phone Pages

Configuring a Line, page 4-9

Adding a Line, page 4-9

Updating a Line, page 4-10

Configuring a Shared Line Between Devices, page 4-11

Updating a Shared Line, page 4-13

Table 12-4 Basic Line Configuration Settings 


Directory Number

Enter a phone number that can be dialed. Values can include numeric characters and route pattern wildcards and special characters except for (.) and (@).

Note When a pattern is used as a directory number, the display on the phone and the caller ID that display on the dialed phone will both contain characters other than digits. To avoid this, we recommend that you provide a value for Display (Internal Caller ID), Line text label, and External phone number mask.

The directory number that you enter can appear in more than one partition. However, if a JTAPI or TAPI application controls or monitors a device, you should not configure multiple instances of the same DN (with different partitions) on that device.

Tip You cannot configure this setting for VPT phone templates.


Choose the partition where the directory number belongs. Make sure that the directory number that you enter in the Directory Number field is unique within the partition that you choose, unless you want to configure a shared line. If you do not want to restrict access to the directory number, choose <None> for the partition.

Tip If the directory number is not unique within the partition, a message states that the line is already used by another phone. If you specify that you want to continue to use it, the line becomes a shared line.

You can configure the number of partitions that display in this drop-down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter in Cisco CallManager Administration. In Cisco CallManager Administration, if more partitions exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the ellipsis button (...) displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List Items Where Name Contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.

Tip You cannot configure this setting for VPT phone templates.

Voice Mail Profile

Choose from list of Voice Mail Profiles that are defined on the Voice Mail Profile Configuration page in Cisco CallManager Administration. The first option specifies <None>, which is the current default Voice Mail Profile that is configured in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration.

Calling Search Space

From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate calling search space. A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched for numbers that are called from this directory number. The value that you choose applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

Changes result in an update of the numbers that are listed in the Call Pickup Group field.

You can configure calling search space for Forward All, Forward Busy, Forward No Answer, and Forward on Failure directory numbers. The value that you choose applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

If you set the Forward All Calling Search Space field to <None>, Cisco CallManager uses the calling search spaces of the line and the phone when the user forwards calls by using the Cisco IP Phone User Options Pages or the CFwdAll softkey on the phone. If you want to restrict users from forwarding calls on their phones, you must choose a restrictive calling search space from the Forward All Calling Search Space field; for example, you have two calling search spaces: Building and PSTN. The Building calling search space only allows users to call within the building, while the PSTN calling search space allows users to call within and outside the building. You assign the phone to the Building calling search space and the line on your phone to the PSTN calling search space. If you set the Call Forward All calling search space to <None>, Cisco CallManager can forward calls to any number within the PSTN or building calling search spaces. To prevent the user from forwarding calls to numbers outside the building, set the Call Forward All calling search space to Building.

Forward All

The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for calls to this directory number if the directory number is set to forward all calls.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

Coverage/Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which all calls are forwarded. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

Forward Busy Internal

The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for internal calls to this directory number if the directory number is busy.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window for internal calls.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

Coverage/Destination—Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

Forward Busy External

The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for external calls to this directory number if the directory number is busy.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window for external calls.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

When the Voice Mail check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

Coverage/Destination—Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

Forward No Answer Internal

The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for internal calls to this directory number if the directory number does not answer.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

Coverage/Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which an internal call is forwarded when the call is not answered. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

Forward No Answer External

The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for external calls to this directory number if the directory number does not answer.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

Coverage/Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which an external call is forwarded when the call is not answered. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

Forward No Coverage Internal

This field applies only to CTI route points and CTI ports. The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for internal calls to this CTI route point or CTI port if the CTI route point or CTI port has no coverage.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space. When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

Coverage/Destination—This setting specifies the directory number to which an internal nonconnected call is forwarded when an application that controls that directory number fails. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space for external calls.

Forward No Coverage External

This field applies only to CTI route points and CTI ports. The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for external calls to this CTI route point or CTI port if the CTI route point or CTI port has no coverage.

Specify the following values:

Voice Mail—Check this check box to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space. When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

Coverage/Destination—This setting specifies the directory number to which an internal nonconnected call is forwarded when an application that controls that directory number fails. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space for external calls.

Advanced Line Configuration Settings for Phones

Table 12-5 describes the advanced line configuration settings. Use Table 12-5 in conjunction with the following sections:

Configuring a Line, page 4-9

Adding a Line, page 4-9

Updating a Line, page 4-10

Configuring a Shared Line Between Devices, page 4-11

Updating a Shared Line, page 4-13

Table 12-5 Advanced Line Configuration Settings 


User Hold Audio Source

Choose the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action.

Network Hold Audio Source

Choose the audio source that plays when the network initiates a hold action.

AAR Group

Choose the automated alternate routing (AAR) group for this device. The AAR group provides the prefix digits that are used to route calls that are otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth. An AAR group setting of None specifies that Cisco CallManager will not attempt rerouting of blocked calls.

Auto Answer

Choose one of the following options to activate the Auto Answer feature for this directory number:

Auto Answer Off <Default>

Auto Answer with Headset

Auto Answer with Speakerphone (Intercom)

Note Make sure that the headset or speakerphone is not disabled when you choose Auto Answer with headset or Auto Answer with speakerphone.

Note Do not configure Auto Answer for devices that have shared lines.

No Answer Ring Duration (seconds)

Used in conjunction with Call Forward No Answer Destination, this field sets the timer for how long the phone will ring before it is forwarded. Leave this setting blank to use the value that is set in the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Forward No Answer Timer.

Caution By default, Cisco CallManager makes the time for the T301 timer longer than the No Answer Ring Duration time; if the set time for the T301 timer expires before the set time for the No Answer Ring Duration expires, the call ends, and no call forwarding can occur. If you want to do so, you can configure the time for the No Answer Ring Duration to be greater than the time for the T301 timer. For more information on the T301 timer for the Cisco CallManager service, click the i button that displays on the Service Parameter page in Cisco CallManager Administration.

Call Pickup Group

Choose the number that can be dialed to answer calls to this directory number (in the specified partition).

MLPP Target

Enter the number to which MLPP precedence calls should be directed if this directory number receives a precedence call and neither this number nor its call-forward destination answers the precedence call.

Values can include numeric characters and octothorpe (#) and asterisk (*).

Calling Search Space

From the drop-down list box, choose the calling search space to associate with the alternate party target (destination) number.

MLPP No Answer Ring Duration (seconds)

Enter the number of seconds (between 4 and 60) after which an MLPP precedence call will be directed to this directory number's alternate party if this directory number and its call-forwarding destination have not answered the precedence call.

Leave this setting blank to use the value that is set in the Cisco CallManager enterprise parameter, Precedence Alternate Party Timeout.

Alerting Name

Enter a name that you want to display on the phone of the caller. This setting, which supports the Identification Services for the QSIG protocol, applies to shared and nonshared directory numbers. If you configure an alerting name for a directory number with shared-line appearances, when the phone rings at the terminating PINX, the system performs the following tasks:

Forwards the name of the caller that is assigned to the directory number.

Applies the Connected Name Restrictions (CONR) that are configured for the translation pattern (if restrictions exist); the originating PINX may modify the CONR, depending on the route pattern configuration.

If you do not configure an alerting name, "Name Not Available" may display on the caller phone. If you do not enter a name for the Display (Internal Caller ID) field, the information in the Alerting Name field displays in the Display (Internal Caller ID) field.

Display (Internal Caller ID)

Leave this field blank to have the system display the extension.

To have the system display a name, enter a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. Typically, use the user name or the directory number (if using the directory number, the person receiving the call may not see the proper identity of the caller).

Line Text Label

Use this field only if you do not want the directory number to show on the line appearance. Enter text that identifies this directory number for a line/phone combination.

Suggested entries include boss's name, department's name, or other appropriate information to identify multiple directory numbers to secretary/assistant who monitors multiple directory numbers.

External Phone Number Mask

Enter the phone number (or mask) that is used to send Caller ID information when a call is placed from this line.

You can enter a maximum of 24 number and "X" characters. The Xs represent the directory number and must appear at the end of the pattern. For example, if you specify a mask of 972813XXXX, an external call from extension 1234 displays a caller ID number of 9728131234.

Message Waiting Lamp Policy

Use this field to configure the handset lamp illumination policy. Choose one of the following options:

Use System Policy (The directory number refers to the service parameter, Message Waiting Lamp Policy.)

Light and Prompt

Prompt Only

Light Only


Ring Setting (Phone Idle)

Use this field to configure the ring setting for the line appearance when an incoming call is received and no other active calls exist on that device. Choose one of the following options:

Use system default


Flash only

Ring once


Note Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter, device pool, or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device.

Ring Setting (Phone Active)

From the drop-down list box, choose the ring setting that is used when this phone has another active call on a different line. Choose one of the following options:

Use system default


Flash only

Ring once


Beep only

Note Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter, device pool, or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device.

Maximum Number of Calls (1-200)

You can configure up to 200 calls for a line on a device, with the limiting factor being the total number of calls that are configured on the device. As you configure the number of calls for one line, the calls that are available for another line decrease.

The default specifies 4. If the phone does not allow multiple calls for each line, the default specifies 2.

For CTI route points, you can configure up to 10,000 calls for each port. The default specifies 5000 calls. Use this field in conjunction with the Busy Trigger field.

Tip To review how this setting works for devices with shared line appearances, see the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Busy Trigger (<=Max. calls)

This setting, which works in conjunction with Maximum Number of Calls and Call Forward Busy, determines the maximum number of calls to be presented on the line. If maximum number of calls is set for 50 and the busy trigger is set to 40, then incoming call 41 is rejected with a busy cause (and will be forwarded if Call Forward Busy is set). If this line is shared, all the lines must be busy before incoming calls are rejected.

The default specifies 2 calls.

Use this field in conjunction with Maximum Number of Calls for CTI route points.

Tip To review how this setting works for devices with shared line appearances, see the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Caller Name

Checking this check box will cause the caller name to display upon call forward.

Redirected Number

Checking this check box will cause the number that was redirected to display upon call forward.

Caller Number

Checking this check box will cause the caller number to display upon call forward.

Dialed Number

Checking this check box will cause the original dialed number to display upon call forward.

Phone Settings for Bulk Provisioning

Table 12-6 describes the phone settings that you may use when you create or modify a CSV file during an add or modify bulk operation. Use Table 12-6 in conjunction with the following sections:

Overview of the Comma Separated Value (CSV) File, page 8-5

Overview of Bulk Import Operations, page 8-2

Importing Phones or Device Profiles in Bulk

Modifying Bulk Import Operations for Phones or Device Profiles

Exporting Phones or Device Profiles in Bulk

Modifying Bulk Export Operations for Phones or Device Profiles

Table 12-6 Phone Settings in the CSV File 

Important Notes


Enter the list of product systems that you want to apply to a row of data. You may enter a single system or several systems, each separated by a semicolon (;) in a list.

If you specify a Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template for the vpt_templateName setting, you do not need to specify a product system.


Enter a Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool phone template name.

Configuring this setting is optional if you specify a product system for the vpt_productSystems setting.

If you specify an attribute that exists both in the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template and in the CSV file, the value that you specified in the CSV file takes precedence.

You cannot delete this setting.


You must complete this setting when you add a phone or profile. Enter Phone.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is required.


You must complete this setting when you add a phone or profile. Enter the phone model; for example, Cisco 7902.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is required.


Identify the purpose of the device by entering a partial or complete description. You can enter the user name (such as John Smith) or the phone location (such as Lobby) in this field.

Configuring this setting is optional; you may delete this setting.


Enter the appropriate phone button template, which is required for line configuration in the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool. The phone button template determines the configuration of buttons on a phone and identifies which feature (line, speed dial, and so on) is used for each button.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is required.

You cannot delete this setting.


Because the phone name is always generated from the MAC address, this setting is ignored by the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool during bulk add operations.

When you add a phone, the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool ignores this setting.

When you modify a phone or associate a device, configuring this setting is required; enter the device name by using the format SEP (prefix) followed by the MAC address; for example, SEP123456678912.

You cannot delete this setting.


The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool uses this setting as the required unique identifier for phones during bulk add operations but considers the setting optional for bulk modify operations.

Enter the Media Access Control (MAC) address that identifies Cisco IP Phones (hardware phones only). Make sure that the value comprises 12 hexadecimal characters.

To access your MAC address on the phone, see the Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide that supports the version of Cisco CallManager that runs in the cluster.

When you add a phone, you must configuring this setting.

When you modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

You cannot delete this setting.


Enter the device pool to which you want this phone assigned. The device pool, which is a required setting, defines sets of common characteristics for devices, such as region, date/time group, softkey template, and MLPP information.

When you add a phone, you must configure this setting.

When you modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

You cannot delete this setting.


Enter the appropriate calling search space (CSS). A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched to determine how a dialed number should be routed. The calling search space for the device and the calling search space for the directory number are used together. The directory number CSS takes precedence over the device CSS.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the name of the logout profile that you want to use in conjunction with Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility.

If you configure the special pre-defined value, $ccm_useCurrentDeviceSettings, a logout profile is used based on the current devices settings. This profile is automatically generated as required.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional, unless you enable Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility. If Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility is disabled, this setting is ignored during the bulk operation.


Enter the appropriate calling search space for the device to use when it performs automated alternate routing (AAR). The AAR calling search space specifies the collection of route partitions that are searched to determine how to route a collected (originating) number that is otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter Enabled to turn on Cisco Extension Mobility functionality for the device.

Enter Disabled to turn off Cisco Extension Mobility functionality for the device.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This field specifies the device profile that the device uses when no one is logged into the device by using Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility. Enter the profile that is configured in Cisco CallManager Administration.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a list of Cisco IP Phone subscription names, the display names, that are used for the device. Separate each name by a semicolon.

For example,


Any configuration specified in Cisco CallManager Administration or the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool is overwritten by the list that you specify in the CSV file.

If you enter vpt_clear, the device unsubscribes to all services.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a list of Cisco IP Phone service URLs which correspond to each Cisco IP Phone service. A one-to-one ratio must exist; that is, for each subscribed service entered, a subscribed service URL must be entered. Separate each name by a semicolon.

For example,


When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a list of Cisco IP Phone service names, the actual names not the display names, to which the device is subscribed. Separate each by named by a semicolon.

Any configuration specified in Cisco CallManager Administration or the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool is overwritten by the list that you specify in the CSV file.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the user ID of the person who is assigned to this phone. The user ID is recorded in the call detail record (CDR) for calls that are made from this device.

Note Do not configure this field if you are using extension mobility because it does not support device owners.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the appropriate Media Resource Group List, which comprises a prioritized grouping of media resource groups. An application chooses the required media resource, such as a Music On Hold server, from the available media resources according to the priority order that is defined in a Media Resource Group List.

If you do not enter an option, Cisco CallManager uses the Media Resource Group that is defined in the device pool.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the audio source that specifies the audio that is played when the network puts a call on hold. If you do not enter an audio source, Cisco CallManager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter an audio source that specifies the audio that is played when a user puts a call on hold. If you do not enter an audio source, Cisco CallManager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the appropriate location for this Cisco IP Phone. The location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and from this location. A location setting of Not Selected means that the locations feature does not keep track of the bandwidth that the Cisco IP Phone consumes.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the locale that is associated with the phone. The network locale contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phone in a specific geographic area uses.

If no network locale is specified, Cisco CallManager uses the network locale that is associated with the device pool.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font.

If no user locale is specified, Cisco CallManager uses the user locale that is associated with the device pool.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter Enabled to configure call display restrictions on a call-by-call basis. When you enable this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls.

Use this configuration in combination with the callingline ID presentation and connected line ID presentation configuration at the translation pattern level. Together, these settings allow you to configure call display restrictions to selectively present or block calling and/or connected line display information for each call. For information on how configure translation patterns, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


To enable the built-in conference bridge for the Barge feature, enter On.

To disable the built-in conference bridge for the Barge feature, enter Off.

To use the default setting, enter Default.

For more configuration information, see the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter one of the following options:

Use System Default—The phone uses the value that you specified for the enterprise parameter, Device Security Mode.

Non-secure—No security features exist for the phone. A TCP connection opens to Cisco CallManager.

Authenticated—Cisco CallManager provides integrity and authentication for the phone. A TLS connection using NULL/SHA opens.

Encrypted—Cisco CallManager provides integrity, authentication, and encryption for the phone. A TLS connection using AES128/SHA opens.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high CPU usage or call-processing interruptions.

For more information on the options that you can enter, see the Cisco CallManager Security Guide.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting, which works in conjunction with the Signal Packet Capture mode setting, exists for troubleshooting encryption only; packet capturing may cause high CPU usage or call-processing interruptions. This field specifies the maximum number of minutes that is allotted for one session of packet capturing. The default setting equals 60.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


For each phone where you want to configure privacy, enter On.

To turn off the Privacy feature, enter Off.

If you want to use the default setting, enter Default.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter Enabled if you want a call that cannot connect as video to connect as audio. This check box applies only to video endpoints that receive a call.

If you enter Disabled for this setting, a video call that fails to connect as video does not try to establish as an audio call. Call control routes the call via Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) and/or route/hunt list.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the appropriate softkey template. The softkey template determines the configuration of the softkeys on Cisco IP Phones. Leave this field blank if the device pool contains the assigned softkey template.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the name of the appropriate expansion module. If you want to do so, enter None, which indicates that the phone does not use an expansion module.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the name of the appropriate expansion module. If you want to do so, enter None, which indicates that the phone does not use an expansion module.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the custom software firmware load for the Cisco IP Phone.

The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. For more information on device default values, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the custom software for the appropriate expansion module, if applicable.

The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. Ensure the firmware load matches the module load.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the custom software for the appropriate expansion module, if applicable.

The value that you enter overrides the default value for the current model. Ensure the firmware load matches the module load.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the location (URL) of the help text for the information (i) button.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the location (URL) for Cisco IP Phone Services.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the server from which the phone obtains directory information.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the URL that the phone uses to validate requests that are made to the phone web server. If you do not provide an authentication URL, the advanced features on the Cisco IP Phone that require authentication do not function.

By default, this URL accesses a Cisco IP Phone User Options page that was configured during the Cisco CallManager installation.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Leave this field blank (not used by Cisco CallManager).

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the host and port (for example, that are used to proxy HTTP requests for access to non-local host addresses from the phone HTTP client.

If the phone receives a URL such as in a service and the phone is not configured in the domain, the phone uses the proxy server to access the URL. If the phone is configured in domain, the phone accesses the URL without using the proxy because the phone is in the same domain as the URL.

If you do not configure this URL, the phone attempts to connect directly to the URL.

Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the URL that displays on the Cisco IP Phone display when the phone has not been used for the time that is specified in the Idle Timer field. For example, you can display a logo on the LCD when the phone has not been used for 5 minutes.

Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the time (in seconds) that you want to elapse before the URL that is specified in the Idle field displays.

Leave this field blank to accept the value of the Idle URL Timer enterprise parameter in Cisco CallManager Administration.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter one of the following options if you want to use certificates in the phones:

No Pending Operation—Displays when no certificate operation is occurring. (default setting)

Install/Upgrade—Installs a new or upgrades an existing locally significant certificate in the phone.

Delete—Deletes the locally significant certificate that exists in the phone.

Troubleshoot—Retrieves the locally significant certificate (LSC) or the manufacture installed certificate (MIC), so you can view the certificate credentials in the CAPF trace file. If both certificate types exist in the phone, Cisco CallManager creates two trace files, one for each certificate type.

By choosing the Troubleshooting option, you can verify that a LSC or MIC exists in the phone.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field allows you to choose the method in which you want the phone to authenticate with CAPF. Use this field if you want to install/upgrade, delete, or troubleshoot a locally significant certificate or authenticate by a manufacture installed certificate. Enter one of the following options:

By Authentication String

By Null String

By Existing Certificate (Precedence to LSC)

By Existing Certificate (Precedence to MIC)

Tip Cisco CallManager Security Guide provides details and caveats for these settings. See that document before you configure the authentication mode.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


If you enter By Authentication String option for the Authentication Mode setting, this field applies. Manually enter a unique string thatcontains 4 to 10 digits.

To install, upgrade, delete, or troubleshoot a locally significant certificate, the phone user or administrator must enter the authentication string on the phone.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


From the drop-down list box, choose the key size for the certificate. The default setting equals 1024. Other options include 512 and 2048.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field, which supports all options for the Certificate Operations setting, specifies the date and time in which you must complete the operation.

The values that you enter are for the publisher database server. Use the following formula when you enter the date and time: YYYY:MM:DD:HH, where YYYY equals the year, MM equals the month, DD, equals the day, and HH equals the hour.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFFFF for the MLPP domain that is associated with this device. If you leave this field blank, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value set from the device pool that is configured for the phone. If the device pool does not have an MLPP domain setting, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value set for the MLPP Domain Identifier enterprise parameter.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting specifies whether a device that supports precedence tones will play the tones when it places an MLPP precedence call.

Enter one of the following options to assign to this device:

Default—This device inherits its MLPP indication setting from its device pool.

Off—This device does not handle nor process indication of an MLPP precedence call.

On—This device does handle and process indication of an MLPP precedence call.

Note Do not configure a device with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.

Note Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter, device pool, or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting specifies whether a device that supports preempting calls in progress will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call.

Enter one of the following options:

Default—This device inherits its MLPP preemption setting from its device pool.

Disabled—This device does not allow preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls.

Forceful—This device allows preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls.

Do not configure a device with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to disable the speakerphone functionality. Disabling the speakerphone functionality does not affect the headset. You can use lines and speed dials with headset/handset.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to disable all speakerphone functions and headset microphone.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter Enabled to indicate that the phone will shift the call focus to incoming calls on all lines. Enter Disabled to indicate that the phone will only shift the focus to incoming calls on the currently-used line.

The default setting equals Disabled.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates whether the internal switch begins forwarding packets between the PC port and switched port on your phone when your phone becomes active. When you enter Disabled for this setting, the internal switch begins forwarding packets immediately. When you enter Enabled for this setting, the internal switch waits 8 seconds before forwarding packets between the PC port and the SW port. Set Forwarding Delay to Enabled when you connect both ports to switches for redundant uplinks or when you daisy chain phones together.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Entering Enabled for this setting indicates that the phone participates in video calls when it is connected to a PC that is equipped for video calls.

Entering Disabled indicates that you do not want the phone to participate in video calls.

The default setting equals Disabled.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates whether the Settings button on the phone is functional. When you enter Enabled for this setting, you can change the phone network configuration, ring type, and volume on the phone. When you enter Disabled for this setting, the Settings button is completely disabled; no options appear when you press the button. Likewise, you cannot adjust the ringer volume or save any volume settings. When Settings Access is restricted, you can only access User Preferences and volume settings. By default, Settings Access is enabled.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates whether the phone will learn MAC addresses from Gratuitous ARP responses. When you enter Disabled for this setting, applications which use GARP for monitoring and recording voice streams do not work. If a monitoring capability is not needed, enter Disabled.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates whether the phone will accept connections from a web browser or other HTTP client. Disabling the web server functionality for the phone blocks access to the phones internal web pages, which provide statistics and configuration information. Features, such as the Cisco QRT (Quality Report Tool), do not function properly without access to the phones web pages. Disabling this setting also affects any serviceability application that relies on web access; for example, CiscoWorks 2000.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates whether the PC port on the phone is enabled or disabled. The port labeled "10/100 PC" on the back of the phone connects a PC or workstation to the phone so they can share a single network connection. Enter Enabled to share the connection; enter Disabled to disallow the connection.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates whether the phone will allow a device attached to the PC port to access the Voice VLAN. Entering Disabled for this setting prevents the attached PC from sending and receiving data on the Voice VLAN. Disabling the functionality also prevents the PC from receiving data sent and received by the phone. Enter Enabled for this setting if an application is being run on the PC that requires monitoring of the phones traffic; for example, monitoring and recording applications or network monitoring applications that analyze data.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


This setting indicates the time of day the display is to automatically turn itself on for days listed in the off schedule. The value should be in a 24 hour format, where 0:00 is the beginning of the day and 23:59 is the end of the day. Leaving this field blank activates the display at the beginning of the day, that is, 0:00. To set the display to turn on at 7:00AM, enter 07:00. To turn on the display at 2:00PM, enter 14:00.

The default value equals 07:30. The maximum number of characters equals 5.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field indicates the amount of time the display is to be active for the programmed schedule. No value indicates the end of the day. Maximum value is 24 hours. This value is in free form hours and minutes; for example, 1:30 activates the display for one hour and 30 minutes.

The default value equals 10:30. The maximum number of characters equals 5.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field indicates how long to wait before the display is turned off after it is activated by a user activity. This inactivity timer continually resets itself during user activity. Leaving this field blank makes the phone use a pre-determined default value of one hour. The maximum value equal 24 hours. This value appears in free form hours and minutes; for example, 1:30 turn off the display after one hour and 30 minutes if no activity occurs on the phone.

The default value equals 01:00. The maximum number of characters equals 5.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting specifies the days that the backlight is to remain off by default. Typically, you turn the backlight off on Saturday and Sunday for US corporate customers.

Enter the days that you want the backlight to remain off. The default value equals Sunday.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


The setting indicates whether the phone will forward packets transmitted and received on the Phone Port to the PC Port. Enter Enabled if an application is being run on the PC Port that requires monitoring of the IP Phone's traffic, such as monitoring and recording applications (common in call center environments) or network packet capture tools that are used for diagnostic purposes. To use this feature, PC Voice VLAN access must be enabled.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a fully-qualified URL so that other phones can detect the Cisco IP Communicator's address. Consider this setting required for compatibility with NATs, non-Cisco VPN clients, and other similar network topologies. To use this option, you must first install and configure an address detection web page.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.

ccm_phone_ rtpPortRangeStart

This setting specifies the lowest port number to use for transmitting and receiving RTP audio packets, expressed in decimal notation. This option proves useful for compatibility with NATs, firewalls, and other network topologies that require applications to use a well known set of ports. If no port is specified, the default value of 24576 (0x6000) is used.

The minimum value equals 1. The maximum value equals 65535.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.

ccm_phone_ rtpPortRangeEnd

This setting specifies the highest port number to use for transmitting and receiving RTP audio packets, expressed in decimal notation. This option is useful for compatibility with NATs, firewalls, and other network topologies that require applications to use a well-known set of ports. If no port is specified, the default value of 32768 (0x8000) is used.

The minimum value equals 1. The maximum value equals 65535.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting specifies the location of the LDAP server information file on the TFTP server. (If unspecified, the default equals Communicator/LdapServers.xml.) This file contains a list of LDAP directories for use in directory dialing as described in the Cisco IP Communicator Administration Guide.

When you add or modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


The setting indicates whether the Cisco IP Communicator application verifies the authenticity and completeness of its installed software components when it is upgraded or started. If this option is set to On Upgrade (the default), the application launches quickly but does not automatically repair itself if any of its files are deleted or modified by the user. If this option is set to At Startup, the application launches slowly but detects and repairs most modifications or a corruption.

The default setting equals On Upgrade.

When you add a phone, configuring this setting is required. When you modify a phone, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does delete the configuration for this setting.

Line Settings for Phone Bulk Provisioning

Table 12-7 describes line configuration settings that you enter use when you create or modify the CSV file for bulk provisioning. The settings in Table 12-7 show you the headers to enter for Line 1. If you want to configure other lines in the CSV file, enter the line number where you see the number 1 in the table; for example, if you configure the extension number for Line 2 in the CSV file, enter the following setting: ccm_line 2_extensionNumber.

Use Table 12-7 in conjunction with the following sections:

Overview of the Comma Separated Value (CSV) File, page 8-5

Overview of Bulk Import Operations, page 8-2

Overview of Bulk Export Operations, page 8-4

Importing Phones or Device Profiles in Bulk

Modifying Bulk Import Operations for Phones or Device Profiles

Exporting Phones or Device Profiles in Bulk

Modifying Bulk Export Operations for Phones or Device Profiles

Table 12-7 Line Settings in the CSV File 

Important Notes


Enter a phone number that can be dialed. Values can include numeric characters and route pattern wildcards and special characters except for (.) and (@).

Note When a pattern is used as a directory number, the display on the phone and the caller ID that display on the dialed phone will both contain characters other than digits. To avoid this, we recommend that you provide a value for Display (Internal Caller ID), Line text label, and External phone number mask.

The directory number that you enter can appear in more than one partition. However, if a JTAPI or TAPI application controls or monitors a device, you should not configure multiple instances of the same DN (with different partitions) on that device.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is required.

Entering vpt_clear for this setting removes the line from the phone; it does not delete the line.


Enter the partition where the directory number belongs. Make sure that the directory number that you enter in ccm_line1_extensionNumber is unique within the partition that you choose. If you do not want to restrict access to the directory number, enter None for the partition.

You can configure the number of partitions that display in this drop-down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter in Cisco CallManager Administration. In Cisco CallManager Administration, if more partitions exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the ellipsis button (...) displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List Items Where Name Contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a Voice Mail profile that is defined on the Voice Mail Profile Configuration page in Cisco CallManager Administration. The default setting specifies <None>.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the appropriate calling search space, which comprises a collection of partitions that are searched for numbers that are called from this directory number. The value that you choose applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

Changes result in an update of the numbers that are listed in the Call Pickup Group field.

You can configure calling search space for Forward All, Forward Busy, Forward No Answer, and Forward on Failure directory numbers. The value that you choose applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

If you set the Forward All Calling Search Space field to <None>, Cisco CallManager uses the calling search spaces of the line and the phone when the user forwards calls by using the Cisco IP Phone User Options Pages or the CFwdAll softkey on the phone. If you want to restrict users from forwarding calls on their phones, you must choose a restrictive calling search space from the Forward All Calling Search Space field; for example, you have two calling search spaces: Building and PSTN. The Building calling search space only allows users to call within the building, while the PSTN calling search space allows users to call within and outside the building. You assign the phone to the Building calling search space and the line on your phone to the PSTN calling search space. If you set the Call Forward All calling search space to <None>, Cisco CallManager can forward calls to any number within the PSTN or building calling search spaces. To prevent the user from forwarding calls to numbers outside the building, set the Call Forward All calling search space to Building.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting specifies the forwarding treatment for calls to this directory number if the directory number is set to forward all calls.

Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window. If you do not want to use this functionality, enter false.

When you enter true, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings for Coverage/Destination and Calling Search Space.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the directory number to which all calls are forwarded. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the calling search space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window for internal calls. If you do not want to use this functionality, enter false.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings for Coverage/Destination and Calling Search Space.

When you enter true for this setting, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the calling search space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you enter a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window for external calls.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings for Coverage/Destination and Calling Search Space.

When the Voice Mail check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a calling search space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you enter a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a directory number to which an internal call is forwarded when the call is not answered. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a calling search space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you enter a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space.

When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a directory number to which an external call is forwarded when the call is not answered. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a calling search space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, you must choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space drop-down list box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings for Coverage/Destination and Calling Search Space.

When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a directory number to which an internal nonconnected call is forwarded when an application that controls that directory number fails. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a calling search space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you enter a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, enter a different setting in the Calling Search Space for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field applies only to CTI route points and CTI ports. The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for external calls to this CTI route point or CTI port if the CTI route point or CTI port has no coverage.

Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings for Coverage/Destination and Calling Search Space. When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the directory number to which an external call is forwarded when the call is not answered. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the Calling Search Space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field applies only to CTI route points and CTI ports. The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for internal calls to this CTI route point or CTI port if the CTI route point or CTI port has no coverage.

Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When you enter true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space. When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls on the line configuration page. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the directory number to which an internal nonconnected call is forwarded when an application that controls that directory number fails. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a Calling Search Space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This field applies only to CTI route points and CTI ports. The following settings specify the forwarding treatment for external calls to this CTI route point or CTI port if the CTI route point or CTI port has no coverage.

Enter true to use settings in the Voice Mail Profile Configuration window.

When you set true for this setting, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Coverage/Destination box and Calling Search Space. When this check box is checked for internal calls, the system automatically checks the Voice Mail check box for external calls. If you do not want external calls to forward to the voice-messaging system, you must uncheck the Voice Mail check box for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the directory number to which an internal nonconnected call is forwarded when an application that controls that directory number fails. Use any dialable phone number, including an outside destination.

When you enter a coverage/destination value for internal calls, the system automatically copies this value to the Coverage/Destination field for external calls on the line configuration page. If you want external calls to forward to a different destination, you must enter a different value in the Coverage/Destination field for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the Calling Search Space that applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

When you choose a Calling Search Space for internal calls, the system automatically copies this setting to the Calling Search Space setting for external calls. If you want external calls to forward to a different calling search space, choose a different setting in the Calling Search Space for external calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the audio source that plays when the network initiates a hold action.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the automated alternate routing (AAR) group for this device. The AAR group provides the prefix digits that are used to route calls that are otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth. An AAR group setting of None specifies that Cisco CallManager will not attempt rerouting of blocked calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter one of the following options to activate the Auto Answer feature for this directory number:

Auto Answer Off <Default>

Auto Answer with Headset

Auto Answer with Speakerphone (Intercom)

Note Make sure that the headset or speakerphone is not disabled when you enter Auto Answer with headset or Auto Answer with speakerphone.

Note Do not configure Auto Answer for devices that have shared lines.

When you add a line, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Used in conjunction with Call Forward No Answer Destination, this field sets the timer for how long the phone will ring before it is forwarded. Leave this setting blank to use the value that is set in the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Forward No Answer Timer.

Caution By default, Cisco CallManager makes the time for the T301 timer longer than the No Answer Ring Duration time; if the set time for the T301 timer expires before the set time for the No Answer Ring Duration expires, the call ends, and no call forwarding can occur. If you want to do so, you can configure the time for the No Answer Ring Duration to be greater than the time for the T301 timer. For more information on the T301 timer for the Cisco CallManager service, click the i button that displays on the Service Parameter page in Cisco CallManager Administration.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the number that can be dialed to answer calls to this directory number (in the specified partition).

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the number to which MLPP precedence calls should be directed if this directory number receives a precedence call and neither this number nor its call-forward destination answers the precedence call.

Values can include numeric characters and octothorpe (#) and asterisk (*).

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the calling search space to associate with the alternate party target (destination) number.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the number of seconds (between 4 and 60) after which an MLPP precedence call will be directed to this directory number's alternate party if this directory number and its call-forwarding destination have not answered the precedence call.

Leave this setting blank to use the value that is set in the Cisco CallManager enterprise parameter, Precedence Alternate Party Timeout.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a name that you want to display on the phone of the caller. This setting, which supports the Identification Services for the QSIG protocol, applies to shared and nonshared directory numbers. If you configure an alerting name for a directory number with shared-line appearances, when the phone rings at the terminating PINX, the system performs the following tasks:

Forwards the name of the caller that is assigned to the directory number.

Applies the Connected Name Restrictions (CONR) that are configured for the translation pattern (if restrictions exist); the originating PINX may modify the CONR, depending on the route pattern configuration.

If you do not configure an alerting name, "Name Not Available" may display on the caller phone. If you do not enter a name for the Display (Internal Caller ID) field, the information in the Alerting Name field displays in the Display (Internal Caller ID) field.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Leave this field blank to have the system display the extension.

To have the system display a name, enter a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. Typically, use the user name or the directory number (if using the directory number, the person receiving the call may not see the proper identity of the caller).

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Use this field only if you do not want the directory number to show on the line appearance. Enter text that identifies this directory number for a line/phone combination.

Suggested entries include boss's name, department's name, or other appropriate information to identify multiple directory numbers to secretary/assistant who monitors multiple directory numbers.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the phone number (or mask) that is used to send Caller ID information when a call is placed from this line.

You can enter a maximum of 24 number and "X" characters. The Xs represent the directory number and must appear at the end of the pattern. For example, if you specify a mask of 972813XXXX, an external call from extension 1234 displays a caller ID number of 9728131234.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Use this field to configure the handset lamp illumination policy. Enter one of the following options:

Use System Policy (The directory number refers to the service parameter, Message Waiting Lamp Policy.)

Light and Prompt

Prompt Only

Light Only


When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Use this field to configure the ring setting for the line appearance when an incoming call is received and no other active calls exist on that device. Enter one of the following options:

Use system default


Flash only

Ring once


Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter, device pool, or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter one of the following options to configure a ring setting that is used when this phone has another active call on a different line.

Use system default


Flash only

Ring once


Beep only

Turning on MLPP Indication (at the enterprise parameter, device pool, or device level) disables normal Ring Setting behavior for the lines on a device, unless MLPP Indication is turned off (overridden) for the device.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


You can configure up to 200 calls for a line on a device, with the limiting factor being the total number of calls that are configured on the device. As you configure the number of calls for one line, the calls that are available for another line decrease.

The default specifies 4. If the phone does not allow multiple calls for each line, the default specifies 2.

For CTI route points, you can configure up to 10,000 calls for each port. The default specifies 5000 calls. Use this field in conjunction with the ccm_line1_busyTrigger setting.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


This setting, which works in conjunction with Maximum Number of Calls and Call Forward Busy, determines the maximum number of calls to be presented on the line. If maximum number of calls is set for 50 and the busy trigger is set to 40, then incoming call 41 is rejected with a busy cause (and will be forwarded if Call Forward Busy is set). If this line is shared, all the lines must be busy before incoming calls are rejected.

Use this field in conjunction with Maximum Number of Calls for CTI route points. The default specifies 4500 calls.

When you add or modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Entering true for this setting causes the caller name to display upon call forward.

When you add a line, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Entering true for this setting causes the number that was redirected to display upon call forward.

When you add a line, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Entering true for this setting causes the caller number to display upon call forward.

When you add a line, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Entering true for this setting causes the original dialed number to display upon call forward.

When you add a line, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a line, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.