Mobile Policy PCF Commands


Configures advanced tuning parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


advance-tuning { n7-stale-session-error-codes error_codes | redis-password redis_password} 

n7-stale-session-error-codes error_codes

Specify the comma-separated list of N7Notify stale session error codes.

Must be a string.

redis-password redis_password

Specify the Redis password.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure advanced tuning parameters.

advance-tuning async-threading

Configures threading configuration for HTTP outgoing request from PCF.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


advance-tuning async-threading { default-drop-oldest-when-full { false | true } | default-priority default_priority | default-processing-threads processing_thread_number | default-queue-size default_queue_size | default-worker-threads default_number_worker_threads | request-timeout-ms request_timeout | thread-configuration service_name drop-oldest-when-full { false | true } | priority thread_priority | queue-size queue_size | threads thread_number} 

default-drop-oldest-when-full { false | true}

Specify to drop the oldest packet when queue is full.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

default-priority default_priority

Specify the default priority of thread.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 5.

default-processing-threads processing_thread_number

Specify the default number of processing threads.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10.

default-queue-size default_queue_size

Specify the default size of the queue.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 100.

default-worker-threads default_number_worker_threads

Specify the default number of worker threads.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 20.

http2-connect-timeout-ms http2_connect_timeout

Specify the request timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 100.

http2-idle-connection-timeout-sec http2_client_idle_connect_timeout

Specify the idle connection timeout for HTTP2 client.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 60.

max-timeouts-to-reconnect max_requests_timeouts

Specify the maximum request timeouts to reconnect HTTP2 connection.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure threading configuration for HTTP outgoing request from PCF.


The following command configures the threading configuration for HTTP outgoing request from PCF with default priority of 5:
advance-tuning async-threading default-priority 5 

advance-tuning async-threading threading-config

Configures threading configuration of servicethreading.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


threading-config service_name 

drop-oldest-when-full { false | true}

Specify to drop the oldest packet when the queue is full.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

priority thread_priority

Specify the threading priority.

Must be an integer.

queue-size queue_size

Specify the size of the queue.

Must be an integer.

service-name service_name

Specify the service name.

Must be a string.

threads thread_number

Specify the number of threads.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure threading configuration of service.

advance-tuning brute-force-recovery

Enables HTTP2 connection recovery parameters via closing connection.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


brute-force-recovery { max-reconnects max_http2_reconnects | time-interval-mins time_interval} 

max-reconnects max_http2_reconnects

Specify the maximum number of HTTP2 reconnect attempts to be allowed before restarting REST endpoint for recovery. Counter for previous reconnect attempts gets reset as per time-interval-mins. When set to 0, restart of rest endpoint is not performed even on reaching configured count and system continues attempting reconnect for recovery.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

time-interval-mins time_interval

Specify the time interval in minutes. If there is no HTTP2 reconnect triggered due to timeout for specified duration plus 1 minute then counter for previous reconnect attempts is reset to 0.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable HTTP2 connection recovery parameters via closing connection.

advance-tuning http2-threading

Configures threading configuration for HTTP incoming request to PCF.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


advance-tuning http2-threading { disable-validation { false | true } | idle-thread-timeout-ms idle_thread_timeout | max-queue-capacity max_packet_capacity | max-thread-pool-size max_thread_pool_size | min-thread-pool-size min_thread_pool_size | request-timeout-ms request_timeout} 

disable-validation { false | true}

Specify to enable or disable validation.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

idle-thread-timeout-ms idle_thread_timeout

Specify the thread idle timeout in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 60000.

max-queue-capacity max_packet_capacity

Specify the maximum packet capacity of the queue.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 5000.

max-thread-pool-size max_thread_pool_size

Specify the maximum size of pool of threads.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 20.

min-thread-pool-size min_thread_pool_size

Specify the minimum size of pool of threads.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 5.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure threading configuration for HTTP incoming request to PCF.


The following command configures the threading configuration for HTTP incoming request to PCF with maximum queue capacity of 500:
advance-tuning http2-threading max-queue-capacity 500 

advance-tuning overload-control

Configures threading configuration for HTTP incoming request to PCF.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


advance-tuning overload-control 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure threading configuration for HTTP incoming request to PCF.

advance-tuning overload-control diameter global

Configures Overload Control configuration for all Diameter interfaces.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


advance-tuning overload-control diameter global 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Overload Control configuration for all Diameter traffic.

advance-tuning overload-control diameter global action

Configures the action to take on overload detection.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action throttle-action throttle_action 

action throttle-action throttle_action

Specify the action to take when overload traffic is detected.

Must be one of the following:

  • DROP


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action that must be taken on overload detection.

advance-tuning overload-control diameter global limits

Configures the limits for the overload handling parameters for the REST or Diameter interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


limits max-requests-per-sec maximum_requests 

max-requests-per-sec maximum_requests

Specify the maximum number of requests that are allowed per second before throttling is applied.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the limits for overload handling parameters for the REST or Diameter interface.

advance-tuning overload-control rest global

Configures Overload Control configuration for all REST traffic.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


advance-tuning overload-control rest global 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure threading configuration for HTTP incoming request to PCF.

advance-tuning overload-control rest global action

Configures the action to take on overload detection.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action throttle-action throttle_action 

action throttle-action throttle_action

Specify the action to take when overload traffic is detected.

Must be one of the following:

  • DROP


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action that must be taken on overload detection.

advance-tuning overload-control rest global limits

Configures the limits for the overload handling parameters for the REST or Diameter interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


limits max-requests-per-sec maximum_requests 

max-requests-per-sec maximum_requests

Specify the maximum number of requests that are allowed per second before throttling is applied.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the limits for overload handling parameters for the REST or Diameter interface.


Configures the REST endpoint.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


rest-endpoint { ips ip_address | port port_number | replicas replica_count | tracing-service-name service_name} 

certificate-name certificate_name

Specify the alias name for the certificate.

http-connection-limit max_inbound_https_connections

Specify the maximum number of allowed inbound HTTPS connections.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 200.

http-idle-connection-timeout-on-server-seconds connection_timeout

Specify the server side idle connection timeout period in seconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 60.

inbound-request-timeout-ms inbound_requests_timeout

Specify the timeout period for inbound requests in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

ips ip_address

Specify the IP addresses for the REST service.

outbound-request-timeout-ms outbound_requests_timeout

Specify the timeout period for outbound requests in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 200.

port port_number

Specify port number of the REST service.

Must be an integer.

replicas replica_count

Specify the replica count.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1.

repository repository_name

Specify to override the Helm repository.

tracing-service-name tracing_service_name

Specify the tracing service name for REST endpoint.

Must be a string.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http

  • https

Default Value: http.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the REST endpoint.


The following command configures the REST endpoint tracing service name as nPcf-pcf-rest-ep:
rest-endpoint tracing-service-name nPcf-pcf-rest-ep 

rest-endpoint certificate-status

Displays certificate status.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show certificate-status 


Displays the certificate name.

Must be a string.


Displays the time to expire.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view certificate status.

rest-endpoint discovered-profiles

Displays the PCF discovered and cached NFs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show discovered-profiles 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the PCF discovered and cached NFs.

rest-endpoint discovered-profiles chf

Displays PCF Discover cache for CHF.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show discovered-profiles chf 


The expiration time in seconds.

Must be a string.


The NF IPv4 address.

Must be a string.


The NF Instance ID.

Must be a string.


Is the PCF instance registered to NRF.

Must be a string.


The NF type.

Must be a string.


The NF port number.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view PCF Discover cache for CHF.

rest-endpoint discovered-profiles udr

Displays PCF Discover cache for UDR.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show discovered-profiles udr 


The expiration time in seconds.

Must be a string.


The NF IPv4 address.

Must be a string.


The NF Instance ID.

Must be a string.


Is the PCF instance registered to NRF.

Must be a string.


The NF type.

Must be a string.


The NF port number.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view PCF Discover cache for UDR.

rest-endpoint interface

Configures the NF interfaces.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


rest-endpoint interface interface_type { ip ip_address | notify-update-retry-count notify_update_retry_count | outbound-request-timeout-ms outbound_request_timeout | port port_number} 

interface interface_type

Specify the NF interface type.

ip ip_address

Specify the NF interface IP address.

notify-update-retry-count notify_update_retry_count

Specify the retry count for N7 NotifyUpdate outbound requests in case of timeout.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

outbound-request-timeout-ms outbound_request_timeout

Specify the timeout period for outbound requests in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

port port_number

Specify the port number for NF interface.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure NF interfaces.


The following command configures the NF interface to restEndpoint with the IP address
rest-endpoint interface restEndpoint ip 

rest-endpoint peer-status

Displays the NF's peer status.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show peer-status 


Displays the NF connection uptime duration.

Must be a string.


Displays the PCF Discover cache for UDR.

Must be a string.


Displays the NF peer IP address.

Must be a string.


Displays the NF peer port number.

Must be a string.


Displays the PCF pod IP address.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the NF's peer status.

rest-endpoint registration-status

Displays NRF registration details.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show registration-status 


Displays the registered NRF URI.

Must be a string.


Displays the PCF pod ID.

Must be a string.


Displays whether Is PCF instance is registered to NRF.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view NRF registration details.

traffic engine

Configures the default engine group to receive traffic.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


traffic engine default-destination default_destination 

default-destination default_destination

Specify the default engine group to receive the traffic.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the default engine group to receive traffic. Note that a similar command is available for PCRF.


The following command configures the default engine group as /policy-test:engine/test-test1:group:
traffic engine default-destination /policy-test:engine/test-test1:group 

traffic engine rule

Configures traffic routing rule paramaeters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


traffic engine rule rule_name { dnn dnn_route | supi supi_route | gpsi gpsi_route | hash-prefix hash_prefix_route | intf interface_route | destination engine_group} 

destination engine_group

Specify the engine group to receive traffic.

dnn dnn_route

Specify the route on DNN - regex.

Must be a string.

gpsi gpsi_route

Specify the route on GPSI - regex.

Must be a string.

hash-prefix hash_prefix_route

Specify the route on 2-digit hash - prefix.

Must be a string.

intf interface_route

Specify the route on interface type - exact.

Must be a string.

supi supi_route

Specify the route on SUPI - regex.

Must be a string.


Specify the rule name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the traffic routing rule parameters.