Table Of Contents
Configuration Sequences
SRM Configurations
Setting up SRM Line(s) and Link(s)
Setting 1:N Redundancy
CESM Configurations
Setting up CESM Connectivity
Debugging CESM
Checking CESM Connectivity
Running CESM Tests
Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a CESM
Setting Up BERT Session on a CESM
FRSM Configurations
Setting Up FRSM Connectivity
Running FRSM Tests
Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a Low-Speed FRSM
Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a High-Speed FRSM
Setting Up T3 BERT Testing on an FRSM 2T3E3
AUSM Configurations
Setting Up AUSM Connectivity
Debugging AUSM
Checking AUSM Line Connections
Checking AUSM IMA Group
Running AUSM Tests
AUSM Connections
Configuration Sequences
This chapter provides a quick reference to command sets typically used when setting up card functions.
•SRM Configurations
Setting up SRM Line(s) and Link(s)
Setting 1:N Redundancy
•CESM Configurations
Setting up CESM Connectivity
Debugging CESM
Running CESM Tests
•FRSM Configurations
Setting Up FRSM Connectivity
Running FRSM Tests
•AUSM Configurations
Setting Up AUSM Connectivity
Debugging AUSM
Running AUSM Tests
SRM Configurations
This section contains typical command sequences associated with the MGX 8800 Service Resource Module.
Setting up SRM Line(s) and Link(s)
Do this configuration at the PXM.
Step 1 Enable the SRM T3 line.
addln -ds3 <slot.line>
Step 2 Verify.
dsplns <lineTable> <SlotNum>
Step 3 Add the link.
addlink <T3Slot.Line> <T1Slot> <TargetSlotNum> <TargetSlotLineNum>
Step 4 Verify.
dsplink <T3Slot.Line>
Setting 1:N Redundancy
Do this configuration at the PXM.
Step 1 Set redundancy.
addred <redPrimarySlotNum> <redSecondarySlotNum> <redType>
Step 2 Verify.
Note Use the softswitch command to switch between the primary and secondary slots.
CESM Configurations
This section contains typical command sequences associated with the MGX 8800 Circuit Emulation Service Module.
Setting up CESM Connectivity
Bring up the CESM command prompt to do this configuration.
Step 1 Set card resource partitions.
cnfcdrscprtn <PAR_max_conns> <PNNI_max_conns> <Tag_max_conns>
Step 2 Verify.
Step 3 Add Line.
addln <line number>
Step 4 Configure line.
•cnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> [E1-signalling]
•cnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src>
Step 5 Verify.
–Check all lines
–View specific line
•dspln <line_num>
Step 6 Add Port.
•addport <port_num> <line_num> <begin_slot> <num_slot> <port_type>
•addport <port_num> <line_num>
Step 7 Verify.
–Check all ports
–View specific port
•dspport <port_num>
Step 8 Set port resource partitions.
cnfportrscprtn <port_num> <controller_name>
Step 9 Verify.
Step 10 Add Connection.
•addcon <port_number> <signalling type> <partial_fill> <cond_data> <cond_signalling> <controller_type> <mastership> <RemoteEndConID>
•addcon <port_num> [mastership] [remoteConnID]
Step 11 Verify.
Step 12 Configure Channel.
•cnfcon <port_num> <CDVT> <CLIP> <bufsize> <clockmode> <IdleSuppEnable> <ForceIdleSuppression>
•cnfcon <port> <CDVT> <CellLossIntegPeriod> <bufsize>
Step 13 Verify.
–Check all connections
–View specific connection
Debugging CESM
Checking CESM Connectivity
Bring up the CESM command prompt to perform the following debugging functions.
•Display alarms
dspalms <lineType>
•Display alarm count
dspalmcnt -ds3 <LineNum> | -e3 <LineNum> | -ds1 <LineNum>
•Display channel counters
dspchancnt <channel number>
•Display SAR counters
dspsarcnt <ChanNum>
•Test the connection
tstcon <port_num>
•Test the delay
tstdelay <chan_num>
Running CESM Tests
•Setting Up BERT Session on a CESM
•Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a Low-Speed FRSM
Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a CESM
Bring up the CESM command prompt to set up the following loopback functions on T1 or T3 lines:
Step 1 Add Line Loop.
addlnloop <line number>
Step 2 Remove Line Loop.
dellnloop <line number>
Setting Up BERT Session on a CESM
Bring up the CESM command prompt.
Step 1 Acquire BERT.
Step 2 Reset BERT counters.
Step 3 Start BERT.
Step 4 Display BERT detail.
Step 5 Stop BERT.
FRSM Configurations
This section contains typical command sequences associated with the MGX 8800 Frame Relay Service Module.
Setting Up FRSM Connectivity
Bring up the FRSM command prompt to do this configuration.
Step 1 Set card resource partitions.
cnfcdrscprtn <PAR_max_conns> <PNNI_max_conns> <Tag_max_conns>
Step 2 Verify.
Step 3 Add Line.
–8T1/E1, 2CT3, 2T3/E3
–HS1/B, HS2
•addln <line number>
•addln <line number> <line type> <line rate>
Step 4 Configure Line.
–8T1/E1, 2CT3, 2T3/E3
–HS1/B, HS2
•cnfln <line number> <line code> <line length> <clock source> [E1 signalling]
•cnfds3ln <DS3 line number> <line type> <line rate> <clock source>
Step 5 Verify.
–Check all lines
–View specific line
•dspln <line number>
Step 6 Add Port.
•addport <port number> <line number> <port type>
•addport <port number> <line number> <ds0 speed> <begin slot> <number of slots> <port type>
•addport <port number> <line number> <DS0 speed> <begin slot> <number of slots> <port type>
Step 7 Verify.
–Check all ports
–View specific port
Step 8 Set port resource partitions.
cnfportrscprtn <port number> <controller> <percent BW> <low DCLI> <high DLCI> <max LCN>
Step 9 Verify.
Step 10 Add Connection.
addcon <port> <DLCI> <CIR> <chan_type> <egress_service_type> <CAC> <controller_type> <mastership> <connID> <controller ID>
Step 11 Verify.
dspcon <port.DLCI>
Step 12 Configure Channel.
•cnfcon <port_num> <CDVT> <CLIP> <bufsize> <clockmode> <IdleSuppEnable> <ForceIdleSuppression>
•cnfcon <port> <CDVT> <CellLossIntegPeriod> <bufsize>
Step 13 Verify.
–Check all connections
–View specific connection
Running FRSM Tests
•Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a High-Speed FRSM
•Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a High-Speed FRSM
•Setting Up T3 BERT Testing on an FRSM 2T3E3
Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a Low-Speed FRSM
You can initiate a local line loopback on FRSM T1/E1 cards. Other loopbacks (such as remote loopbacks and far-end loopback) can be initiated through the SRM BERT functions.
Bring up the FRSM command prompt to set up the following loopback functions.
Step 1 Set up the local line loopback.
addlnloop <line_num>
Step 2 Configure loopback code detection.
cnflnloop <line_num> <lpbkCodeDetection>
Step 3 Set up loopbacks on connections.
addchanloop <chan_num>
Step 4 Verify.
dspln <line_num>
Step 5 Remove the loopback configuration.
dellnloop <line_num>
Setting Up Local Loopback Testing on a High-Speed FRSM
You can initiate a local line loopback on FRSM T3/E3 cards. Other loopbacks (such as remote loopbacks, far-end loopback) can be initiated through the SRM BERT functions.
Bring up the FRSM command prompt to set up the following loopback functions.
Step 1 Set up the local line loopback.
addds3loop <line_num>
Step 2 Configure loopback code detection.
cnflnloop <line_num> <lpbkCodeDetection>
Step 3 Set up loopbacks on connections.
addchanloop <chan_num>
Step 4 Verify.
–All lines
–Specified lines
•dspds3ln <line_num>
Step 5 Remove the loopback configuration.
delds3loop <line_num>
dspds3ln <line_num> <lpbkCodedetection>
Setting Up T3 BERT Testing on an FRSM 2T3E3
Bring up the FRSM command prompt to set up the following loopback functions.
Step 1 Configure BERT.
cnfdsx3bert <line_num> <test-pattern>
Step 2 Configure a line.
xcnfln <LineNum> -e <dsx3LineEnable> -ds3ben <dsx3LineBERTEnable>
Step 3 Insert errors on the line.
moddsx3bert <error_ir>
Step 4 Verify.
Step 5 Stop the BERT testing session.
AUSM Configurations
This section contains typical command sequences associated with the MGX 8800 ATM User Service Module.
Setting Up AUSM Connectivity
Bring up the AUSM command prompt to do this configuration.
Step 1 Set card resource partitions.
cnfcdrscprtn <PAR_max_conns> <PNNI_max_conns> <Tag_max_conns>
Step 2 Verify.
Step 3 Add Line.
addln <line number>
Step 4 Verify.
dspln <line number>
Step 5 Configure Line.
cnfln <line num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> [E1-signalling]
Step 6 Verify.
–Check all lines.
–View specific line.
dspln <line number>
dspln <line number>
Step 7 Decision: Narrowband or IMA?
•Add Port. (max 1 per line)
•addport <port_num> <port type> <line_num>
–Check all ports.
–View specific port.
•dspport <port_num>
•Add group. (max 8 logical ports per AUSM)
•addimagrp <group_num> <port_type> <list_of_links> min_num_links>
–Check all groups.
–View specific group.
•Configure the group.
cnfimagrp <group_num> <max_diff_delay> <min_num_links>
•Add lines to the group.
addlns2imagrp <group_num> <list_of_lines>
•Set IMA alarm parameters.
cnfimaalmparm <group_num> <uptime> <downtime>
Step 8 Add Connection.
addcon <port_num> <vpi> <vci> <conn_type> <service_type> [Controller_Type] [mastership] [remoteConnID]
Step 9 Verify.
dspcon <port.VPI.VCI>
Debugging AUSM
•Checking AUSM Line Connections
•Checking AUSM IMA Group
Checking AUSM Line Connections
Bring up the AUSM command prompt to perform the following debugging functions.
•Display port queue
dspportq <port number> <egress queue number>
•Display port counters
dspportcnt <port number>
•Display alarms
dspalms <lineType>
•Display alarm count
dspalmcnt -ds1 <LineNum>
•Display channel counters
dspchancnt <Port.VPI.VCI>
•Display Load
dspsarcnt <ChanNum>
•Display SAR counters
dspsarcnt <ChanNum>
Checking AUSM IMA Group
You probably won't do these things unless the IMA Group is not functioning properly.
Bring up the AUSM command prompt to perform the following debugging functions.
•Display lines: Check to ensure that lines are clear of alarms at both ends.
dspimaln <imagroup> <linenum>
•Check Tx and Rx LSM states on constituent links.
dspimaln <imagroup> <linenum>
•Display the group configuration for both ends; check for constituent links.
dspimagrp <lineType>
•Check observed differential delay.
dspimagrp <lineType>
Running AUSM Tests
•AUSM Connections
AUSM Connections
•Test the connection.
tstcon <Port.vpi.vci>
•Test connection segment.
tstconseg <Port.vpi.vci>
•Test the delay.
tstdelay <Port.vpi.vci>
Bring up the AUSM command prompt to perform the following debugging functions.
•Configure IMA Test.
cnfimatst <group_num> <Test_link_num><test_pattern> <test_proc_status>
dspimatst <group_num>
The following loopbacks can be executed on an AUSM.
•Remote loopback—Puts the card in remote line loopback mode, as enabled or disabled by FDL messages.
•Local line loopback—Works on the network side, as initiated by the addlnloop command.
•Local LCN/Channel loopback—Set up by LCN, as initiated by the addchanloop command.
Setting up a Local Line Loopback on an AUSM
Bring up the AUSM command prompt.
•Set loopback on a specified AUSM line.
addlnloop <linenum>
•Stop the loopback.
dellnloop <linenum>
Setting up an LCN/Channel Loopback on an AUSM
Bring up the AUSM command prompt.
•Set loopback on a specified AUSM port.
addchanloop <Port.vpi.vci>
•Stop the loopback.
delchanloop <Port.vpi.vci>