show mipv6ha

This chapter includes the show mipv6ha command output tables.

show mipv6ha-service all

Table 1. show mipv6ha-service all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Service Name

The mipv6ha service name.


The context in which the service is configured.


The bind status.

Max Subscribers

The maximum number of subscribers.

Local IPv6 Address

IPv6 address of the server where this service is located.


The accepted lifetime interval for this session.

Simul Bindings

Specifies the maximum number of "care-of" addresses that can simultaneously be bound for the same user as identified by NAI and Home address.

Setup Timeout

The session setup timeout duration.

Sequence Number Validation

Specifies the sequence number validation of the received MIPV6 control packet by the Home Agent (HA) as per RFC 3775.

Refresh Advice Option

Displays the refresh advice option in the binding acknowledgements sent by the home agent.

Refresh Interval Percent

Displays the amount of the granted lifetime to be used in the refresh interval mobility option in Binding Acknowledgement sent by the HA.

Timestamp Replay Protection

Displays the acceptable difference in timing (between timestamps) before rejecting packet.

Timestamp Tolerance

Total variation allowed in timestamp mismatch.

Default Subscriber

Name of the default subscriber.

AAA accounting

Displays if AAA accounting is enabled or disabled.

Service Status

Status of this service.

Newcall Policy

Specify that the new call policy enabled or disabled to handle new calls. Possible values are:
  • NONE


show mipv6ha statistics

Table 2. show mipv6ha statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

MIP AAA Authentication:


Total MIP AAA Au the tic at ion attempts.


Total MIP AAA Authentication attempts that were successful.

Total Failures:

Total MIP AAA Au the tic at ion attempts that failed.

Actual Auth Failures:

Actual number of MIP AAA Au the tic at ion that failed.

Misc Auth Failures:

Total number of MIP AAA Au the tic at ion that failed.

Binding Updates Received:

Total Received:

Total number of Binding Updates that were received.

Total Accepted:

Total number of Binding Updates that were accepted.

Total Denied:

Total number of Binding Updates that were denied.

Total Discarded:

Total number of Binding Updates that were discarded.

Congestion Discarded Reg:

The total number of requests discarded when congestion control is enabled and the system is in a congested state.

Initial Binding Update Requests:


Total number of Initial Binding Update Requests that were received.


Total number of Initial Binding Update Requests that were accepted.


Total number of Initial Binding Update Requests that were denied.

Refresh Binding Update Requests:


Total number of Refresh Binding Update Requests that were received.


Total number of Refresh Binding Update Requests that were accepted.


Total number of Refresh Binding Update Requests that were denied.

DeReg Requests:


Total number of requests for de-registration that were received.


Total number of requests for de-registration that were accepted.


Total number of requests for de-registration that were denied.

Handoff Requests:


Total number of requests for handoffs that were received.


Total number of requests for handoffs that were accepted.


Total number of requests for handoffs that were denied.

Binding Acknowledgements Sent:


Total number of requests for Binding Acknowledgements.

Accepted Reg:

The total number of registration requests accepted.

Accepted DeReg:

The total number of deregistration requests accepted.


The total number of registration requests denied.

Send Error:

The total number of errors that occurred while sending replies.

Binding Update Deny Reasons:

Insufficient Resources:

The total number of binding update requests that were denied because of insufficient resources.

Mismatched ID:

The total number of binding update requests that were denied because of a mismatched ID.

MN Auth Failure:

The total number of binding update requests that were denied because of a MN authentication failure.

Admin Prohibited:

The total number of registration requests that were denied due to being administratively prohibited.

Msg ID Required:

The total number of bind update denied with status code 91H (Mesg-Id-Required).

DAD Failed:

The total number of bind update denied with status code 86H (Duplicate Address Detection failed).

Not Home Subnet:

The total number of bind update denied with status code 84H (Not Home Subnet)

Sequence Out Of Window:

The total number of bind update denied with status code 87H (Sequence number Out of Window).

Reg Type Change Disallowed:

The total number of bind update denied with status code 8BH (Registration Type change disallowed).

Unspecified Reason:

The total number of bind update denied with status code 80H (Reason Unspecified).

Update Denied - Insufficient Resource Reasons:

The total number of binding update requests that were denied because of Insufficient Resources.

No Session Manager:

The total number of binding update requests that were denied due to the lack of available Session Manager tasks. This may occur when the system is booting up in the event that a Session Manager task terminated unexpectedly.

Binding Updates Discard Reasons:

Congestion Discarded:

HAMGR discards when configured to drop packets on congestion

Checksum Error:

v6HA driver discard on checksum failure for BU packet

Initial Auth Pending:

V6HA driver discard when retry BU's are received.

Discarded packet is included as part of Init/Renew/Dereg/Handoff request counters as packet is discarded before processing them in detail.

Session Not Found:

When HAMGR forwards RRQ for existing session but session is not found in Sessmgr

HAMGR Not Ready:

When HAMGR is not yet ready and packet buffering limit is exceeded

Decode Failure:

When BU packet decoding fails in HAMGR.

Invalid Buffer Length:

When there is mismatch in BU packet buffer length and expected length.