この製品のマニュアルセットは、偏向のない言語を使用するように配慮されています。このマニュアルセットでの偏向のない言語とは、年齢、障害、性別、人種的アイデンティティ、民族的アイデンティティ、性的指向、社会経済的地位、およびインターセクショナリティに基づく差別を意味しない言語として定義されています。製品ソフトウェアのユーザーインターフェイスにハードコードされている言語、RFP のドキュメントに基づいて使用されている言語、または参照されているサードパーティ製品で使用されている言語によりドキュメントに例外が存在する場合があります。シスコのインクルーシブランゲージに対する取り組みの詳細は、こちらをご覧ください。
この章では、Cisco Unified Communications Manager(Cisco Unified CM)でサポートされ、Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP; 簡易ネットワーク管理プロトコル)で使用される業界標準の Management Information Base(MIB; 管理情報ベース)テキスト ファイルについて説明します。内容は、次のとおりです。
• 「IF-MIB」
(注) この SYSAPPL-MIB は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
MIB モジュールは、ホスト システムにインストールされて実行される実行可能ファイルおよびファイルのコレクションとしてアプリケーションをモデル化する管理オブジェクトを定義します。MIB は、アプリケーションのシステムレベルのビューを表します。つまり、この MIB 内のオブジェクトは、アプリケーションに特殊な機器を追加しなくてもシステム自体から通常取得可能な属性に限定されます。
SYSAPPL-MIB をコンパイルする前に、次のリストの MIB を、リストされている順にコンパイルする必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「テーブル サイズを制御する追加のスカラ オブジェクト」
• 「適合マクロ」
表 8-1 に、最新の改訂から順に MIS の改訂を示します。
次の定義が SYSAPP-MIB 用にインポートされています。
• MODULE-IDENTITY、OBJECT-TYPE、mib-2、Unsigned32(SNMPv2-SMI が入手可能になるまで当分の間 CISCO-TC から取得)、Unsigned32、TimeTicks、Counter32、Gauge32 TimeTicks、Counter32、Gauge32
sysApplOBJ OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplMIB 1 }
sysApplInstalled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplOBJ 1 }
sysApplRun OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplOBJ 2 }
sysApplMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplOBJ 3 }
This TC describes the current execution state of a running application or process.The possible values are: running(1), runnable(2), waiting for a resource (CPU, etc.) waiting(3), waiting for an event exiting(4), other(5) other invalid state.
SYNTAX INTEGER { running (1); runnable (2); waiting for resource and waiting (3); waiting for event and exiting (4); other (5) }
To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding scheme described in RFC 2044 [10].For strings in 7-bit US-ASCII, there is no impact since the UTF-8 representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding scheme described in RFC 2044 [10].For strings in 7-bit US-ASCII, there is no impact since the UTF-8 representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
このグループは、ホスト コンピュータにインストールされたアプリケーション パッケージについての情報を提供します。グループには、次のような 2 つのテーブルが含まれています。
• sysApplInstallPkgTable:アプリケーション パッケージを記述します。
• sysApplInstallElmtTable:アプリケーション パッケージを構成する構成要素(ファイルおよび実行可能ファイル)を記述します。
グループに表示されるためには、アプリケーションとそのコンポーネント ファイルがシステム自体によって(場合によっては、一種のソフトウェア インストール メカニズムまたはレジストリを使って)検出可能でなければなりません。
システムによりインストールされたアプリケーション パッケージ テーブルは、システムにインストールされたソフトウェア パッケージの情報を提供します。これらのパッケージは、実行可能ファイルやそれ以外のファイルなど、さまざまなファイルで構成されることがあります。
sysApplInstallPkgTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table listing the software application packages installed on a host computer.In order to appear in this table, it may be necessary for the application to be installed using some type of software installation mechanism or global registry so that its existence can be detected by the agent implementation.
sysApplInstallPkgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
The logical row describing an installed application package.
INDEX{ sysApplInstallPkgIndex }
::= { sysApplInstallPkgTable 1 }
SysApplInstallPkgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplInstallPkgIndex Unsigned32, sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer Utf8String, sysApplInstallPkgProductName Utf8String, sysApplInstallPkgVersion Utf8String, sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber Utf8String, sysApplInstallPkgDate DateAndTime, sysApplInstallPkgLocation LongUtf8String }
sysApplInstallPkgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..ffffffffh)
An integer used only for indexing purposes.Generally monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are installed.The value for each installed application must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the network management entity which implements this MIB module to the next re-initialization.The specific value is meaningful only within a given SNMP entity.A sysApplInstallPkgIndex value must not be re-used until the next agent entity restart in the event the installed application entry is deleted.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 1 }
sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE
The Manufacturer of the software application package.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 2 }
sysApplInstallPkgProductName OBJECT-TYPE
The name assigned to the software application package by the Manufacturer.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 3 }
sysApplInstallPkgVersion OBJECT-TYPE
The version number assigned to the application package by the manufacturer of the software.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 4 }
sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
The serial number of the software assigned by the manufacturer.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 5 }
sysApplInstallPkgDate OBJECT-TYPE
The date and time this software application was installed on the host.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 6 }
sysApplInstallPkgLocation OBJECT-TYPE
The complete path name where the application package is installed.For example, the value would be /opt/MyapplDir if the application package was installed in the /opt/MyapplDir directory.
このテーブルは、sysApplInstallPkg テーブルで定義されたアプリケーションを構成するホスト コンピュータにインストールされた個々のアプリケーション パッケージ要素(ファイルおよび実行可能ファイル)を詳述します。このテーブル内の各エントリには、一部となっているアプリケーション パッケージを識別するために、sysApplInstallPkg テーブルへのインデックスがあります。このため、sysApplInstallPkg テーブルのインスタンスごとに多数のエントリがこのテーブルに存在する場合があります。
テーブル エントリは、インストールされた特定のアプリケーション パッケージに関連付けられたすべての要素を取得しやすくするため、sysApplInstallPkgIndex、sysApplInstallElmtIndex によりインデックスが付けられます。
sysApplInstallElmtTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysApplInstallElmtEntry
This table details the individual application package elements (files and executables) installed on the host computer which comprise the applications defined in the sysApplInstallPkg Table.Each entry in this table has an index to the sysApplInstallPkg table to identify the application package of which it is a part.As a result, there may be many entries in this table for each instance in the sysApplInstallPkg Table.
Table entries are indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplInstallElmtIndex to facilitate retrieval of all elements associated with a particular installed application package.
sysApplInstallElmtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplInstallElmtEntry
The logical row describing an element of an installed application.The element may be an executable or non-executable file.
INDEX {sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplInstallElmtIndex}
::= { sysApplInstallElmtTable 1 }
SysApplInstallElmtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplInstallElmtIndex Unsigned32, sysApplInstallElmtNameUtf8String, sysApplInstallElmtTypeINTEGER, sysApplInstallElmtDateDateAndTime, sysApplInstallElmtPathLongUtf8String, sysApplInstallElmtSizeHighUnsigned32, sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow Unsigned32, sysApplInstallElmtRoleBITS, sysApplInstallElmtRoleOCTET STRING, sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate DateAndTime, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHighUnsigned32, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow Unsigned32 }
sysApplInstallElmtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1...ffffffffh)
An arbitrary integer used for indexing.The value of this index is unique among all rows in this table that exist or have existed since the last agent restart.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 1 }
sysApplInstallElmtName OBJECT-TYPE
The name of this element which is contained in the application.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 2 }
sysApplInstallElmtType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), nonexecutable(2), operatingSystem(3), executable deviceDriver(4), executable application(5), executable }
The type of element that is part of the installed application.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 3 }
sysApplInstallElmtDate OBJECT-TYPE
The date and time that this component was installed on the system.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 4 }
sysApplInstallElmtPath OBJECT-TYPE
The full directory path where this element is installed.For example, the value would be /opt/EMPuma/bin for an element installed in the directory /opt/EMPuma/bin.Most application packages include information about the elements contained in the package.In addition, elements are typically installed in sub-directories under the package installation directory.In cases where the element path names are not included in the package information itself, the path can usually be determined by a simple search of the sub-directories.If the element is not installed in that location and there is no other information available to the agent implementation, then the path is unknown and null is returned.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 5}
sysApplInstallElmtSizeHigh OBJECT-TYPE
The installed file size in 2^32 byte blocks.This is the size of the file on disk immediately after installation.For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes, this variable would have a value of 1; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable would be 0.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 6 }
sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow OBJECT-TYPE
The installed file size modulo 2^32 bytes.This is the size of the file on disk immediately after installation.For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes this variable would have a value of 0; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable would be 4,294,967,295.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 7 }
sysApplInstallElmtRole OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS { executable (0), exclusive (1), primary (2), required (3), dependent (4), unknown(5) }
An operator assigned value used in the determination of application status.This value is used by the agent to determine both the mapping of started processes to the initiation of an application, as well as to allow for a determination of application health.The default value, unknown(5), is used when an operator has not yet assigned one of the other values.If unknown(5) is set, bits 1 - 4 have no meaning.The possible values are:
– executable (0)--An application may have one or more executable elements.The rest of the bits have no meaning if the element is not executable.
– exclusive(1)--Only one copy of an exclusive element may be running per invocation of the running application.
– primary(2)--The primary executable.An application can have one, and only one element that is designated as the primary executable.The execution of this element constitutes an invocation of the application.This is used by the agent implementation to determine the initiation of an application.The primary executable must remain running long enough for the agent implementation to detect its presence.
– required(3)--An application may have zero or more required elements.All required elements must be running in order for the application to be judged to be running and healthy.
– dependent(4)--An application may have zero or more dependent elements.Dependent elements may not be running unless required elements are.
– unknown(5)--Default value for the case when an operator has not yet assigned one of the other values.When set, bits 1, 2, 3, and 4 have no meaning.
sysApplInstallElmtRole is used by the agent implementation in determining the initiation of an application, the current state of a running application (see sysApplRunCurrentState), when an application invocation is no longer running, and the exit status of a terminated application invocation (see sysApplPastRunExitState).
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 8 }
sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate OBJECT-TYPE
The date and time that this element was last modified.Modification of the sysApplInstallElmtRole columnar object does NOT constitute a modification of the element itself and should not affect the value of this object.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 9 }
sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHigh OBJECT-TYPE
The current file size in 2^32 byte blocks.For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes, this variable would have a value of 1; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable would be 0.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 10 }
sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow OBJECT-TYPE
The current file size modulo 2^32 bytes.For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes this variable would have a value of 0; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable would be 4,294,967,295.
このグループは、ホスト システムで現在実行中か以前に実行された、呼び出されたアプリケーションのアクティビティ情報をモデル化します。同様に、現在実行中のプロセスと、過去に実行されたプロセスを示すため、呼び出されたアプリケーションの個々の要素もモデル化されます。
sysApplRunTable には、ホストで現在実行中のアプリケーション インスタンスが格納されます。1 つのアプリケーションが複数回呼び出されることがあるため、アプリケーションの INVOCATION ごとにこのテーブルにエントリが追加されます。テーブルは、マネージャが特定のアプリケーション パッケージのすべての呼び出しを簡単に特定できるように、sysApplInstallPkgIndex、sysApplRunIndex によりインデックスが付けられます。
The table describes the applications which are executing on the host.Each time an application is invoked, an entry is created in this table.When an application ends, the entry is removed from this table and a corresponding entry is created in the SysApplPastRunTable.
A new entry is created in this table whenever the agent implementation detects a new running process that is an installed application element whose sysApplInstallElmtRole designates it as being the application's primary executable (sysApplInstallElmtRole = primary(2) ).
The table is indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplRunIndex to enable managers to easily locate all invocations of a particular application package.
The logical row describing an application which is currently running on this host.
INDEX { sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplRunIndex }
SysApplRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplRunStarted DateAndTime, sysApplRunCurrentState RunState }
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
Part of the index for this table.An arbitrary integer used only for indexing purposes.Generally monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are started on the host, it uniquely identifies application invocations.
The numbering for this index increases by 1 for each INVOCATION of an application, regardless of which installed application package this entry represents a running instance of.An example of the indexing for a couple of entries is shown below.
In this example, the agent has observed 12 application invocations when the application represented by entry 18 in the sysApplInstallPkgTable is invoked.The next invocation detected by the agent is an invocation of installed application package 17.Some time later, installed application 17 is invoked a second time.
(注) このインデックスは、アプリケーション呼び出しのリアルタイム(壁掛け時計)の順序付けを反映するためのものではありません。アプリケーションの実行中のインスタンスを一意に識別するためだけです。sysApplInstallPkgIndex はこのテーブルの INDEX 句に含まれていますが、インストールされたアプリケーションによるこのテーブルの検索を簡単にするためだけに機能し、テーブル エントリを一意に識別するために利用することはできません。
The date and time that the application was started.
sysApplRunCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE
The current state of the running application instance.The possible values are running(1), runnable(2) but waiting for a resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event, exiting(4), or other(5).This value is based on an evaluation of the running elements of this application instance (see sysApplElmRunState) and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole.An agent implementation may detect that an application instance is in the process of exiting if one or more of its REQUIRED elements are no longer running.Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give the system time to start REQUIRED elements before marking the application instance as exiting.
sysApplPastRunTable は、ホスト コンピュータで以前に実行されたアプリケーションの履歴を提供します。エントリは sysApplRunTable から削除され、アプリケーションが非アクティブになると対応するエントリがこのテーブルに追加されます。テーブル サイズが sysApplPastRunMaxRows により決定された最大に達するか、sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit により設定された時間制限をエントリが超過すると、エントリは期限切れになるまでこのテーブルに残されます。
エントリの期限が切れると、sysApplPastRunTimeEnded の値により判断された最も古いエントリが最初に削除されます。
sysApplPastRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
A history of the applications that have previously run on the host computer.An entry's information is moved to this table from the sysApplRunTable when the invoked application represented by the entry ceases to be running.An agent implementation can determine that an application invocation is no longer running by evaluating the running elements of the application instance and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole.Obviously, if there are no running elements for the application instance, then the application invocation is no longer running.
If any one of the REQUIRED elements is not running, the application instance may be in the process of exiting.Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give the system time to either restart partial failures or to give all elements time to exit.If, after the second poll, there are REQUIRED elements that are not running, then the application instance may be considered by the agent implementation to no longer be running.
Entries remain in the sysApplPastRunTable until they are aged out when either the table size reaches a maximum as determined by the sysApplPastRunMaxRows, or when an entry has aged to exceed a time limit as set by sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit.
Entries in this table are indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplPastRunIndex to facilitate retrieval of all past run invocations of a particular installed application.
sysApplPastRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
The logical row describing an invocation of an application which was previously run and has terminated.The entry is basically copied from the sysApplRunTable when the application instance terminates.Hence, the entry's value for sysApplPastRunIndex is the same as its value was for sysApplRunIndex.
INDEX{ sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplPastRunIndex }
SysApplPastRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplPastRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplPastRunStarted DateAndTime, sysApplPastRunExitState INTEGER, sysApplPastRunTimeEnded DateAndTime
sysApplPastRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1...ffffffffh)
Part of the index for this table.An integer matching the value of the removed sysApplRunIndex corresponding to this row.
sysApplPastRunStarted OBJECT-TYPE
The date and time that the application was started.
sysApplPastRunExitState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { complete (1), failed (2), other (3) }
– complete (1)--normal exit at sysApplRunTimeEnded
The state of the application instance when it terminated.This value is based on an evaluation of the running elements of an application and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole.An application instance is said to have exited in a COMPLETE state and its entry is removed from the sysApplRunTable and added to the sysApplPastRunTable when the agent detects that ALL elements of an application invocation are no longer running.Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give the system time to either restart partial failures or to give all elements time to exit.A failed state occurs if, after the second poll, any elements continue to run but one or more of the REQUIRED elements are no longer running.
All other combinations MUST be defined as OTHER.
sysApplPastRunTimeEnded OBJECT-TYPE
The DateAndTime the application instance was determined to be no longer running.
sysApplElmtRunTable には、ホストで現在実行中の各プロセスのエントリが格納されています。エントリは、各プロセスの起動時にプロセスごとにこのテーブルに作成され、プロセスが終了するまでテーブルに残されます。テーブルは、システムにインストールされた、特定の呼び出されたアプリケーションの実行中の要素をすべて特定しやすくするために、sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg、sysApplElmtRunInvocID、および sysApplElmtRunIndex によりインデックスが付けられます。
sysApplElmtRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table describes the processes which are currently executing on the host system.Each entry represents a running process and is associated with the invoked application of which that process is a part, if possible.This table contains an entry for every process currently running on the system, regardless of whether its 'parent' application can be determined.So, for example, processes like 'ps' and 'grep' will have entries though they are not associated with an installed application package.
Because a running application may involve more than one executable, it is possible to have multiple entries in this table for each application.Entries are removed from this table when the process terminates.The table is indexed by sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, and sysApplElmtRunIndex to facilitate the retrieval of all running elements of a particular invoked application which has been installed on the system.
sysApplElmtRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
The logical row describing a process currently running on this host.When possible, the entry is associated with the invoked application of which it is a part.
INDEX{ sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, sysApplElmtRunIndex }
SysApplElmtRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg Unsigned32, sysApplElmtRunInvocIDUnsigned32, sysApplElmtRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplElmtRunInstallID Unsigned32, sysApplElmtRunTimeStartedDateAndTime, sysApplElmtRunState RunState, sysApplElmtRunNameLongUtf8String, sysApplElmtRunParameters Utf8String, sysApplElmtRunCPU TimeTicks, sysApplElmtRunMemory Gauge32, sysApplElmtRunNumFiles Gauge32, sysApplElmtRunUserUtf8String }
sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
Part of the index for this table, this value identifies the installed software package for the application of which this process is a part.Provided that the process's 'parent' application can be determined, the value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallPkgIndex for the entry in the sysApplInstallPkgTable that corresponds to the installed application of which this process is a part.
If, however, the 'parent' application cannot be determined, (for example the process is not part of a particular installed application), the value for this object is then '0', signifying that this process cannot be related back to an application, and in turn, an installed software package.
sysApplElmtRunInvocID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
Part of the index for this table, this value identifies the invocation of an application of which this process is a part.Provided that the 'parent' application can be determined, the value of this object is the same value as the sysApplRunIndex for the corresponding application invocation in the sysApplRunTable.
If, however, the 'parent' application cannot be determined, the value for this object is then '0', signifying that this process cannot be related back to an invocation of an application in the sysApplRunTable.
sysApplElmtRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
Part of the index for this table.A unique value for each process running on the host.Wherever possible, this should be the system's native, unique identification number.
sysApplElmtRunInstallID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
The index into the sysApplInstallElmtTable.The value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running instance.
If this process cannot be associated with an installed executable, the value should be '0'.
sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted OBJECT-TYPE
The time the process was started.
sysApplElmtRunState OBJECT-TYPE
The current state of the running process.The possible values are running(1), runnable(2) but waiting for a resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event, exiting(4), or other(5).
sysApplElmtRunName OBJECT-TYPE
The full path and filename of the process.For example, /opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc would be returned for process myyproc whose execution path is /opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc.
sysApplElmtRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
The starting parameters for the process.
The number of centi-seconds of the total system CPU resources consumed by this process.Note that on a multi-processor system, this value may have been incremented by more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real (wall clock) time.
sysApplElmtRunMemory OBJECT-TYPE
The total amount of real system memory measured in Kbytes currently allocated to this process.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 10 }
sysApplElmtRunNumFiles OBJECT-TYPE
The number of regular files currently open by the process.Transport connections (sockets) should NOT be included in the calculation of this value, nor should operating system specific special file types.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 11 }
sysApplElmtRunUser OBJECT-TYPE
sysApplElmtPastRunTable は、アプリケーションの一部としてホストで以前に実行されたプロセスの履歴を保持します。プロセスの終了時に、プロセスを表すエントリが sysApplElmtRunTable から削除され、プロセスが識別可能なアプリケーションの一部であった場合は、対応するエントリがこのテーブルに作成されます。プロセスを呼び出されたアプリケーションに関連付けることができなかった場合、対応するエントリは作成されません。
したがって、sysApplElmtRunTable にシステムで現在実行中のすべてのプロセスのエントリが格納されている一方で、sysApplElmtPastRunTable には呼び出されたアプリケーションの一部として以前に実行されたプロセスのエントリだけが格納されています。
テーブル内のエントリの数が sysApplElmtPastRunMaxRows により決定された最大に達するか、sysApplElmtPastRunTblTimeLimit により設定された時間制限をエントリが超過すると、エントリは期限切れになるまでこのテーブルに残されます。
エントリの期限が切れると、sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded の値により判断された最も古いエントリが最初に削除されます。
テーブルは、システムにインストールされた、特定の呼び出されたアプリケーションの以前に実行されたプロセスをすべて特定しやすくするために、sysApplInstallPkgIndex(sysApplInstallPkgTable から)、sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID、および sysApplElmtPastRunIndex によりインデックスが付けられます。
sysApplElmtPastRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table describes the processes which have previously executed on the host system as part of an application.Each entry represents a process which has previously executed and is associated with the invoked application of which it was a part.Because an invoked application may involve more than one executable, it is possible to have multiple entries in this table for each application invocation.Entries are added to this table when the corresponding process in the sysApplElmtRun Table terminates.
Entries remain in this table until they are aged out when either the number of entries in the table reaches a maximum as determined by sysApplElmtPastRunMaxRows, or when an entry has aged to exceed a time limit as set by sysApplElmtPastRunTblTimeLimit.When aging out entries, the oldest entry, as determined by the value of sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded, will be removed first.
The table is indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex (from the sysApplInstallPkgTable), sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID, and sysApplElmtPastRunIndex to make it easy to locate all previously executed processes of a particular invoked application that has been installed on the system.
sysApplElmtPastRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplElmtPastRunEntry
The logical row describing a process which was previously executed on this host as part of an installed application.The entry is basically copied from the sysApplElmtRunTable when the process terminates.Hence, the entry's value for sysApplElmtPastRunIndex is the same as its value was for sysApplElmtRunIndex.Note carefully: only those processes which could be associated with an identified application are included in this table.
INDEX{ sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID, sysApplElmtPastRunIndex }
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunTable 1 }
SysApplElmtPastRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplElmtPastRunInvocIDUnsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID Unsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStartedDateAndTime, sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded DateAndTime, sysApplElmtPastRunNameLongUtf8String, sysApplElmtPastRunParameters Utf8String, sysApplElmtPastRunCPU TimeTicks, sysApplElmtPastRunMemory Unsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles Unsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunUserUtf8String }
sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1...ffffffffh)
Part of the index for this table, this value identifies the invocation of an application of which the process represented by this entry was a part.The value of this object is the same value as the sysApplRunIndex for the corresponding application invocation in the sysApplRunTable.If the invoked application as a whole has terminated, it will be the same as the sysApplPastRunIndex.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 1 }
sysApplElmtPastRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
Part of the index for this table.An integer assigned by the agent equal to the corresponding sysApplElmtRunIndex which was removed from the sysApplElmtRunTable and moved to this table when the element terminated.Note that entries in this table are indexed by sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID, sysApplElmtPastRunIndex.
The possibility exists, though unlikely, of a collision occurring by a new entry which was run by the same invoked application (InvocID), and was assigned the same process identification number (ElmtRunIndex) as an element which was previously run by the same invoked application.
Should this situation occur, the new entry replaces the old entry.
See the Implementation Issues section, sysApplElmtPastRunTable Entry Collisions for the conditions that would have to occur in order for a collision to occur.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 2 }
sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
The index into the installed element table.The value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a previously executed process.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 3 }
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStarted OBJECT-TYPE
The time the process was started.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 4 }
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded OBJECT-TYPE
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 5 }
sysApplElmtPastRunName OBJECT-TYPE
The full path and filename of the process.For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution path was '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 6 }
sysApplElmtPastRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
The starting parameters for the process.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 7 }
The last known number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process.Note that on a multi-processor system, this value may increment by more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real (wall clock) time.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 8 }
sysApplElmtPastRunMemory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The last known total amount of real system memory measured in Kbytes allocated to this process before it terminated.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 9 }
sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The last known number of files open by the process before it terminated.Transport connections (sockets) should NOT be included in the calculation of this value.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 10 }
sysApplElmtPastRunUser OBJECT-TYPE
sysApplPastRunMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The maximum number of entries allowed in the sysApplPastRunTable.Once the number of rows in the sysApplPastRunTable reaches this value, the management subsystem will remove the oldest entry in the table to make room for the new entry to be added.Entries will be removed on the basis of oldest sysApplPastRunTimeEnded value first.
This object may be used to control the amount of system resources that can used for sysApplPastRunTable entries.A conforming implementation should attempt to support the default value, however, a lesser value may be necessary due to implementation-dependent issues and resource availability.
sysApplPastRunTableRemItems OBJECT-TYPE
A counter of the number of entries removed from the sysApplPastRunTable because of table size limitations as set in sysApplPastRunMaxRows.This counter is the number of entries the management subsystem has had to remove in order to make room for new entries (so as not to exceed the limit set by sysApplPastRunMaxRows) since the last initialization of the management subsystem.
sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The maximum time in seconds which an entry in the sysApplPastRunTable may exist before it is removed.Any entry that is older than this value will be removed (aged out) from the table.Note that an entry may be aged out prior to reaching this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table and must be removed to make space for a new entry so as to not exceed sysApplPastRunMaxRows.
sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The maximum number of entries allowed in the sysApplElmtPastRunTable.Once the number of rows in the sysApplElmtPastRunTable reaches this value, the management subsystem will remove the oldest entry to make room for the new entry to be added.Entries will be removed on the basis of oldest sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded value first.This object may be used to control the amount of system resources that can used for sysApplElemPastRunTable entries.A conforming implementation should attempt to support the default value, however, a lesser value may be necessary due to implementation-dependent issues and resource availability.
sysApplElemPastRunTableRemItems OBJECT-TYPE
A counter of the number of entries removed from the sysApplElemPastRunTable because of table size limitations as set in sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows.This counter is the number of entries the management subsystem has had to remove in order to make room for new entries (so as not to exceed the limit set by sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows) since the last initialization of the management subsystem.
sysApplElemPastRunTblTimeLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The maximum time in seconds which an entry in the sysApplElemPastRunTable may exist before it is removed.Any entry that is older than this value will be removed (aged out) from the table.Note that an entry may be aged out prior to reaching this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table and must be removed to make space for a new entry so as to not exceed sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows.
sysApplAgentPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The minimum interval in seconds that the management subsystem implementing this MIB will poll the status of the managed resources.Because of the non-trivial effort involved in polling the managed resources, and because the method for obtaining the status of the managed resources is implementation-dependent, a conformant implementation may chose a lower bound greater than 0.
A value of 0 indicates that there is no delay in the passing of information from the managed resources to the agent.
このグループには、テーブル sysApplMapTable が含まれます。このテーブルの唯一の目的は、「後方」マッピングを提供して、付与された既知の sysApplElmtRunIndex(プロセス識別番号)、対応する呼び出されたアプリケーション(sysApplRunIndex)、インストールされた要素(sysApplInstallElmtIndex)、およびインストールされたアプリケーション パッケージ(sysApplInstallPkgIndex)をすばやく判断できるようにすることです。このテーブルには、システムで現在実行中の各プロセスの 1 つのエントリが含まれています。
この MIB モジュール内のテーブルは、通常インストールされたアプリケーション パッケージ(sysApplInstallPkgIndex)をプライマリ キーとして使用し、特定のテーブルにより必要とされるように重要性の最も低いキーであるプロセス ID 番号(sysApplElmtRunIndex)を使用して下に向かってインデックスが付けられるため、後方マッピングは非常に役立ちます。
管理アプリケーションは、部分インスタンス ID として既知のプロセス ID 番号(sysApplElmtRunIndex)を使用して「GetNext」オペレーションを実行することで、このマッピング テーブルを使用します。プロセスのエントリが 1 つ存在すると仮定すると、結果として 1 つのテーブル値 sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex が返され、返される MIB オブジェクト値のインスタンス ID には sysApplElmtRunIndex、sysApplRunIndex、および sysApplInstallElmtIndex が含まれます。
(注) システムにインストールされた、呼び出されたアプリケーションにプロセスを再び関連付けることができない場合、テーブル値 sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex に返される値は「0」になり、オブジェクト ID のインスタンス部分は末尾に 0.0 が付くプロセス ID 番号(sysApplElmtRunIndex)となります。
The sole purpose of this table is to provide a 'backwards' mapping so that, given a known sysApplElmtRunIndex (process identification number), the corresponding invoked application (sysApplRunIndex), installed element (sysApplInstallElmtIndex), and installed application package (sysApplInstallPkgIndex) can be quickly determined.
A logical row representing a process currently running on the system.This entry provides the index mapping from process identifier, back to the invoked application, installed element, and finally, the installed application package.The entry includes only one accessible columnar object, the sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex, but the invoked application and installed element can be determined from the instance identifier since they form part of the index clause.
INDEX { sysApplElmtRunIndex, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, sysApplMapInstallElmtIndex }
SysApplMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplMapInstallElmtIndexUnsigned32, sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex Unsigned32 }
sysApplMapInstallElmtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The index into the sysApplInstallElmtTable.The value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running instance.If this process cannot be associated to an installed executable, the value should be '0'.
sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
The value of this object identifies the installed software package for the application of which this process is a part.Provided that the process's 'parent' application can be determined, the value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallPkgIndex for the entry in the sysApplInstallPkgTable that corresponds to the installed application of which this process is a part.
If, however, the 'parent' application cannot be determined, (for example the process is not part of a particular installed application), the value for this object is then '0', signifying that this process cannot be related back to an application, and in turn, an installed software package.
sysApplMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplConformance 1 }
sysApplMIBGroupsOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplConformance 2 }
Describes the requirements for conformance to the System Application MIB MODULE.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { sysApplInstalledGroup, sysApplRunGroup, sysApplMapGroup }
::= { sysApplMIBCompliances 1 }
sysApplInstalledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer, sysApplInstallPkgProductName, sysApplInstallPkgVersion, sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber, sysApplInstallPkgDate, sysApplInstallPkgLocation, sysApplInstallElmtName, sysApplInstallElmtType, sysApplInstallElmtDate, sysApplInstallElmtPath, sysApplInstallElmtSizeHigh, sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow, sysApplInstallElmtRole, sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHigh, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow }
The system application installed group contains information about applications and their constituent components which have been installed on the host system.
OBJECTS { sysApplRunStarted, sysApplRunCurrentState, sysApplPastRunStarted, sysApplPastRunExitState, sysApplPastRunTimeEnded, sysApplElmtRunInstallID, sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted, sysApplElmtRunState, sysApplElmtRunName, sysApplElmtRunParameters, sysApplElmtRunCPU, sysApplElmtRunMemory, sysApplElmtRunNumFiles, sysApplElmtRunUser, sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID, sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStarted, sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded, sysApplElmtPastRunName, sysApplElmtPastRunParameters, sysApplElmtPastRunCPU, sysApplElmtPastRunMemory, sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles, sysApplElmtPastRunUser, sysApplPastRunMaxRows, sysApplPastRunTableRemItems, sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit, sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows, sysApplElemPastRunTableRemItems, sysApplElemPastRunTblTimeLimit, sysApplAgentPollInterval }
The system application run group contains information about applications and associated elements which have run or are currently running on the host system.
OBJECTS { sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex }
The Map Group contains a single table, sysApplMapTable, that provides a backwards mapping for determining the invoked application, installed element, and installed application package given a known process identification number.
• 「Linux および Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x、6.x、7.x」
• 「Windows および Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x」
• 「Cisco Unified CM 7.x でのサーブレットの使用」
• 「FAQ」
次のログおよび情報を収集して分析します。コマンド file get activelog < paths below >' を実行します。
• レジストリ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\SnmpSysAppAgent の Enable TraceEnabled を「true」に、TraceLevel を「3」にして、sysapp トレース レベルを「詳細」に設定します。
• 編集したら、[サービス(Services)] タブから SNMP サービスを再起動します。トレース ファイル C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\SnmpSysAppImpl.log が作成されます。
• sysApplInstallPkgTable で snmpwalk を実行します。
• SysApplRunTable で snmpwalk を実行します。
• ウォークが完了したら、C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\SnmpSysAppImpl.log ログ ファイルを収集します。
SysAppl MIB には、インストールされて実行されているコンポーネントを一度に取得する方法が用意されています。SysAppl エージェントは、アクティブまたは非アクティブになっているサービスのリストを表示できません。アプリケーションとサービスの実行中状態または実行中以外の状態だけ示すことができます。Web アプリケーションのサービスやサーブレットは、SysAppl MIB を使用してモニタできません。7.x システムのサーブレットは次のとおりです。
• Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Service
• Cisco CallManager Personal Directory
• Cisco CallManager Serviceability
• Cisco CallManager Serviceability RTMT
• Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer
• Cisco エクステンション モビリティ アプリケーション
• Cisco Trace Collection Servlet
• Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service
• Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer
• GetServiceStatus と呼ばれる Serviceability API を使用します。この API は、Web アプリケーション タイプと非 Web アプリケーション サービスの両方の完全なステータス情報(アクティベーション ステータスなど)を取得できます (詳細については、『AXL Serviceability API Guide』を参照してください)。
• utils service list コマンドを使用して、さまざまなサービスのステータスをチェックします。
• syslog メッセージを使用して、servM で生成されたメッセージをモニタします。次に例を示します。
Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x で CCMVersion MIB と sysApplRunCurrentState が間違った値を返した場合は、CSCsk74156 を参照して該当するかどうかをチェックしてください。使用している Cisco Unified CM のバージョン用の修正が提供されているかどうかを確認します。
sysApp MIB での SNMP ウォークが反応しない場合、CSCsh72473 を参照して該当するかどうかをチェックしてください。使用している Cisco Unified CM のバージョン用の修正が提供されているかどうかを確認します。
(注) この MIB-II は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
RFC1213-MIB をコンパイルする前に、次のリストの MIB を、リストされている順にコンパイルする必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• RFC 1573 で導入された ifTable の変更を反映するため、列挙 unknown(4) および dormant(5) が ifOperStatus に追加されました。
• RFC1573 で導入された ifTable の変更を反映するため、ifType の SYNTAX が IANAifType に変更されました。
• mgmt、NetworkAddress、IpAddress、Counter、Gauge、TimeTicks
この MIB モジュールは、[14] で定義されているように、拡張 OBJECT-TYPE マクロを使用します。MIB-II(MIB-I と同じプレフィクス)mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }。
DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING
このデータ タイプは、NVT ASCII 文字セットから取得されたテキスト情報のモデル化に使用されます。標準では、この構文のオブジェクトは SIZE (0..255) を持つと宣言されます。
このデータ タイプは、メディア アドレスのモデル化に使用されます。多くのタイプのメディアでは、これはバイナリ表現となります。たとえば、イーサネット アドレスは 6 オクテットの文字列で表現されます。
system OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
interfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
at OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 3 }
ip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 4 }
icmp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 5 }
tcp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
cmot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 9 }
システム グループの実装は、すべてのシステムで必須です。これらの変数の値を持つようにエージェントが設定されていない場合、長さ 0 の文字列が返されます。
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
A textual description of the entity.This value should include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and networking software.It is mandatory that this only contain printable ASCII characters.
The vendor authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity.This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining "what kind of box" is being managed.For example, if vendor "Flintstones, Inc." was assigned the subtree, it could assign the identifier to its "Fred Router".
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
The physical location of this node (e.g., telephone closet, 3rd floor).
A value which indicates the set of services that this entity primarily offers.The value is a sum.This sum initially takes the value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum.For example, a node which performs primarily routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).In contrast, a node which is a host offering application services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).Note that in the context of the Internet suite of protocols, values should be calculated accordingly (layer first, then functionality):
2 datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
3 internet (e.g., IP gateways)
7 applications (e.g., mail relays)
For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6 may also be counted.
インターフェイス グループの実装は、すべてのシステムで必須です。
The number of network interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this system.
インターフェイス テーブルには、エンティティ インターフェイスに関する情報が格納されています。各インターフェイスは、サブネットワークに接続されていると考えられます。この用語を、プロトコルのインターネット スイートで使用されるアドレス パーティション指定方式を指すサブネットワークと混同しないでください。
A list of interface entries.The number of entries is given by the value of ifNumber.
An interface entry containing objects at the subnetwork layer and below for a particular interface.
SEQUENCE { ifIndex INTEGER, ifDescr DisplayString, ifType IANAifType, ifMtu INTEGER, ifSpeed Gauge, ifPhysAddress PhysAddress, ifAdminStatus INTEGER, ifOperStatus INTEGER, ifLastChange TimeTicks, ifInOctets Counter, ifInUcastPkts Counter, ifInNUcastPkts Counter, ifInDiscards Counter, ifInErrors Counter, ifInUnknownProtos Counter, ifOutOctets Counter, ifOutUcastPkts Counter, ifOutNUcastPkts Counter, ifOutDiscards Counter, ifOutErrors Counter, ifOutQLen Gauge, ifSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
A unique value for each interface.Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber.The value for each interface must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity network management system to the next re- initialization.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
A textual string containing information about the interface.This string should include the name of the manufacturer, the product name and the version of the hardware interface.
The type of interface.Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention.
The size of the largest datagram which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets.For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the interface.
An estimate of the interface current bandwidth in bits per second.For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth.
The interface address at the protocol layer immediately below the network layer in the protocol stack.For interfaces which do not have such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain an octet string of zero length.
SYNTAX Integer { up(1), ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) in some test mode }
The desired state of the interface.The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3), -- in some test mode
The current operational state of the interface.The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.
The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state.If the current state was entered prior to the last re- initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
DESCRIPTION The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork- broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
The number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address, including those that were discarded or not sent.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a non- unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) address, including those that were discarded or not sent.
The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
The length of the output packet queue (in packets).
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular media being used to realize the interface.For example, if the interface is realized by an ethernet, then the value of this object refers to a document defining objects specific to ethernet.If this information is not present, its value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid object identifier, and any conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to generate and recognize this value.
アドレス変換グループの実装は、すべてのシステムで必須です。ただし、このグループは MIB-II で非推奨である点に注意してください。つまり、MIB-I ノードとの互換性のためだけに用意されており、MIB-III ノードでは除外される予定です。MIB-II 以降では、各ネットワーク プロトコル グループにその独自のアドレス変換テーブルが含まれます。アドレス変換グループには、NetworkAddress(IP アドレスなど)をサブネットワーク固有のアドレスに変換するための、すべてのインターフェイスにおける変換テーブルの結合である 1 つのテーブルが含まれます。適切な用語がないため、このマニュアルではそのようなサブネットワーク固有のアドレスを物理アドレスと呼ぶことにします。
そのような変換テーブルの例として、Address Resolution Protocol(ARP; アドレス解決プロトコル)を使用しているブロードキャスト メディアの場合、変換テーブルは ARP キャッシュに相当します。または X.121 アドレスへの非アルゴリズム変換が必要な X.25 ネットワークでは、同等の X.121 アドレスに対する NetworkAddress が変換テーブルに格納されます。
The Address Translation tables contain the NetworkAddress to physical address equivalences.Some interfaces do not use translation tables for determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method); if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
Each entry contains one NetworkAddress to physical address equivalence.
INDEX { atIfIndex, atNetAddress }
SEQUENCE { atIfIndex INTEGER, atPhysAddress PhysAddress, atNetAddress NetworkAddress }
The interface on which this entry equivalence is effective.The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
The media-dependent physical address.Setting this object to a null string (one of zero length) has the effect of invaliding the corresponding entry in the atTable object.That is, it effectively disassociates the interface identified with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry.It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use.
Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant atPhysAddress object.
The NetworkAddress (e.g., the IP address) corresponding to the media-dependent physical address.
SYNTAX INTEGER { forwarding(1), -- acting as a gateway not-forwarding(2) -- NOT acting as a gateway }
The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity.IP gateways forward datagrams.IP hosts do not (except those source-routed via the host).Note that for some managed nodes, this object may take on only a subset of the values possible.Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a badValue response if a management station attempts to change this object to an inappropriate value.
The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.
The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity.This count includes invalid addresses (e.g., and addresses of unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E).For entities which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination.In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this counter will include only those packets which were Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source- Route option processing was successful.
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.
The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission.Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams.
The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination.Note that this counter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this no-route criterion.Note that this includes any datagrams which a host cannot route because all of its default gateways are down.
The maximum number of seconds which received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity.
The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
The number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled.
The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc).Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set.
The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
IP アドレス テーブルには、次のエンティティ IP アドレス指定情報が格納されています。
SYNTAX Sequence of ipAddrEntry
The table of addressing information relevant to this entity IP addresses.
The addressing information for one of this entity IP addresses.
SEQUENCE { ipAdEntAddr IpAddress, ipAdEntIfIndex INTEGER, ipAdEntNetMask IpAddress, ipAdEntBcastAddr INTEGER, ipAdEntReasmMaxSize INTEGER (0..65535) }
The IP address to which this entry addressing information pertains.
The index value which uniquely identifies the interface to which this entry is applicable.The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entry.The value of the mask is an IP address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
The value of the least-significant bit in the IP broadcast address used for sending datagrams on the (logical) interface associated with the IP address of this entry.For example, when the Internet standard all-ones broadcast address is used, the value will be 1.This value applies to both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses used by the entity on this (logical) interface.
ipAdEntReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
-- IP ルーティング テーブルには、このエンティティが現在認識している
SYNTAX Sequence of ipRouteEntry
A route to a particular destination.
SEQUENCE { ipRouteDest IpAddress, ipRouteIfIndex INTEGER, ipRouteMetric1 INTEGER, ipRouteMetric2 INTEGER, ipRouteMetric3 INTEGER, ipRouteMetric4 INTEGER, ipRouteNextHop IpAddress, ipRouteType INTEGER, ipRouteProto INTEGER, ipRouteAge INTEGER, ipRouteMask IpAddress, ipRouteMetric5 INTEGER, ipRouteInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
The destination IP address of this route.An entry with a value of is considered a default route.Multiple routes to a single destination can appear in the table, but access to such multiple entries is dependent on the table-access mechanisms defined by the network management protocol in use.
The index value which uniquely identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
The primary routing metric for this route.The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value.If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
An alternate routing metric for this route.The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value.If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
An alternate routing metric for this route.The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value.If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
An alternate routing metric for this route.The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value.If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
The IP address of the next hop of this route.(In the case of a route bound to an interface which is realized via a broadcast media, the value of this field is the agent's IP address on that interface.)
SYNTAX Integer { other(1), -- none of the following invalid(2), -- an invalidated route -- route to directly direct(3), -- connected (sub-)network -- route to a non-local indirect(4) -- host/network/sub-network }
The type of route.Note that the values direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of direct and indirect routing in the IP architecture.Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the ipRouteTable object.That is, it effectively disassociates the destination identified with said entry from the route identified with said entry.It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use.Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant ipRouteType object.
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), -- none of the following -- non-protocol information, -- e.g., manually configured local(2), -- entries -- set via a network netmgmt(3), -- management protocol -- obtained via ICMP, icmp(4), -- e.g., Redirect -- the remaining values are -- all gateway routing -- protocols egp(5), ggp(6), hello(7), rip(8), is-is(9), es-is(10), ciscoIgrp(11), bbnSpfIgp(12), ospf(13), bgp(14) }
The routing mechanism via which this route was learned.Inclusion of values for gateway routing protocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support those protocols.
The number of seconds since this route was last updated or otherwise determined to be correct.Note that no semantics of too old can be implied except through knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route was learned.
Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the destination address before being compared to the value in the ipRouteDest field.For those systems that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs the value of the ipRouteMask by determining whether the value of the correspondent ipRouteDest field belong to a class-A, B, or C network, and then using one of: mask network class-A, class-B, class-C.If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a default route), then the mask value is also should be noted that all IP routing subsystems implicitly use this mechanism.
An alternate routing metric for this route.The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value.If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular routing protocol which is responsible for this route, as determined by the value specified in the route ipRouteProto value.If this information is not present, its value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid object identifier, and any conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to generate and recognize this value.
IP アドレス変換テーブルには、同等の物理アドレスに対する IP アドレスが格納されています。一部のインターフェイスでは、同等のアドレスを判断するために変換テーブルを使用しません(たとえば、DDN-X.25 にはアルゴリズム方式があります)。すべてのインターフェイスがこのタイプである場合、アドレス変換テーブルは空、つまりエントリの数が 0 個です。
SYNTAX Sequence of ipNetToMediaEntry
The IP Address Translation table used for mapping from IP addresses to physical addresses.
Each entry contains one IpAddress to physical address equivalence.
INDEX { ipNetToMediaIfIndex, ipNetToMediaNetAddress }
SEQUENCE { ipNetToMediaIfIndex INTEGER, ipNetToMediaPhysAddress PhysAddress, ipNetToMediaNetAddress IpAddress, ipNetToMediaType INTEGER }
ipNetToMediaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
The interface on which this entry's equivalence is effective.The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
The media-dependent physical address.
ipNetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
The IpAddress corresponding to the media- dependent physical address.
SYNTAX Integer { other(1), -- none of the following invalid(2), -- an invalidated mapping dynamic(3), static(4) }
The type of mapping.Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the ipNetToMediaTable.That is, it effectively disassociates the interface identified with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry.It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use.Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant ipNetToMediaType object.
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid.One possible reason for discarding such an entry could be to free-up buffer space for other routing entries.
The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received.Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpInErrors.
The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).
icmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
icmpInTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
icmpInAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send.Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors.
The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a lack of buffers.This value should not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant datagram.In some implementations there may be no types of error which contribute to this counter value.
icmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent.For a host, this object will always be zero, since hosts do not send redirects.
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
icmpOutTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
icmpOutAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
TCP グループの実装は、TCP を実装するすべてのシステムで必須です。特定の TCP 接続に関する情報を表すオブジェクト タイプのインスタンスは過渡的であり、当該の接続の間しか持続しないことに注意してください。
SYNTAX Integer { other(1), -- none of the following constant(2), -- a constant rto rsre(3), -- MIL-STD-1778, Appendix B vanj(4) -- Van Jacobson's algorithm [10] }
The algorithm used to determine the timeout value used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets.
The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds.More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout.In particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object of this type has the semantics of the LBOUND quantity described in RFC 793.
The maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds.More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout.In particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object of this type has the semantics of the UBOUND quantity described in RFC 793.
The limit on the total number of TCP connections the entity can support.In entities where the maximum number of connections is dynamic, this object should contain the value -1.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE- WAIT.
The total number of segments received, including those received in error.This count includes segments received on currently established connections.
The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets.
The total number of segments retransmitted that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets.
TCP 接続テーブルには、次の既存のエンティティ TCP 接続に関する情報が格納されています。
SYNTAX Sequence of tcpConnEntry
A table containing TCP connection-specific information.
Information about a particular current TCP connection.An object of this type is transient, in that it ceases to exist when (or soon after) the connection makes the transition to the CLOSED state.
INDEX { tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort, tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort }
SEQUENCE { tcpConnState INTEGER, tcpConnLocalAddress IpAddress, tcpConnLocalPort INTEGER (0..65535), tcpConnRemAddress IpAddress, tcpConnRemPort INTEGER (0..65535) }
SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(1), listen(2), synSent(3), synReceived(4), established(5), finWait1(6), finWait2(7), closeWait(8), lastAck(9), closing(10), timeWait(11), deleteTCB(12) }
The state of this TCP connection.The only value which may be set by a management station is deleteTCB(12).Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a badValue response if a management station attempts to set this object to any other value.If a management station sets this object to the value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the corresponding connection on the managed node, resulting in immediate termination of the connection.
As an implementation-specific option, a RST segment may be sent from the managed node to the other TCP endpoint (note however that RST segments are not sent reliably).
tcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
The local IP address for this TCP connection.In the case of a connection in the listen state which is willing to accept connections for any IP interface associated with the node, the value is used.
The local port number for this TCP connection.
The remote IP address for this TCP connection.
The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad TCP checksums).
UDP グループの実装は、UDP を実装するすべてのシステムで必須です。
The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.
The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
UDP リスナー テーブルには、ローカルのアプリケーションが現在データグラムを受け入れている、次のエンティティ UDP エンドポイントに関する情報が格納されています。
A table containing UDP listener information.
Information about a particular current UDP listener.
INDEX { udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
SEQUENCE { udpLocalAddress IpAddress, udpLocalPort INTEGER (0..65535) }
The local IP address for this UDP listener.In the case of a UDP listener which is willing to accept datagrams for any IP interface associated with the node, the value is used.
EGP グループの実装は、EGP を実装するすべてのシステムで必須です。
The number of EGP messages received without error.
The number of EGP messages received that proved to be in error.
The total number of locally generated EGP messages.
The number of locally generated EGP messages not sent due to resource limitations within an EGP entity.
EGP ネイバー テーブルには、次のエンティティ EGP ネイバーに関する情報が格納されています。
Information about this entity's relationship with a particular EGP neighbor.
SEQUENCE { egpNeighState INTEGER, egpNeighAddr IpAddress, egpNeighAs INTEGER, egpNeighInMsgs Counter, egpNeighInErrs Counter, egpNeighOutMsgs Counter, egpNeighOutErrs Counter, egpNeighInErrMsgs Counter, egpNeighOutErrMsgs Counter, egpNeighStateUps Counter, egpNeighStateDowns Counter, egpNeighIntervalHello INTEGER, egpNeighIntervalPoll INTEGER, egpNeighMode INTEGER, egpNeighEventTrigger INTEGER }
SYNTAX Integer { idle(1), acquisition(2), down(3), up(4), cease(5) }
The EGP state of the local system with respect to the entry EGP neighbor.Each EGP state is represented by a value that is one greater than the numerical value associated with said state in RFC 904.
The IP address of this entry's EGP neighbor.
The autonomous system of this EGP peer.Zero should be specified if the autonomous system number of the neighbor is not yet known.
The number of EGP messages received without error from this EGP peer.
The number of EGP messages received from this EGP peer that proved to be in error (e.g., bad EGP checksum).
The number of locally generated EGP messages to this EGP peer.
The number of locally generated EGP messages not sent to this EGP peer due to resource limitations within an EGP entity.
The number of EGP-defined error messages received from this EGP peer.
egpNeighOutErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
The number of EGP-defined error messages sent to this EGP peer.
The number of EGP state transitions to the UP state with this EGP peer.
egpNeighStateDowns OBJECT-TYPE
The number of EGP state transitions from the UP state to any other state with this EGP peer.
egpNeighIntervalHello OBJECT-TYPE
The interval between EGP Hello command retransmissions (in hundredths of a second).This represents the t1 timer as defined in RFC 904.
egpNeighIntervalPoll OBJECT-TYPE
The interval between EGP poll command retransmissions (in hundredths of a second).This represents the t3 timer as defined in RFC 904.
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) }
The polling mode of this EGP entity, either passive or active.
egpNeighEventTrigger OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { start(1), stop(2) }
A control variable used to trigger operator-initiated Start and Stop events.When read, this variable always returns the most recent value that egpNeighEventTrigger was set to.If it has not been set since the last initialization of the network management subsystem on the node, it returns a value of stop.When set, this variable causes a Start or Stop event on the specified neighbor, as specified on pages 8-10 of RFC 904.Briefly, a Start event causes an Idle peer to begin neighbor acquisition and a non-Idle peer to reinitiate neighbor acquisition.A stop event causes a non-Idle peer to return to the Idle state until a Start event occurs, either via egpNeighEventTrigger or otherwise.
システム上の各インターフェイスを制御する伝送メディアに基づき、そのシステムには対応するトランスミッション グループが必須となります。伝送メディアを管理するためのインターネット標準が定義されると、トランスミッション グループを使用して、これらのオブジェクト名にプレフィクスを指定します。一般的に、これらの定義は実証されるまで MIB の試行的な部分に属します。その後、インターネット標準化プロセスの一部となり、それに応じてこれらの定義は向上し、トランスミッション グループで新規オブジェクト ID が定義されます。標準では、type OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission number } という名前が割り当てられます。ここでの type は、ifTable オブジェクトの ifType 列のメディアに使用される記号値であり、number はこの記号に対応する実際の整数値です。
SNMP グループの実装は、SNMP プロトコル エンティティをサポートする、すべてのシステムで必須です。次に定義されるオブジェクトの一部は、管理エージェントまたは管理ステーションのいずれかに特有の機能だけをサポートするために最適化された SNMP 実装において、値がゼロになります。特に、次のオブジェクトは SNMP エンティティを参照することが報告されており、管理対象ノードに複数の SNMP エンティティが常駐する場合があります(たとえば、ノードが管理ステーションとしてホスティングする)。
The total number of Messages delivered to the SNMP entity from the transport service.
The total number of SNMP Messages which were passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport service.
The total number of SNMP Messages which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for an unsupported SNMP version.
snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which used a SNMP community name not known to said entity.
snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which represented an SNMP operation which was not allowed by the SNMP community named in the Message.
The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP protocol entity when decoding received SNMP Messages.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is noSuchName.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is `badValue'.
The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is readOnly.It should be noted that it is a protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU which contains the value readOnly in the error-status field, as such this object is provided as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of the SNMP.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.
snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of MIB objects which have been retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request and Get-Next PDUs.
snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of MIB objects which have been altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs.
The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status is noSuchName.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is badValue.
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.
snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
Indicates whether the SNMP agent process is permitted to generate authentication-failure traps.The value of this object overrides any configuration information; as such, it provides a means whereby all authentication-failure traps may be disabled.Note that it is strongly recommended that this object be stored in non-volatile memory so that it remains constant between re-initializations of the network management system.
(注) この HOST-RESOURCE-MIB は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
この MIB では、ホスト システムを管理します。「ホスト」という用語は、インターネットに接続した、類似する他のコンピュータと通信するあらゆるコンピュータであり、1 人以上のユーザによって直接使用されることを意味します。この MIB は、主要な機能として通信サービスを行うデバイス(端末サーバ、ルータ、ブリッジ、モニタリング装置)には必ずしも適用されませんが、このような関連性を明確に妨げません。この MIB に含まれる属性は、たとえば、パーソナル コンピュータや UNIX 変数を実行するシステムといったすべてのインターネット ホストに共通しています。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB をコンパイルするには、次に示されている順番で MIB をコンパイルする必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「ソフトウェア パフォーマンス グループを実行するホスト リソース」
• 「ソフトウェア グループがインストールされたホスト リソース」
• 「適合情報」
• 「準拠宣言」
• 「Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x の機能サービス」
• 「Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x のネットワーク サービス」
表 8-2 に、最新の改訂から順に MIB の改訂を示します。
次の定義が HOST-RESOURCES-MIB 用にインポートされています。
• MODULE-IDENTITY、OBJECT-TYPE、mib-2、Integer32、Counter32、Gauge32、TimeTicks
• SNMPv2-SMI から:TEXTUAL-CONVENTION、DisplayString、TruthValue、DateAndTime、AutonomousType
host OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 25 }
hrSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 1 }
hrStorage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 2 }
hrDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 3 }
hrSWRun OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 4 }
hrSWRunPerf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 5 }
Storage size, expressed in units of 1024 bytes.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
This textual convention is intended to identify the manufacturer, model, and version of a specific hardware or software product.It is suggested that these OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are allocated such that all products from a particular manufacturer are registered under a subtree distinct to that manufacturer.In addition, all versions of a product should be registered under a subtree distinct to that product.With this strategy, a management station may uniquely determine the manufacturer and/or model of a product whose productID is unknown to the management station.Objects of this type may be useful for inventory purposes or for automatically detecting incompatibilities or version mismatches between various hardware and software components on a system.
For example, the product ID for the ACME 4860 66MHz clock doubled processor might be: enterprises.acme.acmeProcessors.a4860DX2.MHz66.A software product might be registered as: enterprises.acme.acmeOperatingSystems.acmeDOS.six(6).one(1).
UnknownProduct will be used for any unknown ProductID.UnknownProduct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
InternationalDisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
This data type is used to model textual information in some character set.A network management station should use a local algorithm to determine which character set is in use and how it should be displayed.Note that this character set may be encoded with more than one octet per symbol, but will most often be NVT ASCII.When a size clause is specified for an object of this type, the size refers to the length in octets, not the number of symbols.
The amount of time since this host was last initialized.Note that this is different from sysUpTime in the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management portion of the system.
The host's notion of the local date and time of day.
hrSystemInitialLoadDevice OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
The index of the hrDeviceEntry for the device from which this host is configured to load its initial operating system configuration (i.e., which operating system code and/or boot parameters).Note that writing to this object just changes the configuration that will be used the next time the operating system is loaded and does not actually cause the reload to occur.
hrSystemInitialLoadParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
This object contains the parameters (e.g. a pathname and parameter) supplied to the load device when requesting the initial operating system configuration from that device.Note that writing to this object just changes the configuration that will be used the next time the operating system is loaded and does not actually cause the reload to occur.
The number of user sessions for which this host is storing state information.A session is a collection
of processes requiring a single act of user authentication and possibly subject to collective job control.
The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on this system.
hrSystemMaxProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The maximum number of process contexts this system can support.If there is no fixed maximum, the value should be zero.On systems that have a fixed maximum, this object can help diagnose failures that occur when this maximum is reached.
hrStorageType と併用する場合、ストレージ タイプの登録ポイントです。これらは、HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES モジュールで定義されています。
hrStorageTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrStorage 1 }
The amount of physical read-write main memory, typically RAM, contained by the host.
SYNTAX Sequence of HrStorageEntry
The (conceptual) table of logical storage areas on the host.An entry shall be placed in the storage table for each logical area of storage that is allocated and has fixed resource limits.The amount of storage represented in an entity is the amount actually usable by the requesting entity, and excludes loss due to formatting or file system reference information.
These entries are associated with logical storage areas, as might be seen by an application, rather than physical storage entities which are typically seen by an operating system.Storage such as tapes and floppies without file systems on them are typically not allocated in chunks by the operating system to requesting applications, and therefore shouldn't appear in this table.Examples of valid storage for this table include disk partitions, file systems, RAM (for some architectures this is further segmented into regular memory, extended memory, and so on), backing store for virtual memory (`swap space').
This table is intended to be a useful diagnostic for "out of memory" and "out of buffers" types of failures.In addition, it can be a useful performance monitoring tool for tracking memory, disk, or buffer usage.
A (conceptual) entry for one logical storage area on the host.As an example, an instance of the hrStorageType object might be named hrStorageType.3
hrStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrStorageIndex Integer32, hrStorageTypeAutonomousType, hrStorageDescr DisplayString, hrStorageAllocationUnits Integer32, hrStorageSizeInteger32, hrStorageUsedInteger32, hrStorageAllocationFailures Counter32 }
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A unique value for each logical storage area contained by the host.
The type of storage represented by this entry.
A description of the type and instance of the storage described by this entry.
hrStorageAllocationUnits OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool.If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one.Otherwise this number will typically be one.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The size of the storage represented by this entry, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits.This object is writable to allow remote configuration of the size of the storage area in those cases where such an operation makes sense and is possible on the underlying system.For example, the amount of main memory allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or the amount of disk space allocated to virtual memory might be modified.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The amount of the storage represented by this entry that is allocated, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits.
hrStorageAllocationFailures OBJECT-TYPE
The number of requests for storage represented by this entry that could not be honored due to not enough storage.It should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of Counter32, that it does not have a defined initial value.However, it is recommended that this object be initialized to zero, even though management stations must not depend on such an initialization.
このデバイス グループは、システム上のデバイスの識別と診断に役立ちます。hrDeviceTable には、あらゆるタイプのデバイスに共通の情報が格納されています。さらに、デバイスによっては、詳細情報のためのデバイス特有のテーブルを保有しています。将来的に、その他のデバイス タイプにも、こうしたテーブルが定義される可能性があります。hrDeviceType と併用する場合、デバイス タイプの登録ポイントです。これらは、HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES モジュールで定義されています。
hrDeviceTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 1 }
SYNTAX Sequence of hrDeviceEntry
The (conceptual) table of devices contained by the host.
A (conceptual) entry for one device contained by the host.As an example, an instance of the hrDeviceType object might be named hrDeviceType.3
HrDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrDeviceIndex Integer32, hrDeviceTypeAutonomousType, hrDeviceDescr DisplayString, hrDeviceID ProductID, hrDeviceStatus INTEGER, hrDeviceErrors Counter32 }
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A unique value for each device contained by the host.The value for each device must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent to the next re-initialization.
An indication of the type of device.If this value is "hrDeviceProcessor { hrDeviceTypes 3 }" then an entry exists in the hrProcessorTable which corresponds to this device.If this value is "hrDeviceNetwork { hrDeviceTypes 4 }", then an entry exists in the hrNetworkTable which corresponds to this device.If this value is "hrDevicePrinter { hrDeviceTypes 5 }", then an entry exists in the hrPrinterTable which corresponds to this device.
If this value is "hrDeviceDiskStorage { hrDeviceTypes 6 }", then an entry exists in the hrDiskStorageTable which corresponds to this device.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
A textual description of this device, including the device's manufacturer and revision, and optionally, its serial number.
The product ID for this device.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), running(2), warning(3), testing(4), down(5) }
The current operational state of the device described by this row of the table.A value unknown(1) indicates that the current state of the device is unknown.running(2) indicates that the device is up and running and that no unusual error conditions are known.The warning(3) state indicates that agent has been informed of an unusual error condition by the operational software (e.g., a disk device driver) but that the device is still 'operational'.An example would be a high number of soft errors on a disk.A value of testing(4), indicates that the device is not available for use because it is in the testing state.The state of down(5) is used only when the agent has been informed that the device is not available for any use.
The number of errors detected on this device.It should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of Counter32, that it does not have a defined initial value.However, it is recommended that this object be initialized to zero, even though management stations must not depend on such an initialization.
SYNTAX Sequence of hrProcessorEntry
The (conceptual) table of processors contained by the host.Note that this table is potentially sparse: a (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is hrDeviceProcessor.
A (conceptual) entry for one processor contained by the host.The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrProcessorEntry.As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrProcessorFrwID object might be named hrProcessorFrwID.3
HrProcessorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrProcessorFrwIDProductID, hrProcessorLoad Integer32 }
The product ID of the firmware associated with the processor.
The average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle.Implementations may approximate this one minute smoothing period if necessary.
SYNTAX Sequence of hrNetworkEntry
The (conceptual) table of network devices contained by the host.Note that this table is potentially sparse: a (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is hrDeviceNetwork.
A (conceptual) entry for one network device contained by the host.The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrNetworkEntry.As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrNetworkIfIndex object might be named hrNetworkIfIndex.3.
hrNetworkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrNetworkIfIndexInterfaceIndexOrZero }
The value of ifIndex which corresponds to this network device.If this device is not represented in the ifTable, then this value shall be zero.
SYNTAX Sequence of hrPrinterEntry
The (conceptual) table of printers local to the host.Note that this table is potentially sparse: a (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is hrDevicePrinter.
A (conceptual) entry for one printer local to the host.The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrPrinterEntry.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrPrinterStatus object might be named hrPrinterStatus.3
hrPrinterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrPrinterStatus INTEGER, hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OCTET STRING }
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), idle(3), printing(4), warmup(5) }
The current status of this printer device.
hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OBJECT-TYPE
This object represents any error conditions detected by the printer.The error conditions are encoded as bits in an octet string, with the following definitions (condition first then bit number):
Bits are numbered starting with the most significant bit of the first byte being bit 0, the least significant bit of the first byte being bit 7, the most significant bit of the second byte being bit 8, and so on.A one bit encodes that the condition was detected, while a zero bit encodes that the condition was not detected.
This object is useful for alerting an operator to specific warning or error conditions that may occur, especially those requiring human intervention.
hrDiskStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrDiskStorageEntry
The (conceptual) table of long-term storage devices contained by the host.In particular, disk devices accessed remotely over a network are not included here.Note that this table is potentially sparse: a (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is hrDeviceDiskStorage.
hrDiskStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
A (conceptual) entry for one long-term storage device contained by the host.The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrDiskStorageEntry.As an example, an instance of the hrDiskStorageCapacity object might be named hrDiskStorageCapacity.3
hrDiskStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrDiskStorageAccess INTEGER, hrDiskStorageMedia INTEGER, hrDiskStorageRemoveble TruthValue, hrDiskStorageCapacity KBytes }
hrDiskStorageAccess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { readWrite(1), readOnly(2) }
An indication if this long-term storage device is readable and writable or only readable.This should reflect the media type, any write-protect mechanism, and any device configuration that affects the entire device.
hrDiskStorageMedia OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), hardDisk(3), floppyDisk(4), opticalDiskROM(5), opticalDiskWORM(6), --Write Once Read Many-- opticalDiskRW(7), ramDisk(8) }
An indication of the type of media used in this long-term storage device.
hrDiskStorageRemoveble OBJECT-TYPE
Denotes whether or not the disk media may be removed from the drive.
hrDiskStorageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
The total size for this long-term storage device.If the media is removable and is currently removed, this value should be zero.
SYNTAX Sequence of hrPartitionEntry
The (conceptual) table of partitions for long-term storage devices contained by the host.In particular, partitions accessed remotely over a network are not included here.
A (conceptual) entry for one partition.The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrPartitionEntry.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrPartitionSize object might be named hrPartitionSize.3.1
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex, hrPartitionIndex }
hrPartitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrPartitionIndexInteger32, hrPartitionLabelInternationalDisplayString, hrPartitionID OCTET STRING, hrPartitionSize Bytes, hrPartitionFSIndex Integer32 }
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A unique value for each partition on this long-term storage device.The value for each long-term storage device must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent to the next re-initialization.
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
A textual description of this partition.
A descriptor which uniquely represents this partition to the responsible operating system.On some systems, this might take on a binary representation.
hrPartitionFSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The index of the file system mounted on this partition.If no file system is mounted on this partition, then this value shall be zero.Note that multiple partitions may point to one file system, denoting that that file system resides on those partitions.Multiple file systems may not reside on one partition.
hrFSType で使用する、一般的なファイル システム タイプの登録ポイントです。これらは、HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES モジュールで定義されています。
hrFSTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 9 }
The (conceptual) table of file systems local to this host or remotely mounted from a file server.File systems that are in only one user's environment on a multi-user system will not be included in this table.
A (conceptual) entry for one file system local to this host or remotely mounted from a file server.File systems that are in only one user's environment on a multi-user system will not be included in this table.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrFSMountPoint object might be named hrFSMountPoint.3
hrFSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrFSIndex Integer32, hrFSMountPoint InternationalDisplayString, hrFSRemoteMountPointInternationalDisplayString, hrFSTypeAutonomousType, hrFSAccess INTEGER, hrFSBootableTruthValue, hrFSStorageIndexInteger32, hrFSLastFullBackupDate DateAndTime, hrFSLastPartialBackupDate DateAndTime }
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A unique value for each file system local to this host.The value for each file system must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent to the next re-initialization.
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
The path name of the root of this file system.
hrFSRemoteMountPoint OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
A description of the name and/or address of the server that this file system is mounted from.This may also include parameters such as the mount point on the remote file system.If this is not a remote file system, this string should have a length of zero.
The value of this object identifies the type of this file system.
SYNTAX Integer { readWrite(1), readOnly(2) }
An indication if this file system is logically configured by the operating system to be readable and writable or only readable.This does not represent any local access-control policy, except one that is applied to the file system as a whole.
A flag indicating whether this file system is bootable.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The index of the hrStorageEntry that represents information about this file system.If there is no such information available, then this value shall be zero.The relevant storage entry will be useful in tracking the percent usage of this file system and diagnosing errors that may occur when it runs out of space.
hrFSLastFullBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
The last date at which this complete file system was copied to another storage device for backup.This information is useful for ensuring that backups are being performed regularly.If this information is not known, then this variable shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year 0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as (hex) 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00.
hrFSLastPartialBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
The last date at which a portion of this file system was copied to another storage device for backup.This information is useful for ensuring that backups are being performed regularly.If this information is not known, then this variable shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year 0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as (hex) 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00.
hrSWRunTable には、実行中であるか、実行に備えて物理メモリまたは仮想メモリにロードされている各ソフトウェアのエントリが格納されています。これには、ホストのオペレーティング システム、デバイス ドライバ、アプリケーションなどがあります。
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
The value of the hrSWRunIndex for the hrSWRunEntry that represents the primary operating system running on this host.This object is useful for quickly and uniquely identifying that primary operating system.
SYNTAX Sequence of hrSWRunEntry
The (conceptual) table of software running on the host.
A (conceptual) entry for one piece of software running on the host Note that because the installed software table only contains information for software stored locally on this host, not every piece of running software will be found in the installed software table.This is true of software that was loaded and run from a non-local source, such as a network-mounted file system.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrSWRunName object might be named hrSWRunName.1287
HrSWRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrSWRunIndex Integer32, hrSWRunNameInternationalDisplayString, hrSWRunID ProductID, hrSWRunPathInternationalDisplayString, hrSWRunParameters InternationalDisplayString, hrSWRunTypeINTEGER, hrSWRunStatus INTEGER }
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A unique value for each piece of software running on the host.Wherever possible, this should be the
system's native, unique identification number.
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
A textual description of this running piece of software, including the manufacturer, revision, and the name by which it is commonly known.If this software was installed locally, this should be the same string as used in the corresponding hrSWInstalledName.
The product ID of this running piece of software.
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
A description of the location on long-term storage (e.g. a disk drive) from which this software was loaded.
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
A description of the parameters supplied to this software when it was initially loaded.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), operatingSystem(2), deviceDriver(3), application(4) }
SYNTAX INTEGER { running(1), runnable(2),-- waiting for resource -- (i.e., CPU, memory, IO) notRunnable(3), -- loaded but waiting for event invalid(4) -- not loaded }
The status of this running piece of software.Setting this value to invalid(4) shall cause this oftware to stop running and to be unloaded.Sets to other values are not valid.
hrSWRunPerfTable には、hrSWRunTable の各エントリに対応するエントリが格納されています。
SYNTAX Sequence of hrSWRunPerfEntry
The (conceptual) table of running software performance metrics.
A (conceptual) entry containing software performance metrics.As an example, an instance of the hrSWRunPerfCPU object might be named hrSWRunPerfCPU.1287.This table augments information in the hrSWRunTable.
hrSWRunPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrSWRunPerfCPU Integer32, hrSWRunPerfMem KBytes }
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process.Note that on a multi-processor system, this value may increment by more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real (wall clock) time.
The total amount of real system memory allocated to this process.
hrSWInstalledTable には、このホストの長期ストレージ(ディスク ドライブなど)にローカルにインストールされた各ソフトウェアのエントリが格納されています。これにはネットワーク サーバからリモートでロードできるソフトウェアは含まれないので注意してください。異なる実装では、さまざまな方法でソフトウェアをトラッキングすることがあります。たとえば、ある実装では別のソフトウェアとして実行可能ファイルをトラッキングし、別の実装ではソフトウェア パッケージ(関連するファイルのグループなど)のトラッキングや、システムまたはアプリケーション パッチのトラッキングを行うなどの方法が使用されます。
hrSWInstalledLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
The value of sysUpTime when an entry in the hrSWInstalledTable was last added, renamed, or deleted.Because this table is likely to contain many entries, polling of this object allows a management station to determine when re-downloading of the table might be useful.
hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE
The value of sysUpTime when the hrSWInstalledTable was last completely updated.Because caching of this data will be a popular implementation strategy, retrieval of this object allows a management station to obtain a guarantee that no data in this table is older than the indicated time.
hrSWInstalledTable OBJECT-TYPE
The (conceptual) table of software installed on this host.
hrSWInstalledEntry OBJECT-TYPE
A (conceptual) entry for a piece of software installed on this host.As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrSWInstalledName object might be named hrSWInstalledName.96
hrSWInstalledEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrSWInstalledIndex Integer32, hrSWInstalledNameInternationalDisplayString, hrSWInstalledID ProductID, hrSWInstalledTypeINTEGER, hrSWInstalledDateDateAndTime }
hrSWInstalledIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A unique value for each piece of software installed on the host.This value shall be in the range from 1 to the number of pieces of software installed on the host.
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
A textual description of this installed piece of software, including the manufacturer, revision, the name by which it is commonly known, and optionally, its serial number.
The product ID of this installed piece of software.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), operatingSystem(2), deviceDriver(3), application(4) }
The last-modification date of this application as it would appear in a directory listing.
If this information is not known, then this variable shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year 0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as (hex) 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00.
The requirements for conformance to the Host Resources MIB.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, hrDeviceGroup }
OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadDevice
OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
DESCRIPTION Write access is not required.
OBJECT hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
The Running Software Group.Implementation of this group is mandatory only when the hrSWRunPerfGroup is implemented.
The Running Software Performance Group.Implementation of this group is at the discretion of the implementor.
The Installed Software Group.Implementation of this group is at the discretion of the implementor.
OBJECTS { hrSystemUptime, hrSystemDate, hrSystemInitialLoadDevice, hrSystemInitialLoadParameters, hrSystemNumUsers, hrSystemProcesses, hrSystemMaxProcesses }
The Host Resources System Group.
OBJECTS { hrMemorySize, hrStorageIndex, hrStorageType, hrStorageDescr, hrStorageAllocationUnits, hrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed, hrStorageAllocationFailures }
The Host Resources Storage Group.
OBJECTS { hrDeviceIndex, hrDeviceType, hrDeviceDescr, hrDeviceID, hrDeviceStatus, hrDeviceErrors, hrProcessorFrwID, hrProcessorLoad, hrNetworkIfIndex, hrPrinterStatus, hrPrinterDetectedErrorState, hrDiskStorageAccess, hrDiskStorageMedia, hrDiskStorageRemoveble, hrDiskStorageCapacity, hrPartitionIndex, hrPartitionLabel, hrPartitionID, hrPartitionSize, hrPartitionFSIndex, hrFSIndex, hrFSMountPoint, hrFSRemoteMountPoint, hrFSType, hrFSAccess, hrFSBootable, hrFSStorageIndex, hrFSLastFullBackupDate, hrFSLastPartialBackupDate }
The Host Resources Device Group.
OBJECTS {hrSWOSIndex, hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunName, hrSWRunID, hrSWRunPath, hrSWRunParameters, hrSWRunType, hrSWRunStatus }
The Host Resources Running Software Group.
OBJECTS { hrSWRunPerfCPU, hrSWRunPerfMem }
The Host Resources Running Software Performance Group.
hrSWInstalledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hrSWInstalledLastChange, hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime, hrSWInstalledIndex, hrSWInstalledName, hrSWInstalledID, hrSWInstalledType, hrSWInstalledDate }
表 8-3 に、Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 6.x の Cisco Unified Serviceability 機能サービスの一覧を示します。また、適用可能な HOST-RESOURCES-MIB OID、クリア値、およびオブジェクト応答も示します。
表 8-4 に、Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 6.x の Cisco Unified Serviceability ネットワーク サービスの一覧を示します。また、適用可能な HOST-RESOURCES-MIB OID、クリア値、およびオブジェクト応答も示します。
• hostagt ログ ファイル。 file get activelog /platform/snmp/hostagt/ コマンドを実行して収集します。
• syslog ファイル。 file get activelog /syslog/ コマンドを実行して収集します。
• Master SNMP Agent ログ ファイル。 file get activelog /platform/snmp/snmpdm/ コマンドを実行して収集します。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB をプロセスのモニタリングに使用できますか。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB では、システムで実行されているプロセスに関する情報を hrSwRunTable から取得するために、システムで実行されているすべてのプロセスがモニタされます。インストールされているシスコ製アプリケーションだけをモニタする場合は、SYSAPPL-MIB を使用します。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB にマッピングされた RTMT では、メモリ使用率の値はどのように表示されますか。
表 8-5 に、メモリ使用率の値の一覧を示します。
RTMT で表示されるディスク容量の値と HOST-RESOURCES-MIB のディスク容量の値が異なるのはなぜですか。
一般に、df サイズでは、表示される使用済みディスク容量や使用可能ディスク容量の値は一致しません。これは、ファイル システムの予約済みディスク ブロックにおける最小空き容量の割合が原因です。Releases 6.x および 7.0 システムでの Cisco Unified Communication Manager の最小空き容量の値は 1% です。このため、表示される使用済みディスク容量の値には、RTMT と HOST-RESOURCES-MIB との間で 1% の差異が生じるようになります。
RTMT では、df の報告値を使用して使用済みディスク容量の値が表示されます。この値は、[(合計容量 - 使用可能容量) / 合計容量] x 100 で計算されます。合計容量には最小空き容量も含まれます。HOST-RESOURCES-MIB でのこの値は、[hrStorageUsed / hrStorageSize] x 100 で計算されます。hrStorageSize には最小空き容量は含まれません。
hrStorageUsed の値は、ホスト エージェントではどのように表示されますか。
物理 RAM の hrStorageUsed は、使用済みに関するデータ(バッファ + キャッシュ)を表示するために修正されました。ホスト エージェントのバージョンが正しいかどうかを確認するには、show packages active snmp コマンドを使用して、システムにインストールされている snmp-rpm のバージョンを収集してください。
メモリ容量およびメモリ使用率の値を HOST-RESOURCES-MIB での値と比較する方法について教えてください。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB では、使用済みのサイズとストレージが hrStorageUnits 単位で表されます。対象のストレージ タイプにおける hrStorageUnits が 4096 バイトの場合、MIB 値で照会された hrStorageUsed または hrStorageSize の値に 4096 を掛ける必要があります。たとえば、 show status コマンドでは、物理 RAM の合計メモリが 4090068K と表示されます。
physicalRAM ストレージ タイプの hrStorageUnits が 4096 バイトの場合、物理 RAM の hrStorageSize は 1022517 と表示されます。これは、4090078K に相当します((1022517 x 4096) / 1024 = 4090068K)。
Windows の場合、HOST-RESOURCES-MIB の hrSWRunName に対する SNMP クエリーでは、不正なエントリが断続的に返されます。
Microsoft 社の SNMP 拡張エージェント(hostmib.dll)では、HOST-RESOURCE-MIB がサポートされています。このため、Microsoft 社のサポートがこの問題の解決に役立つ場合があります。問題が解消されない場合、次の点について確認することを推奨します。
• tlist snmp.exe ファイルを使用して、hostmib.dll が出力に表示されることを確認する。
• SNMP サービスの開始時に、SNMP からのエラー メッセージまたは警告メッセージがイベント ビューアに表示されていないことを確認する。
• 使用されているコミュニティ ストリングが、snmp サービス プロパティで読み取り権限付きで設定されていることを確認する。
• MSSQL-MIB(MssqlSrvInfoTable)を使用して、sql プロセスのステータスを確認する。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB は、システムで実行されているすべてのプロセスに関する情報を hrSWRunTable から取得します。システムで実行されているすべてのプロセスをモニタする場合は、この MIB を使用します。インストールされているシスコ製アプリケーションだけをモニタする場合は、SYSAPPL-MIB.Disk Space および RTMT を使用します。
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB で表示される使用済みディスク容量と使用可能ディスク容量の値は、RTMT で表示されるディスク容量の値と一致しない場合があります。これは、ファイル システムの予約済みディスク ブロックにおける最小空き容量の割合が原因です。6.x および 7.0 システムでの Cisco Unified Communications Manager の最小空き容量の値は 1% であるため、表示される使用済みディスク容量の値には、RTMT と HOST-RESOURCES-MIB との間で 1% の差異が生じるようになります。
• RTMT では、df の報告値を使用して使用済みディスク容量の値が表示されます。この値は、[(合計容量 - 使用可能容量) / 合計容量] x 100 で計算されます。合計容量には最小空き容量も含まれます。
• HOST-RESOURCES-MIB での使用済みディスク容量の値は [hrStorageUsed / hrStorageSize] x 100 で計算されます。hrStorageSize には最小空き容量は含まれません。
(注) この IF-MIB は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
IF-MIB をコンパイルするには、次に示されている順番で MIB をコンパイルする必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「オブジェクト」
• 「適合情報」
• 「準拠宣言」
• 「適合単位」
表 8-2 に、最新の改訂から順に MIB の改訂を示します。
ネットワーク インターフェイス サブレイヤ用の汎用オブジェクトについて記述する MIB モジュール。この MIB は、MIB-II の ifTable のアップデート バージョンであり、RFC 1229 で定義されている拡張機能を備えています。 |
• MODULE-IDENTITY、OBJECT-TYPE、Counter32、Gauge32、Counter64、Integer32、TimeTicks、mib-2、NOTIFICATION-TYPE
• SNMPv2-SMI から:TEXTUAL-CONVENTION、DisplayString、PhysAddress、TruthValue、RowStatus、TimeStamp、AutonomousType、TestAndIncr
(注) OwnerString のセマンティックは、RFC 1271 で使用されているものと同じです。
This data type is used to model an administratively assigned name of the owner of a resource.This information is taken from the NVT ASCII character set.It is suggested that this name contain one or more of the following: ASCII form of the manager station's transport address, management station name (e.g., domain name), network management personnel's name, location, or phone number.In some cases the agent itself will be the owner of an entry.In these cases, this string shall be set to a string starting with agent.
A value which indicates the set of services that this entity may potentially offers.The value is a sum.This sum initially takes the value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum.For example, a node which performs only routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).In contrast, a node which is a host offering application services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).Note that in the context of the Internet suite of protocols, values should be calculated accordingly:
– 1--physical (e.g., repeaters)
– 2--datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
– 3--internet (e.g., supports the IP)
– 4--end-to-end (e.g., supports the TCP)
– 7--applications (e.g., supports the SMTP)
For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6 may also be counted.
インターフェイス インデックスには、ifIndex のセマンティックが格納されます。他の MIB モジュールで定義されたオブジェクトでこれらのセマンティックが必要な場合は、インターフェイス インデックスを使用する必要があります。
A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or interface sub-layer in the managed system.It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1.The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
InterfaceIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
This textual convention is an extension of the InterfaceIndex convention.The latter defines a greater than zero value used to identify an interface or interface sub-layer in the managed system.This extension permits the additional value of zero.The value zero is object-specific and must therefore be defined as part of the description of any object which uses this syntax.Examples of the usage of zero might include situations where interface was unknown, or when none or all interfaces need to be referenced.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The number of network interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this system.
The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last creation or deletion of an entry in the ifTable.If the number of entries has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
インターフェイス テーブルには、エンティティのインターフェイスに関する情報が格納されます。ネットワーク インターフェイスのインターネットワーク レイヤの下位にある各サブレイヤは、インターフェイスと見なされます。
A list of interface entries.The number of entries is given by the value of ifNumber.
An entry containing management information applicable to a particular interface.
SEQUENCE {ifIndex InterfaceIndex, ifDescr DisplayString, ifType IANAifType, ifMtu Integer32, filespec Gauge32, ifPhysAddress PhysAddress, ifAdminStatus INTEGER, ifOperStatusINTEGER, ifLastChangeTimeTicks, ifInOctets Counter32, ifInUcastPkts Counter32, ifInNUcastPkts Counter32, -- deprecated ifInDiscardsCounter32, ifInErrors Counter32, ifInUnknownProtos Counter32, ifOutOctets Counter32, ifOutUcastPkts Counter32, ifOutNUcastPkts Counter32, -- deprecated ifOutDiscards Counter32, ifOutErrors Counter32, ifOutQLen Gauge32,-- deprecated ifSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- deprecated}
A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface.It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1.The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
A textual string containing information about the interface.This string should include the name of the manufacturer, the product name and the version of the interface hardware/software.
The type of interface.Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention.
The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets.For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the interface.
An estimate of the interface current bandwidth in bits per second.For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth.If the bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value reportable by this object then this object should report its maximum value (4,294,967,295) and ifHighSpeed must be used to report the interface speed.For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero.
The interface's address at its protocol sub-layer.For example, for an 802.x interface, this object normally contains a MAC address.The interface's media-specific MIB must define the bit and byte ordering and the format of the value of this object.For interfaces which do not have such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain an octet string of zero length.
SYNTAX Integer {up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode}
The desired state of the interface.The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.When a managed system initializes, all interfaces start with ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state.As a result of either explicit management action or per configuration information retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains in the down(2) state).
SYNTAX INTEGER {up(1),-- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3), -- in some test mode unknown(4), -- status can not be determined -- for some reason.dormant(5), notPresent(6),-- some component is missing lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of -- lower-layer interface(s)}
The current operational state of the interface.The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2).If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should change to dormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection); it should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state; it should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state.If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
This object is deprecated in favour of ifInMulticastPkts and ifInBroadcastPkts.
The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing the number of transmission units received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
This object is deprecated in favour of ifOutMulticastPkts and ifOutBroadcastPkts.
The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The length of the output packet queue (in packets).
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular media being used to realize the interface.It is recommended that this value point to an instance of a MIB object in the media-specific MIB, i.e., that this object have the semantics associated with the InstancePointer textual convention defined in RFC 2579.In fact, it is recommended that the media-specific MIB specify what value ifSpecific should/can take for values of ifType.If no MIB definitions specific to the particular media are available, the value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }.
このテーブルは、ifExtnsTable テーブルに置き換わるものです。
A list of interface entries.The number of entries is given by the value of ifNumber.This table contains additional objects for the interface table.
An entry containing additional management information applicable to a particular interface.
SEQUENCE {ifName DisplayString, ifInMulticastPkts Counter32, ifInBroadcastPkts Counter32, ifOutMulticastPkts Counter32, ifOutBroadcastPkts Counter32, ifHCInOctetsCounter64, ifHCInUcastPkts Counter64, ifHCInMulticastPkts Counter64, ifHCInBroadcastPkts Counter64, ifHCOutOctets Counter64, ifHCOutUcastPktsCounter64, ifHCOutMulticastPktsCounter64, ifHCOutBroadcastPktsCounter64, ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable INTEGER, ifHighSpeed Gauge32, ifPromiscuousMode TruthValue, ifConnectorPresent TruthValue, ifAlias DisplayString, ifCounterDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp }
The textual name of the interface.The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device's `console'.This might be a text name, such as `le0' or a simple port number, such as `1', depending on the interface naming syntax of the device.If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of ifName.Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of ifName for such an interface is the proxied device's local name for it.
If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer.For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
これらのオブジェクトはすべて、基本的な ifTable カウンタの 64 ビット バージョンです。これらのすべてのオブジェクトの基本的なセマンティックは、32 ビット バージョンと同じですが、その構文が 64 ビットに拡張されています。
The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.This object is a 64-bit version of ifInUcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifHCInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer.For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.This object is a 64-bit version of ifInMulticastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifHCInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer.This object is a 64-bit version of ifInBroadcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutUcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifHCOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutMulticastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifHCOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutBroadcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
Indicates whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated for this interface.By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for interfaces which do not operate on 'top' of any other interface (as defined in the ifStackTable), and disabled(2) otherwise.
An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second.If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'.For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth.For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero.
This object has a value of false(2) if this interface only accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this station.This object has a value of true(1) when the station accepts all packets/frames transmitted on the media.The value true(1) is only legal on certain types of media.If legal, setting this object to a value of true(1) may require the interface to be reset before becoming effective.
The value of ifPromiscuousMode does not affect the reception of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface.
ifConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE
This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)' otherwise.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
This object is an alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile handle for the interface.
On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of ifAlias associated with that interface is the zero-length string.As and when a value is written into an instance of ifAlias through a network management set operation, then the agent must retain the supplied value in the ifAlias instance associated with the same interface for as long as that interface remains instantiated, including across all re-initializations/reboots of the network management system, including those which result in a change of the interface's ifIndex value.
An example of the value which a network manager might store in this object for a WAN interface is the (Telco's) circuit number/identifier of the interface.
Some agents may support write-access only for interfaces having particular values of ifType.An agent which supports write access to this object is required to keep the value in non-volatile storage, but it may limit the length of new values depending on how much storage is already occupied by the current values for other interfaces.
ifCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a discontinuity.The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this interface of any Counter32 or Counter64 object contained in the ifTable or ifXTable.If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
SYNTAX Sequence of IfStackEntry
The table containing information on the relationships between the multiple sub-layers of network interfaces.In particular, it contains information on which sub-layers run 'on top of' which other sub-layers, where each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable.For example, when the sub-layer with ifIndex value x runs over the sub-layer with ifIndex value y, then this table contains ifStackStatus.x.y=active.
For each ifIndex value, I, which identifies an active interface, there are always at least two instantiated rows in this table associated with I.For one of these rows, I is the value of ifStackHigherLayer; for the other, I is the value of ifStackLowerLayer.(If I is not involved in multiplexing, then these are the only two rows associated with I.)
For example, two rows exist even for an interface which has no others stacked on top or below it:
Information on a particular relationship between two sub-layers, specifying that one sub-layer runs on 'top' of the other sub-layer.Each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable.
INDEX { ifStackHigherLayer, ifStackLowerLayer }
IfStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifStackHigherLayer InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifStackLowerLayer InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifStackStatus RowStatus }
ifStackHigherLayer OBJECT-TYPE
The value of ifIndex corresponding to the higher sub-layer of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs on 'top' of the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of ifStackLowerLayer.If there is no higher sub-layer (below the internetwork layer), then this object has the value 0.
The value of ifIndex corresponding to the lower sub-layer of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs 'below' the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of ifStackHigherLayer.If there is no lower sub-layer, then this object has the value 0.
The status of the relationship between two sub-layers.Changing the value of this object from 'active' to 'notInService' or 'destroy' will likely have consequences up and down the interface stack.Thus, write access to this object is likely to be inappropriate for some types of interfaces, and many implementations will choose not to support write-access for any type of interface.
The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change of the (whole) interface stack.A change of the interface stack is defined to be any creation, deletion, or change in value of any instance of ifStackStatus.If the interface stack has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
このオブジェクト グループは、複数のアドレスにアドレス指定されているパケットまたはフレームを受信できる、すべてのタイプのインターフェイスに必須です。このテーブルは ifExtnsRcvAddr テーブルに代わるものです。主な違いは、このテーブルでは RowStatus のテキストの表記法を使用していますが、ifExtnsRcvAddr ではこの表記法を使用していない点です。
SYNTAX Sequence of IfRcvAddressEntry
This table contains an entry for each address (broadcast, multicast, or uni-cast) for which the system will receive packets/frames on a particular interface, except as follows:
– For an interface operating in promiscuous mode, entries are only required for those addresses for which the system would receive frames were it not operating in promiscuous mode.
– For 802.5 functional addresses, only one entry is required, for the address which has the functional address bit ANDed with the bit mask of all functional addresses for which the interface will accept frames.
A system is normally able to use any unicast address which corresponds to an entry in this table as a source address.
A list of objects identifying an address for which the system will accept packets/frames on the particular interface identified by the index value ifIndex.
INDEX { ifIndex, ifRcvAddressAddress }
IfRcvAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifRcvAddressAddress PhysAddress, ifRcvAddressStatusRowStatus, ifRcvAddressType INTEGER }
ifRcvAddressAddress OBJECT-TYPE
An address for which the system will accept packets/frames on this entry's interface.
ifRcvAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
This object is used to create and delete rows in the ifRcvAddressTable.
SYNTAX INTEGER {other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3) }
This object has the value nonVolatile(3) for those entries in the table which are valid and will not be deleted by the next restart of the managed system.Entries having the value volatile(2) are valid and exist, but have not been saved, so that will not exist after the next restart of the managed system.Entries having the value other(1) are valid and exist but are not classified as to whether they will continue to exist after the next restart.
OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state).This other state is indicated by the included value
OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links left the down state and transitioned into some other state (but not into the notPresent state).This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.
ifConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 2 }
The compliance statement for SNMP entities which have network interfaces.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup }
Mutually exclusive; at most one of these groups is implemented for a particular interface.When any of these groups is implemented for a particular interface, then ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup must also be implemented for that interface.
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second.
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second.
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second.
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second but less than or equal to 650,000,000 bits/second.
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 650,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces that are required to maintain counters (i.e., those for which one of the ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup, ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, or ifVHCPacketGroup is mandatory).
The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the media-specific MIBs.Media-specific MIBs must define the exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this group.
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
Write access is not required, nor is support for the value testing(3).
OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange, ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent, ifHighSpeed, ifName, ifNumber, ifAlias, ifTableLastChange }
A collection of objects providing information applicable to all network interfaces.
(注) 次の 5 つのグループは相互に排他的です。これらのグループの 1 つだけがいずれかのインターフェイスに実装されます。
• ifFixedLengthGroupOBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
A collection of objects providing information specific to non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second) character-oriented or fixed-length-transmission network interfaces.
OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
A collection of objects providing information specific to high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second) character-oriented or fixed-length-transmission network interfaces.
OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifPromiscuousMode }
A collection of objects providing information specific to non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces.
OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifPromiscuousMode }
A collection of objects providing information specific to high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second but less than or equal to 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces.
OBJECTS { ifHCInUcastPkts, ifHCInMulticastPkts, ifHCInBroadcastPkts, ifHCOutUcastPkts, ifHCOutMulticastPkts, ifHCOutBroadcastPkts, ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifPromiscuousMode }
A collection of objects providing information specific to higher speed (greater than 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces.
OBJECTS { ifRcvAddressStatus, ifRcvAddressType }
A collection of objects providing information on the multiple addresses which an interface receives.
OBJECTS { ifStackStatus, ifStackLastChange }
A collection of objects providing information on the layering of MIB-II interfaces.
ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { ifCounterDiscontinuityTime }
A collection of objects providing information specific to interface counter discontinuities.
linkUpDownNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
NOTIFICATIONS { linkUp, linkDown }
The notifications which indicate specific changes in the value of ifOperStatus.
このオブジェクト グループはオプションであり、推奨されていません。ただし、メディア固有の MIB ではこのグループの実装が必須の場合があります。このテーブルは ifExtnsTestTable に代わるものです。
This table contains one entry per interface.It defines objects which allow a network manager to instruct an agent to test an interface for various faults.Tests for an interface are defined in the media-specific MIB for that interface.After invoking a test, the object ifTestResult can be read to determine the outcome.If an agent cannot perform the test, ifTestResult is set to so indicate.The object ifTestCode can be used to provide further test-specific or interface-specific (or even enterprise-specific) information concerning the outcome of the test.Only one test can be in progress on each interface at any one time.If one test is in progress when another test is invoked, the second test is rejected.Some agents may reject a test when a prior test is active on another interface.
Before starting a test, a manager-station must first obtain 'ownership' of the entry in the ifTestTable for the interface to be tested.This is accomplished with the ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects as follows:
while (ifTestStatus != notInUse)
* Loop while a test is running or some other
* manager is configuring a test.
* Is not being used right now -- let's compete
if ( set(ifTestId = lock_value, ifTestStatus = inUse,
ifTestOwner = 'my-IP-address') == FAILURE)
* Another manager got the ifTestEntry -- go
set(ifTestType = test_to_run);
Wait for test completion by polling ifTestResult when test completes, agent sets ifTestResult agent also sets ifTestStatus = 'notInUse' retrieve any additional test results, and ifTestId if (ifTestId == lock_value+1) results are valid.
A manager station first retrieves the value of the appropriate ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects, periodically repeating the retrieval if necessary, until the value of ifTestStatus is 'notInUse'.The manager station then tries to set the same ifTestId object to the value it just retrieved, the same ifTestStatus object to 'inUse', and the corresponding ifTestOwner object to a value indicating itself.If the set operation succeeds then the manager has obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry, and the value of the ifTestId object is incremented by the agent (per the semantics of TestAndIncr).Failure of the set operation indicates that some other manager has obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry.
Once ownership is obtained, any test parameters can be setup, and then the test is initiated by setting ifTestType.On completion of the test, the agent sets ifTestStatus to 'notInUse'.Once this occurs, the manager can retrieve the results.In the (rare) event that the invocation of tests by two network managers were to overlap, then there would be a possibility that the first test's results might be overwritten by the second test's results prior to the first results being read.This unlikely circumstance can be detected by a network manager retrieving ifTestId at the same time as retrieving the test results, and ensuring that the results are for the desired request.
If ifTestType is not set within an abnormally long period of time after ownership is obtained, the agent should time-out the manager, and reset the value of the ifTestStatus object back to 'notInUse'.It is suggested that this time-out period be 5 minutes.
In general, a management station must not retransmit a request to invoke a test for which it does not receive a response; instead, it properly inspects an agent's MIB to determine if the invocation was successful.Only if the invocation was unsuccessful, is the invocation request retransmitted.
Some tests may require the interface to be taken off-line in order to execute them, or may even require the agent to reboot after completion of the test.In these circumstances, communication with the management station invoking the test may be lost until after completion of the test.An agent is not required to support such tests.However, if such tests are supported, then the agent should make every effort to transmit a response to the request which invoked the test prior to losing communication.When the agent is restored to normal service, the results of the test are properly made available in the appropriate objects.
Note that this requires that the ifIndex value assigned to an interface must be unchanged even if the test causes a reboot.An agent must reject any test for which it cannot, perhaps due to resource constraints, make available at least the minimum amount of information after that test completes.
An entry containing objects for invoking tests on an interface.
SEQUENCE { ifTestId TestAndIncr, ifTestStatus INTEGER, ifTestType AutonomousType, ifTestResult INTEGER, ifTestCode OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ifTestOwnerOwnerString }
This object identifies the current invocation of the interface's test.
SYNTAX INTEGER { notInUse(1), inUse(2) }
This object indicates whether or not some manager currently has the necessary 'ownership' required to invoke a test on this interface.A write to this object is only successful when it changes its value from 'notInUse(1)' to 'inUse(2)'.After completion of a test, the agent resets the value back to 'notInUse(1)'.
A control variable used to start and stop operator-initiated interface tests.Most OBJECT IDENTIFIER values assigned to tests are defined elsewhere, in association with specific types of interface.However, this document assigns a value for a full-duplex loopback test, and defines the special meanings of the subject identifier:
noTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
When the value noTest is written to this object, no action is taken unless a test is in progress, in which case the test is aborted.Writing any other value to this object is only valid when no test is currently in progress, in which case the indicated test is initiated.
When read, this object always returns the most recent value that ifTestType was set to.If it has not been set since the last initialization of the network management subsystem on the agent, a value of noTest is returned.
SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), -- no test yet requested success(2), inProgress(3), notSupported(4), unAbleToRun(5), -- due to state of system aborted(6), failed(7) }
This object contains the result of the most recently requested test, or the value none(1) if no tests have been requested since the last reset.Note that this facility provides no provision for saving the results of one test when starting another, as could be required if used by multiple managers concurrently.
This object contains a code which contains more specific information on the test result, for example an error-code after a failed test.Error codes and other values this object may take are specific to the type of interface and/or test.The value may have the semantics of either the AutonomousType or InstancePointer textual conventions as defined in RFC 2579.The identifier is testCodeUnknown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 } and defined for use if no additional result code is available.
The entity which currently has the 'ownership' required to invoke a test on this interface.
OBJECTS { ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange, ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent, ifHighSpeed, ifName }
A collection of objects deprecated in favour of ifGeneralInformationGroup.
OBJECTS { ifTestId, ifTestStatus, ifTestType, ifTestResult, ifTestCode, ifTestOwner }
A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke tests on an interface.
The previous collection of objects providing information on the layering of MIB-II interfaces.
OBJECTS { ifInNUcastPkts, ifOutNUcastPkts, ifOutQLen, ifSpecific }
The collection of objects deprecated from the original MIB-II interfaces group.
A compliance statement defined in a previous version of this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network interfaces.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralGroup, ifStackGroup }
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length transmission units.
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second.
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are packet-oriented.
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 650,000,000 bits/second.
This group is optional.Media-specific MIBs which require interface tests are strongly encouraged to use this group for invoking tests and reporting results.A medium specific MIB which has mandatory tests may make implementation of this group mandatory.
The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the media-specific MIBs.Media-specific MIBs must define the exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this group.
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
Write access is not required, and only one of the six enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need be supported, specifically: active(1).
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
Write access is not required, nor is support for the value testing(3).
A compliance statement defined in a previous version of this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network interfaces.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2, ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup }
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length transmission units.
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second.
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are packet-oriented.
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 650,000,000 bits/second.
The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the media-specific MIBs.Media-specific MIBs must define the exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this group.
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
Write access is not required, and only one of the six enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need be supported, specifically: active(1).
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
Write access is not required, nor is support for the value testing(3).