show pcc-policy

This chapter describes the output of the show pcc-policy command.

show pcc-policy service all

Table 1. show pcc-policy service all Command Output Description
Field Description

Service name

Indicates the name of the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.

Context name

Indicates the name of the context in which the PCC-Policy service instance is configured and running.

Service State

Displays the state of PCC-Policy service instance on an IPCF node. Possible states are:
  • Initial
  • Connected
  • Disconnected


This group displays information of Diameter configuration parameters configured in this PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the name of the Diameter origin host configured in this PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the Diameter dictionary configured and used for Diameter session (Gx) in this PCC-Policy service instance.

Associate PCC-Service

Indicates the name of the PCC service which is associated with this PCC-Policy service instance.

Max Policy Sessions

Indicates the maximum limit of policy (Gx) sessions allowed in this PCC-Policy service instance.

Newcall Policy

Indicates the action configured when new calls arrived after reaching a threshold limit in this PCC-Policy service instance to manage the congestion control. If configured possible actions are:
  • drop
  • reject


Indicates the Bearer Control Mode configured in PCC-Policy service instance to access the PCEF in GPRS network. If configured possible modes are:
  • as-requested: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from Application Server (AS) for PCEF access over Gx interface on IPCF node. This is the default mode.
  • ue-nw: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from UE and/or network element for PCEF access over Gx interface on IPCF node.
  • ue-only: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from UE only for PCEF access over Gx interface on IPCF node.


Indicates the Bearer Control Mode configured in PCC-Policy service instance to access the PCEF in eHRPD network. If configured possible modes are:
  • as-requested: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from Application Server (AS) for PCEF access over Gxa interface on IPCF node. This is the default mode.
  • ue-nw: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from UE and/or network element for PCEF access over Gxa interface on IPCF node.
  • ue-only: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from UE only for PCEF access over Gxa interface on IPCF node.

Subscriber Binding ID

Indicatges the subscriber binding identifier used by bindmux for binding subscriber session to PCC-Policy service instance.If configured possible binding identifiers are:
  • IMSI
  • NAI

Subscription-ID Absence Action

Indicatges the action configured for PCC Policy when CCR-I message is received by IPCF/PCRF without a valid Subscription id (IMSI, NAT, E164 etc.).

Possible actions are:
  • Continue
  • Reject

show pcc-policy service statistics

Table 2. show pcc-policy service statistics Command Output Description
Field Description

Total Services

Indicates the total number of PCC-Policy services for which counters are displayed.

Messages Statistics

This group displays the summary statistics of messages in a PCC Policy service instance.

Total Messages Recv

Indicates total number of inbound messages received (CCR + RAA).

Total Messages sent

Indicates total number of outbound messages sent (CCA + RAR).

Total CCR

Indicates total number of known (I/U/T) and unknown CCR received.


Indicates total number of CCR-I messages received.


Indicates total number of CCR-U messages received.


Indicates total number of CCR-T messages received..

Unknown CCR

Indicates total number of CCR messages received with type not determined.

Total CCA

Indicates total number of known (I/U/T) and unknown CCA sent..


Indicates total number of CCA-I messages sent.


Indicates total number of CCA-U messages sent.


Indicates total number of CCA-T messages sent.

Unknown CCA

Indicates total number of CCA messages sent as response to CCR with type not determined..

CCA with Success

Indicates total number of CCA messages sent with Result-Code as DIAMETER_SUCCESS(2001).

CCA-I with Success

Indicates total number of CCA-I messages sent with Result-Code as DIAMETER_SUCCESS(2001).

CCA-U with Success

Indicates total number of CCA-U messages sent with Result-Code as DIAMETER_SUCCESS(2001).

CCA-T with Success

Indicates total number of CCA-T messages sent with Result-Code as DIAMETER_SUCCESS(2001).

CCA with Failures

Indicates total number of CCA messages rejected.

CCA-I with Failures

Indicates total number of CCA-I messages rejected.

CCA-U with Failures

Indicates total number of CCA-U messages rejected.

CCA-T with Failures

Indicates total number of CCA-T messages rejected.

Total RAA

Indicates total RAA messages received.

Total RAR

Indicates total RAR messages sent.

RAA with Sucesss

Indicates total RAA messages with Result-Code or Experimental-Result-Code as SUCCESS..

RAA with Failure

Indicates total RAA messages with Result-Code or Experimental-Result-Code depicting FAILURE..

RAA without Result

Indicates total RAA messages with both Result-Code or Experimental-Result-Code absent..

Unexpected RAA

Indicates total RAA messages for the non-existing sessions.

RAA parse Sucesss

Indicates total RAA messages with parsing SUCCESS..

RAA parse Failure

Indicates total RAA messages with parsing FAILURE.

Reauth probes

Indicates total RAA messages with reauthorization triggers for subscriber session due to expiry idle timeout timer.

RAR for Sess Release

Indicates total RAR message with Session Release-Cause.


Indicates total RAR message with Session Release-Cause AVP as UNSPECIFIED (0).


Indicates total RAR message with Session Release-Cause AVP as UE_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED (1).

Insuff Server Resources

Indicates total RAR message with Session Release-Cause AVP as INSUFFICIENT_SERVER_RESOURCES (2).

Total RAR Timeouts

Indicates total RAR messages for which no RAA response was received from PCEF.

Update RAR Timeouts

Indicates total Timed-out RAR messages which were sent by PCRF for session updates (e.g. RAR with new / modified PCC rules / QoS).

Release RAR Timeouts

Indicates total Timed-out RAR messages which were sent by PCRF for session termination (RAR with Session-Release-Cause AVP).

Session-Level Statistics

This group displays the session level statistics of messages in a PCC Policy service instance.

Current Sessions

Indicates the session counter which keeps track of existing sessions under this PCC-Policy service.

Total Session Created

Indicates cumulative number of sessions created at the PCC-Policy service.

Total Session Updates

Indicates cumulative number of sessions updates at the PCC-Policy service. This will include both PCRF-initiated and PCEF initiated updates.


Indicates cumulative number of PCEF-initiated sessions updates at the PCC-Policy service. This will include session updates through CCR-U message.


Indicates cumulative number of PCRF-initiated sessions updates at the PCC-Policy service. This will include session updates through RAR.

Total Session Deleted

Indicates cumulative number of session deletion at the PCC-Policy service.


Indicates cumulative number of PCEF-initiated session terminations at the PCC-Policy service initiated through CCR-T message.


Indicates cumulative number of PCRF-initiated session termination at the PCC-Policy service initiated through RAR messages with Session-Release-Cause AVP.

Peer Down Initiated

Indicates cumulative number of sessions terminations due to peer disconnect at the PCC-Policy service..

Initial Reject

Indicates cumulative number of sessions terminations at the PCC-Policy service initiated through CCR-I rejection.

Idle Timeout

Indicates the idle session timeout duration set for a subscriber session timer. Possible range of duration is 1 to 4294967295 in seconds.

Special value of 0 indicates that timer is disabled and it is the default behavior.

Setup Timeout

Indicates IPCF setup timeout duration set on a system for setup timer. Possible range of duration is 1 to 120 in seconds.

By default Setup timeout value is 60 seconds.

Special value of 0 indicates that timer is disabled.

Long-duration Timeout

Indicates the long duration idle session timeout set for a subscriber session timer. Possible range of duration is 1 to 4294967295 in seconds.

Special value of 0 indicates that timer is disabled and it is the default behavior.

Failure Statistics

This group displays the statistics of various failure reasons in a PCC Policy service instance.

Missng CCR-Type

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory CC-Request-Type AVP missing.

Unexpected CCR-I

Indicates total number of CCR-I message for existing session.

Unexpected CCR-U

Indicates total number of CCR-U message for non-existing session.

Unexpected CCR-T

Indicates total number of CCR-T message for non-existing session.

Missng CCR-Num

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory CC-Request-Number missing.

Out-of-Order CCR

Indicates total number of CCR messages with out-of-order CC-Request-Number.

PCC-Sess Create Fail

Indicates total number of PCC Session Creation Failure after receiving CCR-I due to miscellaneous reasons.

Policy-Sess Create Fail

Indicates total number of PCC Policy Session Creation Failure after receiving CCR-I due to miscellaneous reasons.

PCC-Sess Lookup Fail

Indicates total number of PCC Session Creation Failure after receiving CCR-U/T due to miscellaneous reasons.

Policy-Sess Lookup Fail

Indicates total number of PCC Policy Session Creation Failure after receiving CCR-U/T due to miscellaneous reasons.

Missing Origin-Host

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory Origin-Host AVP missing.

Invalid Origin-Host

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory Origin-Host AVP invalid.

Missing Origin-Realm

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory Origin-Realm AVP missing.

Invalid Origin-Realm

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory Origin-Realm AVP invalid.

Missing Dest-Realm

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory Destination-Realm AVP missing.

Invalid Dest-Realm

Indicates total number of CCR messages with mandatory Destination-Realm AVP invalid.

Unsubscribed Triggers

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF for which PCRF has not subscribed (E.g. RAT_CHANGE received from PCEF even though it is not supplied previously by PCRF).

Unknwown Triggers

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF which is undefined for the policy version. (E.g. Defaul-EPS-Bearer-QoS-Change received for R7-Gx).

Non-Applicable Triggers

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF which is not applicable for the access-type. (E.g. Defaul-EPS-Bearer-QoS-Change received for R8 GGSN with 3GPP-GPRS access).

Missing Trigger-Param

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF without the related parameter (E.g. PCEF sending RAT_CHANGE without the RAT-Type value).

Invalid Trigger-Param

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF with invalid related parameter (E.g. PCEF sending RAT_CHANGE by RAT-Type reported is same as previous one).

Event-Trigger in CCR-I

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF in CCR-I message.

Event-Trigger in CCR-T

Indicates total number of Event-Trigger received from PCEF in CCR-T message.

Invalid BCM Request

Indicates total number of failure cases where PCEF requests bearer control mode (BCM) as UE-ONLY by sending Network-Request-Not-Supported in CCR-I. However, operator configured BCM is UE-NW. Thus, BCM is not provisioned and PCRF rejects this CCR.

QoS-Auth Fail

Indicates total number of failure when PCRF rejects the CCR in case of QoS-authorization failure in CCR-I message.

Invalid Initial Param

Indicates total number of failure when PCRF rejects the CCR with Experimental Result-Code DIAMETER_ERROR_INITIAL_PARAMETERS due to incorrect information in the request.

Invalid AVP Value

Indicates total number of failure when PCRF rejects the CCR with Result-Code DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE due to incorrect AVP value in the request.

Unsupported AVP

Indicates total number of failure when PCRF rejects the CCR with Result-Code DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED due to incorrect AVP value in the request.

Missing AVP

Indicates total number of failure when PCRF rejects the CCR with Result-Code DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP due to incorrect AVP value in the request.

Session-Linking Failurre

Indicates total number of failure when PCRF rejects the CCR-I with Result-Code DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED due to Session Linking failure.

Unavail Srv Credits

Indicates total number of session failure due to unavailability of enough service credits for PCC-Policy Session creation.

Multiple Policy Sess Reject

Indicates total number of session rejection due to no-support for multiple PCC session per subscriber available but attempted by PCEF.

Diameter Statistics

This group displays the statistics of various Diameter interface messages in a PCC Policy service instance.

App Register Success

Indicates total number of successful diabase registrations at this PCC-Policy service due to service addition.

App Register Fail

Indicates total number of failed diabase registrations performed at this PCC-Policy service due to service addition.

App Unregister Success

Indicates total number of successful diabase deregistration at this PCC-Policy service due to service removal.

App Unregister Fail

Indicates total number of failed diabase deregistration performed at this PCC-Policy service due to service removal.

App Reregister Success

Indicates total number of successful diabase re-registrations at this PCC-Policy service due to service modification.

App Reregister Fail

Indicates total number of failed diabase registrations performed at this PCC-Policy service due to service modification.

Total Msg Create Fail

Indicates total number of failure to create diabase messages for CCA and RAR.

CCA Create Fail

Indicates total number of failure to create diabase messages for CCA.

RAR Create Fail

Indicates total number of failure to create diabase messages for RAR.

Total Msg Encode Fail

Indicates total number of failure to encode diabase message AVP for CCA and RAR.

CCA Encode Fail

Indicates total number of failure to encode diabase message AVP for CCA.

RAR Encode Fail

Indicates total number of failure to encode diabase message AVP for RAR.

Total Msg Send Fail

Indicates total number of failure to send diabase messages for CCA and RAR.

CCA Send Fail

Indicates total number of failure to send diabase messages for CCA.

RAR Send Fail

Indicates total number of failure to send diabase messages for RAR.

Termination Cause Statistics

This group displays the statistics of various causes for session termination in a PCC Policy service instance.

Diameter Logout

Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_LOGOUT (1).


Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_SERVICE_NOT_PROVIDED (2).

Bad Answer

Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_BAD_ANSWER (3).


Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_ADMINISTRATIVE (4).

Link Broken

Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_LINK_BROKEN (5).

Auth Expired

Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_AUTH_EXPIRED (6).

User Moved

Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_USER_MOVED (7).

Session Timeout

Indicates total number of session termination happened due to CCR-T with Termination-Cause AVP set to value DIAMETER_SESSION_TIMEOUT (8).

Rule Report Statistics

This group displays the statistics of various Rule Reports in a PCC Policy service instance.

Total Rules Reports

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC/QoS rules.

Total Install Failures

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC/QoS rule installation failures.

Total Install Success

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various successful PCC rule installation.

Total Credit Exhaustion

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule out-of-credit.

Total Credit Reallocs

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule credit reallocation.

Unknown Rule-Names

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as UNKNOWN_RULE_NAME (1).

Rating Group Errors

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as RATING_GROUP_ERROR (2).

Service-ID Errors

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as SERVICE_IDENTIFIER_ERROR (3).

GW-PCEF Malfunctions

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as GW/PCEF_MALFUNCTION (4).

Resource Limitations

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as RESOURCES_LIMITATIONS (5).

Max-NR-Bearers Reached

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as MAX_NR_BEARERS_REACHED (6).

Unknown Bearer ID

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as UNKNOWN_BEARER_ID (7).

Missing BearerID

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as MISSING_BEARER_ID (8).

Missing Flow-Desc

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as MISSING_FLOW_DESCRIPTION (9).

Resource Alloc Fail

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for valrious PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE (10).

QoS Validation Fail

Indicates total number of rule-reports received for various PCC rule installation failures with Rule-Failure-Code as UNSUCCESSFUL_QOS_VALIDATION (11).

Usage Statistics

This group displays the usage statistics in a PCC Policy service instance.

Total Usage Thresholds

Indicates total number of usage thresholds supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

Rule-Level Thresholds

Indicates total number of PCC-Rule-Level usage thresholds supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

Sess-Level Thresholds

Indicates total number of Session-Level usage thresholds supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

Rule-Level Report Req

Indicates total number of PCRF initiated PCC-Rule-Level usage report requests supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

Sess-Level Report Req

Indicates total number of PCRF initiated session-level usage report requests supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

Rule-Level Disable Requests

Indicates total number of PCRF initiated PCC-Rule-level usage report disable requests supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

Sess-Level Disable Req

Indicates total number of PCRF initiated session-level usage report disable requests supplied to PCEF for various monitoring instances.

SPR Statistics

This group displays the statistics related to SSC/SPR instances and procedures associated with a PCC Policy service instance.

Profile Register

Indicates total messages sent to SPR for Subscriber Profile Registration.

Profile Deregister

Indicates total messages sent to SPR for Subscriber Profile Deregistration.

Usage Register

Indicates total messages sent to SPR for Subscriber Usage Registration.

Usage Deregister

Indicates total messages sent to SPR for Subscriber Usage Deregistration.

Usage Updates

Indicates total messages sent to SPR for Subscriber Usage Update.


Indicates total RAR and CCR message collisions.

Update RAR-CCR-U

Indicates total message collision between CCR-U message from PCEF and RAR message sent by PCRF for policy update.

Update RAR-CCR-T

Indicate total message collision between CCR-T message from PCEF and RAR message sent by PCRF for policy update.

Update RAR-CCR-U

Indicates total message collision between CCR-U message from PCEF and RAR message sent by PCRF for session release.

Update RAR-CCR-T

Indicates total message collision between CCR-T message from PCEF and RAR message sent by PCRF for session release.

show pcc-policy session full all

Table 3. show pcc-policy session full all Command Output Description
Field Description


Indicates the identity number of the IP-CAN call registered on the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.

Session ID

Indicates the identity number of the IP-CAN session active on the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.

Peer ID

Indicates the identity number (IP address) of the PCEF node used in IP-CAN session within the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.

Service Name

Indicates the name of the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.

Service Type

Indicates the type of IP-CAN session on the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.


Indicatges the IMSI number of subscriber used by bindmux for binding subscriber session to PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicatges the MSISDN number of subscriber used by bindmux for binding subscriber session to PCC-Policy service instance.

APN Name

Indicates the name of the APN used by IP-CAN session to serve subscriber in the PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the IMEI number of UE used by bindmux for binding subscriber session to PCC-Policy service instance.

Session State

Indicates the state of the IP-CAN session on PCC-Policy service instance. Possible states are:
  • Initial
  • Connected
  • Disconnected


Indicates the IPv4 address, if used, for frame route relay prefix in IP-CAN session on PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the IPv6 address, if used, for frame route relay prefix in IP-CAN session on PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the Radio Access Type used for this IP-CAN session. Possible RAT types are:
  • GPRS


Indicates the Mobile Country Code used in IP-CAN session on PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the Mobile Network Code used in IP-CAN session on PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the type of IP-CAN session active on PCC-Policy service instance.


Indicates the Bearer Control Mode configured in PCC-Policy service instance to access the PCEF in GPRS/eHRPD network. If configured possible modes are:
  • as-requested: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from Application Server (AS) for PCEF access over Gx interface on IPCF node. This is the default mode.
  • ue-nw: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from UE and/or network element for PCEF access over Gx interface on IPCF node.
  • ue-only: the PCC-Policy service is configured to accept the BCM request from UE only for PCEF access over Gx interface on IPCF node.


Indicates the IP address of the Access Network Controller node of the IP-CAN session on the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.


Indicates the identity number of the Access Network Controller node used in IP-CAN session within the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.


Indicates the event triggers configured/activated for IP-CAN session within the PCC-Policy service instancefor which counters are displayed.