Table Of Contents
Adding an Individual User Account by Using Cisco Unity Connection Administration
Adding an Account with Default Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
Adding an Account with Custom Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
Adding an Account with Default Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
Adding an Account with Custom Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
Adding an Individual User Account by Using Cisco Unity Connection Administration
When you create a new user account by using Cisco Unity Connection Administration, you select a user template on which to base the account. In addition to the basic settings included in the user template, each user with a voice mailbox account in Cisco Unity Connection is associated with a class of service (COS) that includes additional settings.
Basing new user accounts on a template—which in turn is associated with a COS—minimizes the number of settings that must be modified on individual user accounts, making the job of creating users easier.
Note A COS is not specified for accounts or user templates for administrative users without voice mailboxes; the settings on the COS page are applicable only to users with voice mailboxes.
The procedures in this chapter for creating individual user accounts assume that you have already created or modified applicable classes of service and user templates. If not, see the "Adding, Modifying, or Deleting a Class of Service" and the "Adding, Modifying, or Deleting a User Template" chapters.
Users with voice mailboxes are end users; users without voice mailboxes are system administrators. If system administrators in your organization require voice mailboxes, we recommend that you set up separate accounts for each system administrator: a user without voice mailbox account to use when logging on to Connection Administration to do administrative tasks, and a separate user account with a voice mailbox to use when sending and receiving voice messages.
See the following sections in this chapter for setting up accounts for end users:
•Adding an Account with Default Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
•Adding an Account with Custom Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
See the following sections in this chapter for setting up accounts for administrators:
•Adding an Account with Default Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
•Adding an Account with Custom Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
For information on creating user accounts in bulk by using Cisco Unity Connection Bulk Administration Manager, see the "Managing Multiple User Accounts with the Cisco Unity Connection Bulk Administration Manager" chapter.
Adding an Account with Default Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
Note that default voice mail and web application passwords are applied to each user account that you create. These passwords are either the defaults set for the default Voice Mail User Template during installation (set on the Set Default User Template Password page of the Cisco Unity Connection Configuration Assistant), or defaults that are set on the Change Password page for the user template that you select when creating the accounts. You will need to give these passwords to users so that they can log on to the Connection conversation and to the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant. To increase system security, we recommend that you instruct users to change both passwords as soon as possible, and that you enforce password complexity rules.
To Add an Account with Default Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
Step 1 In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, click Users.
Step 2 On the Search Users page, click Add New. The New User page opens.
Step 3 In the User Type list, click User With Voice Mailbox.
Step 4 In the Based on Template list, click VoiceMailUserTemplate.
Step 5 Enter information in the following two required fields, which are marked with an asterisk (*):
Step 6 Enter information in the optional fields, as applicable. (For field information, on the Help menu, click Help for This Page.)
Note that the SMTP Address field is optional in the sense that if you do not enter a value, Connection uses the alias to form the SMTP address. However, the SMTP address cannot include non-ASCII characters. Thus, if the user alias contains non-ASCII characters, you must provide an acceptable SMTP address.
Step 7 Click Save. The Edit User Basics page opens.
Step 8 Enter information in the optional fields, as applicable, and do not change any default settings.
Step 9 If you entered information in Step 8, click Save.
Step 10 The user account has been created with the Connection default template settings.
Adding an Account with Custom Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
Depending on the features or functionality that users will need, when you create a user account, you may need to change default settings or enter information on multiple pages in Cisco Unity Connection Administration while setting up the account. For example:
•If you want users to be able to send secure messages, check the Encrypt Private Messages check box on the Send Message Settings page. You also may want to change settings on the System Settings > Advanced > Secure Messaging page.
•If you want the Connection conversation that users hear to be mapped to key presses other than the standard, change the Touchtone Conversation Style on the Phone Menu page.
•If you want to change the maximum length of a message that can be left for the user, enter a new setting in the Maximum Message Length field on the Edit Message Settings page.
•If you want the user to receive message notifications on a personal mobile phone, home phone, or other device, set up notifications on the Notification Devices page.
To Add an Account with Custom Settings for a User with a Voice Mailbox
Step 1 In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, click Users.
Step 2 On the Search Users page, click Add New. The New User page opens.
Step 3 In the User Type list, click User With Voice Mailbox.
Step 4 In the Based on Template list, click VoiceMailUserTemplate, or click another applicable template that you have created for this purpose.
Step 5 Enter information in the following two required fields, which are marked with an asterisk (*):
Step 6 Enter information in the optional fields, as applicable. (For field information, on the Help menu, click Help for This Page.)
Note that the SMTP Address field is optional in the sense that if you do not enter a value, Connection uses the alias to form the SMTP address. However, the SMTP address cannot include non-ASCII characters. Thus, if the user alias contains non-ASCII characters, you must provide an acceptable SMTP address.
Step 7 Click Save. The Edit User Basics page opens.
Step 8 Enter information in the optional fields, as applicable.
Step 9 If you entered information or changed any of the default settings in Step 8, click Save.
Step 10 On the Edit menu, go to the following pages, and enter information in optional fields and choose settings, as applicable. Note that some of the options you see on the Edit menu are dependent on settings on the class of service page associated with the user account. If you make changes on a page, click Save before going to another page.
•Password Settings
•Change Password
•Message Waiting Indicators
•Transfer Options
•Message Settings
•Caller Input
•Voice Mailbox
•Phone Menu
•Playback Message Settings
•Send Message Settings
•Notification Devices
•Alternate Extensions
•Alternate Names
•Private Distribution Lists
•Call Transfer Rules
•External Service Accounts
Adding an Account with Default Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
Users with voice mailboxes are end users; users without voice mailboxes are system administrators. If system administrators in your organization require voice mailboxes, we recommend that you set up separate accounts for each system administrator: a user without voice mailbox account to use when logging on to Connection Administration to do administrative tasks, and a separate user account with a voice mailbox to use when sending and receiving voice messages.
Note that a default web application password is applied to each administrative account that you create. If you base the new account on the default Administrator Template, keep in mind that the default password associated with that account is a randomly-generated string. Therefore, if you base new administrative accounts on the default Administrator Template, be sure to first enter a new default password for that template to replace the randomly-generated string, or make sure that you change the password for each new account as you create it. To increase system security, we recommend that you instruct administrators to change the password as soon as possible, and that you enforce password complexity rules.
To Add an Account with Default Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
When you set up a user without a voice mailbox account with the default settings, the account is assigned the System Administrator role, which is the administrator role with the highest privileges.
Step 1 In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, click Users.
Step 2 On the Search Users page, click Add New. The New User page opens.
Step 3 In the User Type list, click User Without Voice Mailbox.
Step 4 In the Based on Template list, click AdministratorTemplate.
Step 5 In the Alias field, enter an alias for the account.
Step 6 Enter information in the optional fields, as applicable. (For field information, on the Help menu, click Help for This Page.)
Note that the SMTP Address field is optional in the sense that if you do not enter a value, Connection uses the alias to form the SMTP address. However, the SMTP address cannot include non-ASCII characters. Thus, if the user alias contains non-ASCII characters, you must provide an acceptable SMTP address.
Step 7 Click Save. The Edit User Basics page opens.
Step 8 Enter information in the optional fields, as applicable, and do not change any default settings.
Step 9 If you entered information in Step 8, click Save.
Step 10 The user account has been created with the Connection default template settings.
Adding an Account with Custom Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
Use the following procedure to create custom administrative accounts.
Note that a default web application password is applied to each administrative account that you create. If you base the new account on the default Administrator Template, keep in mind that the default password associated with that account is a randomly-generated string. Therefore, if you base new administrative accounts on the default Administrator Template, be sure to first enter a new default password for that account to replace the randomly-generated string, or make sure that you change the password for each new account as you create it. To increase system security, we recommend that you instruct administrators to change the password as soon as possible, and that you enforce password complexity rules.
To Add an Account with Custom Settings for a User Without a Voice Mailbox
If you are setting up a user account and assigning it to the Greetings Administrator role (which gives the user access to the Cisco Unity Greetings Administrator), do the "To Add an Account for a Greetings Administrator" procedure instead. While Greetings Administrators are assigned an administrative role, many of the user account settings for administrators do not apply to them, as they do not have access to Connection Administration.
Step 1 Log on to Cisco Unity Connection Administration with an account that is set to the System Administrator role.
Step 2 From the navigation pane, click Users.
Step 3 On the Search Users page, click Add New.
Step 4 On the New User page, in the User Type list, click User Without Voice Mailbox.
Step 5 In the Based on Template list, click AdministratorTemplate, or click another applicable template that you have created for this purpose.
Step 6 Enter an alias for the account.
Step 7 Enter additional information, as applicable, then click Save.
Note that the SMTP Address field is optional in the sense that if you do not enter a value, Connection uses the alias to form the SMTP address. However, the SMTP address cannot include non-ASCII characters. Thus, if the user alias contains non-ASCII characters, you must provide an acceptable SMTP address.
Step 8 On the Edit User Basics page, enter additional information, as applicable. If you change any settings on the page, click Save.
Step 9 On the Edit menu, click Roles.
Step 10 On the Edit Roles page, click a role name in the Assigned Roles or Available Roles fields, then click the up or down arrow to move the role to the applicable field.
Step 11 When the Assigned Roles field contains all of the applicable roles for the administrator, click Save.
Step 12 On the Edit menu, click Password Settings.
Step 13 On the Edit Password Settings page, enter settings for the password that the administrator will use when accessing Connection Administration:
a. Verify that the User Must Change at Next Login check box is checked. When this check box is checked, the administrator will be required to change the password when logging on for the first time.
b. In the Authentication Rule list, click an applicable rule.
Step 14 Click Save.
Step 15 On the Edit Menu, click Change Password.
Step 16 On the Change Password page, enter a password in the Password field. Note that the password must meet the following requirements for password complexity:
•A minimum length requirement (as set on the Edit Authentication Rule page, in the Minimum Credential Length field)
•Inclusion of at least one character from each of the following categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, number, and symbol (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * " ` , . : ; ? - _ ( ) [ ] < > { } + = / \ |)
•No characters repeated consecutively more than three times (for example, aaaaB1C9 is invalid)
•No inclusion of the alias or name of the administrator
Step 17 Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field.
Step 18 Click Save.
To Add an Account for a Greetings Administrator
Step 1 In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, click Users.
Step 2 On the Search Users page, click Add New.
Step 3 On the New User page, in the User Type list, click User With Voice Mailbox.
Step 4 In the Based on Template list, click an applicable template. You can use the default VoiceMailUserTemplate, or you may want to create a user template specifically for this purpose.
Step 5 Enter an alias, a first name and last name, and an extension.
Note that the SMTP Address field is optional in the sense that if you do not enter a value, Connection uses the alias to form the SMTP address. However, the SMTP address cannot include non-ASCII characters. Thus, if the user alias contains non-ASCII characters, you must provide an acceptable SMTP address.
Step 6 Click Save.
Step 7 On the Edit User Basics page, enter additional information, as applicable. If you change any settings on the page, click Save.
Step 8 On the Edit menu, click Roles.
Step 9 On the Edit Roles page, click Greeting Administrator in the Available Roles field, then click the up arrow to move it into the Assigned Roles field.
Step 10 Click Save.
Step 11 On the Edit menu, click Password Settings.
Step 12 On the Edit Password Settings page, in the Choose Password list, verify that Voice Mail is selected.
Step 13 Enter settings for the password that the Greetings Administrator will use when accessing Connection by phone:
a. Verify that the User Must Change at Next Login check box is checked. When this check box is checked, the Greetings Administrator will be required to change the password when logging on for the first time.
b. In the Authentication Rule list, click an applicable rule.
Step 14 Click Save.
Step 15 On the Edit Menu, click Change Password.
Step 16 On the Change Password page, in the Choose Password list, verify that Voice Mail is selected.
Step 17 Enter a password.
Step 18 Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field.
Step 19 Click Save.