Track and Trace
Dashboard View
The dashboard shows the summary of all statistics associated with your account.
Navigate to a location using the map and click a particular location and view the summary statistics by location.
Navigate to a location using the drop-down menu on the top-left and view the summary statistics by location.
For the selected location, view Assets by department, category, and sub-divided locations, and click to view the assets as a filtered list view of the Locator tab. The No Location pie is used to indicate those assets that have never been heard by the system and hence have no recorded location.
For the selected location, view Alerts by department, category, rules, priority, and sub-divided locations, and click to view the alerts as a filtered view of the assets tab.
Asset Locator presents your assets and their details with the Locator Tab. You can view the assets on a List or Map view. You can further apply filters to this view and save for later use as customized widgets, or downloaded as CSV files.
You can click the assets in any of these views for a more detailed view or the Asset 360 view which inlcudes further details like telemetry information, activity on a particular date, playback of asset history for different dates, heatmaps and location trails.
You can search for assets in the Locator: List View or Map View. You can search by the asset name, location, or any of the attributes associated with the asset.
You can filter Manage Wideget button to add a Canned widget, which is a widget based on an existing template. Alternatively, you can fliter your information and click Save As New to create a new widget.
Locator: List View
The list view allows you to see a list of assets. These assets can be downloaded in CSV format.
Locator: The Map View
The map view allows you to create zones for creation of effective alerts.If assets are too close to one another, note that the map displays them as a clustered view.
Manage Columns
Click the Manage Columns
icon to reorder, hide, or show the columns.
Asset 360: A Detailed View of Assets
You can click an asset from the Locator: List or Map View to view a complete and detailed view of the Asset or Asset 360 degree view. A map is displayed in this view with the asset positioned on the map.
You can zoom in to the map using the plus and minus sign.
You can click, hold, and rotate the compass icon to rotate the map.
History View
Click on the History tab of the Asset 360 degree view to get a detailed view of the asset hisotry.
Alerts View
The Alerts View has a list of alerts. The alerts are triggered when conditions of the rules configured in the Rules tab are satisifed. The view is organized by the widgets added by a user. Saving this filter will create a Widget.
Navigate to the Alerts View
Tag View
Choose Configure > Tags to open the tag view. The tags shown here are automatically discovered from CMX. The tag view displays the list of tags and, among other information, its last heard time and location. Tags can be modified individually or in bulk. Asset Locator can work with any CCX Compliant tags that send location, battery and telemetry data. Asset Locator can also work with BLE tags.