PDIF Service Configuration Mode Commands

The PDIF Service Configuration Mode is used to configure the properties required for a mobile station to interface with a Packet Data Interworking Function (PDIF).


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.

aaa attribute

Sets the system attributes for AAA messages.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa attribute { 3gpp2-bsid string | 3gpp2-service-option integer | calling-station-id integer  | 3gpp2-serving-pcf ip-address } 
no aaa attribute 
default aaa attribute 3gpp2-service-option integer 


Removes a previously configured AAA attribute.


Returns the specified aaa attribute to the original default system settings.

3gpp2-bsid string

Specifies the base-station ID and consists of the SID + NID + CELLID.

string must contain 12 hexadecimal upper-case ASCII characters.

3gpp2-service-option integer

Specifies the radius attribute value when sending authentication and accounting messages as an integer from 0 through 32767. Default: 4095

calling-station-id integer

Specifies the calling station phone number as a sequence of 1 through 15 digits.

3gpp2-serving-pcf ip-address

Use this command to generate attribute values without creating a new ASR 5000ASR 5500 image.

Usage Guidelines

If the RADIUS protocol is being used, accounting messages can be sent over a AAA interface to the RADIUS server.

3gpp2-serving-pcf attribute value (if configured) is sent in both RADIUS authentication and accounting messages. If the attribute value is not configured (or explicitly "not configured" using the no keyword), RADIUS attributes are still included with just type and length. This is because inclusion/exclusion of RADIUS attributes are still controlled through the dictionary, not via the CLI.


The following command identifies the base station ID:
aaa attribute 3gpp2-bsid 0ab2389acb3 

aaa authentication

Sets the aaa authentication for first and second phase authentication when multiple authentication is configured on the system.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa authentication { { first-phase | second-phase } | { context-name name aaa-group name } } 
no aaa authentication { first-phase | second-phase } 

no aaa authentication { first-phase | second-phase }

Removes any existing authentication configuration.

first-phase context-name name aaa-group name

Specifies the context name and the aaa group name configured in the context for the first authentication phase.


First phase authentication is mandatory when multiple authentication is configured on the system.

  • context-name name : Specifies the context where the aaa server group is defined as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.
  • aaa-group name : Specifies the name of the aaa-group to be used for authentication as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

second-phase context-name name aaa-group name

Specifies the context name and the aaa group name configured in the context for the second authentication phase.
  • context-name name : Specifies the context where aaa server group is defined as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.
  • aaa-group name : Specifies the name of the aaa-group to be used for authentication as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Two phase-authentication happens in IKEv2 setup for setting up the IPSec session. The first authentication uses Diameter AAA EAP method and second authentication uses RADIUS AAA authentication. The same AAA context may be used for both authentications. PDIF service allows you to specify only a single AAA group, which could normally be used for the first authentication method.

A given AAA group only supports either Diameter or RADIUS authentication. If the NAI in the first authentication is different from NAI in the second authentication each NAI can point to a different domain profile in the PDIF. Each domain profile may be configured with each AAA group, one for Diameter and the other for RADIUS.


Use the following to configure first-phase authentication for an aaa group named aaa-10 in the PDIF context:
first-phase context-name pdif aaa-group aaa-10 


Binds the service IP address to a crypto template and configures the number of sessions the PDIF can support.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



bind address address { crypto-template string } [ max-sessions number ] 
no bind 


Removes a previously configured binding.


Specifies the IP address of the service.

crypto-template string

Specifies the name of the crypto template to be bound to the service as an alphanumeric string of 0 through 127 characters.

max-sessions number

Specifies the maximum number of sessions to be supported by the service as an integer from 0 to 3000000. Default: 3000000

If the max-sessions value is changed on an existing system, the new value takes effect immediately if it is higher than the current value. If the new value is lower than the current value, existing sessions remain established, but no new sessions are permitted until usage falls below the newly-configured value.

Usage Guidelines

Binds the IP address used as the connection point for establishing the IKEv2 sessions to the crypto template. It can also define the number of sessions the PDIF can support.


The following command binds a service with the IP address to the crypto template T1 and sets the maximum number of sessions to 2000000 :
bind address crypto-template T1 max-sessions 200000 


Sets or restores the default condition for the selected parameter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



default { { aaa attribute 3gpp2-service-option } | duplicate-session-detection | hss { failure-handling mac-address-validation-failure | mac-address-validation | update-profile } | ip source-violation { drop-limit | period } | setup-timeout | subscriber name | username mac-address-stripping } } 

aaa attribute 3gpp2-service-option

Configures the default value 4095.


Configures the default to be NAI-based.

hss { failure-handling mac-address-validation-failure | mac-address-validation | update-profile }

Configures the HSS server defaults:

failure-handling mac-address-validation-failure: By default, the MAC address is validated by IMS-Sh interface.
  • mac-address-validation : By default, validating the MAC address is disabled.
  • update-profile : By default, updating the PDIF profile is disabled.

ip source-violation ( drop-limit | period }

Configures IP source-violation detection defaults.
  • drop-limit : Default number of ip source violations permitted in detection period before the call is dropped is 10.
  • period : Default detection period is 120 seconds.


Default call setup time limit is 60 seconds.

subscriber name

Configures the default subscriber name. name is a string of 1-127 characters.

username mac-address-stripping

Default is to disable stripping the MAC address from the username.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the default settings for a given parameter.


Use the following example to configure the default call setup time limit:
default setup-timeout 


Configures the PDIF to detect duplicate call sessions using old IMSI or NAI addresses and clear old call information.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no | default ] duplicate-session-detection { imsi-based | nai-based } 


Stops duplicate session detection.


Configures the default setting, which is NAI-based detection.


Configures the PDIF to detect duplicate call sessions based on the IMSI address.


Configures the PDIF to detect duplicate call sessions based on the NAI address. This is the default setting.

Usage Guidelines

If an MS leaves the Wi-Fi coverage area and subsequently comes back online, it may initiate a new session setup procedure. After both the device authentication with HSS and the subscriber authentication with AAA server are completed, PDIF runs the internal mechanism to see whether there was any other session bound with the same IMSI. If an old session is detected, PDIF starts clearing this old session by sending a proxy-MIP Deregistration request to the HA. PDIF resumes new session setup by sending a proxy-MIP registration request. When the old session is aborted, PDIF sends Diameter STR messages and RADIUS Acct STOP messages to corresponding AAA servers.

PDIF allows duplicate session detection based on either the NAI or IMSI addresses. When detecting based on NAI, it is the first-phase (device authentication) NAI that is used.


The following command configures duplicate session detection to use IMSI addressing:
duplicate-session-detection imsi  


Configures the Home Subscriber Server (HSS) parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



hss { failure-handling { { mac-address-validation-failure | update-profile } action { terminate | continue } } | update-profile | mac-address-validation } 
[ no | default ] hss { failure-handling | update-profile | mac-address-validation } 


Removes a previously configured HSS profile.


Resets the defaults for this command.

failure-handling mac-address-validation-failure

Configures how the HSS is to handle errors.

If HSS returns a list of MAC addresses and if PDIF fails to match the subscriber MAC address against the list, the session is always terminated.

action { continue | terminate }

Configures the action to be performed depending on the failure type.
  • continue : Ignores a mac-address-validation-failure and continue the session.
  • terminate : Terminates the session on a mac-address-validation-failure.


If mac-address-validation is enabled, the PDIF queries the HSS for a list of MAC addresses associated with the Mobile Directory Number (MDN). Default: Disabled


Update the HSS with the subscriber profile. Default: Disabled

Usage Guidelines

An HSS provides MAC address validation and store part of the subscriber profile. This command enables or disables validation and profile updates, and configures how the system responds to failures: terminate or continue a session.

An ims-sh-service and Diameter interface need to be configured to communicate with the HSS.


The following example enables mac-address validation:
hss mac-address-validation 


Associates the IMS-Sh-service parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ims-sh-service name name 
no ims-sh-service name name 


Removes a previously configured IMS-Sh-service.


Names the IMS-Sh-service in the pdif-service context.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to name the IMS-Sh-service.


The following command names the IMS-Sh-service ims1:
ims-sh-service name imsi1 

ip source-violation

Sets the parameters for IP source validation. Source validation is useful if packet spoofing is suspected or for verifying packet routing and labeling within the network.

Source validation requires that the source address of the received packets matches the IP address assigned to the subscriber (either statically or dynamically) during the session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip source-violation { clear-on-valid-packet | drop-limit num  | period  secs } 
no ip source-violation clear-on-valid-packet 


Configures the service to reset the reneg-limit and drop-limit counters after receipt of a properly addressed packet. Default: disabled

drop-limit num

Sets the number of allowed source violations within a detection period before forcing a call disconnect. If num is not specified, the value is set to the default.

num is an integer from 1 to 1000000. Default: 10

period secs

Sets the length of time (in seconds) for a source violation detection period to last.

If secs is not specified, the value is set to the default.

secs is an integer from 1 to1000000. Default: 120

Usage Guidelines

This function is intended to allow the operator to configure a network to prevent problems such as when a user gets handed back and forth between two PDIFs a number of times during a handoff scenario.

This function operates in the following manner:

When a subscriber packet is received with a source address violation, the system increments the IP source-violation drop-limit counter and starts the timer for the IP-source violation period. Every subsequent packet received with a bad source address during the IP-source violation period causes the drop-limit counter to increment.

For example, if the drop-limit is set to 10, after 10 source violations, the call is dropped. The period timer continues to count throughout this process.


The following command sets the drop limit to 15 and leaves the other values at their defaults:
ip source-violation drop-limit 15  


Sets the MIP FA context for the specific PDIF service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mobile-ip foreign-agent context string [ fa-service string ] 
no mobile-ip 


Removes previously configured parameters.

foreign-agent context string

Specifies the context name in which the FA is configured as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

fa-service string

Specifies the name of the FA service in the FA context as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Shows in which context the FA is located and names the FA service.


This command configures MIP for the FA context named fa1 :
mobile-ip foreign-agent context fa1  


Configures the maximum time allowed to set up a session.




Security-Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



setup-timeout integer 
default setup-timeout 

setup-timeout integer

Specifies the session setup timer (in seconds) as an integer from 2 through 300. Default: 60

default setup-timeout

Defaults the session setup timer to 60 seconds.

Usage Guidelines

PDIF clears both user session and tunnels if a call does not initiate successfully before the timer expires.


The following command sets the setup-timeout to the default 30 seconds:
default setup-timeout 


Configures mac-address-stripping on a username coming in from a mobile station session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDIF Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdif-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



username mac-address-stripping 
[ default | no ] username mac-address-stripping 

username mac-address-stripping

Configures mac-address stripping from the Network Access Identifier (NAI).


Configures the default parameter which is disabled.


Returns the configuration to the default condition.

Usage Guidelines

When enabled, PDIF strips the MAC address from a mobile username NAI before sending to the RADIUS AAA server.


The following example disables mac-address-stripping.
no username mac-address-stripping