VPP Metric Enhancement

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area

  • P-GW


Applicable Platform(s)

  • ASR 5500

  • VPC-DI

  • VPC-SI

Feature Default

  • Disabled - Configuration Required

  • Enabled - Configuration Required

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

  • Command Line Interface Reference

  • P-GW Administration Guide

  • Statistics and Counters Reference

  • SAEGW Administration Guide

Revision History

Revision Details


The show active-charging flows full all and show active-charging flows summary commands are enhanced to get the statistics from VPP. 21.26

The P-GW is enhanced to collect the log messages to monitor offloading and onloading flow transactions between VPP and the session manager.


The following enhancements were introduced:

  • Analyzer level statistics (TCP, UDP, P2P, HTTP, HTTPS)

  • VPP statistics collection using the CLI configuration


First introduced.


Feature Description

The Vector Packet Processing (VPP) metrics help to analyze and debug the VPP offloaded traffic. This feature applies only to platforms that support VPP.

Traffic flows are dealt in different ways based on how P-GW recognizes them. For example, some flows are managed with VPP and some are not. To enhance troubleshooting, statistics are added at rulebase, subscriber, and analyzer protocol levels for VPP flows. The supported analyzer protocols include Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), peer-to-peer (P2P) analyzer, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). System level bulk statistics are supported for troubleshooting.

This feature is partially controlled through the active-charging service configuration. Only the subscriber-specific statistics related to VPP offload are controlled using CLI.

VPP Flow Statistics

The show active-charging flows full command is enhanced to receive the per flow information from VPP. This command displays the VPP stream to flow mapping information.

The show active-charging flows full and show active-charging flows summary commands support the following filters:
  • imsi

  • ip-address

  • msisdn

  • username

  • callerid

  • flow-id

  • session-id

  • instance

Monitoring Offloading and Onloading VPP Flow Transactions

The P-GW is enhanced to collect the log messages to monitor offloading and onloading flow transactions between VPP and the session manager. The logs are collected when traffic state changes from offloading to onloading and conversely. The logs are stored in a file. Monitoring can be enabled or disabled using the supported CLI.

How it Works

P-GW supports a user-controlled mechanism to monitor traffic offloading to VPP, onloading to sessmgr, and collects the traffic statistics for the monitored period. When the feature is enabled, the logs are saved to /tmp/fpflowchangelog_2021-11-24_02h35m44sEST_1.csv. Once the logging is disabled, the log file moves to /hd-raid/fpflowchangelog/fpflowchangelog_2021-12-16_04h06m55sEST_1.csv. If the number of logs exceed 32K, the log file closes and moves to /hd-raid/fpflowchangelog/fpflowchangelog_2021-12-16_04h06m55sEST_2.csv. Then, the new file gets created in the rotated index format. The number, for example, _2.csv gets incremented and gets saved to /tmp/fpflowchangelog_2021-11-24_02h35m44sEST with the current stamp. However, the logging continues to happen as usual and the logs are written to the new file.

Enabling or Disabling Logging

The logs are stored in a file in the following format:
Timestamp,IMSI, Session-ID, Stream-Idx, Client-IP, Client-Port, Server-IP, Server-Port, Protocol, Trigger-Type, Trigger-Reason 
Use the following CLI command in the Exec mode to enable or disable offload and onload logging. By default, the monitoring is disabled:
logging session fp-flow-state-change facility sessmgr instance instance_number number-of-events events_value 
logging session fp-flow-state-change facility sessmgr instance instance_number duration duration_value 

You will receive the following warning message on enabling the command:


Logging facility for flow state change is now enabled! Logs shall be written to /hd-raid/fpflowchangelog/fpflowchangelog_2021-12-16_04h06m55sEST_1.csv. Warning: Flow state change logging may have performance impact. Please use with discretion.

If the logging is already enabled when executing the command, you will receive the following message:
[local]laas-setup# logging session fp-flow-state-change facility sessmgr instance 8 duration 10
Flow state change event logging is already enabled. Disable before enabling.
[local]laas-setup# logging session fp-flow-state-change facility sessmgr instance 12 duration 10
Error in flow stream state change logging enable. Invalid parameter.


Once the configured value for number-of-events is met or the duration in seconds elapse, this feature gets disabled automatically.

The event logging must be enabled independent of any other feature or module log.

Configuring Metrics Collection

Use the following sample configuration to enable or disable metrics collection from VPP for subscriber and rulebase.

  active-charging service service_name 
    [ no ] statistics-collection { all | vpp } 


  • all : Configures both Ruledef and VPP statistics collection.

  • vpp : Configures VPP statistics collection.

  • no : Resets the seed-time value to the default value of 0.

  • By default, this CLI is disabled.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

This section provides information on how to monitor and troubleshoot this feature using show commands and bulk statistics.

Show Commands and Outputs

This section provides information regarding show commands and their outputs for this feature.

show active-charging flows full

Table 1. show active-charging flows full Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

FP-Stream-ID (Up)

Specifies the fastpath stream ID of uplink packets.

FP-Stream-State (Up)

Specifies the fastpath stream state of uplink packets.

FP-Stream-ID (Down)

Specifies the fastpath stream ID of downlink packets.

FP-Stream-State (Down)

Specifies the fastpath stream state of downlink packets.


Specifies the VPP fastpath client ID.

Offload-Stream-at-packet (up)

Specifies the packet number of a stream offloaded from the session manager to VPP when the uplink traffic starts.

Offload-Stream-at-packet (Down)

Specifies the packet number of a stream offloaded from the session manager to VPP when the downlink traffic starts.

VPP FP UL Packets

Specifies the VPP count for uplink packets.


Specifies the VPP count for uplink bytes.

VPP FP DL Packets

Specifies the VPP count for downlink packets.


Specifies the VPP count for downlink bytes.

VPP FP Packets

Specifies total offloaded fastpath packets.

VPP FP Dropped Packets

Specifies dropped packets by VPP.

VPP Onload Succeeded

Specifies total packet onloaded from VPP (onloaded to session manager).


Identifier for flows.


Identifier for ACS session.

Uplink Packets

The total number of uplinked packets.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of uplinked bytes.

Downlink Packets

The total number of downlinked packets.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of downlinked bytes.

FP Packets

Number of data packets processed in fastpath for this flow.


The MS IP address.


The MS NAT IP address.

Server IP

The server IP address.

Transport Protocol

The transport protocol: TCP, UDP, ICMP

Application Protocol

The application protocol.

Video Pacing

Indicates whether video pacing is enabled or disabled.

Video Encoded Bit Rate

The currently enforced bit rate for video pacing.

Video Pacing Initial Burst Size

The initial burst size allowed, in bytes, during video pacing.

Video Pacing Normal Burst Size

The normal burst size allowed, in bytes, during video pacing.

Video Pacing Dropped Bytes

The number of data bytes dropped during video pacing.

Video Payload Bytes Sent towards User

The number of data bytes sent to the UE during video pacing.

Video Pacing Duration

The total number of video pacing in seconds.


The TCP MS port number.


The TCP MS NAT port number.

This field is not displayed for one-to-one NAT.

TCP Server Port

The TCP server port number.

TCP State

Indicates the TCP state.

TCP Prev State

Indicates the previous TCP state.

MS Window Size

The mobile window size.

Server Window Size

The server window size.

MS Retries

The total number of mobile subscriber retries.

Server Retries

The total number of server retries.

ITC Action Applied

Indicates that the ITC action is applied.

Throttle-Suppress Countdown

Displays the configured timeout (elapsed time) when flow is throttle-suppressed.


Displays "n/a" when throttle-suppress is inactive.

Socket Migration Details:

TCP Proxy Socket Migration related information.


Indicates the Socket Migration state of the flow.

For example, SOCK_MIG_DONE.

Highest ACK Frm Server

The highest acknowledgment number from the server.

Highest Seq Frm Server

The Highest sequence number from the server.

Highest ACK Frm MS

The highest acknowledgement number from the MS.

Highest Seq Frm MS

The highest sequence number from the MS.

Seq Frm MS at Mig

Sequence number from MS at migration.

ACK Frm MS at Mig

Acknowledgement number from MS at migration.

Seq Frm Server at Mig

The sequence number from the server at migration.

ACK Frm Server at Mig

The acknowledgement number from the server at migration.

Data To Be Delivered To MS

Data to be delivered to the MS.

Data To Be Delivered To Server

Data to be delivered to the server.

Highest Seq Frm MS

Highest sequence number from the MS.

Timestamps Enabled

Indicates if timestamps option is enabled.

SACK Enabled

Indicates if selective acknowledgement is enabled.

Wscale From MS

Window scale value from MS.

Wscale From Server

Window scale value from server.

Buffering Statistics:

Buffered Uplink Packets

The total number of buffered uplink packets.

Buffered Uplink Bytes

The total number of buffered uplink bytes.

Buffered Downlink Packets

The total number of buffered downlink packets.

Buffered Downlink Bytes

The total number of buffered downlink bytes.

Uplink Packets in Buffer

The total number of uplink packets in the buffer.

Uplink Bytes in Buffer

The total number of uplink bytes in the buffer.

Downlink Packets in Buffer

The total number of downlink packets in the buffer.

Downlink Bytes in Buffer

The total number of downlink bytes in the buffer.

Buff Over-limit Uplink Pkts

The total number of uplink packets that are over the limit in the buffer.

Buff Over-limit Uplink Bytes

The total number of uplink bytes that are over the limit in the buffer.

Buff Over-limit Downlink Pkts

The total number of downlink packets that are over the limit in the buffer.

Buff Over-limit Downlink Bytes

The total number of downlink bytes that are over the limit in the buffer.


Requests CAE-Readdressed

The total number of request readdressing done.

Responses CAE-Readdressed

The total number of response readdressing done.

Requests having xheader inserted

The total number of HTTP requests with x-headers inserted.

Total connect failed to CAE

The total number of connections failed to the CAE.

Total CAE-Readdressed Uplink Bytes

The total number of uplink bytes readdressed.

Total CAE-Readdressed Uplink Packets

The total number of uplink packets readdressed.

Total CAE-Readdressed Downlink Bytes

The total number of downlink bytes readdressed.

Total CAE-Readdressed Downlink Packets

The total number of downlink packets readdressed.

Flows connected to CAE

The total number of flows connected to the CAE.

Proxy Disable Success

The total number of flows with proxy disabled.

Proxy Disable Failed

The total number of times the proxy disable function failed.

Link Monitoring

Average Throughput

The average TCP throughput of downlink TCP traffic towards the mobile device, in kbps.

Average RTT

The average TCP RTT (Round Trip Time) of downlink TCP traffic towards the mobile device, in milliseconds.

Tethering detection performed

Indicates whether tethering detection was performed.

Tethering detected

Indicates whether tethering was detected.

Total ACS flows matching specified criteria

The total number of ACS flows that match the specified criteria.

show active-charging flows full debug-info all

Table 2. show active-charging flows full debug-info all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Last Active Tick Time

Specifies the last active tick time for the data packet.

Current Tick Time

Specifies the current system tick time.

show active-charging flows summary

Table 3. show active-charging flows summary Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Active Flows

Specifies the total number of active flows currently on the system.

TCP Active flows

Specifies the total number of active flows for TCP traffic.

DNS Active flows

Specifies the total number of active flows for DNS traffic.

ICMPV6 Active flows

Specifies the total number of active flows for ICMPv6 traffic.

Idle Flows:

TCP Idle flows

Specifies the total number of idle flows for TCP traffic.

UDP Idle flows

Specifies the total number of idle flows for UDP traffic.

ICMPv6 Idle flows

Specifies the total number of idle flows for ICMPv6 traffic.

DNS Idle flows

Specifies the total number of idle flows for DNS traffic.


Uplink Packets

Specifies the total number of uplinked packets.

Uplink Bytes

Specifies the total number of uplinked bytes.

Downlink Packets

Specifies the total number of downlinked packets.

Downlink Bytes

Specifies the total number of downlinked bytes.

show active-charging rulebase statistics name

The output of this command displays the following fields:

Table 4. show active-charging rulebase statistics name Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

VPP Offload Statistics:

Total Flows

Total number of flows.

Current Active Flows

Total number of active current flows.


Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 packets uplinked.

Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 bytes uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 packets downlinked.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 bytes downlinked.

Dropped Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 uplink packets discarded.

Dropped Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 uplink bytes discarded.

Dropped Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 downlink packets discarded.

Dropped Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 downlink bytes discarded.


Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 packets uplinked.

Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 bytes uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 packets downlinked.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 bytes downlinked.

Dropped Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 uplink packets discarded.

Dropped Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 uplink bytes discarded.

Dropped Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 downlink packets discarded.

Dropped Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 downlink bytes discarded.

show active-charging subscribers all

The output of this command displays the following fields.

Table 5. show active-charging subscribers all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Total number of packets detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Total number of packets detected in downlink direction through VPP.

show-active-charging subscribers full all

The output of this command is enhanced to display the following fields.

Table 6. show active-charging subscribers full all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

VPP Offload Statistics: Enabled/Disabled

Total Flows

Total number of flows.

Current Active Flows

Total number of active current flows.


Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 packets uplinked.

Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 bytes uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 packets downlinked.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 bytes downlinked.

Dropped Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 uplink packets discarded.

Dropped Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 uplink bytes discarded.

Dropped Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 downlink packets discarded.

Dropped Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 downlink bytes discarded.


Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 packets uplinked.

Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 bytes uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 packets downlinked.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 bytes downlinked.

Dropped Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 uplink packets discarded.

Dropped Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 uplink bytes discarded.

Dropped Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 downlink packets discarded.

Dropped Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 downlink bytes discarded.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name

The output of this command displays the following fields. The fields are common for http, secure-http, p2p, tcp, udp.

Table 7. show active-charging analyzer statistics name Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Total VPP FP Packets

Total number of Fast Path packets through VPP.

VPP Fastpath Statistics:

Total Flows

Total number of flows.

Current Active Flows

Total number of active current flows.


Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 packets uplinked.

Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 bytes uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv4 packets downlinked.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv4 bytes downlinked.


Uplink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 packets uplinked.

Uplink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 bytes uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

Total number of IPv6 packets downlinked.

Downlink Bytes

Total number of IPv6 bytes downlinked.

show session fp-flow-state-change statistics

Field Description

Onload/Offload event logging

Displays the status of logging to show if it is currently enabled or disabled.

Start time

Displays the start time of the last logging. If the logging was never started, the start time shows "NA".

End time

Displays the time when logging was stopped. If logging was never started, the end time shows NA. If the logging is currently enabled, it shows "In progress".

Total events recorded

Displays the total number of logs generated.

Logging enabled for number of events/ duration

The number of events or duration in seconds.

Sessmgr Instance

The session manager instance for which the logging is enabled.

Bulk Statistics

The ECS schema includes the following bulk statistics.

ECS Schema

Table 8. Bulk Statistics Variables in the ECS Schema




Indicates total number of flows through VPP.


Indicates total number of active current flows through VPP.



Indicates total number of IPv4 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates total number of IPv4 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP.


Indicates total number of IPv4 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates total number of IPv4 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv4 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv4 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv4 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv4 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP.



Indicates total number of IPv6 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates total number of IPv6 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP.


Indicates total number of IPv6 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates total number of IPv6 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv6 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv6 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv6 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP.


Indicates the total number of dropped IPv6 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP.


tcp-vpp-flows-cur Indicates the current number of flows through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-vpp-flows Indicates the total number of flows through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-vpp-pkts The total number of IP packets through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets detected in downlink direction in IPv4 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv4-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets detected in uplink direction in IPv4 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IP bytes detected in downlink direction in IPv4 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv4-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IP bytes detected in uplink direction in IPv4 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets detected in downlink direction in IPv6 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv6-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets detected in uplink direction in IPv6 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IP bytes detected in downlink direction in IPv6 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.
tcp-ipv6-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IP bytes detected in uplink direction in IPv6 traffic through VPP for TCP analyzer.


udp-vpp-flows-cur Indicates the current number of flows through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-vpp-flows Indicates the total number of flows through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-vpp-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv4-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv4-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv6-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.
udp-ipv6-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for UDP analyzer.


http-vpp-flows-cur Indicates the current number of flows through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-vpp-flows Indicates the total number of flows through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-vpp-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv4-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv4-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv6-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.
http-ipv6-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTP analyzer.


https-vpp-flows-cur Indicates the current number of flows through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-vpp-flows Indicates the total number of flows through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-vpp-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv4-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv4-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv6-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.
https-ipv6-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for HTTPS analyzer.


p2p-vpp-flows-cur Indicates the current number of flows through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-vpp-flows Indicates the total number of flows through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-vpp-pkts Indicates the total number of IP packets through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv4-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv4 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv4-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv4-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv4 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in downlink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv6-vpp-uplk-pkts Indicates the total number of IPv6 packets detected in uplink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv6-vpp-dwnlk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in downlink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.
p2p-ipv6-vpp-uplk-bytes Indicates the total number of IPv6 bytes detected in uplink direction through VPP for P2P analyzer.