Table Of Contents
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V -
administrator account for Greetings Administrator 7-6
administrator accounts, custom settings (in Connection Administration) 7-5
administrator accounts, default settings (in Connection Administration) 7-4
alternate names 3-23
class of service 5-1
user accounts (with Connection Bulk Administration Manager) 8-1
user accounts, custom settings (in Connection Administration) 7-2
user accounts, default (in Connection Administration) 7-2
user templates 6-1
Administrator account 1-3
after logon conversation, changing 3-15
alternate names
adding 3-23
overview 3-22
authentication rules
default rules 2-5
overview 2-4
before and after message conversation, changing 3-18
Broadcast Message Administrator, enabling access 3-26
broadcast messages, enabling users to send 3-26
calendars, accessing Exchange for personal call transfer rules 4-3
caller input
defining key press actions 3-24
overview 3-24
call holding 3-3
call screening 3-3
call transfers, overview 3-3
after logon conversation 3-15
before and after message conversation 3-18
conversation menu responses 3-13
conversation menu style 3-10
conversation speed and volume 3-11
conversation version 3-12
message addressing settings 3-16
message playback order 3-19
passwords 3-2
time format for message timestamps 3-12
Cisco Unity Connection Administration
accessing A-2
configuring browsers A-2
finding records A-4
interface A-1
using Help A-3
class of service
adding 5-1
assigning or reassigning users 5-2
defaults 2-3
deleting 5-3
modifying 5-2
overview 2-2
contacts, accessing Exchange for personal call transfer rules 4-3
changing menu responses 3-13
changing menu style 3-10
changing speed and volume 3-11
changing versions 3-12
customizing logon 3-15
overview of settings 3-8
class of service 5-3
user accounts 10-2
user templates 6-4
Distribution Lists report 11-2
IMAP client access to voice messages 4-6
message type menu 3-16
personal call transfer rules 4-3
Text to Speech for a user 4-5
Text to Speech in a class of service 4-5
voice recognition features for a class of service 4-5
Exchange calendars and contacts, accessing for personal call transfer rules 4-3
Firefox, configuring A-2
greetings overview 3-20
IMAP client access to voice messages, enabling 4-6
Integrated Mailbox Configuration
creating individual user accounts 9-2
enabling diagnostics 9-4
setting up 9-2
troubleshooting error messages 9-5
Internet Explorer, configuring A-3
key press actions, defining for caller input 3-24
conversation 3-15
playing message counts 3-15
playing recorded name 3-15
mailbox size quotas
customizing 3-7
overview 3-6
addressing settings, changing 3-16
message number, playing 3-18
message type menu, enabling 3-16
notifications overview 3-1
playback order, changing 3-19
settings overview 3-6
message waiting indicators (MWIs), overview 3-4
Microsoft Exchange calendars and contacts, accessing for personal call transfer rules 4-3
class of service 5-2
user accounts (in Connection Administration) 10-1
user accounts (with Connection Bulk Administration Manager) 8-1
user templates 6-3
notifications, message 3-1
Operator account 1-3
Outcall Billing Detail report 11-3
Outcall Billing Summary report 11-3
changing 3-2
overview 3-2
personal call transfer rules
configuring access to Exchange data for 4-3
enabling or disabling for users 4-3
overview 3-3, 4-2
setting up 4-1
personal contacts overview 1-2
Phone Interface Failed Logon report 11-1
phone number settings, overview 3-22
private distribution lists
maximum number of lists defined 4-7
maximum number of members defined 4-8
overview 4-7
archiving data 11-3
generating and viewing 11-4
output defined 11-1
setting configuration parameters 11-3
restriction tables
defaults 2-3
overview 2-3
default roles 2-5
overview 2-5
schedules overview 2-4
sender information, playing 3-18
system contacts overview 1-2
system distribution lists, defaults 1-3
Text to Speech
access to Exchange e-mail 4-4
enabling for a user 4-5
enabling in a class of service 4-5
overview 3-8
time format for message timestamps, changing 3-12
time stamp, playing 3-18
Transfer Call Billing report 11-2
Undeliverable Messages Mailbox account 1-3
Unity Connection Messaging System account 1-3
Unused Voice Mail Accounts report 11-2
user accounts
administrator roles 1-1
creating by using Integrated Mailbox Configuration 9-2
default accounts 1-3
overview 1-1
User Lockout report 11-2
User Message Activity report 11-2
Users report 11-1
users without voice mailboxes 1-1
users with voice mailboxes 1-1
user templates
adding 6-1
default templates 2-2
deleting 6-4
modifying 6-3
overview 2-1
voice recognition features, enabling for a class of service 4-5