CEPM Concept Guide V

Table Of Contents




Document Organization

Document Conventions

Related Documentation

Changes to This Document

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request


This preface explains the objectives, intended audience, and organization of the Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager Concepts Guide and describes the conventions that convey instructions and other information.

The preface contains the following sections:



Document Organization

Document Conventions

Related Documentation

Changes to This Document

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request


This document describes the basic concepts that are embodied in the Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager (CEPM).


This guide is for administrators who use CEPM and are responsible for resource modelling and entitlement management.

Document Organization

This guide contains the following topics:

"Overview"The first section describes the high-level concepts embodied in CEPM, what its basic capabilities are, its main architectural components, and its general model for managing, evaluating, enforcing, and auditing application entitlements.

"Physical Architecture"—The second section briefly describes the prominent aspects of the physical architecture and deployment model.

"Entity Model"—The third section describes the entities modeled in CEPM (such as subjects, resources, and policies), the relationship between these entities, and the beginnings of the policy model.

"Policy Model"—The fourth section describes the policy model in detail including the role- and rule-based policy model, descriptions on how CEPM handles scoping of roles, dynamic rules, and other advanced policy model concepts.

"Product Architecture and APIs"—The last section describes CEPM product architecture, including the various APIs, component communication and protocols, and utility functions/tools that enable easy integration with both decision and administration functionality. The stage is set with an in depth look at how CEPM fits into the typical IT stack.

Document Conventions

Caution Means reader be careful. You are capable of doing something that might result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.

Related Documentation

Following are the related documents that are available in CEPM-V3.3.0.0 documentation:

Related Documents

Document Title

CEPM User Guide V3.3.1.0

Provides detailed information about various features and functionalities available in CEPM.

Location on Cisco.com:


CEPM Install and Config Guide V3.3.1.0

Provides step-by-step instructions on how to install CEPM Components, such as Policy Administration Point (PAP) and Policy Decision Point (PDP), in various supported combinations of operating system, database, and application server.

Location on Cisco.com:


Changes to This Document

Table 0-1 lists the changes made to this document since it was first released.

Table 1 Changes to This Document

Change Summary

June 10, 2010

Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager (EPM) Release

The following changes have been made to this document since Release

Policy Cache feature is added.

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

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