Cisco AS5300 Software Configuration Guide
App A: Managing Modems

Table Of Contents

Managing Modems

Monitoring Modems

Configuring Microcom Modems for Monitoring

Configuring MICA Modems for Monitoring

Modem Performance Statistics Commands

Managing Modems

Check Modem Type

Set Modem Event Buffer

Remove Inoperable Modems from Service

Polling Modems

Set Polling Attempts

Set Time Interval between Polls

Poll for Modem Statistics

Troubleshooting Modems

Perform a Modem Startup Test

Test Two Modems Back-to-Back

Hold and Reset a Modem

Disable a Modem from Dial-Up Services

Debug a Modem

Upgrading Modem Code

How to Obtain Modem Code

Important Modem Upgrade Commands

Choosing an Update Strategy

Modem Code Scenarios

Displaying Modem Code Versions

Upgrading Modem Code from the Cisco CCO TFTP Server

Download Modem Code from the Cisco CCO TFTP Server to a Local TFTP Server

Copy the Modem Code File from Local TFTP Server to Modems

Upgrading Modem Code from Diskettes

Copy the Modem Code to Your PC Hard Disk

Copy the Modem Code from Your PC to the Modems

Using the Modem Code Bundled with Cisco IOS Software

Managing Modems

The Cisco AS5300 universal access servers support MICA or Microcom modem carrier cards. For details on the carrier cards, refer to the Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Server Chassis Installation Guide and Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Server Module Installation Guide, available online at

You can manage your modems using monitoring, polling, and troubleshooting commands. For both Microcom and MICA modems, most of the modem management functions are identical. This appendix discusses procedures and commands common to both types of modems and procedures and commands that apply to only one type of modem. Sections or commands that apply to only one type of modem are clearly indicated.

This appendix includes the following sections:

Monitoring Modems

Managing Modems

Polling Modems

Troubleshooting Modems

Upgrading Modem Code

Monitoring Modems

This section describes how to send AT commands to MICA and Microcom modems.

For a list and description of AT commands, refer to the following:

AT Command Set and Register Summary for MICA Six-Port Modules or AT Command Set, available online at

Register Summary for V.34 and 56K 12-Port Modules publications, available online at

Configuring Microcom Modems for Monitoring

To monitor Microcom (V.34 and 56K) modems you must perform two main configuration tasks:

Configure a modem to permit a direct-connect session

Establish the session

Table A-1 describes all the steps necessary to enter AT command mode on the access server.

Table A-1 Entering AT Command Mode for Microcom Modems 


5300> enable

Password: <password>


Enter enable mode (also called privileged EXEC mode).

Enter the password.

You have entered enable mode when the 5300# prompt appears.


5300# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End

with CNTL/Z.


Enter global configuration mode.You have entered global configuration mode when the 5300(config)# prompt appears.


5300(config)# line 1


Enter line configuration mode. In this example, line 1 is specified. You have entered line configuration mode when the 5300(config-line)# prompt appears.


5300(config-line)# modem at-mode-permit

Configure a Microcom modem to permit a direct-connect session.


5300(config-if)# end
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

Return to enable mode.

This message is normal and does not indicate an error.


5300# modem at-mode 1/1

You are now entering AT
command mode on modem (slot 1 / port 1).
Please type CTRL-C to exit AT command mode.

Enter a direct-connect session with a TA1 . In this example, a direct connect session is established with the TA in
slot 1, port 1. Enter the TA slot number first, followed by the TA port number.

Now you are in AT command mode and can enter the AT commands described in this document.




When done entering AT commands, press Ctrl-C to return to enable mode.

1 TA = Terminal Adapter.

Configuring MICA Modems for Monitoring

To send AT commands to a MICA modem involves a reverse Telnet procedure. Table A-2 shows how to enter AT command mode from enable mode (also called privileged EXEC) using reverse Telnet.

Note   MICA modems do not support the modem at-mode commands available in Cisco IOS line configuration mode.

Table A-2 Entering AT Command Mode for MICA Modems 



5300> telnet ip-address line#

Trying, 2001 ... Open

Open a reverse Telnet connection to the modem. In the command shown here, ip-address is the IP address of the access server and line# is the two-digit line number of the modem, prefixed by 20. (For example, enter telnet 2001 if the IP address is and the modem line number is 1.)

If you do not know which line number to use, enter the show line command and check the resulting display for tty numbers that have inout in the Modem column.

The Telnet connection is open when the word Open appears.




There is no command prompt in AT command mode. To confirm that you are able to enter AT commands, type at and press Return. If you are in AT command mode, the modem returns OK.


Ctrl-Shift-6 X

5300# disconnect

To exit AT command mode and return to enable mode, enter Ctrl-Sh-6 X (hold down the Control and Shift keys and press 6, then release everything and press X).

Enter disconnect to end the Telnet connection.

Modem Performance Statistics Commands

You can view modem statistics and configure modem events using the Cisco IOS software with the Cisco AS5300 access server. To view performance statistics for the Microcom and MICA modems, enter one or more of the following commands in enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

show modem [slot/modem | group number]—Show various performance statistics for a modem or group of modems.

show modem at-modeDisplay all directly connected AT sessions active on the access server. This command applies to Microcom modems only.

show modem call-statsDisplay the calling statistics for all the modems in the system.

show modem mapping—List all Cisco IOS software and modem code files (bundled and unbundled) and their versions in the system Flash memory. This will help you decide if you need to update your modem code files.

show modem configuration [slot/modem-port | group number]—Display the modem configuration for a single or group of modems. This command applies to MICA modems only.

show modem connect-speedsDisplay the connection speeds for all the modems in the system.

show modem csm [slot/modem-port | group number]—Show the call-switching module status for a single or group of modems.

show modem groupDisplay group information for the modems.

show modem log [slot/modem-port | group number]—Show the event log status for a modem or group of modems. This command applies to Microcom modems only.

show modem operational-status [slot/modem | group number]Display the operational status for all the modems in the system. This command applies to MICA modems only.

show modem summaryDisplay the cumulative system statistics for all installed modems.

show modem testDisplay the modem test log, which is the result of the modem configuration command.

show modem versionDisplay version information for all the modems in the system.

To view additional performance statistics for MICA modems only, enter one or more of the following commands in EXEC mode:

show modem mica slotShow information for all installed MICA boards.

show modem mica slot numberShow information about a specific MICA board.

show modem mica [slot/modem-port ]Show information for a specific modem on a specific slot.

show modem mica allShow information for all installed modems including the pseudo channels.

Note   The first three channels displayed for each board are the DC session (#60), status polling (#61), and the control (#62) channel.

Managing Modems

This section describes how to manage modems by checking the type of modem connected to the access server, removing inoperable modems from service, and disabling a modem from dial-up service. For details on disabling a modem from dial-up services, see the section, "Troubleshooting Modems," later in this appendix.

Check Modem Type

To check the type of modem connected to the access server and to configure the modem automatically, enter the following command in global configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config)#]:

modem autoconfigure discoveryCheck the modem type and configure the modem automatically.

The modem is identified each time the line is reset. If a modem cannot be detected, the line continues retrying for 10 seconds. When the modem type is determined, this information remains stored until the modem is recycled or disconnected. Discovery mode is much slower than configuring a line directly.

Each time the modem is reset (every time a chat reset script is executed), a string of commands is sent to the modem, the first one being "return to factory-defaults."

Set Modem Event Buffer

This section applies to Microcom modems only. To configure the size of the history event queue buffer for manageable modems in the access server, enter the following command in global configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config)#]:

modem buffer-size numberDefine the number of modem events that each modem is able to store. The default is 100 events per modem.

Note   Use the show modem log command to view modem events.

Remove Inoperable Modems from Service

To remove modems from service and indicate them as suspected or proven to be inoperable, enter the following command in line configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config-line)#]:

modem badSpecify a modem as inoperable.

If you mark a single modem as inoperable using this command, it appears as Bad—without the asterisk (*)—in the Status column of the show modem command's output for that particular modem. A modem marked inoperable by the modem startup-test command appears as Bad* in the show modem command output for that particular modem. Use the no modem bad command to unmark a modem as Bad* or Bad and restore it for dial-up connection services.

Polling Modems

This section describes polling modems for statistics, including setting the time interval between polls and the maximum number of polling attempts.

Set Polling Attempts

To set the maximum number of polling attempts used to retrieve a local modem's status or statistics, enter the following command in global configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config)#]:

modem poll retry numberSet maximum number of polling attempts. The default is three polling attempts. The configuration range is from 0 to 10 attempts.

If the number of attempts to retrieve modem status or statistics exceeds the number you define, the out-of-band port is removed from operation. In this case, you must reset the modem hardware using the clear modem command.

Set Time Interval between Polls

To set the time interval between the polls that are sent to the local modems for reporting modem status and statistics, enter the following command in global configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config)#]:

modem poll time secondsSpecify the number of seconds between polls. The default is 12 seconds. The configuration range is from 2 to 120 seconds.

Poll for Modem Statistics

To poll for a modem's status and statistics through its out-of-band port, enter the following command in line configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config-line)#]:

modem status-pollPoll for a modem's status and statistics.

The no modem status-poll command disables status polling through the out-of-band port for a specified modem.

Troubleshooting Modems

This section describes how to perform diagnostic testing on installed modems, test two modems back-to-back, disable modems from service, reset a modem, and debug a modem.

Perform a Modem Startup Test

To perform diagnostic testing on all the installed modems during the system's initial startup or rebooting process, enter the following command in global configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config)#]:

modem startup-testPerform diagnostic testing for all modems.

The results of the modem startup test are displayed in the Status column of the show modem command's output. Modems that pass the diagnostic test are marked as Idle, Busy, Downloading, and Reset. Modems that fail the diagnostic test are marked as Bad*. These modems cannot be used for call connections. Depending on how many modems are installed, this diagnostic test may take from 5 to 15 minutes to complete. Perform additional testing on an inoperative modem by executing the test modem back-to-back command. The no modem startup-test command disables startup testing.

Test Two Modems Back-to-Back

Perform additional testing on a modem suspected of being inoperable by conducting a series of internal back-to-back connections and data transfers between two modems. All modem test connections occur inside the access server. For example, if mobile users cannot dial into modem 2/5 (which is the sixth modem port on the modem board in the second chassis slot), attempt a back-to-back test with modem 2/5 and a known-functioning modem such as modem 2/6.

Enter the following command in enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#) to perform internal back-to-back modem tests between two modems:

test modem back-to-back first-slot/modem-number second-slot/modem-numberPerform internal back-to-back modem tests between two modems.

You might need to enable this command on several different combinations of modems to determine which one is not functioning properly. A pair of operable modems successfully connect and complete transmitting data in both directions. An operable modem and an inoperable modem do not successfully connect with each other.

Hold and Reset a Modem

This section applies to Microcom modems only. To reset and isolate the modem hardware for extensive troubleshooting, enter the following command in line configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config-line)#]:

modem hold-resetReset and isolate the modem hardware.

Use this command if you are experiencing extreme modem behavior (for example, if the modem is uncontrollably dialing into the network). This command prevents the modem from establishing software relationships such as those created by the test back-to-back modem command and the modem startup-test command. The modem is unusable while the modem hold-reset command is configured.

This command is also used to reset a modem that is frozen in a suspended state. Disable the suspended modem with the modem hold-reset command, and then restart hardware initialization with the no modem hold-reset command. A modem decommissioned by the modem hold-reset command does not accept modem firmware upgrades using the copy modem command.

Disable a Modem from Dial-Up Services

To disable modems from dialing or answering calls, enter one of the following commands in line configuration mode [the prompt is displayed as 5300(config-line)#]:

modem busyoutGracefully disable a modem from dial-up services.

modem shutdownAbruptly shut down a modem from dial-up services.

The modem busyout command is not executed until the active modem is idle. No active connections are interrupted when you use this command. In contrast, the modem shutdown command immediately terminates all active connections on the specified modem. The resulting modem status for both these commands is the same. Enable the no form of these commands to restore a modem for dial-up services.

You can still configure the following commands on a disabled modem:

test modem back-to-back

clear modem

modem bad

copy modem

Debug a Modem

To debug a modem or group of modems, enter the following commands in enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

debug modem oob [slot/modem-port | group group-number]—Debug a modem's out-of-band port, which is used to poll modem events.

debug modem csm [slot/modem-port | group group-number]—Debug a call-switching module, which is used to connect calls.

debug modem trace [normal | abnormal | all] [slot/modem-port | group group-number]—Debug the call trace, which determines why calls are terminated. Use this keyword only with manageable modems. Upload the call trace on normal, abnormal, or all call terminations.

Upgrading Modem Code

Modem code is a generic term applied to a modem code file, which is also called modem code for MICA modems and firmware for Microcom modems.

With new systems, Cisco loads a Cisco IOS software-compatible version of modem code and copies the version to the installed modem modules. A map of the version(s) of modem code copied to the modem RAM for each modem module is stored in nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM) so that it is retained over power cycles.

Note   You do not have to take any action to use the pre-installed version of modem code with new systems.

You can acquire new modem code in several ways:

Cisco periodically releases new modem code versions (with bug fixes or new modem features) that improve your system's overall modem performance.

Cisco also might ship modem code on diskette with spare boards or offer modem code for purchase with spare boards.

Modem code is also available on the Cisco Software Center.

This section describes how to upgrade modem code on your access server modems by:

1 Understanding the modem code scenarios possible for your access server.

2 Choosing an upgrade strategy.

3 Finding out the modem code version installed on your access server.

4 Upgrading the modem code.

Cisco ships the access server with the latest version of modem code installed in the system Flash memory and mapped to the modems. If you choose to use the modem code bundled with your installed Cisco IOS software, you could be reverting to a previous version of modem code. Also note that once you map the bundled modem code (using the copy system:/ucode/filename modem command or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3A or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command) to your modems, each time you upgrade the Cisco IOS software, the new bundled modem code is automatically mapped to your modems. See "Displaying Modem Code Versions," later in this appendix, for details on displaying modem code versions mapped to modems, installed in system Flash memory, and bundled with the Cisco IOS software on your access server.

How to Obtain Modem Code

You can obtain modem code in one of two ways:

Bundled in regular Cisco IOS releases. See "Using the Modem Code Bundled with Cisco IOS Software" for details.

Unbundled from Cisco Connection Online (CCO) or supplied on diskette. This can be either a more up-to-date version of modem code released before the next Cisco IOS release (when the modem code will be bundled with the Cisco IOS release), or a special version of modem code shipped with a new board. See "Upgrading Modem Code from the Cisco CCO TFTP Server" and "Upgrading Modem Code from Diskettes" for details.

Note   You must be a registered Cisco user to log into Cisco Connection Online (CCO).

Important Modem Upgrade Commands

There are several commands you use to upgrade modem code. For examples on using the commands, see "Upgrading Modem Code from the Cisco CCO TFTP Server," "Upgrading Modem Code from Diskettes," and "Using the Modem Code Bundled with Cisco IOS Software," later in this appendix for details.

Use the copy tftp flash filename command to copy any version of modem code (no matter how it is obtained) into system Flash memory. You can store several versions of the modem code in system Flash memory under different filenames.

Use the copy flash modem command to transfer a specified version (filename) of modem code from system Flash memory to the modem RAM and map that version to the modem modules (slots/ports) specified in response to the modem range query.

Use the copy system:/ucode/filename modem command (or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command) to transfer the version of modem code bundled with the Cisco IOS software release to the modem RAM and map that version to the modem modules (slots/ports) specified in response to the modem range query. To view a list of microcode filenames, use the command dir system:/ucode.

Choosing an Update Strategy

Because of multiple versions of modem code and the way Cisco IOS software processes these versions, Cisco suggests that you choose one of the following two strategies:

Always allow Cisco IOS software to select the version of modem code.

Always control the version of modem code used by the modules, independent of Cisco IOS software selections.

Cisco ships the access server with the latest version of modem code installed in the system Flash memory and mapped to the modems. If you choose to use the modem code bundled with your installed Cisco IOS software, you could be reverting to a previous version of modem code. Also note that once you map the bundled modem code (using the copy system:/ucode command or, for releases earlier than Cisco IOS release 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command) to your modems, each time you upgrade the Cisco IOS software, the new bundled modem code is automatically mapped to your modems. See "Displaying Modem Code Versions," later in this appendix, for details on displaying modem code versions mapped to modems, installed in system Flash memory, and bundled with the Cisco IOS software on your access server.

To help with the decision, shows a hypothetical release process. Using the modem code bundled with Cisco IOS software is the easier strategy and enables you to take advantage of new modem code whenever you upgrade your Cisco IOS software. You can control the modem code by using the copy command as discussed later.

Figure A-1 Release Timeline for Cisco IOS Software and Modem Code

Modem Code Scenarios

provides scenarios that can occur when you upgrade Cisco IOS software or modem code.

Table A-3 Modem Code Scenarios—Cisco IOS Software or Modem Code Upgrades

Update Process


You receive a new access server from the Cisco factory.

No action needed. The factory loads and maps a compatible version of modem code.1


You update Cisco IOS software, and you decide to use the version of modem code selected by Cisco IOS software.

Update Cisco IOS software.

No further action needed—Cisco IOS software automatically downloads either its bundled version or a mapped version from system Flash memory.2


You update Cisco IOS software, and you decide not to use the modem code selected by Cisco IOS software.

Update Cisco IOS software.

Copy the desired version of modem code file to system Flash memory, then copy that file to the integrated modems on the 6-port module. See "Copy the Modem Code from Your PC to the Modems," later in this appendix, for details.


The modems are running a version of modem code from system Flash memory that is different than the version bundled with Cisco IOS software. You decide to revert to the bundled version.

Use the Cisco IOS command copy system:/ucode/filename modem. (or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command). Note that once you map the bundled modem code to your modems, each time you upgrade the Cisco IOS software, the new bundled modem code is automatically mapped to your modems. See "Using the Modem Code Bundled with Cisco IOS Software," later in this appendix, for details.


Cisco releases new modem code, which is a later version than the version currently running on the modems. You decide to use Cisco's newest modem code.3

Copy the desired version of modem code file to system Flash memory, then copy that file to the integrated modems. See "Copy the Modem Code File from Local TFTP Server to Modems," later in this appendix, for details.

1 To find out the version of modem in your system, use the show modem mapping command. This command displays the versions bundled with Cisco IOS software (copied into Flash memory) and running on the modems.

2 In part, Cisco IOS software bases this decision on the last copy command issued. For more details about mapping, see .

3 Cisco might ship this modem code on a diskette packed with the spare carrier card.

shows a location on the release timeline where updates might take place, and explains the resulting versions of Cisco IOS software and modem code.

Figure A-2 Release Timeline for Cisco IOS Software and Modem Code

Table A-4 Resulting Versions of Cisco IOS Software and Modem Code 

Update Event
Resulting Version of
Cisco IOS Software
and Modem Code


You upgrade Cisco IOS software to Release B.

If there is no previous copy command (Cisco IOS software uses the bundled version).

If invalid mapping (Cisco IOS software uses the bundled version).

If last copy command was copy system:/ucode/filename modem or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command (Cisco IOS software uses the bundled version).

If last copy command was copy flash modem and Modem Code Version 1 was specified.

Cisco IOS Release B
Modem Code Version 2

Cisco IOS Release B
Modem Code Version 2

Cisco IOS Release B
Modem Code Version 2

Cisco IOS Release B
Modem Code Version 1


You upgrade Cisco IOS software to Release C. (Cisco IOS software uses mapping from last copy command at Time 1).1

Cisco IOS Release C
Modem Code Version 1

You enter the copy system:/ucode/filename modem command (or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command).

Cisco IOS Release C
Modem Code Version 3


New Modem Code Version 4 is released, you copy the file to system Flash memory, enter copy flash modem, and specify Modem Code Version 4.

Cisco IOS Release C
Modem Code Version 4


You upgrade Cisco IOS software to Release D.

Cisco IOS Release D
Modem Code Version 4

You enter the copy system:/ucode/filename modem command (or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command).

Cisco IOS Release D
Modem Code Version 3

1 This example assumes the last copy command was copy flash modem, and Modem Code Version 1 was specified.

provides a list of terms and commands and a description of how they are used in the modem code update process.

Table A-5 Modem Code Terminology 


Modem code

Modem code on the MICA modems resides in and runs out of modem RAM. Cisco IOS software transfers a version of modem code to modem RAM on each reboot and reload.

System Flash memory can contain several versions of modem code: a version bundled with Cisco IOS software and multiple versions that resulted from previous copy tftp flash commands.

copy system:/ucode/filename command
(or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command)

This command transfers the version of modem code bundled with Cisco IOS software to the modem RAM and maps that version to the modem modules specified by the modem range.

To view a list of microcode filenames, use the command dir system:/ucode.

This command does not affect any existing versions of modem code that reside in system Flash memory.

After one copy system:/ucode/filename modem command, future Cisco IOS upgrades will potentially result in the downloading of new Cisco IOS bundled firmware to the modems. (If the new Cisco IOS image contains the same modem code as the old one, no new code will be downloaded to the modems.)

copy tftp flash filename command

Places a copy of the modem code in system Flash memory.

copy flash modem command

This command transfers the version of modem code in system Flash memory to the modem RAM and maps that version to the modem modules specified by the modem range.

Mapping commands

The copy commands map a specific version of modem code to a group of modem slots/ports. The copy system:/ucode/filename modem command (or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command) maps the slots/ports to the bundled version, and the copy flash modem command maps the slots/ports to the system Flash version.

Cisco IOS software uses the mapping to determine which version of modem code should be downloaded to the modems. If Cisco IOS software finds no mapping or invalid mapping, it downloads the bundled version.

Although modem ranges are specified on as slot/port, the modem code is downloaded on a per module basis.

The show modem mapping command lists all versions of modem code running on the modem modules, residing in system Flash, and bundled with Cisco IOS software. This will help you decide if you need to update your modem code files.1

1 This command is supported in Cisco IOS Releases 11.2(11)P, 11.3(2)T, and later.

Displaying Modem Code Versions

Use the show modem mapping command to list the versions of modem code running on the modem modules, residing in system Flash memory, and bundled with Cisco IOS software. This will help you decide if you need to change the version running on the modems.

5300# show modem mapping
Slot 1 has Mica Carrier card.
        Modem      Firmware   Firmware
Module  Numbers    Rev        Filename
  0   1/0  - 1/5    flash:mica-modem-portware.
  1   1/6  - 1/11    mica-modem-portware.
  2   1/12 - 1/17    mica-modem-portware.
  3   1/18 - 1/23    mica-modem-portware.
  4   1/24 - 1/29    mica-modem-portware.
Slot 2 has Mica Carrier card.
        Modem      Firmware   Firmware
Module  Numbers    Rev        Filename
  0   2/0  - 2/5    flash:1:mica-modem-portware.
  1   2/6  - 2/11    mica-modem-portware.  
  2   2/12 - 2/17    mica-modem-portware.
  4   2/24 - 2/29    mica-modem-portware.
IOS Bundled Firmware Information:
Mica Boardware Version :
Mica Portware Version :
Microcom Firmware Version : 3.1.30
Microcom DSP Software Version : 1.01
Firmware files on System Flash:
Firmware-file                              Version  Firmware-Type
=============                              =======  =============
flash:1:mica-modem-portware.    2.3.0    Mica Portware
flash:2:mcom-modem-firmware.3.1.30.bin     3.1.30   Microcom Firmware

Upgrading Modem Code from the Cisco CCO TFTP Server

Upgrading modem code from the Cisco CCO TFTP server is a two-step process:

Downloading the modem code from Cisco CCO TFTP server to a local TFTP server

Copying the modem code file to the access server and modems

Note   Cisco IOS software contains bundled modem code, which might differ from the version of modem code you download. For more information about how Cisco IOS software processes multiple modem code versions, refer to the earlier sections "Choosing an Update Strategy" and "Modem Code Scenarios."

Download Modem Code from the Cisco CCO TFTP Server to a Local TFTP Server

Note   You must be a registered Cisco user to log in to Cisco's Software Center.

You can download software from the Cisco Systems CCO TFTP server using an Internet browser or using an FTP application. Both procedures are described.

Note   To download modem code from CCO to a PC and then upgrade the modem code to an access server connected to your PC via an Ethernet hub, you need to set up a TFTP application on your PC, establish a HyperTerminal session, and make sure your PC and access server are correctly connected and talking before downloading the modem code from CCO. All these procedures are described in "Upgrading Modem Code from Diskettes," later in this appendix.

Using an Internet Browser

Step 1 Launch an Internet browser.

Step 2 Bring up Cisco's Software Center home page at following URL (this is subject to change without notice):

Step 3 Click Access Products (under Cisco Software Products) to open the Access Products window.

Step 4 Click Cisco AS5300 Series Software.

Step 5 Click the modem code you want and download it to your workstation or PC. For example, to download modem code for the Microcom modems, click Download Microcom V.34 Modem Firmware or Download Microcom 56K Modem Firmware under the respective sections. To download modem code for MICA modems, click Download Modem Portware Images.

Step 6 Click the modem code file you want to download, and then follow the remaining download instructions. If you are downloading the modem code file to a PC, make sure you download it to the c:\tftpboot directory; otherwise, the download process will not work.

Step 7 When the modem code is downloaded to your workstation, transfer the file to a TFTP server in your LAN using a terminal emulation software application.

Step 8 When the modem code is downloaded to your workstation, transfer the file to a TFTP server somewhere in your LAN using a terminal emulation software application.

Using an FTP Application

Note   The directory path leading to the modem code files on is subject to change without notice. If you cannot access the files using an FTP application, try the Cisco Systems URL

Step 1 Log in to the Cisco CCO FTP server, called

     terminal> ftp
     Connected to
     220-  Cisco Connection Online       |        |      Cisco Systems, Inc.
     220-  Email:   |||      |||  170 West Tasman Drive
     220-  Phone: +1.800.553.2447  .:|||||:..:|||||:.  San Jose, CA 95134
     220- NOTE: As of February 1,1997 will now point to this
     220- service. Please be advised. To use the former after 
     220-  February 1, connect to
     220-  You may login with:
     220- + Your CCO username and password, or
     220- + A special access code followed by your e-mail address, or
     220- + "anonymous" followed by your e-mail address for guest access.
     220 cio-sys FTP server (CIOESD #103 Sun Dec 15 14:43:43 PST 1996) ready.

Step 2 Enter your CCO registered username and password (for example, harry and letmein):

     Name ( harry
     331 Password required for harry.
     Password: letmein
     230-#  Welcome to the Cisco Systems CCO FTP server.
     230-#  This server has a number of restrictions.  If you are not familiar
     230-#  with these, please first get and read the /README or /README.TXT file.
     230-# for more info.
     230-  *****  NOTE: As of February 1, 1997, "",   *****
     230-  *****  "" and "" are now all  *****
     230- *****  logical names for the same machine.              *****
     230- *****                                                   *****
     230- *****  The old "" is an entirely           *****
     230- *****  different machine, which is now known as        *****
     230- *****  "" or "".    *****
     230- *****                                                   *****
     230- *****  In general, "" is used only for ****
     230-  *****  distribution of Cisco Engineering-controlled  *****
     230-  *****  projects, such as beta programs, early field   *****
     230-  *****  trials, developing standards documents, etc.  *****
     230-  *****                                                   *****
     230-  *****  Be sure to confirm you have connected to         *****
     230-  *****  the machine you need to interact with.           *****
     230-  If you have any odd problems, try logging in with a minus sign (-) as
     230-  the first character of your password.  This will turn off a feature
     230- that may be confusing your ftp client program.
     230-  Please send any questions, comments, or problem reports about this
     230-  server to
     230-  NOTE: 
     230-  o To download files from CCO, you must be running a *passive-mode*
     230-    capable FTP client.
     230-  o To drop files on this system, you must cd to the /drop directory.
     230-  o Mirrors of this server can be found at 
     230-     + European (Amsterdam) 
     230-     +     France     (Paris)
     230-     +     Australia  (Sydney)
     230-     +     Japan      (Tokyo)
     230-     +     Korea      (Seoul)
     230-Please read the file README
     230-  it was last modified on Sat Feb  1 12:49:31 1997 - 163 days ago
     230 User harry logged in.  Access restrictions apply.
     Remote system type is UNIX.
     Using binary mode to transfer files.

Step 3 Specify the directory path that holds the modem firmware you want to download. For example, the directory path for the Cisco AS5300 modem code is /cisco/access/5300:

     ftp> cd /cisco/access/5300
     250-Please read the file README
     250-  it was last modified on Tue May 27 10:07:38 1997 - 48 days ago
     250-Please read the file README.txt
     250-  it was last modified on Tue May 27 10:07:38 1997 - 48 days ago
     250 CWD command successful.

Step 4 View the contents of the directory with the ls command:

     ftp> ls
     227 Entering Passive Mode (192,31,7,130,218,128)
     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
     total 2688
     drwxr-s--T   2 ftpadmin ftpcio    512 Jun 30 18:11 .
     drwxr-sr-t  19 ftpadmin ftpcio    512 Jun 23 10:26 ..
     lrwxrwxrwx  1  root     3          10 Aug   6 1996     README ->README.txt
     -rw-rw-r--   1 root     ftpcio   2304 May 27 10:07 README.txt
     -r--r--r-- 1 ftpadmin ftpint 377112 Jul 10 18:08 mcom-modem-code.x.x.x.bin
     -r--r--r-- 1 ftpadmin ftpint 635 Jul 10 18:08 mcom-modem-code.3.1.30.readme
226 Transfer complete.

Step 5 Specify a binary image transfer:

     ftp> binary
     200 Type set to I.

Step 6 Copy the modem firmware files from the access server to your local environment with the get command.

The following example downloads a Microcom modem firmware file:

     ftp> get mcom-modem-code.x.x.x.bin
     PORT command successful.
     Opening BINARY mode data connection for mcom-modem-code.x.x.x.bin (280208 bytes).
     Transfer complete.
     local: mcom-modem-code.x.x.x.bin 
     remote: mcom-modem-code.x.x.x.bin
     385503 bytes received in 3.6 seconds (1e+02 Kbytes/s)

Step 7 Quit your terminal session:

     ftp> quit

Step 8 Verify you successfully transferred the files to your local directory:

     server% ls -al
     total 596
     -r--r--r-- 1 280208 Jul 10 18:08 mcom-modem-code.x.x.x.bin
     server% pwd

Step 9 Transfer these files to a local TFTP or RCP server that your access server or router can access.

Copy the Modem Code File from Local TFTP Server to Modems

The procedure for copying the modem code file from your local TFTP server to the modems is a two-step process. First, transfer the modem code to the access server's Flash memory. Then, transfer the modem code to the modems.

These two steps are performed only once. After you copy the modem code file into Flash memory for the first time, you should not have to perform these steps again. Because the modem code runs from the modems themselves, the Cisco IOS software automatically copies the modem code to each modem each time the access server power cycles.

Depending on the type of modems that you have installed in your system, the download instructions will vary. Refer to the instructions that best describe your scenario:

Upgrading MICA Modem Code

Upgrading Microcom Modem Code

Upgrading MICA Modem Code

Downloading modem code to MICA modems is a six-step process:

Step 1 Establish an xterm session to the access server if using a UNIX workstation, or a HyperTerminal session to the access server if using a PC. For details on establishing a HyperTerminal session, see "Upgrading Modem Code from Diskettes," later in this appendix for details.

Step 2 Enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 3 Check the files in the access server system Flash memory:

5300# show flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mx  
 [498776 bytes used, 16278440 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Step 4 Download the modem code file from TFTP server into the access server Flash memory using the copy tftp flash command. After you enter the command, you are prompted for the download destination and the remote host name as requested by the system software.

5300# copy tftp flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mx  
[498776 bytes used, 16278440 available, 16777216 total]
Address or name of remote host []? 
Source file name? mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin
Destination file name [mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin]? 
Accessing file 'mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' on
Loading mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK]
Erase flash device before writing? [confirm] no
Copy 'mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' from server
  as 'mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' into Flash WITHOUT erase? [yes/no]y
Loading mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin from (via Ethernet0): 
[OK - 249108/16278440 bytes]
Verifying checksum...  OK (0xE009)
Flash device copy took 00:00:02 [hh:mm:ss]

Step 5 Verify the file has been copied into the access server system Flash memory:

5300# show flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mz  
  2   210104   mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin 
  [747948 bytes used, 16029268 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Step 6 Copy the modem code file from the access server system Flash memory to the modems by entering the copy flash modem command:

5300# copy flash modem
Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port> | group <number> | all)? all
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mz  
  2   210104   mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin 
[747948 bytes used, 16029268 available, 16777216 total]
Name of file to copy? mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin
Type of service [busyout/reboot] busyout
Copy 'flash:mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' from Flash to modems? [yes/no] yes

*Nov 30 21:17:43.574: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/0) started firmware download
*Nov 30 21:17:43.578: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/1) started firmware download
*Nov 30 21:17:43.578: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/2) started firmware download
*Nov 30 21:17:43.578: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/3) started firmware download
*Nov 30 21:17:53.170: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/11) completed firmware download: 
*Nov 30 21:17:53.598: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/12) completed firmware download: 
*Nov 30 21:17:53.598: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/13) completed firmware download: 
     *Nov 30 21:17:53.598: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/14) completed firmware download:

Note   The modem code is downloaded to the module, not the individual slots/ports as implied by the screen display.

For additional information about downloading modem code to modems, refer to the following publications:

Installing 56K 12-Port Modem Modules in Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Servers, available online at

Installing 6-Port Modem Modules and Carrier Cards in Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Servers, available online at

Upgrading Microcom Modem Code

Downloading modem code to 56K Microcom modems is a five-step process:

Step 1 Enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 2 Check the image in the access server system Flash memory:

5300# show flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   5826036 c5300-js-mz 
[5826100 bytes used, 10951116 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)


Step 3 Download the modem code file from the TFTP server into the access server system Flash memory using the copy tftp flash command. After you enter the command, you are prompted for the download destination and the remote host name as requested by the system software.

5300# copy tftp flash

System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   5826036 c5300-js-mz 
[5826100 bytes used, 10951116 available, 16777216 total]
Address or name of remote host [jurai]? jurai
Source file name? mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin
Destination file name [mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin]? mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin
Accessing file 'mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin' on tftp_server...
Loading mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK]
Erase flash device before writing? [confirm] no
%Warning: File not a valid executable for this system
Copy file? [confirm]
Copy 'mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin' from server
  as 'mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin' into Flash WITHOUT erase? [yes/no] yes
Loading mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin from (via Ethernet0): 
[OK - 377112/10951116 bytes]
Verifying checksum...  OK (0xB163)
Flash device copy took 00:00:10 [hh:mm:ss]

Step 4 Verify the file has been copied into the access server Flash memory:

5300# show flash

System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   5826036 c5300-js-mz 
  2   377112   mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin  
[6203276 bytes used, 10573940 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Step 5 Copy the modem code file from the access server system Flash memory to the modems by entering the copy flash modem command.

5300# copy flash modem
Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port> | group <number> | all)? all
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   5826036 c5300-js-mz 
  2   377112   mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin  
[6203276 bytes used, 10573940 available, 16777216 total]
Name of file to copy? mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin
Copy 'mcom-modem-code-3.1.30.bin' from Flash to modems? [yes/no] yes
[OK - 377112/278528 bytes]
*Mar  3 03:51:17.147: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (1/15) started firmware download
*Mar  3 03:52:47.519: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (1/15) completed firmware download: 

Upgrading Modem Code from Diskettes

This section describes how to copy modem code from diskettes to your hard disk in a PC environment, and then upload the modem code to the modems. The steps are similar if you are using a Macintosh or UNIX workstation.

Note   If you loaded Cisco IOS software from a feature pack CD-ROM using Router Software Loader (RSL), note that the CD contains a TFTP server program for PCs using Microsoft Windows 95. Run the TFTP server program from the directory where you installed the RSL program. Remember to set the root directory to the directory where the Cisco AS5300 modem code is located. The RSL and the TFTP applications are also available on CCO in the software library in the Access Products section.

Copy the Modem Code to Your PC Hard Disk

This section describes how to copy the modem code file to your hard disk in a PC environment. The steps are similar if you are using a Macintosh or a UNIX workstation.

Step 1 Insert the modem code diskette into the diskette drive.

Step 2 Use Microsoft Windows 95 Explorer to create a folder named tftpboot at your hard disk root c:.

Step 3 Use the Microsoft Windows 95 Explorer to copy the modem code file into the c:/tftpboot folder.

Copy the Modem Code from Your PC to the Modems

If you are using a PC running Microsoft Windows 95, upgrading modem code from a hard drive onto a Cisco AS5300 involves installing a TFTP application on your PC, connecting your PC and the access server, establishing a HyperTerminal session on your PC, pinging the PC and access server to make sure they are talking to each other, and finally, copying the modem code from the PC to the access server. See the following sections for details.

Note   The steps are similar if you are using a Macintosh or a UNIX workstation.

Set Up a TFTP Application on the PC

Step 1 Install the TFTP application on the PC.

Note   You can use any TFTP or rcp application available from independent software vendors. A number of TFTP programs are also available as shareware from public sources on the World Wide Web. If you are using Microsoft Windows 95, you can also download a TFTP application (as zipped files) from the Cisco web site at

Step 2 Launch the TFTP application. You commonly do this by double-clicking the application icon or its filename.

Step 3 Set your TFTP server root directory:

Choose Server Root Directory from the Options menu.

Choose c:\tftpboot from the Drives and [...] list boxes.

Click OK.

If you do not select the c:\tftpboot directory as your TFTP server directory, you will not be able to perform the copy procedure. This also applies if you are using RCP on your system.

Connect your PC and the Access Server

Step 1 Use straight-through cables to connect the PC and access server via a 10BaseT hub, as shown in . Also note that both Ethernet ports must have the same baseband.

Figure A-3 Connecting a PC and an Access Server

Note   You can also connect your PC Ethernet port to the Cisco AS5300 Ethernet port using the 10BaseT crossover cable provided.

Step 2 Connect your PC COM port to the Cisco AS5300 console port, as shown in .

Step 3 Make sure your PC and access server are powered ON.

Establish a HyperTerminal Session

Use the steps in this section to establish a HyperTerminal session from your local PC to the Cisco AS5300. You will use the HyperTerminal session to talk to the access server.

Step 1 In Microsoft Windows 95 on your PC, choose Start/Programs/Accessories/HyperTerminal.

Step 2 Double-click Hypertrm.exe to display the Connection Description dialog box.

Step 3 Enter a name for your connection, for example, Console and then click OK. HyperTerminal displays the Phone number dialog box.

Step 4 Choose the COM port connecting the PC and the access server in the Connect Using list box. You have options to connect directly to one of four COM ports.

Step 5 Click OK. HyperTerminal displays the COM Properties dialog box.

Step 6 Choose these options in the COM Properties dialog box:

Bits per second: 9600

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits: 1

Flow control: None

Step 7 Click OK. The HyperTerminal dialog box appears.

Step 8 Press Enter to display the 5300# prompt.

Note   If the access server prompt does not appear, you might have selected the wrong COM port, the cable connections could be incorrect or bad, or the access server might not be powered on.

Ping the PC and Access Server

Ping the access server and the PC to make sure they are talking to each other and there are no configuration problems on your access server.

Step 1 Choose the correct Ethernet adapter connecting to the access server and note the PC's IP address:

(a) Choose Start/Run to display the Run dialog.

(b) Enter winipcfg and click OK to display the IP Configuration dialog box.

(c) Choose the PC Ethernet adapter connector used for the connection to the access server if you have more than one Ethernet adapter connector installed on your PC.

(d) Make a note of the PC IP address, and then click OK.

Note   Enter the show running config command at the 5300# prompt to verify the access server has an IP address assigned. If the access server does not have an IP address, assign an IP address before continuing.

Step 2 In the HyperTerminal dialog box (see the previous section "Establish a HyperTerminal Session," for details), enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 3 Enter the ping command with your PC's IP address.

5300# ping

The access server displays five exclamation points (!) if everything is working and it displays five dots (.) if there is a problem. In the latter case, check the cabling between the router and the PC and check the access server configuration.

Upload Modem Code to the Access Server

The procedure for copying the modem code file from your PC set up as a local TFTP server to the access server system Flash memory is a two-step process:

Transfer the modem code to the access server.

Transfer the modem code to the modems.

Perform these two steps only once. After you copy the modem code file into system Flash memory for the first time, you should not have to perform these steps again. Because the code runs from modem RAM, the Cisco IOS software must automatically copy the modem code to each modem each time the access server power cycles.

The following code examples show a download to MICA modems. Use the same steps to download to Microcom modems.

Step 1 Check the image in the access server Flash memory:

5300# show flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mx 
 [498776 bytes used, 16278440 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Step 2 Enter the copy tftp flash command to download the code file from the TFTP server into the access server Flash memory. You are prompted for the download destination and the remote host name.

5300# copy tftp flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624   images/c5300-js-mx  
[498776 bytes used, 16278440 available, 16777216 total]
Address or name of remote host []? jurai
Source file name? mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin
Destination file name [mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin]? 
Accessing file 'mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' on
Loading mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK]
Erase flash device before writing? [confirm] no
Copy 'mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' from server
  as 'mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' into Flash WITHOUT erase? [yes/no] yes
Loading images/mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin from (via Ethernet0): 
[OK - 249108/16278440 bytes]
Verifying checksum...  OK (0xE009)
Flash device copy took 00:00:02 [hh:mm:ss]

Step 3 Verify the file has been copied into the access server Flash memory:

5300# show flash
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mz  
  2   210104   mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin
  [747948 bytes used, 16029268 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Step 4 Copy the modem code file from the access server Flash memory to the modems by entering the copy flash modem command:

5300# copy flash modem
Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port> | group <number> | all)? all
System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   4530624  c5300-js-mz  
  2   210104   mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin 
[747948 bytes used, 16029268 available, 16777216 total]
Name of file to copy? mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin
Type of service [busyout/reboot] busyout
Copy 'flash:mica-modem-portware.x.x.x.x.bin' from Flash to modems? [yes/no] yes

*Feb 27 21:17:43.574: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/0) started portware download
*Feb 27 21:17:43.598: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/13) started portware download
*Feb 27 21:17:53.598: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/14) completed portware download:

Note   The code is downloaded to the module, not the individual slots as shown.

Using the Modem Code Bundled with Cisco IOS Software

Use this procedure to update modem code on the modems in your access server if you decide to use the version of modem code bundled with Cisco IOS software instead of the version already mapped to your modems.

Cisco ships the access server with the latest version of modem code installed in the system Flash memory and mapped to the modems. If you choose to use the modem code bundled with your installed Cisco IOS software, you could be reverting to a previous version of modem code. Also note that once you map the bundled modem code (using the copy system:/ucode/filename modem command—or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command) to your modems, each time you upgrade the Cisco IOS software, the new bundled modem code is automatically mapped to your modems. See "Displaying Modem Code Versions," later in this appendix, for details on displaying modem code versions mapped to modems, installed in system Flash memory, and bundled with the Cisco IOS software on your access server.

To set the modem code mapping to the modem code version bundled with Cisco IOS software, enter the following command:

Step 1 Enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 2 Enter the copy system:/ucode/filename modem command (or, for Cisco IOS releases earlier than 11.3AA or 12.0, the copy ios-bundled modem command):

5300# copy system:/ucode/microcom_firmware modem
 Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port> | group <number> | all)? 0/0
 Copy "system:/ucode/microcom_firmware" to modems? [yes/no]yes
 Mar 11 22:55:38.734: %MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (0/0) started firmware download
 Mar 11 22:57:08.699: %MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (0/0) completed firmware download:

This command does not affect any existing modem code that resides in system Flash memory in case you later want to revert to it. If you decide to delete the code from system Flash memory, remember that all files in system Flash memory will be deleted, therefore save and restore any important files (for example, the Cisco IOS software image).

Note   If the new Cisco IOS image contains the same modem code as the old one, no new code will be downloaded to the modems.