Certificate Management

About Public Key Infrastructure Management (GUI)

The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Management page displays the following tabs:

Trustpoints tab: Used to add, create or enroll a new trustpoint. This page also displays the current trustpoints configured on the controller and other details of the trustpoint. You can also view if the trustpoint is in use for any of the features. For example, Webadmin or AP join (Wireless Management Interface ), and others.

CA Server tab: Used to enable or disable the Certificate Authority (CA) server functionality on the controller. The CA server functionality should be enabled for the controller to generate a Self Signed Certificate (SSC).

Key Pair Generation tab: Used to generate key pairs.

Certificate Management tab: Used to generate and manage certificates, and perform all certificate related operations, on the controller.

Authenticating and Enrolling a PKI Trustpoint (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Security > PKI Management.

Step 2

In the PKI Management window, click the Trustpoints tab.

Step 3

In the Add Trustpoint dialog box, provide the following information:

  1. In the Label field, enter the RSA key label.

  2. In the Enrollment URL field, enter the enrollment URL.

  3. Check the Authenticate check box to authenticate the Public Certificate from the enrollment URL.

  4. In the Subject Name section, enter the Country Code, State, Location, Organisation, Domain Name, and Email Address.

  5. Check the Key Generated check box to view the available RSA keypairs. Choose an option from the Available RSA Keypairs drop-down list.

  6. Check the Enroll Trustpoint check box.

  7. In the Password field, enter the password.

  8. In the Re-Enter Password field, confirm the password.

  9. Click Apply to Device.

The new trustpoint is added to the trustpoint name list.

Generating an AP Self-Signed Certificate (GUI)


This section is valid only for virtual controllers (Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller for Cloud) and not applicable for appliance based controllers (Cisco Catalyst 9800-40 Wireless Controller, Cisco Catalyst 9800-80 Wireless Controller, Cisco Catalyst 9800-L Wireless Controller (Copper Uplink), and Cisco Catalyst 9800-L Wireless Controller (Fiber Uplink)).


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Security > PKI Management.

Step 2

In the AP SSC Trustpoint area, click Generate to generate an AP SSC trustpoint.

Step 3

From the RSA Key-Size drop-down list, choose a key size.

Step 4

From the Signature Algorithm drop-down list, choose an option.

Step 5

From the Password Type drop-down list, choose a password type.

Step 6

In the Password field, enter a password. The valid range is between 8 and 32 characters.

Step 7

Click Apply to Device.

Adding the Certificate Authority Server (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Security > PKI Management.

Step 2

In the PKI Management window, click the CA Server tab.

Step 3

In the CA Server section, click the Shutdown Status toggle button, to enable the status. If you choose the shutdown status as Enabled, you must enter the password and confirm the same.

Step 4

If you choose the shutdown status as Disabled, you must enter the Country Code, State, Location, Organisation, Domain Name, and Email Address.

Step 5

Click Apply to add the CA server.

Step 6

Click Remove CA Server to delete the CA server.

Adding an RSA or EC Key for PKI Trustpoint (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Security > PKI Management.

Step 2

In the PKI Management window, click the Key Pair Generation tab.

Step 3

In the Key Pair Generation section, click Add.

Step 4

In the dialog box that is displayed, provide the following information:

  1. In the Key Name field, enter the key name.

  2. In the Key Type options, select either RSA Key or EC Key.

  3. In the Modulus Size field, enter the modulus value for the RSA key or the EC key. The default modulus size for the RSA key is 4096 and the default value for the EC key is 521.

  4. Check the Key Exportable check box to export the key. By default, this is checked.

  5. Click Generate.

Adding and Managing Certificates

To add and manage certificates, use one of the following methods:


While configuring a password for the .pfx file, do not use the following ASCII characters: "*, ^, (), [], \, ", and +"

Using these ASCII characters results in error with bad configuration and does not import the certificate to the controller.

Method 1


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Security > PKI Management > Add Certificate.

Step 2

Click Generate Certificate Signing Request.

  1. In the Certificate Name field, enter the certificate name.

  2. From the Key Name drop-down list, choose an RSA key pair. (Click the plus (+) icon under the Key Pair Generation tab to create new RSA key pairs.).

  3. Enter values the Country Code, Location, Organisation, State, Organizational Unit, and the Domain Name fields.

  4. Click Generate.

    The generated Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is displayed on the right. Click Copy to copy and save a local copy. Click Save to Device to save the generated CSR to the /bootflash/csr directory.

Step 3

Click Authenticate Root CA .

  1. From the Trustpoint drop-down list, choose the trustpoint label generated in Step 2, or any other trustpoint label that you want to authenticate.

  2. In the Root CA Certificate (.pem) field, copy and paste the certificate that you have received from the CA.


    Ensure that you copy and paste the PEM Base64 certificate of the issuing CA of the device certificate.
  3. Click Authenticate.

Step 4

Click Import Device Certificate .

  1. From the Trustpoint drop-down list, choose the trustpoint label that was generated in Step 2, or any other trustpoint label that you want to authenticate.

  2. In the Signed Certificate (.pem) field, copy and paste the signed certificate that you received, from your CA.

  3. Click Import.

This completes the device certificate import process and the certificate can now be assigned to features.

Method 2


Click Import PKCS12 Certificate .



You can import an entire certificate chain in the PKCS12 format using different transport types.

  1. From the Transport Type drop-down list, choose either FTP, SFTP, TFTP, SCP, or Desktop (HTTPS).

    For FTP, SFTP, and SCP, enter values in the Server IP Address (IPv4/IPv6), Username, Password, Certificate File Path, Certificate Destination File Name, and Certificate Password fields.

    For TFTP, enter values in the Server IP Address (IPv4/IPv6), Certificate File Path, Certificate Destination File Name, and Certificate Password fields.

    For Desktop (HTTPS), enter values in the Source File Path and Certificate Password fields.

  2. Click Import.