Mobile Policy Diameter Commands


Displays the configured Diameter stack definition.

Command Mode



show diameter 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the configured Diameter stack definition.


The following command displays the configured Diameter stack definition:
show diameter peer-status 

diameter application

Configures the Diameter application definition.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter application application_name { application-id application_id | tgpp-application { false | true } | vendor vendor_id} 

application-id application_id

Specify the application ID.

Must be an integer.

application application_name

Specify the application abbreviation. For example, gx.

Must be a string.

tgpp-application { false | true}

Specify whether the application is a 3GPP application.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

vendor vendor_id

Specify the vendor IDs.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter application definition.

diameter group

Configures the Diameter stack group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter group [ group group_name | mode mode | repository repository_name | stack stack_name ] 

group group_name

Specify the group and stack name.

Must be a string in the pattern [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*.

mode mode

Specify the mode in which the Diameter stack must run.

Must be one of the following:

  • client

  • server

Default Value: client.

repository repository_name

Specify the helm repository.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter stack group.

diameter group stack

Configures the Diameter stack definition.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter group group_name stack stack_name { application application_name | bind-ip bind_ip_address | bind-port bind_port_number | fqdn fqdn_name | realm realm | peer-host peer_host_name | peer-port peer_port_number | peer-realm peer_realm | node-host node_host} 

application application_name

Specify the Diameter application.

bind-ip bind_ip_address

Specify the IP address to use in the CER or CEA message.

bind-port bind_port_number

Specify the port number to bind the server.

Default Value: 3868.

fqdn fqdn

Specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to use in CER or CEA messages.

Must be a string.

node-host node_host

Specify the node host to start the stack on.

Must be a string.

peer-host peer_host_name

Specify the remote peer host address or FQDN.

Must be a string.

peer-port peer_port_number

Specify the peer port number.

Default Value: 3868.

peer-realm peer_realm

Specify the remote peer realm.

Must be a string.

realm realm

Specify the realm to use in CER or CEA messages.

Must be a string.

replicas replica_count

Specify the replica count.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1.

stack stack_name

Specify the stack name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter stack definition.

diameter group stack diameter-engine alt-engines

Configures the alternate Diameter engine parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Diameter Group Configuration > Stack Configuration


diameter-engine alt-engines check-session-exists { false | true} 

check-session-exists { false | true}

Specify whether to check if the session exists on the alternate-engines before forwarding requests.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the alternate Diameter engine parameters.

diameter group stack diameter-engine alt-engines primary

Configures the primary Diameter Engine parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Diameter Group Configuration > Stack Configuration


primary svc-name service_name port port_number 

port port_number

Specify the port number exposed by the external service.

Default Value: 8884.

svc-name service_name

Specify the external service name that represents the Diameter engine.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the primary Diameter Engine parameters.

diameter group stack diameter-engine alt-engines secondary

Configures the secondary Diameter Engine parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Diameter Group Configuration > Stack Configuration


secondary svc-name service_name port port_number 

port port_number

Specify the port number exposed by the external service.

Default Value: 8884.

svc-name service_name

Specify the external service name that represents the Diameter engine.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the secondary Diameter Engine parameters.

diameter group stack grpc ext-svc

Configures the external gRPC service parameters for the Diameter interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter grpc [ port port_number | ip ip_address ] 

ip ip_address

Specify the gRPC server's IP address.

port port_number

Specify the port number to bind the server.

Default Value: 8868.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the external gRPC service parameters for the Diameter interface.

diameter group stack settings timeouts-ms

Configures the timeout parameters for the Diameter interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter settings timeout-ms [ cea cea_timeout | dpa dpa_timeout | dwa dwa_timeout | iac inactivity_timeout | request request_timeout | stop timeout_stop_diameter ] 

cea cea_exchange_timeout

Specify the timeout duration for completing the CEA exchange in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10000.

dpa dpa_timeout

Specify the DPA timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10000.

dwa dwa_timeout

Specify the DWA timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10000.

iac inactivity_timeout

Specify the inactivity timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 5000.

request request_timeout

Specify the request timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1750.

stop stop_timeout

Specify the timeout duration for stopping the Diameter interface in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 9000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the timeout duration for the Diameter interface.


The following command configures the timeout duration for the Diameter interface:
diameter settings timeout-ms [ cea 10000 | dpa 10000 | dwa 10000 | iac 5000 | request 1750 | stop 9000 ] 

diameter grpc

Configures the global gRPC settings.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter grpc channel count count 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the global gRPC settings.


The following command configures the global gRPC settings:
diameter grpc channel count 100 

diameter grpc channel

Configures the gRPC channels to open towards the server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter grpc channel count channel_count 

channel channel_count

Specify the number of channel to open towards the server.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the gRPC channels to open towards the server.

diameter next-hop-route next-hop-host

Configures the next-hop host name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


next_hop_realm rating rating 

next-hop-host-name hostname_list

Specify the DRA hosts name list as received in the Origin-Host AVP in CER or CEA message.

Must be a string.

rating rating

Specify the rating that determines the priority.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the next-hop host name.


The following command configures the next-hop host name:
next_hop_realm rating 2 

diameter settings timeouts-ms

Configures the timeout parameters for the Diameter interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


diameter settings timeout-ms [ cea cea_timeout | dpa dpa_timeout | dwa dwa_timeout | iac inactivity_timeout | request request_timeout | stop timeout_stop_diameter ] 

cea cea_exchange_timeout

Specify the timeout duration for completing the CEA exchange in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10000.

dpa dpa_timeout

Specify the DPA timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10000.

dwa dwa_timeout

Specify the DWA timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10000.

iac inactivity_timeout

Specify the inactivity timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 5000.

request request_timeout

Specify the request timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1750.

stop stop_timeout

Specify the timeout duration for stopping the Diameter interface in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 9000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the timeout duration for the Diameter interface.


The following command configures the timeout duration for the Diameter interface:
diameter settings timeout-ms [ cea 10000 | dpa 10000 | dwa 10000 | iac 5000 | request 1750 | stop 9000 ]