show mipha

This chapter includes the show mipha command output tables.

show mipha statistics ha-service

Table 1. show mipha statistics ha-service Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

HA Service

The name of the HA service for which the statistics are displayed.

MIP AAA Authentication


The number of authentication attempts by the HA including those that are authenticated locally.


The number of authentication attempts completed successfully by the HA including those that are authenticated locally.

Total Failures

The total number of failed AAA authentication attempts that were facilitated.

Actual Auth Failures

The number of AAA authentication attempts that were rejected by the AAA server.

Misc Auth Failures

The number of miscellaneous authorization failures.

Registration Request Received

Total Received Reg

The total number of registration requests received.

Total Accepted Reg

The total number of registration requests accepted.

Total Denied Reg

The total number of registration requests that were denied.

Total Discarded Reg

The total number of registration requests that were discarded.

Congestion Discarded Reg

The number of requests discarded when congestion control is enabled and the system is in a congested state.

Initial Reg Requests


The number of initial registration requests received.


The number of initial registration requests accepted.


The number of initial registration requests denied.

Renew Reg Requests


The number of renewal registration requests received.


The number of renewal registration requests accepted.


The number of renewal registration requests denied.

DeReg Requests


The number of requests for de-registration received.


The number of requests for de-registration accepted.


The number of requests for de-registration denied.

Handoff Requests

The number of handoff requests by HA for an existing session.

  • Total:
  • 3GPP2 => 3GPP2:
  • 3GPP2 => WiMax:
  • WiMax => 3GPP2:
  • WiMax => WiMax:


The number of handoff request received by HA for an existing session.


The number of handoff request accepted by HA.


The number of handoff request denied by HA.

Registration Reply Sent


The number of registration replies sent.

Accepted Reg

The number of successful registration replies sent.

Accepted DeReg

The number of successful de-registration replies sent.


The number of denied registration replies sent.

Bad Request

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 86H (Registration Denied - poorly formed request).

Mismatched ID

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 85H (Registration Denied - registration identification mismatch).

MN Auth Failure

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 83H (Registration Denied - mobile node failed authentication).

FA Auth Failure

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 84H (Registration Denied - home agent failed authentication).

Admin Prohibited

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 81H (Registration Denied - administratively prohibited).

No Resources

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 82H (Registration Denied - insufficient resources).

Simul Bindings Exceeded

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 87H (Registration Denied - too many simultaneous mobility bindings).

Unknown HA

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 88H (Registration Denied - unknown home agent address).

Rev Tunnel Unavailable

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 89H (Registration Denied - reverse tunneling unavailable).

Rev Tunnel Mandatory

The number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 8AH (Registration Denied - reverse tunneling mandatory).

Encap Unavailable

The total number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 8BH (Registration Denied - reverse tunneling encapsulation style unavailable).

Send Error

The total number of errors that occurred while sending replies.

Unspecified Reason

The total number of denied registration replies that were sent with a reply code of 80H (Registration Denied - reason unspecified).

Unknown CVSE Rcvd

The total number of messages discarded because of an FA reply code of 100 (Critical Vendor Specific Extension Received).

UDP Encap Unavailable

Indicates registration denial caused by unavailable (minimal or GRE) UDP tunnel encapsulation modes.

RRQ Denied Overload/Congestion Control

Admin Prohibited(reject)

The number of RRQs rejected when congestion control is enabled and the system is in a congested state.

Unknown HA (redirect)

The number of RRQs redirected to an alternate HA when congestion control is enabled and the system is in a congested state.

Registration Revocation


Total registration revocation messages sent to the FA.

Retries Sent

Total registration revocation messages re-sent to the FA.

Ack Rcvd

Total registration revocation request acknowledgements received from the FA.

Not Acknowledged

Total registration revocation request messages that timed-out before an acknowledgement was received from the FA.


Total registration revocation request messages received from the FA.

Ack Sent

Total registration revocation request acknowledgements sent to the FA.

P-AAA Messages:

BC Query Requests:


The total number of Binding Cache requests received from the proxy-AAA server.


The total number of Binding Cache requests received from the proxy-AAA server that were accepted.


The total number of Binding Cache requests from the proxy-AAA server that were denied.


The total number of Binding Cache requests from the proxy-AAA server that were discarded.

BC Query Responses:


The total number of Binding Cache responses that were sent to the proxy-AAA server.

BC Found

The total number of Binding Cache responses that were sent to the proxy-AAA server that indicated that the requested binding context was found.

BC Not Found

The total number of Binding Cache responses that were sent to the proxy-AAA server that indicated that the requested binding context was not found.

IP Pool Overflow

The total number of Binding Cache responses that were sent to the proxy-AAA server that indicated that there is an IP Pool overflow condition for the requested binding context.


The total number of Binding Cache responses that were sent to the proxy-AAA server that indicated other miscellaneous errors for the requested binding context.

HA-IPSEC Tunnels

Requests Received

The total number of HA-IPSEC tunnel session requests received.


The total number of HA-IPSEC session requests received and initiated.


The total number of HA-IPSEC session requests received and denied.


The total number of HA-IPSEC sessions initiated and discarded.


The total number of HA-IPSEC sessions initiated and connected.


The total number of HA-IPSEC sessions initiated, connected and failed.

Tunnel Data Received

Total Packets

Total number of encapsulated packets received by this system.


Total number of IP-in-IP encapsulated packets received by this system.


Total number of GRE tunneled packets received by this system.


Total number of IP-in-UDP packets received by the system.


Total Number of MIP IP Sec packets received by the system.

Total Bytes

Total number of encapsulated bytes received by this system.


Total number of IP-in-IP encapsulated bytes received by this system.


Total number of GRE encapsulated bytes received by this system


Total number of IP-in-UDP bytes received by the system.


Total Number of MIP IP Sec bytes received by the system.


Protocol Type Error

Total number of encapsulated packets received with protocol type errors.

GRE Key Absent

Total number of GRE tunneled key absent errors received.

GRE Checksum Error

Total number of checksum errors that occurred in GRE tunnels received by this system.

Invalid Packet Length

Total number of encapsulated packets received with invalid packet lengths.

No Session Found

Total number of errors that occurred due to no session being present in received tunnels.

Tunnel Data Sent

Total Packets

The total number of encapsulated packets sent by this system.


The total number of IP-in-IP encapsulated packets sent by this system.


The total number of GRE encapsulated packets sent by this system.


Total number of IP-in-UDP packets sent by the system.


Total Number of MIP IP Sec packets sent by the system.

Total Bytes

The total number of encapsulated bytes sent by this system.


The total number of IP-in-IP encapsulated bytes sent by this system.


The total number of GRE encapsulated bytes sent by this system


Total number of IP-in-UDP bytes sent by the system.


Total Number of MIP IP Sec bytes sent by the system.

Total Disconnects

The total number of sessions that were disconnected.

Lifetime expiry

The total number of sessions that were disconnected due to the expiration of their lifetime setting.


The total number of sessions that were disconnected due to de-registrations.

Admin Drops

The total number of sessions that were disconnected due to an administrative clearing of calls (i.e. executing the clear subscribers command).

FA Revocations

The total number of disconnects that were due to revocations received from the FA.

IPSEC Tunnel Down

The total number of sessions that were disconnected due to IPSEC tunnels down.

Stale Key Disconnect�

The number of sessions that were disconnected due to a Stale Key�.

Other Reasons

The total number of disconnects that were due to reasons other than those already listed.

HA Monitoring

Monitor RRQ Received

The total number of HA monitor request messages received by this HA due to inactivity.

Monitor RRP Sent

The total number of HA monitor response messages sent by this HA.

DMU Refresh Key


The number of Dynamic Mobile IP Key Update refreshes attempted�.

Invalid Packets


The number of invalid packets discarded�

show mipha full username

Table 2. show mipha full username Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Subscriber's username


Subscriber's call identification number


Subscriber's mobile station identification number (MSID)

Home Address

IP address assigned to the subscriber's mobile node for the session

HA Address

IP address of the HA facilitating the subscriber's MIP session

Send NAI Extension in Revocation Message

Indicates whether or not an NAI extension is sent in a revocation message for this user. Options are:
  • No

  • Yes

Binding #

The mobility binding record (MBR) number associated with a particular subscriber session. Since it is possible for a single subscriber to have multiple bindings, information for each of the subscriber's binding records will be displayed according to the MBR number.

Care of Address

The IP address of the device terminating the tunnel to the mobile node. The address may belong to either a Foreign Agent that is facilitating the subscriber's Mobile IP session or another device that the mobile node is associated (co-located) with.

FA Address

The IP address of the Foreign Agent that is facilitating the subscriber's Mobile IP session.


The maximum amount of time that the subscriber's session can remain registered.

Remaining Life

The amount of time that is currently available to the subscriber to remain registered.

Reverse Tunneling

Displays whether or not reverse tunneling is enabled for the subscriber's session.

Encapsulation Type

The encapsulation method used for the subscriber's session.


The key that uniquely identifies the subscriber session when the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol Encapsulation Type

IPSec Required

Indicates whether or not IPSec is required for the subscriber Mobile IP session.

IPSec Ctrl Tunnel Estab.

If IPSec is required for the session, this field indicates whether or not the control tunnel has been established.

IPSec Data Tunnel Estab.

If IPSec is required for the session, this field indicates whether or not the data tunnel has been established.

Revocation Negotiated

Indicates whether or not MIP Registration Revocation was negotiated between the FA and the HA for this subscriber session. Options are:
  • No

  • Yes

Rev I bit Negotiated

Indicates whether or not the Revocation I bit was negotiated. Possible values are :
  • No

  • Yes

Colocated COA

Indicates whether or not the subscribers that registered a MIP colocated COA directly with the HA. Options are:
  • No

  • Yes

NAT Detected

Indicates whether or not network address translation (NAT) is detected.Options are:
  • No

  • Yes


The security parameter index (SPI) key used to verify a trusted host environment and that communications are to be established between known hosts.

Checks for presence of mobile node (MN) - home agent (HA) key. Options are:
  • True

  • False


Mobile node (MN) - home agent (HA) security parameter index (SPI).


The security parameter index (SPI) key used to verify a trusted host environment and that communications are to be established between known hosts.

Checks for presence of the FA - HA key. Options are:
  • True

  • False


FA - HA security parameter index (SPI)


The HA root key (RK) received by the HA from the AAA in the Radius Access-Accept.

Checks for presence of HA-RK key. Options are:
  • True

  • False

Note: True indicates a WiMAX session.


HA - RK security parameter index (SPI)

Note: This field applies to WiMAX sessions only.


The total lifetime applied to an HA-RK.

Note: This field applies to WiMAX sessions only.


Thew total remaining lifetime for the HA-RK.

Note: This field applies to WiMAX sessions only.

show mipha peers ha-service

Table 3. show mipha peers ha-service Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The name of the context where the HA service is located.

HA Service

The name of the HA service.

Peer Address

The IP address of the peer.

Current Sessions

The number of sessions currently running on the peer.

Total Sessions

The total number of current and past sessions for the peer.

IP Security

Specifies if IP security is enabled or disabled on the peer.

FA-HA Authentication

Specifies if FA-HA authentication is enabled or disabled on the peer.

Total Peers

The total number of peers in the output of this show command.

Total Current Sessions

The total number of sessions across all peers in the output of this show command.