Getting Started

Initial StarOS Configuration

Following successful installation of UGP across all VMs, you must configure a set of StarOS parameters via the active Control Function (CF) VM. You then save these settings in a configuration file on the active CF that is accessed whenever a VM in the UGP instance is rebooted. The standby CF and all Service Function (SF) VMs read this configuration file from the active CF.

This chapter provides instructions for connecting to the active CF console port and creating the initial local context management configuration.

Using the StarOS Quick Setup Wizard

The Quick Setup Wizard consists of three parts:

  • Configuring a context-level security administrator and hostname

  • Configuring the Ethernet interface for out-of-band (OOB) management

  • Configuring the system for remote CLI access via Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH), or File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The following figure and table provides a flow diagram that shows the run logic of the wizard along with additional information and notes.

Figure 1. StarOS Quick Setup Wizard Logic Diagram

Table 1 Quick Setup Wizard Logic Diagram Callout Descriptions
Item Task Description/Notes


Enter or exit the wizard.

Enter no at the prompt to automatically be directed to the command line interface (CLI). Proceed to for instructions on performing an initial system configuration with the CLI.

Enter setup at the command prompt to re-invoke the wizard.


For release 19.2 and higher, configure a tech-support password.

The tech-support password is used to access cli test-commands.

Configure an administrative username/password and the a hostname for the system.

The name of the default administrative user configured through the wizard is admin.

Administrative user name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 32 characters that is case sensitive.

Administrative user password is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive. For release 21.0 and later, you can enter 127 characters for the password.

Configure a valid, non-null hostname. The hostname is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.


Configure a single out-of-band management interface for the system.

Traffic on the management LAN is not transferred over the same media as user data and control signaling.

For security reasons, it is recommended that management functions be maintained on a separate network from user data and control signaling.

Configure an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway for the interface.


Enable the remote access protocol for accessing the system.

Secure Shell (SSH) uses TCP port number 22 by default, if enabled.

SSH V1 and/or V2 are supported.

For maximum security, use only SSH v2.


Enable file transfer protocols for copying files to/from the system.

If SSH is enabled, you can also enable SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server functionality.

Telnet uses TCP port number 23 by default, if enabled.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) uses TCP port number 21 by default, if enabled.


Review and/or modify the configuration of previous prompts.

  1. Enter the number of the prompt to be modified.

  2. Configure the parameter.

  3. Optional. Repeat step 1 and step 2 to modify additional settings.

  4. Enter "done" when you have completed all changes.


Review the configure script created by the wizard based on your inputs.

A sample of a created script is displayed in the example below. Variables are displayed in italics (variable).


Apply the configuration file to the system.

Once applied, the parameter configuration is automatically saved to the system.cfg file stored in /flash memory.

Sample Quick Setup Script

This is how the setup script appears if you run the EXEC mode setup command:

[local]host_name# setup
1. Do you wish to continue with the Quick Setup Wizard[yes/no]: yes
2. Enable basic configuration[yes/no]: yes
3. Change chassis key value[yes/no]: yes
4. New chassis key value: chassis_key
5. Create new tech-support password[yes/no]: yes
6. New tech-support password: new_password
7. local context administrator username[admin]: context_admin_username
8. local context administrator password: context_admin_password
9. confirm local context administrator password: context_admin_password
10. hostname[asr5500]: hostname

Using the StarOS CLI for Initial Configuration

The initial configuration consists of the following:

  • Configuring a context-level security administrator and hostname

  • Configuring the Ethernet interface on the vNIC

  • Configuring the UGP instance for remote CLI access via SSH

This section provides instructions for performing these tasks using the CLI.

    Step 1   Log into the Console port of the active CF VM via the hypervisor.
    Step 2   At the CLI prompt, enter:
    [local]cf_host_name configure[local]cf_host_name(config)
    Step 3   Enter the context configuration mode by entering the following command:
    [local]cf_host_name(config) context local[local]cf_host_name(config-ctx)
    The local context is the UGP instance\'s management context. Contexts allow you to logically group services or interfaces. A single context can consist of multiple services and can be bound to multiple interfaces.
    Step 4   Enter the following command to configure a context-level security administrator for the UGP instance:
    administrator user_name [ encrypted ] password password 
    | [ ecs ] [ expiry-date date_time ] [ ftp ] [ li-administration ] [ nocli ] [ noecs ] 

    You must configure a context-level security administrator during the initial configuration. After you complete the initial configuration process and end the CLI session, if you have not configured a security administrator, CLI access will be locked. See the Context Configuration Mode Commands chapter in the Command Line Interface Reference for complete information about this command.

    Step 5   Enter the following command at the prompt to exit the context configuration mode:
    [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) exit
    Step 6   Enter the following command to configure a hostname by which the UGP instance will be recognized on the network:
    [local]cf_host_name(config) system hostname cf_host_name
    cf_host_name is the name by which the UGP instance will be recognized on the network. The hostname is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive. The default hostname is "qvpc-di".
    Step 7   Configure the network interfaces on the vNIC as follows:
    1. Enter the context configuration mode by entering the following commands:
      [local]cf_host_name(config) context local
    2. Enter the following command to specify a name for the interface:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) interface interface_name
      interface_name is the name of the interface expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters that is case sensitive. The following prompt appears as StarOS enters the Ethernet Interface Configuration mode:
    3. Configure an IP address for the interface configured in the previous step by entering the following command:
      { ip address | ipv6 address } ipaddress subnetmask

      If you are executing this command to correct an address or subnet that was mis-configured with the Quick Setup Wizard, you must verify the default route and port binding configuration. Use step 11 and step 6 of this procedure. If there are issues, perform steps 7e through 7k to reconfigure the information.

    4. Enter the following command to exit the Ethernet interface configuration mode:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-if-eth) exit
    5. Configure a static route, if required, to point the UGP instance to a default gateway. Entering the following command:
      { ip | ipv6 } route gw_address interface_name
    6. Enter the following to exit from the context configuration mode:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) exit
    7. Enter the Ethernet Port Configuration mode:
      [local]cf_host_name(config) port ethernet slot/port
      For UGP, the slot corresponds to a CF or SF VM within the virtual chassis. The hypervisor assigns a unique slot number to each VM during initial configuration of the UGP instance. Slots 1 and 2 are assigned to the CF VMs; slot numbers 3 through 32 are assigned to SF VMs. The CF only supports port 1. Each SF supports four vNICs numbered 1 through 4 with corresponding virtual ethernet ports numbered 10 through 14. SF port number 10 must be configured.
    8. Bind the port to the interface that you created in step 7b. Binding associates the port and all of its settings to the interface. Enter the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-port-slot/port) bind interface interface_name local
      [local]cf_host_name(config-port-slot/port) no shutdown
      interface_name is the name of the interface that you configured in step 7b.
    9. Exit the Ethernet Interface Configuration mode by entering the command:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-port-slot/port) exit

      The management port also supports VLANs. For additional information, refer to the VLANs section of the Interfaces and Ports chapter.

    Configuring System Administrative Users

    This section describes some of the security features that allow security administrators to control user accounts.

    Limiting the Number of Concurrent CLI Sessions

    Security administrators can limit the number of concurrent interactive CLI sessions. Limiting the number of concurrent interactive sessions reduces the consumption of system-wide resources. It also prevents a user from potentially accessing sensitive user in formation which is already in use.

    Most privileged accounts do not require multiple concurrent logins.


    Configuring the maximum number of sessions is recommended for all privileged accounts.

    Security administrators can limit the number of concurrent interactive CLI sessions with three different ways depending on the authentication method which his used for that particular user account.

    StarOS supports three login authentication methods:

    • TACACS+ Server users
    • Local-User users
    • AAA Context users

    For additional information on configuring the maximum number of sessions for TACACS+ Server users, see Operation. For additional information on configuring the maximum number of sessions for Local-User users and AAA context users, see Configuring Context-Level Administrative Users.

    Each authentication method must be configured separately because each of the three authentication methods can use the same user name.

    Automatic Logout of CLI Sessions

    Security administrators can configure an automatic logout of certain user accounts. Limiting the number of minutes that an interactive CLI session can be in use reduces the consumption of system-wide resources. It also prevents a user from potentially accessing a user account in a terminal window which is left idle. All authentication methods described in this section support both the idle session timeout technique and the absolute session timeout technique.

    Most privileged accounts do not require an indefinite login timeout limit.


    Configuring the session timeout is strongly recommended for all privileged accounts.

    The idle timeout and session timeout fields in the show tacacs summary and show tacacs session id commands allow administrators to configure an automatic logout of certain accounts.

    Session Timeout: allows a security administrator to specify the maximum amount of minutes that a user can be logged in to a session before the session is automatically disconnected.

    Idle Timeout: allows a security administrator to specify the maximum amount of minutes that a session can remain in an idle state before the session is automatically disconnected.


    The session timeout and idle timeout fields are not exclusive. If both are specified, then the idle timeout should always be lower than the session timeout since a lower session timeout will always be reached first.

    For additional information on configuring the maximum number of minutes that an interactive CLI session can be in use, see the idle-sessions threshold command and the clear tacacs sessions CLI command in the CLI Reference and the show tacacs summary and show tacacs session id in the Statistics and Counter Reference.

    Configuring the System for Remote Access

    Configure the system for remote access. An administrative user may access the instance from a remote location over the management network:

    • Telnet

    • Secure Shell (SSH)

    • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (secured or unsecured)

    • Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)


    If there are two simultaneous telnet sessions, and one administrator deletes the context into which the other administrator is logged, the administrator in the deleted context will not be automatically kicked into the local context. Although the deleted context will still appear in the CLI prompt, context specific commands will generate errors.


    For maximum security, use SSH v2.

      Step 1   Enter the context configuration mode by entering the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name(config) context local
      Step 2   Configure the system to allow Telnet access, if desired:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) server telnetd
      Step 3   Configure the system to allow SSH access, if desired:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) ssh generate key [ type v2-rsa ]

      v2-rsa is the recommended key type.


      In Release 4.0 and higher, the v1-rsa keyword has been removed and the v2-dsa keyword has been concealed within the Context Configuration mode ssh generate CLI command. A keyword that was supported in a previous release may be concealed in subsequent releases. The system continues to parse concealed keywords in existing scripts and configuration files created in a previous release. But the concealed keyword no longer appears in the command syntax for use in new scripts or configuration files. Entering a question mark (?) will not display a concealed keyword as part of the Help text. A removed keyword generates an error message when parsed.

      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) server sshd
      [local]cf_host_name(config-sshd) subsystem sftp
      [local]cf_host_name(config-sshd) exit
      Step 4   Configure the system to allow FTP access, if desired, by entering the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) server ftpd
      Step 5   Exit the configuration mode by entering the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name(config-ctx) end
      Step 6   Verify the configuration by entering the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name show configuration
      The CLI output should be similar to the sample output:
      context local
         interface interface_name
            ip address ipaddress subnetmask
         subscriber default
         administrator admin_name password admin_password
         server telnetd
         server ftpd
         ssh generate key
         server sshd
         subsystem sftp
      port ethernet 1/1
         bind interface interface_name local
      port ethernet 1/1
         no shutdown
       snmp engine-id local 800007e580ed826c191ded2d3d
      Step 7   Verify the configuration of the IP routes by entering the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name show ip route
      The CLI output should be similar to the sample output:
      "*" indicates the Best or Used route.
       Destination         Nexthop         Protocol  Prec Cost Interface
      *           ipaddress      static     1    0    vnic1
      *network           connected  0    0    vnic1
      Step 8   Verify the interface binding by entering the following command:
      [local]cf_host_name show ip interface name interface_name
      interface_name is the name of the interface that was configured in step 7b.The CLI output should be similar to the sample output:
      Intf Name:       vnic1
      IP State:        UP (Bound to 1/1 untagged, ifIndex 83951617)
      IP Address:      ipaddress          Subnet Mask:     subnetmask
      Bcast Address:   bcastaddress       MTU:             1500
      Resoln Type:     ARP                ARP timeout:     3600 secsL3 monitor LC-port
      switchover: DiasabledNumber of Secondary Addresses:  0 
      Step 9   Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.

      Configuring SSH Options

      SSHv2 RSA is the only version of SSH supported under StarOS. Keywords previously supported for SSHv1 RSA and SSHv2 DSA have been removed from or concealed within the StarOS CLI.


      A keyword that was supported in a previous release may be concealed in subsequent releases. StarOS continues to parse concealed keywords in existing scripts and configuration files created in a previous release. But the concealed keyword no longer appears in the command syntax for use in new scripts or configuration files. Entering a question mark (?) will not display a concealed keyword as part of the Help text. Removed keywords generate an error message when parsed.

      Version 1 of the SSH protocol is now obsolete due to security vulnerabilities. The v1-rsa keyword has been removed for the Context Configuration mode ssh command. Running a script or configuration that uses the SSHv1-RSA key returns an error message and generates an event log. The output of the error message is shown below:

      CLI print failure Failure: SSH V1 contains multiple structural vulnerabilities and is no longer considered secure. Therefore we don't support v1-rsa SSH key any longer, please generate a new v2-rsa key to replace this old one.

      If the system boots from a configuration that contains the v1-rsa key, you can expect a boot failure when logging in through SSH. The workaround is to log in via the Console port, re-generate a new ssh v2-rsa key, and configure server sshd. It will then be possible to log in via ssh.

      The v2-dsa keyword is now concealed for the Context Configuration mode ssh command

      The v1-rsa keyword has been removed from the Exec mode show ssh key CLI command.

      SSH Host Keys

      SSH key-based authentication uses two keys, one "public" key that anyone is allowed to see, and another "private" key that only the owner is allowed to see. You create a key pair, securely store the private key on the device you want to log in from, and store the public key on the system (UGP) that you wish to log into.

      SSH host keys are generated within a specified StarOS context. The context is associated with a user interface.

      You set or remove an administrative user name having authorized keys for access to the sshd server associated with context.

      Setting SSH Key Size

      The Global Configuration mode ssh key-size CLI command configures the key size for SSH key generation for all contexts (RSA host key only).

        Step 1   Enter the Global Configuration mode.
        [local]host_name# configure
        Step 2   Specify the bit size for SSH keys.
        [local]host_name(config)# ssh key-size { 2048 | 3072 | 4096 | 5120 | 6144 | 7168 | 9216 }
        The default bit size for SSH keys is 2048 bits.

        Configuring SSH Key Generation Wait Time

        SSH keys can only be generated after a configurable time interval has expired since the last key generation. The ssh key-gen wait-time command specifies this wait time in seconds. The default interval is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

          Step 1   Enter the context configuration mode.
          [local]host_name(config)# context context_name
          Step 2   Specify the wait time interval.
          [local]host_name(config-ctx)# ssh key-gen wait-time seconds


          • seconds is specified as an integer from 0 through 86400. Default = 300

          Specifying SSH Encryption Ciphers

          The SSH Configuration mode ciphers CLI command configures the cipher priority list in sshd for SSH symmetric encryption. It changes the cipher options for that context.

            Step 1   Enter the SSH Configuration mode.
            [local]host_name(config-ctx)# server sshd 
            Step 2   Specify the desired encryption algorithms.
            [local]host_name(config-sshd)# ciphers algorithms
            • algorithms is a string of 1 through 511 alphanumeric characters that specifies the algorithm(s) to be used as a single string of comma-separated variables (no spaces) in priority order (left to right) from those shown below:
              • blowfish-cbc – symmetric-key block cipher, Cipher Block Chaining, (CBC)
              • 3des-cbc – Triple Data Encryption Standard, CBC
              • aes128-cbc – Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 128-bit key size, CBC
              • aes128-ctr – AES, 128-bit key size, Counter-mode encryption (CTR)
              • aes192-ctr – AES, 192-bit key size, CTR
              • aes256-ctr – AES, 256-bit key size, CTR
              • – AES, 128-bit key size, Galois Counter Mode [GCM], OpenSSH
              • – AES, 256-bit key size, GCM, OpenSSH
              • – ChaCha20 symmetric cipher, Poly1305 cryptographic Message Authentication Code [MAC], OpenSSH

            The default string for algorithms in a Normal build is:


            The default string for algorithms in a Trusted build is:

            Step 3   Exit the SSH Configuration mode.
            [local]host_name(config-sshd)# end

            Generating SSH Keys

            The ssh generate command generates a public/private key pair which is to be used by the SSH server. The v1-rsa keyword has been removed from and the v2-dsa keyword concealed within the ssh generate CLI command. The only keyword available for generating SSH keys is v2-rsa.


            The generated key pair remains in use until the command is issued again.

              Step 1   Enter the context configuration mode:
              [local]host_name(config)# context context_name
              Step 2   Generate an SSH key pair.
              [local]host_name(config-ctx)# ssh generate key type v2-rsa

              Setting SSH Key Pair

              The ssh key command sets the public/private key pair to be used by the system. The v2-dsa keyword is concealed in the ssh key command.

              Specify the SSH key pair parameters.
              [local]host_name(config-ctx)# ssh key data length octets type v2-rsa 
              • data is the encrypted key expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1023 characters
              • length octets is the length of the encrypted key in octets expressed as an integer from 0 through 65535
              • type specifies the key type; v2-rsa is the only supported type.

              For releases prior to 20.0, StarOS supports a maximum of 64 configurable authorized SSH keys. For release 20.0 and higher, StarOS supports a maximum of 200 configurable authorized SSH keys.

              Authorized SSH User Access

              You must authorize users to access a StarOS context from a specific host with an SSH authentication-key pair.

              Authorizing SSH User Access

              The SSH Configuration mode authorized-key command grants user access to a context from a specified host.

                Step 1   Go to the SSH Configuration mode.
                [local]host_name(config-ctx)# server sshd
                Step 2   Specify administrative user access via the authorized-key command.
                [local]host_name(config-sshd)# authorized-key username user_name host host_ip [ type { v2-dsa | v2-rsa } ]
                • username user_name specifies an existing StarOS administrator user name as having authorized keys for access to the sshd server. The user_name is expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 255 characters. User names should have been previously created via the Context Configuration mode administrator command using the nopassword option to prevent bypassing of the sshd keys. Refer to the System Settings chapter for additional information on creating administrators.
                • host host_ip specifies the IP address of an SSH host having the authorization keys for this username. The IP address must be in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.
                • type specifies the key type; v2-rsa is the only supported type.

                SSH User Login Restrictions

                An administrator can restrict SSH access to the StarOS CLI to a "white list" of allowed users. Access to a service may be restricted to only those users having a legitimate need. Only explicitly allowed users will be able connect to a host via SSH. The user name may optionally include a specific source IP address.

                The AllowUsers list consists of user name patterns, separated by space. If the pattern takes the form 'USER' then login is restricted for that user. If pattern is in the format 'USER@IP_ADDRESS' then USER and IP address are separately checked, restricting logins to those users from the specified IP address.

                The default is to allow unrestricted access by any user.

                Creating an Allowed Users List

                The allowusers add command allows an administrator to create a list of users who may log into the StarOS CLI.

                  Step 1   Enter the context configuration mode.
                  [local]host_name(config)# context context_name
                  Step 2   Go to the SSH Configuration mode.
                  [local]host_name(config-ctx)# server sshd
                  Step 3   Configure the SSH user list.
                  [local]host_name(config-sshd)# allowusers add user_list

                  user_list specifies a list of user name patterns, separated by spaces, as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 999 characters. If the pattern takes the form 'USER' then login is restricted for that user.

                  If the pattern is in the format 'USER@IP_ADDRESS' then user name and IP address are separately checked, restricting logins to those users from that particular IP address.

                  If the pattern is in the format 'USER@<context>@IP_ADDRESS' then user name, StarOS context and IP address are separately checked, restricting logins to those users associated with the specific context from that particular IP address.

                  The following limits apply to the user_list:
                  • The maximum length of this string is 3000 bytes including spaces.

                  • The maximum number of AllowUsers, which is counted by spaces, is 256, which is consistent with the limit from OpenSSH.


                  If you exceed either of the above limits, an error message is displayed. The message prompts you to use a regular expression pattern to shorten the string, or remove all the allowusers with no allowusers add or default allowusers add and re-configure.

                  For additional information, see the SSH Configuration Mode Commands chapter in the Command Line Interface Reference.

                  Step 4   Exit the SSH Configuration mode.
                  [local]host_name(config-sshd)# end

                  SSH User Login Authentication

                  StarOS authenticates SSH user login attempts via authorized-key/user-account pairings for the following scenarios:
                  • User tries to login with local context username through local context (VPN) interface with authorized-key configured on local context.

                  • User tries to login with non-local context username through non-local context interface with authorized-key configured on non-local context.

                  • User tries to login with local context username through non-local context interface with authorized-key configured on local context.

                  • User tries to login with non-local context username through local context interface with authorized-key configured on non-local context.

                  A failure to authenticate based on the current system configuration prevents the login and generates an error message.

                  StarOS does not permit users with different user IDs but having the same public SSH key to login to an unauthorized context. Authentication of the user takes into account the authorized-key/user-account pairing.


                  For StarOS release 21.0 onwards, a user cannot access the /flash directory if the user logs in from a non-local context.

                  Secure Session Logout

                  When StarOS is disconnected from an SSH client, the default behavior has sshd terminate the CLI or SFTP session in about 45 seconds (using default parameters). Two SSH Configuration mode CLI commands allow you to disable or modify this default sshd disconnect behavior.


                  For higher security, Cisco recommends at least a client-alive-countmax of 2 and client-alive-interval of 5. Smaller session logout values may lead to occasional ssh session logouts. Adjust values to balance security and user friendliness.

                  The client-active-countmax command sets the number of client-alive messages which may be sent without sshd receiving any messages back from the SSH client (default =3). If this threshold is reached while the client-alive messages are being sent, sshd disconnects the SSH client thus terminating the session.

                  The client-alive-interval command sets a timeout interval in seconds (default = 15) after which if no data has been received from the SSH client, sshd sends a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the client. The number of times that the message is sent is determined by the client-alive-countmax parameter. The approximate amount of time before sshd disconnects an SSH client disconnect = client-alive-countmax X client-alive-interval.

                  The client-alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depend on knowing when a connection has become inactive.


                  The client-alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel and, therefore, are not spoofable.


                  These parameter apply to SSH protocol version 2 only.

                  Changing Default sshd Secure Session Logout Parameters

                  The following command sequence modifies the default settings for the ClientAliveCountmax (default = 3) and ClientAliveInterval (default = 15 seconds) parameters.

                    Step 1   Enter the context configuration mode.
                    [local]host_name# configure
                    Step 2   Go to the SSH Configuration mode.
                    [local]host_name(config)# context context_name
                    Step 3   Set the ClientAliveCountmax parameter to 2.
                    [local]host_name(config-sshd)# client-alive-countmax 2
                    Step 4   Set the ClientAliveInterval parameter to 5 seconds.
                    [local]host_name(config-sshd)# client-alive-interval 5
                    Step 5   Exit the SSH Configuration mode.
                    [local]host_name(config-sshd)# end

                    SSH Client Login to External Servers

                    StarOS supports public key authentication for SSH/SFTP access from the StarOS gateway to external servers. You configure this feature by generating SSH client key pairs and pushing the client public key to external servers


                    By default StarOS only supports username-password authentication to external servers.

                    Setting SSH Client Ciphers

                    The SSH Client Configuration mode ciphers CLI command configures the cipher priority list when logging into an external server.

                      Step 1   Enter the SSH Client Configuration mode.
                      [local]host_name(config)# client ssh 
                      Step 2   Specify the desired encryption algorithms.
                      [local]host_name(config-ssh)# ciphers algorithms
                      • algorithms is a string of 1 through 511 alphanumeric characters that specifies the algorithm(s) to be used as a single string of comma-separated variables (no spaces) in priority order (left to right) from those shown below:
                        • blowfish-cbc – symmetric-key block cipher, Cipher Block Chaining, (CBC)
                        • 3des-cbc – Triple Data Encryption Standard, CBC
                        • aes128-cbc – Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 128-bit key size, CBC
                        • aes128-ctr – AES, 128-bit key size, Counter-mode encryption (CTR)
                        • aes192-ctr – AES, 192-bit key size, CTR
                        • aes256-ctr – AES, 256-bit key size, CTR
                        • – AES, 128-bit key size, Galois Counter Mode [GCM], OpenSSH
                        • – AES, 256-bit key size, GCM, OpenSSH
                        • – ChaCha20 symmetric cipher, Poly1305 cryptographic Message Authentication Code [MAC], OpenSSH

                      The default string for algorithms in a Normal build is:


                      The default string for algorithms in a Trusted build is:

                      Step 3   Exit the SSH Client Configuration mode.
                      [local]host_name(config-ssh)# end

                      Setting Preferred Authentication Methods

                      The SSH Client Configuration mode preferredauthentications CLI command configures the preferred methods of authentication.

                        Step 1   Enter the SSH Client Configuration mode.
                        [local]host_name(config)# client ssh 
                        Step 2   Specify the preferred authentication methods.
                        [local]host_name(config-ssh)# preferredauthentications methods
                        • methods – specifies the preferred methods of authentication to be used as a single string of comma-separated variables (no spaces) in priority order (left to right) from those shown below:
                          • publickey – authentication via SSH v2-RSA protocol.

                          • keyboard-interactive – request for an arbitrary number of pieces of information. For each piece of information the server sends the label of the prompt.

                          • password – simple request for a single password

                        • default – resets the value of methods to: publickey,password

                        Step 3   Exit the SSH Client Configuration mode.
                        [local]host_name(config-ssh)# exit

                        Generating SSH Client Key Pair

                        You use commands in the SSH Client Configuration mode to specify a private key and generate the SSH client key pair.

                          Step 1   Enter the SSH client configuration mode.
                          [local]host_name(config)# client ssh
                          Step 2   Enter SSH private key information and key type.
                          [local]host_name(config-ssh)# ssh key private_key_string length key_length [ type v2-rsa ]

                          key private_key_string specifies a private key value as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 4499 characters.

                          length key_length specifies the length of the key in bytes as an integer from 0 through 65535.

                          type v2-rsa specifies the SSH client key type. The only supported SSH client key type is v2-rsa.

                          Step 3   Generate SSH client key pair.
                          [local]host_name(config-ssh)# ssh generate key [ type v2-rsa ]

                          type v2-rsa specifies the SSH client key type. The only supported SSH client key type is v2-rsa.

                          Step 4   Verify that the SSH client key has been generated.
                          [local]host_name(config-ssh)# do show ssh client key
                          Step 5   Exit the SSH Client Configuration mode.
                          [local]host_name(config-ssh)# exit

                          Pushing an SSH Client Public Key to an External Server

                          You must push the SSH client public key to an external server to support SSH/SFTP access to that server.

                            Step 1   From the Exec mode run the push ssh-key command.
                            [local]host_name# push ssh-key { host_name | host_ip_address } user username [ context context_name ]

                            host_name specifies the remote server using its logical host name which must be resolved via DNS lookup. It is expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 127 characters.

                            host_ip_address is expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

                            user username specifies a valid username on the external server as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 79 characters.

                            context context_name specifies a valid context name. The context name is optional. If it is not provided the current context is used for processing.

                            Step 2   Repeat Step 1 to support SSH/SFTP access on other external servers.
                            Step 3   Test SSH client login to an external server.
                            local]host_name# ssh { hostname | ip_address } user username port port_number

                            Enabling NETCONF

                            An SSH key is a requirement before NETCONF protocol and the ConfD engine can be enabled in support of Cisco Network Service Orchestrator (NSO).

                            Refer to the NETCONF and ConfD appendix in this guide for detailed information on how to enable NETCONF.

                            Configuring the Management Interface with a Second IP Address

                            If necessary, you can configure a second IP address on the vNIC management interface.

                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1Enter the configuration mode by entering the following command at the prompt: 
                              [local]host_name configure
                              Step 2Enter the following to enter the context configuration mode: 
                              [local]host_name(config) context local
                              Step 3Enter the interface slot number and port number via the following command: 
                              [local]host_name(config-ctx) 1/1
                              Step 4Enter the secondary IP address and subnet mask by entering the following command: 
                              [local]host_name(config-if-eth) { ip | ipv } address ipaddress subnet_mask secondary
                              Step 5Exit the configuration mode by entering the following command: 
                              [local]host_name(config-if-eth) end
                              Step 6Confirm the interface ip addresses by entering the following command: 
                              [local]host_name show config context local
                              The CLI output should look similar to this example:
                                 context local
                                    interface interface_name
                                       ip address ipaddress subnetmask
                                       ip address ipaddress subnetmask secondary
                              Step 7Continue with Verifying and Saving Your Interface and Port Configuration.   

                              VM Hardware Verification

                              To prevent resource allocation issues, it is important that all VMs used for in the system have the same size CPU and the same size memory. To balance performance across all interfaces, make sure that the service ports and DI ports have the same throughput capabilities.

                              To verify the hardware configuration for all cards or a specific card, use the show cloud hardware [card_number} command. Sample output from this command on card 1 (CF) is shown here:

                              [local]s1# show cloud hardware 1
                              Card 1:
                                 CPU Nodes               : 1                               
                                 CPU Cores/Threads       : 8                               
                                 Memory                  : 16384M (qvpc-di-medium)          
                                 Hugepage size           : 2048kB                          
                                 cpeth0                  :
                                   Driver                : virtio_net
                                 loeth0                  :
                                   Driver                : virtio_net

                              Sample output from this command on card 3 (SF) is shown here:

                              [local]s1# show cloud hardware 1
                              Card 3:
                                 CPU Nodes               : 1                               
                                 CPU Cores/Threads       : 8                               
                                 Memory                  : 16384M (qvpc-di-medium)          
                                 Hugepage size           : 2048kB                          
                                 cpeth0                  :
                                   Driver                : vmxnet3
                                 port3_10                :
                                   Driver                : vmxnet3
                                 port3_11                :
                                   Driver                : vmxnet3

                              To display the optimum configuration of the underlying VM hardware, use the show hardware optimum. To compare your current VM configuration to the optimum configuration, use the show cloud hardware test command. Any parameters not set to the optimum are flagged with an asterisk, as shown in this sample output. In this example, the CPU cores/threads and memory are not configured optimally.

                              [local]s1# show cloud hardware test 1
                              Card 1:
                                 CPU Nodes               : 1                               
                              *  CPU Cores/Threads       : 8                                Optimum value is 4
                              *  Memory                  : 8192M (qvpc-di-medium)           Optimum value is 16384
                                 Hugepage size           : 2048kB                          
                                 cpeth0                  :
                                   Driver                : virtio_net
                                 loeth0                  :
                                   Driver                : virtio_net

                              To display the configuration file on the config disk or local flash, use the show cloud configuration card_number command. The location parameter file on flash memory is defined during the installation. And the config disk is usually created by the orchestrator and then attached to the card. Sample output from this command is shown here for card 1:

                              [local]s1# show cloud configuration 1
                              Card 1:
                                Config Disk Params:
                                  No config disk available
                                Local Params:

                              To display the IFTASK configuration for all cards or a specific card, use the show cloud hardware iftask command. By default, the cores are configured to be used for both PMD and VNPU. Sample output from this command on card 4 is shown here:

                              [local]mySystem# show cloud hardware iftask 4
                              Card 4:
                                Total number of cores on VM:      24
                                Number of cores for PMD only:     0
                                Number of cores for VNPU only:    0
                                Number of cores for PMD and VNPU: 3
                                Number of cores for MCDMA:        4
                                Hugepage size:           2048 kB
                                Total hugepages:     16480256 kB
                                NPUSHM hugepages:           0 kB
                                CPU flags: avx sse sse2 ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 
                                Poll CPU's: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
                                KNI reschedule interval: 5 us