Deploy CPS VMs

Deploy the VMs

If there are large number of VMs in your CPS deployment it is recommended to perform a Manual Deployment for one VM (for test purposes). After the success of the first VM, then all VMs can be deployed using Automatic Deployment process.


During the VM deployment, do not perform any vCenter operations on the blades and VMs installed on them.

Build VM Images

Before deploying the VMs, build the VM images by executing the following command from the Cluster Manager VM:


Sample Output

Building /etc/broadhop...
Copying to /var/qps/images/etc.tar.gz...
Copying wispr.war to /var/qps/images/wispr.war
Output images to /var/qps/images/

Manual Deployment

This section describes the steps to deploy each VM in the CPS deployment individually. To deploy all of the VMs in parallel using a single command refer to Automatic Deployment of All CPS VMs in Parallel. To deploy a selective list of VMs in parallel using a single command refer to Automatic Deployment of Selective CPS VMs in Parallel.


Before proceeding, refer to License Generation and Installation to confirm you have installed the license correctly.

For each host that is defined in the Hosts tab of the CPS Deployment Template spreadsheet execute the following:


The following command uses the short alias name (qns01 qns02 etc.) as defined in the Hosts tab of the CPS Deployment Template. It will not work if you enter the full hostname.

/var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/ $host

where, $host is the short alias name and not the full host name.

For example,

./ qns01 < === passed

./ NDC2BSND2QNS01 < === failed


Newly deployed VM/VMs need to be shutdown cleanly and started with your preferred method to reserve memory:

  1. To shutdown individual VM:

    cd /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer
    ./ <vm alias> --shutdownvm
  2. Start the VM:

    ./ <vm alias> --poweronvm

Automatic Deployment of All CPS VMs in Parallel

This section describes the steps to deploy all VMs in parallel in the CPS deployment.


Before proceeding, refer to License Generation and Installation to confirm you have installed the license correctly.

Execute the following command:

python /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/support/

The order in which VMs are deployed is managed internally.


The amount of time needed to complete the entire deployment process depends on the number of VMs being deployed as well as the hardware on which it is being deployed.

The following is a sample list of VM hosts deployed. The list varies according to the type of CPS deployment as well as the information you entered in the CPS Deployment Template.

  • pcrfclient01

  • pcrfclient02

  • sessionmgr01

  • sessionmgr02

  • lb01

  • lb02

  • qns01

  • qns02

  • qns03

  • qns04


To install the VMs using shared or single storage, you must use /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/ $host command.

For more information, refer to Manual Deployment.

Automatic Deployment of Selective CPS VMs in Parallel

This section describes the steps to deploy a selective list of VMs in parallel in the CPS deployment.


Before proceeding, refer to License Generation and Installation to confirm you have installed the license correctly.

Execute the following command:

python /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/support/ --vms <filename-of-vms>

where, <filename-of-vms> is the name of the file containing the list of VMs such as:





The amount of time needed to complete the entire deployment process depends on the number of VMs being deployed as well as the hardware on which it is being deployed.


After deployment of load balancer VM, verify monit service status by executing the following command on deployed Load Balancer (lb) VM:

/bin/systemctl status monit.service

If monit service on load balancer VM is not running, then execute the following command on that VM to start it:

/bin/systemctl start monit.service


Newly deployed VM/VMs need to be shutdown cleanly and started with your preferred method to reserve memory:

Shut down and start Selective CPS VMs in Parallel.

  1. Use your preferred editor and create /tmp/vm-list file and add VMs which you want to shut down and start.

  2. To shutdown VMs from the given list.

    cd /var/qps/install/current/scripts/deployer/support
    python --vms /tmp/vm-list --poweroffvm


    Make sure that all the VMs in the list are powered OFF by using the above command.

  3. To start all the VMs in list.

    python --vms /tmp/vm-list --poweronvm

Update Default Credentials

The passwords for the users in an HA or GR deployment are not set by default. Before you can access the deployed VMs or CPS web interfaces, you must set these passwords.


Step 1

Log into the Cluster Manager VM as the root user. The default credentials are root/CpS!^246.

Step 2

Execute the script to set the password.

Note script can also be used to change the root user password on all VMs including Cluster Manager VM.



The script changes the password on all the VMs temporarily. You also need to generate an encrypted password. The encrypted password must be added in the Configuration.csv spreadsheet. To make the new password persisent, execute If the encrypted password is not added in the spreadsheet and is not executed, then after running script, the qns-svn user takes the existing default password from Configuration.csv spreadsheet.

Step 3

When prompted, enter qns.

Enter username whose password needs to be changed: qns

Step 4

When prompted, enter and reconfirm the desired password for the qns user.

Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
Changing password on $host...
Connection to $host closed.
Password for qns changed successfully on $host

If script prompts for [installer] Login password for 'root':, enter default password (CpS!^246).

Step 5

Repeat Step 2 to Step 4 to set or change the passwords for root and qns-svn users.

For more information about this and other CPS administrative commands, refer to the CPS Operations Guide.

Initialize SVN Synchronization

After the VMs are deployed, execute the following script from the pcrfclient01 VM:


This command synchronizes the master/slave Policy Builder subversion repositories.

External Port Matrix

The following table lists the services and ports that CPS makes available to external users and applications. It is recommended that connectivity to these ports be granted from the appropriate networks that require access to the below services.

Table 1. External Port Matrix


Common Port (For HA Environment)

Deprecated Port (For HA Environment)

Port (for All-in-One Environment)

Control Center




Policy Builder








Unified API




Custom Reference Data REST API




HAProxy Status



Not Applicable

For a full list of ports used for various services in CPS, refer to the CPS Architecture Guide, which is available by request from your Cisco Representative.

Session Manager Configuration for Data Replication

Before you perform service configuration, configure the session managers in the cluster. The database must be up and running for the CPS software.


Perform the steps mentioned in the following sections from the Cluster Manager.

Guidelines for Choosing MongoDB Ports

The standard definition for supported replica-set is defined in the mongoConfig.cfg file.

Use the /etc/broadhop/ha_mongoconfig_template file to create the /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg and modify it to your requirements.


If you are using VIP for arbiter, it is always recommended to keep VIP and all mongod processes on pcrfclient02 (by default).

Consider the following guidelines for choosing MongoDB ports for replica-sets:

  • Port must not be in use by any other application. To check whether the port is in use, login to VM on which replica-set is to be created and execute the following command:

    netstat -lnp | grep <port_no>

    If no process is using same port, then port can be chosen for replica-set for binding.

  • Port number used should be greater than 1024 and not in ephemeral port range i.e, not in between following range :

    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768 to 61000

  • While configuring MongoDB ports in a geographically redundant environment, there should be a difference of 100 ports between two respective sites. For example, consider there are two sites: Site1 and Site2. For Site1, if the port number used is 27717, then you can configure 27817 as the port number for Site2. This is helpful to identify a MongoDB member’s site. By looking at first three digits, you can decide where the MongoDB member belongs to. However, this is just a guideline. You must avoid having MongoDB ports of two different sites to close to each other (for example, 27717 on Site-1 and 27718 on Site2).

    Reason: The script fails when you create shards on the site (for example, Site1). This is because the script calculates the highest port number in the mongoConfig on the site where you are creating shards. This creates a clash between the replica-sets on both sites because the port number which it allocates might overlap with the port number of mongoConfig on other site (for example, Site2). This is the reason why there should be some gap in the port numbers allocated between both the sites.

Supported Databases

The replica-set script is used to create replica-sets for the following databases. For more information about the script, see Script Usage.

  • session

  • spr

  • balance

  • report

  • audit

  • admin


  • It is recommended to use the specific option for creating a single replica-set rather than --all option as it is easy to recreate it again if it fails to create.

  • If recreating a replica-set on a production system, make sure to back up the database (Refer CPS Backup and Restore Guide).

  • Auto Intelligent DB Operations (AIDO) server is running on Cluster Manager or third-party site Arbiter.

    • It is not active on third-party site Arbiter node, i.e., using monit summary you can see aido_server is running but in /var/log/aido_server.log you can see the following message:

      AIDO server is not needed on arbiter/site

    • It pushes latest or updated mongoConfig.cfg file to all database members every 60 seconds interval.

    • It checks if any database member is UP and ready to join a replica-set. If Yes, then checks whether replica-set exist or not. If replica-set exists, then join as a member in the existing replica-set. If replica-set does not exist, then create new replica sets

    • Monit process name is aido_server.

    • AIDO server status can be checked by using /etc/init.d/aido_server status and systemctl status aido_server

    • Log rotate file is available at: /etc/logrotate.d/aido_server, size limit is 10 M and 5 rotation

  • AIDO client is running on sessionmgr, pcrfclient and third-party site Arbiter.

    • mongoConfig.cfg file is received from AIDO servers (in GR, multiple AIDO servers are available).

      mongoConfig.cfg file is available at: /var/aido

      File name format is: /var/aido/mongoConfig.cfg.<<cluman-host-name>>-<<--cluman-eth0-IP-->>

      AIDO server pushes mongoConfig.cfg file to all database members i.e., AIDO clients.

    • AIDO client status can be checked by using /etc/init.d/aido_client status and systemctl status aido_client

    • Log rotate file is availabe at: /etc/logrotate.d/aido_client, size limit is 10 M and 5 rotation


You have to refer to /etc/broadhop/ha_mongoconfig_template file and use this file to create /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file based on your requirements.

All the replica set members and required information like Host Name and port number arbiter host name and port number should be defined in /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file.


Make sure all the replica set ports defined in the mongoConfig.cfg file are outside the range 32768 to 61000. For more information about the port range, refer to

The following example shows replica-set set04:

Table 2. Replica-set Example


[Beginning Set Name-Set No]


Set name i.e. rep_set04


Arbiter VM host with port number


Arbiter data directory


Primary Site Member1


Primary Site Member2


Data Directory Path for members


[Closing Set Name-Set No]

Run the /var/qps/install/current/scripts/build/ script from the Cluster Manager to finalize mongoConfig.cfg file after AIDO automatically takes care of updating it. script copies /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file to /var/www/html/images/mongoConfig.cfg file.

Script Usage script is used to verify replica-set creation.

Option to view help: /var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --help --help

              Replica-set Configuration

Usage: <--option1> <--option2> [--setname SETNAME] [--help]
option1: Database name
option2: Build operations (create, add or remove members)
option3: Use --setname SETNAME to build or alter a specific replica-set
         replica-set setnames are defined in the /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file

The script applies to Database: session, spr, balance, report, portal, admin, audit and bindings db replica-sets
                 Config Server: session_configs, spr_configs and bindings_configs db replica-sets

--all                     : Alias for all databases in the configuration
--create                  : Create a replica-set if force option is given, else it just validate
--create-asc              : Create a replica-set with set priority in the ascending format if
                            force option is given, else it just validate
--create-des              : Create a replica-set with set priority in the descending format if
                            force option is given, else it just validate
--add-members             : Add members to a replica-set if force option is given, else it just validate
                            This applies to members which have been removed from the replica-set using the
                            --remove-members and --remove-failed-members operations
--remove-members          : Remove specific members from a replica-set
                            For example, a non-active member
--remove-failed-members   : Remove failed/not reachable members from a replica-set
                            On occasion, replica-set members are not reachable due to network isues
--remove-replica-set      : Remove a replica-set
--create-scripts          : Create init.d script for the replica-set members if force option is given
--setname                 : The name of a replica-set as configured in /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg
--force                   : This option can be used with create & add-members

  General operation --all --create --session --create --session --create-asc --session --create-des --session --add-members --session --remove-members --session --remove-failed-members --session --remove-replica-set --session --create-scripts --help

  To perform build operations on a sepecific replica-set: --spr --create --setname set04 --spr --create-asc --setname set04 --spr --create-des --setname set04 --spr --add-members --setname set04 --spr --remove-failed-members --setname set04 --spr --remove-replica-set --setname set04 --spr --create-scripts --setname set04

If you want to use to create replica-set then use option --force.

Guidelines for Adding Replica-sets

You must create the database replica-set members on the same VM and the same port on both sites.

For example: For session manager database, among four replica-set members (except arbiter), if sessionmgr01:27717 and sessionmgr02:27717 are two members of replica-set from SITE1, then choose sessionmgr01:27717 and sessionmgr02:27717 of SITE2 as other two replica-set members as shown in following example:


Defining a Replica-set


Step 1

Update the mongoConfig.cfg file with the new replica-set.

Step 2

Run the following command from the Cluster Manager to finalize mongoConfig.cfg file after AIDO automatically takes care of updating it:

Step 3

To verify replica-set has been created, run the command for the different replica-sets. The following table describes the commands for each type of replica set:

Table 3. Replica-set Commands



Session Replica-set

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --session

SPR Replica-set

SPR (USum) supports MongoDB hashed sharding.

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --spr

Balance Replica-set

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --balance

Report Replica-set

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --report

Audit Replica-set

/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --audit

Admin Replica-set

The ADMIN database holds information related to licensing, diameter end-points and sharding for runtime.


/var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ --admin

Instead of the specific command described in table, you can also use the following command: --get_replica_status


The installation logs are generated in the appropriate directories (/var/log/broadhop/scripts/) for debugging or troubleshooting purposes.

Example of Replica set Creation

Here are some examples for replica-sets:


Step 1

Log in to Cluster Manager.

Step 2

Refer to /etc/broadhop/ha_mongoconfig_template file and use this file to create /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file based on your requirements.

vi /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg




Step 3

After defining the admin database details, rebuild etc.tar.gz.


What to do next

After replica sets are created, you need to configure the priorities for the replica set members using command. For more information on, refer to CPS Operations Guide.

Guidelines to Configure More than Seven Replica-set Members

If it is required to configure more than seven members (including arbiters), then data members must be defined as non-voting-members in /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file.

Non-voting members allow you to add additional data members for read distribution beyond the maximum seven voting members.

To configure a member as non-voting, votes and priority value must be configured to 0.

This configuration is done by and scripts. So, it is expected to have priority as 0 for non-voting-member.

For more information, see (select appropriate mongo version).

Configure Non-Voting Members

If there are total eight data members and one arbiter (i.e. total nine members), six must be defined as MEMBERn and all other remaining data members must be defined as NON-VOTING-MEMBERn in /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg file.

where, n in MEMBERn and NON-VOTING-MEMBERn represents number 1, 2, 3 and so on.



You can have only maximum seven voting members including arbiter which can be defined as MEMBERn and ARBITERn and all other member must be defined as NON-VOTING-MEMBERn.

Session Cache Scaling

The session cache can be scaled by adding an additional sessionmgr VM (additional session replica-set). You must create separate administration database and the hostname and port should be defined in Policy Builder (cluster) as defined in the following sections:

Service Restart

After mongo configuration is done successfully (The script gives the status of the mongo configuration after the configuration has been finished) from Cluster Manager, run /var/qps/bin/control/ script.


Executing will cause messages to be dropped.

After we modify mongoconfig.cfg file, we can run the script to rebuild etc.tar.gz image and trigger each VM to pull and extract it.


Create Session Shards


Step 1

From pcrfclient01 or pcrfclient02 VM, execute the following command: --add-shard

The following screen prompts are displayed:

Session Sharding
Select type of session shard Default [ ]
Hot Standby [ ]
Sessionmgr pairs :
Session shards per pair :
Step 2

Select either Default or Hot Standby by placing the cursor in the appropriate field and pressing y.

Step 3

In Sessionmgr pairs, enter the name of the sessionmgr VM pairs separated by a colon (:) with port number.

Example: sessionmgr01:sessionmgr02:27717

If sharding is needed for multiple sessionmgr VMs, enter the sessionmgr VM name with port separated by a colon (:), with each pair separated by a colon (:).

Example: sessionmgr01:sessionmgr02:27717,sessionmgr03:sessionmgr04:27717

Step 4

In Session shards per pair, enter the number of shards be added.

Example: Session shards per pair: 4

Step 5

Login to ADMIN DB primary mongo sessionmgr VM using port number 27721 and execute the following commands to verify the shards:

# mongo sessionmgr01:27721
set05:PRIMARY> use sharding
switched to db sharding
set05:PRIMARY> db.shards.find()


# mongo sessionmgr01:27721
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.3
connecting to: sessionmgr01:27721/test
set05:PRIMARY> use sharding
switched to db sharding
set05:PRIMARY> db.shards.find()
{ "_id" : 1, "seed_1" : "sessionmgr01", "seed_2" : "sessionmgr02", "port" : 27717, "db" :
"session_cache", "online" : true, "count" : NumberLong(0), "lockTime" :
ISODate("2015-12-16T09:35:15.348Z"), "isLocked" : false, "lockedBy" : null }
{ "_id" : 2, "seed_1" : "sessionmgr01", "seed_2" : "sessionmgr02", "port" : 27717, "db" :
"session_cache_2", "online" : true, "count" : NumberLong(0), "backup_db" : false, "lockTime" :
ISODate("2015-12-16T09:35:06.457Z"), "isLocked" : false, "lockedBy" : null }
{ "_id" : 3, "seed_1" : "sessionmgr01", "seed_2" : "sessionmgr02", "port" : 27717, "db" :
"session_cache_3", "online" : true, "count" : NumberLong(0), "backup_db" : false, "lockTime" :
ISODate("2015-12-16T09:34:51.457Z"), "isLocked" : false, "lockedBy" : null }
{ "_id" : 4, "seed_1" : "sessionmgr01", "seed_2" : "sessionmgr02", "port" : 27717, "db" :
"session_cache_4", "online" : true, "count" : NumberLong(0), "backup_db" : false, "lockTime" :
ISODate("2015-12-16T09:35:21.457Z"), "isLocked" : false, "lockedBy" : null }

Verify CPS Sanity

From Cluster Manager, run /var/qps/bin/diag/ script.

Validate VM Deployment

Virtual Interface Validation

To verify that the lbvip01 and lbvip02 are successfully configured in lb01 and lb02, perform the following steps:


Step 1

SSH to lb01. The default credentials are qns/cisco123.

Step 2

Check whether the virtual interface of the Policy Director (LB) is UP. Use ifconfig command to show the virtual interfaces are UP. If extra diameter interface were configured, verify the corresponding VIPs are up for the diameter interfaces.

Basic Networking

From Cluster Manager, verify that you are able to ping all the hosts in the /etc/hosts file.

Diagnostics and Status Check

The following commands can be used to verify whether the installation was successful or not:



For more information on other CPS administrative commands, refer to CPS Operations Guide.

This command runs a set of diagnostics and displays the current state of the system. If any components are not running red failure messages will be displayed.


This command will prompt for reboot choice. Please select Y for the same and proceed.

/var/qps/bin/diag/ -h 
Usage: /var/qps/bin/diag/ [options] 
This script runs checks (i.e. diagnostics) against the various access, monitoring, and configuration points of a running CPS system. 
In HA/GR environments, the script always does a ping check for all VMs prior to any other checks and adds any that fail the ping test to the IGNORED_HOSTS variable. This helps reduce the possibility for script function errors. 
NOTE: See /var/qps/bin/diag/diagnostics.ini to disable certain checks for the HA/GR env persistently. The use of a flag will override the diagnostics.ini value. 
    /var/qps/bin/diag/ -q 
    /var/qps/bin/diag/ --basic_ports --clock_skew -v --ignored_hosts='portal01,portal02' 
    --basic_ports : Run basic port checks 

        For HA/GR: 80, 11211, 7070, 8080, 8081, 8090, 8182, 9091, 9092, and Mongo DB ports based on /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg 
    --clock_skew : Check clock skew between lb01 and all vms (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --diskspace : Check diskspace 
    --get_replica_status : Get the status of the replica-sets present in environment. (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --get_shard_health : Get the status of the sharded database information present in environment. (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --get_sharded_replica_status : Get the status of the shards present in environment. (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --ha_proxy : Connect to HAProxy to check operation and performance statistics, and ports (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --help -h : Help - displays this help 

    --ignored_hosts : Ignore the comma separated list of hosts. For example --ignored_hosts='portal01,portal02' 
        Default is 'portal01,portal02,portallb01,portallb02' (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --ping_check : Check ping status for all VM 
    --qns_diagnostics : Retrieve diagnostics from CPS java processes 
    --qns_login : Check qns user passwordless login 
    --quiet -q : Quiet output - display only failed diagnostics 

    --redis  : Run redis specific checks 
    --svn : Check svn sync status between pcrfclient01 & pcrfclient02 (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --tacacs : Check Tacacs server reachability 
    --swapspace : Check swap space 
    --verbose -v : Verbose output - display *all* diagnostics (by default, some are grouped for readability) 
    --virtual_ips : Ensure Virtual IP Addresses are operational (Multi-Node Environment only) 
    --vm_allocation : Ensure VM Memory and CPUs have been allocated according to recommendations 
Executable on VMs
  • Cluster Manager and OAM (PCRFCLIENT) nodes

[root@pcrfclient01 ~]#
QNS Diagnostics
Checking basic ports (80, 7070, 27017, 27717-27720, 27749, 8080, 9091)...[PASS]
Checking qns passwordless logins on all boxes...[PASS]
Validating hostnames...[PASS]
Checking disk space for all VMs...[PASS]
Checking swap space for all VMs...[PASS]
Checking for clock skew...[PASS]
Retrieving QNS diagnostics from qns01:9045...[PASS]
Retrieving QNS diagnostics from qns02:9045...[PASS]
Checking HAProxy status...[PASS]
Checking VM CPU and memory allocation for all VMs...[PASS]
Checking Virtual IPs are up...[PASS]
[root@pcrfclient01 ~]#

This command displays:

  • Core version

  • Patch installed

  • ISO version

  • Feature version

  • URLs to the various interfaces

  • APIs for the deployment

This command can be executed from Cluster Manager or OAM (PCRFCLIENT).


/var/qps/bin/diag/ [-h]

Executable on VMs
  • Cluster Manager


This command displays the features and versions of the features that are installed on each VM in the environment.



Executable on VMs
  • All

This command displays whether the monit service and CPS services are stopped or running on all VMs. This script can be executed from Cluster Manager or OAM (PCRFCLIENT).



Executable on VMs
  • Cluster Manager

  • pcrfclient01/02


Refer to CPS Operations Guide for more details about the output of this command.

Web Application Validation

To verify that the CPS web interfaces are running navigate to the following URLs where <lbvip01> is the virtual IP address you defined for the lb01 VM.


Run the command from the Cluster Manager to display the actual addresses as configured in your deployment.

  • Policy Builder: https://<lbvip01>:7443/pb

    Default credentials: qns-svn/cisco123

  • Control Center: https://<lbvip01>:443

    Default credentials: qns/cisco123

  • Grafana: https://<lbvip01>:9443/grafana

    Default credentials: —


    You must create at least one Grafana user to access the web interface. Refer to the Prometheus and Grafana chapter of the CPS Operations Guide for steps to configure User Authentication for Grafana.

  • Unified API: http://<lbvip01>:8443/ua/soap

  • CRD REST API: http://<lbvip01>:8443/custrefdata

For more information related to CPS interfaces, refer to CPS Operations Guide.

Supported Browsers

CPS supports the most recent versions of the following browsers:
  • Firefox

  • Chrome

  • Safari

  • Microsoft IE version 9 and above