Table Of Contents
Behavior of Cisco Unity Failover During Outages of Network Components
Outage Scenarios for Networks of Windows 2000 and IBM Lotus Domino
The Primary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Secondary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then the Primary Server Is Reconnected First
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then the Secondary Server Is Reconnected First
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then Both Servers Are Simultaneously Reconnected
The Publisher Cisco CallManager Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Subscriber Cisco CallManager Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Cisco CallManager Cluster Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Primary Server Crashes
The Secondary Server Crashes
The Primary and Secondary Servers Crash Simultaneously
The Primary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then the Domino Server Is Disconnected from the Network
Behavior of Cisco Unity Failover During Outages of Network Components
This appendix contains the following sections:
Outage Scenarios for Networks of Windows 2000 and IBM Lotus Domino
The second section in this appendix describes how the primary and secondary servers behave when the components that Cisco Unity uses over the network are disconnected (for example, due to a partial or complete network outage).
The scenarios described cover the range of probable component or network outages. Each scenario assumes the following before the outage occurs:
Cisco Unity is running on both the primary and secondary servers.
The primary server is active, and the secondary server is inactive.
The phone system that Cisco Unity connects to is Cisco CallManager.
Except when Cisco Unity is shut down, all Cisco Unity services continue to run, though the functionality of certain services are affected by the outages.
Outage Scenarios for Networks of Windows 2000 and IBM Lotus Domino
This section contains the following scenarios:
The Primary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Secondary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then the Primary Server Is Reconnected First
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then the Secondary Server Is Reconnected First
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then Both Servers Are Simultaneously Reconnected
The Publisher Cisco CallManager Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Subscriber Cisco CallManager Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Cisco CallManager Cluster Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
The Primary Server Crashes
The Secondary Server Crashes
The Primary and Secondary Servers Crash Simultaneously
The Primary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then the Domino Server Is Disconnected from the Network
The Primary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the primary server.
Disconnection Behavior
The secondary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server unregister with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers no longer receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are not available on the secondary server.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
The secondary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary server becomes active, and the secondary server becomes inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the primary server was offline are replicated from the secondary server to the primary server.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the secondary server during the network outage are replicated to the primary server.
The Secondary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the secondary server.
Disconnection Behavior
The primary server continues answering all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
All voice messaging ports on the secondary server unregister with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers no longer receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary server remains active, and the secondary server becomes inactive.
The primary server continues answering all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
All voice messaging ports on the secondary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the secondary server was offline are replicated from the primary server to the secondary server.
The primary server continues handling directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server during the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then the Primary Server Is Reconnected First
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the primary and secondary servers at the same time.
Disconnection Behavior
There is no voice messaging functionality. Neither the primary nor secondary server answers calls.
Subscribers are not able to leave or listen to messages. External callers cannot leave messages for subscribers.
Callers trying to leave messages hear a fast busy tone instead of the personal greeting for the subscriber.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers unregister with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers no longer receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
Subscribers can call other subscribers directly and talk to each other.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
Neither server initiates directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, or message notification.
Reconnection Behavior (Only the Primary Server Is Reconnected)
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are not replicated to the secondary server because it is offline.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred before the network outage and were not replicated to the secondary server are not replicated because the secondary server is offline.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior (the Secondary Server Is Also Reconnected)
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active and the secondary server is inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the secondary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server continues answering all calls.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the secondary server was offline are replicated from the primary server to the secondary server.
The primary server continues handling directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server while the secondary server was offline are replicated to the secondary server.
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then the Secondary Server Is Reconnected First
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the primary and secondary servers at the same time.
Disconnection Behavior
There is no voice messaging functionality. Neither the primary nor secondary server answers calls.
Subscribers are not able to leave or listen to messages. External callers cannot leave messages for subscribers.
Callers trying to leave messages hear a fast busy tone instead of the personal greeting for the subscriber.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers unregister with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers no longer receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
Subscribers can call other subscribers directly and talk to each other.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
Neither server initiates directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, or message notification.
Reconnection Behavior (Only the Secondary Server Is Reconnected)
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
All voice messaging ports on the secondary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The secondary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are not replicated to the secondary server because the primary server is offline.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the secondary server during the network outage are not replicated to the primary server because the primary server is offline.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred before the network outage and were not replicated to the secondary server are not replicated because the primary server is offline.
The secondary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior (the Primary Server Is Also Reconnected)
The primary server becomes, active and the secondary server becomes inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active and the secondary server is inactive.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the primary server was offline are replicated from the secondary server to the primary server.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the secondary server while the primary server was offline are replicated to the primary server.
The Primary and Secondary Servers Are Simultaneously Disconnected from the Network, Then Both Servers Are Simultaneously Reconnected
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the primary and secondary servers at the same time.
Disconnection Behavior
There is no voice messaging functionality. Neither the primary nor secondary server answers calls.
Subscribers are not able to leave or listen to messages. External callers cannot leave messages for subscribers.
Callers trying to leave messages hear a fast busy tone instead of the personal greeting for the subscriber.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers unregister with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers no longer receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
Subscribers can call other subscribers directly and talk to each other.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
Neither server initiates directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, or message notification.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary server remains active, and the secondary server becomes inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
The Publisher Cisco CallManager Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server.
Disconnection Behavior
The primary Cisco Unity server continues to be active, and the secondary Cisco Unity server continues to be inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers unregister with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server and register with the subscriber (secondary) Cisco CallManager server.
The primary Cisco Unity server continues answering all calls.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary Cisco Unity server continues to be active, and the secondary Cisco Unity server continues to be inactive.
If registering automatically with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server is enabled, all voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers unregister with the subscriber (secondary) Cisco CallManager server and register with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server.
If registering automatically with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server is not enabled, all voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary servers remain registered with the subscriber (secondary) Cisco CallManager server.
The primary Cisco Unity server continues answering all calls.
The Subscriber Cisco CallManager Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the subscriber (secondary) Cisco CallManager server.
Disconnection Behavior
The primary Cisco Unity server continues to be active, and the secondary Cisco Unity server continues to be inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary Cisco Unity servers remain registered with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server.
The primary Cisco Unity server continues answering all calls.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary Cisco Unity server continues to be active, and the secondary Cisco Unity server continues to be inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary Cisco Unity servers remain registered with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server.
The primary Cisco Unity server continues answering all calls.
The Cisco CallManager Cluster Is Disconnected from the Network, Then Reconnected
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster.
Disconnection Behavior
The primary Cisco Unity server continues to be active, and the secondary Cisco Unity server continues to be inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary Cisco Unity servers unregister with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server. They do not register with another Cisco CallManager server.
Cisco Unity does not answer calls.
Subscribers are not able to leave or listen to messages. External callers cannot leave messages for subscribers because phones will not forward calls to Cisco Unity.
Subscribers calling Cisco Unity hear a fast busy tone.
Subscribers on a Cisco Unity connected to another Cisco CallManager cluster can leave messages for subscribers of the disconnected cluster.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary Cisco Unity server continues to be active, and the secondary Cisco Unity server continues to be inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary and secondary Cisco Unity servers register with the publisher (primary) Cisco CallManager server.
The primary Cisco Unity server answers all calls.
The Primary Server Crashes
In testing, this scenario was simulated by turning off power to the primary server.
Disconnection Behavior
The secondary server answers all calls. Depending on network latency, this behavior may take a few minutes to begin.
The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are not available on the secondary server.
The secondary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior Before Failback
The primary server is inactive, and the secondary server remains active.
The secondary server answers all calls.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server remain unregistered with the Cisco CallManager server.
Reconnection Behavior After Failback
When failback is manually initiated or when a scheduled failback occurs, the primary server becomes active and the secondary server becomes inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the primary server was offline are replicated from the secondary server to the primary server.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the server outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the secondary server during the server outage are replicated to the primary server.
The Secondary Server Crashes
In testing, this scenario was simulated by turning off power to the secondary server.
Disconnection Behavior
The primary server continues answering all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior
The primary server remains active, and the secondary server becomes inactive.
The primary server continues answering all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
All voice messaging ports on the secondary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the secondary server was offline are replicated from the primary server to the secondary server.
The primary server continues handling directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the server outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server during the server outage are replicated to the secondary server.
The Primary and Secondary Servers Crash Simultaneously
In testing, this scenario was simulated by turning off power to the primary and secondary servers at the same time.
Disconnection Behavior
There is no voice messaging functionality. Neither the primary nor secondary server answers calls.
Subscribers are not able to leave or listen to messages. External callers cannot leave messages for subscribers.
Callers trying to leave messages hear a fast busy tone instead of the personal greeting for the subscriber.
Subscribers can call other subscribers directly and talk to each other.
Neither server initiates directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, or message notification.
Reconnection Behavior (Only the Primary Server Is Reconnected)
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the server outage are not replicated to the secondary server because the secondary server is offline.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred before the server outage and were not replicated to the secondary server are not replicated because the secondary server is offline.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior (the Secondary Server Is Also Reconnected)
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active and the secondary server is inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the secondary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server continues answering all calls.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the secondary server was offline are replicated from the primary server to the secondary server.
The primary server continues handling directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the server outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server while the secondary server was offline are replicated to the secondary server.
The Primary Server Is Disconnected from the Network, Then the Domino Server Is Disconnected from the Network
In testing, this scenario was simulated by disabling the network interface card on the primary server, then on the Domino server.
Disconnection Behavior (Only the Primary Server Is Disconnected)
The secondary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server unregister with the Cisco CallManager server.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers no longer receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitor on the primary server shows that the primary server is active. The Failover Monitor on the secondary server shows that the secondary server is active.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are not available on the secondary server.
UnityDb database replication between the primary and secondary servers stops.
The secondary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Disconnection Behavior (the Domino Server Is Also Disconnected)
All subscribers hear the Unity Messaging Repository (UMR) conversation when they log on to Cisco Unity.
External callers can leave messages for subscribers. The new messages are stored in the UnityMTA folder on the secondary server.
Subscribers homed on a different Cisco Unity server can leave messages for subscribers on another Cisco Unity server by calling the Cisco Unity server. The new messages are stored in the UnityMTA folder on the secondary server.
Subscribers can call the Cisco Unity server and listen to their new messages stored in the UnityMTA folder on the secondary server. Messages stored on the Domino server before the network outage are not available.
The secondary server handles directory synchronization.
MWIs, event notification, and message notification are not handled.
Reconnection Behavior When the Domino Server Is Reconnected and the Primary Server Remains Disconnected
Subscribers who log on to Cisco Unity no longer hear the UMR conversation, but hear the appropriate conversation.
Messages stored in the UnityMTA folder on the secondary server are delivered to the appropriate subscriber Inboxes.
The secondary server sets MWIs for subscribers who have unheard messages stored on the Domino server.
External callers and subscribers can leave messages for subscribers. The messages are stored on the Domino server.
The secondary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Reconnection Behavior After the Domino Server Is Reconnected, Then the Primary Server Is Reconnected
The primary server becomes active, and the secondary server becomes inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
Subscribers are able to leave and listen to messages. External callers can leave messages for subscribers.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the primary server was offline are replicated from the secondary server to the primary server.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the secondary server during the network outage are replicated to the primary server.
Reconnection Behavior When the Primary Server Is Reconnected and the Domino Server Remains Disconnected
The primary server becomes active, and the secondary server becomes inactive.
All voice messaging ports on the primary server register with the Cisco CallManager server.
The primary server answers all calls.
All subscribers hear the UMR conversation when they log on to Cisco Unity.
The Node Manager services (AvCsNodeMgr) on the primary and secondary servers send status to and receive status from each other.
The Failover Monitors on the primary and secondary servers show that the primary server is active.
Changes to the UnityDb database that occurred while the primary server was offline are replicated from the secondary server to the primary server.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the primary server but not replicated to the secondary server before the network outage are replicated to the secondary server.
Messages, greetings, and other recordings made on the secondary server during the network outage are replicated to the primary server.
Reconnection Behavior After the Primary Server Is Reconnected, Then the Domino Server Is Reconnected
Subscribers who log on to Cisco Unity no longer hear the UMR conversation, but hear the appropriate conversation.
Messages stored in the UnityMTA folder on the primary server are delivered to the appropriate subscriber Inboxes.
The primary server sets MWIs for subscribers who have unheard messages stored on the Domino server.
External callers and subscribers can leave messages for subscribers. The messages are stored on the Domino server.
The primary server handles directory synchronization, MWIs, event notification, and message notification.