CEPM Concept Guide V
CEPM Concept Guide

Table Of Contents

Concepts Guide


Entitlement Management Using CEPM

Centralized Entitlement Administration and Audit Using PAP

Distributed Policy Resolution Using PDP

Externalized Enforcement Using PEP

Physical Architecture

Three-tier Entitlement Management Model

CEPM for Custom, Home-grown Applications

CEPM for COTS Applications

CEPM for Hybrid Environments

In-Process and Out-of-Process PDP

Entitlement Repository Deployment Options

CEPM Policy Cache

Failure Model

Entity Model




Policy-Combining Algorithm

Policy Model

XACML Policy Model

Assignment of Permissions to Roles

Hierarchical RBAC

Assignment of Roles to Subjects

Scoping of Roles

Contextual Assignment of Roles

Delegated Administration

Delegated Self-Administration for Multitenant Applications

Product Architecture and APIs

Typical IT Stack

Java PEP


Administration APIs

Decision APIs

Extensibility Interfaces

Administration-time Extensions


Importing/Exporting Policies

Decision-time Extensions

Custom Attribute Sources

Custom Listener Framework

Custom Authentication

Concepts Guide


This chapter describes the high-level concepts related to CEPM and describes:

Entitlement Management Using CEPM

Physical Architecture

Entity Model

Policy Model

Product Architecture and APIs

Entitlement Management Using CEPM

The Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager (CEPM) is a unique, scalable, enterprise-ready solution for achieving fine-grained distributed entitlement management, resolution, enforcement, and auditing. CEPM is a paradigm shift from traditional, tightly-coupled, and brittle application entitlement systems to a multitiered, loosely coupled, and standards-based entitlement model consisting of:

A centralized and/or distributed Policy Administration Point (PAP)

High-speed, centralized and/or distributed Policy Decision Points (PDPs)

Prebuilt or customizable, optimized Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs)

Figure 1-1 CEPM Distributed Architecture

Centralized Entitlement Administration and Audit Using PAP

The PAP provides centralized administration, management, and monitoring of entitlement policies, by delegating to and integrating with an entitlement repository. The PAP enables disparate and centralized teams to author policies and access the auditing and reporting features.

Distributed Policy Resolution Using PDP

The PDP evaluates application-specific and enterprise authorization policies. The PDP also connects with existing policy information repositories, such as, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and databases, which are referred to as Policy Information Points (PIPs).

Externalized Enforcement Using PEP

PEPs enforce entitlement policy decisions made by the PDP for applications, frameworks, and resources.

Physical Architecture

This section describes:

Three-tier Entitlement Management Model

CEPM for COTS Applications

CEPM for Hybrid Environments

In-Process and Out-of-Process PDP

Entitlement Repository Deployment Options

CEPM Policy Cache

Failure Model

Three-tier Entitlement Management Model

CEPM has a three-tier logical architecture as depicted in the following figure. Depending on the deployment model and the specific physical architectures of the applications that CEPM is securing, CEPM components (PEP, PAP, and PDP) sit at various network tiers (although still following the three-tier architecture between the components). This section provides some examples of various CEPM deployment models that relate to the three-tier architecture model of CEPM and the architecture model of the applications being secured.

Figure 1-2 3-Tier Entitlement Management Model

In general, a three-tier model has a presentation tier, an application tier, and a data tier. Logically, the PEP is in the presentation tier, the PAP and PDP are in the application tier, and the entitlement repository is in the data tier. Physically, the architecture can take on many forms to secure applications with varying architectures, which is one of the product's strengths. Each CEPM component exhibits this flexibility:

The PEP can be placed in any physical or network tier to enforce entitlements for applications or application components running in those tiers.

The PDP can be placed in any tier to resolve entitlements for the applications or application components running in those tiers; although the PDP is typically placed in a separate network tier for security reasons unless a local (in-process) PDP is required for performance reasons or otherwise. (See "In-Process and Out-of-Process PDP" section.)

The PAP is generally placed in the application tier as a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) web application and hence takes on the architecture of a J2EE web application:

Web server serving HTML for the PAP in the presentation tier,

J2EE application server running the PAP application, and

Entitlement repository in the data tier.

The PAP, or PAP functionality, can also be run from within custom applications that may run in other tiers. See "Product Architecture and APIs" section for more information on this scenario. The PAP can also be run in any physical or network tier.

The entitlement repository is a database and is where all of CEPM policy, resource, and role definitions are persistently stored. The entitlement repository is typically always in the data tier of the networks into which it is deployed.

CEPM for Custom, Home-grown Applications

The combination of PAP, PDP, and PEP provide the most comprehensive solution for externalized policy and role-based entitlement management for custom applications implemented in Java, .NET, or COM.

In this case, the PAP is used to model policies that are persisted in an entitlement repository. PAP communicates policy updates to the appropriate PDP in real time. The PDP uses these updated policies at run time for authorization decisions. The PEP (Java, .NET, and COM) intercepts application requests and queries the PDP for policy decisions. No authorization-related logic is implemented within the application. Policy lifecycle can be managed either via the PAP user interface or by integrating the PAP functionality into custom administration applications using the PAP Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface.

CEPM for COTS Applications

Figure 1-3 CEPM for COTS Application

Legacy and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications (such as Documentum and CRM systems) may already have entitlements built into the application. In these cases, it is impractical or difficult to completely externalize run-time policy decisions from within the applications. In the case of COTS applications, it may not be possible or necessary to involve the PDP and PEP in run-time policy decisions. Instead, the PAP is used for externalized administration of entitlements, providing greater control and visibility for administrators to author and change policies in real time, while at the same time enhancing auditing and compliance.

In this deployment model, all policy changes are updated, from the PAP in native form to the applications so that the applications can continue to use their native security mechanisms at run time. This update is achieved in CEPM by configuring custom policy handlers at the PAP. These policy handlers convert administration events to application-specific calls or database entries that result in user-, group-, or role-based access control lists or access control rules.

The PAP database acts as a central authoritative repository of entitlement policies that can be queried for audit and review. In addition, the policy lifecycle can be managed via the API and user interface.

CEPM for Hybrid Environments

Figure 1-4 CEPM for Hybrid Environments

You can simultaneously apply the unique features of the entitlement administration capability of CEPM to custom applications protected by PDPs/PEPs and applications that rely on their native security mechanisms. This simultaneous application is achieved by supporting:

A metadata model that captures the relationship between applications or resources and the authoritative PDP.

All PAP-based entitlement policy changes that virtualize the PDP identity by allowing entities such as subjects, resources, and attributes to be used for policy authoring. This allows migration of PDPs from one model to another over time without change in policies. (For example, a move from a legacy entitlement engine to a PDP will not require any change in policies.)

The capability to add multiple custom adapters to write out policies in native format via APIs, database access, and so on, simultaneously. In this model, policy changes are captured using an appropriate interception callout in the PAP that is configured to talk to one or more external policy handlers over any custom or standard protocol.

To consistently author and review policies centrally via the PAP even if policies are enforced or resolved in native form at various PDPs.

In-Process and Out-of-Process PDP

Figure 1-5 In-process and Out-of-process PDP

PDPs can either:

Run out-of-process (in the same server or on a separate server) from the application in which the PEP executes, or

Be deployed as a library to run in-process with the application, along with the PEP.

In the out-of-process case, the PEPs interact with the PDPs via TCP-based communications (for example, eXtensible Access Control Markup Language [XACML] or HTTP), while in the in-process case, PEPs simply make library calls that eliminate network latencies. The PAP can be used to centrally manage the policy lifecycle independent of the deployment model chosen for the PDPs. Both in-process and out-of-process PDPs share code and perform similar functions. The out-of-process PDP is deployed as a WAR file in any servlet container, while the in-process PDP is deployed as a jar file along with the PEP jar. For .NET applications, the .NET PEP is implemented natively in C#, while the PDP can be deployed to run in the same CLR instance through third-party .NET-Java bridges.

Entitlement Repository Deployment Options

An entitlement repository holds all the metadata necessary to administer entitlements for an application and to evaluate policies. The entitlement domain is a view into an entitlement repository. The PAP provides a view into the repository and is responsible for persisting all the metadata into the repository. You can choose to work with one of the domains available from within the PAP. In each domain, there are two models for sharing entitlement policies between the PAP and the PDP:

Shared repository model: In the shared model, the PAP and the PDP share an entitlement repository (the repository itself can be deployed in a high-availability, clustered environment). The PAP is used to administer all the entitlements that will be persisted to the repository being used (called the entitlement domain). The PDP accesses the same repository to evaluate the policies and give the decisions. In this model, one instance of the PAP can communicate with several entitlement repositories. Each of the PDPs communicate with only one entitlement repository. CEPM Shared Model illustrates this concept.

Figure 1-6 CEPM Shared Model

Distributed repository model: In this model, the PAP and the PDP use their own repositories and communicate using a messaging infrastructure. The PAP has support for handlers and these handlers publish every action in the PAP to the messaging server. The PDP acts a subscriber and consumes the messages. The subscriber at the PDP end is also responsible for persisting the data into its own repository.

a. Entitlement authority

The entitlement authority or the PAP has its own repository and changes to the entitlement data are stored in this repository. The PAP has prehandlers that are invoked for every action within the PAP. The handlers are configured to publish every action along with the data to a messaging server. Essentially, the handler acts as a publisher of a message with the entitlement data as the payload to the messaging server. The handler does not persist the entitlement data to the repository in cases where the messaging server is not available.

b. Consistency between entitlement repositories

Consistency between the entitlement repositories used by the PAP and PDP is accomplished by having a reliable message delivery between the two repositories by making use of the messaging infrastructure. The PAP also provides a way to synchronize the entitlement data between the two repositories. When PAP and PDP repositories need to be synchronized, the PAP again makes use of the messaging layer to send the entitlement data for synchronization with the PDP repository.

c. Reliable delivery

Reliable delivery is achieved by configuring the messaging server to persist the messages. Although the messaging infrastructure guarantees delivery, you can further configure it to persist the messages when the PDP is down. In cases where the PDP is running but the repository (PDP database) is not down, the PDP sends a message back to the publisher to roll back the changes. This action ensures that data consistency in the two repositories.

CEPM Policy Cache

CEPM is an extremely database intensive application. The policy evaluation operation causes large data reads and writes. In CEPM, the policy data is persisted to and read from the PDP database. Any change in policy data impacts the application performance. As the size of the database increases, it may cause variation in performance characteristics of the policy evaluation. To overcome this, CEPM introduces Policy Cache - a framework that allows the policy data to be cached so that policy evaluation can be done quickly in memory rather than relegating all calls to the database. The policy cache infrastructure (PDP application memory) provides better response times to the access requests and leverages application performance.

Figure 1-7 Policy Cache Deployment

When a XACML request hits the PDP, the PDP engine utilizes the policy cache to retrieve the applicable policy sets for the request by using the existing entity information. In case of any rules configured for any policy, the engine utilizes the extracted policy set along with the PIP info retrieved from the PIP repository to evaluate the decision.

There are two deployment scenarios which dictate the use of policy cache as given below:

When PAP and PDP share a common repository

When PAP and PDP use two different repositories

Refer to CEPM Policy Cache Guide for the complete coverage of the policy cache feature.

Failure Model

CEPM is designed to have no single point of failure. The PAP (that can itself be deployed in a J2EE cluster) is not involved in run-time decision making and hence, even if the PAP (or PAP cluster) goes offline, the run-time decision infrastructure continues without impact.

1. If the entitlement repository goes offline, the PDP continues to function with the cached policies; the impact of repository failure is restricted to inability to persist updated policies from the PAP until the repository comes back online.

2. If the PDP (or the PDP cluster) goes offline, the PEP seamlessly and automatically fails over to an alternate instance of the PDP.

With the combination of these features, any failure is isolated without system-wide effects that can disrupt application functions.

Entity Model

Policy-based application entitlement ensures that a subject accessing a resource (or invoking an action on the resource) is allowed or denied based on policies. The CEPM data model reflects this approach and consists of three basic constructs: subjects, resources, and policies. Each of these are typed and hence, extensible enough to describe policies in varied heterogeneous environments.

Figure 1-8 Entity Model

In this model, each subject (such as a user), represented by a set of attributes (such as name and group), accessing an object (such as an application, transaction, document, portal resources, and so on) represented by a set of resource attributes (such as document name and document owner), is protected by policy that encapsulates rules that reference subject, resource, message, and other contextual attributes required for decision resolution.

Figure 1-9 Entities and Entity Attributes


Subjects are associated with a mandatory subject-identifier attribute that is used to identify the subject on whose behalf run-time policy decisions are made. Subject identifiers are typically the authenticated identity of a user or application accessing the resource. This authentication is typically done outside of the scope of CEPM.

Figure 1-10 Subject Model

Essentially, subjects have the following characteristics:

Subjects are uniquely identified within the context of applications or application-groups via the subject-identifier attributes that is the run-time identifier on whose behalf an authorization decision is required.

Subjects can be things such as people, applications, and devices, each with its own type of attributes that identify the appropriate subject. For example, an Employee subject type may be a subject with these attributes: first name, last name, e-mail, phone number, location code, and organization code, whereas a Customer subject type may be a subject with these attributes: first name, last name, e-mail, phone number, customer code, and employee sponsor.

CEPM supports a subject type that enables customer-specific addition of application-specific subject attributes. Any subject can be declared to be of a particular subject type, and the subject is automatically associated with the attributes. Default values for attributes can be set when creating subject types.

The authoritative source of subjects can be external and independent of CEPM (such as an enterprise LDAP, active directory, and database) without the need for replicating the data in CEPM.

Some subject attributes that are typically non-application specific can be managed in an external user directory while other application-specific subject attributes can be managed within the application-related metadata within CEPM. Subject attributes referenced in policy can be a combination of user- and application-directory attributes.


A resource is any protected entity to which access must be secured by policy. Resources can apply to a diverse set of real-world objects. Resources are typically used to model:

Physical resources: Documents, files, mutual funds, insurance claims, stocks, binds, servers, network devices, and networks.

Web components: Buttons, links, web pages, portlets, and such things.

Application objects: Methods, classes, beans, data types, and such things.

Transactions: Trades, instant messages, and transaction server and messaging service communication, such as JMS or MQ Series topics or messages.

Data: Physical data records or files, database rows or columns, and database functions or procedures.

This list is not exhaustive and there are other examples of resources such as business units, geographical locations, people, and network segments.

Figure 1-11 Resource Model

Resources have the following characteristics:

Resources are uniquely identified within the context of applications or application groups via a fully qualified name (FQN) that is the run-time identifier of the target resource being protected by policy. For example, `Application Group Name:Application Name:resource Name 1:resource Name 2: ... :resource Name n' is a typical FQN for a resource.

Resources can be typed and can represent diverse types such as portals, documents, devices, buttons, transactions, and chat sessions. Each resource type is identified by a combination of a collection of attributes that identify the appropriate resource. For example, a document type may contain attributes such as document name, author name, date, and sensitivity level. In addition to attributes, resources are also associated with zero or more actions that can be invoked on a resource. In the document example, there may be four valid actions: read, write, open, and close. A document type resource can be protected as a whole or each individual action. In any case, anytime a resource of a particular type is created, the resource is automatically associated with attributes and actions that can be set appropriately for that resource.

Some resource attributes may be managed in an external data-store while other resource attributes may be managed as resource attributes described above. External application-related attributes can be associated with applications or application groups and can be referenced in policy.

Resources can be secured as a whole or as individual actions that can be performed on the resource. For example, if a document is the protected resource on which read and write actions can be performed, then protecting the named action leaves the other actions unprotected. Protecting the entire resource protects all actions that can be performed on the resource even if they are not predefined. By default, resources that do not have an allowed policy for a subject (either explicitly or via inheritance) are denied access to resource, action, or both.


Policies in CEPM are rule- and role-based and are flexible enough to handle varying granularities of authorization. A spectrum of policies from simple application-specific, role-based access control or portals, to dynamic, rule-based separation-of-duty policies during collaboration are handled in a consistent and easy-to-use manner. The policy model provides a rich hierarchical model of resources, subjects, obligations and actions in line with standard industry terminologies and authorization models such as role-based access control (RBAC) and XACML.

Targets resources, actions, or subjects are protected by a set of one or more policies (called PolicySets). Conflicts between policies in a PolicySet are resolved via policy-combining algorithms (for example, deny-overrides and permit-overrides). (See Policy-Combining Algorithm.) A policy in turn contains one or more rules that support a rich condition-effect syntax that enables the expression of complex rules in a standards compliant manner. You can find details of the policy language at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xacml/.

Figure 1-12 Policy Model

In addition to returning a decision, the entitlement engine returns one or more obligations to the PEP. Obligations allow the PDP to communicate certain requirements or constraints that the PEP should follow while using the decision.

Policy-Combining Algorithm

1. Deny-Overrides: If the resource has a single deny policy irrespective of the number of allow policies, then the result of the rule combination shall be Deny. If this rule is selected, the deny policy overrides all the allow policy granted to that particular resource.

2. Permit-Overrides: If this rule is selected, the allow permission overrides all other permissions granted to the policy.

3. First-Applicable: This rule considers the manner in which policies are listed for a resource. If this rule is selected, the application chooses the very first policy granted to the role.

4. Only-One-Applicable: When there is only one policy for a resource, if this rule is selected, the algorithm evaluates the same whether Allow or Deny. If there is more than one policy, it evaluates to Indeterminate.

5. Lower-Role-Overrides: This rule uses the decision for the lowest role in the role hierarchy.

6. User-Based-Overrides: If this rule is selected, the PDP overrides the user-based policies created for the specific user while giving decisions on the basis of role-based policy.

Policy Model

This section describes:

XACML Policy Model

Assignment of Permissions to Roles

Hierarchical RBAC

Assignment of Roles to Subjects

Scoping of Roles

Contextual Assignment of Roles

Delegated Administration

Delegated Self-Administration for Multitenant Applications

XACML Policy Model

Policies are normalized into the XACML model in CEPM. A decision query request to the PDP consists of attributes associated with:

The requesting subjects

The resource acted upon

The action being performed

The environment

A response contains one of four decisions:



Not applicable (no applicable policies or rules could be found)

Indeterminate (some error occurred during processing). In the case of an error, optional information is provided to explain the condition.

Responses may also include obligations, which are directives from the applicable policies which the PEP is obliged to execute.

Figure 1-13 XACML Policy Model

XACML policies consist of an arbitrary tree of subpolicies. Each tree represents a target, while the leaves of the tree contain a collection of rules. The target is a simple set of criteria (on resources, subjects, actions, or the environment) to determine the applicability of the policy to a request, while the rules contain more complex logic that makes XACML extremely expressive, and therefore able to handle complex policy requirements.

In addition to expressing access-control logic within a single policy, policies can include references to other policies. This abstraction achieves the goal of modularly building complex policies while also providing a mechanism to handle policy conflicts. In effect, a single policy can consist of any number of decentralized, distributed rules, each managed by different organizational groups. A key supporting language feature is the way XACML uses combining algorithms, which define how to take results from multiple rules or policies and derive a single result. As with datatypes and functions, a number of standard combining algorithms are defined (such as first applicable and deny overrides), as well as a standard extension mechanism used to define new algorithms.

Policies depend on access to attribute values associated with things such as subjects and resources. Two mechanisms are used to resolve attribute values within policy logic:

AttributeDesignators (which reference values by identifier, datatype, and other optional metadata)

AttributeSelectors (which use XPath expressions to find values).

The PDP can access external attribute values via pluggable data access modules.

You can create policies are created using this two-step process:

1. Define the collection of permissions associated with a role (application, application-group or enterprise-wide).

2. Decide either statically or dynamically (at run time) which users are associated with what role.

A variation to these steps allows you to directly associate rule-based policies for users or groups of users without explicitly defining roles. In either case, the underlying policy resolution logic in CEPM works exactly the same way.

Assignment of Permissions to Roles

In many situations, the result of evaluating policy at run time is an allow or deny decision for a specific subject based on the subjects' membership in a role. In this context, the collection of privileges (positive and negative) associated with a role are modeled in CEPM, resulting in an access-control matrix, Roles and Actions. An access control matrix such as this is helpful in determining (or modeling) permissions on paper before attempting to build the model in CEPM.

Table 1-1 Roles and Actions

View All
Admin Tasks
Escalate To























Super User




Hierarchical RBAC

The three common approaches used for hierarchical RBAC are:

a. Tree

b. Inverted tree

c. Lattice

CEPM supports the inverted-tree and lattice models.

Note The tree and inverted-tree model are functionality equivalent and there is no need to support both.

The inverted-tree model enables higher-level roles to add to privileges that may be granted to lower-level roles. For example, a project lead has all privileges of a production and quality engineer in addition to privileges assigned to project leads. The lattice model is also supported in CEPM via the capability to reference roles while creating a role hierarchy, and support for multiple inheritance.

Figure 1-14 Inverted Tree (b) and Lattice (c) Role Models

Assignment of Roles to Subjects

Subjects can be statically assigned to roles via explicit assignment, or a subjects' association with a role can be determined via dynamic evaluation of rules and policies at run time. CEPM supports both static and dynamic approaches for role assignment. Within CEPM, roles determined via dynamic evaluation of rules and policies at run time are called dynamic roles. Examples of dynamic roles include assigning subjects with the attribute employee to the Employees role, or assigning subjects with an account balance of greater than $100,000 to the Platinum Trader role.

Scoping of Roles

In many situations, the resources or attributes of a resource to which the role grants access must be limited (or scoped). In this case, the resource has certain attribute values, which acts as a means to scope the privileges of a subject. For example, a subject (say Joe) may be associated with a WiresAdministrator role, but only for accounts with the location attribute set to California. Attributes associated with subjects, resources, and roles can be used to scope the role in CEPM. Additionally, CEPM allows users to choose the relevant scope attributes as well as entity attributes that need to be returned to the application for further processing.

Contextual Assignment of Roles

A subject is not provided with a blanket set of privileges. Instead, subjects are assigned a different set of roles in different contexts. For example, Joe may be associated with WiresAdministrator and WiresUser roles during work hours, but may be associated with the WiresUser role after hours. This capability to contextually assign a set of roles to users is accomplished in CEPM by using RoleBundles, which provides a convenient mechanism to assign users to a collection of roles that are assigned in different contexts.

Delegated Administration

Because multiple applications, resources, and groups of subjects are all being managed from the same administration environment, there is a need for delegated administration of these entities. CEPM supports the capability to delegate administration up to an individual resource level, and individual subject-group level, which enables multiple administrator ownership within the same user population and application.

Delegated Self-Administration for Multitenant Applications

In addition to delegated administration of resources and groups, for applications that are hosted in a multitenant model, wherein an application is offered as a service to multiple partners or customers, there is a need to create the notion of a hierarchical delegated context, which allows autonomous delegated control to administrators to create mappings of subjects to roles, and association of privileges to roles. This model supports a default context in which roles and their associated privileges are defined, and allows delegated administrators to inherit / override these default mappings and privileges for their domain is supported in CEPM via the context construct.

Product Architecture and APIs

This section describes:

Typical IT Stack

Java PEP


Administration APIs

Decision APIs

Extensibility Interfaces

Administration-time Extensions


Importing/Exporting Policies

Decision-time Extensions

Custom Attribute Sources

Custom Listener Framework

Custom Authentication

Typical IT Stack

CEPM allows externalized policy-based entitlement of resources at various layers in the IT stack. Typical IT Stack depicts four common layers where entitlements are required:

Figure 1-15 Typical IT Stack

The three-tier architecture of CEPM enables codeless protection of resources in all these tiers through agents. These agents intercept messages at the container-level and enforce policies with the PEP. In these cases, developer involvement is minimal (if any) and is largely confined to configuring the appropriate container-specific configuration files.

However, in cases where resources are not container managed, or resources that require protection through code need to make API calls such as "isUserAuthorized()" calls, such APIs for decisions are supported via PDP APIs. Similarly some applications need to make API calls for administration such as to grant or revoke user privileges and query available resources. Such administrative calls are supported via the PAP APIs. PDP and PAP APIs are supported via packages in Java, .NET, and COM-based libraries.

Java PEP

CEPM supports a Java PEP in the form of a .jar file. This library exposes APIs that can be directly invoked from any Java-based application and can be used by container-specific agents to enforce policies at the container level. Refer to the Java documentation for details about the APIs supported. The Java PEP supports Java libraries for both decision and administration APIs.


.NET-based applications can be entitled using PEP for .NET. The agent is a dynamic-linked-library (DLL) that can be used by any .NET-based application (either a desktop or a web-based application). A COM-wrapped agent is also supported for VB, C++, and other Windows-based applications. As with the Java PEPs, the .NET PEP supports libraries for decision and administration APIs. Refer to CEPM DotNet Agent Guide for detailed instructions on usage and deployment of APIs.

The two packages of interest are:



Figure 1-16 CEPM Component Flow Diagram

These packages are intended for customization and easier integration of CEPM components in customer deployments. Using the APIs you can:

Create custom administrative consoles via PAP APIs

Invoke decision queries from applications via PDP APIs

Perform run-time queries to the PAP for creation of automated scripts or policy queries from applications via PEP APIs

Administration APIs

PAP APIs help in accessing a broad set of functions that are enabled through the PAP user interface. You can use these APIs to create your custom user interface or to write scripts to create entities such as users, roles, and applications rather than creating them one at a time from the user interface.

The PAP user interface and the SOAP APIs (accessible via the .NET and Java APIs) support various functions, including those relating to:

Application groups and applications





Resources and actions





Assign resources and actions to an application

Assign an application to an application group

Users, user groups, and roles

Create users, groups, and roles, and their types

Update users, groups, and roles, and their types

Delete users, groups, and roles, and their types

List users, groups, and roles, and their types

Search users, groups, and roles

Map users to roles

Map users to groups

Assign roles to groups


Create and assign attribute sources

Define attributes

Configure attribute source caching and other properties

Policies (role- and rule-based)




Review and audit

Search and list admin logs

Search and list decision logs

Review separation-of-duty violations

Review user-, group-, and role-based resource entitlements


Create trust model between components

Set up PDP failover


PAP entitlement

Refer to the Javadoc for more info on various methods.

Decision APIs

The PEP Interface provides methods if a user is entitled to access a given resource or action in the PEP. This interface also provides two utility methods that return a list of permissible resources for a user and a list of permissible actions for a resource.

A non-exhaustive list of APIs supported by the PDP APIs include:

Check for access to a resource or action for a particular user by passing subject, resource, action.

Check for access to a given resource or action for a particular user by passing subject, resource, action, AttributeMap (when the custom attributes are passed), RoleBundles, and contexts.

Retrieve a list of permissible resources for a given user.

Retrieve a list of permissible actions for a given user.

Retrieve a list of roles for a given resource.

Extensibility Interfaces

In addition to PAP and PDP APIs, CEPM allows you to customize various aspects of the policy infrastructure through extensible APIs. These APIs can be broadly classified into:

1. Administration-time extensions

2. Decision-time extensions

Figure 1-17 Extensibility Interface

Administration-time Extensions

Administration-time extensions allow administrators to extend the functionality of the PAP. Using PAP extensions, you can

Include the capability to convert CEPM policies to legacy formats that can be enforced natively within COTS/legacy applications

Import/export policies into CEPM.


CEPM supports the notion of prehooks that can be used to initiate a workflow from within the administration console or the PAP. In addition to workflows, you can use prehooks as a means to allow PAP for policy authoring and review even when policy decisions and enforcement happen outside the scope of a PDP and PEP. All administrative actions are configureably intercepted by the prehook handlers, and appropriate actions can be triggered (including writing out policies in legacy or native forms). The interface for prehook is shown here:

public interface IHandler {
        public void init(Properties props);
        public void handle(Object policy,ActionEvent action)throws HandlerException;
        public void rollBack(Object obj[] , ActionEvent action[]);
        public void rollBack(Object obj , ActionEvent action);

The IHandler interface also exposes a rollback method that can be implemented to handle error conditions that require rollback previously handled policy events.

Importing/Exporting Policies

CEPM allows import and export of policies using XML-based files via APIs and the PAP user interface. Additional utilities have been built to directly convert MS Excel spreadsheet-based entitlement information into policies within CEPM.

Decision-time Extensions

Decision-time extensions allow you to extend the PDP functionality by plugging in custom attribute sources or custom listener frameworks.

Custom Attribute Sources

Attribute sources are used to get additional information from an external source that is used in policy evaluation. CEPM supports the following attribute sources out of the box:


Active Directory (AD)


Java source

To add a custom attribute source:

1. Add the customattribute source to the administration console or the PAP. Adding a new attribute source to the admin can be accomplished by adding an XML file that defines the metadata about the attribute source to be added. The metadata might contain such information as how to connect to the source. Ensure that the decision engine or the PDP is able to evaluate it.

To evaluate the attribute and allow the PDP to retrieve the attribute values for use in the decision process, implement the following interface:

public interface IAttributeEvaluator
Public Object evaluate(IAttribute iAttribute,IPIPMetaData pipMetaData,IXacmlContext 
xacml,IRule rule,Rules rules)throws Exception;

This interface needs to be implemented for the PDP to get the attribute values.

Custom Listener Framework

The Custom Listener Framework provides a way to add additional transport protocols for communication between the PEP and PDP. By default, SOAP over HTTP, XACML over HTTP, and RMI are supported out of the box. If you need to add a protocol that is not supported out of the box, implement the following interface:

public interface ITransportAdaptor 
    public void init(PdpObject pdpObj);
    public Object send(XacmlRequest request)throws Exception;
    public PdpObject  getPdpObject();

Custom Authentication

The administration console (the PAP) and the decision engine (the PDP) authenticate users before providing services. CEPM by default supports authentication against its entitlement repository or against an LDAP. To plug in custom authentication providers, such as JAAS, implement the following interfaces:

public interface IAuthenticator {

    public boolean authenticate(String username, String password);
    public List getRoles(String username);
    public boolean isSuperUser(String username) ;
public interface IAuthProvider
     public IAuthenticator getAuthenticator(Properties props) throws Exception; 
      public IAuthenticator getAuthenticator() throws Exception; 