show threshold

This chapter describes the output of the show threshold command variants.

show threshold

Table 1. show threshold Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Threshold operation model

The configured thresholding model.

Configured thresholds

Lists thresholds that were configured by the user (i.e. those that are not enabled as part of the system’s default configuration).

For each threshold listed, the scope, polling interval, and threshold values are displayed.

Active thresholds

Lists thresholds that are currently being monitored.

Note that configured thresholds must be enabled using the threshold monitoring command before they’re considered active.

For each threshold listed, the scope, polling interval, and threshold values are displayed.

Enabled threshold groups: (name, scope)

Displays configured threshold groups and their scope (what the threshold is applied to (i.e. specific ports, IP pool groups, or system wide).

Non-default poll intervals

Displays all polling intervals whose user-configured values differ from the default values.

NOTE: All threshold default values can be viewed using the show thresholds default command.

No outstanding alarm / Outstanding Alarms

Displays whether there are any outstanding (alarms for which no clear alarm was received) alarms or not.

If outstanding alarms exist, they will be listed in this field.