Network Service Headers (NSH)

This chapter describes the following topics:

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area

  • P-GW


Applicable Platform(s)

  • ASR 5500

  • VPC-DI

  • VPC-SI

Feature Default

Enabled - Always-on

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

  • Command Line Interface Reference

  • P-GW Administration Guide

  • SAEGW Administration Guide

Revision History

Revision Details


In this release, NSH-based Traffic Identification with Traffic Steering is supported.


First introduced.


Feature Description

Network Services Headers (NSH), a new service chaining protocol, is added to the network traffic in a packet header to create a dedicated service plane that is independent of the underlying transport protocol. In general, NSH describes a sequence of service nodes that a packet is routed through before reaching the destination address. The NSH includes meta-data information about the packet and service chain in an IP packet. The NSH protocol addresses the growing requirement to deploy various services functions external to the gateway.

This feature introduces NSH protocol support for P-GW and SAEGW products and supports the following:

  • Encoding and decoding of NSH format in the P-GW/SAEGW.

  • Configurable parameters to be included for encoding in the variable header.

  • NSH treatment for selective traffic based on configuration.

  • Configuring the tag values for parameters present in the variable header.

  • Selective configuration of policies for acting on the decode parameters received in the NSH.

  • Configuring the intelligence of encoding the NSH information in every packet of a flow or only once per flow.

  • NSH-based Traffic Identification with Traffic Steering.


In this release, selective encryption of parameters is not supported.

How It Works

This section describes the working of NSH protocol support in Cisco's P-GW/SAEGW products.

  • The Uplink Packet

    For the uplink packet, P-GW/SAEGW adds the NSH, if the flow matches the specified criteria. NSH has a variable length context header also.

    Following call flow shows the NSH protocol support in the Cisco PGW/SAEGW products for an uplink packet.

    For an uplink packet, if the call flow matches the specified criteria, PGW or SAEGW adds the NSH header to the data packet. NSH header may have variable length context header, which can be encrypted if specified in the configuration.

  • The Downlink Packet

    For the downlink packet, P-GW/SAEGW processes and removes the NSH and applies policies based on the extracted NSH parameters.

    Following call flow shows the NSH protocol support in the Cisco PGW/SAEGW products for a downlink packet.

    For a downlink packet, PGW or SAEGW processes and removes NSH header. Then, PGW or SAEGW apply policies based on the extracted NSH parameters.

  • Source and destination IP address for the outer IP packet is taken from the inner IP packet.

  • By default, NSH encapsulated packets use the port number 6633.

Configuring Support for NSH Framework

This section covers configuration steps used in this feature for adding support for NSH framework.

Charging Action Association

Service chain is associated to charging action in the following way:

		active-charging service service_name 
				charging-action charging_action_name 
						service-chain service_chain_name 


  • charging-action: Defines charging action.

    charging_action_name: Specifies name of the charging action. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • service-chain: Defines service chain association.

    service_chain_name: Specifies name of the service chain. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Service Chain Association

A new CLI command nsh-format is added to the service-chain command for service-chain association.

			service-chain <service_chain_name> 
						nsh-format <nsh_format_name> 
  • service-chain: Defines service chain association.

    service_chain_name: Specifies name of the service chain. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • nsh-format: Associates NSH format with the service chain.

Service Scheme Association

A new CLI command nsh-response-received has been added to the trigger command to the ACS service scheme configuration mode.

		active-charging service service_name 
					service-scheme service_scheme_name 
								[ no ] trigger { bearer-creation | flow-create | loc-update | nsh-response-received | sess-setup } 


  • service-scheme: Enables the association of service-scheme based on subscriber class.

    service_scheme_name: Specifies name of the service scheme. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • no: Disables the trigger action for the service-scheme.

  • trigger: Specifies the trigger action for service-scheme.

  • bearer-creation: Triggers for every new bearer.

  • flow-create: Triggers for every new flow.

  • loc-update: Triggers whenever location changes of the subscriber.

  • nsh-response-received: Triggers on NSH response packet.

  • sess-setup: Triggers at session setup.

NSH Configuration Mode

The Network Service Header (NSH) configuration mode is a sub-mode of the Global Configuration mode. This NSH mode is used to encode or decode NSH.

Exec > Global Configuration> Network Service Entity - IP Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:


NSH Fields Configuration Mode

The NSH Fields configuration mode is a sub-mode of the NSH Configuration mode. This NSH Fields configuration mode is used to tag value to the NSH fields.

Exec > Global Configuration> Network Service Header > Network Service Header - Fields Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



This new CLI command is added to the NSH Fields Configuration mode to associate a tag value to a NSH field.

      nsh-fields fields_name 
         tag-value tag_value { content-type | enterprise-id | imei | imsi | msisdn | rating-group | rulebase | tdf-app-id } 


  • nsh-fields: Defines NSH fields tag values.

    fields_name: Specifies name of the nsh-field. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • tag-value Associates a tag to a field.

    tag_value : Tag value for the NSH field.

  • content-type: Specifies content type of payload.

  • enterprise-id: Specifies the enterprise-ID to be sent in NSH context header.

  • imei: Specifies IMEI of the subscriber.

  • imsi: Specifies IMSI of the subscriber.

  • msisdn: Specifies MSISDN of the subscriber.

  • rating-group: Specifies rating-group applied for the traffic.

  • rulebase: Specifies rule-base of the subscribers.

  • tdf-app-id: Specifies TDF Application ID applied to the traffic.

NSH Format Configuration Mode

The NSH Format Configuration mode is a sub-mode of the NSH Configuration mode. This NSH Format mode is used to encode or decode NSH.

Exec > Global Configuration> Network Service Header > Network Service Header - Format


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



This new CLI command is added to the NSH Format configuration mode. This command defines the NSH encoding fields to be associated with the NSH format.

					nsh-format format_name 
								encode nsh-fields fields_name  


  • nsh-format: Defines format in NSH header.

    format_name: Specifies name of the NSH format. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • encode: Associates nsh-fields for encoding.

  • nsh-fields: Defines nsh fields tag value.

    fields_name: Specifies name of the fields. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.


This command defines frequency of encoding the NSH fields to be associated with the NSH format.

					nsh-format format_name
								encoding-frequency { always | once-per-flow } 


  • encoding-frequency: Defines frequency of encoding nsh-fields.

  • always: Encodes nsh fields on every hit.

  • once-per-flow: Encodes nsh fields once per flow.


This command defines the NSH decoding fields to be associated with the NSH format.

					nsh-format format_name 
								decode nsh-fields fields_name 


  • nsh-format: Defines format in NSH header.

    format_name: Specifies name of the NSH format. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • decode: Associates nsh-fields for decoding.

  • nsh-fields: Defines nsh fields tag value.

    fields_name: Specifies name of the fields. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Trigger Condition Configuration Mode Commands


This command specifies the content type to be matched.

		active-charging service service_name 
					trigger-condition trigger_condition_name 
								content-type { operator condition } 


  • trigger-condition: Defines ACS trigger conditions.

    trigger_condition_name: Specifies name of the trigger condition. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • content-type: Specifies the content type.

  • operator : Specifies how to match. Operator must be one of the following:

    • !=: not equals

    • !contains: not contains

    • !ends-with: not ends with

    • !starts-with: not starts with

    • =: equals

    • contains: contains

    • ends-with: ends with

    • starts-with: starts with

  • condition: Specifies the condition to match. Condition must be one of the following:

    • FALSE

    • TRUE


This command specifies the identifier for application-based rules to be matched.

		active-charging service service_name 
					trigger-condition trigger_condition_name 
								tdf-app-id { operator condition } 


  • trigger-condition: Defines ACS trigger conditions.

    trigger_condition_name: Specifies name of the trigger condition. This is entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

  • tdf-app-id: Specifies the identifier for application based rules.

  • operator condition: Specifies how to match. Operator must be one of the following:

    • !=: not equals

    • !contains: not contains

    • !ends-with: not ends with

    • !starts-with: not starts with

    • =: equals

    • contains: contains

    • ends-with: ends with

    • starts-with: starts with

  • condition: Specifies the condition to match. Condition must be one of the following:

    • FALSE

    • TRUE

Sample Configuration for NSH Creation

The following is a sample configuration for this NSH service creation:

         nsh-fields xyz
            tag-val 1 imei 
            tag-val 2 imsi 
         nsh-fields abc
            tag-val 4 content-type
        nsh-format format1
            encoding frequency always
            encode nsh-fields xyz
												decode nsh-fields abc
		appliance-group firewall
			nsh-format format1
			ip address
	service-chain sch1
		sfp direction uplink service-index 1 appliance firewall
    active-charging service ACS
        trigger-action ta1
        trigger-condition tc1
           content-type contains text
        service-scheme scheme1
            trigger nsh-response-received
                priority 1 trigger-condition tc1 trigger-action ta1
        subs-class class1
            any-match = TRUE
        subscriber-base base1
            priority 1 subs-class class1 bind service-scheme scheme1
       charging-action ca1
           service-chain xyz   

Show Commands and Outputs

This section provides information regarding show commands and their outputs in support of the feature.

show nsh statistics

This command has been newly added in this release to display the nsh statistics. Following is the output when you execute this command:

Total Encap Successful                :         0
Total Decap Successful                :         0

Total Encap Failed                    :         0
   Memory Allocation                  :         0
   Config Error                       :         0
   Encryption Failed                  :         0

Total Decap Failed                    :         0
   Config Error                       :         0
   Base Header
      Invalid Length                  :         0
      Unsupported Version             :         0
      Unsupported Next Protocol       :         0
      Next Protocol Mismatch          :         0
      Unsupported MD-Type             :         0
   Context Header
      Unsupported MD-Class            :         0
      Unsupported Type                :         0

OAM Packets
   Received                           :         0
   Dropped                            :         0

Unknown Context Header Type           :         0

show active-charging trigger-condition statistics

The output of this command includes the following field for this feature:

  • NSH-Rsp-Rcvd

This field displays the matching of trigger condition based on NSH response.