S6b Interface Enhancement

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

  • ASR 5500

  • VPC-DI

  • VPC-SI

Feature Default

Disabled - License Required

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

  • P-GW Administration Guide

Revision History

Revision Details


In this release, the S6b interface is enhanced to align with the 3GPP AAA with the allocation of static and dynamic IP addresses through AVPs.


Feature Description

In the StarOS 21.22 and later releases, the S6b interface is enhanced to align with the 3GPP AAA with the allocation of static and dynamic IP addresses through the following AVPs:

  • Class AVP

  • User-Name AVP

  • Origination-Time-Stamp AVP

Class AVP : The following enhancement is supported:

During the initial PDN connection request, PGW/GGSN receives the CLASS AVP, if available, in the AA Answer message from 3GPP AAA. Then, P-GW/GGSN sends Answer to 3GPP AAA. While sending AA_request message to 3GPP AA, P-GW/GGSN drops the CLASS AVP. PGW/GGSN has the option to initiate re-authorization. However, if P-GW/GGSN has previously received the CLASS AVP from 3GPP AAA, it includes Class AVP in subsequent session termination requests but not re-authorization requests. It results in removal of Class AVP from all messages except AA Answer and Session-Termination messages ( STR and STA messages).

If Auth-Session-State is negotiated as STATE_MAINTAINED, then on session termination, P-GW initiates a Session-Termination-Request {Session-Id, Origin-Host, Origin-Realm, Destination-Realm, Auth-Application-Id=(16777999), Destination-Host, Termination-Cause, User-Name } to the 3GPP AAA.


The Class AVP can only be removed from the instances wherever aaa-custom15 dictionary is used.

User-Name AVP : The following enhancement is supported.

When P-GW/GGSN sends subsequent session termination (STR) requests to 3GPP AAA, it includes the mandatory parameter, User-Name AVP .


During backward compatibility, 3GPP AAA accepts STR without User-Name AVP .

Ensure that the User-Name doesn’t include prefix.

For Example:
Origination-Time-Stamp AVP : The following enhancement is supported.

The Origination-TimeStamp AVP is replaced with the 3GPP standard Origination-Time-Stamp AVP.

Maximum-Wait-Time AVP : The following enhancement is supported.

The Max-Wait-Time AVP is replaced with 3GPP standard Maximum-Wait-Time AVP Maximum-Wait-Time AVP .