show ims-authorization

This chapter describes the outputs of the show ims-authorization command.

show ims-authorization policy-control statistics

Table 1. show ims-authorization policy-control statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

DPCA Session Stats

Total Current Sessions

The total number of DPCA session currently running on this system.

Total IMSA Adds

The total number of IP multimedia subsystem applications (IMSAs) added to service.

Total DPCA Starts

The total number of Diameter Policy Control Applications (DPCAs) started.

Total Fallback Sessions

The total number of Diameter Policy Control Application (DPCA) sessions successfully fallback to PCRF after being with local-policy.

Total Secondary Create

The total number of secondary contexts created.


This field is no longer available in 14.0 and later releases.

Total Secondary Terminate

The total number of secondary contexts deleted.


This field is no longer available in 14.0 and later releases.

Total Session Updates

The total number of updates applied for session/s.


This field is not available in 14.0 release.

Total Terminated

The total number of Diameter Policy Control Application sessions terminated.

DPCA Session Failovers

The total number of Diameter Policy Control Application sessions failed.

DPCA Message Stats

Total messages Received

Total policy control messages received for IMS authorization policy control.

Total Messages Sent

Total messages sent to IMS authorization policy control server.

Total CCR

Total Credit Control Request (CCR) messages received.

Total CCA

Total Credit Control Answer (CCA) messages sent in response to CCRs.


Total number of initial CCR messages received.


Total number of initial CCA messages sent in response to initial CCR messages.

CCA-Initial Accept

Total number of initial CCA messages accepted in response to initial CCR messages.

CCA-Initial Reject

Total number of initial CCA messages rejected in response to initial CCR messages.

CCA-Initial Dropped

Total number of CCA-I messages which are dropped due to S-GW restoration, DPCA is off or not present or if the IMSA session is in preservation mode.

CCA-Initial Timeouts

Total number of initial CCA messages timed out in response to initial CCR messages.


Total number of Credit Control Request (CCR) messages received after initial CCR for update.


Total Credit Control Answer (CCA) messages sent in response to update CCRs.

CCA-Update Timeouts

Total Credit Control Answer (CCA) messages sent in response to update CCRs but timed out.

CCA-Update Errors

Total number of errors in parsing the CCA-Update Message.

CCA-Update Dropped

Total number of CCA-U messages which are dropped due to S-GW restoration, DPCA is off or not present or if the IMSA session is in preservation mode.


Total number of final CCR messages received to end application.


Total number of final CCA messages sent in response to final CCR messages to end session/s.

CCA-Final Timeouts

Total number of final CCA messages sent in response to final CCR messages to end session/s but timed out.

CCA-Final Errors

Total number of errors in parsing the CCA-Terminate Message.

CCA-Final Dropped

Total number of CCA-T messages which are dropped due to S-GW restoration, DPCA is off or not present or if the IMSA session is in preservation mode.


Total number of Abort-Session-Requests (ASRs) received.


Total number of Abort-Session-Accept (ASA) messages sent in response to Abort-Session-Requests (ASRs).


Total number of Re-Auth-Requests (RARs) received for re-authorization.


Total number of Re-Auth-Requests (RARs) answered with Re-Auth-Answer (RAA) message.

RAR-CCR collision

Total number of Re-Auth-Request (RAR) messages received from PCRF when there is any outstanding Credit Control Request (CCR) message.


The total number of DPCA Re-Auth-Accept messages sent in response to Re-Auth-Request (RAR) messages received from PCRF during S2b handoff.

CCA Parse Failure

CCA-Initial Failure

This is the counter incremented when failure cb is invoked for CCR-Initial due to parse error at diabase.

CCA-Update Failure

This is the counter incremented when failure cb is invoked for CCR-Update due to parse error at diabase.

CCA-Final Failure

This is the counter incremented when failure cb is invoked for CCR-Final due to parse error at diabase

SGW Restoration

RAR Reject

The total number of RAR messages that were not processed during S-GW restoration. That is, the total number of RAR messages from the PCRF, that were rejected with result-code 5012 (UNABLE_TO_COMPLY).

RAR Accepted

Rule Removals

The total number of times the P-GW accepted RAR with rule removals from the PCRF during S-GW Restoration.

Session Release

The total number of times the P-GW accepted RAR with Session Release Cause from the PCRF during S-GW Restoration.

CCA-U Dropped

The total number of times that the P-GW dropped CCA-U during S-GW Restoration.

CCA-U Accepted

Rule Removals

The total number of times that the P-GW accepted CCA-U with rule removals from the PCRF during S-GW Restoration.

Session Release

The total number of times the P-GW accepted CCA-U with Session Release Cause from the PCRF during S-GW Restoration.

Internal Updates Dropped

Revalidation Timeout

The total number of DPCA messages that were not sent towards PCRF due to the expiry of revalidation timer when S-GW is down.

Pending Updates

The total number of CCR-Us that were dropped when S-GW is down and update is received from SM/ECS.

Sync Request

The total number of messages that were dropped when S-GW is down and the session sync request is received.

SGW Restoration Reported

RAA Sent

The total number of times S-GW restoration reported in RAA to the PCRF during S-GW Restoration.

CCR-U Sent

The total number of times that S-GW restoration reported in CCR-U to the PCRF during S-GW Restoration.

DPCA Message Error Stats

Diameter Protocol Errs

Total number of errors related to Diameter protocol.

Bad Answers

Total number of errors related to invalid response/answers.

Unknown Session Reqs

Total number of errors related to unknown session requests.

Unknown Command Code

Total number of errors related to unknown command codes.

Unsupported Command Code

Total number of errors related to unsupported command codes.

Unk Failure Handling

Total number of errors related to unknown handling of failures.

DPCA Termination Cause Stats

Diameter Logout

Total number of DPCA session termination due to Diameter logout.

Service Not Provided

Total number of DPCA session termination due to unavailability of service.

Bad Answer

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to invalid/bad response reason.


Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to administrative reasons.

Link Broken

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to link broken.

Auth Expired

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to authorization expired.

User moved

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated as subscriber/user moved to unknown/non-service area.

Session Timeout

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to timed out reason.

Auth Rejected

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to authorization rejected.

Other Errors

Total number of DPCA sessions terminated due to unknown reasons or reasons not listed in this list.

DPCA Experimental Result Code Stats:

Statistics of the number of times the specific Experimental-Result-Code value was received in the Diameter Gx Credit-Control-Answer (CCA) from the PCRF per IMSA service.

Error Initial Parameters

The number of times DIAMETER_ERROR_INITIAL_PARAMETERS (5140) Experimental-Result-Code value was received in the Diameter Gx CCA.

Error Trigger Event

The number of times DIAMETER_ERROR_TRIGGER_EVENT (5141) Experimental-Result-Code value was received in the Diameter Gx CCA.

Bearer Not Authorized

The number of times DIAMETER_ERROR_BEARER_NOT_AUTHORIZED (5143) Experimental-Result-Code value was received in the Diameter Gx CCA.

Traffic Mapping Rejected

The number of times DIAMETER_ERROR_TRAFFIC_MAPPING_INFO_REJECTED (5144) Experimental-Result-Code value was received in the Diameter Gx CCA.

PCC Rule Event

The number of times DIAMETER_PCC_RULE_EVENT (5142) Experimental-Result-Code value was sent in the Diameter Gx Re-Auth-Request (RAR).

Conflicting Request

This error is used when the PCRF cannot accept the UE-initiated resource request as a network-initiated resource allocation is already in progress with packet filters that cover the packet filters in the received UE-initiated resource request.

Bearer Event

This error is used when a PCC rule for some reason cannot be enforced or modified successfully in a network initiated procedure.

Bad Exp Result Code

The number of times an unknown Experimental-Result-Code value (apart form the ones recognized in CCA that are listed above PCC Rule Event) was received in the Diameter CCA.

PCRF Too Busy

This error is used when the PCRF is unable to process the CCR message due to transient failures.


The total number of times the Experimental Result Code DIAMETER_PENDING_TRANSACTION (4198) is sent to the server.


The total number of times the Experimental Result Code DIAMETER_PENDING_TRANSACTION (4198) is received from the server.

Session Recovery Req

The total number of times the session recovery request experimental result code is received from PCRF.

Diameter Overload Control

The total number of times the Experimental-Result-code (5198 - DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY) is received from the PCRF.

This result code is used to indicate that all the nodes connected behind the Diameter Agent are overloaded and that the client (ePDG and P-GW) should not attempt the message on the alternate connection.

Newer Session Detected

The total number of times the Experimental-Result-code (5199 - DIAMETER_NEWER_SESSION_DETECTED) is received from the PCRF.

When the response message is received with 5199 result code, the Diameter application does not retry to a secondary AAA server. If the Experimental Result-Code 5199 is received in Assume Positive mode, then the current call is terminated.

Gx APN Change

The total number of times the Experimental-Result-code (5999 - DIAMETER_GX_APN_CHANGE) is received from the PCRF.

This result code is sent when Virtual APN is selected through PCRF.

Diameter Overload Control Stats:


The total number of times the Experimental-Result-code (5198 - DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY) is received in CCA-I.


The total number of times the Experimental-Result-code (5198 - DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY) is received in CCA-U.


The total number of times the Experimental-Result-code (5198 - DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY) is received in CCA-T.

Session Sync Request Stats:


The total number of times the RARs in which the session sync request is received.


The total number of times the CCAs in which the session sync request is received.

DPCA FH Retry Server On Event


The counters under "DPCA FH Retry Server On Event" will not be incremented if the message is sent or received after session recovery/ICSR switchover.


The total number of times the CCR-U is sent out after Failure-Handling action "continue retry-server-on-event " is applied.


The total number of times the CCR-T is sent out after Failure-Handling action "continue retry-server-on-event " is applied.


The total number of times the RAR is received after Failure-Handling action "continue retry-server-on-event " is applied.

Session Release Cause


Unspecified Reason

The total number of IP CAN sessions terminated because of Session Release Cause "Unspecified Reason" received in CCA.

UE Subscription Changed

The total number of IP CAN sessions terminated because of Session Release Cause "UE Subscription Changed" received in CCA.

Insuffcnt Srvr Resource

The total number of IP CAN sessions terminated because of Session Release Cause "Insufficient Server Resources" received in CCA.


Unspecified Reason

The total number of IP CAN sessions terminated because of Session Release Cause "Unspecified Reason" received in RAR.

UE Subscription Changed

The total number of IP CAN sessions terminated because of Session Release Cause "UE Subscription Changed" received in RAR.

Insuffcnt Srvr Resource

The total number of IP CAN sessions terminated because of Session Release Cause "Insufficient Server Resources" received in CCA.

DPCA Failure Handling Stats

Connection Based FH

Total FH Triggered

Total number of times when ims-auth-service Failure Handling is triggered.

Total Message Timeouts

Total number of response message timeouts, i.e. PCRF failed to respond within the configured timeout value.


Response to the CCR-I message was timed out.


Response to the CCR-U message was timed out.


Response to the CCR-T message was timed out.

Total Message Send Errs

Total number of requests failed to be sent due to socket based send errors.


CCR-I failed to be sent due to socket based errors.


CCR-U failed to be sent due to socket based errors.


CCR-T failed to be sent due to socket based errors.

Result Code Based FH

Configured Result Code

Failure handling being undertaken due to configured result code range.


Failure handling being undertaken due to configured result code range for CCA-Initial messages.


Failure handling being undertaken due to configured result code range for CCA-Update messages.


Failure handling being undertaken due to configured result code range for CCA-Terminate messages.

Unh and Unk Result Code

Failure handling being undertaken due to a result code which is neither defined in the diameter or customer specs.


Failure handling being undertaken due to unknown result code for CCA-Initial messages.


Failure handling being undertaken due to unknown result code for CCA-Update messages.


Failure handling being undertaken due to unknown result code for CCA-Terminate messages.

FH Behavior


Total number of times the failure handling action "continue" has been undertaken.


Total number of times the failure handling action "retry-and-continue" has been undertaken.

CCR on Call Terminate

Total number of times the failure handling action "continue" has been undertaken and CCR-T has been sent to PCRF on call termination.


Total number of times the failure handling action "continue-without-retry" has been undertaken. This failure action implies that the IMSA call will be continued without retrying to the secondary PCRF.


Total number of times the failure handling action "continue-with-fallback" has been undertaken. This failure action implies that the IMSA call will be continued with the PCC rules defined in local policy.

Continue-With-Fallback Without Retry

Total number of times the failure handling action "continue-fallback-wo-retry" has been undertaken. This failure action implies that the IMSA call will be continued with the PCC rules defined in local policy without retrying to the secondary PCRF server.

Retry Server On Event

Total number of times the failure-handling action "continue retry-server-on-event" has been undertaken.

Retry and Terminate


Total number of times the failure handling action "retry-and-terminate" has been undertaken.

Retry Term without CCRT

Total number of times the failure handling action "retry-and-terminate" has been undertaken without sending CCR-T to PCRF on call termination.

Retry same server

Total number of times the failure handling action "retry-and-terminate" has been applied to retry to the same server within a configurable timer.



Total number of times the failure handling action "terminate" has been undertaken.

Terminate without CCRT

Total number of times the failure handling action "terminate" has been undertaken without sending CCR-T to PCRF on call termination.

Local Fallback Cause Stats

Displays the reason for fallback to local-policy.


Total number of the times the OCS server is unreachable due to Tx expiry.


Total number of the times the OCS server is unreachable due to request timeout.

Diabase error

Total number of the times the OCS server is unreachable due to Diabase error.

Result-code error

Total number of the times the OCS server is unreachable due to Result code errors.

Peer Switches

Attempted Switches

Total number of peer switches attempted.

Successful Switches

Total number of peer switches successful.

Switches-Tx timeout

Total number of peer switches due to timeout expiry.

Switches-RAR change

Total number of peer switches due to RAR from secondary server.

CCA Result Code Stats

Result Code 2xxx

Total number of CCA messages that have been received with result code 2xxx for Gx.

Result Code 3xxx

Total number of CCA messages that have been received with result code 3xxx for Gx.

Result Code 4xxx

Total number of CCA messages that have been received with result code 4xxx for Gx.

Result Code 5xxx

Total number of CCA messages that have been received with result code 5xxx for Gx.

Other Result Code

Total number of CCA messages that have been received with other result codes for Gx.

Backpressure Stats

CCR-I Backpressure Stats


Total number of CCR-I messages that are in backpressure state.


Total number of times the application fails to create a CCR-I message due to no TCP connection when the messages are in backpressure state.

Sess-Id Recovery Failures

Total number of times the CCR-I message is sent before recovering the session ID when the call is running in proxy mode and session recovery happens.

CCR-U Backpressure Stats


Total number of CCR-U messages that are in backpressure state.


Total number of times the application fails to create a CCR-U message due to no TCP connection when the messages are in backpressure state.

Max Retry

Total number of times the max retries have been attempted when the CCR-U message is in backpressure state.

Dropped Messages

Total number of CCR-U request messages that are dropped when there are already some messages in backpressure state.

Sess-Id Recovery Failures

Total number of times the CCR-U message is sent before recovering the session ID when the call is running in proxy mode and session recovery happens.

CCR-T Backpressure Stats


Total number of CCR-T messages that are in backpressure state.


Total number of times the application fails to create a CCR-T message due to no TCP connection when the messages are in backpressure state.

Sess-Id Recovery Failures

Total number of times the CCR-T message is sent before recovering the session ID when the call is running in proxy mode and session recovery happens.

RAA Result Code Stats

Result Code 2xxx

Total number of RAA messages that are received with the result-code between 2000 and 2999

Result Code 3xxx

Total number of RAA messages that are received with result-code between 3000 to 3999.

Result Code 4xxx

Total number of RAA messages that are received with result-code between 4000 to 4999.

Result Code 5xxx

Total number of RAA messages that are received with result-code between 5000 to 5999.

Other Result Code

Total number of RAA messages that are received with result-code other than the range of 2xxx to 5xxx.

Responses in Queue

Current Responses in Queue

Total number of out of order responses present in queue across all sessions at current time.

Purged Responses

Total number of responses purged without sending to the session manager.

Total Response in Queue

Total number of responses that are buffered in the queue.

Requests in Queue for LP

Current Requests in Queue

Total number of requests present in the queue which are yet to be sent to Local Policy module.

Purged Requests

Total number of requests purged without sending to Local Policy.

Total Requests Fwd to LP

Total number of outstanding requests forwarded to Local Policy.

Session Recovery Failure

Resource Limitation

Total number of times the rule installation failed due to the resource limitation i.e. when received string is more than expected size like redirecturllen more than 512.

Unknown Bearer ID

Total number of times the rule installation failed due to unknown bearer ID.

Invalid QCI

Total number of times the rule installation failed due to invalid QCI.

Invalid ARP

Total number of times the rule installation failed due to invalid ARP.

Bearer-Id in QoS

Total number of times the rule installation failed due to a mismatch in the bearer ID present in QoS flow.

Session Recovery Failure


Indicates the total number of times lp-activate-rules session recovery or ICSR recovery failed.

show ims-authorization policy-gate status full


This command is no longer an option in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Table 2. show ims-authorization policy-gate status full Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Specifies Call Identifier.


Specifies International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) of subscriber.


Specifies Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI) to a single PDP context of the subscriber.

Charging Rule

Specifies dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.


Displays the precedence of the dynamic charging rule applicable to specific flow.

Flow Status

Specifies the status of flow with specific charging rule. Possible states are:
  • Open

  • Closed

  • Dormant

Flow Dir

Specifies the direction of flow with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service. Possible states are:
  • Uplink

  • Downlink

Source Addr

Specifies the source IP address of flow with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

Source Addr Mask

Specifies the masking of source IP address of flow with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

Destination Addr

Specifies the destination IP address of flow with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

Destination Addr Mask

Specifies the masking of destination IP address of flow with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

Source Port

Specifies the IP port of flow origin with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

Destination Port

Specifies the destination IP port of flow end with specific dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

show ims-authorization policy-gate counters all


This command is no longer an option in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Table 3. show ims-authorization policy-gate counters all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Specifies Call Identifier.


Specifies International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) of subscriber.


Specifies Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI) to a single PDP context of the subscriber.

Charging Rule

Specifies dynamic charging rule applicable for specific flow through a policy gate in IMS authorization service.

Gate State changed

Displays the change state of policy gate for specific subscriber flow.

Possible values are:
  • 0: No change

  • 1: Changed

Uplink Pkts Statistics

Displays the statistics of packets in uplink direction.

Downlink Pkts Statistics

Displays the statistics of packets in downlink direction.

Pkts processed

Displays the total number of packets received and processed.

Bytes processed

Displays the total number of bytes received and processed.

Pkts dropped

Displays the total number of packets received but dropped.

Bytes dropped

Displays the total number of bytes received but dropped.

show ims-authorization servers

Table 4. show ims-authorization servers ims-auth-service Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Service Name

IMS authorization service name.

IMS Authorization Server

IMS authorization server name.

Server Type

IMS Authorization server type. It may be Policy, Charging, or both.

PCRF host

Identifies the Policy Control and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) host.

Operational State

Indicates operational state of the authorization server.

Server Session State

Indicates authorization server session state.

Server Statistics

Indicates authorization server session statistics.

Session Active

Total number of active authorization server sessions.

Session Opened

Total number of opened authorization server sessions.

Session Closed

Total number of closed authorization server sessions.

Sessions switched due to Tx Expiry

Total number of sessions switched due to transmission expiry.

Sessions switched due to reselection

Total number of sessions switched due to re-selection of authorization servers.

Server Up -> down indications

Total number of servers going to down state from up state.


RAA sent

Total number of times the Experimental Result Code DIAMETER_PENDING_TRANSACTION (4198) is sent to the server.

CCA rcvd

Total number of times the Experimental Result Code DIAMETER_PENDING_TRANSACTION (4198) is received from the server.

Session Recovery Request

CCA rcvd

Total number of times the session recovery request is received in CCA.

CCR sent

Total number of times the subsequent CCR updates are sent in session recovery request.

Session Sync Request

RAR rcvd

Total number of times the session sync request is received in RAR.

CCA rcvd

Total number of times the session sync request is received in CCA.

CCR sent

Total number of times the subsequent CCR updates are sent in session sync request.

Total servers matching specified criteria

Total number of servers matching the specified criteria.

show ims-authorization service name

Table 5. show ims-authorization service name Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

IMS Authorization Service Name

Name of IMS authorization service name.


Name of the context in which IMS authorization service is configured.

Service State

State of the IMS authorization service.

Service mode

Mode of IMS authorization service for policy and charging.

Binding Mechanism

Describes the mechanism on the control of bearer resources based on a binding mechanism that binds one or more service to a bearer.

QoS Update Timeout

Specifies the timeout duration in seconds to discard QoS update request.

NOTE: QoS Update Timeout is no longer shown in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Reauth Trigger

Specifies the Re-authorization trigger's status.

P-CSCF Discovery

Specifies the configured route-table applicable for Proxy-Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) discovery.

P-CSCF Selection Table[ n ]

Specifies the configured selection table information for Proxy-Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) server selection. This table includes information on the configured row precedence, primary and secondary IP address, and the weight.

[n ] indicates the selection table number.

Diameter Policy Control

Specifies Diameter Policy Control related configuration and information.


Specifies Diameter endpoint name for Diameter Policy Control.


Specifies Diameter origin domain name for Diameter Policy Control.


Specifies the configured applicable dictionary for Diameter Policy Control.


Indicates whether the 3GPP Rel. 8 AVPs, 3GPP Rel. 9 AVPs are selected for encoding.

Supported Features

Displays the information about the supported features that are configured.

Request Timeout

Indicates the configured request timeout value.

Endpoint Peer Select

Indicates the configuration of endpoint peer selection at Diabase.


Enables the extended bandwidth with new radio feature support on Gx interface.

Reauth Trigger

Indicates the re-authorization trigger status.

Custom Reauth Trigger

Indicates enabled custom reauth event triggers.

Failure Handling

Specifies the configured mechanism for failure handling in Diameter Policy Control.

Peer Switch

Specifies the status of Peer switching for in Diameter Policy Control.


This field has been deprecated in 8.1 and later releases.

Local Policy Service

Specifies the configured local policy service name.

Host Selection

Specifies host selection mechanism with selection table.

Host Reselection Subscriber Limit

Specifies the limit of subscriber bind to specific host origin to trigger re-selection of host.

Host Reselection Interval

Specifies time interval to trigger host re-selection for subscriber.

Sgsn Change Reporting

Specifies whether or not the feature, to report SGSN-Address AVP in CCR-I messages during GnGp scenario, is configured.

Session-Id Mismatch Clear Session

Specifies whether or not the feature, to delete session ID mismatched subscriber sessions during ICSR switchovers or process failures, is configured.

For more information on this feature, see the Gx Interface Support chapter in the administration guide for the product you are deploying.

3GPP R9 Flow Direction Compliance

Specifies whether or not the feature, to enable Rel.9 changes for Flow-Description, TFT-Filter, and Packet-Filter-Content AVPs, is configured.

For more information on this feature, see the Gx Interface Support chapter in the administration guide for the product you are deploying.

Host Selection Table[ n ]

Specifies the configured selection table information for host server selection.

[n ] indicates the selection table number.


Specifies the precedence applicable.

Primary Host

Specifies the primary name/IP address the host.

Secondary Host

Specifies the secondary name/IP address of the host.


Multiple Presence Reporting Area Information Reporting.

show ims-authorization service name p-cscf all

Table 6. show ims-authorization service name p-cscf all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Name of the Proxy-Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) server.

Active Sessions

Number of active PDN sessions served per allocated P-CSCF IPv4/IPv6 address pair (primary and secondary servers).

Total servers matching specified criteria

Displays the total number of servers matching the specified criteria.

show ims-authorization service statistics

Table 7. show ims-authorization service statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

IMS Auth Service Statistics Summary


In StarOS release 14.0 and later, all these statistics will be incremented per control session (subscriber).

Total Services

Total number of IMS authorization services running in the system.

Control Session Statistics

Current Active

Total number of current sessions that are active.

Total Setup

Total number of sessions set up.

Auth Session

Current Active

Total number of current sessions that are active.

Current Fallback Session

Total number of the sessions that are currently in local-fallback state.

Current PCRF Session

Total number of the sessions that are currently associated with PCRF.

Total Attempted

Total number of authorization sessions attempted.

Total Setup

Total number of sessions set up.

Total Failed

Total number of failed sessions.

Total Released

Total number of released sessions.

Total Fallback

Total number of sessions which fell back to the local policy.

Setup Failures

Auth Failure

Total number of authorization failures.


Total number of failures due to PCRF being down.

PCRF Selection Error

Total number of failures due to PCRF selection errors.

Table Change Init

Total number of failures due to table change initialization.

Server Discovery Failure

Total number of failures due to server discovery failure.

Session Releases

Normal Released

Total number of normal session releases.

Abnormal Released

Total number of abnormal session releases.

Session Terminated

Total number of sessions aborted.


Total number of sessions terminated when PCRF is not responding

Admin Release

Total number of sessions releases intitiated by Administrator.

Server Re-selection

Total number of sessions terminated due to the server reselection.

Unusual Release

Displays the unusual logs. This counter will be incremented in places where ASSERT is replaced with call drop.


This counter will NOT be displayed if "service name" filter is given to the CLI command, as the counter is incremented per IMSA instance.

Initial Authorization

Total Attempts

Total number of initial authorization attempts.

Total Successful

Total number of successful initial authorization attempts.

Total Failed

Total number of failed initial authorization attempts.

Authorization Failures

Diameter Errors

Total number of authorization failures due to Diameter errors.

Policy Enforcement

Total number of authorization failures due to policy enforcement.

Validation Failure

Total number of authorization failures due to validation failure.

UE Not Served Reject

Total number of rejections due to PCRF reselection failures.


Total Attempts

Total number of re-authorization attempts.

Total Successful

Total number of successful reauthorization attempts.

Total Failed

Total number of failed re-authorization attempts.


CCRU received

Total number of CCR-Us received when the call is with local-policy.

RAR received

Total number of RARs received when the call is with local-policy.

Re-Authorization Failures

Validation Failure

Total number of validation failures.

Re-Authorization Triggers

SGSN Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to change in SGSN for subscriber node.

PLMN Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to change in Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN).

RAT Change

Total number of re-authorizations tittered due to change in Radio Access Type (RAT) of subscriber node.

TFT Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to change in Traffic Flow Template (TFT) of subscriber session.

TFT Delete

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to deletion of TFT of subscriber session.

NOTE: TFT Delete is no longer shown in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Bearer Recovery

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to bearer or service recovery after loss of bearer or service.

Bearer Loss

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to loss of bearer or service.

QoS Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to change in Quality of Service (QoS) level/rating of subscribers.

Policy Failure

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to failure of credit and charging policy.

IP-CAN Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to IP-CAN changes.

Resources Limitation

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to resource limitations.

Max Num of Bearers Rchd

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to maximum number of bearers allowed.

QoS Chng Exceeding Auth

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to QoS Change exceeding authorization.

RAI Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to RAI changes.

User Location Change

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to user location changes.

TAI Change

Total number of times P-GW has reported TAI_CHANGE (26) event trigger to PCRF.

This field is added in support of TAI and ECGI Change Reporting feature.

ECGI Change

Total number of times P-GW has reported ECGI_CHANGE (27) event trigger to PCRF.

This field is added in support of TAI and ECGI Change Reporting feature.

PCRF Triggered ReAuth

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to PCRF triggered reauthorization.

Preservation Changed

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to preservation changes.

Reactivation Changed

Total number of re-authorizations triggered due to reactivation changes.

Revalidation Timeout

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "REVALIDATION_TIMEOUT" event trigger.

AN GW Changed

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "AN_GW_CHANGE" event trigger.

Out Of Credit Reauth

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "OUT_OF_CREDIT" event trigger.

Reallocation Of Credit

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "REALLOCATION_OF_CREDIT" event trigger.

Def EPS Bearer QoS Chng

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "DEFAULT_EPS_BEARER_QOS_CHANGE" event trigger.

Successful Resource Alloc

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "SUCCESSFUL_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION" event trigger.

Usage Report

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "USAGE_REPORT" event trigger.

Service Flow Detection

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "SERVICE_FLOW_DETECTION" event trigger.

UE Timezone Change

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "UE_TIME_ZONE_CHANGE" event trigger.

UE IP Address Allocate

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "UE_IP_ADDRESS_ALLOCATE" event trigger.

UE IP Address Release

Total number of re-authorization messages that are sent to PCRF because of "UE_IP_ADDRESS_RELEASE" event trigger.

Resource Modification Req

Total number of reauthorization messages (CCR-U) that are sent to PCRF because of "RESOURCE_MODIFICATION_REQUEST" event-trigger.

APN AMBR Modification Failure

Total number of reauthorization messages (CCR-U) that are sent to PCRF because of "APN_AMBR_MODIFICATION_FAILURE" event trigger.

Def Bearer QOS Mod Failure

Total number of reauthorization messages (CCR-U) that are sent to PCRF because of "DEFAULT_EPS_BEARER_QOS_MODIFICATION_FAILURE" event trigger.

Tethering Flow Detected

Total number of reauthorization messages (CCR-U) that are sent to PCRF because of "TETHERING_FLOW_DETECTED" event trigger.


This field is customer-specific. For more information, contact your local Cisco account representative.

Chrg Correlation Exchange

Total number of reauthorization messages (CCR-U) that are sent to PCRF because of "CHARGING_CORRELATION_EXCHANGE" event trigger.

Access Network Info Report

Total number of CCR-Us sent to PCRF because of " ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_REPORT (45)" event trigger.

This field is added in support of Network Provided Location Information (NPLI) Reporting feature.

Session Recovery

Total number of CCR-Us that were sent for session recovery.

Session Sync

Total number of CCR-Us sent for session synchronization.

DCCA Failure Report

Total number of reauthorization messages (CCR-U) that are sent to PCRF because of “Custom-Event-Trigger”.

Application Start

Total number of CCR-Us sent to PCRF to notify the start of a specific protocol or a group of protocols through the event trigger "APPLICATION_START".

This field is added in support of ADC rules over Gx feature.

Application Stop

Total number of CCR-Us sent to PCRF to notify the stop of a specific protocol or a group of protocols through the event trigger "APPLICATION_STOP".

This field is added in support of ADC rules over Gx feature.


Host Select Failure

Total number of host select failures.

Inactive Host

Total number of inactive hosts.

Packet Statistics


Packet Statistics are no longer shown in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Uplink Pkts Processed

Total number of uplink packets processed.

Downlink Pkts Processed

Total number of downlink packets processed.

Uplink Bytes Processed

Total number of uplink bytes processed.

Downlink Bytes Processed

Total number of downlink bytes processed.

Uplink Pkts Dropped

Total number of uplink packets dropped.

Downlink Pkts Dropped

Total number of downlink packets dropped.

Uplink Bytes Dropped

Total number of uplink bytes dropped.

Downlink Bytes Dropped

Total number of downlink bytes dropped.

show ims-authorization sessions full all

Table 8. show ims-authorization sessions full all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The call identifier.

Service Name

The IMS authorization service name.


The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) of subscriber.

Session ID

The session ID is of type UTF8String and is used to identify a specific session.


The Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI) to a single PDP context of the subscriber.

Bearer Usage

Indicates the bearer usage for this session.


This field is no longer available in 14.0 and later releases.

Bearer Type

Indicates the bearer type.


This field is no longer available in 14.0 and later releases.

Bearer ID

Indicates the bearer identifier.


This field is no longer available in 14.0 and later releases.

Context Type

Indicates the PDP context type: Primary or Secondary.


This field is no longer available in 14.0 and later releases.


IP address of the SGSN node.


Indicates the Access Point Name (APN) for this service.

Bearer Control Mode

The bearer control mode: UE/NW


Releases prior to 14.1, this field displays "None" for HA/MIPv6HA/PDSN service Gx calls. However, release 14.1 onwards, this field displays UE_ONLY for these calls.


Indicates the session state.

Note that the state "Local fallback" will indicate that the IP CAN session has fallen back to local policy.

Primary PCRF Server

The primary Policy Control and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) server host name.

Secondary PCRF Server

The secondary PCRF server host name.

Primary P-CSCF

The primary Proxy-Call Session Control Function gateway address.


In 15.0 and later releases, P-CSCF server address after session recovery is removed as P-CSCF addresses are required only during call establishment and not required at later stages of the session. Hence, the server address will not be displayed post session manager recovery.

Secondary P-CSCF

The secondary P-CSCF gateway address.


In 15.0 and later releases, P-CSCF server address after session recovery is removed as P-CSCF addresses are required only during call establishment and not required at later stages of the session. Hence, the server address will not be displayed post session manager recovery.

UE IP Address

UE IP Session Type

Specifies the type of the address assigned to the user. The possible valid values are IPv4, IPv6 and IPv4_IPv6.

IPv4 Address

Displays the IPv4 address assigned to the user.

IPv6 Address

Displays the IPv6 address assigned to the user.

Primary OCS


In 16.0 and later releases, Primary OCS information such as Hostname, Port and Protocol are removed from the display as there is no value stored at IMSA module. When the downgrade occurs these fields will not be present and will be shown as NA.


Specifies the Primary-Event-Charging-Function-Name of type DiameterURI, or the address of primary online charging system.


The port associated with the primary OCS.


The protocol associated with the primary OCS.

Secondary OCS


In 16.0 and later releases, Secondary OCS information such as Hostname, Port and Protocol are removed from the display as there is no value stored at IMSA module. When the downgrade occurs these fields will not be present and will be shown as NA.


Specifies the Secondary-Event-Charging-Function-Name of type DiameterURI, or the address of secondary online charging system.


The port associated with the secondary OCS.


The protocol associated with the secondary OCS.

Primary CCF


In 16.0 and later releases, Primary CCF information such as Hostname, Port and Protocol are removed from the display as there is no value stored at IMSA module. When the downgrade occurs these fields will not be present and will be shown as NA.


Specifies the Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name of type DiameterURI or the address of primary offline charging system for the bearer.


The port associated with the primary CCF.


The protocol associated with the primary CCF.

Secondary CCF


In 16.0 and later releases, Secondary CCF information such as Hostname, Port and Protocol are removed from the display as there is no value stored at IMSA module. When the downgrade occurs these fields will not be present and will be shown as NA.


Specifies the Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name of type DiameterURI or the address of secondary offline charging system for the bearer.


The port associated with the secondary CCF.


The protocol associated with the secondary CCF.

Auth Decision

Parameters configured for authorization decision.

Event Triggers

Triggers for different events for Authorization decision.

Custom Event Triggers

This field indicates the registration of any custom event triggers.


This field shows None when there is no custom event trigger.

Local Policy Enabled Event Triggers

This field indicates the list of event-triggers that are enabled from local-policy.

Event Report Indication

Specifies which type of changes will trigger an event report from the PCRF.

Negotiated Supported Features

Displays all the supported features that are actually applied to the session after negotiation with PCRF.

Authorized QoS

Displays the authorized QoS information for a specific session.

In 15.0 and later releases, this field name has been changed to Negotiated QoS in order to display the negotiated QoS information.

QoS Policy

Specifies QoS policy for specific session.

QoS Class

The QoS class applicable to this session.

APN AMBR Uplink(in bps)

The APN uplink AMBR, in bps.

APN AMBR Downlink(in bps)

The APN downlink AMBR, in bps.

MBR Uplink(in bps)

The maximum bandwidth for uplink direction, in bps.

MBR Downlink(in bps)

The maximum bandwidth for downlink direction, in bps.

GBR Uplink Bw(in bps)

The guaranteed bandwidth for uplink direction, in bps.


This field will display "NA" for GBR values for non-GBR bearers.

GBR Downlink Bw(in bps)

The guaranteed bandwidth for downlink direction, in bps.


This field will display "NA" for GBR values for non-GBR bearers.

Charging Rules

Dynamic charging rule applicable for specific session in IMSA service.

NOTE: Charging Rules are no longer shown in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Rule Name

Name of the applicable dynamic charging rule.


Precedence of the applicable dynamic charging rule.

Revalidation Time

Specifies the time at which the next CCR-U will be sent out for the Re-validation Timeout EVENT TRIGGER.

Session Packet Statistics

Specifies the session data statistics.

NOTE: Session Packet Statistics are no longer shown in StarOS release 11.0 and beyond.

Uplink Pkt Processed

Total number of packets processed in uplink direction.

Uplink Bytes Processed

Total number of bytes processed in uplink direction.

Uplink Pkt Dropped

Total number of packets dropped or not processed in uplink direction.

Uplink Bytes Dropped

Total number of bytes dropped or not processed in uplink direction.

Downlink Pkt Processed

Total number of packets processed in downlink direction.

Downlink Bytes Processed

Total number of bytes processed in downlink direction.

Downlink Pkt Dropped

Total number of packets dropped or not processed in downlink direction.

Downlink Bytes Dropped

Total number of bytes dropped or not processed in downlink direction.

Total sessions matching specified criteria

The total number of sessions matching the specified criteria.


Multiple Presence Reporting Area Information Reporting.