Table Of Contents
Class of Service Settings
Overview: Class of Service Settings
Predefined Classes of Service
How a Class of Service Works
Creating, Modifying, Assigning, and Deleting Classes of Service
Class of Service Profile Settings
Class of Service Subscriber Settings
Class of Service System Access Settings
Class of Service Call Transfer Settings
Class of Service Messages Settings
Class of Service Greetings Settings
Class of Service Features Settings
Class of Service Restriction Table Settings
Class of Service Settings
Overview: Class of Service Settings
A class of service (COS) defines limits and permissions for using Cisco Unity. For example, a COS:
Controls access to the Cisco Unity Administrator and to features, such as Text to Speech e-mail or live reply.
Controls how subscribers interact with Cisco Unity. For example, a COS dictates the maximum length of subscriber messages and greetings, whether subscribers can choose to be listed in directory assistance, and whether subscribers can send messages to a public distribution list.
Specifies the restriction table used to control the phone numbers subscribers can use for fax delivery, message notification, call transfer, and other tasks.
A COS is specified in each subscriber template; thus, a subscriber is assigned to the COS that is specified in the template upon which the subscriber account is based.
Predefined Classes of Service
Cisco Unity includes the following predefined classes of service, which you can modify but not delete.
{Default Subscriber}
Contains settings that are applicable to subscribers. By default, this COS is associated with the {Default Subscriber} template.
{Default Administrator}
Contains settings that are applicable to Cisco Unity administrators. By default, this COS is associated with the {Default Administrator} template, and has all of the settings checked on the Subscribers > Class of Service > System Access Page.
Hotel Guest
When the Cisco Unity Hospitality and Property Management System Integration is installed, this class of service contains settings that are applicable to Cisco Unity hotel guest subscribers. By default, this COS is associated with the Hotel Guest template.
See the following sections in this chapter for more information:
How a Class of Service Works
Creating, Modifying, Assigning, and Deleting Classes of Service
Class of Service Profile Settings
Class of Service Subscriber Settings
Class of Service System Access Settings
Class of Service Call Transfer Settings
Class of Service Messages Settings
Class of Service Greetings Settings
Class of Service Features Settings
Class of Service Restriction Table Settings
How a Class of Service Works
A COS is specified in each subscriber template, and controls what subscribers can do in Cisco Unity. This means that when a subscriber wants to update call transfer settings, for example, the COS that is associated with the subscriber account determines whether the subscriber can make the change. This is true whether the subscriber is logged on to Cisco Unity by phone, or is using the Cisco Unity Assistant.
On the other hand, when an administrator uses the Cisco Unity Administrator to change settings for the subscriber, Cisco Unity does not consider the limitations set by the subscriber COS. Instead, Cisco Unity considers the limitations set by the administrator COS before permitting the change. This allows an administrator, when necessary, to override the limitations of the COS of a particular subscriber.
Creating, Modifying, Assigning, and Deleting Classes of Service
You can modify the predefined classes of service, and you can create new ones by using the following procedures. Changes to the settings in a COS affect not only new members, but also existing members of the COS. COS settings cannot be changed in individual subscriber Cisco Unity accounts; however, a subscriber can be reassigned to a different COS at any time. When a COS includes access to a feature that requires individual licenses, you can assign groups of subscribers to the COS only if enough licenses are available.
You cannot delete a COS that has subscribers assigned to it without first reassigning the subscribers to another COS. To reassign subscribers to a different COS, see the "To Assign or Reassign Subscribers to a Class of Service" procedure.
Before modifying COS settings and assignments, consider the best practices outlined in the Cisco Unity Security Guide. Refer to the "Best Practices for Modifying and Assigning Classes of Service" section in the "Accounts and Permissions" chapter. The guide is available at
To Create a New Class of Service
Step 1
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to any Subscribers > Class of Service page.
Step 2
Click the Add icon.
Step 3
In the Add a Class of Service dialog box, enter information as applicable in the Name field.
Step 4
Select New Class of Service or Based on Existing Class of Service. If you select Based on Existing Class of Service, select the applicable class of service in the Based On field.
Step 5
Click the Add button.
Step 6
Enter settings for your new class of service, and then click the Save icon.
To Modify a Class of Service
Step 1
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to any Subscribers > Class of Service page.
Step 2
Click the Find icon.
Step 3
Double-click the COS that you want to modify.
Step 4
Change settings as applicable, and then click the Save icon.
To Assign or Reassign Subscribers to a Class of Service
Step 1
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to any Subscribers > Class of Service page.
Step 2
Click the Find icon.
Step 3
Double-click the name of the class of service to which subscribers are currently assigned.
Step 4
Go to the Subscribers > Class of Service > Subscribers page.
Step 5
Click Assign or Reassign, as applicable.
Step 6
Enter the name of a subscriber. You also can enter * for a list of all subscribers, or enter one or more characters followed by * to narrow your search.
Step 7
Click Find.
Step 8
From the list provided, select the names of the subscribers to be assigned or reassigned. To select more than one name, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key.
Step 9
Do one of the following actions, as applicable:
Click the Assign button.
Select the applicable class of service, and then click the Reassign button.
Class of Service Profile Settings
Class of service profile settings specify whether subscribers can record their own voice names, change their directory listing status, and manage their own set of alternate extensions. You can also indicate whether subscribers assigned to a class of service use regular or enhanced phone security. For details on setting up enhanced phone security, refer to the "Determining Whether to Offer Enhanced Phone Security" section in the "Authentication for Cisco Unity Applications" chapter of the Cisco Unity Security Guide. The guide is available at
Use the following table to learn more about COS profile settings.
Table 11-1 Subscribers > Class of Service > Profile Page
Display only. This setting shows the name of the COS.
Subscribers Can Record Their Own Voice Name
When this check box is checked, subscribers can use the Cisco Unity phone conversation or the Cisco Unity Assistant to record their voice names. Subscribers are prompted to record their names during first-time enrollment. (Subscribers must have recorded names to be listed in the phone directory.)
Note that even when this check box is checked, Cisco Unity does not prevent subscribers from completing the enrollment process if they do not record a name. You can change whether recording a voice name is required to complete first-time enrollment. Refer to the Advanced Settings tool Help (in the Unity Settings list, click Conversation—First-Time Enrollment: Require Subscribers to Record Names). The Advanced Settings tool is available in Tools Depot.
Uncheck the check box to prevent the subscribers assigned to this COS from recording their own names (for example, if your organization has all names and greetings recorded in one voice) and from being prompted to record a name during first-time enrollment.
Maximum Recorded Name Length in Seconds
Indicate the number of seconds after which Cisco Unity stops recording the name of a subscriber assigned to this COS.
Listing Subscribers in the Phone Directory
Indicate whether subscribers assigned to this COS can choose to be listed in directory assistance.
Directory assistance is the audio listing that subscribers and unidentified callers use to reach subscribers and to leave messages. Note that subscribers must have recorded names to be listed in the phone directory.
Subscribers Can View Administrator-Defined Alternate Extensions
Indicate whether subscribers assigned to this COS can view the alternate extensions that administrators specified on the Subscribers > Alternate Extensions page.
Subscribers Can Add, Modify, and Delete Their Own Alternate Extensions
Indicate whether subscribers assigned to this COS can specify their own set of alternate extensions in the Cisco Unity Assistant. When this box is checked, subscribers can define up to five alternate extensions in addition to those already defined for them on the Subscribers > Alternate Extensions page.
By allowing subscribers to specify their own alternate extensions, you can reduce the number of requests that Cisco Unity administrators handle for subscribers who want alternate extensions specified for multiple cell phones, home phones, and other phones.
Phone Security
Indicate whether subscribers assigned to this COS use regular or enhanced phone security. Regular security requires subscribers to use passwords when logging on to Cisco Unity. Enhanced security adds RSA two-factor user authentication to regular security.
Note that this field is available only when RSA Two Factor is checked on the System > Configuration > Settings page.
Class of Service Subscriber Settings
Class of service subscriber settings allow you to:
View the total number of subscribers assigned to a COS
View a list of subscribers assigned to a COS.
Reassign one or more subscribers to another COS.
Assign one or more subscribers to the COS.
The number of subscribers assigned to a COS can be important if the members are given rights to a licensed feature. To confirm that the number of subscribers does not exceed the number of licenses, see the System > Licensing > License Counts page.
Use the following table to learn more about COS subscriber settings.
Table 11-2 Subscribers > Class of Service > Subscribers Page
Total Subscribers Assigned to <Name of COS>
Select one of the following:
• View—Display a list of subscribers who are members of the COS.
• Reassign—Reassign one or more subscribers to another COS.
• Assign—Add one or more subscribers to the COS.
Type a <Name of COS> Subscriber to Find
Enter several characters of the name, and click Find. Or enter * to list all subscribers.
When Assign is selected, Cisco Unity searches all subscribers in the organization. When View or Reassign is selected, the search is narrowed to subscribers assigned to the specified class of service.
Matching <Name of COS> Subscribers
A list of names that match the characters you entered in Type a <Name of COS> Subscriber to Find.
To select several nonsequential names at one time, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting.
To select several names in sequence, hold down the Shift key, select the first name in the sequence, and then select the last name in the sequence.
Class of Service System Access Settings
Class of service system access settings specify which tasks, if any, subscribers—including other system administrators—can do in the Cisco Unity Administrator. You can customize access to Cisco Unity in several ways. For example, you can deny access to the Cisco Unity Administrator, or deny access to specific pages in the Cisco Unity Administrator, such as COS, subscriber, or distribution list pages.
When you deny access to specific pages in the Cisco Unity Administrator, the links for these pages are disabled for the subscriber. Alternatively, you can specify read, edit, add, or delete privileges for these pages, or can allow subscribers access to subscriber pages only for the purpose of unlocking subscriber accounts or changing subscriber passwords.
Before modifying system access settings for a COS, consider the best practices outlined in the Cisco Unity Security Guide. Refer to the "Best Practices for Modifying and Assigning Classes of Service" section in the "Accounts and Permissions" chapter. The guide is available at
Use the following table to learn more about COS system access settings.
Table 11-3 Subscribers > Class of Service > System Access Page
Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Cisco Unity Administrator. Use the check boxes below this setting to indicate the level of access.
Class of Service
Select the applicable settings for subscribers assigned to this COS:
• Read—Check this check box to give subscribers read-only access to the Subscribers > Class of Service pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Edit—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit Subscribers > Class of Service pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Add—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit Subscribers > Class of Service pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator, and to add new ones.
• Delete—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit Subscribers > Class of Service pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator, and to delete them.
These fields are unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Directory Handler
Select the applicable settings for subscribers assigned to this COS:
• Read—Check this check box to give subscribers read-only access to directory handler pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Edit—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit directory handler pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Add—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit directory handler pages and to create new directory handlers by using the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Delete—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit directory handler pages and to delete directory handlers by using the Cisco Unity Administrator.
These fields are unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked, or when the Can Unlock Subscriber Accounts and Change Passwords check box is checked.
Select the applicable settings for subscribers assigned to this COS:
• Read—Check this check box to give subscribers read-only access to subscriber pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Edit—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit subscriber pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Add—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit subscriber pages and to create new subscribers by using the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Delete—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit subscriber pages and to delete subscribers by using the Cisco Unity Administrator.
These fields are unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked, or when the Can Unlock Subscriber Accounts and Change Passwords check box is checked.
Can Unlock Subscriber Accounts and Change Passwords
Check this check box to allow the subscribers assigned to this COS to edit the necessary fields on subscriber pages in order to unlock subscriber accounts, and to change subscriber passwords. For all other fields on the subscriber pages, read-only access is permitted.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked, or when the Subscribers Access Read, Edit, Add, or Delete check boxes are checked.
Public Distribution Lists
Select the applicable settings for subscribers assigned to this COS:
• Read—Check this check box to give subscribers read-only access to the public distribution lists pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Edit—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit the public distribution lists pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• Add—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit the public distribution lists pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator, and to add new public distribution lists.
• Delete—Check this check box to allow subscribers to edit the public distribution lists pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator, and to delete public distribution lists.
These fields are unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Schedules and Holidays
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the System > Schedules page and the System > Holidays page of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Restriction Tables Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Subscribers > Class of Service > Restriction Tables page of the Cisco Unity Administrator. Restriction tables limit the phone numbers that subscribers can enter for call transfer, message notification, and fax settings.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Routing Tables Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Call Management > Call Routing pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator. Call routing tables control the treatment and destinations of incoming calls, based on factors such as trunk, port, and dialed number.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Call Handlers Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Call Management > Call Handlers pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Status Monitor Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Status Monitor. The Status Monitor shows real-time information about Cisco Unity.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Reports Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Reports pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Network Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the Network pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Diagnostics Access
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to diagnostic tools on the System > Tools > Diagnostic Traces page.
Inform subscribers assigned to the COS that running diagnostic traces can slow system performance. Typically, you run diagnostic traces only when troubleshooting a problem.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Technician Functions Access (Configuration, Licensing, Ports, and Integration Pages)
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS access to the System Settings pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Inform subscribers assigned to the COS to take care when making changes to the Configuration Settings, Ports, and Integration pages because incorrect settings can cause Cisco Unity to malfunction.
Unavailable when the Cisco Unity Administrator Application Access check box is unchecked.
Class of Service Call Transfer Settings
Class of service call transfer settings specify whether subscribers can use the Cisco Unity Assistant to change call screening and call holding options. Screening and holding settings apply when calls are transferred from the automated attendant or a directory handler to subscriber phones. They do not apply when an outsider caller or another subscriber dials a subscriber extension directly. (Note that in version 3.1 and earlier, the Cisco Unity Assistant was known as the ActiveAssistant, or AA.)
Use the following table to learn more about COS call transfer settings.
Table 11-4 Subscribers > Class of Service > Transfer Page
Subscribers Can Change Call Screening Options
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS the ability to change their own call screening options by using the Cisco Unity Assistant. Call screening options are listed under Gather Caller Information on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Call Transfer page.
You may want to allow this option sparingly. Call screening increases the time necessary to transfer callers to an extension.
Subscribers Can Change Call Holding Options
Check this check box to give the subscribers assigned to this COS the ability to change their own call holding options by using the Cisco Unity Assistant. Call holding options are listed under If the Call Is Busy on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Call Transfer page.
Class of Service Messages Settings
Class of service messages settings specify the maximum length of messages, whether subscribers can send messages to public distribution lists, how deleted messages are handled, and whether subscribers can use the live reply feature.
When live reply is enabled, subscribers listening to messages by phone can reply to a subscriber message by pressing 4-4 to have Cisco Unity call the subscriber. (Subscribers who use Optional Conversation 1 press 8-8 for live reply.) For single-server installations, Cisco Unity dials the extension of the subscriber who left the message only when the Transfer Incoming Calls to Subscriber's Phone setting for the subscriber who left the message is set to ring an extension or another number. (The Transfer Incoming Calls to Subscriber's Phone field is on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Call Transfer page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.) In addition, the call transfer settings for the subscriber who left the message dictate what Cisco Unity does when the subscriber phone is busy, and whether Cisco Unity screens the call.

By default, live reply is restricted to subscribers on the same Cisco Unity server. If your installation consists of multiple networked Cisco Unity servers, there are additional configuration steps required to enable live reply to a subscriber on another Cisco Unity server. For more information, refer to the "Enabling Live Reply Between Cisco Unity Servers in the Same Dialing Domain (Optional)" section in the "Digital Networking" chapter of the Networking in Cisco Unity Guide, available at
Consider informing subscribers when you enable this feature, because even when it is enabled, the live reply option is not mentioned in the main Cisco Unity phone menus. It is mentioned in the Help menu for the Cisco Unity phone conversation, the Cisco Unity User Guide, the Cisco Unity at a Glance, and the Cisco Unity Phone Menus and Shortcuts wallet card.
Use the following table to learn more about COS messages settings.
Table 11-5 Subscribers > Class of Service > Messages Page
Maximum Length of Message that Subscribers Can Record in Seconds
Select the length for recording messages allowed to subscribers that are assigned to this COS. The default setting is 300 (5 minutes), and the system maximum is 1200 (20 minutes).
The maximum recording length of messages left by unidentified callers is set on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Messages page.
By using the Advanced Settings tool, you can specify the maximum recording length for broadcast messages that subscribers record (as applicable). Refer to the Advanced Settings tool Help. The setting is called Conversation—Broadcast Message Maximum Recording Length.
Subscribers Can Send Messages to Public Distribution Lists
Check this check box to allow subscribers to send messages to public distribution lists.
Deleted Messages Are Copied to the Deleted Items Folder
Check this check box to move deleted messages to a Deleted Items folder. Depending on how Cisco Unity is set up, subscribers can access the Deleted Items folder by using Outlook, the Cisco Unity Inbox, or the Cisco Unity phone conversation.
Caution  The hard disk on the server where messages are stored can quickly run out of space when deleted messages are saved. To prevent this from happening, you can use the Message Store Manager utility, available in Tools Depot, to automatically purge messages according to a schedule you specify. Refer to the Message Store Manager utility Help for details.
Voice Messaging subscribers can do the following tasks when this check box is checked:
• Use the phone and the Cisco Unity Inbox (as applicable) to permanently delete messages stored in their Deleted Items folder.
• Use the phone and the Cisco Unity Inbox to listen to, reply to, or forward messages in their Deleted Items folder, or to restore them to the Inbox.
Unified Messaging subscribers can do the following tasks when this check box is checked and when subscribers have their Outlook Inboxes set up to move deleted messages to the Deleted Items folder:
• Use the phone, Outlook, and the Cisco Unity Inbox (as applicable) to permanently delete messages stored in their Deleted Items folders.
• Use the phone, Outlook, and the Cisco Unity Inbox to listen to, reply to, or forward messages in their Deleted Items folder, or to restore them to the respective Inbox.
Refer to the Advanced Settings tool in Tools Depot to specify that the Cisco Unity conversation request confirmation from subscribers before proceeding with a deletion of a single deleted, new, or saved message, and to change how the conversation handles the deletion of multiple deleted messages.
Subscribers Can Reply to Messages from Other Subscribers by Calling Them
Check this check box to allow subscribers to use the live reply feature. When this check box is checked, subscribers can press 4-4 after listening to a subscriber message, and Cisco Unity will call the subscriber who left the message. (Subscribers who use Optional Conversation 1 can press 8-8 to use live reply.)
When this check box is unchecked, live reply is disabled in the subscriber phone conversation.
Class of Service Greetings Settings
The class of service greetings setting specifies the maximum length of greetings.
Use the following table to learn more about COS greetings settings.
Table 11-6 Subscribers > Class of Service > Greetings Page
Maximum Greeting Length in Seconds
Select the recording length allowed to subscribers assigned to this COS for recording greetings.
The range is 1 to 999 seconds; the default is 90 seconds.
If enabled, a warning tone will sound before the maximum greeting length is reached.
Class of Service Features Settings
Class of service features settings specify which Cisco Unity features the subscribers in this COS can use.
Note that when a COS includes access to an application that requires individual licenses, you can add subscribers to the COS only if enough licenses are available.
Not all Cisco Unity features are specified by COS. Also see the Features page for the subscriber templates and individual subscriber pages.
Use the following table to learn more about COS features settings. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Cisco Unity, note that subscribers are no longer required to have special class of service privileges to use ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook. Any subscriber who has ViewMail installed can use it.
Table 11-7 Subscribers > Class of Service > Features Page
Check this check box to allow the subscribers assigned to this COS to manage their fax messages over the phone or from the Cisco Unity Inbox.
To allow subscribers to have their e-mail messages delivered to a fax machine, you must select the check boxes for both Text to Speech for E-Mail Messages and for FaxMail.
Text to Speech for E-Mail Messages
Check this check box to allow the subscribers assigned to this COS to have their e-mail messages read to them by an e-mail reader over the phone.
To allow subscribers to have their e-mail messages delivered to a fax machine, you must select both the check boxes for Text to Speech for E-Mail Messages and for FaxMail.
Cisco Unity Assistant
Check this check box to allow the subscribers assigned to this COS to use the Cisco Unity Assistant. (Note that in version 3.1 and earlier, the Cisco Unity Assistant was known as the ActiveAssistant, or AA.)
Cisco Unity Inbox (Visual Messaging Interface)
Check this check box to allow the subscribers assigned to this COS to use the Cisco Unity Inbox, which is a licensed feature. Note that when you give a COS access to a licensed feature, it can be important to track the number of subscribers assigned to the COS.
To confirm that the number of subscribers does not exceed the number of licenses, see the System > Licensing > License Counts page.
(Note that in version 3.1 and earlier, the Cisco Unity Inbox was known as the Visual Messaging Interface, or VMI.)
Lists Available to Subscribers
Enter a number between one and 99 to specify the maximum number of private lists available to subscribers who are assigned to this COS. Subscribers can manage their private lists by phone and from the Cisco Unity Assistant.
Though both the Cisco Unity conversation and the Cisco Unity Assistant use this setting to determine when a subscriber has reached the maximum number of lists, consider that each application calculates the number of lists that a subscriber owns differently:
• When a subscriber tries to use the phone to create a new list by adding members, the Cisco Unity conversation counts the number of private lists that have members, and then compares the total to the value in this setting to determine whether the subscriber has reached the list limit. Lists with no members (empty lists) are not included in the total number of lists that a subscriber owns, even if the lists have recorded names and/or text names.
• When a subscriber tries to use the Cisco Unity Assistant to create a new list, the Cisco Unity Assistant counts the number of lists that have a recorded voice name, a text name or members, and then compares the total to the value in this setting to determine whether the subscriber has reached the list limit. Lists with no members are included in the total number as long as they have recorded names and/or text names.
This means that if a subscriber belongs to a class of service that allows 15 lists, and the subscriber has 12 private lists with members and two lists with recorded names but no members, the subscriber can potentially create more lists by phone than in the Cisco Unity Assistant before reaching the list limit:
• When the subscriber uses the Cisco Unity conversation, the subscriber will reach the list limit either by adding members to the two empty lists and creating one new list, or by creating three new lists. If the subscriber reaches the limit by creating three new lists, the subscriber cannot add members to the two empty lists until two lists are deleted.
• When the subscriber uses the Cisco Unity Assistant, the subscriber will reach the list limit by creating one new list. Despite reaching the list limit, the subscriber can add members to the two empty lists.
You can set up private lists for a subscriber on the applicable Subscribers > Subscribers > Private Lists page, though the subscriber is the only person who can send voice messages to the list.
Maximum Members Per List
Enter a number between one and 999 to specify the maximum number of members that subscribers can add to a private list when they use the Cisco Unity conversation or the Cisco Unity Assistant. (There is no limit imposed on the number of members that can be added to a private list when you use the Subscribers > Subscribers > Private Lists page to add members to a list.)
The subscriber is the only person who can send voice messages to the list.
Class of Service Restriction Table Settings
Class of service restriction table settings specify which restriction tables are used for message delivery, call transfer, and fax delivery for subscribers in this COS.
See the "Overview: Restriction Tables" section on page 23-1 for more information about restriction tables.
Use the following table to learn more about COS restriction table settings.
Table 11-8 Subscribers > Class of Service > Restriction Tables Page
Select a Restriction Table
Select a restriction table for each of the following:
• Outcalling—Select a restriction table to limit phone numbers that subscribers assigned to this COS can enter in message delivery settings. The table you select also restricts the subscriber extensions that Cisco Unity dials when the phone is selected as the recording and playback device for the Media Master.
• Transfers—Select a restriction table to limit phone numbers that subscribers assigned to this COS can enter in call transfer settings.
• Fax—Select a restriction table to limit phone numbers that subscribers assigned to this COS can enter in fax dialing settings.
Note that when you click the View link for any of these tables, you leave the Subscribers > Class of Service > Restriction Tables page, and move to the Call Management > Restriction Tables page.