User Configuration Settings

This chapter contains settings that you configure when you add and update users. After you become familiar with the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool, consider printing this chapter to use as a reference.

This chapter contains information on the following topics:

Considerations for User Settings

User Parameters (Basic User Settings) (for User Template and User Pages)

CallManager User Information Settings (for User Template and User Pages)

Cisco Unity User Information Settings (for User Template and User Pages)

User Settings for Bulk Provisioning

Considerations for User Settings

Consider the following information before you review the user configuration settings:

Most settings in the tables are considered optional; that is, you do not need to configure them to add or update a user (or user template).

For required settings, such as the CCM User Password, Confirm Password, CCM PIN, and Confirm PIN fields, an asterisk (*) displays next to the setting in the GUI.

For templates, you can leave most field(s) blank; enter partial data (for example, the area code only for the phone number); or specify the exact information as you want it to display for individual users.

Because some settings do not display in the GUI when you add a user or update a user, the order in the tables may not reflect the order of the settings in the GUI. This document does not distinguish the settings for additions or modifications; if the setting does not display on the page, you cannot configure it.

User Parameters (Basic User Settings)

Use Table 11-1 in conjunction with the following sections:

Template Pages

Adding a User Template, page 6-2

Updating a User Template, page 6-3

User Pages

Adding a User, page 3-2

Updating a Single User, page 3-3

Updating Multiple Users at the Same Time, page 3-4

Table 11-1 User Parameters (Basic User Settings) 

For Template Pages

Template Name

Enter a maximum of 255 characters to create a unique template name.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool validates that the template name does not exist. If the name exists, the GUI displays an error message.

Template Description

Enter a maximum of 255 characters to describe the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

Phone System

From the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco CallManager that you want to associate with the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template.

Messaging System

From the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco Unity that you want to associate with the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template.

For User Pages

Template Name

If you want to apply a Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template to the user, choose the template name from the drop-down list box.

User ID

Enter a maximum of 20 alphanumeric and special characters, which in this case include `, ~ , !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, -, _, {}, accent mark, and . (period).

When you update a user record, this information displays as read only.

First Name

Enter a maximum of 24 characters.

Last Name

Enter a maximum of 24 characters.

Phone System

This setting displays as read only after you choose a phone system for the user and configure the mandatory settings.

When you add a user, the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool validates that you chose at least one product system (phone or voice mail). It also validates that you completed the mandatory settings that are associated with the system. From the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco CallManager that you want to associate with the user.

Message System

This setting displays as read only after you choose a voice mail system for the user and configure the mandatory settings.

When you add a user, the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool validates that you chose at least one product system (phone or voice mail). It also validates that you completed the mandatory settings that are associated with the system. From the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco Unity that you want to associate with the user.

CallManager User Information Settings

Use Table 11-2 in conjunction with the following sections:

Template Pages

Adding a User Template, page 6-2

Updating a User Template, page 6-3

User Pages

Adding a User, page 3-2

Updating a Single User, page 3-3

Updating Multiple Users at the Same Time, page 3-4

Table 11-2 CallManager Settings for Users 


CCM User Password

Enter a unique password that is at least 5 but no more than 20 alphanumeric or special characters.

When you update a user record, this password displays as encrypted text. To change the password, click the Reset button.


This button displays for user updates only. Click this button if you want to change the CCM User Password or CCM PIN.

Confirm Password

Enter the same password that you entered in the CCM User Password field.

This field displays when you add a CCM User Password for the first time and when you click the Reset button to change the CCM User Password (for user updates only).

After you enter information in the CCM User Password or New Password fields, you must complete this setting.

New Password

When you update a user record and click the Reset button for the CCM User Password setting, this field displays. Enter a unique password that is at least 5 but no more than 20 alphanumeric or special characters.


Enter a unique Personal Identification Number that is at least 5 but no more than 20 numeric characters.

This field displays when you add a CCM PIN for the first time and when you click the Reset button to change the CCM PIN (for user updates only).

Confirm PIN

Enter the same PIN that you entered in the CCM PIN field.


When you update a user record and click the Reset button for the CCM PIN setting, this field displays. Enter a unique Personal Identification Number that is at least 5 but no more than 20 numeric characters.


Enter the user department information, for example, the department number or name. Ensure that the information entered is no more than 30 alphanumeric characters.

Manager's User ID

Enter the name of the user manager ID. The manager user ID that you enter must already exist in the directory (Cisco CallManager Administration) as a user. For the ID, enter no more than 30 alphanumeric characters.

Do not include the following characters: spaces, =, +, < >, #, ;, \, or ".

Telephone No

Enter the user phone number, which must be no more than 24 digits. You may use the following special characters: (, ), and - .

CTI Application Use

If you want the user to be able to use Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) applications, choose Enabled.

Calling Party Number Modification

Choosing Enabled allows an application such as Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) to change the calling number when it initiates a feature request from an application programming interface (API). For more information, see the Cisco Emergency Responder documentation.

Call Park Retrieval

If you want users to be able to retrieve parked calls, choose Enabled.

Authentication Proxy

If you want Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility users to have authentication proxy rights, choose Enabled. For more information on Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility, see the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

Associate Phone/Profile

Click this button if you want to associate a phone or device profile with the user.

Add Phone/Profile

Click this button if you want to add a phone or device profile from the user page.

Primary Extension

From the drop-down list box, choose the directory number that will serve as the primary extension for user.

Default Profile

From the drop-down list box, choose the profile that you want to serve as the default for the user.

Cisco Unity User Information Settings

Most settings in Table 11-3 are optional. For required settings, an asterisk (*) displays next to the setting in the GUI. You can leave the field(s) blank; enter partial data (for example, the area code only for the phone number); or specify the exact information as you want it to display for individual users.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not support importing of existing Microsoft Exchange users. When you use a Cisco Unity server to add a user, the Cisco Unity server creates the Unity PIN and password and allocates it to the user. The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not allow you to specify a Cisco Unity password when you add or modify a user record, although you may set the Unity PIN.

Use Table 11-3 in conjunction with the following sections:

Template Pages

Adding a User Template, page 6-2

Updating a User Template, page 6-3

User Pages

Adding a User, page 3-2

Updating a Single User, page 3-3

Updating Multiple Users at the Same Time, page 3-4

Table 11-3 Unity Settings for Users 



Enter a password by using digits 0 through 9. To help protect Cisco Unity from unauthorized access and toll fraud, enter a long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial password.

To have Cisco Unity prompt the subscriber to set a new password, also check the User Must Change Password at Next Login check box.

The information that you enter in this field displays as encrypted text.

When you update a user record, click the Reset button to change the PIN.


Enter the new password again to confirm the entry.

The information that you enter in this field displays as encrypted text.

Message Extension

From the drop-down list box, choose the number that callers dial to reach the subscriber. Message Extension options include extensions for all phones associated with the user plus the Custom Extension options. If you choose a different product system after configuring this setting, this setting reverts to the default.

Custom Extension

If you want to use a different extension for voice mail than the extension that is designated for the phone, enter the value in this field.

Disabled by default, this field appears enabled when you choose Custom Extension for the Extension setting.

If you did not choose a Cisco CallManager product system or did not associate a phone or profile with the user, you must configure the Custom Extension setting.

Because the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate whether the extension is used by another Cisco Unity user, verify that the extension is not used by another user in Cisco Unity before you enter the information in this field.

Display name

Cisco Unity creates a default display name for the subscriber, which you can modify. This is the name as displayed in the Cisco Unity Administrator, Exchange, Windows, and subscriber reports. In most cases, only the first 40 characters are displayed.

Fax ID

Enter the number that callers dial to send a fax to the subscriber. This number may be the same as the subscriber extension.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate whether the value exists.

Subscriber Type

Choose the subscriber type that applies to the user.

Exchange—Regular subscribers have an Exchange mailbox and a Windows domain account. Cisco Unity creates the mailbox and Windows domain account at the same time that it creates the subscriber. Exchange 5.5 mailboxes are created in the Recipients container in the site; Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 mailboxes are created in the domain and organizational unit (OU) that you specified in the Cisco Unity Server Configuration Wizard during Setup. The user object for the subscriber in Active Directory or the Exchange 5.5 directory contains Cisco Unity-specific attributes. If you choose this type, you must enter a value either in the Extension or Custom Extension fields.

Internet—Internet subscribers do not have mailboxes on the local Exchange network. When Cisco Unity creates the Internet subscriber account, it creates an Active Directory contact (or Exchange 5.5 custom recipient) with Cisco Unity-specific attributes. The Extension field becomes optional when you check this check box.

Subscriber Template

From the drop-down list box, choose a subscriber template that is supported on the Cisco Unity product system that you chose for the user configuration.

SMTP Address

Disabled by default, this field appears enabled when you choose Internet Subscriber for the Subscriber Type.

Enter up to 128 characters for the e-mail (SMTP) address that is assigned to the Internet subscriber. If the remote message recipient that the Internet subscriber corresponds to uses Cisco Unity, enter the remote address in the following format:

VOICE:<Delivery Location Dial ID>_<Remote Primary Extension>
(for example, VOICE:123_5678)

If the remote message recipient does not use Cisco Unity, specify the e-mail (SMTP) address to which messages to the Internet subscriber will be sent:
(for example,

Exchange Server

Choose the Exchange server (also referred to as the home server) where the subscriber messages are stored.

MailStore ID

Choose the mailbox store where subscriber messages are stored.

Class of Service

A class of service (COS) defines limits and permissions for using Cisco Unity. For example, a COS:

Controls access to the Cisco Unity Administrator and to features, such as Text to Speech e-mail or live reply.

Controls how subscribers interact with Cisco Unity. For example, a COS dictates the maximum length of subscriber messages and greetings, whether subscribers can choose to be listed in directory assistance, and whether subscribers can send messages to a public distribution list.

Specifies the restriction table used to control the phone numbers subscribers can use for fax delivery, message notification, call transfer, and other tasks.

A COS is specified in each subscriber template; thus, a subscriber is assigned to the COS that is specified in the template upon which the subscriber account is based.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

User Must Change Password at Next Login

Check this check box when you have set a temporary phone password, and want the subscriber to set a new password the next time that the subscriber logs on to Cisco Unity by phone.

Encourage subscribers to specify long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial passwords as a way to help protect their accounts from unauthorized access and toll fraud.

User Cannot Change Password

Check this check box to prevent the subscriber from changing the phone password. Use of this setting is most applicable for accounts that can be accessed by more than one person. When you check this check box, also check the Password Never Expires check box.

If you leave this check box unchecked, subscribers can use the Cisco Unity phone conversation or the Cisco Unity Assistant to set their phone passwords. Encourage them to specify long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial passwords as a way to help protect their accounts from unauthorized access and toll fraud.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

Password Never Expires

Check this check box for low-security subscribers or for accounts that can be accessed by more than one person.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

User Settings for Bulk Provisioning

Table 11-4 describes the user configurations settings that you can include in the CSV file for bulk provisioning tasks. Use Table 11-4 in conjunction with the following sections:

Importing Users in Bulk

Modifying Bulk Import Operations

Exporting Users in Bulk

Modifying Bulk Export Operations

Overview of the Comma Separated Value (CSV) File, page 8-5

Overview of Bulk Import Operations, page 8-2

Overview of Bulk Export Operations, page 8-4

Table 11-4 User Configuration Settings in the CSV File 

Important Notes


Enter the product systems that correlates to a row of data. You may enter several product systems or types, but separate each system by entering a semicolon (;) between each system; for example, vpt-ccm1; vpt-unity1.

If you specify a Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template in the CSV file, leave the product system information blank.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is required, unless you specify information for the vpt_templateName field.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool user template name that you want to use when you add or update the user. The values in the template are applied only when the values are not specified in the CSV file.

If you specify a Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool user template in the CSV file, leave the product system information blank.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is required, unless you specify information for the vpt_productSystems field.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.

If you specify a setting in the CSV file and it is different than the setting that you specified in the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool template, the value that you specify in the CSV file takes precedence.


Enter a maximum of 20 alphanumeric and special characters, which, in this case, include `, ~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, -, _, {}, accent mark, and . (period).

When you update a user record, this information displays as read only.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is required.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a maximum of 24 characters.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional. Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a maximum of 24 characters.

When you add a user, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a user, configuring this setting is optional. Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a unique password that is at least 5 but no more than 20 alphanumeric or special characters.

When you add a user, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a user, configuring this setting is optional. Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a unique Personal Identification Number that is at least 5 but no more than 20 numeric characters.

When you add a user, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a user, configuring this setting is optional. Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the name of the user manager ID. The manager user ID that you enter must already exist in the directory (Cisco CallManager Administration) as a user. For the ID, enter no more than 30 alphanumeric characters.

Do not include the following characters: spaces, =, +, < >, #, ;, \, or ".

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate that you entered a valid ID.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the user department information; for example, the department number or name. Ensure that the information entered is no more than 30 alphanumeric characters.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the user phone number, which must be no more than 24 digits. You may use the following special characters: (, ), and - .

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate whether this setting exists.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


If you want user to be able to use Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) applications, enter Enabled.

If you do not want the user to use CTI applications, enter Disabled.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


If you want Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility users to have authentication proxy rights, enter Enabled.

If you do not want the Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility users to have authentication proxy rights, enter Disabled.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

For more information on Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility, see the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Entering Enabled allows an application such as Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) to change the calling number when it initiates a feature request from an application programming interface (API). For more information, see the Cisco Emergency Responder documentation.

Entering Disabled disallows this functionality.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


If you want users to be able to retrieve parked calls, enter Enabled.

If you do not want users to be able to retrieve parked calls, enter Disabled.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the primary extension for the device that you want to associate with the user.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the default profile that you want to associate with the user.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.

The default profile is cleared when you remove all profiles.


Enter all device names, including phones and profiles, that you want to associate with this user.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.

The list that you enter replaces the devices/profiles that are currently associated with the device. Removal of associations does not delete the devices from the database.

A one-to-one match must exist between device names and device classes.


Enter either phone or device profile configuration for each device.

A one-to-one match must exist between device names and device classes.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


A class of service (COS) defines limits and permissions for using Cisco Unity. For example, a COS:

Controls access to the Cisco Unity Administrator and to features, such as Text to Speech e-mail or live reply.

Controls how subscribers interact with Cisco Unity. For example, a COS dictates the maximum length of subscriber messages and greetings, whether subscribers can choose to be listed in directory assistance, and whether subscribers can send messages to a public distribution list.

Specifies the restriction table used to control the phone numbers subscribers can use for fax delivery, message notification, call transfer, and other tasks.

A COS is specified in each subscriber template; thus, a subscriber is assigned to the COS that is specified in the template upon which the subscriber account is based.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

Configuring this setting, which applies when you modify users only, is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.

If you choose a different product system during the modification, the value that you entered in this field reverts to the default setting.


Cisco Unity creates a default display name for the subscriber, which you can modify. This is the subscriber name that displays in the Cisco Unity Administrator, Exchange, Windows, and subscriber reports. In most cases, only the first 40 characters display.

Enter the user display name.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the Exchange server (also referred to as the home server) where the subscriber messages are stored.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the number that callers dial to reach the subscriber. Enter numerals only, according to the extension numbering plan for your organization. The number must be unique among all extensions on the local Cisco Unity server and within the dialing domain, if there is one. However, a subscriber extension can be the same number as the subscriber Fax ID. Note that many phone system integration features, such as MWI and call forward to personal greeting, require that the Cisco Unity number plan match that of the phone system.

Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9, up to a maximum of 40 digits.

When you add a user, configuring this setting is required; when you modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.

Because the Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate whether the extension is used by another Cisco Unity user, verify that the extension is not used by another user in Cisco Unity before you enter the information in this field.

If you choose a different product system, the value in that you entered in this field reverts to the default setting.


Enter the number that callers dial to send a fax to the subscriber. This number may be the same as the subscriber extension.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate whether the value exists.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter the mailbox store where subscriber messages are stored.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear deletes the configuration for this setting.


Enter a password by using digits 0 through 9. To help protect Cisco Unity from unauthorized access and toll fraud, enter a long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial password.

To have Cisco Unity prompt the subscriber to set a new password, also configure the unity_user_pwMustChange setting.

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter True if you want to prevent the user from changing the phone password; enter False if you want the user to be able to change the password.

Use of this setting applies for accounts that more than one person accesses. When you enter True for this setting, also enter True for the unity_user_pwDoesntExpire setting.

If you enter False for this setting, subscribers can use the Cisco Unity phone conversation or the Cisco Unity Assistant to set their phone passwords. Encourage them to specify long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial passwords as a way to help protect their accounts from unauthorized access and toll fraud.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

Configuring this setting, which applies only when you modify a user, is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter True if you do not want the password to expire; enter False if the password can expire.

Enter True for low-security subscribers or for accounts that can be accessed by more than one person.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

Configuring this setting, which applies only when you modify a user, is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter True if the user must change the password; enter False if the user is not required to change the password.

Enter True when you set a temporary phone password and want the subscriber to set a new password the next time that the subscriber logs on to Cisco Unity by the phone.

Encourage subscribers to specify long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial passwords as a way to help protect their accounts from unauthorized access and toll fraud.

The Cisco Voice Provisioning Tool does not validate this setting.

Configuring this setting, which applies only when you modify a user, is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Disabled by default, you can enable this setting enter Internet Subscriber for the Subscriber Type.

Enter up to 128 characters for the e-mail (SMTP) address that is assigned to the Internet subscriber. If the remote message recipient that the Internet subscriber corresponds to uses Cisco Unity, enter the remote address in the following format:

VOICE:<Delivery Location Dial ID>_<Remote Primary Extension>
(for example, VOICE:123_5678)

If the remote message recipient does not use Cisco Unity, specify the e-mail (SMTP) address to which messages to the Internet subscriber will be sent:
(for example,

When you add or modify a user, configuring this setting is optional.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter a subscriber template that is supported on the Cisco Unity product system that you chose for the user configuration.

Configuring this setting, which applies only when you add a user, is required.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.


Enter the subscriber type that applies to the user.

Exchange—Regular subscribers have an Exchange mailbox and a Windows domain account. Cisco Unity creates the mailbox and Windows domain account at the same time that it creates the subscriber. Exchange 5.5 mailboxes are created in the Recipients container in the site; Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 mailboxes are created in the domain and organizational unit (OU) that you specified in the Cisco Unity Server Configuration Wizard during Setup. The user object for the subscriber in Active Directory or the Exchange 5.5 directory contains Cisco Unity-specific attributes. If you choose this type, you must enter a value either in the Extension or Custom Extension fields.

Internet—Internet subscribers do not have mailboxes on the local Exchange network. When Cisco Unity creates the Internet subscriber account, it creates an Active Directory contact (or Exchange 5.5 custom recipient) with Cisco Unity-specific attributes. The Extension field becomes optional when you check this check box.

Configuring this setting, which applies only when you add a user, is required.

Entering vpt_clear does not delete the configuration for this setting.