Monitoring the Service

This chapter provides information for monitoring service status and performance using the show commands found in the Command Line Interface (CLI). These command have many related keywords that allow them to provide useful information on all aspects of the system ranging from current software configuration through call activity and status.

The selection of keywords described in this chapter is intended to provided the most useful and in-depth information for monitoring the system. For additional information on these and other show command keywords, refer to the Command Line Interface Reference.

In addition to the CLI, the system supports the sending of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps that indicate status and alarm conditions. Refer to the SNMP MIB Reference for a detailed listing of these traps.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Monitoring System Status and Performance

This section contains commands used to monitor the status of tasks, managers, applications and other software components in the system. Output descriptions for most of the commands are located in the Counters and Statistics Reference.

Table 1. System Status and Performance Monitoring Commands
To do this: Enter this command:

View Congestion-Control Information

View Congestion-Control Statistics

show congestion-control statistics {a11mgr | ipsecmgr}

View GTP Information

View eGTP-C service statistics for a specific service

show egtpc statistics egtpc-service name

View GTP-U service statistics for all GTP-U data traffic on the system

show gtpu statistics

View Infrastructure-DNS Queries

Verify Infrastructure-DNS queries to resolve P-CSCF FQDN

dns-client query client-name client_name query-type AAAA query-name <>

View IP Information

Display BGP Neighbors

Verify BGP neighbors on egress P-GW context

context egress_pgw_context_name

show ip bgp summary

Verify BGP neighbors on ingress P-GW context

context ingress_pgw_context_name

show ip bgp summary

Display IP Connectivity State

Verify IP connectivity to the diameter servers for various components/interfaces; all peers should be in OPEN or WAIT_DWR state

show diameter peers full all |grep State

Display IP Interface Status

Verify IP interfaces are up on each context

show ip interface summary

show ipv6 interface summary

Display IP Pool Configuration

Verify IPv4 pools have been created and are available

context egress_pgw_context_name

show ip pool summary

Verify IPv6 pools have been created and are available

context egress_pgw_context_name

show ipv6 pool summary

View LMA Service Information

View LMA service statistics for a specific service

show lma-service statistics lma-service service_name

View P-GW Service Information

View P-GW service statistics

show pgw-service statistics all

Verify P-GW services

context ingress_pgw_context_name

show pgw-service all |grep Status

show lma-service all |grep Status

show egtp-service all |grep Status

show gtpu-service all |grep State

View QoS/QCI Information

View QoS Class Index to QoS mapping tables

show qci-qos-mapping table all

View RF Accounting Information

Confirm the PGW is sending Rf accounting records:
  • Verify "Message sent" is non-zero

  • Verify active charging sessions are present

show diameter accounting servers |grep Message

show active-charging sessions all |more

View Session Subsystem and Task Information

Display Session Subsystem and Task Statistics


Refer to the System Software Task and Subsystem Descriptions appendix in the System Administration Guide for additional information on the Session subsystem and its various manager tasks.

View AAA Manager statistics

show session subsystem facility aaamgr all

View AAA Proxy statistics

show session subsystem facility aaaproxy all

View LMA Manager statistics

show session subsystem facility hamgr all

View Session Manager statistics

show session subsystem facility sessmgr all

View Session Disconnect Reasons

View session disconnect reasons with verbose output

show session disconnect-reasons

View Session Recovery Information

View session recovery status

show session recovery status [ verbose ]

View Subscriber Information

Display NAT Information

View the private IP assigned to the NAT user, along with any other public IPs assigned

show subscriber full username user_name

View NAT realms assigned to this user

show subscriber full username user_name |grep -i nat

View active charging flows for a specific NAT IP address

show active-charging flows full nat required nat-ip ip_address

Display Session Resource Status

View session resource status

show resources session

View Statistics for Subscribers using LMA Services on the System

View statistics for subscribers using a specific LMA service on the system

show subscribers lma-service service_name

View Statistics for Subscribers using P-GW Services on the System

View statistics for subscribers using any P-GW service on the system

show subscribers pgw-only full

Display Subscriber Configuration Information

View locally configured subscriber profile settings (must be in context where subscriber resides)

show subscribers configuration username subscriber_name

View remotely configured subscriber profile settings

show subscribers aaa-configuration username subscriber_name

View Subscribers Currently Accessing the System

View a listing of subscribers currently accessing the system

show subscribers all

Display UE Attach Status

Confirm that a UE has attached:

  • Displays IMSI with one entry for each bearer per APN connection

  • Verify active charging sessions are present

  • Verify peers are active. Peers should correspond to S-GW EGTP addresses

  • Verify "Create Session Request" and "Create Session Response" categories are incrementing

  • Verify "Total Data Stats:" are incrementing

  • Verify lma-sessions are present

  • Verify "Binding Updates Received:" categories are incrementing

show subscriber pgw-only imsi ue_imsi

show active-charging sessions all |more

show egtpc peers

show egtpc statistics

show gtpu statistics

eHRPD only

show lma-service session username user_name

show lma-service statistics

Including the IMSI/IMEI in System Event Logs of Type Error and Critical

The P-GW can be configured to provide the IMSI/IMEI in the event log details for the following system event logs of type error and critical, if available. If the IMSI is not available, the P-GW will make a best effort to obtain the IMEI.

Table 2. New and Modified System Event Logs with IMSI/IMEI in System Event Log Details
Event Log Description

New Events


Represents misc_error3 in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Misc Error3: s, error code d"


Represents recover_call_from_crr_failed1 error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>]Sessmgr-d Recover call from CRR failed for callid:0xx reason=s"


Represents aaa_create_session_failed_no_more_sessions1 error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Sessmgr-d Ran out of session handles"


Represents error_log1 in format "[IMSI <IMSI>]s"

Modified Events


To print miscellaneous PGW error log.


To print miscellaneous SAEGW error log.


Represents FSM error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] default call fsm error: ostate=s(d) state=s(d) event=s(d)"


Represents FSM INVALID event in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] default call fsm invalid event: state=s(d) event=s(d)"


Represents SN_LE_SESSMGR_PGW_REJECT_BEARER_OP in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Sessmgr-d: Request to s bearer rejected. Reason: s". For example "[IMSI 112233445566778 Sessmgr-1: Request to Create bearer rejected. Reason: Create Bearer Request denied as session recovery is in progress"


Represents fsm_event_error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Misc Error: Bad event in sessmgr fsm, event code d"


Represents pgw_purge_invalid_crr in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Local s TEID [lu] Collision: Clp Connect Time: lu, Old Clp Callid: d, Old Clp Connect Time: lu s"


Represents ncqos_nrspca_trig_err in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] NCQOS NRSPCA trig rcvd in invalid bcm mode."


Represents ncqos_nrupc_tft_err in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] NCQOS NRUPC Trig : TFT validation failed for nsapi <u>."


Represnts ncqos_nrxx_trig_already in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] NCQOS NRSPCA/NRUPC is already triggered on sess with nsapi <u>."


Represents ncqos_nrxx_tft_check_fail in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] NCQOS TFT check failed as TFT has invalid opcode for nsapi <u>:pf_id_bitmap 0xx and tft_opcode: d"


Represents ncqos_sec_rej in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] NCQOS Secondary ctxt with nsapi <u> rejected, due to <s>."


Represents ncqos_upc_rej in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] UPC Rejected for ctxt with nsapi <u>, due to <s>."


Represents ggsn_subsession_invalid_state in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] GGSN subsession invalid state state:<s>,[event:<s>]"


Represents gngp_handoff_rejected_for_pdn_ipv4v6 in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Sessmgr-d Handoff from PGW-to-GGSN rejected, as GGSN doesnt support Deffered allocation for IPv4v6, dropping the call."


Represents gngp_handoff_rejected_no_non_gbr_bearer_for_def_bearer_selection in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Sessmgr-d Handoff from PGW-to-GGSN rejected, as GGSN Callline has no non-GBR bearer to be selected as Default bearer."


Represents gngp_handoff_from_ggsn_rejected_no_ggsn_call in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Sessmgr-d Handoff from GGSN-to-PGW rejected, as GGSN call with TEIDC <0xx> not found."


Represents gtp_pdp_type_mismatch in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Mismatch between PDP type of APN s and in create req. Rejecting call"


Represents pcc_intf_error_info in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] s"


Represents collision_error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Collision Error: Temp Failure Handling Delayed Pending Active Transaction: , error code d"


Represents rcvd_invalid_bearer_binding_req_from_acs in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Sessmgr d: Received invalid bearer binding request from ACS."


Represents saegw_uid_error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] s"


Represents unwanted_pcc_intf_setup_req error in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] GGSN_INITIATE_SESS_SETUP_REQ is already fwded to PCC interface "


Represents ue_fsm_illegal_event in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Invalid/unhandled UE event <s> in state <s>"


Represents pdn_fsm_illegal_event in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Invalid/unhandled PDN event <s> in state <s>"


Represents epsb_fsm_illegal_event in format "[IMSI <IMSI>] Invalid/unhandled EPSB event <s> in state <s>"


Represents saegwdrv_generic_error "[IMSI <IMSI>] s"

Configuring the P-GW to Include the IMSI/IMEI in System Event Logs of Type Error and Critical

The include-ueid keyword has been added to the logging command in Global Configuration Mode. When enabled, the previously mentioned system events of type error and critical will provide the IMSI/IMEI in the logging details, if available.

    logging include-ueid   
    no logging include-ueid   


  • no disables the inclusion of the IMSI/IMEI in system event logs of type error and critical.
  • Use the show configuration command to view the current configuration status of the logging include-ueid command.
    • logging include-ueid (when enabled)
    • no logging include-ueid (when disabled.

Clearing Statistics and Counters

It may be necessary to periodically clear statistics and counters in order to gather new information. The system provides the ability to clear statistics and counters based on their grouping (PPP, MIPHA, MIPFA, etc.).

Statistics and counters can be cleared using the CLI clear command. Refer to the Command Line Reference for detailed information on using this command.