Table Of Contents
Managing Authorization Policies and Profiles
Understanding Authorization Policies
Understanding Authorization Policy Terminology
Cisco ISE Authorization Policies and Profiles
Authorization Policy Window
Authorization Policies and Supported Dictionaries
Authorization Profile Window
Authorization Policy and Profile Guidelines
Authorization Policy and Profile User Interface
Authorization Policy, Rule, and Profile Configuration Defaults
Configuring Authorization Policies
Configuring Policy Elements Conditions
Simple Conditions
Compound Conditions
Configuring Authorization Policy Conditions
Configuring Time and Date Conditions
Configuring Permissions for Authorization Profiles
Configuring Permissions for Downloadable ACLs
Configuring DACLs
Configuring Policies for SGACLs
Machine Access Restriction and Active Directory Users
Managing Authorization Policies and Profiles
This chapter introduces the authorization policies that are used when creating the authorization profiles in the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE). Using the ISE user interface menus, tabs, and options, you can create an authorization policy, which form the basis of authorization profiles.
An authorization policy is where an overall authorization policy is generated, which is composed of authorization rules. Authorization rules have three elements: name, attributes, and permissions. It is the permissions function that maps to an authorization profile.
This chapter provides a description of authorization policies and provides example procedures for the following authorization policy-related tasks:
Understanding Authorization Policies
Cisco ISE Authorization Policies and Profiles
Configuring Authorization Policies
Configuring Policy Elements Conditions
Configuring Permissions for Authorization Profiles
Understanding Authorization Policies
Authorization policies are a component of the Cisco ISE network authorization service that allows you to define authorization policies and configure authorization profiles for specific users and groups of users that access your network resources.
Network authorization policies associate rules with specific user and group identities to create the corresponding profiles. Whenever these rules match the configured attributes, the corresponding authorization profile that grants permission is returned by the policy, network access is authorized accordingly.
Authorization policies can contain conditional requirements that combine one or more identity groups using a compound condition that includes authorization checks that can return one or more authorization profiles. In addition, conditional requirements can exist apart from the use of a specific identity group (such as in using the default "Any"). Cisco ISE is an attribute-based policy system, with identity groups being one of the many important attributes.
For example, authorization profiles can include a range of permissions that are contained in the following types:
Standard profiles
Exception profiles
Device-based profiles
Profiles consist of attributes chosen from a set of resources, which are stored in a dictionary and these are returned when the compound condition for the specific authorization policy matches. Because authorization policies can include compound conditions mapping to a single network service rule, these can also include a list of authorization checks.
For simple scenarios, all authorization checks are made using the AND Boolean operator within the rule. For advanced scenarios, any type of authorization verification expression can be used, but all these authorization verifications must comply with the authorization profiles to be returned. Authorization verifications typically comprise one or more conditions, including a user-defined name that can be added to a library, which can then be reused by other authorization policies.
For more information:
For information about policy terminology, see Understanding Authorization Policy Terminology.
For policy and profile information, see Cisco ISE Authorization Policies and Profiles.
For information about configuring policies, see Configuring Authorization Policies.
For information about configuring policy elements conditions, see Configuring Policy Elements Conditions.
For information about configuring permissions for profiles, see Configuring Permissions for Authorization Profiles.
For information about configuring permissions for DACLs, see Configuring Permissions for Downloadable ACLs.
Understanding Authorization Policy Terminology
Table 16-1 defines and describes basic terminology for Cisco ISE authorization policies and profiles.
Table 16-1 Cisco ISE Basic Authorization Policy and Profile Terminology
Network Authorization
Authorization is an important requirement to ensure which users can access the Cisco ISE network and its resources. Network authorization controls user access to the network and its resources and what each user can do on the system with those resources. The Cisco ISE network defines sets of permissions that authorize read, write, and execute privileges. Cisco ISE lets you create a number of different authorization policies to suit your network needs. This release supports only Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) access to the Cisco ISE network and its resources.
Policy Elements
Policy elements are components that define the authorization policy. The policy elements are as follows:
• Rule name
• Identity groups
• Condition(s)
• Permissions
These policy elements are referenced when you create policy rules and your choice of conditions and attributes can create specific types of authorization profiles.
Authorization Profile
An authorization profile acts as a container where a number of specific permissions allow access to a set of network services. The authorization profile is where you define a set of permissions to be granted for a network access request and can include:
• A profile name
• A profile description
• An associated DACL
• An associated VLAN
• An associated SGACL
• Any number of other dictionary-based attributes
Authorization Policy
An authorization policy can consist of a single rule or a set of rules that are user-defined. These rules act to create a specific policy. For example, a standard policy can include the rule name using an If-Then convention that links a value entered for identity groups with specific condition(s) or attributes to produce a specific set of permissions that create a unique authorization profile. There are two authorization policy options you can set:
• First Matched Rules Apply
• Multiple Matched Rule Applies
These two options direct Cisco ISE to use either the first matched or the multiple matched rule type listed in the standard policy table when it matches the user's set of permissions. These are the two types of authorization policies that you can configure:
• Standard
• Exception
Standard policies are policies created to remain in effect for long periods of time, to apply to a larger group of users or devices or groups, and allow access to specific or all network endpoints. Standard policies are intended to be stable and apply to a large groups of users, devices, and groups that share a common set of privileges.
Standard policies can be used as templates in which you modify the original values to serve the needs of a specific identity group, using specific conditions or permissions to create another type of standard policy to meet the needs of new divisions, or groups of users, devices, or groups in your network.
By contrast, exception policies are appropriately named because this type of policy acts as an exception to the standard policies. Exception polices are intended for authorizing limited access that is based on a variety of factors (short-term policy duration, specific types of network devices, network endpoints or groups, or the need to meet special conditions or permissions or an immediate requirement).
Exception policies are created to meet an immediate or short-term need such as authorizing a limited number of users, devices, or groups to access network resources. An exception policy lets you create a specific set of customized values for an identity group, condition, or permission that are tailored for one user or a subset of users. This allows you to create different or customized policies to meet your corporate, group, or network needs.
Access Control Lists
An ACL on the Cisco ISE system is a list of permissions attached to a specific object or network resource. An ACL specifies which users or groups are granted access to an object, as well as what operations are allowed on a given object or network resource. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies a subject and an operation or provides the state (for example, Permit or Deny). A DACL represents a downloadable ACL.
Cisco ISE Authorization Policies and Profiles
This section describes the authorization policies and authorization profiles used in Cisco ISE. Using the Cisco ISE user interface (Authorization Policy and Authorization Profile windows), you can manage all of your authorization policies and profiles by performing the following policy management operations:
Displaying existing policies
Creating new policies
Duplicating existing policies (for use as templates that you can modify to create new policies)
Modifying existing policies (create customized policies by changing desired rules or permissions)
Deleting existing policies
For more information:
Descriptions of the components and elements in the Authorization Policy and Authorization Profile windows that you use to create policies and profiles are in the following topics:
For information about the user interface elements you can use to create authorization policies, see Authorization Policy Window and Authorization Policy and Profile User Interface.
For information about the user interface elements you can use to create authorization profiles, see Authorization Profile Window and Authorization Policy and Profile User Interface.
For guidelines about creating authorization policies and profiles, see Authorization Policy and Profile Guidelines.
Next Steps:
To configure authorization policies and profiles, see the following topics:
Configuring Authorization Policies
Configuring Policy Elements Conditions
Configuring Permissions for Authorization Profiles
Configuring Permissions for Downloadable ACLs
Authorization Policy Window
To display the Authorization Policy window, you start from the Authorization tab (choose Policy > Authorization). The Authorization Policy window is your starting point for creating the following types of Cisco ISE authorization policies:
Exception: Exception policies are, like the name implies, exceptions to a standard policy, which is designed for use by large numbers of users or groups, or to remain in effect for an extended period. Exception policies are instead designed for a custom purpose, for a short period of time, or for use by one or more users or a group for a specific purpose.
Standard: Standard policies are those that you create for use for an extended period of time, by large numbers of users or groups, and that provide a standard set of permissions and rules tailored for standard network needs.
The Cisco ISE user interface provides a Status indicator for each authorization policy that can be set to display one of the three following states: Enabled, Disabled, or Monitor Only.
When managing authorization polices, you can display existing exception or standard policies, or create, modify, or delete these policies to meet specific user or group requirements in your network. To create a new Exception or Standard authorization policy, you need to complete the following sequence of tasks to configure these following four policy element values:
Rule Name—This where you define a unique name for the authorization policy.
Identity Groups—This is where you select an existing identity group from a list of available choices.
Other Conditions—This is where you select a simple condition (or a compound condition) from existing Condition Name dictionary choices (or you can select an attribute from existing Attribute dictionary choices).
Permissions—This is where you select a profile from an existing Profiles dictionary choices.
You can create a new authorization policy by choosing and combining values for these four policy elements using the Cisco ISE user interface menus and options in the Authorization Policy window. Once you have selected your policy choices, click Save to create the new authorization policy.
Authorization policies are grouped by rank in a list, and you can change the position of policies in this ranked list by using the following options:
Insert a new policy above or below a highlighted or selected policy.
Insert a duplicate of a selected policy above or below a highlighted or selected policy.
Delete a selected policy.
When you create a new authorization policy, it is populated with default values for all of the required policy fields. You will be prompted to do the following:
To modify an existing authorization policy, choose any policy element you want to change, modify its value, and click Save to create the modified policy in the Cisco ISE system database.
To delete an existing authorization policy, select it in the displayed list, and click Remove to remove this policy from the Cisco ISE system database. Normally, you would delete only those authorization policies you no longer intend to support or use as templates for future policies.
When you delete an existing authorization policy, Cisco ISE prompts you to confirm the deletion before the selected policy is deleted from the Cisco ISE system database. Any changes that you make to a policy without clicking Save will not be sent to or registered on the Cisco ISE system database.
To duplicate an existing policy, select its intended position (above or below) in the ranked list. Cisco ISE copies all of the policy values from the existing policy, and creates an identical policy except that it now has a different policy ID (Cisco ISE requires each policy ID to be unique). By starting with a duplicate of an existing policy, you can use it as a template, modify selected fields or attributes, and create a new authorization policy.
You can set each exception or standard authorization policy that you create as Enabled, Disabled, or Monitor Only. To do this, choose the corresponding pull-down option in the green check box adjacent to the Rule Name column for each entry.
To reuse a valid attribute when creating authorization policy conditions, select it from a dictionary that contains the supported attributes. For example, Cisco ISE provides an attribute named AuthenticationIdentityStore, which is located in the NetworkAccess dictionary. This attribute identifies the last identity source that was accessed during the authentication of a user:
When a single identity source is used during authentication, this attribute includes the name of the identity store to which the authentication succeeded.
When an identity source sequence is during authentication, this attribute includes the name of the last identity source accessed.
You can use the AuthenticationStatus attribute in combination with the AuthenticationIdentityStore attribute to define a condition that identifies the identity source to which a user has successfully been authenticated. For example, to check for the a Condition where a user authenticated using an LDAP directory (LDAP13) in the authorization policy, you can define the following reusable condition:
If NetworkAccess.AuthenticationStatus EQUALS AuthenticationPassed AND
NetworkAccess.AuthenticationIdentityStore EQUALS LDAP13
The AuthenticationIdentityStore represents a text field that allows you to enter data for the condition. Ensure that you enter or copy the name correctly into this field. If the name of the identity source changes, you must ensure to modify this condition to match the change to the identity source.
To define authorization conditions that are based on an endpoint identity group that has been previously authenticated, Cisco ISE supports authorization that was defined during endpoint identity group 802.1X authentication status. When Cisco ISE performs 802.1X authentication, it extracts the MAC address from the "Calling-Station-ID" field in the RADIUS request and uses this value to look up and populate the session cache for the device's endpoint identity group (defined as an endpointIDgroup attribute).
This process makes the endpointIDgroup attribute available for use in creating authorization policy conditions, and allows you to define an authorization policy based on endpoint identity group information using this attribute, in addition to user information.
The condition for the endpoint identity group can be defined in the ID Groups column of the authorization policy configuration page. Conditions that are based on user-related information need to be defined in the "Other Conditions" section of the authorization policy. If user information is based on internal user attributes, then use the ID Group attribute in the internal user dictionary. For example, you can enter the full value path in the identity group using a value like "User Identity Group:Employee:US".
For more information:
For more information on endpoint identity groups, see Endpoint Identity Groups, page 4-62.
Authorization Policies and Supported Dictionaries
For simple condition-based policy scenarios, authorization checks are made using the AND Boolean operator within the rule. For compound condition-based policies, any type of authorization verification expression can be used. However, for both authorization policy types the verification must comply with the authorization profiles to be returned.
Verifications typically include one (or more) condition(s) that include a user-defined name that can then be added to a library and reused by other policies. You define conditions using the attributes from the Cisco ISE dictionary, which supports the following dictionaries:
where RADIUS is a system-defined dictionary and Airespace, Cisco, Cisco-BBSM, Cisco-VPN3000, and Microsoft are RADIUS-vendor dictionaries. See the "Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes" section on page 7-1 for more information on Cisco ISE dictionaries.
Authorization Profile Window
To display the Authorization Profile window, you start from the Policy tab (choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles). The Authorization Profile window is your starting point for managing the Cisco ISE standard authorization profiles. This is where you can display any existing profiles, create new profiles, or modify or delete existing authorization profiles to meet your specific user or group network needs.
To create a new authorization profile, you must define the profile name and access type. All other profile elements are optional. To configure values for these other profile elements, use the text fields, drop-down lists, and check boxes in the following Authorization Profile page panels:
Authorization Profile
Access Type
The only profile elements required to create a new authorization profile are the profile Name and Access Type, which are marked with an asterisk (*). All other profile elements are optional elements.
Common Tasks
This is where you can configure settings that support commonly-used attributes.
Voice Domain Permission
Posture Discovery
Centralized Web Authentication
Auto SmartPort
MACSec Policy
Web Authentication (Local Web Auth)
Wireless LAN Controller (WLC)
For details about Common Task settings, see Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New Standard Authorization Profile.
Advanced Attributes Settings
This is where you can configure advanced attributes settings using attributes contained in dictionaries you can access from the drop-down list.
Attributes Details
This is where the attributes you configure in the Common Settings and Advanced Attribute panes are displayed.
After you have selected or entered your authorization profile choices, click Submit to create a new authorization profile.
To modify an existing authorization profile, select the check box corresponding to the profile you want to change, modify the profile settings as desired, and click Save to create a new modified authorization profile. Any changes that you make to a profile without clicking Save will not be sent to or registered on the Cisco ISE system database.
To delete an existing authorization profile, select the check box corresponding to the profile you want to delete, and click Delete. For the procedures explaining how to create, modify, or delete authorization profiles, see Configuring Permissions for Authorization Profiles.
Authorization Policy and Profile Guidelines
Observe the following guidelines when managing or administering authorization polices and profiles:
Rule Names you create must use only the following supported character set:
Symbols: plus (+), hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), and a space ( ).
Alphabetic characters: A-Z and a-z.
Numeric characters: 0-9.
Identity Groups default to "Any" (you can use this global default to apply to all users).
Conditions allow you to set one or more policy values. However, conditions are optional and are not required to create an authorization policy. These are the two methods for creating conditions:
Choose an existing condition or attribute from a corresponding dictionary of choices.
Create a custom condition that allows you to select a suggested value or use a text box to enter a custom value.
Condition names you create must use only the following supported character set:
Symbols: hyphen (-), underscore (_), and period (.).
Alphabetic characters: A-Z and a-z.
Numeric characters: 0-9.
Permissions are important when choosing an authorization profile to use for a policy. A permission can grant access to specific resources or allow you to perform specific tasks. For example, if a user belongs to a specific identity group (such as Device Admins), and the user meets the defined conditions (such as a site in Boston), then this user is granted the permissions associated with that group (such as access to a specific set of network resources or permission to perform a specific operation on a device).
Make sure that you click Save to save the new or modified policy or profile in the Cisco ISE database.
Authorization Policy and Profile User Interface
To manage your authorization policies and authorization profiles, use the controls within each of the corresponding user interface windows. The following list identifies the Cisco ISE user interface controls and elements needed to perform the following tasks:
To configure an authorization policy—choose Policy > Authorization > Standard (or Exception)
To configure an authorization profile—choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles
Authorization Policy, Rule, and Profile Configuration Defaults
The Cisco ISE software comes installed with a number of pre-installed default conditions, rules, and profiles that provide common settings that make it easier for you to create the rules and policies required in Cisco ISE authorization policies and profiles. These built-in configuration defaults contain specified values that are described in Table 16-2.
Table 16-2 Authorization Policy, Profile, and Rule Configuration Defaults
Path in the UI
Additional Information
Authorization Policy Configuration Defaults
Default Compound Conditions for Authorization Policies
Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization
These are pre-installed configuration defaults for conditions, rules, and profiles to be used in authorization policies.
You can use the related attributes for creating authorization policies:
• Wired 802.1x
• Wired MAB
• Wireless 802.1x
• Catalyst Switch Local Web authentication
• WLC Web authentication
Authorization Policy Configuration Defaults
Wired 802.1X Compound Condition
Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization > Compound Conditions
This compound condition checks for the following attributes and values:
• RADIUS:Service-Type = Framed
• RADIUS:NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
This compound condition is used in the Wired 802.1X authorization policy.
Any request that matches the criteria specified in this policy would be evaluated based on the Wired 802.1X authorization policy.
Wired MAB Compound Condition
Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization > Compound Conditions
This compound condition checks for the following attributes and values:
• RADIUS:Service-Type = Call-Check
• RADIUS:NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
This compound condition is used in the Wired MAB authorization policy.
Any request that matches the criteria specified in this policy would be evaluated based on the Wired MAB authorization policy.
Wireless 802.1X Compound Condition
Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization > Compound Conditions
This compound condition checks for the following attributes and values:
• RADIUS:Service-Type = Framed
• RADIUS:NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE802.11
This compound condition is used in the Wireless 802.1X authorization policy.
Any request that matches the criteria specified in this policy would be evaluated based on the Wireless 802.1X authorization policy.
Catalyst Switch Local Web Authentication Compound Condition
Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization > Compound Conditions
This compound condition checks for the following attributes and values:
• RADIUS:Service-Type = Outbound
• RADIUS:NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
To use this compound condition, you need to create an authorization policy that would check for this condition.
Wireless Lan Controller (WLC) Local Web Authentication Compound Condition
Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization > Compound Conditions
This compound condition checks for the following attributes and values:
• RADIUS:Service-Type = Outbound
• RADIUS:NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE802.11
To use this compound condition, you must create an authorization policy that would check for this condition.
Authorization Rule Configuration Defaults
Profiled Cisco IP Phone Authorization Rule
Policy > Authorization Policy
This authorization policy uses a configuration default rule with the following values:
• Rule Name: Profiled Cisco IP Phones
• Endpoint Identity Group: Cisco IP Phones
• Conditions: Any
• Authorization Profile: Cisco IP Phones
This authorization policy will evaluate requests that match the criteria specified in this policy.
This default rule uses Cisco IP Phones as its default endpoint identity group and the values listed in this table.
Default Authorization Rule
Policy > Authorization Policy
This authorization policy uses a configuration default rule with the following values:
• Rule Name: Default
• Endpoint Identity Group: Any
• Conditions: Any
• Authorization Profile: PermitAccess
This authorization policy will evaluate requests that match the criteria specified in this policy.
This default rule uses "any" as its default endpoint identity group and the values listed in this table.
Authorization Profile Configuration Defaults
Default Authorization Profile
Policy > Policy Elements > Permissions > Authorization Profiles > Standard
This authorization profiles uses a configuration default profile with the following values:
• Name: Cisco IP Phones
• VSA: cisco:av-pair:device-traffic-class=voice
This profile will evaluate requests that match the criteria specified in this profile.
This default authorization profile uses the DACL and vendor-specific attribute (VSA) to authorize all "voice" traffic (PERMIT_ALL_TRAFFIC).
Configuring Authorization Policies
The Authorization Policy window lets you display, create, duplicate/modify, or delete authorization policies. The following topics provide procedures for performing these tasks:
Displaying Existing Authorization Policies
Creating a New Authorization Policy
Duplicating and Modifying an Existing Authorization Policy
Deleting an Existing Authorization Policy
The following authorization policy profile sections reference example actions directed at a standard authorization policy. You can follow the same process for managing an exception authorization policy.
Displaying Existing Authorization Policies
Use this procedure to display all existing Exception or Standard authorization policies, choose the matched rule policy, or view the policy-based choices that can be made.
To display existing authorization policies, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Authorization.
The Authorization Policy window appears listing all existing configured authorization policies.
When performing this action initially, there will be only be a Default rule displayed and you are limited to one policy-based option (using Insert New Rule Above).
Step 2
Click action (icon), which displays a drop-down list with the following policy-based choices:
Insert New Rule Above
Insert New Rule Below
Duplicate Above
Duplicate Below
To set the matched rule policy for authorization policies, under Authorization Profiles click the drop-down arrow, and choose First Matched Rule Applies or Multiple Matched Rule Applies.
Creating a New Authorization Policy
Use this procedure to create a new authorization policy.
To create a new authorization policy, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Authorization > Standard.
Step 2
Click to select either Insert New Rule Above or Insert New Rule Below.
A new policy entry appears in the position you designated in the Standard panel of the Authorization Policy window.
Step 3
Enter values for the following authorization policy fields:
Rule Name—You need to define a rule name for the new policy.
Identity Groups—Choose a name for the identity group that you want associated with the policy.
Click + ("plus" sign) next to the word "Any" to display a drop-down list of group choices, or choose Any for the policy for this identity group to include all users.
Condition(s)—Choose the types of conditions or attributes for the identity group associated with the policy. Click + next to Condition(s) to display the following list of condition and attribute choices that you can configure:
Select a Condition Name option from the drop-down list (Simple Conditions, Compound Conditions, or Time and Date Conditions) as needed.
Select one of the Attribute options as needed. This displays a list of dictionaries that contain specific attributes related to the dictionary type.
When you select an attribute, you can define it as Equals, Not Equals, or Matches using a pull-down list of operator options, and select an AND or OR directive using a pull-down directive option.
Not all attributes you select will include the Equals, Not Equals, and Matches operator options.
The "Matches" operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
Example 1a: Equals—You select the RADIUS dictionary, and you select the Error-Cause value, which displays RADIUS:Error-Cause in the Expression field. You select the Equals operator in the second field (pull-down list). In the third field (pull-down list), you select the value that you want the RADIUS:Error-Cause to equal (for example, Unsupported Service). This condition is configured as follows: RADIUS:Error-Cause EQUALS Unsupported Service.
Example 1b: Equals—You select the CERTIFICATE dictionary, and you select the Subject value, which displays CERTIFICATE:Subject in the Expression field. You select the Equals operator in the second field (pull-down list). In the third field (text field), you must configure the value properly that you want the CERTIFICATE:Subject to equal (for example, a username such as User123). To achieve a match, this condition must be configured using the prefix of "cn=" as follows: CERTIFICATE:Subject EQUALS cn=User123.
Example 1c: Equals—You select the CERTIFICATE dictionary, and you select the Subject Alternative Name value, which displays CERTIFICATE:Subject Alternative Name in the Expression field. You select the Equals operator in the second field (pull-down list). In the third field (text field), you must configure the value properly that you want the CERTIFICATE:Subject Alternative Name to equal (for example, a username such as To achieve a match, this condition must be configured as follows: CERTIFICATE:Subject Alternative Name EQUALS
Example 2: Not Equals—You select the RADIUS dictionary, and you select the User-Name value, which displays RADIUS:User-Name in the Expression field.You select the Not Equals operator in the second field (pull-down list). In the third field (text box), you enter the value that you want the RADIUS:User-Name to not equal (for example, guest113). This condition is configured as: RADIUS:User-Name NOT_EQUALS guest113.
Example 3: Matches—You select the CERTIFICATE dictionary, and you select the Organization value, which displays CERTIFICATE:Organization in the Expression field. You select the Matches operator in the second field (pull-down list). In the third field (text box), you enter a REGEX value to match Organization value. The following are some common options for "Matches:
`Starts with'—for example, using the REGEX value of ^(Acme).*—this condition is configured as CERTIFICATE:Organization MATCHES `Acme' (any match with a condition that starts with "Acme").
`Ends with'—for example, using the REGEX value of .*(mktg)$—this condition is configured as CERTIFICATE:Organization MATCHES `mktg' (any match with a condition that ends with "mktg").
`Contains'—for example, using the REGEX value of .*(1234).*—this condition is configured as CERTIFICATE:Organization MATCHES `1234' (any match with a condition that contains "1234", such as Eng1234, 1234Dev, and Corp1234Mktg).
`Does not start with'—for example, using the REGEX value of ^(?!LDAP).*—this condition is configured as CERTIFICATE:Organization MATCHES `LDAP' (any match with a condition that does not start with "LDAP", such as usLDAP or CorpLDAPmktg).
Permissions—Choose the authorization profile to associate with this authorization policy.
Click + next to Permissions to display a drop-down list of profile choices. Select a profile option (for example, the Standard profile offers two default choices: DenyAccess or PermitAccess).
Step 4
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database and create this new authorization policy.
Duplicating and Modifying an Existing Authorization Policy
Use this procedure to duplicate an existing authorization policy and modify it to create a new policy based upon its initial set of existing values.
To duplicate and modify an existing authorization policy, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Authorization > Standard.
Step 2
To choose the authorization policy you want to duplicate and modify, click action (icon) for that policy row and select Duplicate above or Duplicate below.
A duplicate policy entry appears in the Standard panel of the Authorization Policy window (either above or below the existing policy that you selected).
Step 3
Enter a new name for this policy in the Rule Name field.
Step 4
Modify the desired values to create the new authorization policy in the corresponding fields by selecting the desired set of option choices.
Step 5
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database, which creates this new authorization policy.
Deleting an Existing Authorization Policy
Use this procedure to delete an existing authorization policy and remove it from the Cisco ISE database.
To delete an existing authorization policy, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Authorization > Standard.
Step 2
To select the authorization policy you want to delete, click action (icon) for that policy row and choose Delete.
A confirmation dialog appears in the Standard panel of the Authorization Policy window.
Step 3
Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the authorization policy.
Step 4
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database and delete this authorization policy.
If you do not click Save, you will only delete the authorization policy locally.
Configuring Policy Elements Conditions
Cisco ISE provides a way to create conditions that are individual, reusable policy elements that can be referred from other rule-based policies. You can create conditions from within the policy pages and as separate policy elements to be reused by other types of Cisco ISE policies such as Sponsor group or Client Provisioning policies. Whenever a policy is being evaluated, the conditions that comprise it are evaluated first.
Under Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions, the initial Conditions pane displays the following policy element condition options: Authentication, Authorization, Profiling, Posture, Guest, and Common.
Typically, policies consist of rules, where each rule consists of conditions that when met allow actions to be performed (such as access to network resources). Rule-based conditions form the basis of policies, the sets of rules used when evaluating requests.
Simple conditions consist of an attribute, an operator, and a value. You can create simple conditions from within the policy pages and also as separate policy elements that can be reused in policies. ISE allows you to create, edit, and delete simple authorization conditions. When authorized, Cisco ISE returns a permission.
Compound conditions are typically made up of two or more simple conditions. You can create compound conditions as reusable objects from within the policy creation page or from the Conditions page. This page lists all the compound conditions that you have defined in ISE.
Simple Conditions
Before you begin any procedures, you should have a basic understanding of the rule-based authorization policies, the basic building blocks of identity groups, conditions, and permissions, and how these are used in the Cisco ISE user interface. See Understanding Authorization Policy Terminology, Authorization Policy Window, and Configuring Policy Elements Conditions for more information.
Every ISE administrator account is assigned one or more administrative roles. To perform the operations described in the following procedures, you must have one of the following roles assigned: Super Admin or Policy Admin. See Table 4-11 for more information on the various administrative roles and the privileges associated with each of them.
Simple Condition Format
This type uses the form attribute operand value. Rule-based conditions are essentially a comparison of values (the attribute with its value), and these can be saved and reused in other rule-based policies.
Simple conditions take the format of A operand B, where A can be any attribute from a Cisco ISE dictionary and B can be one of the values that attribute A can take. For example, simple conditions can take the following form:
Network Access:Protocol Equals RADIUS.
Compound Conditions
Before you begin any procedures, you should have a basic understanding of rule-based authorization policies, the basic building blocks of identity groups, conditions, and permissions, and how they are represented in the Cisco ISE user interface. See Understanding Authorization Policy Terminology, Authorization Policy Window, and Configuring Policy Elements Conditions for more information.
Cisco ISE comes with predefined compound conditions for some of the most common use cases. See Authorization Policy, Rule, and Profile Configuration Defaults for more information on these predefined conditions. You can edit these predefined conditions to suit your requirements.
Every ISE administrator account is assigned one or more administrative roles. To perform the operations described in the following procedure, you must have any one of the following roles assigned: Super Admin or Policy Admin. See Table 4-11 for more information on the various administrative roles and the privileges associated with each of them.
Compound Condition Format
This condition type comprises one or more simple conditions that use an AND or OR relationship. These are built on top of simple conditions and can be saved and reused in other rule-based policies. Compound conditions can take any of the following forms:
(X operand Y) AND (A operand B) AND (X operand Z) AND ... (so on)
(X operand Y) OR (A operand B) OR (X operand Z) OR ... (so on)
where X and A are attributes from the Cisco ISE dictionary and can include username and device type. For example, compound conditions can take the following form:
DEVICE:Model Name Matches Catalyst6K AND Network Access:Use Case Equals Host Lookup.
Configuring Authorization Policy Conditions
Use the Policy Elements Conditions window to display, create, modify, delete, duplicate, and search authorization policy element conditions. The following topics provide procedures for performing these tasks:
Displaying Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Creating New Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Modifying Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Duplicating Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Deleting Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Searching Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
For more information about simple and compound conditions, see Configuring Policy Elements Conditions.
Displaying Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Use this procedure to display all existing authorization policy element conditions (both simple or compound).
To display existing authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Authorization > Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions).
The Conditions window appears listing all of the existing configured authorization policies (which correspond to the condition type you selected, simple or compound).
Creating New Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Use this procedure to create new authorization policy element conditions (simple or compound).
To create new authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Click Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Authorization> Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions).
The Conditions page appears listing all existing configured authorization policy element conditions.
Step 2
To create a new simple condition, click Create.
The Simple Conditions page displays.
Step 3
Enter values in the following fields to define a new simple condition:
Name—Enter the name of the simple condition.
Description—Enter the description of the simple condition.
Attribute—Click to choose a dictionary from the drop-down list of dictionary options, and choose an attribute from the corresponding attribute choices.
Operator—Enter Equals or Not Equals.
Value—Enter a value that matches the selected attribute.
Step 4
Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this authorization condition.
The Name, Attribute, Operator, and Value fields in simple conditions are required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Compound conditions consist of one or more simple conditions that include different Equals, Not Equals, and Matches operators, and AND and OR directives that are built upon existing simple conditions. The procedure for creating a new compound condition follows the same steps and processes that are used to create a simple condition. For more details about compound conditions, see Compound Conditions.
The "Matches" operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
Modifying Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Use this procedure to modify existing authorization policy element conditions (simple or compound).
To modify existing authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Authorization> Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions).
The Conditions page appears listing all existing configured authorization policy element conditions.
Step 2
To edit an existing condition, select the check box corresponding to the condition you want to modify, and click Edit.
The Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions) page appears. Modify the values as needed in the following fields:
Name—Enter the name of the simple condition.
Description—Enter the description of the simple condition.
Attribute—Click to choose a dictionary from the drop-down list of dictionary options, and choose an attribute from the corresponding attribute choices.
Operator—Enter Equals or Not Equals.
Value—Enter a value that matches the selected attribute.
Step 3
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database and create this modified authorization condition.
The Name, Attribute, Operator and Value fields in simple conditions are required and marked with an asterisk (*).
Compound Conditions consist of one or more simple conditions that include different Equals, Not Equals, and Matches operators, and AND and OR directives that are built upon existing simple conditions. The procedure for creating a new compound condition follows the same sequence of steps used to create a simple condition. For more details about compound conditions, see Compound Conditions.
The "Matches" operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
Duplicating Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Use this procedure to duplicate existing authorization policy element conditions (simple or compound). This option provides a means for using an existing authorization policy as a template whereby you can:
Change the name to create a duplicate policy with the same policy element conditions
Change the name and modify one or more policy elements as desired
You must click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database in either case when you duplicate existing policy element conditions.
To duplicate existing authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Click Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Authorization> Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions).
The Conditions page appears listing all existing configured authorization policy element conditions.
Step 2
To duplicate an existing simple condition authorization policy, select the check box corresponding to the condition you want to duplicate, and click Duplicate.
The Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions) page appears. You can change the name for this policy:
Name—Enter a new name for this simple condition, or you can modify one or more values as needed in the following fields to define a new simple condition policy:
Description—Enter the description of the simple condition.
Attribute—Click to choose a dictionary from the drop-down list of dictionary options, and choose an attribute from the corresponding attribute choices.
Operator—Enter Equals or Not Equals.
Value—Enter a value that matches the selected attribute.
Step 3
Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this authorization condition.
The Name, Attribute, Operator, and Value fields in simple conditions are required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Compound conditions consist of one or more simple conditions that include different Equals, Not Equals, and Matches operators and AND and OR directives that are built upon existing simple conditions. The procedure for creating a new compound condition follows the same steps and processes that are used to create a simple condition. For more details about compound conditions, see Compound Conditions.
The "Matches" operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
Deleting Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Use this procedure to delete existing authorization policy element conditions.
To delete existing authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Authorization> Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions).
The Conditions page appears listing all existing configured authorization policy element conditions.
Step 2
To delete an existing condition, select the check box corresponding to the condition you want to delete, and click Delete.
A confirmation window appears prompting if you want to delete the selected item(s).
Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the authorization condition (or click Cancel to end operation).
Searching Existing Authorization Policy Element Conditions
Use this procedure to search for existing authorization policy element conditions that match your desired search criteria.
To search existing authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization> Simple Conditions (or Compound Conditions).
The Conditions page appears listing all existing configured authorization policy element conditions.
Step 2
To search for a specific value in the existing authorization policy conditions, click Filter and choose either Quick Filter or Advanced Filter.
If you choose Quick Filter, you can search for authorization policy conditions that match the condition name or description attribute value you specify:
Enter a value to search for in either the Name or Description field.
Any attribute matching the specified condition name or description displays in the Conditions table beneath these two search fields.
If you choose Advanced Filter, you can search using a variety of authorization policy conditions that match the attribute, operator, and value fields that you configure in the following search rule:
Click the Filter drop-down list and choose either Name or Description.
Click the operator drop-down list and choose from among the following options: Contains, Does not contain, Does not equal, Ends with, Is empty, Is exactly (or equals), Is not empty, or Starts with.
Enter an attribute that matches the search values with which you want to filter. You can add additional rules.
Click Go to display any matches in the Conditions table beneath the search fields.
Configuring Time and Date Conditions
Use the Policy Elements Conditions window to display, create, modify, delete, duplicate, and search time and date policy element conditions. Policy elements are shared objects that define a condition that is based on specific time and date attribute settings that you configure.
Time and date conditions let you set or limit permission to access Cisco ISE system resources to specific times and days as desired by the attribute settings you make. The following topics provide procedures for performing time and date attribute-related tasks:
Displaying Existing Time and Date Conditions
Creating New Time and Date Conditions
Modifying Existing Time and Date Conditions
Deleting Existing Time and Date Conditions
Duplicating Existing Time and Date Conditions
Searching Existing Time and Date Conditions
Displaying Existing Time and Date Conditions
Use this procedure to display all existing time and date policy element conditions.
To display all existing time and date conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common > Time and Date.
The Time and Date Conditions window appears listing all the existing configured time and date conditions.
Creating New Time and Date Conditions
Use this procedure to create new time and date policy element conditions.
To create new time and date conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common > Time and Date.
The Time and Date Conditions window appears listing all the existing configured time and date conditions.
Step 2
To create a new time and date condition, click Add.
The Time and Date Condition page displays.
Step 3
Enter values in the following fields to define a new time and date condition:
Condition Name—Enter the name of the time and date condition.
Description—Enter a description of the time and date condition.
You can choose to create a time and date condition using the options in the Standard Settings or the Exceptions panes.
If you choose to use the Standard Settings pane options—Choose the options corresponding to the time and date conditions you want to set:
All Day (the default option) or Specific Hours (this option provides drop-down lists you can use to configure hours, minutes, and AM/PM to set a to-and-from time range).
Every Day (the default option) or Specific Days (this option provides check boxes you can use to configure one or more specific days of the week).
No Start and End Dates (the default option), or Specific Date Range (this option provides drop-down lists you can use to configure the month, day, and year to set a to-and-from date range), or Specific Date (this option provides drop-down lists you can use to configure a specific month, day, and year).
If you choose to use the Exceptions pane options—Choose the options corresponding to the time and date conditions you want to set:
Time Range (this option provides drop-down lists you can use to configure the hours, minutes, and AM/PM to set a to-and-from time range).
Week Days (this option provides check boxes you can use to configure one or more specific days of the week).
Date Range (this provides two options):
Specific Date Range—Provides drop-down lists you can use to configure a specific to-and-from date range by month, day, and year.
Specific Date—Provides drop-down lists you can use to configure a specific month, day, and year.
Step 4
Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this time and date condition.
The Condition Name field for time and date conditions is required and is marked with an asterisk (*).
Modifying Existing Time and Date Conditions
Use this procedure to modify existing time and date policy element conditions.
To modify existing time and date conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common > Time and Date.
The Time and Date Conditions window appears listing all the existing configured time and date conditions.
Step 2
To edit an existing time and date condition, select the check box corresponding to the condition you want to modify, and click Edit.
The Time and Date Condition page appears. Modify the options and settings in the following fields as needed (see field and option descriptions in Creating New Time and Date Conditions):
Condition Name
Standard Settings or Exceptions (using the set of options in the panel you choose)
Step 3
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database and create this modified time and date condition.
The Condition Name field for time and date conditions is required and is marked with an asterisk (*).
Deleting Existing Time and Date Conditions
Use this procedure to delete existing time and date policy element conditions.
To delete existing time and date conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common > Time and Date.
The Time and Date Conditions window appears listing all the existing configured time and date conditions.
Step 2
To delete an existing condition, select the check box that corresponds to the time and date condition you want to delete, and click Delete.
A confirmation window appears.
Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the selected time and date condition (or click Cancel to end operation).
A Condition(s) deleted successfully window appears.
Duplicating Existing Time and Date Conditions
Use this procedure to duplicate existing time and date policy element conditions, from which you can create a new time and date condition.
To duplicate existing time and date conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Click Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Common > Time and Date.
The Time and Date Conditions page appears listing all existing configured time and date conditions.
Step 2
To duplicate an existing time and date condition, select the check box corresponding to the condition you want to duplicate, and click Duplicate.
The Time and Date Conditions page appears. You can modify the following conditions in the upper panel as necessary:
Name—Enter a new name for this condition, or you can modify one or more values as needed in the following fields to define a new time and date condition.
Description—Enter the description of the time and date condition.
Step 3
In the Standard Settings panel, modify the following values as needed:
All Day
Specific Hours (by setting the specific time range in HH:MM:AM/PM using the pull-down options)
Every Day
Specific Days (by selecting the check box(es) that match your desired days)
No Start and End Date
Specific Date Range (by setting the specific Month:Date:Year from/to date range using the pull-down options)
Specific Date (by setting the specific Month:Date:Year date using the pull-down options)
Step 4
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this authorization condition.
The Condition Name field in time and date conditions is required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Searching Existing Time and Date Conditions
Use this procedure to search existing date and time policy element conditions that match a desired search criteria.
To search existing time and date conditions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common > Time and Date.
The Time and Date Conditions window appears listing all the existing configured time and date conditions.
Step 2
To search for a specific value in the existing date and time conditions, click Filter and choose either Quick Filter or Advanced Filter.
If you choose Quick Filter, you can search for time and date conditions that match the condition name or description attribute value you specify:
Type the desired search attribute value in the Condition Name or Description fields.
Any attribute matching the specified condition name or description displays in the Time and Date Conditions table beneath these two search fields.
If you choose Advanced Filter, you can search using a variety of time and date conditions that match the attribute values you specify:
Type the desired search attributes values in the appropriate fields.
Any attributes that matches the search values you specified displays in the Time and Date Conditions table beneath these search fields.
Configuring Permissions for Authorization Profiles
Before you start configuring permissions for authorization profiles, make sure you understand the relationship between authorization policies and profiles, are familiar with the Authorization Profile window, know the basic guidelines to follow when configuring policies and profiles, understand what comprises permissions in an authorization profile, and are aware of configuration default values that are described in the following topics:
Cisco ISE Authorization Policies and Profiles
Authorization Profile Window
Authorization Policy and Profile Guidelines
Authorization Policy, Rule, and Profile Configuration Defaults
Use the Results navigation pane as your starting point in the process for displaying, creating, modifying, deleting, duplicating, or searching policy element permissions for the different types of authorization profiles on your network. The following topics provide procedures for performing these tasks:
Displaying an Existing Authorization Profile and Permissions
Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New Standard Authorization Profile
Modifying an Existing Authorization Profile
Deleting an Existing Authorization Profile
Duplicating an Existing Authorization Profile
Searching an Existing Authorization Profile
The Results pane initially displays Authentication, Authorization, Profiling, Posture, Client Provisioning, and Security Group Access options.
Authorization profiles let you choose the attributes to be returned when a RADIUS request is accepted. Cisco ISE provides a mechanism where you can configure Common Tasks settings to support commonly-used attributes. You need to enter the value for the Common Tasks attributes, which Cisco ISE translates to the underlying RADIUS values.
Displaying an Existing Authorization Profile and Permissions
Use this procedure to display the permissions for an existing authorization profile.
The Results navigation pane displays Authorization Profiles, Downloadable ACL, and Inline Posture node options under Authorization.
To display existing permissions for an authorization profile, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
The Authorization Profiles window appears listing all existing configured authorization profiles.
Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New Standard Authorization Profile
Use this procedure to create a new standard authorization profile and configure its permissions.
To create a new standard authorization profile and permissions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
The Authorization Profiles window appears listing all existing configured authorization profiles.
Step 2
To create a new profile, choose one of the two following methods:
In the Authorization pane, click action (icon) and click Create Standard Authorization Profile
In the Standard Authorization Profiles page, click Add
The Authorization Profiles > New Authorization profile page appears.
Step 3
Enter values in the following panels and fields as needed to create a new authorization profile:
Authorization Profile
Name—Enter a name that identifies the new authorization profile.
Description—Enter a description of the authorization profile.
Access Type—Choose from the two drop-down list access type options (ACCESS_ACCEPT or ACCESS_REJECT).
The Name and Access Type fields are required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Common Tasks
DACL Name—To choose, select the check box and choose existing downloadable ACL options from the drop-down list (for example, Cisco ISE provides two default values in the drop-down list: PERMIT_ALL_TRAFFIC or DENY_ALL_TRAFFIC). The drop-down list will include all current DACLs in the local database.
VLAN—To choose, select the check box and enter an attribute value that identifies a virtual LAN (VLAN) ID that you want associated with the new authorization profile you are creating (both integer and string values are supported for the VLAN ID). The format for this entry would be Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:VLANnumber.
If you do not select a a VLAN ID, Cisco ISE uses a default value of VLAN ID = 1. For example, if you only entered 123 as your VLAN number, the Attributes Details pane would reflect the following value: Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 1:123.
Voice Domain Permission—To choose, select the check box to enable the vendor-specific attribute (VSA) of "cisco-av-pair" to be associated with a value of "device-traffic-class=voice". In a multi-domain authorization mode, if the network switch receives this VSA, the endpoint is placed on to a voice domain after authorization.
Posture Discovery—To choose, select the check box to enable a redirection process used for Posture discovery in Cisco ISE, and enter an ACL on the device that you want to associate with this authorization profile. For example, if the value you entered is acl119, this is reflected in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair = url-redirect-acl = acl119. The Attributes Details pane also displays: cisco-av-pair = url-redirect=https://ip:8443/guestportal/gateway?sessionid=
Centralized Web Authentication—To choose, select the check box to enable a redirection process that is similar to Posture discovery, but it redirects guest user access requests to the Guest server in Cisco ISE. Enter an ACL on the device that you want to associate with this authorization profile, and select the Default or Manual option from the Redirect drop-down list. For example, if the value you entered is acl-999, this is reflected in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair = url-redirect-acl = acl-99. The Attributes Details pane also displays: cisco-av-pair = url-redirect=https://ip:8443/guestportal/gateway?sessionid=SessionValueIdValue&action=cwa.
Auto SmartPort—To choose, select the check box to enable Auto SmartPort functionality and enter a corresponding event name value in the text box. This enables the VSA cisco-av-pair with a value for this option as "auto-smart-port=event_name". Your choice is reflected in the Attributes Details pane.
Filter-ID—To choose, select the check box to enable a RADIUS filter attribute that sends the ACL name that you define in the text box (which is automatically appended with ".in"). Your choice is reflected in the Attributes Details pane.
Reauthentication—To choose, select the check box and enter a value in seconds for maintaining connectivity during reauthentication. You can also choose attribute values from the Timer drop-down list. You choose to maintain connectivity during reauthentication by selecting to use either the default (a value of 0) or RADIUS-Request (a value of 1) from the drop-down list. Setting this to the RADIUS-Request value maintains connectivity during the reauthentication process.
MACSec Policy—To choose, select the check box to enable the MACSec encryption policy whenever a MACSec-enabled client connects to Cisco ISE, and choose one of the following three options in the corresponding drop-down list: must-secure, should-secure, or must-not-secure. For example, your choice is reflected in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair = linksec-policy=must-secure.
NEAT—To choose, select the check box to enable Network Edge Access Topology (NEAT), a feature that extends identity recognition between networks. Selecting this check box displays the following value in the Attributes Details pane: cisco-av-pair = device-traffic-class=switch.
Web Authentication (Local Web Auth)—To choose, select the check box to enable local web authentication for this authorization profile. This value lets the switch recognize authorization for web authentication by Cisco ISE sending a VSA along with a DACL. The VSA is cisco-av-pair = priv-lvl=15 and this is reflected in the Attributes Details pane.
Wireless LAN Controller (WLC)—To choose, select the check box and enter an ACL name in the text field. This value is used in a required Airespace VSA to authorize the addition of a locally defined ACL to a connection on the WLC. For example, if you entered rsa-1188, this would be reflected in the Attributes Details pane as: Airespace-ACL-Name = rsa-1188.
ASA VPN—To choose, select the check box to enable an Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA) VPN group policy. From a drop-down Attributes list, click a value to configure this setting. For example, if you selected Cisco-BBSM, and then selected CBBSM-Bandwidth, this would be reflected in the Attributes Details pane as: Class = Cisco-BBSM:CBBSM-Bandwidth.
The Name and Access Type fields are required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Advanced Attributes Settings
Click the down-arrow icon to display the available options in the Dictionaries window. Click to select the desired dictionary and attribute to configure in the first field.
Click the down-arrow icon to display the available options in the Attribute Values window. Click to select the desired attribute group and attribute value for the second field. This value matches the one selected in the first field. Any Advanced Attributes setting(s) that you configure will be displayed in the Attribute Details panel.
To modify or delete any of the read-only values that are displayed in the Attributes Details pane, you must modify or delete these values in the corresponding Common Tasks field or in the attribute that you selected in the Attribute Values text box in the Advanced Attributes Settings pane.
Attributes Details
This pane displays any of the configured attribute values that you set for the Common Tasks and Advanced Attributes.
The values displayed in the Attributes Details pane are read-only and cannot be edited or deleted in this pane.
Step 4
Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database to create an authorization profile.
Modifying an Existing Authorization Profile
Use this procedure to modify the permissions in an existing authorization profile.
To modify permissions in an existing authorization profile, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
The Authorization Profiles window appears listing all existing configured authorization profiles.
Step 2
To edit permissions in an existing authorization profile, select the check box corresponding to the existing authorization profile you want to modify, and click Edit.
Step 3
Modify the values in the Authorization Profile, Common Tasks, Advanced Attributes Settings, and Attributes Details panels as needed.
Step 4
Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database to create an authorization profile.
For more information:
For details about the values in the Authorization Profile, Common Tasks, Advanced Attributes Settings, and Attributes Details panels, see the descriptions in Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New Standard Authorization Profile.
Deleting an Existing Authorization Profile
Use this procedure to delete an existing authorization profile, which also deletes its corresponding policy element permissions.
To delete an existing authorization profile, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
The Authorization Profiles window appears listing all existing configured authorization profiles.
Step 2
To delete an existing authorization profile, select the check box corresponding to the existing authorization profile you want to delete, and click Delete.
A confirmation deletion window appears alerting you that the authorization profile was deleted.
Step 3
Click OK to confirm you want to delete this authorization profile from the Cisco ISE system database.
Duplicating an Existing Authorization Profile
Use this procedure to duplicate an existing authorization profile, from which you can create a new authorization profile.
To duplicate an existing authorization profile, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
The Authorization Profiles window appears listing all existing configured authorization profiles.
Step 2
To duplicate an existing authorization, select the check box corresponding to the authorization profile you want to duplicate, and click Duplicate.
The Authorization Profiles page appears.
Step 3
Modify the values in the Authorization Profile, Common Tasks, Advanced Attributes Settings, and Attributes Details panels as needed.
Step 4
Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this new authorization profile.
Values in the Name and Access Type fields are required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
For more information:
For details about the values in the Authorization Profile, Common Tasks, Advanced Attributes Settings, and Attributes Details panels, see the descriptions in Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New Standard Authorization Profile.
Searching an Existing Authorization Profile
Use this procedure to search for existing authorization profile conditions that match a desired search criteria.
To search an existing authorization profile, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
The Authorization Profiles window appears listing all existing configured authorization profiles.
Step 2
To search for a specific value in the existing authorization policy conditions, click Filter and choose between the Quick Filter or Advanced Filter options.
If you choose Quick Filter, you can search for authorization profile that matches the name or description value you specify:
Enter a value to search for in the Name or Description fields.
Any attribute that matches the specified authorization profile name or description displays in the Conditions table beneath these two search fields.
If you choose Advanced Filter, you can search for an authorization profile that matches the attribute, operator, and value fields that you configure in the following search rule:
In the Filter drop-down list, select either Name or Description.
In the operator drop-down list, select from the following options: Contains, Does not contain, Does not equal, Ends with, Is empty, Is exactly (or equals), Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than, Is less than or equal to, Is not empty, or Starts with.
Enter an attribute that matches the search values with which you want to filter. You can add additional rules.
Click Go to display any matches in the Conditions table beneath the search fields.
Configuring Permissions for Downloadable ACLs
To start the process where you can display, create, modify, or delete policy element permissions for downloadable ACLs (DACLs), you need to locate its navigation pane in the Cisco ISE user interface. To do this, choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization to display the Authorization navigation pane.
The Authorization navigation pane initially displays:
Authorization Profiles
Downloadable ACLs
Inline Posture Node Profiles
For more information:
For more information about configuring permissions for and managing DACLs, see Configuring DACLs.
Configuring DACLs
The following topics provide procedures for configuring permissions for DACLs:
Displaying Existing Permissions for DACLs
Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New DACL
Modifying Permissions for an Existing DACL
Deleting an Existing DACL
Duplicating an Existing DACL
Searching an Existing DACL
Displaying Existing Permissions for DACLs
Use this procedure to display the permissions for any existing DACLs.
To display existing DACL permissions, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.
The DACL Management window appears listing all existing configured DACLs.
Creating and Configuring Permissions for a New DACL
Use this procedure to create a new DACL and configure its permissions.
To configure permissions for a new DACL, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.
The DACL Management window appears listing all existing configured DACLs.
Step 2
To create a new DACL, click action (icon) and select Create DACL or click Add (+) in the DACL Management window.
Step 3
Enter values for the DACL in the following fields:
Name—Enter a name that identifies the DACL.
Description—Enter a description of the DACL.
DACL Content—Enter the type of desired content in the ACL (IPPermit or IPDeny).
The Name and DACL Content fields require that values be entered and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Step 4
Click Submit to save your configured values to the Cisco ISE database and create this DACL.
Modifying Permissions for an Existing DACL
Use this procedure to modify the permissions for any existing DACL.
To modify permissions for an existing DACL, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.
The DACL Management window appears listing all existing configured DACLs.
Step 2
To edit an existing DACL, select the check box corresponding to the DACL that you want to modify, and click Edit.
The DACL Management page appears.
Step 3
Modify the values for the DACL as needed in the following fields:
Name—Enter a name that identifies the DACL.
Description—Enter a description of the DACL.
DACL Content—Choose the type of desired content in the ACL (IPPermit or IPDeny).
The Name and DACL Content fields require that values be entered and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Step 4
Click Submit to save your configured values to the Cisco ISE database and create this modified DACL.
Deleting an Existing DACL
Use this procedure to delete an existing DACL.
To delete an existing ACL, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.
The DACL Management window appears listing all existing configured DACLs.
Step 2
To delete an existing DACL, select the check box corresponding to the DACL that you want to delete, and click Delete.
A deletion confirmation window appears.
Step 3
Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the DACL, or click Cancel to end the operation.
Duplicating an Existing DACL
Use this procedure to duplicate an existing DACL, from which you can create a new DACL.
To duplicate an existing DACL, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.
The DACL Management window appears listing all existing configured DACLs.
Step 2
To duplicate an existing DACL, select the check box corresponding to the DACL you want to duplicate, and click Duplicate.
The Downloadable ACL window appears.
Step 3
Modify the values in the Name, Description, DACL Content fields as needed.
Step 4
Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this new authorization profile.
The Name and DACL Content fields require that values be entered and are marked with an asterisk (*).
Searching an Existing DACL
Use this procedure to search an existing DACL using criteria that searches for existing DACL values that match your settings.
To search an existing DACL, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.
The DACL Management window appears listing all existing configured DACLs.
Step 2
To search for a specific value in the existing DACLs, click Filter and choose between the Quick Filter or Advanced Filter options.
If you choose Quick Filter, you can search for DACL values that match the name or description value you specify:
Enter a value to search for in the Name or Description fields.
Any attribute that matches the specified DACL name or description displays in the Conditions table beneath these two search fields.
If you choose Advanced Filter, you can search for a DACL that matches the attribute, operator, and value fields that you configure in the following search rule:
In the Filter drop-down list, select either Name or Description.
In the operator drop-down list, select from the following options: Contains, Does not contain, Does not equal, Ends with, Is empty, Is exactly (or equals), Is not empty, or Starts with.
Enter an attribute that matches the search values with which you want to filter. You can add additional rules.
Click Go to display any matches in the Conditions table beneath the search fields.
Configuring Policies for SGACLs
To learn how to configure policies for security group access control lists (SGACLs), which allow you to display, create, modify, or delete policy element permissions for SGACLs, see Configuring Cisco Security Group Access Policies, page 21-1.
Machine Access Restriction and Active Directory Users
Cisco ISE Release 1.0 contains a Machine Access Restriction (MAR) component that provides an additional means of controlling authorization for Microsoft Active Directory-authentication users. This form of authorization is based on the machine authentication of the computer used to access the Cisco ISE network. For every successful machine authentication, Cisco ISE caches the value that was received in the RADIUS Calling-Station-ID attribute (attribute 31) as evidence of a successful machine authentication.
Cisco ISE retains each Calling-Station-ID attribute value in cache until the number of hours that was configured in the "Time to Live" parameter in the Active Directory Settings page expires. Once the parameter has expired, Cisco ISE deletes it from its cache.
When a user authenticates from an end-user client, Cisco ISE searches the cache for a Calling-Station-ID value from successful machine authentications for the Calling-Station-ID value that was received in the user authentication request. If Cisco ISE finds a matching user-authentication Calling-Station-ID value in the cache, this affects how Cisco ISE assigns permissions for the user that requests authentication in the following ways:
If the Calling-Station-ID value matches one found in the Cisco ISE cache, then the authorization profile for a successful authorization should be assigned.
If the Calling-Station-ID value is not found to match one in the Cisco ISE cache, then the authorization profile for a successful user authentication without machine authentication should be assigned.
For more information
For more details, see Machine Authentication, page 5-5.