Monitoring the System

This chapter provides information for monitoring system status and performance using the show commands found in the Command Line Interface (CLI). These command have many related keywords that allow them to provide useful information on all aspects of the system ranging from current software configuration through call activity and status.

The selection of keywords described in this chapter is intended to provide the most useful and in-depth information for monitoring the system. For additional information on these and other show command keywords, refer to the Exec Mode show Commands chapter of the Command Line Interface Reference.


A VPC-DI or VPC-SI virtual machine (VM) has no knowledge of the hypervisor under which it is running or the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) server. To monitor the status of the hypervisor and COTS server, refer to the user documentation supplied with these components of this system.


In Release 21.1 and forward, use the do show command to run all Exec Mode show commands while in Global Configuration Mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command. The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.

SNMP Notifications

In addition to the CLI, the system supports Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notifications that indicate status and alarm conditions. Refer to the SNMP MIB Reference for a detailed listing of these notifications.

Monitoring System Status and Performance

This section contains commands used to monitor the status of tasks, managers, applications and other software components in the system. Output descriptions for most of the commands are located in the Statistics and Counters Reference.

Table 1 System Status and Performance Monitoring Commands
To do this: Enter this command:
View Administrative Information
Display Current Administrative User Access
View a list of all administrative users currently logged on the system show administrators
View the context in which the administrative user is working, the IP address from which the administrative user is accessing the CLI, and a system generated ID number show administrators session id
View information pertaining to local-user administrative accounts configured for the system show local-user verbose
View statistics for local-user administrative accounts show local-user statistics verbose
View information pertaining to your CLI session show cli
Determining System Uptime
View system uptime (time since last reboot) show system uptime
View NTP Server Status
View NTP servers status show ntp status
View System Resources
View all system resources such as CPU resources and number of managers created show resources [ cpu ]
View System Alarms
View information about all currently outstanding alarms show alarm outstanding all verbose
View system alarm statistics show alarm statistics
View Congestion-Control Statistics
View Congestion-Control Statistics show congestion-control statistics
View Remote Management Statistics
View SNMP notification statistics show snmp notifies
View SNMP access statistics show snmp accesses
View SNMP trap history show snmp trap history
View SNMP Trap Statistics show snmp trap statistics
View Port Counters
View datalink counters for a specific port show port datalink counters slot#/port#
View Port Network Processor Unit (NPU) counters for a specific port show port npu counters slot#/port#
View System Information and Network Interfaces

View information about system components, storage devices and network interfaces

show hardware
View Card Information and Statistics

View diagnostics for all cards or for a card in a specific slot/port; (for VPC, slot = VM)

show card diag slot/port

View detailed information for all cards or a card in a specific slot/port (for VPC, slot = VM)

show card info slot/port

View operating status for all cards or VMs

show card table

View the contents of the boot configuration (param.cfg) file


show cloud configuration

View information about installed hardware and whether it is optimal or not for a specific card or all cards in the system


show cloud hardware

View monitored statistics about the VPC-DI network relative to a specific card


show cloud monitor di-network
Important: The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).
Important: Some commands have different outputs depending on the platform type.

Clearing Statistics and Counters

It may be necessary to periodically clear statistics and counters in order to gather new information. The system provides the ability to clear statistics and counters based on their grouping (PPP, MIPHA, MIPFA, etc.).

Statistics and counters can be cleared using the CLI clear command. Refer to the Exec Mode Commands chapter of the Command Line Interface Reference for detailed information on using this command.