Installing Controller on GCP

Installing Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud on GCP

The Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud is a virtual controller running Cisco IOS XE. Most of the Cisco IOS XE features are available on the cloud controller and you can choose to deploy the controller software on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

To deploy a Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud on GCP, you must create a project with the following resources: virtual machines, interfaces, virtual private cloud (VPC) networks, routes, public IP addresses, firewall rules, and storage. Resources that exist in different projects can only connect through an external network.

Google Compute Engine instances can run the public images for Linux and Windows Server that Google provides as well as private custom images that you can create or import from your existing systems. Compute instances use SSH public-key authentication. Certain Compute Engine resources live in regions or zones. Resources that live in a zone, such as instances or persistent disks, are referred to as zonal resources.

Other resources, like static external IP addresses, are regional. Regional resources can be used by any resources in that region, regardless of zone, while zonal resources can only be used by other resources in the same zone. A firewall enables you to specify the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges that can reach your instances using security groups. Static IPv4 addresses are used for dynamic cloud computing. Metadata, also known as tags, allows you to create and assign your GCP compute resources.


  • The AP in Sniffer mode is not supported in GCP.

  • Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud - Ultra-Low Profile is not supported on public cloud.

GCP VPC Concepts

  • A VPC network, sometimes just called a network, is a virtual version of a physical network, like a data center network.

  • You can launch your GCP cloud resources, such as GCP compute instances, into your VPC.

  • You can specify an IP address range for the VPC, add subnets, associate security groups, and configure route tables.

  • You can optionally connect your VPC to your own corporate data center using an IPsec GCP managed VPN connection, making the GCP Cloud an extension of your data center.

Creating a VPC in GCP

Perform the following procedure to configure a VPC network in GCP:


Step 1

From the navigation menu in the GCP console, scroll down to VPC network and select VPC networks.

Step 2


Step 3

Enter a Name for the network.

For example, use custom-network1.

Step 4

Enter a Description for the network.

Step 5

In the Subnets section, click Add Subnet.

The New subnet dialog box opens. Enter a name for the subnet, for example subnet-europe-west-192.

Step 6

Select a Region.

For example, use europe-west1.

Step 7

Enter an IP address range.

For example, use

Step 8

Click Done.

This creates a subnet.

Perform 5 to 9 to create a subnet for the VPC network. You can add multiple subnets to the network.

Step 9

Click Create.

This creates a VPC network.

Creating a VPN Connection Using Dynamic Routing

Perform the following procedure to create a VPN connection using dynamic routing:


Step 1

From the GCP console, go to the VPN page.

Step 2

Click Create VPN Connection.

The Create VPN Connection window is displayed. Enter the following details:

  1. Name of the VPN gateway.

  2. Select the VPC network.

    The network containing the instances the VPN gateway is going to serve.

  3. Select the Region.

    The region to locate the VPN gateway. Normally, this is the region that contains the instances you wish to reach.

  4. Enter the IP address.

    Select a pre-existing static external IP address. If you don't have a static external IP address, create one by clicking New static IP address from the drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the Peer IP address.

    Public IP address of the peer gateway.

  6. Enter IKE version.

    IKEv2 is preferred, but IKEv1 is supported if that is all the peer gateway can manage.

  7. Enter the Shared Secret.

    Character string used in establishing encryption for that tunnel. You must enter the same shared secret into both VPN gateways. If the VPN gateway device on the peer side of the tunnel doesn't generate one automatically, you can create one using the Generate option.

  8. Select the Routing Option.

  9. Create a Cloud Router, by entering the details. Click Save and Continue.

Step 3

Create a Cloud Router.

  1. Enter Google ASN.

    The private ASN (64512 - 65534, 4200000000 - 4294967294) for the router you are configuring. It can be any private ASN you are not already using. For example, 65002.

AWS creates 2 tunnel interfaces for redundancy. If you do not specify details, AWS randomly generates tunnel options.

Step 4

Enter BGP session details.

  1. Enter name of the BGP.

  2. Enter Peer ASN.

    The private ASN (64512 - 65534, 4200000000 - 4294967294) for the router you are configuring. It can be any private ASN you are not already using. For example, 65001.

  3. Enter Google BGP IP address.

    The BGP interface IP addresses must be link-local IP addresses belonging to the same /30 subnet in For example,

  4. Enter Peer BGP IP address

AWS creates 2 tunnel interfaces for redundancy. If you do not specify details, AWS randomly generates tunnel options.

Step 5

Click Create.

This create the gateway, cloud router, and all the tunnels. Remember that the tunnels will not connect until the peer router is configured.

What to do next

Configure the firewall rules for VPN to allow inbound traffic from the peer network subnets.

Creating a VPN Connection Using Static Routing

Perform the following procedure to create a VPN connection using static routing:


Step 1

From the GCP console, go to the VPN page.

Step 2

Click Create VPN Connection.

The Create VPN Connection window is displayed. Enter the following details:

  1. Name of the VPN gateway.

  2. Select the VPC network.

    The network containing the instances the VPN gateway is going to serve. Ensure this network does not conflict with your on-premises networks.

  3. Select the Region.

    The region to locate the VPN gateway. Normally, this is the region that contains the instances you wish to reach.

  4. Enter the IP address.

    Select a pre-existing static external IP address. If you don't have a static external IP address, create one by clicking New static IP address from the drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the Peer IP address.

    Public IP address of the peer gateway.

  6. Enter IKE version.

    IKEv2 is preferred, but IKEv1 is supported if that is all the peer gateway can manage.

  7. Enter the Shared Secret.

    Character string used in establishing encryption for that tunnel. You must enter the same shared secret into both VPN gateways. If the VPN gateway device on the peer side of the tunnel doesn't generate one automatically, you can create one using the Generate option.

  8. Enter the Remote Network IP range.

    For example, The range, or ranges, of the peer network, which is the network on the other side of the tunnel from the Cloud VPN gateway you are currently configuring.

  9. Specify the Local Subnet.

    Specifies which IP ranges are routed through the tunnel. This value cannot be changed after the tunnel is created because it is used in the IKE handshake.

  10. Specify the Gateway Subnet.

    You can leave it blank as the local subnet is the default option.

  11. Enter the Local IP ranges.

    You can leave it blank except for the gateway's subnet.

Step 3

Click Create.

This create the gateway, and initiates all the tunnels. Remember that the tunnels will not connect until the peer router is configured.

What to do next

Configure the firewall rules for VPN to allow inbound traffic from the peer network subnets.

Create Firewall Rules

Firewall rules allow inbound traffic from the peer network subnets, and you must configure the peer network firewall to allow inbound traffic from your Compute Engine prefixes.

Perform the following procedure to enable traffic to pass to a VM instance and create a firewall rule:


Step 1

From the navigation menu in the Google Cloud Platform Console, scroll down to VPC network and select Firewall Rules.

Step 2

Click CREATE FIREWALL RULE and enter the details.

  1. Enter Name of the firewall rule.

  2. Enter VPC Network.

  3. Enter Source filter.

    Choose to filter the traffic using up to four different source filter types.

    For example, if you choose to specify a source IP range, you can enter to select any IP address.

  4. Enter Source IP ranges (selects all IP ranges in the network).

  5. Enter allowed protocols and ports.

    A protocol and port range.

    String multiple protocol and port ranges together. For example: "icmp", "udp:4789-4790", "tcp:0-6553".

Step 3

Click Create.

Creates a firewall rule. To add another firewall rule, repeat the previous steps.

Installing Controller on GCP

Perform the following procedure to deploy a controller instance in GCP:

Before you begin

The following prerequisites apply when deploying a controller on GCP:

  • An user account or subscription with GCP.

  • A Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • A VPC.

  • Subnets.

  • A security group.

  • A VPN connection.

  • For every remote site, create:

    • A customer gateway

    • A VPN connection


Step 1

Click Compute Engine and VM Instances.

Step 2


Select a boot disk to create a new controller VM instance (from "OS Images" or custom images) and enter values for the following fields.

  1. Specify Name.

    Name for your VM, using only lowercase letters.

  2. Specify Region.

  3. Specify Zone.

    A zone is often a data center within a region.

  4. Select a Machine type.

    Supports Small (4 CPU, 8GB RAM), Medium (8 CPU, 16 GB RAM) and Large (10 CPU, 32 GB RAM) profiles.

  5. (Optional) Click Customize to select the number of cores(vCPUs), memory size, and GPUs.

Step 3

Leave container unselected.

Step 4

Click Change on the Boot disk.

Step 5

Go to OS Images tab and select the required image using radio buttons.


  • The custom image is required only during the initial instance.

  • Do not change the boot disk.

Step 6

Click Select.

Step 7

In the Firewall section, select either: Allow HTTP traffic or Allow HTTPS traffic to access Web UI.

Step 8

In the Deletion protection section, check the Enable deletion protection checkbox to prevent the instance from getting deleted.

Step 9

In the Automation section, specify the Startup script.

This allows you to run scripts when your instance boots up or restarts.

Use this section to add the username and password to access the instance.

When you specify a Cisco IOS command, use escape characters to pass special characters that are within the command: ampersand(&), double quotes(“), single quotes('), less than(<) or greater than(>). An example is provide below:

Section: IOS configuration
hostname ewlc
username cisco priv 15 pass 0 cisco
!if you want to add more IOS commands, you can add here 
Section: Scripts
Section: Python Package

Step 10

Click Networking tab from the Management, Security, Disks, Networking, Sole Tenancy section.

Step 11

Add SSH-key information in the Network tags.

Step 12

Click Add network interface.

Step 13

In the Networking Interfaces dialog box, select the default interface.

For example, the default security group is

Step 14

In the Networking Interface window, select the first default interface.

Step 15

Set IP Forwarding to On.

This prevents the traffic from being blocked.

Step 16

Set Primary internal IP as Ephemeral (automatic).

This private IP address is obtained automatically from the selected subnet.

Step 17

Specify External IP as Ephemeral (automatic).

You can use this public IP address when you start an SSH session from a terminal server. You may also choose to specify this External IP address as static. The external IP address of each interface is either ephemeral or static.

Step 18

Click Done.

Creates the first interface.

Step 19

Click Create.

The newly created controller VM instance boots up. It may take a few minutes to complete the boot process.

Accessing Controller Instance on GCP

After completing the configuration, you can connect to the controller using SSH. For that you need private key of the SSH.

Perform the following procedure to access the controller in GCP using SSH:


  • Enter the command: ssh -i private-key-file-path username-in-key@ip-address-of-eth1
  • Or, Login using Username and Password that was created using the IOS command during the boot: ssh username@ ip-address-of-eth1
ssh -i user1.key user1@
ssh user1@