CPS Installation

Obtain the CPS Software

Obtain the CPS software from the download link provided in the CPS Release Notes for this release.

The CPS software distribution includes the following files:

  • The CPS_x.x.x.release.iso file which serves as a temporary virtual CD driver containing the installation software.

  • A compressed tar file that contains a base.vmdk which serves as the virtual hard drive in building the Cluster Manager virtual machine (VM).

  • An Excel spreadsheet included in the *.iso which you manually edit to contain the IP addresses, virtual topology, and cluster settings for a High Availability (HA) deployment.

    Instructions are provided later in this document on how to obtain this Excel spreadsheet.

A VMware OVF tool is also needed to install CPS. This utility can be downloaded as described later in this guide.

Cluster Manager VM


Cluster Manager is the main virtual machine that manages the deployment, installation, upgrade, configuration and patching of the CPS cluster. The Cluster Manager stages artifacts such as Configuration, Puppet scripts, Shell script tools and CPS application software. The artifacts are applied to the CPS virtual machines (VMs) during initial CPS installation, CPS upgrades, and application of patches to the CPS.

There are four categories of artifacts:

  • Cluster Deployment Configuration

    All the cluster deployment configuration files used for full deployment as well as individual VM deployment are stored in /var/qps/config/deploy. These files are created by exporting the CSV files from the CPS Deployment Template Excel spreadsheet and contains the cluster deployment configuration. For more information related to deployment template and CSV files, refer to the section Configure System Parameters for Deployment.

    These configuration files are used by the deployment scripts (deploy.sh and deploy_all.py) during VM deployment.

  • CPS Software Configuration

    All the CPS software configuration files which includes the configuration files in /etc/broadhop such as features file, qns.conf, jvm.conf and policy files (such as charging rules policy) are stored in /var/qps/current_config/. These configurations are applied to CPS VMs after CPS software is installed. The configuration files are copied to Cluster Manager’s /var/www/html directory. After a VM is deployed, the puppet script in the VM downloads the configuration files and applies the configuration to the CPS software in the VM.

    The iomanager configuration file (/etc/broadhop/iomanager/qns.conf) is controlled by puppet. So in case you want to modify iomanager configuration file, you must modify /etc/puppet/modules/qps/templates/etc/broadhop/iomanager/qns.conf.erb file.


    When you are upgrading/migrating from one release to another, you need to modify the iomanager configuration files again with the changes.

  • Puppet

    Puppet (http://puppetlabs.com/) is the tool utilized for installing, deploying, and upgrading cluster virtual machines and configurations. Refer to Puppet Overview for more information.

  • Tools

    • Various tools used for operation and maintenance in Cluster Manager.

      /var/qps/bin -> /var/qps/install/current/scripts/bin (-> is a Linux softlink)

    • Deployment Scripts: Scripts used for VM deployment.

    • Build Scripts: Scripts that are used to tar the configuration, puppet scripts and software into the /var/www/html directory on the Cluster Manager for download by each VM during deployment.

    • Control Scripts: Scripts that are used on Cluster Manager to perform tasks such as start/stop of the CPS processes running on the VM nodes.

Directory Structure

  • All the artifacts for a release are stored in:

    /var/qps/install/current -> /var/qps/install/CurrentRelease (-> is a Linux softlink)

  • Tools: /var/qps/bin -> /var/qps/install/current/scripts/bin (-> is a Linux softlink)

  • Deployment scripts are used to deploy VMs.

  • Build scripts that zips the configuration, puppet and CPS software to /var/www/html directory in Cluster Manager.

  • Control scripts

  • Configurations includes the configuration files in /etc/broadhop such as features file, qns.conf, jvm,conf and policy files. All the configurations in this directory are pushed to the VMs during deployment.

  • Files unchanged after upgrade: All the files in /etc/broadhop after upgrade remain unchanged.

Puppet Overview

Puppet (http://puppetlabs.com/) is a tool utilized for installing, deploying, and upgrading CPS virtual machines and configurations.

Puppet operations are initiated automatically when CPS installation or upgrade scripts are run. These scripts in turn utilize numerous utility scripts to configure system modules.

For example: reinit.sh (used for upgrades) triggers /etc/init.d/vm-init.

  1. When the Cluster Manager VM is deployed, puppet scripts are copied from the CPS ISO to /etc/puppet.

  2. The build_puppet.sh moves them to /var/www/html/images/puppet.tar.gz.

  3. vm-init downloads the puppet.tar.gz from cluster manager and populates them to the /etc/puppet directory in the VM nodes.
    Figure 1. Installation Flow

    Many CPS modules are managed by Puppet, including: java, ntp, zero mq, haproxy, mongo, socat, memcache, diameter, elasticsearch, monit, iomanager, unifiedapi, license manager, policybuilder, collectd, logserver, snmp, grafana.

    Puppet files are stored centrally in /etc/puppet on the Cluster Manager.

    CPS VM nodes and their software and configurations are staged in the /var/www/html/ directory in zip files. When a VM is rebooted, the VM downloads and runs the appropriate puppet scripts to update the configuration.

    Once puppet files are downloaded to each VM node, they reside in /etc/puppet/ directory on the each VM node.

    • /etc/puppet/puppet.conf: Basic configuration of puppet.

    • /etc/puppet/classfyNode.sh: Determines the node type and the appropriate puppet script from /etc/broadhop.profile.

    • /etc/puppet/modules/qps/manifests/roles/*.pp: These are the corresponding scripts for a node to run. For example: pcrfclient01.pp, pcrfclient02.pp, lb01.pp, qns.pp, sessionmgr.pp, etc.

    • /etc/puppet/modules/: Contains all the puppet code.

    • env_config -> /var/qps/env_config: Contains custom puppet files.

Puppet scripts can be started manually using the pupdate command, however this should be reserved for troubleshooting, reconfiguration, or recovery of CPS systems with assistance from a Cisco representative.

Modification or execution of puppet scripts should only be performed under the direction of a Cisco Advanced Services representative. Puppet scripts require root level permissions to be modified.

Additional information about custom deployments is provided in Enable Custom Puppet to Configure Deployment.

For more information about Puppet, refer also to the Puppet documentation available at: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/.

Deploy the Cluster Manager VM

The Cluster Manager is a server that maintains the system (Operating System) and application artifacts such as software and CPS and Linux configuration for the CPS cluster. It also is responsible for deploying, installing/upgrading the software for the Virtual Machines in the CPS cluster.


User must use standard VMware Switch during VM deployment and avoid using distributed switches. If distributed switches are really needed, initial deployment should be made using standard Switch and post deployment user can change the switch type to distributed.

To deploy the cluster manager VM, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Login to the vSphere Web Client and select the blade where you want to create a new VM to install the cluster manager VM.

Step 2

Right-click on the blade and select New Virtual Machine > New Virtual Machine. New Virtual Machine window opens up.

Step 3

Select Create a new virtual machine and click Next to open Select a name and folder.

Step 4

Enter a name for the virtual machine (for example, CPS Cluster Manager) and select the location for the virtual machine. Click Next.

Step 5

Select blade IP address from Select a compute resource window and click Next to open Select storage window.

Step 6

From Select storage window, select datastorename and click Next to open Select compatibility window.

Step 7

From Compatible with: drop-down list, select ESXi 6.0 and later and click Next to open Select a guest OS window.


Support for VMX11 is added only for fresh install. For upgrade flow (option 2/option 3), upgrade of VMX is not supported.

Step 8

From Guest OS Family: drop-down list, select Linux and from Guest OS Version: drop-down list, select CentOS 4/5 or later (64-bit).

Step 9

Click Next to open Customize hardware window.

Step 10

In Virtual Hardware tab:

  1. Expand CPU node and select CPU and Cores per Socket as given in Virtual Machine Requirements.

  2. Select Memory size as 12 GB.

  3. Expand New SCSI controller and from Change Type drop-down list, select LSI Logic Parallel.

  4. 2 NICs are required (one for eth1 as internal and second for eth2 as management). One NIC already exists as default under New Network.

  5. To add another NIC, from New device drop-down list, select Network and click Add.

  6. Click Next to open Ready to complete window.

Step 11

Review the settings displayed on Ready to complete window and click Finish.

Step 12

Login to EXSi blade through the vSphere client software.

Step 13

Select the ESXi host (not the new VM they just created) and select Summary tab from the right pane.

Step 14

Under Storage, select the datastorename.

Step 15

Right-click on the datastorename and select Browse Datastore… to open Database Browser window..

Step 16

To upload the CPS software to the datastore, select the new directory created for your VM, and click (Upload a file to this datastore) button and select Upload File....

Step 17

Navigate to the location of the CPS_*.tar.gz file which you downloaded earlier. Select it and click Open.

Step 18

To upload CPS ISO, repeat Step 16.

Step 19

Navigate to the location of the CPS_*.release.iso, select it and click Open.

Step 20

To upload base.vmdk, repeat Step 16. Navigate to the location of the Base*.vmdk_signed/Base*.vmdk, select it and click Open

Step 21

To upload Cluman seed ISO image, repeat Step 16. Navigate to the location of the Base*.vmdk_signed/cluman_seed.iso, select it and click Open.

Step 22

Open a secure shell (ssh) connection to the blade ESXi host.

Step 23

cd to the directory with the data store.

cd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name>/<foldername>

For example:

cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore5/CPS Cluster Manager

Step 24

Convert the vmdk file to ESX format:

vmkfstools --diskformat thin -i Base*.vmdk newbase.vmdk


This command can take several minutes to complete.

Step 25

Cluster Manager Memory Reservation: Press Ctrl + Alt +2 to go back to Hosts and Clusters and select the VM created above (CPS Cluster Manager).

  1. Right-click and select Edit Settings... Virtual Hardware tab is displayed as default.

  2. Click on Resources tab and select Memory settings.

  3. From the right-side options, select Reserve all guest memory (All Locked).

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

Step 26

Press Ctrl + Alt +2 to go back to Hosts and Clusters and select the VM created above (CPS Cluster Manager).

  1. Right-click and select Edit Settings... Virtual Hardware tab is displayed as default.

  2. From New device drop-down list, select Existing Hard Disk and click Add.

  3. Navigate to the location of your new VM and select newbase.vmdk (created in Step 24) and click OK.

  4. Expand New Hard disk and select Virtual Device Node as IDE(0:1) from the drop-down list and click OK.

Step 27

Mount Cluster Manager seed ISO on CD/DVD:

  1. From New device drop-down list, select CD/DVD Drive and click Add. The newly added New CD/DVD Drive will appear at the end of the window.

  2. Change the New CD/DVD Drive option from Client Device to Datastore ISO File. Browse to required Cluman seed ISO image (For example, base/cluman_seed.iso), select it and click OK.

  3. Check Connect At Power On to connect the device when the virtual machine turns on.

  4. Select Virtual Device Node as IDE(1:0) from the drop-down list and click OK.


    If the selected Virtual Device Node is busy, select any alternate node (IDE) from the drop-down list.

Step 28

Mount ISO on CD/DVD:

  1. Expand CD/DVD drive 1 and change the option from Client Device to Datastore ISO File. Browse to the ISO image file, select the required ISO image and click OK.

  2. Check Connect At Power On to connect the device when the virtual machine turns on and click OK.

  3. Select Virtual Device Node as IDE(1:1) from the drop-down list and click OK.


    If the selected Virtual Device Node is busy, select any alternate node (IDE) from the drop-down list.

Step 29

Power on the CPS Cluster Manager VM.


The following message may be reported on the Cluster Manager VM console. You can disregard this message.

Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)


The VM is rebooted in rescue mode for the first time for CentOS to adjust the disk/hardware to the new version. Subsequent reboots if necessary is a normal operation.

Configure Cluster Manager VM

To configure cluster manager VM, perform the following steps:

Common Steps


Step 1

Login to the vSphere Web Client.

Step 2

To open VM console, you have two options:

Option Description

You can launch the console by selecting the Cluster Manager VM, right-click on VM and select Open Console.


Select the Cluster Manager VM from the left panel and click Summary tab from the top menu on the right panel.

For 6.0 version: Click Launch Remote Console.

For 6.5 version: Click on the small gear icon and select Launch Web Console to open the VM console.

Step 3

Login to the VM as the root user. The default password is CpS!^246.

Step 4

Configure the network settings:

  1. Private LAN for future VMs (a private sub network).

    For example, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as:

    This is specific to VMware deployments:

  2. Public address (access the cisco network).

    For example, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 as:

    This is specific to VMware deployments:

Step 5

Restart the network.

/usr/bin/systemctl start network

Step 6

Login to the CPS Cluster Manager VM as a root user using SSH and public address (or via the console).

Step 7

Edit/add the eth0 private IP address of the Cluster Manager in /etc/hosts.

For example:

XX.XX.XX.XX installer

If the actual hostname for Cluster Manager VM is other than 'installer', then modify installer/cluman entry in /etc/hosts accordingly.


XX.XX.XX.XX installer <actual-hostname>

Step 8

Download and install the VMware Open Virtualization Format (OVF) tool.


The OVF tool is not required for AIO deployments. It is only required for High Availability or Geographic Redundant deployments.

  1. Download the VMware Open Virtualization Format Tool:

    Version 4.1.0 for VMware 6.0 or 6.5: VMware-ovftool-4.1.0-2459827-lin.x86_64.bundle


  2. Copy it to /root directory.

  3. Install the OVF tool that you downloaded in step a.

    /bin/sh VMware-ovftool-4.1.0-2459827-lin.x86_64.bundle

  4. Accept the license prompts to complete the OVF tool installation.

Step 9

Update the RSA public key:

cp /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Step 10

Mount the ISO from CD/DVD:

mkdir -p /mnt/iso

mount -o loop /dev/sr0 /mnt/iso/


Verify whether install.sh command is available in /mnt/iso. If install.sh command is not available, perform the following:

  1. Unmount the CPS ISO:

    umount /mnt/iso

  2. Mount the ISO from CD/DVD:

    mount -o loop /dev/sr1 /mnt/iso/
Step 11

Proceed to the next sections to continue the installation for a High Availability (HA) deployment, or for an All-in-One deployment.

HA Installation

To proceed with a new High Availability (HA) installation:


Step 1

Run the install.sh script from the ISO directory.

cd /mnt/iso

The default root password created during install.sh is not in compliance with the PSB requirements. Hence, it is recommended to change the default root password post completion of CPS deployment using change_passwd.sh script. For more information, refer to Update Default Credentials section in the CPS Installation Guide for VMware.

Step 2

When prompted for the install type, enter the required type based on your CPS deployment requirements.

Please enter install type [mobile|mog|pats|arbiter|andsf|escef]:

Enter mobile to install Diameter, mog to install MOG module, pats to install PATS, arbiter to install Arbiter, andsf to install ANDSF module or escef to install eSCEF module.

  • For more information on Arbiter installation, refer to Standalone Arbiter Deployment on VMware section in CPS Geographic Redundancy Guide.

  • For more information on MOG/PATS, contact your Cisco Technical Representative.

  • Currently, eSCEF is an EFT product and is for Lab Use Only. This means it is not supported by Cisco TAC and cannot be used in a production network. The features in the EFT are subject to change at the sole discretion of Cisco.

Step 3

When prompted to initialize the environment, enter y.

Would you like to initialize the environment... [y|n]:
Step 4

When prompted for the type of installation, enter 1 (New Deployment).

Please select the type of installation to complete:
1) New Deployment
2) Upgrade to different build within same release (eg: 1.0 build 310 to 1.0 build 311)
   or Offline upgrade from one major release to another (eg: 1.0 to 2.0)
3) In-Service Upgrade from one major release to another (eg: 1.0 to 2.0)
Refer to the CPS Migration and Upgrade Guide for detailed instructions on option 2 and 3.
Step 5

When prompted to change the Cluster Manager default root password, enter the new password.

Need to change the default root password for security reasons..
Changing password for user root.
New password: XXXXX
Retype new password:

You can create passphrase or password with the following limitations, when you create or change passwords:

  • You can provide or update a password of a minimum length of 4 characters where it must consist of all 4 classes (1 capital letter, 1 small letter, 1 numeric and 1 special character).

  • You can provide or update a password of length of 5 or more where it must consist of 3-4 classes (1 capital letter, 1 small letter, 1 numeric and 1 special character).

  • You can provide or update a passphrase of 127 characters.

Step 6

After finishing the installation (or upgrade) process, unmount the ISO image using the following commands. This prevents any “device is busy” errors when a subsequent upgrade/new installation is performed.

cd /root

umount /mnt/iso

If you are not able to unmount the ISO using umount command, then use umount -l.
Step 7

(Optional) After unmounting the ISO, delete the ISO image to free system space.

rm -rf /dev/sr0/xxxx.iso

where, xxxx.iso is the name of the ISO image.

Step 8

(Optional) Change the host name of the Cluster Manager.

  1. Run hostname xxx, where xxx is the new host name for the Cluster Manager.

  2. Edit /etc/hostname to add the new host name for the Cluster Manager.

Step 9

Run change_passwd.sh script on Cluster Manager to change the password of root user across the system.

For more information, refer to Update Default Credentials.


The change_passwd.sh script changes the password on all the VMs temporarily. You also need to generate an encrypted password. To generate encrypted password, refer to System Password Encryption in CPS Installation Guide for VMware. The encrypted password must be added in the Configuration.csv spreadsheet. To make the new password persisent, execute import_deploy.sh. If the encrypted password is not added in the spreadsheet and import_deploy.sh is not executed, then after running reinit.sh script, the qns-svn user takes the existing default password from Configuration.csv spreadsheet.

AIO Installation


Step 1

To install an All-in-One (AIO) deployment where all CPS components are installed on a single VM, configure this node to be an 'aio':

echo NODE_TYPE=aio > /etc/broadhop.profile

Step 2

Run the install.sh script from the ISO directory.

cd /mnt/iso

The default root password created during install.sh is not in compliance with the PSB requirements. Hence, it is recommended to change the default root password post completion of CPS deployment using change_passwd.sh script. For more information, refer to Update Default Credentials section in the CPS Installation Guide for VMware.

Step 3

When prompted for the install type, enter the required type based on your CPS deployment requirements.

Please enter install type [mobile|mog|pats|arbiter|andsf|escef]:

Enter mobile to install Diameter, mog to install MOG module, pats to install PATS, arbiter to install Arbiter, andsf to install ANDSF module or escef to install eSCEF module.

  • For more information on Arbiter installation, refer to Standalone Arbiter Deployment on VMware section in CPS Geographic Redundancy Guide.

  • For more information on MOG/PATS, contact your Cisco Technical Representative.

  • Currently, eSCEF is an EFT product and is for Lab Use Only. This means it is not supported by Cisco TAC and cannot be used in a production network. The features in the EFT are subject to change at the sole discretion of Cisco.

Step 4

When prompted to initialize the environment, enter y.

Would you like to initialize the environment... [y|n]:

Step 5

When prompted for the type of installation, enter 1 (New Deployment).

Please select the type of installation to complete:
1) New Deployment
2) Upgrade to different build within same release (eg: 1.0 build 310 to 1.0 build 311)
   or Offline upgrade from one major release to another (eg: 1.0 to 2.0)
3) In-Service Upgrade from one major release to another (eg: 1.0 to 2.0)
Refer to the CPS Migration and Upgrade Guide for detailed instructions on option 2 and 3.
Step 6

When prompted to change the Cluster Manager default root password, enter the new password.

Need to change the default root password for security reasons..
Changing password for user root.
New password: XXXXX
Retype new password:
Step 7

When install.sh finishes, execute the following command to reinitialize CPS.


reinit.sh executes puppet on AIO and also checks if it is executed successfully.

Step 8

Open Policy Builder and modify the Local Host Name of Diameter Stack to 'localhost'.

Step 9

Save and Publish the configuration.

Step 10

After finishing the installation (or upgrade) process, unmount the ISO image using the following commands. This prevents any “device is busy” errors when a subsequent upgrade/new installation is performed.

cd /root

umount /mnt/iso

If you are not able to unmount the ISO using umount command, then use umount -l.
Step 11

(Optional) After unmounting the ISO, delete the ISO image to free system space.

rm -rf /dev/sr0/xxxx.iso

where, xxxx.iso is the name of the ISO image.

Step 12

(Optional) Change the host name of the Cluster Manager.

  1. Run hostname xxx, where xxx is the new host name for the Cluster Manager. Currently, you can change the hostname to lab only.

  2. Edit /etc/hostname to add the new host name for the Cluster Manager.

  3. After modification of the hostname, restart your system (preferred) or login again to the shell.


    Before executing puppet command, make sure command prompt is displaying the modified hostname.

  4. Execute puppet apply command to apply the appropriate configurations changes to the system:

    puppet apply -v --modulepath "/etc/puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/env_config/modules" --pluginsync /etc/puppet/manifests/init.pp --logdest /var/log/puppet.log

    Manually enter puppet apply command in your system.

What to do next

After completing the steps in this section, refer to Step 4 in Convert the Cluster Manager VM to an All-in-One to continue the AIO conversion.

Configure System Parameters for Deployment


This section applies only for High Availability CPS deployments. For All-in-One deployments, proceed to section Convert the Cluster Manager VM to an All-in-One in this guide.

The following section guides you through the steps needed to properly configure a new installation of CPS. The Deployment Template file is a spreadsheet used for populating deployment parameters.

This file is available on the Cluster Manager VM at the following location:


After entering your parameters into the spreadsheet (as described in the following sections), the information from the spreadsheet is loaded onto the Cluster Manager VM. The Cluster Manager uses the information to configure the other CPS VMs in the cluster.


All alphabet characters used in virtual IPv6 addresses configured in csv files must be in small case letters.

To add values to the corresponding sheets in the template file, refer to the following sections:

Definitions Configuration

The Definitions sheet defines default parameters used by other sheets.

Select the Definitions sheet.

Figure 2. Definitions

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:
Table 1. Definitions Configuration Sheet Parameters




Do not modify this column.

The Diskmode column defines the disk mode for VMware. This is used by the VMSpecification sheet.


The Datastore column defines all the storages in the virtualization environment. It is used by the datastore column in the Hosts sheet. Add an entry here for each datastore in the virtualization environment.

The datastore name must not contain spaces.


Be cautious modifying the values of the column. Add new names only if the number of session manager node names exceed 20, Policy Server (QNS) node names exceed 20. Use the naming convention:

  • For Policy Server (QNS) nodes: qnsxxx

  • For session manager: sessionmgrxx

VMSpecifications Configuration

In a CPS cluster, there are few types of nodes: Policy Director (LB), sessionmgr, Policy Server (QNS), and OAM (PCRFCLIENT). Each VM is assigned with a particular type of node. The following sheet defines the attributes for each type of node:

Select the VMSpecification sheet.

Figure 3. VM Specifications Configuration Sheet

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 2. VMSpecification Configuration Parameters




Do not change the value in this column.

The Role column defines different types of VMs: lb01, lb02, sm, qps, pcrfclient01, pcrfclient02.

Host Name Prefix

The Host Name Prefix is prepended to the Guest Name (the host name of the VM in the Hosts sheet), which is used as the VM name in the ESX server, i.e dc1-sessionmgr01 is the VM name in vCenter and sessionmgr01 is the host name in the VM's Linux OS.


The Memory column is the size of memory needed for the type of the VMs in Megabytes (MB).


The vCPU column is the number of CPU needed for the VM.


The Diskmode is how the Hypervisor should keep the disk of the VM in the storage. See VMware documentation for the meaning of different modes. Our recommendation is to keep it as thin mode unless specific needs arise in your Hypervisor environment.


Reserving Memory on the Virtual Machines (VMs):

To avoid performance impact, CPS reserves all the allocated memory to each CPS virtual machine. It is recommended to allocate 8 GB memory for the Hypervisor. For example, if the total memory allocated on a blade/ESXi host is 48 GB then you should only allocate 40 GB to CPS VMs and keep 8 GB for the Hypervisor.

VLANs Configuration

The VLAN Configuration sheet defines different subnets in the virtual infrastructure.

Select the VLANs sheet.

Figure 4. VLANS Configuration

Contact your Cisco Technical Representative for further information on VLANs.

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 3. VLANs Configuration Parameters




The VLAN Name column defines the name for a particular VLAN. It is recommended to use a name representing the network for certain traffic. For additional networks, add more as needed.

The "Internal" VLAN Name is always needed.

Names must consist only of alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must not start with a number.

Network Target Name

The Network Target Name column is the name of the networks defined in the Hypervisor (VMware), for example the network in vSphere for a blade server.


The Netmask column is the network mask for the network. If the VLAN supports IPv6, the network mask can be IPv6 mask. If the VLAN interface supports both IPV4 and IPv6, add both netmasks in the cell, separated by space.


The Gateway column is the gateway for the network, If the VLAN supports IPv6, the gateway can be IPv6 gateway address. If the VLAN interface supports both IPv4 and IPv6, add both gateways in the cell, separated by space. An example is provided in the table.

VIP Alias

Enter the alias name for the virtual interfaces in Policy Director (lb). The virtual addresses are used to distribute the traffic between two Policy Directors (LBs).

Pcrfclient VIP Alias

Enter the alias name for the virtual interfaces between OAM (PCRFCLIENTS) whenever you want VIP between pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 (for example, lbvip02 is VIP between lb01 and lb02).

This virtual IP is used to support redundancy for arbiter member of replica set.


This field is optional and it supports custom NIC/interface name other than default one i.e. eth0/1/2, which can support SR-IOV enabled interfaces. If guestNic field is empty, it takes the value eth0, eth1, eth2 in order of its appearance.

For more information on bonding configuration, see guestNic.

Table 4. Example


Network Target Name



VIP Alias

Pcrfclient VIP Alias





























This field is optional and it supports custom NIC/interface name other than default one i.e. eth0/1/2, which can support SR-IOV enabled interfaces. If guestNic field is empty, it takes the value eth0, eth1, eth2 in order of its appearance.

The following table provides an example if bond interface is created for management and Gx network:

Table 5. VLANs


Network Target Name



VIP Alias

















In the above example, lbvip01 is created on top of bond03168 and lbvip03 on bond01004.

Hosts Configuration

In this sheet, all the VM/nodes are defined. The deployment uses the information here to deploy the VMs.


The host addresses used in the examples may be different from those in your deployment.

Select the Hosts sheet.

Figure 5. Hosts Configuration

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 6. Hosts Configuration Parameters



Hypervisor Name

The Hypervisor Name column specifies the host names for the blade servers. The names should be routable by the Cluster Manager VM.

Guest Name

The Guest Name column is the host name of the VMs resolvable in the enterprise DNS environment.

Host name is a text string up to 24 characters and can include alphabets, digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.). The first letter of the host name can be either a letter or a digit.

For more information on host names, refer to the following links:




The role defines the type of VM within the CPS cluster.

The Role column is a drop-down entry from a list specified in VMSpecification sheet.

  • lb01, lb02: Policy Director

  • pcrfclient01, pcrfclient02: OAM

  • qps: Policy Server

  • sm: Session Manager


The Alias is the internal host name used by CPS nodes for internal communication, such as qns01.


The Datastore column is the datastore name used by the Hypervisor for the physical storage of the VM. The datastore is a drop-down list from column data in the Definition sheet.

Networks -->

The Networks --> column is a read only column. Do not write anything to it.


The columns following the Networks --> specifies all the IP addresses for the VMs. For each VLAN Name in the VLANS sheet for the VM, a new column should be added for that network.

The title of the column should come from the VLAN name in the VLANS sheet. The content should be the IP address. If the network is IPv6, add IP v6 address. If the interface has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, add both addresses in the cell, separated by space.

The “Internal” network name is reserved and should always be present. The IP address for the internal network can only be either IPv4 or IPv6, but not both.


Use the uncompressed IPv6 address.

For example: 2345:f170:8306:8118:e0:208:0:100


Verify that all VM IP addresses and host names (Guest Name) are configured properly in the Hosts sheet. You cannot modify the IP addresses or host names manually on the VMs (excluding Cluster Manager) after deploying the VMs. Instead, you must correct the IP addresses and host names in the Hosts sheet, then import the file to the Cluster Manager and re-deploy the VMs with the updated IP address or host names.

Additional Hosts Configuration

There are many hosts in the environment that CPS needs to interact with, for example: NTP server, NMS server, etc. The AdditionalHosts sheet contains all these hosts and IP addresses. The host entries are copied to the /etc/hosts file of the Cluster Manager during the deployment.


Each line in the /etc/hosts file must start with an IP Address.

For additional information about /etc/hosts, refer to http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?hosts.

Select the AdditionalHosts sheet.

Figure 6. Additional Hosts

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 7. Additional Hosts Configuration Parameters




The Host column is the arbitrary value that can be added by user as the name of the virtual machines added to the Hypervisor.

Make sure lbvip01, lbvip02 and sslvip01 host values are not changed from their default values. By default, the values for lbvip01, lbvip02 and sslvip01 are lbvip01, lbvip02 and sslvip01 respectively.


The Alias is the internal host name used by CPS nodes for internal communication, such as qns01.

IP Address

IP address of the host.

Currently, IPv6 is supported only for policy director (lb) external interfaces. An example is provided in the Table 2.


For IPv6, use the uncompressed IPv6 address.

For example: 2345:f170:8306:8118:e0:208:0:100

Table 8. Example



IP Address







NTP Configuration

For HA, add a row for each NTP server in the AdditionalHosts sheet. The Alias for the primary has to be ntp and the Alias for the secondary has to be btp. The NTP servers are configured in the /etc/ntp.conf of lb01/lb02.

Configuration based on Diameter Endpoints Interface

If the CPS platform is acting as a Diameter Server and using HAProxy, then you can configure AdditionalHosts and VipProxyConfiguration with interface hostname in the CPS Deployment Configuration Template (Excel Worksheet) based on the following table:

Table 9. Configuration with/without VIP Proxy

Traffic on Interface


Only on LBvips

Configuration can be done using VipProxyConfiguration.csv file or AdditionalHosts.csv file.

  • VipProxyConfiguration.csv

    If using VipProxyconfiguration.csv file, remove diam-int* entries from AdditionalHosts.csv file. Configure all your VIPs in VipProxyConfiguration.csv file. For more information, refer to VIP Proxy Configuration.

  • AdditonalHosts.csv

    Remove VipProxyconfiguration.csv file. All VIPs must be added in AdditionalHosts.csv file. For more information, refer to Diameter Related Configuration.

Only on Policy Director (lb) interface

For example, eth1

All entries should be present in AdditionalHosts.csv file. Remove VipProxyconfiguration.csv file.

On both the interfaces.

For example, eth1 and eth1:1

All entries should be present in AdditionalHosts.csv file. Remove VipProxyconfiguration.csv file.

Diameter Related Configuration

If the CPS platform is acting as a Diameter Server and using HAProxy, then configure the AdditionalHosts tab with interface hostname in the CPS Deployment Configuration Template (Excel Worksheet) using the format and naming standard as described below. For a proper diameter stack configuration, the Policy Builder configuration must match ports defined in this tab (see the mapping table below for the port mapping in the Additional Notes: section).

The Cluster Manager supports the following scenarios for HAProxy Diameter:

  • Single Endpoint:

    All diameter traffic comes into one NIC and same port. This is defined by adding an entry to AdditionalHosts tab of the Excel spreadsheet. The HAProxy binds to port 3868 on the defined IP for each host. Format of the hostname is diam-int1-{hostname}.


    The format of the Hostname is diam-int1-{hostname}, where {hostname} is the guest name of a Policy Director (LB) VM. There will be one {hostname} for each Policy Director (LB) node (lb01, lb02...). Refer to your Hosts.csv file to get the required {hostname} values. An example is provided in the above screen shot.

    For example:

    Table 10. Single Endpoint


    IP Address





    where, XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of diam-int1-lb01 and YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY is the IP address of diam-int1-lb02.

  • Multiple VIP Endpoints:

    Diameter traffic for different interfaces (Gx, Rx and so on) can come into different NICs either on lb01 or lb02. This is defined by adding multiple 'diam-intx-vip' entries to AdditionalHosts tab of the deployment template spreadsheet. The HAProxy binds to port 3868 on the defined VIP on each host (that is, lb01 and lb02). Format of the hostname is diam-intx-vip.


    For each VIP Endpoint, you must add the respective entry in VLANs tab.

    For example,

    Hostname IP Address

    diam-intx-vip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX


    x can have value from 1 to 4.

    and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the VIP address of the respective diameter interface.

    If using VipProxyConfiguration.csv file, no need to configure the diam-int* entries in AdditionalHosts.csv file. Configure all your VIPs in VipProxyConfiguration.csv file. For more information, refer to VIP Proxy Configuration.

  • Multiple Endpoint/Multiple Interfaces:

    Multiple Interface/Endpoints are used when different diameters are coming from different networks and ports to provide more isolation of traffic. Diameter traffic comes into multiple NICs in Load Balancer, but all other traffic comes into the same interface and shares the same port. This is defined by adding multiple entries to AdditionalHosts tab of the Excel spreadsheet. The HAProxy binds to port 3868 on the defined IP for each host. Format of the hostname is diam-int[1-4]-{hostname}.

    For example:

    Table 11. Multiple Endpoint/Multiple Interfaces


    IP Address









    where, AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA is the IP address of diam-int2-lb01 and BBB.BBB.BBB.BBB is the IP address of diam-int2-lb02.

  • Multiple Endpoint/Single Interface/Multiple Ports:

    Diameter traffic comes into Load Balancer via the multiple NIC, and also through different ports such as 3868, 3869,etc. This is defined by adding multiple entries to AdditionalHosts tab of the Excel spreadsheet. The HAProxy binds to port 3868 through 3871 on the defined IP for each host. Format of the hostname is diam-int1-{hostname} for port 3868 and diam-int1-{hostname}-[69|70|71] for ports 3869, 3870 and 3871.

    For example:

    Table 12. Multiple Endpoint/Single Interface/Multiple Ports


    IP Address

















Additional Notes:
The HAProxy configuration that is generated routes the requests to local endpoints in the same Policy Director VM (LB) where the diameter endpoints are anchored. In order to utilize this, the Policy Builder settings for diameter ports must be: 3868 for haproxy server 1, 3878 for haproxy server 2, 3888 for haproxy server 3 and 3898 for haproxy server 4. For example, setting up two stacks on separate VIPs would require setting the two hosts settings: stack 1 to port 3868 and stack 2 to 3878.
diam-int1-lb01(3868) - base port defined in stack as 3868, 3869, 3870
diam-int2-lb01 (3868)- base port defined in stack as 3878, 3879, 3880
diam-int3-lb01(3868) - base port defined in stack as 3888, 3889, 3890
diam-int4-lb01(3868) - base port defined in stack as 3898, 3899, 3900
diam-int1-lb01-69(3869) - base port defined in stack as 3878, 3879, 3880
diam-int1-lb01-70(3870) - base port defined in stack as 3888, 3889, 3890
diam-int1-lb01-71(3871)- base port defined in stack as 3898, 3899, 3900

HAProxy is used to perform least connection load balancing within a VM in CPS implementation and does not load balance across a VM.

In a CPS cluster which is configured with more than 2 Policy Directors (LBs), HAproxy and the VIPs are hosted only on LB01 and LB02. The additional LBs serve only as diameter endpoints to route diameter traffic.

Add Diameter Endpoints

To add diameter endpoints manually, modify the /var/qps/current_config/image-map file as follows.

In CPS 10.0.0 and higher releases, the lb01 and lb02 entries are replaced with a single lb entry, as shown in the following example:


In releases prior to CPS 10.0.0:


General Configuration

The Configuration sheet contains values for ESXi Users and the default CPS users, and some global variables that the puppet scripts use to generate the VMs.

To change the values on this tab, contact your Cisco Technical representative.

For users specified in this Configuration sheet, such as qns-admin, qns-svn, qns-ro, the password entered in the sheet is used. Any changes done manually to the system passwords after deployment would be overwritten by the password in the csv file after upgrade.

Figure 7. General Configuration

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 13. General Configuration Parameters




Hypervisor username. This is the username of a user with root access to the VMware host/blade. If installing CPS to multiple blade servers, it is assumed that the same username and password can be used for all blades.

This parameter is optional1.


Hypervisor Password for Hypervisor User. User can also use special (non-alpha numeric) characters in the password.

This parameter is optional.

To pass special characters in the hv_passwd_0, they need to be replaced with its “% Hex ASCII”. For example, “$” would be “%24” or “hello$world” would be “hello%24world”.


The CPS System user (qns) is the main user set up on the VMs. By default, this is qns.


Encrypted System Password for System User 0. Refer to System Password Encryption to generate an encrypted password.

For High Availability (HA) environments or Geographic Redundancy (GR) environments, the password entered here in the spreadsheet is not used even if you specify one. You must set the password for the user prior to first access by connecting to the Cluster Manager after deployment and running the change_passwd.sh command.


Group for the previous System User.


User group can be qns-svn, qns-ro, qns-su, qns-admin and pwauth.

pwauth group is valid only for qns username and no other username.


The qns-svn system user is the default user that has access to the Policy Builder subversion repository.

Default: qns-svn


By default, the encrypted password for qns-svn is already added in Configuration.csv spreadsheet.

If you want to change the password for qns-svn user after CPS is deployed, you can use change_passwd.sh script. You also need to generate an encrypted password. Refer to System Password Encryption to generate an encrypted password.

The encrypted password must be added in the Configuration.csv spreadsheet. If the encrypted password is not added in the spreadsheet, then after running reinit.sh script, the qns-svn user takes the existing default password from Configuration.csv spreadsheet.





By default, Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) support is disabled.

Cisco recommends not to change this value.


Enables or disables the linux firewall on all VMs (IPtables).

Valid Options: enabled/disabled

Default: enabled (This field is case sensitive)

In AIO deployments, IPtables is disabled by default.


An alternate parameter ‘firewall_disabled’ can be used with true/false options to control the IPtables functionality.

In case the firewall is disabled, mongo authentication functionality for Policy Server (QNS) read-only users is also disabled. When firewall is enabled, mongo authentication functionality for read-only users is enabled by default.


Default: broadhop


Enter true to enable TACACS+ authentication.

For more information related to TACACS+, refer to TACACS+.


Enter the IP address of the TACACS+ server.


Enter the password/secret of the TACACS+ server.


This parameter is used to enable the TACACS+ authentication for Policy Builder and Control Center.

Default value is false.

Possible values are true or false.


This parameter is used to update the /etc/sudoers with CPS entries on cluman.

Default value is false.

Possible values are true or false.


Define the SNMP Network Management Station (NMS) address or hostname by replacing corporate_nms_ip with the hostname or IP address of your NMS.

To add Multiple SNMP NMS destinations, replace corporate_nms_ip with a space separated list of hostnames or IP addresses of your NMS managers. For example:

or 2003:3041::22:22

or nms_main nms_bck

To change the NMS trap receiver port, update nms_managers_list <nms_manager_list:port_num>

For example, nms_managers_list corporate_nms_ip:6100

Any hostnames defined should also be defined in the Additional Hosts tab of the deployment spreadsheet.


By default, a low memory alert is generated when the available memory of any CPS VM drops below 10% of the total memory.

To change the default threshold, enter a new value (0.0-1.0) for the alert threshold. The system generates an alert trap whenever the available memory falls below this percentage of total memory for any given VM. Default: 0.10 (10% free).


Enter a value (0.0-1.0) for the clear threshold. The system generates a low memory clear trap whenever available memory for any given VM is more than 30% of total memory. Default: 0.3 (30% of the total memory).

syslog_managers _list

Entries are space separated tuples consisting of protocol:hostname:port. Currently, only UDP is supported.

Default: 514

For example:



syslog_managers _ports

A comma separated list of port values. This must match values in the syslog_managers_list.

logback_syslog_ daemon_port

Port value for the rsyslog proxy server to listen for incoming connections, used in the rsyslog configuration on the Policy Director (LB) and in the logback.xml on the OAM (PCRFCLIENT).

Default: 6515

logback_syslog_ daemon_addr

IP address value used in the /etc/broadhop/controlcenter/logback.xml on the OAM (PCRFCLIENT).

Default: lbvip02

cpu_usage_alert_ threshold

The following cpu_usage settings are related to the High CPU Usage Alert and High CPU Usage Clear traps that can be generated for CPS VMs. Refer to CPS SNMP and Alarms Guide, Release 9.1.0 and prior releases or CPS SNMP, Alarms and Clearing Procedures Guide, Release 10.0.0 and later releases for more details about these SNMP traps.

Set the higher threshold value for CPU usage. System generates an Alert trap whenever the CPU usage is higher than this value.

cpu_usage_clear_ threshold

Set the lower threshold value for CPU usage. System generates a Clear trap whenever the CPU usage is lower than this value and alert trap already generated.

cpu_usage_trap_ interval_cycle

This value is used as an interval period to execute the CPU usage trap script. The interval value is calculated by multiplying 5 with the given value. For example, if set to 1 then the script is executed every 5 sec.

The default value is 12, which means the script is executed every 60 seconds.


This value is the SNMP trap community string.

Default: broadhop


This value is the SNMP read-only community string.

Default: broadhop


This value is used to configure timeout value.

The default value is 540 sec considering four replica sets. The customer can set timeout value according to the number of replica sets in their network.

To recover single session replica-set, it takes approx 120 sec and adding 20% buffer to it; we are using 540 sec for default (for four replica sets).

Without any latency between sessionmgr VMs, one replica-set recovers in ~135 sec. If latency (40 -100 ms) is present between sessionmgr VMs we can add 10% buffer to 135 sec and set the timeout value for the required number of replica sets in customer’s network.


This value is used to enable/disable the SNMPv3 support on CPS. To disable the SNMPv3 support, set this value to FALSE.

Default: TRUE


User name to be used for SNMPv3 request/response and trap.

Default: cisco_snmpv3


This value is used for SNMPv3 request/response and on which NMS manager can receive the trap. It should be a hex value.

Default: 0x0102030405060708


This value specifies the authentication protocol to be used for SNMPv3. User can use MD5/SHA as the authentication protocol.

Default: SHA


This value specifies the authentication password to be used for SNMPv3 requests. It should have minimum length as 8 characters.

Default: cisco_12345


This value specifies Privacy/Encryption protocol to be used in SNMPv3 request/response and SNMP trap. User can use AES/DES protocol.

Default: AES


This value specifies Privacy/Encryption password to be used in SNMPv3. It is an optional field. If it is blank then value specified in authPass is used as privPass.

Default: <blank>


By default, SCTP support is enabled. For more information about enabling/disabling this functionality, refer to SCTP Configuration.

Default: TRUE


Moving corosync resources (like VIPs) when the connectivity is lost between lb01 or lb02 (or pcrfclient01/02) to hosts configured in this field. So if lb01 cannot connect to sessionmgr01 and sessionmgr02 then corosync resources (like VIPs) are moved from lb01 to lb02.

Example: key = corosync_ping_hosts and Value = sessionmgr01 sessionmgr02


If this field is not defined or value is 0, and when both nodes fail to connect to the configured corosync_ping_hosts, then the resources stay on the last active node. If value is 1, and both nodes fail to connect to configured corosync_ping_hosts, then the resources are not available on any nodes.

A split brain scenario (that is, VIPs are up on both nodes) can still occur when there is connectivity loss between lb01 and lb02 and not with other hosts.


This field is used to enable or disable encryption for rsyslog.

Default: TRUE


This field is used to define the path for trusted Certificate of server.


This field is used to define the Path of certifying authority (CA).

Default: /etc/ssl/cert/quantum.pem


This field is used to define the path of private key.


This field is used to enable or disable the encryption for HAproxy statistics (including diameter statistics).

Default: TRUE



This field is used to enable or disable Redis authentication.

Default: TRUE (For fresh installations)

To enable or disable redis authentication for upgrade and migration, refer to Redis Authentication for Upgrading/Migrating Systems.



This field is used to add an encrypted password for Redis. For more information on about generating encrypted password, refer to Redis Authentication.


This value specifies the number of redis server instances running on each policy director (lb) VM. For more information on redis functionality, refer to Configure Multiple Redis Instances.

Redis can be enabled with the number of instances as defined in redis_server_count. If the value for redis server count is not provided, default value of 3 for redis_server_count is considered.

To disable redis explicitly, redis server count should have value 0.

Default: 3

Value range: 0 to 64


This value can be added for Geographic Redundancy (GR) deployments only.

This value specifies the number of redis server instances running on each remote policy director (lb) VM.

If this value is not configured, remote redis server instances are not added for GR deployments.


This field contains the value of a VLAN name which can be used to access the KPIs value provided by SNMP.

Default: Oam


This parameter is used only when dedicated LDAP instance is required.

Default: false

Possible Values: true, false

If you configure LDAP instance explicitly, first redis instance on policy director (lb) VMs running on port 6379 is used for LDAP and the remaining are used for diameter.


If you configure redis_for_ldap_required parameter, then the following changes are automatically added in configuration files.

In /etc/broadhop/qns.conf file, an additional parameter -DldapRedisQPrefix=ldap is added.

/etc/broadhop/redisTopology.ini file has the following content if redis_for_ldap_required=true and redis_server_count=3:


If a dedicated LDAP instance is required, you many also want to consider increasing the total redis servers to accomodate the diameter traffic.

For example, if redis_for_ldap_required property was not configured, and redis_server_count=3 then after configuring redis_for_ldap_required as true, you want to increase total redis server count to 4 by setting redis_server_count=4.


Specifies the IP address of the ANDSF interface. This is an optional parameter and only used to configure the ANDSF API and URL. 2


Specifies the port number of the ANDSF interface. This is an optional parameter and only used to configure the ANDSF API and URL.3

Default: 443


Specifies the interface name. This value is required when the firewall is enabled.

This is an optional parameter.

Possible Values: eth2, eth3


Enables TLSv1.0 for the Policy Builder interface.

This is an optional parameter.

Default: Disabled

Possible Values: Enabled, Disabled


Defines the minimum TLS version supported by the ANDSF interface.

This is an optional parameter.

Default: 1.1

Possible Values: 1.1, 1.2


Defines the maximum TLS version supported by the ANDSF interface.

This is an optional parameter.

Default: 1.2

Possible Values: 1.1, 1.2


Defines the default TLS version used by the ANDSF interface.

This is an optional parameter.

Default: 1.2

Possible Values: 1.1, 1.2


This parameter allows user to provide interface names on which firewall must be opened for replica-set on a VM.

If database_nics is not configured, firewall is opened only for internal interface for a replica-set.

If database_nics is configured, then firewall is opened for configured interfaces and internal interface as well (even if it is not mentioned in database_nics). This field has semicolon (;) separated interface names for firewall ports to be opened for a replica-set on a VM.

This field is effective only when the firewall is enabled.



This field is used to enable or disable MongoDB authentication.

Possible Values: TRUE, FALSE


You must configure db_authentication_ enabled parameter. This parameter cannot be left empty. To disable the authentication, the parameter value must be set as FALSE. To enable, the value should be TRUE, and admin and readonly passwords must be set. This is applicable only for new installs and not for upgrades.

For more information, refer to MongoDB Authentication.



This parameter is the encrypted password for admin user and is applicable only when db_authentication_enabled is set to TRUE. The following command is used to generate encrypted password from Cluster Manager:

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/encrypt_passwd.sh <Password>

For more information, refer to MongoDB Authentication.



This parameter is the encrypted password for readonly user. The following command is used to generate encrypted password from Cluster Manager:

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/encrypt_passwd.sh <Password>

For more information, refer to MongoDB Authentication.


This parameter allows user to enable or disable SSH login security.

Default: disabled

Possible Values: enabled, disabled


This parameter is used to configure Cluster Manager administrator user.



This parameter is the encrypted password for administrator user.


Valid values are colon separated host names/IP addresses of the machine for which SSH access needs to be allowed.

This configuration is effective only when the SSH login security is enabled.

If the hostname is mentioned then it should be resolvable by CPS VM's. No validation on hostname/IP addresses is provided. You can specify both IPv4/IPv6 address.


New whitelisted host list overwrites the old list. If the new whitelist host configuration is empty then all old additional whitelisted hosts (apart from standard local CPS VM's host ) are deleted.

LDAP SSSD Configuration

For more information, refer to LDAP SSSD Configuration.


This parameter is used to enable/disable Prometheus in CPS.

Default: disabled

Possible Values: enabled, disabled

For more information, refer to Prometheus and Grafana chapter in CPS Operations Guide.


This parameter is used to configure statistics granularity in seconds.

Default: 10 seconds

Possible Values: Positive Number

For more information, refer to Prometheus and Grafana chapter in CPS Operations Guide.


When set to true, the http port on pcrfclient and Cluster Manager VMs listens only on internal guest NIC and loopback interface.

By default, this parameter is not present in Configuration.csv file.

Possible Values: true, false


This parameter is used to enable or disable service log on tmpfs.

Currently, this is supported only on Policy Director (LB), Policy Server (QNS) and UDC VMs.

Default: false

Possible Values: true, false

If this parameter is not configured, then by default, the value is false.


This parameter is used to configure additional processes on OAM (pcrfclient) VMs. Multiple processes need to be semicolon separated. By default, the following processes are monitored:

  • Collectd

  • Qns-* ( all instances of qns-java process)

  • Logstash

  • Httpd

  • Snmpd

  • Carbon-cache

  • Carbon-aggregator

  • Monit


This parameter is used to configure additional processes on Policy Director (LB) VMs. Multiple processes need to be semicolon separated. By default, the following processes are monitored:

  • Collectd

  • Qns-* ( all instances of qns java processes)

  • Snmpd

  • Snmptrapd

  • Corosync

  • Redis-* ( all instances of redis processes)

  • Haproxy

  • Haproxy-diameter

  • Memcached

  • zing-licensem

  • zing-licensed


This parameter is used to configure additional processes on Policy Server (QNS) VMs. Multiple processes need to be semicolon separated. By default, the following processes are monitored:

  • Collectd

  • Qns-* ( all instances of qns-java process)

  • Monit

  • zing-licensem

  • zing-licensed


This parameter is used to configure additional processes on sessionmgr VMs. Multiple processes need to be semicolon separated. By default, the following processes are monitored:

  • Collectd

  • Memcached

  • All SM replica-set members mongodb processes


This parameter is used to configure additional processes on UDC VMs. Multiple processes need to be semicolon separated. By default, the following processes are monitored:

  • Collectd

  • Qns-* ( all instances of qns-java process)


This parameter is used to configure additional processes on LWR VMs. Multiple processes need to be semicolon separated. By default, the following processes are monitored:

  • Collectd

  • monit


1 or undefined: CPS java processes are run by Zulu on Policy Server (QNS), Policy Director (LB), and UDC VMs.

2: CPS java processes are run by Zing on Policy Server (QNS), Policy Director (LB), and UDC VMs.

By default (1), CPS java process is run by Zulu on Policy Server (QNS), Policy Director (LB), and UDC VMs.


Minimum memory requirement for Zing:

  • For Policy Server (QNS), UDC: 16 GB

  • For Policy Director (LB): 32 GB

If minimum memory requirement is not met, java processes are run by Zulu irrespective of performance mode defined.


Zing is only supported on Policy Server (QNS), Policy Director (LB), UDC, and LWR VMs. It is not supported on pcrfclient and session manager VMs.


This parameter is used to enable or disable the GC alarm.

Default: false

Possible Values: true, false



This parameter is used to configure the value of continous GCs after which the GC alarm is generated from the system.

Default: 3



This parameter is used to indicate the interval under which the gc_alarm_trigger_count occurs to generate the GC alarm.

Default: 600 (10 mins)



This parameter is used to indicate the interval under which the there is no GC event and GC clear notofication is generated.

Default: 900 (15 mins)



This parameter is used to enable or disable the Old generation alarm.

Default: false

Possible Values: true, false



This parameter is used to indicate the threshold in percentage for Old Generation post GC event to generate the Old Generation alarms.

Default: 50



This parameter is used to indicate the threshold in percentage for Old Generation post GC event to generate the Old Generation clear notification.

Default: 40



This parameter is used to indicate the number of continuous GC events under which the Old generation value is more than oldgen_alarm_trigger_thr_per to generate the Old generation alarm.

Default: 2


This parameter is used to store and forward the alarms based on NMS availability.

Default: false

Possible Values: true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False

alarm_resync_enabled should start at the first characer in the line and there must be no additional characters after true/false.


When NMS comes up, it takes almost 5 mins for system to start sending the stored alarms to NMS. In between if any alarm gets generated by the system, it is sent to NMS. So there is possibility that NMS may receive latest alarms first and all the older alarms later. This happens only when NMS is unreachable and comes back to rechable state.

  • Multiple NMSs are configured: If few NMS servers are down, then the alarm resync feature will not store the alarms to be sent to NMS.

  • Multiple NMSs are configured: If all NMS servers are down, then the alarm resync feature stores the alarms in Admin database and sends them to NMS when it is reachable.

  • Single NMS is configured: If NMS server is down, then the alarm resync feature stores the alarms in Admin database and sends them to NMS when it is reachable.

  • Single NMS is configured: If NMS server is up, then the alarm resync feature does not not store the alarms but just forwards the alarms to NMS.


autoheal_qns_enabled parameter helps app_monitor.sh script (application monitor script) to take the decision to restart the QNS process or not.

  • FALSE: To disable the restart QNS process in case of the MongoDB health monitor failed to reset the MongoDB client connection.

  • TRUE: To enable the restart QNS process in case of the MongoDB health monitor failed to reset the MongoDB client connection.

For installing platform script, see Installing Platform Scripts for MongoDB Health Monitoring - VMware.


In CPS 11.0.0 and later releases, these two parameters (hv_user_0 and hv_password_0) are optional in /var/qps/config/deploy/csv/Configuration.csv file and the user is prompted for the parameters at runtime while executing deploy_all.py and deploy.sh scripts if not configured in Configuration.csv file. Now during installation on VMware, hypervisor password is not displayed on terminal by any scripts. Also, hypervisor password is not logged into any of the log files.

  • If andsf_ip and andsf_port are configured, URL for the ANDSF API is https://<andsf_ip>:<andsf_port>/qps/rest/andsf.

  • If ANDSF VLAN (/var/qps/config/deploy/csv/VLANs.csv) and VIP (/var/qps/config/deploy/csv/AdditionalHosts.csv) are configured, URL for the ANDSF API is https://andsfvip:443/qps/rest/andsf.

  • If no parameter is configured, default URL for the ANDSF API is https://lbvip01:443/qps/rest/andsf.

  • If andsf_ip and andsf_port are configured, URL for the ANDSF API is https://<andsf_ip>:<andsf_port>/qps/rest/andsf.

  • If ANDSF VLAN (/var/qps/config/deploy/csv/VLANs.csv) and VIP (/var/qps/config/deploy/csv/AdditionalHosts.csv) are configured, URL for the ANDSF API is https://andsfvip:443/qps/rest/andsf.

  • If no parameter is configured, default URL for the ANDSF API is https://lbvip01:443/qps/rest/andsf.

System Password Encryption

grub-crypt is not available on CentOS 7.4. Use the following steps to generate a password hash:


In CPS 18.2.0 and later release, password encryption method has changed. Update your old YAML files with new encrypted passwords.

  1. Execute python on command prompt to login to python shell.

     Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Aug 18 2016, 15:13:37) 
     [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17)] on linux2
     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  2. Import crypt and generate random salt by executing the following command on python prompt:

    import crypt
  3. Generate hash key for password by executing the following command:

    print crypt.crypt("<password_sting>", salt)

    After this, the system encrypts the password and print encrypted string for further use.


    print crypt.crypt("password", salt)

Redis Authentication


All access to Redis Server from application would require password after the server is enabled with authentication. Application reads the encrypted password from environment variable, decrypts it and uses it to connect to Redis Server.

The following sections provide information about redis password encryption and authentication for fresh or an existing installation setups:

Password Encryption

Run the following command to generate an encrypted password:

/var/qps/bin/support/redis/encrypt_passwd.sh <XXXXX>

where, <XXXXX> is the plain text password for Redis.

Run import_deploy.sh script.

/var/qps/install/current/scripts/import/import_deploy.sh creates a readonly file called .redis with encrypted password under home folder of the user based on the redis_authentication_enabled and redis_authentication _passwd parameter values.

Redis Authentication

For fresh installations, redis authentication must be enabled by configuring redis_authentication_enabled and redis_authentication_passwd parameters in Configuration.csv file.

Installation fails if redis_authentication_enabled field is not present in Configuration.csv file. If you want to disable Redis Authentication by default, then redis_authentication_enabled must be set to FALSE.


A readonly file .redis is not created under home folder of the user when redis_authentication_enabled is set to FALSE.

A readonly file .redis is created under home folder of the user when redis_authentication_enabled is set to TRUE.

Enable or Disable Redis Authentication on an Existing System


Enabling or disabling Redis authentication on an existing system requires application downtime.

/var/qps/bin/support/redis/redis_auth_upgrade.sh command must be used to enable or disable Redis authentication on an existing system.

Valid arguments are not provided to the script
redis_auth_upgrade.sh <OPTION> <PASSWORD>
  -e / --enable                        Enable Redis Password Authentication
  -d / --disable   <password>          Disable Redis Password Authentication
  -c / --chpass    <password>          Change Redis Password
  -h / --help                          Display this help and exit
  <password>       Existing plaintext password

Enable Redis Authentication: Here is an example configuration:

/var/qps/bin/support/redis/redis_auth_upgrade.sh -e

Enabling Redis Authentication...
Reading password file...
Enabling Redis Authentication on lb01:6379
Enabling Redis Authentication on lb01:6380
Enabling Redis Authentication on lb01:6381
Enabling Redis Authentication on lb02:6379
Enabling Redis Authentication on lb02:6380
Enabling Redis Authentication on lb02:6381

Disable Redis Authentication: Here is an example configuration:

/var/qps/bin/support/redis/redis_auth_upgrade.sh -d cisco123
Disabling Redis Authentication...
Disabling Redis Authentication on lb01:6379
Disabling Redis Authentication on lb01:6380
Disabling Redis Authentication on lb01:6381
Disabling Redis Authentication on lb02:6379
Disabling Redis Authentication on lb02:6380
Disabling Redis Authentication on lb02:6381
Redis Authentication for Upgrading/Migrating Systems


Enabling or disabling Redis authentication for upgraded or migrated systems require application downtime.

Change Redis User Password
  1. Modify password in Configuration.csv file.

  2. Update configuration file using import_deploy.sh and reinit.sh scripts.

  3. Run redis_auth_upgrade.sh script to change the password and provide the old plain text password.

    /var/qps/bin/support/redis/redis_auth_upgrade.sh -c <old_plaintext_password>
  4. Restart all the java processes.

Disable Redis Authentication
  1. Modify redis authentication in Configuration.csv file.

  2. Update configuration file using import_deploy.sh and reinit.sh scripts.

  3. Run redis_auth_upgrade.sh script to disable authentication and provide the plain text password.

    /var/qps/bin/support/redis/redis_auth_upgrade.sh -d <plaintext_password>
  4. Restart all the java processes.

Enable Redis Authentication
  1. Modify redis authentication in Configuration.csv file.

  2. Update configuration file using import_deploy.sh and reinit.sh scripts.

  3. Run redis_auth_upgrade.sh script to enable authentication and provide the plain text password.

    /var/qps/bin/support/redis/redis_auth_upgrade.sh -e <plaintext_password>
  4. Restart all the java processes.

SCTP Configuration

CPS also support Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). By default, SCTP support is enabled.

To disable or enable SCTP on an existing deployment:


Step 1

Update the field sctp_enabled to FALSE or TRUE in /var/qps/config/deploy/csv/Configuration.csv file with the following information:




Step 2

Import the new configuration by executing the following command:

Step 3

For an existing deployed lb0X VM, after changing sctp_enabled (such as, TRUE to FALSE or FALSE to TRUE), re-initialize lb0X VM by executing the following command:

ssh lb0X /etc/init.d/vm-init-client


If setting it from TRUE to FALSE, then restart the VM for the changes to take effect.

MongoDB Authentication

For upgrades/migration, /var/qps/install/current/scripts/import/import_deploy.sh updates dbPassword parameter in /etc/broadhop/qns.conf file based on db_authentication_enabled and db_authentication_admin_passwd fields. It also creates <user-home-directory>/.dbadmin and <user-home-directory>/.dbreadonly files, which stores the encrypted password for admin and readonly users respectively.

  • <user-home-directory>/.dbadmin file is created for root, qns, qns-su and qns-admin users.

  • <user-home-directory>/.dbreadonly file is created for root, qns, qns-su, qns-admin and qns-ro users.

Use Cases
  • Disable authentication (Fresh install):


    Output: dbPassword field is not present in /etc/broadhop/qns.conf file and there is no <user-home-directory>/.dbadmin and <user-home-directory>/.dbreadonly files.

  • Enable authentication (Fresh install):


    Output: dbPassword field is added in /etc/broadhop/qns.conf file and <user-home-directory>/.dbadmin and <user-home-directory>/.dbreadonly files are created for users with permission 400 set to (read only to that user).

  • Enabling or disabling authentication on an existing system:

    This requires database and application downtime, use the following script to do that:

    Example of /var/qps/install/current/scripts/modules/mongo_auth_upgrade.py: 
    INFO     ===== mongo upgrade =====
    INFO     Parsing Mongo Config file
    INFO     Mongo authentication is enabled on this system
    INFO     Following replica sets need to enable authentication: ['set01', 'set02']
    Do you want to enable mongo auth on these sets? (y/n):
MongoDB Authentication Process
  • Change MongoDB user password (CPS downtime is involved):

    • Modify password in Configuration.csv file.

    • After modifying the password, update the configuration using /var/qps/install/current/scripts/import/import_deploy.sh and /var/qps/install/current/scripts/upgrade/reinit.sh scripts.

    • Execute change password script (/var/qps/install/current/scripts/modules/mongo_change_password.py) and enter the old password.


      /var/qps/install/current/scripts/modules/mongo_change_password.py <old password>

    • Restart all the JAVA processes.

  • Disable MongoDB authentication (CPS downtime is involved):

    • Modify MongoDB authentication configuration in Configuration.csv file.

    • Update the configuration using /var/qps/install/current/scripts/import/import_deploy.sh and /var/qps/install/current/scripts/upgrade/reinit.sh scripts.

    • Execute disable MongoDB authentication script: /var/qps/install/current/scripts/modules/mongo_auth_upgrade.py

    • Restart all the JAVA processes on sites.

  • Enable MongoDB authentication (CPS downtime is involved).

    • Modify MongoDB authentication configuration in Configuration.csv file.


      where, XXXX and YYYY are encrypted passwords.

    • Update the configuration using /var/qps/install/current/scripts/import/import_deploy.sh and /var/qps/install/current/scripts/upgrade/reinit.sh scripts.

    • Execute enable MongoDB authentication script: /var/qps/install/current/scripts/modules/mongo_auth_upgrade.py

    • Restart all the JAVA processes on sites.

LDAP SSSD Configuration


For LDAP SSSD routable IP is required. LDAP server must be accessible from CPS VMs (LDAP client).

For information on Policy Builder and Grafana configuration, refer to LDAP SSSD section in CPS Operations Guide.


Add the LDAP server IP address and server name in AdditionalHost.csv file. For more information, refer to Additional Hosts Configuration.

HA Setup

For LDAP SSSD configuration, the following parameters can be configured in Configuration.csv sheet:


Change the parameter values as per your deployment.

Table 14. LDAP SSSD Parameters




When set to true, it installs the LDAP SSSD on all CPS VMs.

When set to false, it install the LDAP SSSD only on pcrfclient/policy directors (lb) VMs.


true or false must be in small case.


When set to true, applies the SSSD configuration as per input provided by user.

When set to false, use the default configuration.


true or false must be in small case.


Contains server IP:port to configure LDAP.

Format: ldaps://<serverip>:<port>


This is required for SSSD configuration. The default base DN to use for performing LDAP user operations.

Format: ou=users,dc=cisco,dc=com


The default bind DN to use for performing LDAP operations.

Format: uid=admin,ou=system


The authentication token for the default bind DN. Currently, only clear text passwords are supported.

For example, secret


The default LDAP user to be configured in LDAP server.

For example, admin


The default LDAP user OU.

For example, users


The default LDAP group user OU.

For example, groups


The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the group name.

For example, Admin


This is a user group which has the editor access to Grafana.

For example, User


This is a single entity of all domains.

Format: dc=cisco,dc=com

Here is an example configuration:


Run /var/qps/install/current/scripts/bin/support/enable_ldap clustermgr to install the LDAP SSSD configuration on Cluster Manager.

Run puppet apply --logdest /var/log/cluman/puppet-run.log --modulepath=/opt/cluman/puppet/modules --config /opt/cluman/puppet/puppet.conf /opt/cluman/puppet/nodes/node_repo.pp from Cluster Manager to update the puppet.


Manually enter puppet apply command in your system.

Arbiter Setup

You need to create ldapconf file to add the required parameters to configure LDAP SSSD.

Here is an example configuration:

# /var/qps/config/deploy/ldapconf 

Run /var/qps/install/current/scripts/bin/support/enable_ldap clustermgr to install the LDAP SSSD configuration on arbiter.

Run puppet apply --logdest /var/log/cluman/puppet-run.log --modulepath=/opt/cluman/puppet/modules --config /opt/cluman/puppet/puppet.conf /opt/cluman/puppet/nodes/node_repo.pp from Cluster Manager to update the puppet.


Manually enter puppet apply command in your system.

LDAP SSSD Certificate Authentication

LDAP certificate needs to copied to /etc/openldap/certs/on all VMs.

After copying the certificate, run the following commands on pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02:


LDAP certificate must be provided by the customer.

export CLASSPATH=/usr/java/default/bin
keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ldap_l -file /etc/openldap/certs/ldap_local.cer -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-8/jre/lib/security/cacerts

This prompts for the password and the keytool password is "changeit".

Once the certificate authentication is complete, /var/broadhop/scripts/update-uaf.sh script runs every hour in crontab. This updates the user information in the /var/www/svn/users-access-file file on pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02.

After pcrfclient VM is rebooted/re-deployed or vm-init script is executed, check whether the class path (CLASSPATH=/usr/java/default/bin) has been set on pcrfclient01 and pcrflcient02 by running echo $CLASSPATH command.

Also check whether the certificate (/etc/openldap/certs/ldap_local.cer) is present or not, run ls - l command.

If the class path or certificate path is missing, run the following commands:

export CLASSPATH=/usr/java/default/bin
keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ldap_l -file /etc/openldap/certs/ldap_local.cer -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-8/jre/lib/security/cacerts


After installing LDAP SSSD on all VMs if you want to remove from LDAP SSSD from policy server (qns) and sessionmgr, then you need to run reinit.sh script twice or run /etc/init.d/vm-init on individual policy servers (qns) and sessionmgr VMs.

Upgrade Consideration

After upgrading, LDAP SSSD configuration is installed on default VM (pcrfclient/lb) and not on all VMs. You need to configure LDAP SSSD on all the other VMs.

Once LDAP SSSD configuration is complete, you need to authenticate the LDAP certificate. For more information, refer to LDAP SSSD Certificate Authentication.


If upgrading from a lower version and do not want the LDAP SSSD package, modify the LDAP parameters as follows in Configuration.csv:


After the modification, run import_deploy.sh so that LDAP SSSD is not installed by default.

  • Monitor the following important log files to debug grafana and httpd service:

    • /var/log/messages

    • /var/log/secure

    • /var/log/audit/audit.log

    • /var/log/sssd/*.log

    • /var/log/grafana/grafana.log, /var/log/httpd/*.log

    • /var/log/broadhop/scripts/ldap*.log

  • Restart the httpd service and grafana-server in case grafana status is Not Running in monit summary after configuring LDAP SSSD.

  • If any error is found for HA deployments after configuring LDAP SSSD, restart the http/grafana-server.

  • If LDAP SSSD user information is not automatically added in /var/www/svn/users-access-file on pcrfclient01/02, then check /var/log/broadhop/scripts/ldap*.log for error information.

VIP Proxy Configuration

This file is used to specify the listen port for each VIP in HAProxy diameter configuration and the port range for the backend diameter endpoints to which the requests are load balanced. Values in this file are used to generate the HAProxy diameter configuration (/etc/haproxy/haproxy-diameter.cfg file) on Policy Director 01/02 VMs. Here is an example:

Figure 8. VipProxyConfiguration.csv

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 15. VIP Proxy Configuration Parameters



VIP Alias

Name of the VIP supporting multiple diameter endpoints.

Listen Port

Front facing diameter endpoint port in HAProxy configuration.

Port Range

List of backend ports for each front end port in HAProxy configuration.

The following restriction applies to the haproxy-diameter.cfg file for all the installation types:

  • You should not use the following list of VIP Aliases in VipProxyConfiguration.csv file. The VIP aliases in AdditionalHosts.csv invokes the legacy method of haproxy-diameter configuration. Hence, Cisco does not recommend the use of legacy VIP aliases listed below:

    diam_int1, diam_int1_vip, diam_int2, diam_int1_69, diam_int2_vip, diam_int1_69_vip, diam_int3, diam_int3_vip, diam_int1_70_vip, diam_int4, diam_int4_vip, diam_int1_71_vip

Secure Configuration

The SecureConfig sheet defines the Transport Layer Security (TLS) related configuration for secure services in CPS.

Select the SecureConfig sheet.

Figure 9. Secure Configuration Sheet

The following parameters can be configured in this sheet:

Table 16. Secure Configuration Sheet Parameters



Possible Values

Default Value


Enables TLSv1.1 for the Policy Builder interface.





Enables TLSv1.1 for the Control Center interface.





Enables TLSv1.1 for the Unified API interface.





Enables TLSv1.1 for the Grafana interface.





Defines the minimum TLS version supported by the Policy Builder interface.





Defines the maximum TLS version supported by the Policy Builder interface.





Defines the minimum TLS version supported by the Control Center interface.





Defines the maximum TLS version supported by the Control Center interface.





Defines the minimum TLS version supported by the Unified API interface.





Defines the maximum TLS version supported by the Unified API interface.





Defines the minimum TLS version supported by the Grafana interface.





Defines the maximum TLS version supported by the Grafana interface.





Defines the default TLS version to use for Grafana.





Defines the Default TLS version to use for Policy Builder.





Defines the default TLS version to use for Control Center.





Defines the default TLS version to use for Unified API.





  • From CPS 19.1.0 release, TLSv1.1 is deprecated. By default, TLSv1.2 is supported.

    If you want to use TLSv1.1, it needs to enabled in Secureconfig.csv file.

  • All the configuration changes are applied on the HAProxy server during vm-init on all Load Balancer VMs.

  • For configuration parameters that are not defined in the SecureConfig.csv file, its logical default value is considered.

  • If you enter a wrong value for any parameter, that value is discarded and the default value for that parameter is used. The Puppet log file displays a warning message.

DSCP Configuration

You can configure DSCP bits using DSCP class or DSCP value on the following for IPv4 and/or IPv6:

  • Out-interface

  • Protocol

  • Destination IP

  • Destination Port

DSCPConfig.csv format is: Role,IP Family,Out Interface,Protocol,Destination IP,Destination Port,SourcePort,DSCP Class,DSCP Value

Table 17. DSCP Configuration




This parameter is used to specify the VM type.

Valid values are: lb, pcrfclient, qns, sessionmgr, udc.

IP Family

This parameter is used to specify ipv4 or ipv6 address. If no parameter is configured, then the value ipv4 and ipv6 are used.

Out Interface

This parameter is used to specify the interface name i.e., eth0/eth1. If no parameter is configured, then DSCP marking is applied to any interface.


This parameter is used to specify tcp/udp and so on. If no parameter is configured, then DSCP marking is applied to any protocol.

Destination IP

This parameter is used to specify destination IP.

Destination Port

This parameter is used to specify destination port.

Source Port

This parameter is used to specify source port.

DSCP Class

This parameter is used to specify DSCP class. Supported values are: af11, af12, af13, af21, af22, af23, af31, af32, af33, af41, af42, af43, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7, ef

DSCP Value

This parameter is used to specify DSCP value.

DSCPConfig.csv file location: /var/qps/config/deploy/csv/DSCPConfig.csv


VM Role,IP Family,Out Interface,Protocol,Destination IP,Destination Port,Source Port,DSCP Class,DSCP Value


Iptables output:

pkts bytes target prot opt in out  source    destination         
2545K 403M DSCP   udp  --  *  eth0 multiport dports 5405 /* 100 IPv4 DSCP rules outInterface=eth0 protocol=udp destPort=5405 class=af21 */ DSCP set 0x12

Ip6tables output:

pkts bytes target     prot opt in out   source   destination         
0    0     DSCP       udp      *  eth0  ::/0      ::/0 multiport dports 5405 /* 100 IPv6 DSCP rules outInterface=eth0 protocol=udp destPort=5405 class=af21 */ DSCP set 0x12

Critical File Monitoring Configuration

You can configure the critical file names to be monitored for write, execute or any other attribute changes.


Critical Files configuration is specific to Cluster Manager. If you are using Geographic Redundancy configuration, then you need to do the configuration across all the Cluster Managers.

CriticalFiles.csv format is: File To Be Monitored,Action To Be Monitored

Table 18. Critical Files Configuration



File To Be Monitored

File name with absolute path of the file that needs to be monitored.

Action To Be Monitored

Action for file that needs to be monitored. Supported options are:

  • w –write

  • x - execute

  • a – attribute changes


File monitoring for read operation is not supported.

CriticalFiles.csv file location: /var/qps/config/deploy/csv/CriticalFiles.csv

Rules configured in CriticalFiles.csv are added in #BEGIN_CPS_AUDIT_RULES and #END_CPS_AUDIT_RULES block in /etc/audit/rules.d/audit.rules file on Cluster Manager VM.

Sample output of AUDIT block in audit.rules:

-w /etc/hosts -p wxa -k watch_critical_files
-w /etc/broadhop.profile -p wxa -k watch_critical_files


Do not modify the rules in #BEGIN_CPS_AUDIT_RULES and #END_CPS_AUDIT_RULES block manually. Any modification done in this block is overwritten every time you execute /var/qps/install/current/scripts/bin/support/update_audit_conf.py script.

You can add the custom rules in /etc/audit/rules.d/audit.rules file outside of the #BEGIN_CPS_AUDIT_RULES and #END_CPS_AUDIT_RULE block but notification (SNMP trap) is not sent for the rules.

SNMP alarm with version v2c or v3 is generated based on SNMP confirmation done in Configuration.csv file. There is no clear alarm.

Audit daemon logs all the audit events occurred in /var/log/audit/audit.log file with no delay.

/var/qps/install/current/scripts/bin/support/snmp-traps/vm-traps/gen-crit-file-mod-traps.py script monitors audit.log file for any file modification event since last execution of script and send traps for all the events occurred during this time.

gen-crit-file-mod-traps.py scripts last execution time is stored in /var/tmp/lastGenCritFileModExeTime. If the file does not contain any entry for last execution or the file is not present, then trap for events occurred during last 60 seconds is sent.

You can execute the following command to validate particular audit logs:

ausearch -i -k watch_critical_files

Sample Output:

type=PROCTITLE msg=audit(08/26/2018 18:53:56.834:250) : proctitle=vim /etc/hosts
type=PATH msg=audit(08/26/2018 18:53:56.834:250) : item=1 name=/etc/hosts inode=5245468
dev=08:02 mode=file,644 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 objtype=CREATE
type=PATH msg=audit(08/26/2018 18:53:56.834:250) : item=0 name=/etc/ inode=5242881 dev=08:02
mode=dir,755 ouid=root ogid=root rdev=00:00 objtype=PARENT
type=CWD msg=audit(08/26/2018 18:53:56.834:250) : cwd=/root/modified_iso
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(08/26/2018 18:53:56.834:250) : arch=x86_64 syscall=open success=yes
exit=3 a0=0x1c74390 a1=O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC a2=0644 a3=0x0 items=2 ppid=18335 pid=13946
auid=root uid=root gid=root euid=root suid=root fsuid=root egid=root sgid=root fsgid=root
tty=pts0 ses=9 comm=vim exe=/usr/bin/vim key=watch_critical_files

Finish and Save

After entering your deployment information, save the Deployment Template file in Excel format.

Import the Excel Information into the Cluster Manager VM

The settings in the excel sheet must be converted to a csv file and imported into CPS.

Save the csv Files

Click the Convert to CSV button on the VMSpecification sheet.

Figure 10. Convert To CSV

The Convert to CSV button exports each individual sheet into a separate CSV file in a new folder (csv_files) where the source file is located. Each csv file is named as the sheet name. Make sure the Host names, Alias, datastore, network names are all correct and created in VMware. Any mismatch of the attribute can cause the deployment to fail and restart the deployment process.


It is strongly recommended to go through this list with Cisco AS and Virtualization system administrator, network administrator to make sure all the settings are correct.

The following list of csv files are generated:

  • VMSpecification.csv

  • Hosts.csv

  • VLANs.csv

  • AdditionalHosts.csv

  • Configuration.csv

  • Definitions.csv

  • VipProxyConfiguration.csv

  • SecureConfig.csv

  • DSCPConfig.csv

  • CriticalFiles.csv

Verify that the generated csv files are separated with commas. If needed, modify the regional settings. For reference, see the following image.

Figure 11. Regional Settings

Copy the csv Files into Cluster Manager VM

Use a tool such as Secure Copy (scp) to copy all the csv files to the Cluster Manager VM to the following directory:


Import the csv Files into the Cluster Manager VM

Execute the following command to import csv files into the Cluster Manager VM:


This script converts the data to JSON format and outputs it to /var/qps/config/deploy/json/.

Validate Imported Data

Execute the following command to validate the imported data:

cd /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/support/

python jvalidate.py

This script validates the parameters against the ESX servers to make sure ESX server can support the configuration and deploy the VMs.

Continue with Customize Features in the Deployment.

Customize Features in the Deployment

Certain deployments require additional features to be installed. To add or remove features, perform the following steps on Cluster Manager VM:


Step 1

Determine which features are needed with the assistance of your Cisco Technical Representative.

Step 2

If this is HA environment, edit the corresponding features files in Cluster Manager VM:

Modify the features file for the corresponding server types. Here are some examples:

# The server and infrastructure features do not need to be specified.
# IO Manager Features
# IO Manager Features

In releases prior to CPS 10.0.0, there are two separate iomanager directories, iomanager01 and iomanager02. For these older releases, changes to the iomanager features files must be populated in both directories:




# The server and infrastructure features do not need to be specified.
# PCRF Features

If VMs are already deployed, after modifying the feature files, execute the following commands:



What to do next

To enable the feature Disable Root SSH Login, check whether there exists a user with uid 1000 on Cluster Manager.

Use the following command to check there exists a user with uid 1000:

cat /etc/passwd | grep x:1000

If a user with uid 1000 exists on the Cluster Manager, change the uid on the Cluster Manager by executing the following command:

usermod -u <new-uid> <user-name-with-uid-as-1000>

This is done because the feature Disable Root SSH Login creates a user with uid 1000.

Feature Installation

By default, ANDSF functionality is not enabled in CPS deployments. You must perform the following steps to manually add the ANDSF features.

To verify whether the ANDSF features is enabled, from the Cluster Manager VM, execute the following command:


For ANDSF, if com.broadhop.client.feature.andsf is included in the output, the ANDSF feature is enabled.

LDAP Feature Installation

Enable LDAP on HA Deployment

To enable the LDAP feature on an High Availability (HA) deployment:


Step 1

Edit the features files in Cluster Manager VM:

In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pb/features file, add the following line:


In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pcrf/features file, add the following line:


In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/iomanager0X/features file, add the following line:


Step 2

After modifying the feature files, execute the following commands from Cluster Manager:



Enable LDAP on AIO Deployment

To enable the LDAP feature on an All-In-One (AIO) deployment:


Step 1

Edit the features files in Cluster Manager VM:

In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pb/features file, add the following line:


In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pcrf/features file, add the following line:


Step 2

After modifying the feature files, execute the following commands:




reinit.sh executes puppet on AIO and also checks if it is executed successfully.


restartall.sh process will prompt for either Y/N to restart process. Enter Y to restart the process.


Executing restartall.sh will cause messages to be dropped.

Subscriber Lookup Feature Installation

Enable Subscriber Lookup on HA Deployment

To enable the Subscriber Lookup feature on an High Availability (HA) deployment:


Step 1

Edit the features files in Cluster Manager VM:

In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pb/features file, add the following line:


In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pcrf/features file, add the following line:


In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/iomanager0X/features file, add the following line:


Step 2

After modifying the feature files, execute the following commands from Cluster Manager:



Enable Subscriber Lookup on AIO Deployment

To enable the Subscriber Lookup feature on an All-In-One (AIO) deployment:


Step 1

Edit the features files in Cluster Manager VM:

In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pb/features file, add the following line:


In the /var/qps/current_config/etc/broadhop/pcrf/features file, add the following line:



Step 2

After modifying the feature files, execute the following commands:




reinit.sh executes puppet on AIO and also checks if it is executed successfully.


restartall.sh process will prompt for either Y/N to restart process. Enter Y to restart the process.


Executing restartall.sh will cause messages to be dropped.

License Generation and Installation

License Generation

For HA or GR systems, contact your Cisco Technical support representative to generate a license. You must provide the MAC addresses and hostnames for your pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 VMs.


Cisco Smart Licensing is supported for CPS 10.0.0 and later releases. For information about what Smart Licensing is and how to enable it for CPS, refer to the CPS Operations Guide.


Step 1

To generate a unique MAC address, execute the following command on the Cluster Manager once for pcrfclient01 and again for pcrfclient02:

python /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/support/genmac.py

The MAC address generated by this script is applied to pcrfclient01/02.


For the pcrfclient01/pcrfclient02 VMs, the eth0 MAC address reported in the VMware Virtual Machine properties may not match what is listed in the VM’s when executing the ifconfig -a | grep HW command output. This mismatch can be ignored. Use the MAC address displayed by ifconfig -a | grep HW command.

Step 2

To get the hostname, refer to the Hosts.csv file, and use the Guest Name that corresponds to pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 roles.

Step 3

Submit this information to your Cisco Technical support representative. After you receive the license, continue with License Installation.

License Installation

The following section describes:

  • How to install the license files prior to deploying all CPS VMs, as described in the Deploy the VMs.

  • The steps you perform to preserve the license files during CPS upgrade to the current release.

To install the licenses:


Step 1

Copy the license files you received to the Cluster Manager VM.

Step 2

Create pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 directories in the Cluster Manager VM in /etc/broadhop/license/.

mkdir -p /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient01

mkdir -p /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02

Step 3

Copy the pcrfclient01 license to the /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient01 directory, and the pcrfclient02 license to the /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02 directory on the Cluster Manager VM:

cp <filename1> /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient01

cp <filename2> /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02


<filename1> is the license filename generated for pcrfclient01.

<filename2> is the license filename generated for pcrfclient02.

Step 4

If you are performing an upgrade of the system from an earlier version to the current release:

  • Copy the existing pcrfclient02 license file from the pcrfclient02 VM (found in /etc/broadhop/license) to the /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02 directory on the Cluster Manager VM.

  • During an upgrade, the license on pcrfclient01 is automatically retrieved and re-installed. Do not manually copy or move this license to the /etc/broadhop/prcfclient01 directory on the Cluster Manager VM.


As a best practice, make a backup of your existing pcrfclient01 license under /etc/broadhop/license on the Cluster Manager VM.

Step 5

Create a features.properties file in the /etc/broadhop/license directory on the Cluster Manager with the following content from the license file. For example:


The content of this file is based on the contents of the license file and your deployment.
Step 6

Execute the following command to rebuild the /etc/broadhop/license directory in the Cluster Manager VM.


This script makes a zip file with the new license file and copies it to the /var/www/html/images directory. Later the file is pushed to the target VMs when the reinit.sh script is executed.

Step 7

If pcrfclient01/pcrflient02 is already deployed, the license must be pushed to the pcrfclient01/02 VMs. For this, execute the following commands:

ssh pcrfclient01



ssh pcrfclient02



If pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 VMs have not yet been deployed, the license will be automatically pushed to pcrfclient01/02 when all VMs are deployed later in section Deploy the VMs.

Step 8

If pcrfclient01/pcrflient02 is already deployed and are being updated, you must restart the LMGRD process by executing the following commands:

killall -9 lmgrd

service lmgrd start

Validate Installed License

Use the lmutil lmstat command on pcrfclient01/02 to check the status of license and list all the licenses available (Change XXXX to valid license file name).

Command Syntax:

/opt/broadhop/lmgr/x64_lsb/lmutil lmstat -a -c /etc/broadhop/license/XXXX.lic


Users of Feature-name shown is 0 in the below example (i.e. Total of 0 licenses in use). This is due to limited support for lmgrd from CPS side.


/opt/broadhop/lmgr/x64_lsb/lmutil lmstat  -a -c /etc/broadhop/license/XXXX.lic
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2013 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Fri 7/24/2015 16:11
License server status: 27000@pcrfclient01
License file(s) on pcrfclient01: /etc/broadhop/license/XXXX.lic:
pcrfclient01: license server UP (MASTER) v11.11
Vendor daemon status (on pcrfclient01):
cisco: UP v11.11
Feature usage info:
Users of SPR:  (Total of 0 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of SP_CORE:  (Total of 0 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of POLICY_REPORT:  (Total of 2000 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of QUOTA:  (Total of 0 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of Diameter_UD:  (Total of 0 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of Diameter_SH:  (Total of 0 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of SCE_PRPC:  (Total of 2000 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of SCE_GY:  (Total of 2000 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of DIAMETER_SD:  (Total of 2000 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Upgrade License

User needs to upgrade license if the current licenses have expired or if you need to increase the session capacity of the system.


Step 1

Contact your Cisco Technical representative to generate a license. You must provide the MAC addresses and hostnames for your pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 VMs.

Step 2

Copy the license files you received to the Cluster Manager VM.

Step 3

Delete the existing license files from the Cluster Manager VM.

rm -fr /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient01/<filename1>

rm -fr /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02/<filename2>


<filename1> is the existing license filename of pcrfclient01.

<filename2> is the existing license filename of pcrfclient02.


As a best practice, create a backup of your existing licenses.

Step 4

Copy the pcrfclient01 license to the /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient01 directory, and the pcrfclient02 license to the /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02 directory on the Cluster Manager VM:

cp <filename1> /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient01

cp <filename2> /etc/broadhop/license/pcrfclient02


<filename1> is the license filename generated for pcrfclient01.

<filename2> is the license filename generated for pcrfclient02.

Step 5

Add the necessary content as per your license files in features.properties in /etc/broadhop/license directory on the Cluster Manager. For example:


Step 6

Execute the following command to rebuild the /etc/broadhop/license directory in the Cluster Manager VM.


This script makes a zip file with the new license file and copies it to the /var/www/html/images directory.

Later the file is pushed to the target VMs when the vm-init.sh script is executed.

Step 7

To push new license to the pcrfclient01/02 VMs, restart the LMGRD process, and restart the Policy Server (QNS), execute the following commands.

ssh pcrfclient01 "/etc/init.d/vm-init && killall -9 lmgrd; service lmgrd start && systemctl restart qns-1"

ssh pcrfclient02 "/etc/init.d/vm-init && killall -9 lmgrd; service lmgrd start && systemctl restart qns-1"

Step 8

Validate installed license, refer to Validate Installed License.

SSL Certificates

Default SSL cipher supported:


For more information, refer to https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/apps/x509.html.

Create SSL Certificates

Certain deployments have customized certificates (for example, *.der and *.cer files) installed in their systems. To create Self-Signed certificates (SSL) that can be used in CPS, perform the following steps on Cluster Manager VM:


Step 1

Convert the user provided files to pem files. Consider the user has provided *.der and *.cer files.

For example, if the user has provided the following files:

  • x.der: Server certificate

  • y.cer: ROOT CA certificate file

  • z.cer: Intermediate file

openssl x509 -inform der -in x.der -out x.pem

openssl x509 -inform der -in y.cer -out y.pem

openssl x509 -inform der -in z.cer -out z.pem


For details on how to generate certificates using openssl, refer to: https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/apps/x509.html.

Step 2

Generate your chain crt file in the following order: server > intermediate > root.

cat x.pem z.pem y.pem > server.crt

Step 3

Remove passphrase from KEY file (You will be asked to supply the passphrase of the KEY file).

openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.nopass.key

Step 4

Combine the key without pass and certificate chain to create pem file.

cat server.nopass.key server.crt > server.pem

Step 5

Copy the server.pem, server.crt and server.nopass.key to /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/.

cp server.crt /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/quantum.crt

cp server.nopass.key /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/quantum.key

cp server.pem /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/quantum.pem

Step 6

Execute the following commands from Cluster Manager:



Replace SSL Certificates

To replace the default Self-Signed certificates (SSL) during installation process, replace the crt, key and pem (contains both the crt/key) in /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs directory on the Cluster Manager VM with the new certificates.


The custom certificates are replaced with the default CPS certificates after the migration or upgrade. In this case, you need to apply the custom certificates again on Cluster Manager once the upgrade or migration is complete.

Consider the user has the following new SSL certificates and wants to replace the default SSL certificates in the system:

  • SSL_new.crt

  • SSL_new.key

  • SSL_new.pem

The new certificates can be stored anywhere on the Cluster Manager. In the following steps the new certificates are stored in /root. To replace the old keys/certs/pem with the new ones, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Execute the following commands from Cluster Manager to replace the old certificates with the new certificates:

mv /root/SSL_new.crt /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/quantum.crt

mv /root/SSL_new.key /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/quantum.key

mv /root/SSL_new.pem /var/qps/install/current/puppet/modules/qps/templates/certs/quantum.pem

Retain the permissions of the old files.

Step 2

Execute the following command from Cluster Manager to rebuild puppet:


Step 3

Execute the following command from each VM to replace the certs/keys:



Execute the following command from Cluster Manager to replace the puppet on all VMs.


Enable Custom Puppet to Configure Deployment

Some customers may need to customize the configuration for their deployment. When customizing the CPS configuration, it is important to make the customization in a way that does not impact the normal behavior for VM deployment and redeployment, upgrades/migration, and rollbacks.

For this reason, customizations should be placed in the /etc/puppet/env_config directory. Files within this directory are given special treatment for VM deployment, upgrade, migrations, and rollback operations.


If system configurations are manually changed in the VM itself after the VM has been deployed, these configurations will be overridden if that VM is redeployed.

The following section describes the steps necessary to make changes to the puppet installer.

Customizations of the CPS deployment are dependent on the requirements of the change. Examples of customizations include:

  • deploying a specific facility on a node (VM)

  • overriding a default configuration.

To explain the process, let us consider that we modify all VMs built from an installer, so we use the Policy Server (QNS) node definition.

For the above mentioned example, add custom routes via the examples42-network Puppet module. (For more information on the module, refer to https://forge.puppetlabs.com/example42/network).


Step 1

Make sure that the proper paths are available:

mkdir -p /etc/puppet/env_config/nodes

Step 2

Install the necessary Puppet module. For example:

puppet module install \
--modulepath=/etc/puppet/env_config/modules:/etc/puppet/modules \
Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppet/env_config/modules ...
Notice: Downloading from https://forge.puppetlabs.com ...
Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
example42-network (v3.1.13)

For more information on installing and updating Puppet modules, refer to https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/modules_installing.html.

Step 3

Copy the existing node definition into the env_config nodes:

cp /etc/puppet/modules/qps/nodes/qps.yaml \


Step 4

Add a reference to your custom Puppet manifest:

echo ' custom::static_routes:' >> \


Step 5

Create your new manifest for static routes:

 >/etc/puppet/env_config/modules/custom/manifests/static_routes.pp <<EOF class custom::static_routes {
   network::route {'eth0':
     ipaddress => ['',],
     netmask   => ['',],
     gateway   => ['',],
Step 6

Validate the syntax of your newly created puppet script(s):

puppet parser validate


Step 7

Rebuild your Environment Configuration:


Step 8

Reinitialize your environment:


At this point your new manifest is applied across the deployment. For more details, refer to the installer image in the /etc/puppet/env_config/README.

What to do next

It is recommended that version control is used to track changes to these Puppet customizations.

For example, to use 'git', perform the following steps:

  1. Initialize the directory as a repository:

    # git init

    Initialized empty Git repository in /var/qps/env_config/.git/.

  2. Add everything:

    # git add .

  3. Commit your initial check-in:

    # git commit -m 'initial commit of env_config'

  4. If you are making more changes and customizations, make sure you create new revisions for those:

    # git add .

    # git commit -m 'updated static routes'

Installing Platform Scripts for MongoDB Health Monitoring - VMware

The following steps are performed to install platform scripts for MongoDB health monitoring for write operations on VMware setup.


Step 1

Log in to the Cluster Manager or installer as a root user.

Step 2

Update /var/qps/config/deploy/csv/Configuration.csv file by adding following entry and save the file:


Step 3

Execute the following scripts to make sure the changes are applied on all the required VMs.




Step 4

Execute the following command to validate if the parameter is applied.

for hn in `hosts.sh`; do echo $hn ; ssh $hn "grep autoheal_qns_enabled /etc/facter/facts.d/qps_facts.txt"; echo; done

Sample Output when parameter is configured:

[root@installer ~]# for hn in `hosts.sh`; do echo $hn ; ssh $hn "grep autoheal_qns_enabled /etc/facter/facts.d/qps_facts.txt"; echo; done





Step 5

Execute the following steps on each Policy Server (QNS) VMs.

  1. Log in as a root user.

  2. Edit crontab using the following command.

    crontab –e

    The vi editor page opens.


    Type the command on the terminal and do not copy and paste values on the terminal.

  3. Add the following line in the opened vi editor.

    * * * * * /var/qps/bin/support/app_mon/app_monitor.sh

  4. Save the file and exit the editor.


    If any change or upgrade is performed, make sure the cronjob entry is present. If the entry is not present repeat the above steps to configure cronjob.