Sample Tenant Configuration File

Sample Configuration File for Single Tenant

As described in Configure VIM Tenants, tenant configuration parameters are contained in the VIM Artifact Descriptor (vim-artifact).


This is only a sample configuration file provided solely for your reference. You must create and modify your own configuration file according to the specific needs of your deployment.

In 6.3, the multi-tenants are supported per VNF but this feature was not fully qualified. It was made available only for testing purposes. You can define multiple tenants according to the specific needs of your deployment. If the configuration file includes more than one tenant, then multiple VNF instances are deployed in different tenants in a single “site” leveraging a single VIM. See the following section for an example configuration for multi-tenants.

nsd nsd1
vim-identity vim_one
vim-artifact vim_one_artifact
secure-token cimc
user $8$6FMSIVcieTXcXeCV4V37zQlwnoHIA/xNgQFKLmygL0Y=
password $8$y1KOa2J9Qt487Ew8iUxkKbpzzUL3/0Wr0wqxe/KQXdA=
secure-token stack
user $8$oeUvS7KN3eThSmvj4S7e9/NT+cxSlfwm2BcRsQKoIcs=
password $8$Ry5Grth2Bc5Vaojx+HgMUVcBPEX69khyC5V8CnkX4LY=
secure-token ssh-baremetal
user $8$jwA0KuwOA6a7z9iFoBFGw6Pd+Np6sKhtw/IKX0iFXzc=
password $8$TO5mcj4yPSIpCoQCSG1tcgwq9rZ14WGBavsUnuJ3/5Q=
secure-token vim-admin-creds
user $8$WU2Q6jMIKA/C5tozjt/+M3L29heHstM0x68E80RQ6ME=
password $8$prN66xSTFb+5CU4fM2Cej5BcZnOhxJUibj8/gMxuBMM=
secure-token sjc-core
user $8$FwHBmHTaIBE3TZ1cZHb2bizvT0Plelj6awh0A2i7yHA=
password $8$OoEWoe7/hJjhjox1SDdJnf81eIO4i+9ZeGIeHlMYNpE=
vim vim_one
api-version v2
user vim-admin-creds
tenant admin
tenantd sjccore
login-credential sjc-core
tenant-role admin
tenant-quota no-of-instances-allowed 10000
tenant-quota no-of-cores-allowed 200000
tenant-quota no-of-injected-files 300000
tenant-quota no-of-injected-files-content-in-bytes 400000
tenant-quota megabytes-of-ram-allowed 500000000
tenant-quota no-of-floating-ips 600
tenant-quota max-no-of-subnets-allowed 700
tenant-quota max-no-of-ports-allowed 8000
tenant-quota no-of-volumes-allowed 900
tenant-quota volumes-allowed-gb 10000
tenant-quota volumes-backup-size-allowed 20000
vim-artifactd vim_one_artifact
tenant sjccore

Sample Multi-tenant Configuration File


In 6.3, the multi-tenant support for VNF was not fully qualified, and was made available only for testing purposes. For more information, contact your Cisco Accounts representative.

You can define the tenants according to the specific needs of your deployment. If the configuration file includes more than one tenant, then multiple VNF instances are deployed in different tenants in a single “site” leveraging a single VIM.


This is only a sample configuration file provided solely for your reference. You must create and modify your own configuration file according to the specific needs of your deployment.

uas-instance autoit-sun
 scm                       scm
nsd autovnf
 vim-identity vim1
 vim-artifact vim_artifact_one
 vnf-package  [ usp_6_3 ]
 require      [ autoit-sun ]
 vld mgmt
  vl-type          management
  network-instance management
 vld orch
  vl-type          orchestration
  network-instance orchestration
 vld service
  vl-type service
  network abc-service
 vld service1
  vl-type service
  network abc-service-1
 vnfd vnfd-em
  vnf-type          uem
  version           6.3
  high-availability true
  vnfm vnfd vnfd-esc
  cloud-info vnfm vnfd vnfd-esc
  configuration boot-time 1800
  configuration domain-name
  configuration set-vim-instance-name true
  configuration dns-server
  external-connection-point vnfc-em
   connection-point eth0
   floating-ip disabled
  vnfc vnfc-em
   health-check enabled
   health-check probe-frequency 10
   health-check probe-max-miss 6
   health-check retry-count 6
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id vdu-em
   number-of-instances 2
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link service-vl mgmt
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl orch
 vnfd vnfd-esc
  vnf-type          esc
  version           6.3
  high-availability true
  configuration openstack.endpoint publicURL
  configuration secure-login false
  configuration boot-time 1800
  configuration set-vim-instance-name true
  external-connection-point vnfc-esc
   connection-point eth0
   floating-ip disabled
  vnfc vnfc-esc
   health-check disabled
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id vdu-esc
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link service-vl mgmt
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl orch
 vnfd vnfd-vpc1
  vnf-type          ugp-standalone
  version           6.3
  high-availability true
  cloud-info vnfm vnfd vnfd-esc
  cloud-info vim vim3
  cloud-info vnf-em vnfd vnfd-em
  configuration internal-network-mtu 1500
  configuration boot-time 1800
  configuration domain-name
  configuration set-vim-instance-name true
  configuration dns-server
  vld di_internal1
   network-instance di-internal1
  vld di_internal2
   network-instance di-internal2
  external-connection-point vnfc-cf1
   connection-point eth1
   floating-ip disabled
  vnfc vnfc-cf1
   health-check enabled
   health-check probe-frequency 10
   health-check probe-max-miss 6
   health-check retry-count 6
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id vdu-cf1
   number-of-instances 1
   aggregate-connection-points DI_INTERFACE
    aggregate-connection-point eth0
    aggregate-connection-point eth3
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal1
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl mgmt
   connection-point eth2
    virtual-link service-vl orch
   connection-point eth3
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal2
  vnfc vnfc-sf1
   health-check enabled
   health-check probe-frequency 10
   health-check probe-max-miss 6
   health-check retry-count 6
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id vdu-sf1
   number-of-instances 1
   aggregate-connection-points DI_INT
    aggregate-connection-point eth0
    aggregate-connection-point eth3
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal1
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl orch
   connection-point eth2
    virtual-link service-vl service1
   connection-point eth3
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal2
 vnfd vnfd-vpc3
  vnf-type          ugp-standalone
  version           6.3
  high-availability true
  cloud-info vnfm vnfd vnfd-esc
  cloud-info vim vim2
  cloud-info vnf-em vnfd vnfd-em
  configuration internal-network-mtu 1500
  configuration boot-time 1800
  configuration domain-name
  configuration set-vim-instance-name true
  configuration dns-server
  vld di_internal1
   network-instance di-internal1
  vld di_internal2
   network-instance di-internal2
  external-connection-point vnfc-cf3
   connection-point eth1
   floating-ip disabled
  vnfc vnfc-cf3
   health-check enabled
   health-check probe-frequency 10
   health-check probe-max-miss 6
   health-check retry-count 6
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id vdu-cf3
   number-of-instances 1
   aggregate-connection-points DI_INTERFACE
    aggregate-connection-point eth0
    aggregate-connection-point eth3
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal1
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl mgmt
   connection-point eth2
    virtual-link service-vl orch
   connection-point eth3
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal2
  vnfc vnfc-sf3
   health-check enabled
   health-check probe-frequency 10
   health-check probe-max-miss 6
   health-check retry-count 6
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id vdu-sf3
   number-of-instances 1
   aggregate-connection-points DI_INT
    aggregate-connection-point eth0
    aggregate-connection-point eth3
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal1
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl orch
   connection-point eth2
    virtual-link service-vl service
   connection-point eth3
    virtual-link internal-vl di_internal2
nsd autoit-sun
 vim-identity vim1
 vim-artifact vim_artifact_one
 vnf-package  [ usp_6_3 ]
 vld mgmt
  vl-type          management
  network-instance management
 vld orch
  vl-type          orchestration
  network-instance orchestration
 vnfd sun-autovnf
  vnf-type          usp-uas
  version           6.3
  high-availability true
  deploy-nsd        autovnf
  configuration boot-time 1800
  configuration set-vim-instance-name true
  external-connection-point avf
   connection-point eth0
   floating-ip enabled
   floating-ip external-network public
  vnfc avf
   health-check disabled
   health-check boot-time 300
   vdu vdu-id autovnf
   connection-point eth0
    virtual-link service-vl mgmt
   connection-point eth1
    virtual-link service-vl orch
secure-token login
 user     $8$HjP/ha1KqDij6DCUZEN0RmyOquG5ZGv6wzfgS8Gc9yw=
 password $8$Y0kJt7G9L81QFGbqzTBo424a1wq0Q9tqckytZQI5YDo=
secure-token scm-admin
 user     $8$H4e9LO2wH2+W/x4Dhh7Sm8nWxT2lxi803le2wN/2fMA=
 password $8$KnJiA3at2nfQJk0BEMFDeG+AamCzrE58Fy6ES6lVUfc=
secure-token scm-oper
 user     $8$p9gUigD91WLAAEiVXjZLyHK8Isfg2nJGDwH4YZt7MQ0=
 password $8$zDMX8pKBbbXKrc+w67QGt+RnWcz+kG889ojcwwWsKNI=
secure-token scm-security
 user     $8$zye2UX+dvdgMY7oq7Jt5EEgH+XLdWhIfzeZXB4Mp6m8=
 password $8$EvcKiLx5SQTvuQKHmW0Innf60EZSuOSgakvXTIsFpKA=
secure-token em_login
 user     $8$OE7NrSx9PMy7GEB2Q4duuIMHC+OykguGTubnHevTeM4=
 password $8$dUWpjhV5zmf8aDmFu/M+QR/erkZS21VKQ54OsDVLhnw=
secure-token staros
 user     $8$Dlu3t/25edeXfBoB3n+VbJ+laDC+adLHiV6e5CuVLaE=
 password $8$TTMWXGFdNl4/fUM7MmVMxgwc5tSTk/IeIqDQ2fpby6w=
secure-token esc_netconf
 user     $8$qpXG2yQn59+fPOJg3UwDvNSAzmSwyLeipVxLg60OjQQ=
 password $8$Vb1DSZTpGgx/BNCrFtCLktXBnfKsItJFyAjah6CW7zI=
secure-token esc_login
 user     $8$UyWzOYED0lBSrdev9abCnUTtv066fE05m/zDWX16dDg=
 password $8$clHxnO39EkIYeJ4Xsf/bxhxtjgD6cMfRu7QpOWw3fpo=
secure-token cf_login
 user     $8$Jvv7tzTAgYX+xR6R513j+v1ugw4qqWud50wj5CsJYek=
 password $8$nG1g/JwIoTWXOKXi/6INEswp9V6PavzopVP2SL626T8=
secure-token cimc
 user     $8$g+55KovPpwPbEIyPt+4U91g9DWCWyxElSeQYy50SFg8=
 password $8$iMMdmt9irY6Bk0f5LzuNao3qbgUQMsgVEhazz9PDWzc=
secure-token stack
 user     $8$f64QjkNw+i1AHAvGxp4456jFF/aFJevtqgShUTPd2NY=
 password $8$nVn9rkDbPtOGbkxCG5DcK//6yM1iYqjv0DNg0iiiXxM=
secure-token ssh-baremetal
 user     $8$61+cdWMEPftZoNRLS5bMTQbGZ/8MD+wgebQBTWgrzwk=
 password $8$VQB8LSuTyE5DzMe3LKZiHSIH/H7AXKldZMYFP1YAS+w=
secure-token vim-tenant1-creds
 user     $8$55owGww93Gu2ChBFUqSnJbU5/5P+/4BKe3Bh7jjWWQQ=
 password $8$5481U+r4vjNuIFTwniSKjkdzXxch1pjgkSJCASFG2F4=
secure-token vim-tenant2-creds
 user     $8$tO57wgc4Mq4IVLKkofwtK+hgo5zz879/14l6O9BJ9+o=
 password $8$5iFf3mr3njU9EeNXVRohN5ntrUe8luUapW5gNpMQg5M=
secure-token vim-tenant3-creds
 user     user1
 password Cisco@123
secure-token os_admin
 user     $8$io2sCUXjMkW4IuMNw+JUtAs8lQlm9E63Hwu9qrmX81Q=
 password $8$QgG0xeJsqCF0FJ1Ps7h7tnY3+KJJ1iY7Jy/nFLFaqfI=
scm scm
 admin    scm-admin
 oper     scm-oper
 security scm-security
vnf-packaged usp_6_3
 location           /home/ubuntu/usp-6_3_M0-1234-MK.iso
 validate-signature false
 configuration staros
  external-url /home/ubuntu/system.cfg
vdu vdu-esc
 vdu-type           cisco-esc
 login-credential   esc_login
 netconf-credential esc_netconf
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack           vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   2
 flavor ram     4096
 flavor root-disk 40
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
vdu vdu-em
 vdu-type         element-manager
 login-credential em_login
 scm              scm
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack         vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   2
 flavor ram     4096
 flavor root-disk 40
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
vdu vdu-cf1
 vdu-type         control-function
 login-credential cf_login
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack         vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   8
 flavor ram     16384
 flavor root-disk 40
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
  value 2116

 ned netconf
  ned-id         cisco-staros-nc
  port-number    830
  authentication staros
 configuration staros_config.txt
  apply-at day-zero
  package  staros
 volume boot cf-boot
 volume storage cf-cdr
vdu vdu-cf2
 vdu-type         control-function
 login-credential cf_login
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack         vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   8
 flavor ram     16384
 flavor root-disk 40
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
  value 2116

 ned netconf
  ned-id         cisco-staros-nc
  port-number    830
  authentication staros
 configuration staros_config.txt
  apply-at day-zero
  package  staros
 volume boot cf-boot
 volume storage cf-cdr
vdu vdu-sf1
 vdu-type session-function
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   12
 flavor ram     16384
 flavor root-disk 6144
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
 upp cores     30
 upp crypto-cores 0
 upp service-mode vpc
 upp disable-mcdma false
 upp disable-numa false
  value 2116
 upp param IFTASK_CORES
  value 30

vdu vdu-sf2
 vdu-type session-function
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   12
 flavor ram     16384
 flavor root-disk 6144
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
 upp cores     30
 upp crypto-cores 0
 upp service-mode vpc
 upp disable-mcdma false
 upp disable-numa false
  value 2116
 upp param IFTASK_CORES
  value 30

vdu autovnf
 vdu-type         automation-service
 login-credential login
 scm              scm
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack         vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   2
 flavor ram     4096
 flavor root-disk 40
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
vdu vdu-cf3
 vdu-type         control-function
 login-credential cf_login
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack         vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   8
 flavor ram     16384
 flavor root-disk 40
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
  value 2116 

 ned netconf
  ned-id         cisco-staros-nc
  port-number    830
  authentication staros
 configuration staros_config.txt
  apply-at day-zero
  package  staros
 volume boot cf-boot
 volume storage cf-cdr
vdu vdu-sf3
 vdu-type session-function
 image vnf-package
 vnf-rack vnf-rack1
 vnf-package primary usp_6_3
 flavor vcpus   12
 flavor ram     16384
 flavor root-disk 6144
 flavor ephemeral-disk 0
 flavor swap-disk 0
 upp cores     30
 upp crypto-cores 0
 upp service-mode vpc
 upp disable-mcdma false
 upp disable-numa false
  value 2116
 upp param IFTASK_CORES
  value 30

volume cf-boot
 type                LUKS
 size                4
 bus                 ide
 bootable            true
 preserve-on-upgrade false
volume cf-cdr
 type                LUKS
 size                16
 bus                 ide
 bootable            false
 preserve-on-upgrade false
network abc-service
 type      vlan
 dhcp      true
network abc-service-1
 type      vlan
 dhcp      true
vnf-rackd vnf-rack1
 host-aggregate abc-host
  host tb1ano-compute-0.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-1.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-10.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-11.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-2.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-3.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-4.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-5.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-6.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-7.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-8.localdomain
  host tb1ano-compute-9.localdomain
vim vim1
 api-version v2
 user        vim-tenant1-creds
 tenant      tenant1
vim vim2
 api-version v2
 user        vim-tenant2-creds
 tenant      tenant2
vim vim3
 api-version v2
 user        vim-tenant3-creds
 tenant      tenant3
network-instance di-internal1
 type      sriov-flat
 dhcp      true
 vlan-tag  true
 vlan      2116
network-instance di-internal2
 type      sriov-flat
 dhcp      true
 vlan-tag  false
network-instance management
 type      vlan
 dhcp      true
network-instance orchestration
 type      vlan
 dhcp      true
vim-artifactd vim_artifact_one
 vnf-rack [ vnf-rack1 ]