Sample AutoVNF VNFM Configuration File

This configuration file provides AutoVNF with the necessary information for communicating with a pre-existing VNFM installation. This is used when deploying VNFs through a stand-alone AutoVNF instance. Refer to Deploying VNFs Using AutoVNF.


This is only a sample configuration file provided solely for your reference. You must create and modify your own configuration file according to the specific needs of your deployment.

nsd vpc 
 vnfd pgw 
  vnfm vnf-instance esc 
  vnfm vim     default_openstack_vim 
 vnf-instance esc 
  vnf-type                  esc 
  netconf-credential        esc_nc 
secure-token esc_nc 
 user     $8$rGbuPzNgqZwdibSmAZ2pWDkIZT3WxL9sRy7ux4A9BSM= 
 password $8$4xqtIS1MMn+pptMDQhBdUHdxxZwaLtzJOCubIdPbnbQ= 
vim default_openstack_vim 
 api-version v2 
 user        openstack 
 tenant      tenant1 