Context Configuration Mode Commands A-D


This section includes the commands aaa accounting through domain service.

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).

aaa accounting

This command enables/disables accounting for subscribers and context-level administrative users for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa accounting { administrator radius-diameter | subscriber [ radius-diameter ] } 
default aaa accounting { administrator | subscriber } 
no aaa accounting { administrator | subscriber } [ radius-diameter ] 


Configures the default setting.

Default: RADIUS


Disables AAA accounting per the options specified.


Enables AAA accounting for context-level administrative users.


Enables AAA accounting for subscribers.


Enables RADIUS or Diameter accounting for subscribers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable accounting for subscribers and context-level administrative users for the current context.

To enable or disable accounting for individual local subscriber configurations refer to the accounting-mode command in the Subscriber Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The accounting parameters in the APN Configuration Mode take precedence over this command for subscriber sessions. Therefore, if accounting is disabled using this command but enabled within the APN configuration, accounting is performed for subscriber sessions.


The following command disables AAA accounting for context-level administrative users:

no aaa accounting administrator 

The following command enables AAA accounting for context-level administrative users:

aaa accounting administrator radius-diameter 

aaa authentication

This command enables/disables authentication for subscribers and context-level administrative users for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] aaa authentication { administrator | subscriber } { local | none | radius-diameter } 
default aaa authentication { administrator | subscriber } 


Configures the default setting for the specified parameter.

  • administrator : local+RADIUS

  • subscriber : RADIUS


Disables AAA authentication for administrator(s)/subscribers as specified.

  • local : Disables local authentication for current context.

  • none : Disables NULL authentication for current context, which enables both local and RADIUS-based authentication.

  • radius-diameter : Disables RADIUS or Diameter-based authentication.

administrator | subscriber

  • administrator : Enables authentication for administrative users.

  • subscriber : Enables authentication for subscribers.

local | none | radius-diameter

Enables AAA authentication for administrator(s)/subscribers as specified.

  • local : Enables local authentication for the current context.

  • none : Disables authentication for the current context.

  • radius-diameter : Enables RADIUS or Diameter-based authentication.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable AAA authentication during specific maintenance activities or during test periods. The authentication can then be enabled again for the entire context as needed.


The following command disables RADIUS or Diameter-based authentication for subscribers for the current context:
no aaa authentication subscriber radius-diameter 
The following command enables RADIUS or Diameter-based authentication for subscribers for the current context:
aaa authentication subscriber radius-diameter 

aaa constructed-nai

This command configures the password used during authentication for sessions using a Constructed Network Access Identifier (NAI) or an APN-specified user name.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa constructed-nai authentication [ [ encrypted ] password user_password | use-shared-secret-password ] 
no aaa constructed-nai authentication 


Disables authentication based upon the constructed NAI.

[ encrypted ] password user_password

encrypted : Specifies that the user password should be encrypted.

password user_password : Specifies an authentication password for the NAI-constructed user.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the user_password must be an alphanumeric string of 0 through 63 characters with or without encryption.

In 12.2 and later releases, the user_password must be an alphanumeric string of 0 through 63 characters without encryption, or 1 through 132 characters with encryption.


Specifies using RADIUS shared secret as the password. Default: No password

Usage Guidelines

This command configures passwords for user sessions that utilize a constructed NAI assigned via a PDSN service or a user name assigned via the APN configuration.

For simple IP sessions facilitated by PDSN services in which the authentication allow-noauth and aaa constructed-nai commands are configured, this command provides a password used for the duration of the session.

For PDP contexts using an APN in which the outbound user name is configured with no password, this command is used to provide the password.Additionally, this command is also used to provide a password for situations in which an outbound username and password are configured and the authentication imsi-auth command has been specified.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the password keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text password. Only the encrypted password is saved as part of the configuration file.

If a password is configured with this keyword, then the specified password is used. Otherwise, an empty user-password attribute is sent.

Note that this configuration works in a different way for GGSN services. If a password is configured with this keyword for GGSN service, the specified password is used.Otherwise, if an outbound password is configured, that password is used. If no outbound password is configured, the RADIUS server secret is used as the user-password string to compute the user-password RADIUS attribute.

The NAI-construction consists of the subscriber's MSID, a separator character, and a domain. The domain that is used is either the domain name supplied as part of the subscriber's user name or a domain alias.


The domain alias can be set with the nai-construction domain command in the PDSN Service Configuration mode, or the aaa default-domain subscriber command in the Global Configuration mode for other core network services.

The domain alias is determined according to the following rules:

  • If the domain alias is set by nai-construction domain , that value is always used and the aaa default-domain subscriber value is disregarded, if set. The NAI is of the form <msid><symbol><nai-construction domain> .

  • If the domain alias is not set by nai-construction domain , and the domain alias is set by aaa default-domain subscriber , the aaa default-domain subscriber value is used. The NAI is of the form <msid><symbol><aaa default-domain subscriber> .

  • If the domain alias is not set by nai-construction domain or aaa default-domain subscriber , the domain name alias is the name of the source context for the PDSN service. The NAI is of the form <msid><symbol><source context of PDSN Service> .

The special separator character can be one of the following six: @, -, %, \,-, /

The subscriber's MSID is constructed in one of the formats displayed in the following figure.


The following command configures the authentication password for the NAI-constructed user.
aaa constructed-nai authentication 

aaa filter-id rulebase mapping

This command configures the system to use the value of the Filter-Id AVP as the ACS rulebase name.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no | default ] aaa filter-id rulebase mapping 


Disables the mapping of Filter-Id AVP and ACS rulebase name.


Configures the default setting. Default: Disabled

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the mapping of Filter-Id attribute's value returned during RADIUS authentication as the ACS rulebase name.

This feature provides the flexibility for operator to transact between multi-charging-service support for postpaid and prepaid subscribers through Access Control Lists (ACLs) entered in AAA profiles in RADIUS server to single-charging-service system based on rulebase configuration for postpaid and prepaid subscribers.

This feature internally maps the received ACL in to rulebase name and configures subscriber for postpaid or prepaid services accordingly.

When this feature is enabled and ACS rulebase attribute is not received from RADIUS or not configured in local default subscriber template system copies the filter-id attribute value to ACS rulebase attribute.

This copying happens only if the filter-id is configured and received from RADIUS server and ACS rulebase is not configured in ACS or not received from RADIUS.


The following command enables the mapping value of the Filter-Id attribute to ACS rulebase name:
aaa filter-id rulebase mapping 

aaa group

This command enables/disables the creation, configuration or deletion of AAA server groups in the context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa group group_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no aaa group group_name 


Deletes the specified AAA group.


Specifies name of the AAA group.

If the specified AAA group does not exist, it is created, and the prompt changes to the AAA Server Group Configuration Mode, wherein the AAA group can be configured.

If the specified AAA group already exists, the prompt changes to the AAA Server Group Configuration Mode, wherein the AAA group can be configured.

group_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Executes the command without any prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete AAA server groups within the context.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


AAA Server Group Configuration Mode commands are defined in the AAA Server Group Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command enters the AAA Server Group Configuration Mode for a AAA group named test321 :
aaa group test321  

aaa nai-policy

This command sets policies on how Network Access Identifiers (NAIs) are handled during the authentication process.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] aaa nai-policy reformat-alg-hex-0-9 


Sets the NAI policy back to its default setting which is to remap hexadecimal digits in NAIs and accept calls with embedded 0x00 hexadecimal digits.


Disable remapping of hexadecimal digits in the NAI and reject calls that have a 0x00 hexadecimal digit embedded in the NAI.


Default: Enabled

Controls remapping of NAIs that consist only of hex digits 0x00 through 0x09 or if a 0x00 hexadecimal digit is embedded in the NAI.

By default, the system remaps NAIs that consist solely of characters 0x00 through 0x09to their ASCII equivalent. For example; 0x00 0x01 0x2 0x03 will get remapped to 123.

Also by default the system accepts an NAI containing one or more 0x00 characters within the NAI ignoring all characters after the first 0x00.

When this keyword is disabled NAIs are processed as follows:

  • Remapping of hexadecimal digits 0x00 through 0x09 within the user-provided NAI is disabled.

  • When the NAI has an embedded 0x00 character anywhere within it (including if there is an extra 0x00 character at the end) the call is rejected.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable or re-enable remapping of hexadecimal digits in the NAI.


The following command disables the remapping of hexadecimal digits in the NAI:
no aaa nai-policy reformat-alg-hex-0-9 

aaa tacacs+

Enables and disables TACACS+ AAA services for this context




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] aaa tacacs+ 


Enables TACSCS+ services for this context.


Disables TACACS+ services for this context.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable or re-enable TACACS+ AAA services for this context.


You must first enable TACACS+ services using the Global Configuration mode aaa tacacs+ command. This command enables TACACS+ services for all contexts. You can then use the Context Configuration mode no aaa tacacs+ command to selectively disable TACACS+ per context.


The following command disables TACACS+ AAA services for this context:
no aaa tacacs+  

access-list undefined

Configures the behavior of access control for the current context when an undefined access control list is specified.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-list undefined { deny-all | permit-all } 
{ default | no } access-list undefined 


Configures the default setting.


Disables handling undefined access lists.


Specifies to drop all packets when an undefined ACL is specified.


Specifies to forward all packets when an undefined ACL is specified.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the default behavior when an ACL specified does not exist.

When the security policies require strict access control the deny-all handling should be configured.


The following command sets the packet handling to ignore (drop) all packets when an undefined ACL is specified.
access-list undefined deny-all 


Configures a user with Administrator privileges in the current context.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



administrator user_name [ encrypted ] [ nopassword ] password password [ max-age days][ no-max-age ]| [ ecs ] [ expiry-date date_time ] [ ftp [ sftp-server sftp_name ] ] [ li-administration ] [ nocli ] [ noconsole ] [ noecs ] [ timeout-absolute timeout_absolute  ] [ timeout-min-absolute timeout_min_absolute ] [ timeout-idle timeout_idle ][ timeout-min-idle timeout_min_idle ] [ exp-grace-interval days] [ exp-warn-interval days] [ no-exp-grace-interval ] [ no-exp-warn-interval ] 

Syntax Description

no administrator user_name 


Removes Security Administrator privileges for the specified user name.


Specifies the username for which Security Administrator privileges must be enabled in the current context. user_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 32 characters.

[ encrypted ] password password

Specifies password for the user name. Optionally, the encrypted keyword can be used to specify the password uses encryption.

password must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters without encryption, and 1 through 132 characters with encryption.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the password keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text password. Only the encrypted password is saved as part of the configuration file.

[ nopassword ]

This option allows you to create an administrator without an associated password. Enable this option when using ssh public keys (authorized key command in SSH Configuration mode) as a sole means of authentication. When enabled this option prevents someone from using an administrator password to gain access to the user account.


Permits the user to use ACS-specific configuration commands. Default: Permitted

expiry-date date_time

Specifies the date and time that this login account expires.

Enter the date and time in the YYYY:MM:DD:HH:mm or YYYY:MM:DD:HH:mm:ss format. Where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day of the month, HH is the hour, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds.


Permits the user to use FTP and SFTP. Default: Not permitted

[ sftp-server sftp_name ]

Assigns an optional root directory and access privilege to this user. sftp_name must have been previously created via the SSH Server Configuration mode subsystem sftp command.


Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this parameter.


Prevents the user from using the command line interface. Default: Permitted


Disables user access to a Console line.


The Global Configuration mode local-user allow-aaa-authentication noconsole command takes precedence in a normal (non-Trusted) StarOS build. In this case, all AAA-based users cannot access a Console line.


Prevents the user from accessing ACS-specific commands.

timeout-absolute timeout_absolute


This keyword is obsolete. It has been left in place for backward compatibility. If used, a warning is issued and the value entered is rounded to the nearest whole minute.

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the Security Administrator may have a session active before the session is forcibly terminated. timeout_absolute must be an integer from 0 through 300000000.

The value 0 disables this timeout configuration.

Default: 0

timeout-min-absolute timeout_min_absolute

Specifies the maximum time (in minutes) the Security Administrator may have a session active before the session is forcibly terminated. timeout_min_absolute must be an integer from 0 through 525600. The value 0 disables this timeout configuration. Default: 0

timeout-idle timeout_idle


This keyword is obsolete. It has been left in place for backward compatibility. If used a warning is issued and the value entered is rounded to the nearest whole minute.

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the Security Administrator may have a session active before the session is terminated. timeout_idle must be an integer from 0 through 300000000.

The value 0 disables the idle timeout configuration.

Default: 0

timeout-min-idle timeout_min_idle

Specifies the maximum time, in minutes, the Security Administrator may have a session active before the session is terminated. timeout_min_idle must be an integer from 0 through 525600. The value 0 disables the idle timeout configuration. Default: 0

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create new Security Administrators or modify existing user's settings.

Security Administrator users have read-write privileges and full access to all contexts and command modes. Refer to the Command Line Interface Overview chapter for more information.


A maximum of 128 administrative users and/or subscribers may be locally configured per context.

[ max-age days]

Defines the maximum age of a user password before it has to be changed. max-age is the replacement for expiry-date .

[ no-max-age ]

This parameter ensures that password never expires (these are non expiring passwords).

exp-warn-interval days

Impends password expiry warning interval in days. There is no default value at per user level. If any of the value is specified, Context global values are considered.

For example:
administrator trexpac111 password pass@1234

In the previous example, there are no values for expiry, grace, and warn are provided. In this case, Global values for both of them will be considered.

[ no-exp-warn-interval ]

Disables impending password expiry warnings .

exp-grace-interval days

Specifies password expiry grace interval in days. Default = 3 days after expiry.

[ no-exp-grace-interval ]

Disables grace period of expired password.


The following command creates a Security Administrator account named user1 with access to ACS configuration commands:
administrator user1 password secretPassword  
The following removes the Security Administrator account named user1 :
no administrator user1  


The following command shows the notifications you will receive if the password is not reset before the expiration date:

administrator user_name  password password [ max-age days][ password-exp-grace-interval days] [ password-exp-grace-interval days] 
login: xxx
password: xxx
1. <Normal>
# <you are logged in>

2. <When in warning period> 
Warning: Your password is about to expire in 0 days.
We recommend you to change password after login.
Logins are not allowed without acknowleding this.
Do you wish to continue [y/n] (times out in 30 seconds) :

3.<when in grace period> 
Your password has expired
Current password:
New password:
Repeat new password:

4. <after the grace period>
Password Expired (even beyond grace period, if configured). Contact Security Administrator to reset password


Configure apgroupname-list under the samog context with blocked apgroupnames.




Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > SAMOG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > samog-service samog_service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] apgroupname-list aplistname1 
             [ no ] apgrp apgrpname1 

no apgroupname-listaplistname1

apgroupname-list : Configures the APGROUPNAME list.

Only 25 AP group names are allowed to be configured in the list. You can create a maximum of 10 AP group name lists per context.

If the apgroupname-list is dis-associated for any specific samog-service, then AP group names under the list are considered as allowed for the session continuation.

no apgrp apgrpname1

no : Removes APGROUPNAME entry from APGROUPNAME list.

apgrp : Configures blocked apgroup names within the list.

apgrp : Configures blocked apgroup names within the list.


Creates or deletes Access Point Name (APN) templates and enters the APN Configuration Mode within the current context.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] apn apn_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Deletes a previously configured APN template.


Specifies a name for the APN template as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 62 characters that is case insensitive. It may also contain dots (.) and/or dashes (-).


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with the no apn apn_name command, the APN named apn_name will be deleted with all active/inactive subscribers without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

This command creates an APN within the system and causes the CLI to enter the APN Configuration Mode.

The APN is a logical name for a packet data network and/or a service to which the system supports access. When a create PDP context request is received by the system, it examines the APN information element within the packet. The system determines if an APN with the identical name is configured. If so, the system uses the configuration parameters associated with that APN as a template for processing the request. If the names do not match, the request is rejected with a cause code of 219 (DBH, Missing or unknown APN).

APN templates should be created/configured within destination contexts on the system.
  • Up to 1000 APNs can be configured in the GGSN.

  • In StarOS v12.x and earlier, up to 1024 APNs can be configured in the P-GW.

  • In StarOS v14.0 and later, up to 2048 APNs can be configured in the P-GW (SAEGW).


The following command creates an APN template called isp1 :
apn isp1  


Creates, deletes or manages the Quality of Service (QoS) descriptor table identifier for Access Service Node Gateway (ASN-GW) service and enters the ASN QoS Descriptor Table Identifier Configuration mode within the source context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



asn-qos-descriptor id qos_table_id [ default ] dscp [ be | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af 43 | ef ] [ -noconfirm ] 
no asn-qos-descriptor qos_table_id [ default ] dscp [ be | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af 43 | ef ] [ -noconfirm ] 


Deletes a preciously configured ASN QoS descriptor table identifier.

id qos_table_id

Specifies a unique identifier for ASN QoS descriptor table to create/configure. qos_table_id must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

[ default ] dscp

Specifies DSCP marking for this QoS descriptor.

[ be | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af 43 | ef ]

The DSCP marking for this QoS descriptor. Default value is be (best effort).


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no asn-qos-descriptor id qos_table_id command, the ASN QoS descriptor table with identifier qos_table_id will be deleted with all active/inactive configurations without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a QoS description table to manage QoS functionality for an ASN-GW service subscriber. This command creates and allows the configuration of QoS tables with in a context. This command is also used to remove previously configured ASN-GW services QoS descriptor table.

A maximum of 16 QoS Descriptor Tables can be configured per system.

Refer to the ASN QoS Descriptor Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this reference for additional information.


The following command creates a QoS descriptor table with identifier 1234 for the ASN-GW service subscribers:
asn-qos-descriptor id 1234  


Creates, deletes or manages the Service Profiles Identifier for Access Service Node Gateway (ASN-GW) service subscribers and enters the ASN Service Profile Configuration mode within the current context.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



asn-service-profile id asn_profile_id direction { bi-directional | downlink | uplink } [ activation-trigger { activate | admit | dynamic-reservation | provisioned } [ -noconfirm ] 
no asn-service-profile id asn_profile_id [ -noconfirm ] 


Deletes a preciously configured ASN service profile identifier.

id asn-profile_id

Specifies a unique identifier for ASN profile to create/configure.

direction { bi-directional | downlink | uplink }

Specifies the direction of data traffic to apply this service profile.

bi-directional : Enables this service profile in both direction of uplink and downlink.

downlink : Enables this service profile in downlink direction, towards the subscriber.

uplink : Enables this service profile in uplink direction, towards the system.

activation-trigger { activate | admit | dynamic-reservation | provisioned

Use this option to configure the activation-trigger for the asn-service-profile. Default: provisioned | admit | activate


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no asn-service-profile id asn_profile_id command, the ASN service profile with identifier asn_profile_id will be deleted with all active/inactive configurations without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a service profile to apply the ASN-GW service subscribers. This command creates and allows the configuration of service profiles with in a context. This command is also used to remove previously configured ASN-GW services profiles.

A maximum of 32 ASN Service Profiles can be configured per context.

Refer to the ASN Service Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this reference for additional information.


The following command creates an ASN Service Profile with identifier 1234 for the ASN-GW service subscribers:
asn-service-profile id 1234 direction uplink  


Creates, deletes or manages an Access Service Node Gateway (ASN-GW) service and enters the ASN Gateway Service Configuration Mode within the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



asngw-service asngw_name [ -noconfirm ]
no asn-service asngw_name  


Deletes a previously configured ASN-GW service.


Specifies the name of the ASN-GW service to create/configure as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no asn-service asngw_name command, the ASN-GW service named asngw_name will be deleted with all active/inactive subscribers without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Services are configured within a context and enable certain functionality. This command creates and allows the configuration of services enabling the system to function as an ASN Gateway in a WiMAX network. This command is also used to remove previously configured ASN-GW services.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (i.e. resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

Refer to the ASN Gateway Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this reference for additional information.


The following command creates an ASN-GW service name asn-gw1 :
asngw-service asn-gw1 


Creates, deletes or manages an ASN Paging Controller service to manage the ASN paging controller service and enters the ASN Paging Controller Configuration mode within the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] asnpc-service asn_pc_svc_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Deletes a preciously configured ASN paging controller service.

asnpc-service asn_pc_svc_name

Specifies the name of the ASN Paging Controller Service to create and enable as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no asnpc-service asn_pc_svc_name command, the ASN Paging Controller service named asn_pc_svc_name will be deleted and disabled with all active/inactive paging groups and paging agents configured in a context for ASN paging controller service without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create and enable the ASN paging controller services in the system to provide functionality of an ASN Paging Controller service within a context. Additionally this command provides the access to the ASN Paging Controller Service Configuration mode and also used to remove previously configured ASN Paging Controller services.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (i.e. resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

Refer to the ASN Paging Controller Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this reference for additional information.


The following command creates an ASN paging controller service name asnpc_1 :
asnpc-service asnpc_1  


Associate a global QoS Level 2 mapping table to a VPN context.










Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:

[context_name] host_name (config)# 


associate l2-mapping-table name map_table_name 
 default associate l2-mapping-table  


Associates the system-default table with this context.

name map_table_name

Specifies the name of an existing internal table from which to map QoS to L2 values.

map_table_name is an alphanumeric string of 0 through 80 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to associate an internal QoS L2 mapping table to a VPN context. If no explicit association is created/configured, the system-default mapping table is used.


If an l2-mapping-table association is made at both the VRF and VPN level, the VRF level takes precedence.

The mapping table is configured via the Global Configuration mode qos l2-mapping-table command.


The following command associates an internal QoS L2 mapping table to a VPN context:
associate l2-mapping-table qostable1  


Enables or disables Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol and enters the BFD Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


[ no ] bfd-protocol 


If previously configured, disables BFD protocol.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set configuration parameters for detecting faults in paths established with BFD-enabled routers.

Refer to the BFD Configuration Mode Commands chapter for additional information.


The following command enables BFD Configuration mode:

bgp extended-asn-cap

Enables or disables the router to send 4-octet ASN capabilities.




Security Administrator, Administrator


[ no ] bgp extended-asn-cap 


Disables the ability of the router to send 4-octet ASN capabilities.


The following command enables the router to send 4-octet ASN Capabilities:
bgp extended-asn-cap 


Creates or deletes Broadcast Multicast Service Center (BM-SC) profiles and enters the BMSC Profile Configuration Mode within the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] bmsc-profile name bmsc_profile_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Deletes a previously configured BM-SC profile.

name bmsc_profile_name

Specifies a name for the BM-SC profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 62 characters that is case insensitive. It may also contain dots (.) and/or dashes (-).


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no bmsc-profile name bmsc_profile_name command, the BM-SC profile named bmsc_profile_name is deleted with all active/inactive subscribers without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a BM-SC profile within the context and take the user to enter the BMSC Profile Configuration Mode.

The BM-SC profile is a logical name for a Broadcast Multicast Service Center in Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast service.

BM-SC profile should be created/configured within contexts on the system. Up to four BM-SC profiles can be configured.


The following command creates a BM-SC Profile called mbms_sc_1 :
bmsc-profile name mbms_sc_1  

busyout ip

Makes addresses from an IPv4 pool in the current context unavailable once they are free.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] busyout  ip pool { all | all-dynamic | all-static | name pool_name  vrf  vrf_name } [ address-range start_address end_address | lower-percentage percent | upper-percentage percent ] 


Disables the busyout command specified.


Configure IPv4 busyout information.


Configure IPv4 pool busyout information.


Applies to all IPv4 pools in the current context.


Applies to all dynamic IPv4 pools in the current context.


Applies to all static IPv4 pools in the current context.

name pool_name

Applies the named IP pool or IP pool group in the current context. pool_name must be the name of an existing IP pool or IP pool group in the current context.


Adding the IP Pool command and the Busyout command of the same IP Pool at the same time creates a race condition. To avoid the issues, run the IP Pool command and Busyout command separately.

vrf vrf_name

Busyout the IP pool by the VRF name. You can busyout and unbusy all pools in the VRF up to the limits of the context.


If a IP pool is already marked as busyout and associated with a VRF, the IP Pool busyout status remains the same .

address-range start_address end_address

Busyout all addresses from start_address through end_address . start_address : The beginning IP address of the range of addresses to busyout entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

end_address : The ending IP address of the range of addresses to busyout. This IP address must exist in the pool specified and entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

lower-percentage percent

Busyout the percentage of IPv4 addresses specified, beginning at the lowest numbered IP address. This is a percentage of all of the IP addresses in the specified IP pool. percent must be an integer from 1 through 100.

upper-percentage percent

Busyout the percentage of IPv4 addresses specified, beginning at the highest numbered IP address. This is a percentage of all of the IPv4 addresses in the specified IP pool. percent must be an integer from 1 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to busyout IPv4 addresses when resizing an IPv4 pool.

Up to 32 instances of this command can be executed per context.

A single instance of this command can busy-out multiple IPv4 address pools in the context through the use of the all , all-static , or all-dynamic keywords.


Assume an IPv4 pool named Pool10 with addresses from through . To busy out the addresses from through , enter the following command:
busyout ip pool name Pool10 address-range 
To restore the IPv4 addresses from the previous example and make them accessible again, enter the following command:
no busyout ip pool name Pool10 address-range 

To busyout configuration for IPv4 pool, enter:

 busyout ip pool vrf vrf_1001

To unbusyout configuration for IPv4 pool, enter:

no busyout ip pool vrf vrf_1001

busyout ipv6

Makes addresses from an IPv6 pool in the current context unavailable once they are free.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] busyout ipv6 pool { all | all-dynamic | all-static | name pool_name  vrf vrf_name } [ address-range start_address end_address | lower-percentage percent | upper-percentage percent   ] 


Disables the busyout command specified.


Configure IPv6 busyout information.


Configure IPv6 pool busyout information.


Applies to all IPv6 pools in the current context.


Applies to all dynamic IPv6 pools in the current context.


Applies to all static IPv6 pools in the current context.

name pool_name

Applies the named IPv6 pool or IPv6 pool group in the current context. pool_name must be the name of an existing IPv6 pool or IPv6 pool group in the current context.


Adding the IPv6 Pool command and the Busyout command of the same IPv6 Pool at the same time creates a race condition. To avoid the issues, run the IPv6 Pool command and Busyout command separately.

vrf vrf_name

Busyout the IP pool by the VRF name. You can busyout and unbusy all pools in the VRF up to the limits of the context.


If a IP pool is already marked as busyout and associated with a VRF, the IP Pool busyout status remains the same..

address-range start_address end_address

Busyout all addresses from start_address through end_address . start_address : The beginning IP address of the range of addresses to busyout entered in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

end_address : The ending IP address of the range of addresses to busyout. This IP address must exist in the pool specified and entered in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

lower-percentage percent

Busyout the percentage of IP addresses specified, beginning at the lowest numbered IPv6 address. This is a percentage of all of the IP addresses in the specified IP pool. percent must be an integer from 1 through 100.

upper-percentage percent

Busyout the percentage of IP addresses specified, beginning at the highest numbered IPv6 address. This is a percentage of all of the IP addresses in the specified IP pool. percent must be an integer from 1 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to busyout IPv6 addresses when resizing an IPv6 pool.

Up to 32 instances of this command can be executed per context.

A single instance of this command can busy-out multiple IP address pools in the context through the use of the all , all-static , or all-dynamic keywords.


Assume an IP pool named Pool12 . To busy out the addresses from 2700:2010:8003:: through 2700:2010:8003:: , enter the following command:
busyout ipv6 pool name Pool12 address-range 2700:2010:8003:: 2700:2010:8003:: 
To restore the IPv6 addresses from the previous example and make them accessible again, enter the following command:
no busyout ipv6 pool name Pool10 address-range 2700:2010:8003:: 2700:2010:8003:: 

To busyout configuration for IPv6 pool, enter:

 busyout ipv6 pool vrf vrf_1001


Creates a CAE group, which is a CAE server cluster that services TCP video requests from the Mobile Video Gateway. The Mobile Video Gateway uses the configured CAE group for CAE load balancing. The CAE (Content Adaptation Engine) is an optional component of the Mobile Videoscape.


In release 20.0, MVG is not supported. This command must not be used in release 20.0. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] cae-group cae_group_name [ -noconfirm ] 

no cae_group_name

Deletes the CAE group if previously configured.


Creates the specified CAE group and enters the Video Group Configuration Mode. cae_group_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.


Executes the command without any prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a CAE group and enter the Video Group Configuration Mode. This command gets issued from the Context Configuration Mode.


The following command creates a CAE group named group_1 and enters the Video Group Configuration Mode:
cae-group group_!  


Creates an instance of the Customized Applications for Mobile Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) service and enters the CAMEL service configuration mode. This mode configures or edits the configuration for the parameters which control the CAMEL functionality on the SGSN.


For details about the commands and parameters, check the CAMEL Service Configuration Mode chapter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] camel-service srvc_name 


Remove the configuration for the specified SGSN service from the configuration of the current context.


Creates a CAMEL service instance having a unique name expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create, edit, or remove an CAMEL service


The following command creates an CAMEL service named camel1 in the current context:
camel-service camel1 
The following command removes the CAMEL service named camel2 from the configuration for the current context:
no camel-service camel2 



In Release 20, 21.0 and 21.1, HeNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HeNBGW in these releases. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Creates a new Cell Broadcasting Service (CBS) or specifies an existing CBS and enters the CBS Configuration Mode.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] cbs-service name 


Removes the specified CBS service from the context.


Specifies the name of a new or existing CBS service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that must be unique within the same context and across all contexts.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new CBS service or modify an existing one.

CBS Configuration Mode commands are defined in the CBS Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.


Following command creates a new CBS service names test-cbs in the context configuration mode:



Creates a new SSL cipher suite or specifies an existing cipher suite and enters the Cipher Suite Configuration Mode.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] cipher-suite name 


Removes the specified SSL cipher suite from the context.


Specifies the name of a new or existing SSL cipher suite as n alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters that must be unique across all CSCF services within the same context and across all contexts.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new SSL cipher suite or modify an existing one.


One SSL cipher suite can be created per SSL template.

A cipher suite contains the cryptographic algorithms supported by the client, and defines a key exchange and a cipher spec, which specifies the encryption and hash algorithms used during authentication. SSL cipher suites allow operators to select levels of security and to enable communication between devices with different security requirements.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Cipher Suite Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Cipher Suite Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command specifies the SSL cipher suite cipher_suite_1 and enters the Cipher Suite Configuration Mode:
cipher-suite cipher_suite_1  


Creates or deletes a class map. If the class-map is newly created, the system enters the Class-Map Configuration Mode within the current destination context to configure the match rules for packet classification to flow-based traffic policing for a subscriber session flow.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] class-map name class_name [ match-all | match-any ] 


Deletes configured Class-Map within the context.


Specifies the name of Class-Map rule as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters and is case sensitive.


Default: Enabled.

Enables AND logic for all matching parameters configured in specific Class-Map to classify traffic flow/packets. It indicates to match all classification rules in specific Class-Map to consider the specified Class-Map as a match.


Default: Disabled.

Enables OR logic for matching parameters configured in specific Class-Map to classify traffic flow/packets. It indicates to match any of the classification rule in specific Class-Map to consider the specified Class-Map as a match.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter in Class-Map Configuration Mode to set classification parameters or filters in traffic policy for a subscriber session flow.


In this mode classification rules added sequentially with match command to form a Class-Map. To change and/or delete or re-add a particular rule entire Class-Map is required to delete.


Following command configures classification map class_map1 with option to match any condition in match rule.
class-map name class_map1 match-any  

closedrp-rp handoff

Enables or disables session handoff between Closed-RP and RP connections. Default: Disabled




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] closedrp-rp handoff 


Resets the command to its default setting of disabled.


Disables Closed-RP to RP session handoff.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable a PDSN service to handoff sessions between Closed-RP and RP connections.


To enable Closed-RP to RP handoffs, use the following command:
closedrp-rp handoff 
To disable Closed-RP to RP handoffs, use the following command:
no closedrp-rp handoff 


Configures a context-level configuration administrator account within the current context.




Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



config-administrator user_name [ encrypted ] [ nopassword ] passwordpassword [ ecs ] [ expiry-date date_time ] [ ftp [ sftp-server sftp_name ] } ] [ li-administration ] [ noconsole ] [ nocli ] [ noecs ] [ timeout-absolute abs_seconds ] [ timeout-min-absolute abs_minutes ] [ timeout-idle timeout_duration  ] [ timeout-min-idle idle_minutes ] [ exp-grace-interval days] [ exp-warn-interval days] [ no-exp-grace-interval ] [ no-exp-warn-interval ] 
no config-administrator user_name 


Removes a previously configured context-level configuration administrator account.


Specifies the name for the account as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 32 characters.

[ encrypted ] password password

Specifies the password to use for the user which is being given context-level administrator privileges within the current context. The encrypted keyword indicates the password specified uses encryption.

password is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters without encryption, or 1 through 127 characters with encryption.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the password keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text password. Only the encrypted password is saved as part of the configuration file.

[ nopassword ]

This option allows you to create a configuration administrator without an associated password. Enable this option when using ssh public keys (authorized key command in SSH Configuration mode) as a sole means of authentication. When enabled this option prevents someone from using a configuration administrator password to gain access to the user account.


Permits the user access to ACS-specific configuration commands. Default: Enhanced Charging Service (ECS / ACS) specific configuration commands allowed.

expiry-date date_time

Specifies the date and time that this account expires in the format YYYY:MM:DD:HH:mm or YYYY:MM:DD:HH:mm:ss.

Where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day of the month, HH is the hour, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds.


Indicates the user gains FTP and SFTP access with the administrator privileges. Default: FTP and SFTP are not allowed.

[ sftp-server sftp_name ]

Assigns an optional root directory and access privilege to this user. sftp_name must have been previously created via the SSH Server Configuration mode subsystem sftp command.


Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this parameter.


Indicates the user is not allowed to access the command line interface. Default: CLI access allowed.


Disables user access to a Console line.


The Global Configuration mode local-user allow-aaa-authentication noconsole command takes precedence in a normal (non-Trusted) StarOS build. In this case, all AAA-based users cannot access a Console line.


Prevents the specific user from accessing ACS-specific configuration commands.

timeout-absolute abs_seconds


This keyword is obsolete. It has been left in place for backward compatibility. If used a warning is issued and the value entered is rounded to the nearest whole minute.

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the administrator may have a session active before the session is forcibly terminated. abs_seconds must be an integer from 0 through 300000000. The value 0 disables the absolute timeout. Default: 0

timeout-min-absolute abs_minutes

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in minutes) the context-level administrator may have a session active before the session is forcibly terminated. abs_minutes must be an integer from 0 through 525600 (365 days). The value 0 disables the absolute timeout. Default: 0

timeout-idle timeout_duration


This keyword is obsolete. It has been left in place for backward compatibility. If used a warning is issued and the value entered is rounded to the nearest whole minute.

Specifies the maximum amount of idle time, in seconds, the context-level administrator may have a session active before the session is terminated. timeout_duration must be a value in the range from 0 through 300000000. The value 0 disables the idle timeout. Default: 0

timeout-min-idle idle_minutes

Specifies the maximum amount of idle time, in minutes, the context-level administrator may have a session active before the session is terminated. idle_minutes must be a value in the range from 0 through 525600 (365 days). The value0 disables the idle timeout. Default: 0

Usage Guidelines

Create new context-level configuration administrators or modify existing administrator's options, in particular, the timeout values.

Configuration administrator users have read-write privileges and full access to all contexts and command modes except for security functions. Refer to the Command Line Interface Overview chapter of this guide for more information.


A maximum of 128 administrative users and/or subscribers may be locally configured per context.

[ max-age days]

Defines the maximum age of a user password before it has to be changed. max-age is the replacement for expiry-date .

[ no-max-age ]

This parameter ensures that password never expires (these are non expiring passwords).

exp-warn-interval days

Impends password expiry warning interval in days. There is no default value at per user level. If any of the value is specified, Context global values are considered.

For example:
config-administrator trexpac111 password pass@1234

In the previous example, there are no values for expiry, grace, and warn are provided. In this case, Global values for both of them will be considered.

[ no-exp-warn-interval ]

Disables impending password expiry warnings .

exp-grace-interval days

Specifies password expiry grace interval in days. Default = 3 days after expiry.

[ no-exp-grace-interval ]

Disables grace period of expired password.


The following configures a context-level administration named user1 with ACS parameter control:
config-administrator user1 password secretPassword ecs 
The following command removes a context-level administrator named user1 :
no config-administrator user1  


The following command shows the notifications you will receive if the password is not reset before the expiration date:

config-administrator user_name  password password [ max-age days][ password-exp-grace-interval days] [ password-exp-grace-interval days] 
login: xxx
password: xxx
1. <Normal>
# <you are logged in>

2. <When in warning period> 
Warning: Your password is about to expire in 0 days.
We recommend you to change password after login.
Logins are not allowed without acknowleding this.
Do you wish to continue [y/n] (times out in 30 seconds) :

3.<when in grace period> 
Your password has expired
Current password:
New password:
Repeat new password:

4. <after the grace period>
Password Expired (even beyond grace period, if configured). Contact Security Administrator to reset password


Enables or disables the creation, configuration or deletion of Content Filtering Server Groups (CFSG).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



content-filtering server-group cf_server_group_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no content-filtering server-group cf_server_group_name 


Removes the specified CFSG previously configured in this context.

server-group cf_server_group_name

Specifies the name of the CFSG as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Executes the command without any prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete a CFSG.


The following command creates a CFSG named CF_Server1 :
content-filtering server-group CF_Server1  


Enables or disables the creation, configuration or deletion of credit-control services.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



credit-control-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no credit-control-service service_name 


Deletes the specified credit-control service.


Specifies name of the credit-control service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

If the named credit-control service does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the Credit Control Service Configuration Mode wherein the service can be configured.

If the named credit-control service already exists, the CLI mode changes to the Credit Control Service Configuration Mode wherein the service can be configured.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create, configure or delete credit-control services.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Credit control Service Configuration commands are described in the Credit Control Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command enters the Credit Control Service Configuration Mode for a credit-control service named test159 :
credit-control-service test159 

crypto dns-nameresolver

Enables or disables the reverse DNS query from a Security Gateway to DNS.


All IPsec security gateway products


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] crypto dns-nameresolver 


Disables the Reverse DNS query.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the reverse DNS query from a WSG to DNS.


You must configure the DNS client prior to enabling the Reverse DNS query.


The following command enables the reverse DNS query:
crypto dns-nameresolver 

crypto group

Creates or deletes a crypto group and enters the Crypto Configuration Mode allowing the configuration of crypto group parameters.








Administrator, Config-Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] crypto group group_name 


Deletes a previously configured crypto group.


Specifies the name of the crypto group as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters that is case sensitive.


A maximum of 32 crypto groups per context can be configured.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter the configuration mode allowing the configuration of crypto group parameters.

Crypto (tunnel) groups are used to support the Redundant IPSec Tunnel Fail-over feature and consist of two configured ISAKMP crypto maps. Each crypto map defines the IPSec policy for a tunnel. In the crypto group, one tunnel serves as the primary, the other as the secondary (redundant).


The following command configures a crypto group called group1 :
crypto group group1 

crypto ipsec transform-set

Configures transform-sets on the system and enters the Crypto IPSec Transform Set Configuration Mode.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



crypto ipsec transform-set transform_name [ ah { hmac { md5-96 | none | sha1-96 } { esp { hmac { { md5-96 | sha1-96 } { cipher { 3des-cbc | aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-256 | des-cbc } } | none } } } } ] 
no crypto ipsec transform-set transform_name 


Removes a previously configured transform set


Specifies the name of the transform set as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters that is case sensitive.

ah hmac

Configures the Authentication Header (AH) hash message authentication codes (HMAC) parameter for the transform set to one of the following:

  • md5-96 :Message Digest 5 truncated to 96 bits

  • sha1-96 :Secure Hash Algorithm-1 truncated to 96 bits

esp hmac

Configures the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) hash message authentication codes (HMAC) parameter for the transform set to one of the following:

  • md5-96 :Message Digest 5 truncated to 96 bits

  • none : Disables the use of the AH protocol for the transform set.

  • sha1-96 :Secure Hash Algorithm-1 truncated to 96 bits


If ESP is enabled, this option must be used to set the encapsulation cipher protocol to one of the following:

  • 3des-cbc : Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) in chain block (CBC) mode.

  • aes-cbc-128 : Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in CBC mode with a 128-bit key.

  • aes-cbc-256 : Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in CBC mode with a 256-bit key.

  • des-cbc : DES in CBC mode.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a transform set on the system.

Transform Sets are used to define IPSec security associations (SAs). IPSec SAs specify the IPSec protocols to use to protect packets.

Transform sets are used during Phase 2 of IPSec establishment. In this phase, the system and a peer security gateway negotiate one or more transform sets (IPSec SAs) containing the rules for protecting packets. This negotiation ensures that both peers can properly protect and process the packets.


Create a transform set that has the name tset1 , no authentication header, an encapsulating security protocol header hash message authentication code of md5 , and a bulk payload encryption algorithm of des-cbc with the following command:
crypto ipsec transform-set tset1 ah hmac none esp hmac md5 cipher des-cbc 

crypto map

Configures the name of the policy and enters the specified Crypto Map Configuration mode.










Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



crypto map name [ ikev2-ipv6 | ipsec-dynamic | ipsec-ikev1 | ipsec-manual ] 
no crypto map name 


Removes a previously configured crypto map.


Specifies the name of the crypto map as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters that is case sensitive.


Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this parameter.


Creates a dynamic crypto map and/or enters the Crypto Map Dynamic Configuration Mode.


Creates an IKEv1 crypto map and/or enters the Crypto Map IKEv1 Configuration Mode.


Creates a manual crypto map and/or enters the Crypto Map Manual Configuration Mode.

Usage Guidelines

Crypto Maps define the policies that determine how IPSec is implemented for subscriber data packets. There are several types of crypto maps supported by the system. They are:

  • Manual crypto maps: These are static tunnels that use pre-configured information (including security keys) for establishment. Because they rely on statically configured information, once created, the tunnels never expire; they exist until their configuration is deleted.


Because manual crypto map configurations require the use of static security keys (associations), they are not as secure as crypto maps that rely on dynamically configured keys. Therefore, it is recommended that they only be configured and used for testing purposes.

  • IKEv1 crypto maps: These tunnels are similar to manual crypto maps in that they require some statically configured information such as the IP address of a peer security gateway and that they are applied to specific system interfaces. However, IKEv1 crypto maps offer greater security because they rely on dynamically generated security associations through the use of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol.

  • IKEv2-IPv6 cryptomaps: Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this parameter.

  • Dynamic crypto maps: These tunnels are used for protecting L2TP-encapsulated data between the system and an LNS/security gateway or Mobile IP data between an FA service configured on one system and an HA service configured on another.


The crypto map type (dynamic, IKEv1, IKEv2-IPv6, or manual) is specified when the map is first created using this command.


Create a dynamic crypto map named map1 and enter the Crypto Map Dynamic Configuration Mode by entering the following command:
crypto map map1 ipsec-dynamic 

crypto template

Creates a new or specifies an existing crypto template or crypto vendor template and enters the Crypto Template Configuration Mode or Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration Mode.


In Release 20, 21.0 and 21.1, HeNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HeNBGW in these releases. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



crypto template name { ikev2-dynamic | ikev2-vendor }
 [ no ] notify-payload pdn-type-allowed  
 no crypto template name 


Removes a previously configured crypto template.

name ikev2-pdif

Specifies the name of a new or existing crypto template as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.


Configures the Crypto Template to be used for IPSec functionalities.


Configures the Crypto Vendor Template to be used for IPSec functionalities.

notify-payload pdn-type-allowed

Enables sending of PDN type notification in Notify Payload.

no notify-payload pdn-type-allowed

Disables sending of PDN type notification in Notify Payload.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new or enter an existing crypto template or crypto vendor template.

The Crypto Template Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Crypto Template Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

The Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command configures a IKEv2 dynamic crypto template called crypto1 and enters the Crypto Template Configuration Mode:
crypto template crypto1 ikev2-dynamic 

crypto vendor-policy

Creates a new or specifies an existing crypto vendor policy and enters the Crypto Vendor Policy Configuration Mode.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] crypto vendor-policy policy_name 


Removes the previously configured vendor policy.


policy_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to Creates a new or specifies an existing crypto vendor policy and enters the Crypto Vendor Policy Configuration Mode. A maximum of 32 vendor policies can be configured.

The Crypto Vendor Policy Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Crypto Vendor Policy Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command configures a crypto vendor policy called vodvp1 and enters the Crypto Vendor Policy Configuration Mode:
crypto vendor-policy vodvp1 

css server

In StarOS 9.0 and later releases, this command is obsolete. And, in earlier releases, this command is restricted.

cups chunk-threshold-timer

Configures CUPS IP pool chunk threshold timer for a context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cups chunk-threshold-timer threshold_timer_seconds 
default cups chunk-threshold-timer  


Sets the default value of 60 seconds.


threshold_timer_seconds specifies the chunk threshold timer value in seconds, integer 30 to 300.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure CUPS IP pool chunk threshold timer for a context.


The following command configures CUPS IP pool chunk threshold timer for 120 seconds :
cups chunk-threshold-timer 120 

cups enabled

Enables CUPS for a context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cups enabled  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable CUPS for a context.

cups max-user-planes

Configures maximum number of User Planes expected to be functional in a system.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cups max-user-planes value 
default max-user-planes  


Sets the default maximum number of User Planes to 10.


The value should be in the range of 1 through 1000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure maximum number of User Planes expected to be functional in a system.


The following command configures maximum number of User Planes to 15 :
cups max-user-planes 15 

cups min-chunks-threshold-per-pool

Configures minimum percentage of chunks per pool in a context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cups min-chunks-threshold-per-pool threshold_percent 
default min-chunks-threshold-per-pool  


Sets the default percentage to 10.


threshold_percent specifies minimum chunks in percentage of 0 to 50.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure minimum percentage of chunks per pool in a context.


The following command configures minimum percentage of chunks per pool in a context to 20 %:
cups min-chunks-threshold-per-pool 20 


Enables or disables CUPS Redundancy Protocol (CRP) and enters the CRP Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:

[context_name]host_name (config-ctx)#


[ no ] cups-redundancy-protocol 


If previously configured, disables CRP.

Usage Guidelines

Enables or disables the CRP Configuration Mode on a chassis.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Refer to the CRP Configuration Mode Commands chapter for additional information.


The following command enters CRP Configuration mode:


Allows you to enter descriptive text for this configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


description text 
no description 


Clears the description for this configuration.


Enter descriptive text as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 100 characters.

If you include spaces between words in the description, you must enclose the text within double quotation marks (" "), for example, "AAA BBBB".

Usage Guidelines

The description should provide useful information about this configuration.


Adds a specified Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) client profile name to allow configuration of DHCP client profile to the current context and enters the configuration mode for that profile.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ]dhcp-client-profile clnt_profile_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Removes a previously configured DHCP client profile from the current context.


Specifies the name of the DHCP client profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no dhcp-client-profile clnt_profile_name command the DHCP client profile named clnt_profile_name is deleted with all active/inactive subscribers without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add a DHCP client profile to a context configured on the system and enter the DHCP Client Profile Configuration Mode.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


DHCP Client Profile Configuration Mode commands are defined in the DHCP Client Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command creates a DHCP client profile called test_profile :
dhcp-client-profile test_profile 


Adds a specified Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) server profile name to allow configuration of DHCP server profile to the current context and enters the configuration mode for that profile.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ]dhcp-server-profile srvr_profile_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Removes a previously configured DHCP server profile from the current context.


Specifies the name of the DHCP server profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no dhcp-server-profile srvr_profile_name command the DHCP server profile named srvr_profile_name is deleted with all active/inactive subscribers without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add a DHCP server profile to a context configured on the system and enter the DHCP Server Profile Configuration Mode.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


DHCP Server Profile Configuration Mode commands are defined in the DHCP Server Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command creates a DHCP server profile called test_server_profile :
dhcp-server-profile test_server_profile 


Adds a Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) service instance to the current context and enters the DHCP Service Configuration mode for that service.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



dhcp-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no dhcp-service service_name 


Removes a previously configured DHCP service from the current context.


Specifies the name of the DHCP service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add a DHCP service to a context configured on the system and enter the DHCP Service Configuration Mode. A DHCP service is a logical grouping of external DHCP servers.

The DHCP Configuration Mode provides parameters that dictate the system's communication with one or more of these DHCP servers.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (i.e. resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

Refer to the DHCP Service Configuration Mode chapter of this reference for additional information.


The following command creates a DHCP service called dhcp1 and enters the DHCP Service Configuration Mode:
dhcp-service dhcp1 


Creates a specified DHCPv6 service name to allow configuration of DHCPv6 service to the current context and enters the configuration mode for that service.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ]dhcpv6-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Removes a previously configured DHCPv6 service from the current context.


Specifies the name of the DHCPv6 service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no dhcpv6-service service_name command the DHCPv6 service named service_name is deleted with all active/inactive subscribers without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add a DHCPv6 service to a context configured on the system and enter the DHCPv6 Service Configuration Mode.

The DHCPv6 Service Configuration Mode provides parameters that dictate the system's communication with one or more of these DHCPv6 servers.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


DHCPv6 Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the DHCPv6 Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


The following command creates a DHCPv6 service called dhcpv6 and enter the DHCPv6 Service Configuration Mode:
dhcpv6-service dhcpv6 

diameter accounting

This command configures Diameter accounting related settings.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter accounting { dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq | rf-plus } | endpoint endpoint_name | hd-mode fall-back-to-local | hd-storage-policy hd_policy | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions transmissions | request-timeout duration | server host_name priority priority } 
default diameter accounting { dictionary | hd-mode | max-retries | max-transmissions | request-timeout } 
no diameter accounting { endpoint | hd-mode | hd-storage-policy | max-retries | max-transmissions | server host_name  } 

no diameter accounting { endpoint | hd-mode | hd-storage-policy | max-retries | max-transmissions | server host_name }

endpoint : Removes the currently configured accounting endpoint. The default accounting server configured in the default AAA group will be used.

hd-mode :Sends records to the Diameter server, if all Diameter servers are down or unreachable, then copies records to the local HDD and periodically retries the Diameter server.

hd-storage-policy : Disables use of the specified HD storage policy.

max-retries : Disables the retry attempts for Diameter accounting in this AAA group.

max-transmissions : Disables the maximum number of transmission attempts for Diameter accounting in this AAA group.

server host_name : Removes the Diameter host host_name from this AAA server group for Diameter accounting.

default diameter accounting { dictionary | hd-mode | max-retries | max-transmissions | request-timeout }

dictionary : Sets the context's dictionary to the default.

hd-mode :Sends records to the Diameter server, if all Diameter servers are down or unreachable, then copies records to the local HDD and periodically retries the Diameter server.

max-retries :0 (disabled)

max-transmissions :0 (disabled)

request-timeout :20 seconds

dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq | rf-plus }

Specifies the Diameter accounting dictionary.

aaa-custom1 ... aaa-custom10 :Configures the custom dictionaries. Even though the CLI syntax supports several custom dictionaries, not necessarily all of them have been defined. If a custom dictionary that has not been implemented is selected, the default dictionary will be used.

dynamic-load :Configures the dynamically loaded Diameter dictionary. The dictionary name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.For more information on dynamic loading of Diameter dictionaries, see the diameter dynamic-dictionary in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.

nasreq : nasreq dictionary—the dictionary defined by RFC 3588.

rf-plus :RF Plus dictionary.

endpoint endpoint_name

Enables Diameter to be used for accounting, and specifies which Diameter endpoint to use.

endpoint_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

hd-mode fall-back-to-local

Specifies that records be copied to the local HDD if the Diameter server is down or unreachable. CDF/CGF will pull the records through SFTP.

hd-storage-policy hd_policy

Specifies the HD Storage policy name.

hd_policy must be the name of a configured HD Storage policy, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

HD storage policies are configured through the Global Configuration Mode.

This and the hd-mode command are used to enable the storage of Rf Diameter Messages to HDD incase all Diameter Servers are down or unreachable.

max-retries max_retries

Specifies how many times a Diameter request should be retried with the same server, if the server fails to respond to a request.

max_retries specifies the maximum number of retry attempts. The value must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Default: 0

max-transmissions transmissions

Specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts for a Diameter request. Use this in conjunction with the "max-retries max_retries " option to control how many servers will be attempted to communicate with.

transmissions specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts for a Diameter request. The value must be an integer from 1 through 1000. Default: 0

request-timeout duration

Specifies how long the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request.

duration specifies the number of seconds the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request. This value must be an integer from 1 through 3600. Default: 20

server host_name priority priority

Specifies the current context Diameter accounting server's host name and priority.

host_name specifies the Diameter host name, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

priority specifies the relative priority of this Diameter host. The priority is used in server selection. The priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manage the Diameter accounting options according to the Diameter server used for the context.


The following command configures the Diameter accounting dictionary as aaa-custom4 :
diameter accounting dictionary aaa-custom4 
The following command configures the Diameter endpoint named aaaa_test :
diameter accounting endpoint aaaa_test  

diameter authentication

This command configures Diameter authentication related settings.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter authentication { allow any-host | dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom11 | aaa-custom12 | aaa-custom13 | aaa-custom14 | aaa-custom15 | aaa-custom16 | aaa-custom17 | aaa-custom18 | aaa-custom19 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom20 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq } | endpoint endpoint_name | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions transmissions | redirect-host-avp { just-primary | primary-then-secondary } | request-timeout duration | server host_name priority priority } 
default diameter authentication { dictionary | max-retries | max-transmissions | redirect-host-avp | request-timeout } 
no diameter authentication { endpoint | max-retries | max-transmissions | server host_name } 

no diameter authentication { allow any-host | endpoint | max-retries | max-transmissions | server host_name }

  • allow any-host : Accept the response from any-host.

  • endpoint : Removes the authentication endpoint. The default server configured in default AAA group will be used.

  • max-retries : Disables the retry attempts for Diameter authentication in this AAA group.

  • max-transmissions : Disables the maximum transmission attempts for Diameter authentication in this AAA group.

  • server host_name : Removes the Diameter host host_name from this AAA server group for Diameter authentication.

default diameter authentication { dictionary | max-retries | max-transmissions | redirect-host-avp | request-timeout }

Configures default setting for specified parameter.

  • allow any-host : Sets the default behaviour.

  • dictionary : Sets the context's dictionary to the default.

  • max-retries : Sets the retry attempts for Diameter authentication requests in this AAA group to default 0 (disable).

  • max-transmissions : Sets the configured maximum transmission attempts for Diameter authentication in this AAA group to default 0 (disable).

  • redirect-host-avp : Sets the redirect choice to default (just-primary).

  • request-timeout : Sets the timeout duration, in seconds, for Diameter authentication requests in this AAA group to default (20).

dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom11 | aaa-custom12 | aaa-custom13 | aaa-custom14 | aaa-custom15 | aaa-custom16 | aaa-custom17 | aaa-custom18 | aaa-custom19 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom20 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq }

Specifies the Diameter authentication dictionary.

aaa-custom1 ... aaa-custom8,aaa-custom10 ... aaa-custom20 : Configures the custom dictionaries.Even though the CLI syntax supports several custom dictionaries, not necessarily all of them have been defined. If a custom dictionary that has not been implemented is selected, the default dictionary will be used.


aaa-custom11 dictionary is only available in Release 8.1 and later. aaa-custom12 to aaa-custom20 dictionaries are only available in Release 9.0 and later releases.

aaa-custom9 : Configures the STa standard dictionary.

dynamic-load : Configures the dynamically loaded Diameter dictionary. The dictionary name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.For more information on dynamic loading of Diameter dictionaries, see the diameter dynamic-dictionary in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.

nasreq : nasreq dictionary—the dictionary defined by RFC 3588.

endpoint endpoint_name

Enables Diameter to be used for authentication, and specifies which Diameter endpoint to use.

endpoint_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

max-retries max_retries

Specifies how many times a Diameter authentication request should be retried with the same server, if the server fails to respond to a request.

max_retries specifies the maximum number of retry attempts, and must be an integer from 1 through 1000. Default: 0

max-transmissions transmissions

Specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts for a Diameter authentication request. Use this in conjunction with the "max-retries max_retries " option to control how many servers will be attempted to communicate with.

transmissions specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts, and must be an integer from 1 through 1000. Default: 0

diameter authentication redirect-host-avp { just-primary | primary-then-secondary }

Specifies whether to use just one returned AVP, or use the first returned AVP as selecting the primary host and the second returned AVP as selecting the secondary host.

just-primary :Redirect only to primary host.

primary-then-secondary :Redirect to primary host, if fails then redirect to the secondary host.

Default: just-primary

request-timeout duration

Specifies how long the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request.

duration specifies the number of seconds the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request, and must bean integer from 1 through 3600. Default: 20

server host_name priority priority

Specifies the current context Diameter authentication server's host name and priority.

host_name specifies the Diameter host name, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

priority specifies the relative priority of this Diameter host, and must be an integer from 1 through 1000. The priority is used in server selection.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manage the Diameter authentication configurations according to the Diameter server used for the context.


The following command configures the Diameter authentication dictionary aaa-custom14 :
diameter authentication dictionary aaa-custom14 
The following command configures the Diameter endpoint named aaau1 :
diameter authentication endpoint aaau1 

diameter authentication failure-handling

This command configures error handling for Diameter EAP requests.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter authentication failure-handling { authorization-request | eap-request | eap-termination-request } { request-timeout action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } | result-code result_code { [ to end_result_code ] action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } } } 
no diameter authentication failure-handling { authorization-request | eap-request | eap-termination-request } result-code result_code [ to end_result_code ] 
default diameter authentication failure-handling { authorization-request | eap-request | eap-termination-request } request-timeout action 


Disables Diameter authentication failure handling.


Configures the default Diameter authentication failure handling setting.


Specifies that failure handling is to be performed on Diameter authorization request messages (AAR/AAA).


Specifies configuring failure handling for EAP requests.


Specifies configuring failure handling for EAP termination requests.

request-timeout action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate }

Specifies the action to be taken for failures:

  • continue :Continues the session

  • retry-and-terminate :First retries, if it fails then terminates the session

  • terminate : Terminates the session

result-code result_code { [ to end_result_code ] action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } }

result_code : Specifies the result code, must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

to end_result_code : Specifies the upper limit of a range of result codes. end_result_code must be greater than result_code .

action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } : Specifies action to be taken for failures:

  • continue :Continues the session

  • retry-and-terminate :First retries, if it fails then terminates the session

  • terminate : Terminates the session


For any failure encountered, the "continue" option terminates the call as with the "terminate" option for all Diameter dictionaries except aaa-custom15 dictionary. This behavior is true in releases prior to 20. In 20 and later releases, the "continue" option is applicable for all S6b dictionaries including aaa-custom15 dictionary.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure error handling for Diameter EAP, EAP-termination, and authorization requests.Specific actions (continue, retry-and-terminate, or terminate) can be associated with each possible result-code. Ranges of result codes can be defined with the same action, or actions can be specific on a per-result code basis.


The following commands configure result codes 5001, 5002, 5004, and 5005 to use action continue and result code 5003 to use action terminate :
diameter authentication failure-handling eap-request result-code 5002 to 5005 action continue 
diameter authentication failure-handling eap-request result-code 5003 action terminate 

diameter dictionary

This command is deprecated and is replaced by the diameter accounting dictionary and diameter authentication dictionary commands. See diameter accounting and diameter authentication commands respectively.

diameter endpoint

This command enables the creation, configuration or deletion of a Diameter endpoint.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter endpoint endpoint_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Removes the specified Diameter endpoint.


In 19.5, 21.0 and later releases, deleting the endpoint using the "no diameter endpoint" command throws the following warning message and prompts for user's confirmation:

Warning: It is not recommended to remove the diameter endpoint when there are active calls on the system. Hence, please adhere to the 'Method of Procedure' to remove the endpoint. Otherwise, the system behavior would be undefined. 
Are you sure? [Yes|No]: 

Method of Procedure: The following two steps should be performed in the same order to remove the Diameter endpoint:

  1. To disable/breakdown the link/transport connections:

    1. Disable all the peers in the endpoint using the diameter disable endpoint endpoint_name peer peer-name CLI command. Repeat this command for all the peers in the endpoint. This will trigger the Disconnect-Peer-Request (DPR) towards the peers with the configured disconnection cause, that is to indicate, graceful shut down.

    2. Remove the endpoint in the respective context, under Diameter configuration, by using the no endpoint endpoint-name CLI command.

  2. To enable/bring up the transport connections, follow the standard procedure of adding the endpoints and corresponding peers in it.

    1. Add the endpoints with "use diamproxy" option. Else, the links will be established from Session Manager via diabase library.

    2. Add the corresponding peers in the endpoints.


Specifies name of the Diameter endpoint as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that should be unique within the system.

If the named endpoint does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode wherein the endpoint can be configured.

If the named endpoint already exists, the CLI mode changes to the Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode wherein the endpoint can be reconfigured.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete a Diameter origin endpoint.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Diameter origin endpoint configuration commands are described in the Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command changes to the Diameter Endpoint Configuration CLI mode for Diameter origin endpoint named test13 :
diameter endpoint test13 
The following command will throw the warning message and prompt for user's confirmation to remove the Diameter endpoint named test13 . Yes will remove the endpoint test13 . No will abort the action and the endpoint test13 will not be removed:
no diameter endpoint test13 
Warning: It is not recommended to remove the diameter endpoint when there are active calls on the system. Hence, please adhere to the 'Method of Procedure' to remove the endpoint. Otherwise, the system behavior would be undefined. 
Are you sure? [Yes|No]: No 
Action aborted 
The following command will remove the endpoint test13 without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user:
no diameter endpoint test13 -noconfirm 


This command enables/disables the creation, configuration or deletion of the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) module in the context.


This command is license dependent. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter-hdd-module 


Deletes the HDD module from the context.

Usage Guidelines

In cases where the Assume-Positive interim-quota is allocated, and CCR-T message is not reported/answered, the failed CCR-T message is written to a local file, and saved in the HDD. This local file and directory information can be passed to the customer, and can be fetched and parsed to account for the lost bytes/usage. The retrieval of the file can be done with the PULL mechanism.


This feature requires a valid license to be installed prior to configuring this feature. Contact your Cisco account representative for more information on the licensing requirements.

The diameter-hdd-module CLI command is used to create the HDD module for the context, and configure the HDD module for storing the failed CCR-T messages.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Diameter HDD Module Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Diameter HDD Module Configuration Mode commands chapter.


This feature is applicable only when Assume Positive feature is enabled.

This feature is controlled through the diameter hdd CLI command introduced in the Credit Control Group configuration mode. For more information on the command, see the Credit Control Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command configures the Diameter HDD module in a context:
diameter hdd-module 

diameter sctp

This command configures Diameter SCTP parameters for all Diameter endpoints within the context. In 12.2 and later releases, this command is obsolete and replaced with associate sctp-parameters-template command in the Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter sctp { hearbeat-interval interval | path max-retransmissions retransmissions } 
default diameter sctp { heartbeat-interval | path max-retransmissions } 


Configures this command with the default settings.

  • heartbeat-interval : Sets the heartbeat interval to the default value.

  • path max-retransmissions : Sets the SCTP path maximum retransmissions to the default value.

hearbeat-interval interval

Specifies the time interval between heartbeat chunks sent to a destination transport address in seconds.

interval must be an integer from 1 through 255.

Default: 30 seconds

path max-retransmissions retransmissions

Specifies the maximum number of consecutive retransmissions over a destination transport address of a peer endpoint before it is marked as inactive.

retransmissions must be an integer from 1 through 10.

Default: 10

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Diameter SCTP parameters for all Diameter endpoints within the context.


The following command configures the heartbeat interval to 60 seconds:
diameter sctp hearbeat-interval 60  
The following command configures the maximum number of consecutive retransmissions to 6 , after which the endpoint is marked as inactive:
diameter sctp path max-retransmissions 6 

diameter origin

This command is deprecated and is replaced by the diameter endpoint command.


Creates a DNS client and/or enters the DNS Client Configuration Mode.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] dns-client name [ -noconfirm ] 


Removes the specified DNS client from the context.

dns-client name

Specifies a name for the DNS client as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new DNS client and enter the DNS Client Configuration Mode or enter the mode for an existing client.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


DNS Client Configuration Mode commands are defined in the DNS Client Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command enters the DNS Client Configuration Mode for a DNS client named dns1 :
dns-client dns1 


Configures a domain alias for the current context.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



domain [ * ]domain_name [ default subscriber subscriber_template_name ] 
no domain [ * ]domain_name 


Indicates the domain specified is to be removed as an alias to the current context.

[ * ] domain_name

domain_name specifies the domain alias to create/remove from the current context. If the domain portion of a subscribers user name matches this value, the current context is used for that subscriber.

domain_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters. The domain name can contain all special characters, however note that the character * (wildcard character) is only allowed at the beginning of the domain name.

If the domain name is prefixed with * (wildcard character), and an exact match is not found for the domain portion of a subscriber's username, subdomains of the domain name are matched. For example, if the domain portion of a subscriber's user name is and you use the domain command domain * it matches. But if you do not use the wildcard (domain ) it does not match.


The domain alias specified must not conflict with the name of any existing context or domain names.

default subscriber subscriber_template_name

Specifies the name of the subscriber template to apply to subscribers using this domain alias.

subscriber_template_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters. If this keyword is not specified the default subscriber configuration in the current context is used.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a domain alias when a single context may be used to support multiple domains via aliasing.


no domain