Table Of Contents
SMTP Networking Message Delivery Problems
Path of Voice Messages to a Remote Cisco Unity Server
Tools for Troubleshooting SMTP Networking Message Delivery Problems
SMTP Networking Message Delivery Problems
By understanding the path of a voice message as it is routed via SMTP Networking to a remote Cisco Unity server, you can use applicable tools to troubleshoot message delivery problems. See the following sections for more information:
•Path of Voice Messages to a Remote Cisco Unity Server
•Tools for Troubleshooting SMTP Networking Message Delivery Problems
Path of Voice Messages to a Remote Cisco Unity Server
When a subscriber sends a voice message by using blind addressing, or when a subscriber or unidentified caller sends a voice message to an Internet subscriber on the local server that corresponds to a subscriber on a remote Cisco Unity server, the path that the message takes is similar:
1. On the phone, a subscriber addresses a voice message to a subscriber on another Cisco Unity server.
2. Cisco Unity searches for a matching extension or delivery location.
–If a matching extension is found, voice confirmation is provided, and Cisco Unity obtains the SMTP Address from the Internet subscriber account and addresses the message.
–If a matching delivery location is found, the number that the subscriber entered is used for the address.
In both cases, Cisco Unity forms an address in the following format and gives the message to Exchange:
VOICE:<Delivery Location Dial ID>_<Extension>
3. Because the message has the VOICE address type, Exchange hands off the message to the Voice Connector.
4. The Voice Connector obtains the domain name from the delivery location and constructs the To address in the following format:
SMTP:IMCEAVOICE-<Delivery Location Dial ID>_<Extension>@<Domain Name>
5. The Voice Connector obtains information from the primary location and constructs the From address in the following format:
SMTP:IMCEAVOICE-<Primary Location Dial ID>_<Extension>@<Domain Name>
If the message was from an unidentified caller to an Internet subscriber, the From message is constructed in the following format:
SMTP:IMCEAVOICE-<Primary Location Dial ID>_unknown@<Domain Name>
6. The Voice Connector converts the message to MIME, and then hands the message back to Exchange to be sent through the Exchange SMTP gateway.
7. On the receiving side, because of the IMCEAVOICE address type, Exchange hands the message over to the Voice Connector for processing.
8. The Voice Connector parses the To address and looks for a matching primary location and a matching subscriber extension at that location to obtain the e-mail address for the recipient. If a match is found, the Voice Connector addresses the message so that it can be delivered by Exchange. If a match is not found, an NDR is returned to the sender.
9. The Voice Connector parses the From address and looks for a matching Internet subscriber. If a match is found, the Voice Connector changes the From address so that the sender is identified when the recipient listens to the message. If a match is not found, the message is still delivered, but the extension address (for example, VOICE:555_1234) is used in the From address.
10. The Voice Connector converts the MIME message back to a voice message.
11. The Voice Connector sends the message back to Exchange to be delivered to the subscriber.
Tools for Troubleshooting SMTP Networking Message Delivery Problems
To Increase the Voice Connector Logging Level
Step 1 Log on to the Exchange server on which the Voice Connector is installed.
Step 2 From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Microsoft Exchange > Exchange System Manager.
Step 3 Expand the Connectors container in the left-hand pane.
Step 4 Right-click Exchange 2000 Voice Connector (<Server name>), and select Properties.
Step 5 Click the Advanced tab.
Step 6 In the Logging Level list, click Information.
Step 7 Click OK.
Step 8 In the Windows Services applet, right-click Exchange 2000 Voice Connector (<Server name>), and select Restart.
To Enable Message Tracking in Exchange 2000
You need to enable message tracking on each Exchange server that participates in message delivery: the Exchange server (or servers) on which the Voice Connector is installed, and the Exchange server on which the Cisco Unity subscriber mailbox is located.
Step 1 Open the Exchange System Manager. (From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Exchange > Exchange System Manager.)
Step 2 Right-click the Exchange server on which you want to enable message tracking, and select Properties.
Step 3 Check Enable Message Tracking.
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 5 Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each Exchange server that participates in message delivery.
To Enable SMTP Logging in Exchange 2000
Step 1 Open the Exchange System Manager. (From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Exchange > Exchange System Manager.)
Step 2 In the left-hand pane, expand Servers > <Server where Voice Connector is installed> > Protocols > SMTP.
Step 3 Right-click the Default SMTP Virtual Server (or any other SMTP Connector that may be routing mail) and select Properties.
Step 4 Check Enable Logging.
Step 5 In the Active Log Format list, click NCSA Common Log File Format.
Step 6 Click Properties and enter the location for the log file.
Step 7 Click OK twice and close the Exchange System Manager.