Table Of Contents
Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup
Understanding Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup
Using Call Pickup Features with Partitions to Restrict Access
Call Pickup Guidelines and Tips
Call Pickup Configuration Checklist
Updating Call Pickup Configurations
Where to Find More Information
Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup
Two features, call pickup and group call pickup, allow users to answer calls that come in on a directory number other than their own. The differences between call pickup and group call pickup are explained in "Understanding Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup."
This section covers the following topics:
•Understanding Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup
•Call Pickup Guidelines and Tips
•Call Pickup Configuration Checklist
•Updating Call Pickup Configurations
•Where to Find More Information
Understanding Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup
Cisco IP phones provide two types of call pickup:
•Call pickup—allows users to pick up incoming calls within their own group. Cisco CallManager automatically dials the appropriate call pickup group number when a user activates this feature from a Cisco IP phone.
•Group call pickup—allows users to pick up incoming calls within their own group or in other groups. Users must dial the appropriate call pickup group number when activating this feature from a Cisco IP phone.
The same procedures apply for configuring both of these features. Group call pickup numbers apply to lines or directory numbers.
Using Call Pickup Features with Partitions to Restrict Access
You can restrict access to call pickup groups by assigning a partition to the call pickup group number. When this configuration is used, only the phones that have a calling search space that includes the partition with the call pickup group number can participate in that call pickup group. Make sure the combination of partition and group number is unique throughout the system.
•If call pickup group numbers are assigned to a partition, only those phones that can dial numbers in that partition can use the call pickup group.
•If partitions represent tenants in a multitenant configuration, make sure the pickup groups are assigned to the appropriate partition for each tenant.
A multitenant configuration provides an example of using partitions with call pickup groups. The pickup groups will be assigned to the appropriate partition for each tenant, and the group number would not be visible to other tenants.
Call Pickup Guidelines and Tips
The following guidelines and tips apply to using Call Pickup and group Call Pickup features:
•You do not need to reset phones to reflect changes related to call pickup groups, but you must update the database.
•Although different lines on a phone can be assigned to different call pickup groups, that would be confusing to users and is not recommended.
Call Pickup Configuration Checklist
Table 27-1 provides a checklist to configure call pickup.
Table 27-1 Call Pickup Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related procedures and topics
Step 1
Configure partitions if you will be using them with call pickup or group call pickup numbers.
Adding a Partition, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Using Call Pickup Features with Partitions to Restrict Access
Step 2
Configure a call pickup group number. The number must be a unique integer.
Adding a Call Pickup Group Number, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 3
Assign the call pickup group number you created in Step 2 to the directory numbers associated with phones on which you wish to enable call pickup:
•Only directory numbers assigned to a call pickup group can use the Call Pickup feature.
•If partitions are used with call pickup numbers, make sure that the directory numbers assigned to the call pickup number have a calling search space that includes the appropriate partitions.
Assigning Directory Numbers to a Call Pickup Group, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 4
Add a Call Pickup or Group Call Pickup button to the phone templates, if needed.
You only need to do this for older Cisco IP Phone 12 SP, 12 SP+, and 30 VIP phones.
Modifying Phone Button Templates, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 5
Notify users that the call pickup feature is available.
The Cisco IP Phone 7960/7940 Getting Started Guide contains instructions on how users access call pickup features on their Cisco IP Phone.
Updating Call Pickup Configurations
The following notes apply to updating call pickup configurations:
•When you delete a call pickup group number, you disable the call pickup feature for all directory numbers assigned to that group. To enable call pickup again for those directory numbers, you must reassign each of them to a new call pickup group.
•When you update a call pickup group number, Cisco CallManager automatically updates all directory numbers assigned to that call pickup group.
•You do not need to reset phones to reflect changes related to call pickup groups, but you must update the database.
Where to Find More Information
Related Topics
•Phone Button Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
•Cisco IP Phone Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
•Partition Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
•Call Park Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Additional Cisco Documentation
•Cisco IP Phone 7900 Family Administration Guide
•Cisco IP Phone user documentation and release notes (all models)