show diameter

This chapter includes the show diameter command output tables.

show diameter aaa-statistics

Table 1. show diameter aaa-statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Authentication Servers Summary

Message Stats

Total Diameter session message statistics.

Total MA Requests

Total number of Multimedia-Auth-Requests.

Total MA Answers

Total number of Multimedia-Auth-Answers.

MAR - Retries

Total number of Multimedia-Auth-Request retries.

MAA Timeouts

Total number of Multimedia-Auth-Answer timeouts.

MAA - Dropped

Total number of Multimedia-Auth-Answer dropped.

Total SA Requests

Total number of Server-Assignment-Requests.

Total SA Answers

Total number of Server-Assignment-Answers.

SAR - Retries

Total number of Server-Assignment-Request retries.

SAA Timeouts

Total number of Server-Assignment-Answer timeouts.

SAA - Dropped

Total number of Server-Assignment-Answers dropped.

Total UA Requests

Total number of User-Authorization-Requests.

Total UA Answers

Total number of User-Authorization-Answers.

UAR - Retries

Total number of User-Authorization-Request retries.

UAA Timeouts

Total number of User-Authorization-Answer timeouts.

UAA - Dropped

Total number of User-Authorization-Answers dropped.

Total LI Requests

Total number of Location-Info-Requests.

Total LI Answers

Total number of Location-Info-Answers.

LIR - Retries

Total number of Location-Info-Request retries.

LIA Timeouts

Total number of Location-Info-Answer timeouts.

LIA - Dropped

Total number of Location-Info-Answers dropped.

Total RT Requests

Total number of Registration-Termination-Requests.

Total RT Answers

Total number of Registration-Termination-Answers.

RTR - Rejected

Total number of Registration-Termination-Requests rejected.

Total PP Requests

Total number of Push-Profile-Requests.

Total PP Answers

Total number of Push-Profile-Answers.

PPR - Rejected

Total number of Push-Profile-Requests rejected.

Total DE Requests

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Requests.

Total DE Answers

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Answers.

DEA - Accept

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Answers accepted.

DEA - Reject

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Answers rejected.

DER - Retries

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Request retries.

DEA Timeouts

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Answer timeouts.

DEA - Dropped

Total number of Diameter-EAP-Answer dropped.

Total AA Requests

Indicates the total number of AA (Authentication and/or Authorization) Request messages sent by P-GW on S6b interface to AAA Server/Proxy.

Total AA Answers

Indicates the total number of AA (Authentication and/or Authorization) Answer messages received by P-GW on S6b interface from AAA Server/Proxy.

AAR - Retries

Indicates the total number of AAR (AA Request) messages retransmitted by P-GW on S6b interface to AAA Server/Proxy.

AAA Timeouts

Indicates the total number of AAA (AA Answer) messages timed-out due to no response from AAA Server/Proxy.

AAA - Dropped

Indicates the total number of AAA (AA Answer) messages dropped due any reason from AAA Server/Proxy.


Total number of Abort-Session-Requests.


Total number of Abort-Session-Answers.


Total number of Re-Auth-Requests.


Total number of Re-Auth-Answers.


Total number of Session-Termination-Requests.


Total number of Session-Termination-Answers.

STR - Retries

Total number of Session-Termination-Request retries.


Total number of times the AAA-Failure-Indication AVP is sent over Diameter Authentication interfaces (S6b/SWm/STa).

DE Message Error Stats

Diameter Protocol Errs

Total number of Diameter protocol errors.

Bad Answers

Total number of bad answers.

Unknown Session Reqs

Total number of unknown session requests.

Unknown Command Code

Total number of unknown command codes.

Request Timeouts

Total number of request timeouts.

Parse Errors

Total number of parse errors.

Request Retries

Total number of request retries.

Session Stats

Diameter Session Statistics.

Total Sessions

Total number of sessions.

Freed Sessions

Total number of freed sessions.

Session Timeouts

Total number of session timeouts.

Active Auth Sessions

Total number of active authentication sessions.

Active Acct Sessions

Total number of active accounting sessions.

FH Behavior (emps)


Indicated the number of times the failure handling action "Continue" was triggered.

With Retry

Indicates the number of times failure handling action “continue with Retry” is taken using the eMPS template.

Without Retry

Indicates the number of times failure handling action “continue without Retry” is taken using the eMPS template.

Retry and Terminate

Indicates the number of times failure handling “Retry and Terminate” was triggered.

Retry and Terminate

Indicates the number of times failure handling “retry and terminate” is taken using eMPS template.

Retry Term without STR

Indicates the number of times failure handling “retry and terminate without STR” is taken using eMPS template.


Indicates the number of times failure handling “Termination” was triggered.


Indicates the number of times failure handling “terminate” is taken using eMPS template.

Terminate without STR

Indicates the number of times failure handling “terminate without STR” is taken using eMPS template.

STR Termination Cause Stats

Session-Termination-Request termination cause statistics.

Diameter Logout

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to Diameter logouts.

Service Not Provided

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to service not provided.

Bad Answer

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to bad answers.


Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to administrative reasons.

Link Broken

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to links broken.

Auth Expired

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to auth expiry.

User Moved

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to user moves.

Session Timeout

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to session timeouts.

User Request

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to user requests.

Lost Carrier

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to lost carriers.

Lost Service

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to lost service.

Idle Timeout

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to idle timeouts.

NAS Session Timeout

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to NAS session timeouts.

Admin Reset

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to admin resetting.

Admin Reboot

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to admin reboots.

Port Error

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to port errors.

NAS Error

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to NAS errors.

NAS Request

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to NAS requests.

NAS Reboot

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to NAS reboots.

Port Unneeded

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to unneeded ports.

Port Preempted

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to preempted ports.

Port Suspended

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to suspended ports.

Service Unavailable

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to unavailable service.


Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to callback.

User Error

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to user errors.

Host Request

Total number of Session-Termination-Request terminations due to host requests.

Result Code Stats

Result Code 1xxx

Total number of S6b messages processed and responded with the result code 1xxx.

Result Code 2xxx

Total number of S6b messages processed and responded with the result code 2xxx.

Result Code 3xxx

Total number of S6b messages processed and responded with the result code 3xxx.

Result Code 4xxx

Total number of S6b messages processed and responded with the result code 4xxx.

Result Code 5xxx

Total number of S6b messages processed and responded with the result code 5xxx.

Other Result Code

Total number of S6b messages processed and responded with the result code other than 1xxx –5xxx.

Protocol Errors (3xxx]

Result Code (3002)

Shows the DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER result code value (3002), if Diameter cannot deliver the message to the destination, either because no host within the realm supporting the required application was available to process the request or because the Destination-Host AVP was specified without the associated Destination-Realm AVP.

Result Code (3004)

Displays the DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY error result code value (3004) only when a specific server is requested and it cannot provide the requested service.

Result Code (3005)

Shows the DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED result code value (3005), when an agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer, if one is available, but the peer reporting the error has identified a configuration problem.

Result Code (3008)

Shows DIAMETER_INVALID_HDR_BITS result code value (3008), if a request was received whose bits in the Diameter header were set either to an invalid combination or to a value that is inconsistent with the Command Code definition.

Result Code (3009)

Shows DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS result code value (3009), if a request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are set to an unrecognized value or that is inconsistent with the AVP definition.

Result Code Others

Total number of other messages processed and responded.

Transient Failures (4xxx)

Result Code 4001

Shows the DIAMETER_AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED result code value (4001),when the authentication process for the user fails, due to an invalid password used by the user. Further attempts must only be allowed after prompting the user for a new password.

Result Code 4002

Shows the DIAMETER_OUT_OF_SPACE Result code value (4002), when a Diameter node receives the accounting request but was unable to commit it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.

Result Code Others

Total number of other messages processed and responded.

Permanent Failures (5xxx]

Result Code 5002

Displays the DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID result code value (5002), if the request contains an unknown Session-Id.

Result Code 5003

Displays the DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED (5003) result code value, if a request was received for which the user could not be authorized. This error occurs if the requested service is not permitted to the user.

Result Code 5005

Displays the DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP (5005) result code value, if a request did not contain an AVP that is required by the Command Code definition.

If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a Failed-AVP should be included in the message. The Failed-AVP must contain an example of the missing AVP complete with the Vendor-Id if applicable. The value field of the missing AVP should be of correct minimum length and contain zeroes.

Result Code 5006

Displays the DIAMETER_RESOURCES_EXCEEDED (5006) result code value, when a request was received that cannot be authorized because the user has already expended allowed resources. For example, error occurs when a user is restricted to one dial-up PPP port, attempts to establish a second PPP connection.

Result Code 5012

Displays DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY (5012) result code value, if an error is returned when a request is rejected for unspecified reasons.

Experimental Result Code Stats

Exp Result Code 5199

Total number of times the Experimental-Result-Code "DIAMETER_NEWER_SESSION_DETECTED (5199)" is received in the authentication response message. This result code is introduced to detect stale message requests and support session uniqueness.

Exp Result Code 5001

Total number of times the Experimental-Result-Code DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN (5001) is received in the authentication response message.

Exp Result Code 5004

Total number of times the Experimental-Result-Code DIAMETER_ERROR_ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED (5004) is received in the authentication response message.

S6b Stats

Total Assume-positive

Total number of active subscribers which are in S6b by-passed state (assume positive). That is, the total count of active number of PDN sessions for which S6b by-passed.

This statistics is available per aaamgr-instance level.

FH Behavior


With Retry

Total number of times the failure handling action "continue" is applied through the failure-handling-template.

Without Retry

Total number of times the failure handling action "continue-without-retry" is applied through the failure-handling-template. This failure action implies that the call will be continued without retrying to the secondary PCRF server.

Retry and Terminate

Retry and Terminate

Total number of times the failure handling action "retry and terminate" is applied through the failure-handling-template.

Retry Term without STR

Total number of times the failure handling action "retry and terminate" is applied without sending the Session Terminate Request (STR) on call termination.



Total number of times the failure handling action "terminate" is applied through the failure-handling-template.

Terminate without STR

Total number of times the failure handling action "terminate" is applied through the failure-handling-template without the Session Terminate Request (STR).

Diameter Overload Control Stats


Total number of times the Diameter Experimental Result-Code "DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY" (5198) is received in AAA message.


Total number of times the Diameter Experimental Result-Code "DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY" (5198) is received in DEA message.

Accounting Servers Summary

Message Stats

Accounting message statistics.

Total AC Requests

Total number of AC-Requests.

Total AC Answers

Total number of AC-Answers.


Total number of AC-Request starts.


Total number of AC-Answer starts.

ACR-Start Retries

Total number of AC-Request start retries.

ACA-Start Timeouts

Total number of AC-Answer timeouts.


This statistics is not supported in 17. 0 and later releases.

ACA-Start Req-Timeouts

Total number of times the AC-Answer Start Request timeout happens happens due to no response from CCF/peer.

ACA-Start Res-Timeouts

Total number of times the AC-Answer Start Response timeout happens due to no response from CCF/peer.

ACA-Interim Req-Timeouts

Total number of times the AC-Answer Interim Request timeout happens due to no response from CCF/peer.

ACA-Interim Res-Timeouts

Total number of times the AC-Answer Interim Response timeout happens due to no response from CCF/peer.

ACA-Stop Req-Timeouts

Total number of times the AC-Answer Stop Request timeout happens due to no response from CCF/peer.

ACA-Stop Res-Timeouts

Total number of times the AC-Answer Stop Response timeout happens due to no response from CCF/peer.


Total number of AC-Request interim.


Total number of AC-Answer interim.

ACR-Interim Retries

Total number of AC-Request interim retries.

ACA-Interim Timeouts

Total number of AC-Answer interim timeouts.


This statistics is not supported in 17. 0 and later releases.


Total number of AC-Request events.


Total number of AC-Answer events.


Total number of AC-Request stops.


Total number of AC-Answer stops.

ACR-Stop Retries

Total number of AC-Request stop retries.

ACA-Stop Timeouts

Total number of AC-Answer stop timeouts.


This statistics is not supported in 17. 0 and later releases.


Total number of AC-Answers dropped.

ACR-Stop Event Stats

Accounting message Event statistics.


Total number of ACR-STOP messages that are sent with the change-condition "SERVICE-SPECIFIC-UNIT-LIMIT".

AC Message Error Stats

Accounting message error statistics.

Diameter Protocol Errs

Total number of Diameter protocol errors.

Bad Answers

Total number of bad answers.

Unknown Session Reqs

Total number of unknown session requests.

Unknown Command Code

Total number of unknown command codes.

Request Timeouts

Total number of request timeouts.

Response Timeouts

Total number of response timeouts.

Parse Errors

Total number of parse errors.

Request Retries

Total number of request retries.

ACR Message Interim Event Stats


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "Volume-Limit"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "Time-Limit"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "RAT-Change"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "Timezone-Change"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "PLMN-Change"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "Max-Charging-Condition"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "Service-Data-Time-Limit"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "Service-Data-Volume-Limit"


The total number of ACR-Interims that were triggered because of the event trigger "AII-Timer"

Result Code Stats

Result Code 1xxx

Total number of Diameter accounting messages processed and responded with the result code 1xxx.

Result Code 2xxx

Total number of accounting messages processed and responded with the result code 2xxx.

Result Code 3xxx

Total number of accounting messages processed and responded with the result code 3xxx.

Result Code 4xxx

Total number of accounting messages processed and responded with the result code 4xxx.

Result Code 5xxx

Total number of accounting messages processed and responded with the result code 5xxx.

Other Result Code

Total number of accounting messages processed and responded with the result code other than 1xxx –5xxx.

Backpressure Stats

Diameter Backpressure statistics

Protocol Errors (3xxx]

Result Code (3002)

Shows the DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER result code value (3002), if Diameter cannot deliver the message to the destination, either because no host within the realm supporting the required application was available to process the request or because the Destination-Host AVP was specified without the associated Destination-Realm AVP.

Result Code (3004)

Displays the DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY error result code value (3004) only when a specific server is requested and it cannot provide the requested service.

Result Code (3005)

Shows the DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED result code value (3005), when an agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer, if one is available, but the peer reporting the error has identified a configuration problem.

Result Code (3008)

Shows DIAMETER_INVALID_HDR_BITS result code value (3008), if a request was received whose bits in the Diameter header were set either to an invalid combination or to a value that is inconsistent with the Command Code definition.

Result Code (3009)

Shows DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS result code value (3009), if a request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are set to an unrecognized value or that is inconsistent with the AVP definition.

Result Code Others

Total number of other messages processed and responded.

Transient Failures (4xxx)

Result Code 4001

Shows the DIAMETER_AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED result code value (4001),when the authentication process for the user fails, due to an invalid password used by the user. Further attempts must only be allowed after prompting the user for a new password.

Result Code 4002

Shows the DIAMETER_OUT_OF_SPACE Result code value (4002), when a Diameter node receives the accounting request but was unable to commit it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.

Result Code Others

Total number of other messages processed and responded.

Permanent Failures (5xxx]

Result Code 5002

Displays the DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID result code value (5002), if the request contains an unknown Session-Id.

Result Code 5003

Displays the DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED (5003) result code value, if a request was received for which the user could not be authorized. This error occurs if the requested service is not permitted to the user.

Result Code 5005

Displays the DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP (5005) result code value, if a request did not contain an AVP that is required by the Command Code definition.

If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a Failed-AVP should be included in the message. The Failed-AVP must contain an example of the missing AVP complete with the Vendor-Id if applicable. The value field of the missing AVP should be of correct minimum length and contain zeroes.

Result Code 5006

Displays the DIAMETER_RESOURCES_EXCEEDED (5006) result code value, when a request was received that cannot be authorized because the user has already expended allowed resources. For example, error occurs when a user is restricted to one dial-up PPP port, attempts to establish a second PPP connection.

Result Code 5012

Displays DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY (5012) result code value, if an error is returned when a request is rejected for unspecified reasons.

Experimental Result Code Stats

Exp Result Code 5001

Total number of times the Experimental-Result-Code DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN (5001) is received in the authentication response message.

Peer BP Queue Length

Displays the peer backpressure queue length.

Peer BP Queue Insertions

Displays the peer backpressure insertions to the queue.

Peer BP Queue deletions

Displays the peer backpressure deletions from the queue.

Global BP Queue Length

Displays the global backpressure queue length.

Global BP Queue Insertions

Displays the global backpressure insertions to the queue.

Global BP Queue Deletions

Displays the global backpressure deletions from the queue.

Duplicate Accounting Records Stats

ACR-Start Dropped

Displays the total number of duplicate Rf START records which were dropped because of the failure in sending the Accounting records instead of adding them to HDD or archival list.

ACR-Interim Dropped

Displays the total number of duplicate Rf INTERIM records which were dropped because of the failure in sending the Accounting records instead of adding them to HDD or archival list.

ACR-Stop Dropped

Displays the total number of duplicate Rf STOP records which were dropped because of the failure in sending the Accounting records instead of adding them to HDD or archival list.

show diameter aaa-statistics misc-data

Table 2. show diameter aaa-statistics misc-data Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The AAA manager facility name.


The AAA manager instance number which has the highest backpressure statistics.

Max Peer BP Queue Length

The maximum peer backpressure queue length.

Max BP Time

The timestamp at which the maximum peer backpressure happened.

show diameter authentication servers

Table 3. show diameter authentication servers Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Context Name

Name of the context in which the Diameter servers are configured.

AAA Group

Name of the AAA group.


Name of the Diameter endpoint.


Name of the Diameter server host.

No of Instance in UP state

The number of instances between Diameter server and AAA Manager in up state.

No of Instance in DOWN state

The number of instances between Diameter server and AAA Manager in down state.


The relative priority of this server considered when the system is selecting which Diameter server to use. Lower number has higher priority.

Message Sent/Queued

The number of messages sent/queued from Diameter server to AAA Manager.

show diameter diactrl proxy-vm-map

Table 4. show diameter diactrl proxy-vm-map Command Output Descriptions



If the MAX mode is configured and if the Diameter proxy to VM mapping is available, the following new fields are displayed:

diamproxy instance

Indicates the Diameter proxy instance.

Started on VM

Indicates the VM on which the Diameter proxy instance exists.

VM served

Indicates the number of VMs served for a particular Diameter proxy instance.

If the MAX mode is configured and if Diameter proxy to VM mapping is not available, the following message is displayed:

Error: no valid diameter proxy to VM mapping present in diactrl 

If MAX mode is not configured, the following message is displayed:

Info: proxy-vm-map CLI is valid only for max mode configuration of diamproxy 

show diameter dynamic-dictionary all

Table 5. show diameter dynamic-dictionary all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Dynamic Dictionary Name

Indicates the name of the configured Diameter dynamic dictionary.


Indicates the vendor ID.

Base static dictionary

Displays the static dictionary number and name from which the dynamic dictionary is derived.


This field will be displayed only if the "!base-dict <dictionary-number>" is configured in the dynamic dictioanary's ABNF text file.

If "!base-dict <dictionary-number>" is configured in the ABNF text file, the output will be of the form "<dictionary-number> / <dictionary-name>". By default, "Base static dictionary: 0 / dictzero" will be displayed.

Command Code (CC) followed by AVP list

Displays the list of AVPs and command codes defined in the dynamic dictionary.

Number of Command Codes defined

Indicates the number of command codes defined.

Number of AVPs defined

Indicates the number of AVPs defined.

Total Number of dynamic-dictionaries configured

Indicates the total number of dynamic dictionaries configured.

show diameter endpoints all

Table 6. show diameter endpoints all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Name of the configured context.


Name of the endpoint.


Domain (Realm) name for subscriber.


Task running on ACSMgr or AAAMgr.


Indicates the Card and CPU number.


Indicates the application running on ACSMgr or AAAMgr.

Total endpoints matching specified criteria

Indicates the total number of matching endpoints.

show diameter message-queue counters outbound endpoint

Table 7. show diameter message-queue counters outbound endpoint Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Name of the configured context.


Name of the endpoint.

Peer Host

Name of the peer host.

Peer Realm

Name of the peer realm.


The number of outbound Accounting-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Accounting-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Abort-Session-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Abort-Session-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Authorization-Authentication-Ans messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Authorization-Authentication-Req messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Capabilities-Exchange-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Capabilities-Exchange-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Credit-Control-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Credit-Control-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Device-Watchdog-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Device-Watchdog-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Diameter-EAP-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Diameter-EAP-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Disconnect-Peer-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Disconnect-Peer-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Location-Info-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Location-Info-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Multimedia-Auth-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Multimedia-Auth-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Profile-Update-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Profile-Update-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Push-Profile-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Push-Profile-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Re-Auth-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Re-Auth-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Registration-Termination-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Registration-Termination-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Server-Assignment-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Server-Assignment-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Session-Termination-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound Session-Termination-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound User-Authorization-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound User-Authorization-Request messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound User-Data-Answer messages for the specified endpoint.


The number of outbound User-Data-Request messages for the specified endpoint.

Total peers matching specified criteria

Indicates the total number of matching peers.

show diameter osid-info sessmgr

Table 8. show diameter osid-info sessmgr Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

SessMgr Inst

Session Manager instance number.

Peer Hostname

Name of the peer host.

Peer Realm

Peer domain (realm) name for Subscriber.


Peer origin state identifier.


Timestamp at which the maximum peer backpressure occured.

Calls Cleared

Number of calls cleared.

show diameter osid-info sessmgr all

Table 9. show diameter osid-info sessmgr all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

SessMgr Inst

Session Manager instance number.

Peer Hostname

Name of the peer host.

Peer Realm

Peer domain (realm) name for Subscriber.


Peer origin state identifier.


Timestamp at which the maximum peer backpressure occured.

Calls Cleared

Number of calls cleared.

show diameter peers full all

Table 10. show diameter peers full all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Name of the context.


Name of the endpoint.

Inbound listening sockets

Displays listening Diameter interface:ports information when origin-host is configured as of "accept-inbound" connection type. If no inbound sockets are present these fields are not displayed.

Local Host

Name of the local host.

Local Address

IP address and port number of the local host.


Name of the endpoint.


The task instance running on ACSMgr or AAAMgr.

Peer Hostname

Name of the peer host.

Local Hostname

Name of the local host.

Peer Realm

Peer domain (realm) name for Subscriber.

Local Realm

Local domain (realm) name for Subscriber.

Peer Address

Address of peer domain (realm).

Local Address

Address of local domain (realm).


Indicates the connection status.


The Card and CPU number.

Messages Out/Queued

The number of messages sent out/queued.


Release 12.0 onwards, this statistic will not indicate the count of outstanding messages for Diameter proxy peers.


The task running on ACSMgr or AAAMgr.

Supported Vendor IDs

The supported vendor IDs.

Admin Status

Indicates the admin status. Whether the user can administratively disable a peer while still preserving its configuration.

DPR Disconnect

Indicates the Disconnect-Peer-Request disconnect cause.

Peer Backoff Timer State

Indicates whether or not the peer-backoff-timer is running.

Peer Origin-State-Id Peer origin state identifier of the peer (if enabled).

Total peers matching specified criteria

The total number of peers matching the criteria.

show diameter statistics

Table 11. show diameter statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Connection statistics

Connection attempts

The total number of connections attempted.

Connection failures

The total number of connections failed.

Connection reads

The total number of connections read.

Connection starts

The total number of connections started.

Connection disconnects

The total number of connections disconnected

Connection closes

The total number of connections closes.

Connection DHOST requests

The total number of connections with DHOST requested.

Connection DHOST removes

The total number of connections with DHOST removed.

Connection Timeouts

The total number of connections timed out.

Tc Expire Connection Attempts

The total number of connections attempted due to Tc timer expired.

Note: The Tc timer controls the frequency that transport connection attempts are done to a peer with whom no active transport connection exists.

Tw Expire Connection Closes

The total number of connections closed due to Tw timer expired.

Tx Expire

On the expiry of application level timer (Tx/Pending timeout), the application like Gy and Gx will decide what failure handling has to be taken for the message sent to the server. This stats will be incremented if this application level Tx timer expires.

Application initiated Retries

If the application determines a failure on one connection on which the request message was sent to, it will retry the message to an alternate server if available. This stats will be used if the application decides to retry the message to alternate server.

Connection failure statistics

Connection bind errors

The total number of connections failed during binding errors.

Connection connect errors

The total number of connections failed during connect errors.

Connection address errors

The total number of connections failed due to address errors.

Connection misc errors

The total number of connections failed due to other errors not mentioned in output.

Connection DHOST errors

The total number of connections failed due to DHOST errors.

Capabilities Exchange Request and Answers statistics

Connection CER sent

The total number of Capabilities Exchange Request (CER) messages sent for connection.

Connection CER send errors

The total number of connections failed due to errors during CER messages sent.

CERs received

The total number of CER messages received.

Connection CER create failures

The total number of connections failed during CER message creation.

CEAs received

The total number of Capabilities Exchange Answer (CEA) messages received.

CEA AVPs unknown

The total number of unknown Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs) related to CEA message.

CEA Application ID mismatch

The total number of CEA Application ID mismatch.

Read CEA Messages

The total number of READ messages for CEA.

Read CEA Messages Unexpected

The total number of unexpected READ messages for CEA.

Read CEA Missing

The total number of missing READ messages for CEA.

Read CEA Negotiation Failure

The total number of failures in READ messages negotiation for CEA.

Read CER Messages

The total number of READ messages for CER.

Read CER Messages Unexpected

The total number of unexpected READ messages for CER.

Read CER Missing

The total number of missing READ messages for CER.

Tw Expire Waiting for CEA

The total number of CEAs waiting for answer due to Tw timer expired.

NOTE: The Tw timer controls the changing of a peer to the SUSPECT state when no answer is received to a watchdog request.

Device Watchdog Requests and Answers statistics

DWA attempts

The total number of attempts for Device Watchdog Answer (DWA).

DWA handle allocation failures

The total number of failures to handle allocation of DWA.

DWAs sent

The total number of DWA messages sent.

DWR send errors

The total number of errors while sending DWR messages.

Read DWA Messages

The total number of READ messages for DWA.

Read DWA Messages Unexpected

The total number of unexpected READ messages for DWA.

Read DWR Messages

The total number of missing READ messages for DWR.

Tw Expire Send DWR

The total number of DWRs sent due to Tw timer expired.

Send DWR Attempts

The total number of attempts to send 'DWR Sent' messages.

Send DWR Send Errors

The total number of errors while sending 'DWR Sent' messages.

Send DWR Calls

The total number of calls for 'DWR Sent' messages.

Send DWR MH Errors

The total number of message handling errors for 'DWR Sent' messages.

Disconnect Peer Request and Answers statistics

DPRs Sent

If the diameter base protocol decides to close a connection, it will send a Disconnect-Peer-Request (DPR) to the server to notify the reason for disconnection. This statistics will be incremented when diameter base protocol sends a DPR to the system.

DPAs Received

This statistics will be incremented for the reception of Answer message the server responded for the Disconnect-Peer-Request that was sent earlier.

DPR attempts

This statistics will be incremented when the diabase base protocol decides to send a Disconnect-Peer-Answer to the server as a response to the Disconnect-Peer-Request that was sent earlier. This will be the same as "DPAs Sent" statistics if there is no failure in sending the DPA out.

DPAs Sent

This statistics will be incremented if a Disconnect-Peer-Answer is sent to the server as a response to the Disconnect-Peer-Request that was sent earlier. This will happen in case of server initiated connection closure. This will be the same as "DPR attempts" statistics if there is no failure in sending the DPA out.

DPR send errors

When a DPR is sent out for connection closure and if the sending of DPR is failed due to some connection issue, this statistics will be incremented.

DPA Message handle allocation

When a DPA is sent out for connection closure and if the sending of DPA is failed due to failure in creating the DPA message, this statistics will be incremented.

DPR error immclose

When a DPA is sent out for connection closure and if the sending of DPA is failed due to failure in creating the DPA message, the connection will be closed immediately. This statistics is incremented for those immediate closures without sending a DPA.

Read DPR Messages

This statistics will be incremented when the DPR request received from the server is successfully parsed.

DPA No Host Error

This statistics will be incremented if a DPR message is received without including Origin-Host AVP.

Session Discovery Request and Answer Statistics

Read SDRs

The total number of SDR read success

Read SDR Errors

The total number of SDR read failures

Write SDAs

The total number of SDR write success

Write SDA Errors

The total number of SDR write errors

Session Not Found

The total number of requests received to recover the session but the session is not found.

Create Messages statistics


The total number of calls for 'Create' message.


The total number of messages successful for 'Create' message.


The total number of messages routed for 'Create' message.


The total number of messages directed for 'Create' message.

Buffer Errors

The total number of errors for 'Create' message buffer.

Peer Never Up Errors

The total number of errors due to peer failure for 'Create' message.

Window Errors

The total number of errors due to 'Create' message window.

Unsupported Application Errors

The total number of errors due to unsupported applications for 'Create' message.

Message Parse statistics

Message Pool Expand Attempts

The total number of attempts for message pool expansion.

Buffer Expand Attempts

The total number of attempts for buffer expansion.


The total number of calls for message parsing.

Too Many AVP Errors

The total number of message parsed having excessive AVP errors.

Header Errors

The total number of message parsed having header errors.

AVP Unknown Errors

The total number of message parsed having unknown AVP errors (errors not listed here).

Runt Errors

The total number of message parsed having runtime errors.

AVP Header Errors

The total number of message parsed having AVP header errors.

Message Protocol Error

The total number of message parsed having protocol errors.

Mand AVP Unknown Errors

The total number of message parsed having unknown errors for mandatory AVP.

Message aborts

The total number of message aborted during parsing.

Send Message statistics


The total number of calls for 'Send' message.

Truncated Errors

The total number of truncated errors for 'Send' message.

Read Statistics

Read Bytes

The total number of bytes read.

Read Messages Total

The total number of 'Read' messages.

Requests Read

The total number of requests for 'Read' messages.

Requests Timed Out

The total number of requests timed out for 'Read' messages.

Answers Read

The total number of answers read for 'Read' messages.

Answers Timed Out

The total number of answers timed out for 'Read' messages.

Read Application Messages

The total number of 'Read application' messages.

Unexpected Answers Read

The total number of unexpected answers for 'Read' messages.

Read Parse statistics


The total number of parsing begins for 'Read' message.

E2E Errors

The total number of End-to-End (E2E) errors during parsing of 'Read' message.


The total number of successful parsing of 'Read' message.

Application ID Errors

The total number of errors with Application Id during parsing of 'Read' message.

Command/Flag Errors

The total number of command or flag errors during parsing of 'Read' message.

Diameter Protocol Errors

The total number of Diameter protocol errors during parsing of 'Read' message.


The total number of errors during parsing of 'Read' message.

Length Padding Errors

The total number of 'Length Padding' errors during parsing of 'Read' message.

H2H Errors

The total number of Host-to-Host (H2H) errors during parsing of 'Read' message.

Length Too Long

The total number of message parsed having excessive length of 'Read' message.

Command Unknown

The total number of message parsed having unknown command in 'Read' message.

Length Sanity Errors

The total number of message parsed having invalid length of 'Read' message.

Length-v-SCTP EOR Errors

The total number of "Length-v-SCTP EOR" errors during parsing of "Read" message.

SCTP Missing EOR Errors

The total number of "SCTP Missing EOR" errors during parsing of "Read" message.

Write statistics


The total number of calls for 'Write' message.

while OPEN

The total number of calls for 'Write' message while connection is OPEN.

while IDLE

The total number of calls for 'Write' message while connection is IDLE.

in other states

The total number of calls for 'Write' message while connection state is other than OPEN or IDLE state.

backpressure events

The total number of Write messages over the maximum number of outstanding messages to queue.

Written bytes

The total number of bytes written.


The total number of write iterations.

Written messages

The total number of messages written.


The total number of 'Write' messages with End-of-File (EOFs).


The total number of 'Write' message with errors.

Peer Calls statistics

Open Calls

The total number of calls to open a peer.

Close Calls

The total number of calls to close a peer.

Open New Peer

The total number of calls to open a new peer.

Open Unknown Peer Errors

The total number of calls to open an unknown peer.

Open Misses

The total number of missed attempts to open a peer.

Route statistics


The total number of routes added.


The total number of routes expired.


The total number of hits to a route.


The total number of routes missed.


The total number of indirect route.


The total number of redirected routes installed.

Dynamic Route statistics


The total number of dynamic routes added.

Add Failures

The total number of failures in adding dynamic routes.


The total number of dynamic routes removed.


The total number of hits to a dynamic route.


The total number of dynamic routes expired.

Latency statistics

Last Round Trip Time (ms)

The last round trip time, in milliseconds.

Average Round Trip Time (ms)

The average round trip time in milliseconds.

Renegotiate Peer Messages

The number of times the diabase interacts with Diameter proxy to renegotiate peer connections when the Diameter dictionary changes.

Redirect Host Usage:

Redirected Host

The number of times the host is redirected.

Redirect Not Cached

The number of times the redirected host is not cached.

Redirect All Session

The number of times all messages within the session are sent to Redirect-Host.

Redirect All Realm

The number of times all messages destined to Realm are sent to Redirect-Host.

Redirect Realm and Application

The number of times the messages for application requested to Realm are sent to Redirect-Host.

Redirect All Application

The number of times all messages for application are sent to Redirect-Host.

Redirect All Host

The number of times the messages sent to Redirect-Host AVP value instead of Redirect-Host value sent by the host.

Redirect All User

The number of times the message for user sent to Redirect-Host value.

Peer Backoff Timer


The total number of times the peer-backoff-timer is started.


The total number of times the peer-backoff-timer is expired.

Diameter DNS Statistics

DNS Init

The total number of times an application (diabase/proxy) initialized an instance of a DNS library.

DNS De-Init

The total number of times an application (diabase/proxy) closed an instance of a DNS library.

VPN Init Request

The total number of init request messages sent to VPN managers from a library.

VPN Init Response

The total number of init response messages received from the VPN managers to a library.

VPN Init Success

The total number of init success messages received from the VPN managers to a library.

VPN Init Timeout

The total number of failed init responses received from the VPN managers to a library due to a timeout.

DNS A Requests

The total number of A-type (IPv4) requests sent to the VPN from the library.

DNS A Responses

The total number of A-type (IPv4) responses received by the library from the VPN.

DNS A Hits

The total number of A-type (IPv4) responses received by the library from the VPN with valid addresses.

DNS A Timeouts

The total number of A-type (IPv4) response failures due to timeout.

DNS AAAA Requests

The total number of AAAA-type (IPv6) requests sent to the VPN from the library.

DNS AAAA Responses

The total number of AAAA-type (IPv6) responses received by the library from the VPN.


The total number of AAAA-type (IPv6) responses received by the library from the VPN with valid addresses.

DNS AAAA Timeouts

The total number of AAAA-type (IPv6) response failures due to timeout.

DNS NAPTR Requests

The total number of Naming Authority Pointer requests sent to the VPN from the library.

DNS NAPTR Responses

The total number of Naming Authority Pointer responses received by the library from the VPN.


The total number of Naming Authority Pointer responses received by the library from the VPN with valid URIs.

DNS NAPTR Timeouts

The total number of Naming Authority Pointer response failures due to timeout.

DNS SRV Requests

The total number of Service Locator requests sent to the VPN from the library.

DNS SRV Responses

The total number of Service Locator responses received by the library from the VPN.


The total number of Service Locator responses received by the library from the VPN with valid locations.

DNS SRV Timeouts

The total number of Service Locator response failures due to timeout.

A Type App Request

The total number of A-type requests made by the application to the library.

Single application request can result in multiple library to VPN manager requests and vice versa.

AAAA Type App Request

The total number of AAAA-type requests made by the application to the library.

Single application request can result in multiple library to VPN manager requests and vice versa.

NAPTR Type App Request

The total number of Naming Authority Pointer requests made by the application to the library.

Single application request can result in multiple "library to VPN manager requests and vice versa.

show diameter tps-statistics verbose

Table 12. show diameter tps-statistics verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The name and the identifier of all configured Diameter applications for which the TPS KPI statistics are collected. The Diameter applications, for example, could be Gx, Gy, Rf, etc.

Average TPS

This is the sum average of all TPS values computed.

Maximum TPS

Indicates the maximum TPS value for the specified configuration.

Last 1 Sec Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 1 second.

Last 10 Secs Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 10 seconds.

Last 30 Secs Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 30 seconds.

Last 60 Secs Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 60 seconds.

Last 5 Mins Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 5 minutes.

Last 10 Mins Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 10 minutes.

Last 15 Mins Average TPS

Average value of TPS computed for the last 15 minutes.

Total number of TPS Statistics found

Shows the total number of TPS statistics collected.


The output of show diameter tps-statistics diamproxy diamproxy_num , show diameter tps-statistics application application_name summary , show diameter tps-statistics application application_name endpoint endpoint_name summary , show diameter tps-statistics application application_name endpoint endpoint_name verbose commands are almost similar to the show diameter tps-statistics verbose command output. The output fields might vary depending on the configuration.