Cisco Unity Documentation Addendum, Release 4.2
Cisco Unity System Administration Guide

Table Of Contents

Cisco Unity System Administration Guide

Adjusting Response Timeouts for Phone Menu Commands

Allowing Subscribers to Access Cisco Unity by Phone Without Entering a Password

Changing How Cisco Unity Handles Messages That Contain Text (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Using the Message Store Manager to Change How Cisco Unity Handles Messages That Contain Text

Understanding How Messages That Contain Text Are Handled After You Set Up Cisco Unity to Reject Them

Task List for Setting Up Cisco Unity to Reject Messages That Are Sent to Voice Messaging Subscribers When the Messages Contain Text

Changing the Message Playback Speed

Clarifying Cisco Unity Behavior When Subscribers Play a "Previous" Message

Disabling Delete Confirmations in the Cisco Unity Inbox (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Disabling the "Record Your Message at the Tone" Prompt

Disabling the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" Prompt

Enabling a Post-Greeting Recording

Enabling Alternate Greeting Notices (Cisco Unity Voice Messaging with Microsoft Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 Only)

Enabling Callers to Transfer From Subscriber Greetings to an Alternate Contact Number

Enabling Subscribers to Reply to Messages From Subscribers Who Leave Messages as Unidentified Callers

FAQ Available in the Cisco Unity Administrator and on the Cisco Unity Server Desktop

Including Receipts in Message Locator Searches (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Live Record

Live Reply ("Call the Subscriber") Behavior When Used to Leave Messages

Offering Subscribers a "Quick Message" Option

Offering Subscribers the Option to Change the Priority of Messages by Marking Them Urgent or Normal

Offering Subscribers the Option to Jump to the First or Last Message in a Stack

Prompting Subscribers to Record Introductions When They Forward Messages

Providing Caller Information with Text Message Notifications

Setting Up Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry (Cisco Unity Unified Messaging with Exchange Only)

Task List for Setting Up Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Ask Subscribers to Confirm Deletions of New and Saved Messages

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Play New Messages Automatically

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Prompt Subscribers to Confirm Addressees by Name

Specifying That Messages Are Marked Saved When Subscribers Hang Up or Are Disconnected

Specifying the Style of Phone Menus That Subscribers Hear When They Send, Reply to, and Forward Messages

Subscribers Can Press ## or 00 to Switch Search Modes

Errors and Changes

Changes That Affect All Cisco Unity Guides

Cross-References to System Requirements Document

Exchange 5.5 No Longer Supported

Windows NT Domain No Longer Supported

Available Languages for Cisco Unity Components

Changing the Speed of the Cisco Unity Conversation in the Cisco Unity Administrator

Changing the Volume for the Cisco Unity Conversation in the Cisco Unity Administrator

Message Locator

Message Notification Schedule Settings

Conversation Settings: Responding to Phone Menu Field Definition

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Maximum Message Length

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Using a Graphical User Interface to Send and Manage Messages

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Using Prerecorded System Broadcast Messages

How You Can Customize Cisco Unity Conversations

Changing How Subscribers Skip Messages During Message Playback (Standard Conversation)

Streamlining Message Addressing for Multiple Recipients

Specifying That Cisco Unity Prompts Subscribers to Continue Addressing

Managing Security Alerts When Using SSL Connections

Subscriber Template Call Transfer Settings

Subscriber Template Caller Input Settings

Subscriber Call Transfer Settings

Call Handler Transfer Settings

Viewing and Printing Reports (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Viewing and Printing Reports (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Distribution Lists Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Transfer Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Transfer Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Outcall Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Outcall Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Port Usage Report

AMIS Out Traffic Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

AMIS Out Traffic Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Configuration Settings: Identified Subscriber Messaging Field

Configuration Settings: Responding to Phone Menu Field Definition

Subscriber Address Book Settings (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Cisco Unity System Administration Guide

This chapter should be used in conjunction with the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide, Release 4.0(5). New features are described in individual sections. Information that has changed in the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide, Release 4.0(5)—either because Cisco Unity functionality changed, or because information was omitted or is incorrect—is described in the "Errors and Changes" section at the end of the chapter.

The Domino version of the guide is available at; the Exchange version of the guide is available at

This chapter contains the following sections:

Adjusting Response Timeouts for Phone Menu Commands

Allowing Subscribers to Access Cisco Unity by Phone Without Entering a Password

Changing How Cisco Unity Handles Messages That Contain Text (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Changing the Message Playback Speed

Clarifying Cisco Unity Behavior When Subscribers Play a "Previous" Message

Disabling Delete Confirmations in the Cisco Unity Inbox (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Disabling the "Record Your Message at the Tone" Prompt

Disabling the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" Prompt

Enabling a Post-Greeting Recording

Enabling Alternate Greeting Notices (Cisco Unity Voice Messaging with Microsoft Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 Only)

Enabling Callers to Transfer From Subscriber Greetings to an Alternate Contact Number

Enabling Subscribers to Reply to Messages From Subscribers Who Leave Messages as Unidentified Callers

FAQ Available in the Cisco Unity Administrator and on the Cisco Unity Server Desktop

Including Receipts in Message Locator Searches (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Live Record

Live Reply ("Call the Subscriber") Behavior When Used to Leave Messages

Offering Subscribers a "Quick Message" Option

Offering Subscribers the Option to Change the Priority of Messages by Marking Them Urgent or Normal

Offering Subscribers the Option to Jump to the First or Last Message in a Stack

Prompting Subscribers to Record Introductions When They Forward Messages

Providing Caller Information with Text Message Notifications

Setting Up Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry (Cisco Unity Unified Messaging with Exchange Only)

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Ask Subscribers to Confirm Deletions of New and Saved Messages

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Play New Messages Automatically

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Prompt Subscribers to Confirm Addressees by Name

Specifying That Messages Are Marked Saved When Subscribers Hang Up or Are Disconnected

Specifying the Style of Phone Menus That Subscribers Hear When They Send, Reply to, and Forward Messages

Subscribers Can Press ## or 00 to Switch Search Modes

Errors and Changes

Adjusting Response Timeouts for Phone Menu Commands

By default, when subscribers respond to a phone menu by pressing a key that represents the first digit of more than one possible key combination, Cisco Unity waits 1000 milliseconds (one second) for additional key presses before acting on the key. For example, in the After Message menu for the standard conversation, subscribers can press 4 to reply to a message, 42 to reply to all, or 44 to call the subscriber. Thus, when subscribers press 4 after listening to a message, Cisco Unity waits one second before responding to give subscribers a chance to press an additional key. For those who prefer that Cisco Unity respond more quickly or more slowly in waiting for additional key presses, you can adjust the response timeouts.

The setting that controls the response timeout is the "CommandInterdigit Timeout" setting. It only affects how long Cisco Unity waits when the key that the subscriber presses is identical to the first key press in another key combination for a particular phone menu. Keep in mind that the "CommandInterdigit Timeout" setting is different from the "Interdigit Timeout" setting, which controls how long Cisco Unity waits for more key presses when subscribers spell names or enter digits to address messages, update passwords, change call transfer or message notification numbers, and so on.

To adjust the response timeout setting, do one of the following two procedures:

Adjust the timeout value for individual subscribers or for a specific group of subscribers by using the Bulk Edit utility. See the "To Adjust the Timeout for Menu Commands for Individual Subscribers or for a Group of Subscribers" procedure. The change is applied to the applicable subscribers regardless of their conversation style.

Specify a single timeout value for all subscribers who are associated with the Cisco Unity server by using the Advanced Settings tool. See the "To Change the Timeout Value for Menu Commands for All Subscribers" procedure. The change is applied to the applicable subscribers regardless of their conversation style. (Subscribers who have already had their timeout values adjusted in Bulk Edit are not affected by the change made by the Advanced Settings tool.)

We recommend that when you adjust the timeout value, do so only for individuals or groups of subscribers, rather than making the change for all subscribers on the server.

To Adjust the Timeout for Menu Commands for Individual Subscribers or for a Group of Subscribers

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server desktop, double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon.

Step 2 In the left pane, under Administrative Tools, double-click Bulk Edit.

Step 3 Follow the on-screen instructions to select the subscriber accounts that you want to modify.

Step 4 Click the Conversation tab.

Step 5 Check the Update Phone Menu Response Behavior check box.

Step 6 In the Milliseconds to Wait for More Digits When Entering Menu Commands box, enter a value between 250 and 10,000 milliseconds. (Alternatively, you can leave the box blank to use the default value of 1000 milliseconds.)

Tip We recommend that you keep the response timeout value for menu commands between 750 and 2000 milliseconds. Longer timeouts can result in frustrating delays for subscribers, while shorter timeouts may not leave subscribers with enough time to press all intended digits.

Step 7 Click Exit.

To Change the Timeout Value for Menu Commands for All Subscribers

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server desktop, double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon.

Step 2 In the left pane, under Administrative Tools, double-click Advanced Settings Tool.

Step 3 In the Unity Settings pane, click Conversation—Interdigit Delay for Command Entry System Default.

Step 4 In the New Value list, select a value between 250 and 10,000 milliseconds, and click Set.

Tip We recommend that you keep the response timeout value for menu commands between 750 and 2000 milliseconds. Longer timeouts can result in frustrating delays for subscribers, while shorter timeouts may not leave subscribers with enough time to press all intended digits.

Step 5 When prompted, click OK.

Step 6 Click Exit. You do not need to restart the Cisco Unity software or server for the change to take effect.

Allowing Subscribers to Access Cisco Unity by Phone Without Entering a Password

By default, subscribers are prompted for a password before they can log on to Cisco Unity to check messages or change their personal settings. As a convenience to subscribers who often access Cisco Unity from a mobile phone, home phone, or phone in a secured office within your organization, you may consider specifying that Cisco Unity should not prompt them to enter a password when they access their mailbox from their primary extension or alternate devices. (When they call Cisco Unity from an unknown extension, Cisco Unity will prompt them for a password as usual.)

Note For security reasons, it may not be appropriate to allow subscribers who work in shared workspaces, cubicles, or other public areas in your organization (such as a lobby or reception area) to access Cisco Unity by phone without first entering a password.

Do the following procedure to allow an individual subscriber to access messages by phone without entering a password when they call from their primary extension or an alternate device. (To make the change for a group of subscribers, use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that neither the Cisco Unity Assistant nor the Cisco Unity conversation offer a way for subscribers to make the change themselves.

Subscribers who do not have to enter a password to log on to Cisco Unity are still prompted to renew their password when it expires.

To Allow Subscribers to Access Cisco Unity by Phone Without Entering a Password

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Phone Password page.

Step 2 In the Prompt for Phone Password section, check the Only When User Calls From Unknown Extension check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Changing How Cisco Unity Handles Messages That Contain Text (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

If your organization has both Voice Messaging and Unified Messaging subscribers, messaging between the two types of subscribers can be problematic. This is because Voice Messaging subscribers cannot use the Cisco Unity conversation or the Cisco Unity Inbox to access text in e-mail messages. In addition, when a message contains both a voice recording and a text message—as may be the case when a Unified Messaging subscriber uses Cisco Unity ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook to send, reply to, and forward messages to Voice Messaging subscribers, the Cisco Unity conversation and the Cisco Unity Inbox present only the voice portion of the message. Moreover, Cisco Unity informs neither the sender nor the recipient that all or a portion of a message is unavailable to the recipient.

You can set up Cisco Unity so that it rejects messages sent to Voice Messaging subscribers if the messages contain text. In this way, you can ensure that Voice Messaging subscribers receive only those messages that they can play in their entirety. At the same time, when Cisco Unity rejects messages that contain text, Unified Messaging subscribers receive a nondelivery receipt (NDR) and can learn to adjust their messaging habits accordingly.

For more information, see the following sections:

Using the Message Store Manager to Change How Cisco Unity Handles Messages That Contain Text

Understanding How Messages That Contain Text Are Handled After You Set Up Cisco Unity to Reject Them

Task List for Setting Up Cisco Unity to Reject Messages That Are Sent to Voice Messaging Subscribers When the Messages Contain Text

Using the Message Store Manager to Change How Cisco Unity Handles Messages That Contain Text

The Message Store Manager utility allows you to set up agents that perform the task that you assign them to do. You specify which subscriber mailboxes are members of an agent; only the mailboxes that you specify are affected by the task performed by the agent.

To set up Cisco Unity so that it rejects messages that are sent to Voice Messaging subscribers, if the messages contain text, you need to create two agents:

The first agent applies a rule that rejects messages that contain text. The agent applies the rule to the subscriber mailboxes that you specify as agent members. You can use a Cisco Unity distribution list, class of service, extension range, or an imported CSV file to specify agent members. However, we recommend that you use a distribution list or class of service, because as you add members to the distribution list or class of service, membership in the agent will be automatically updated at the same time.

The second agent removes the rule that was applied by the first agent from subscriber accounts that no longer need it. Once the first agent is set up, it will continue to reject messages that contain text until the second agent removes it. If you do not set up the second agent, even after you remove a subscriber from the distribution list or class of service that you specified as a member of the first agent, the first rule will continue to reject messages from that subscriber mailbox if the messages contain text. We recommend that you set up both agents at the same time, setting the second agent to remove the rule from all subscriber mailboxes on the server except those that are associated with Voice Messaging subscribers. When the agents are set up this way, you will not have to create a new agent to remove the rule from a single mailbox each time that a Voice Messaging subscriber is removed from the distribution list or class of service that you specified for the first agent.

You schedule when and how often you want each agent to run. For example, you may choose to run the agents nightly or weekly, depending on how often you add or remove subscribers from the class of service or distribution list that you use to specify agent membership. As you determine a schedule for running the agents, consider that when Voice Messaging subscribers are set to not appear in the Outlook address books, the agents will take longer to run. Also note that while an agent is running, any previously hidden mailboxes appear in address books, and then, when the agent has completed its task, the mailboxes are hidden once again. For this reason, you may want to schedule the agents to run when subscribers are not likely to use the system. (Voice Messaging subscribers are often prevented from appearing in the Outlook address book as way of discouraging people from inadvertently sending e-mail messages to a Voice Messaging account.)

When you set up the agents, you can activate the Subscriber Message Store Status report (or you can schedule the report to run at a later time) to gather detailed data about each subscriber mailbox that is a member of the agent. When the value of the VM Mailbox Rule column equals one (1), the rule associated with the first agent has been applied; when the value equals zero (0), the rule has not been applied to the mailbox.

For more information on working with Message Store Manager to set up agents and run reports, see Message Store Manager Help.

Understanding How Messages That Contain Text Are Handled After You Set Up Cisco Unity to Reject Them

When you set up Cisco Unity so that it rejects messages sent to Voice Messaging subscribers when the messages contain text, Voice Messaging subscribers continue to receive receipts, faxes, and voice messages as before, but many other types of messages are no longer delivered. Knowing how Cisco Unity handles messages differently can help you prepare both Voice Messaging and Unified Messaging subscribers for the change.

Table 5-1 compares how Cisco Unity handles messages by default, to how Cisco Unity handles messages after you have set it to reject messages that are sent to Voice Messaging subscribers when the messages contain text. Keep in mind that when Cisco Unity rejects a message, it does so when the Voice Messaging subscriber is the sole recipient of the message, and also when the subscriber is one of many recipients, as may be the case when a message containing text is sent to a distribution list. Note that in a few cases, Cisco Unity does not reject certain types of messages that you may expect, while it rejects others that you may not expect.

Table 5-1 Understanding How Messages That Contain Text Are Handled After You Set Up Cisco Unity to Reject Them 

Type of Message Sent to Voice Messaging Subscriber
Application Used to Send Message
How Cisco Unity Handles Message by Default
How Cisco Unity Handles Messages When Set Up to Reject Messages That Contain Text

Voice message with text in subject line


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers can access subject line only in Cisco Unity Inbox.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Voice message with text in subject line

Cisco Unity Inbox

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers can access subject line only in Cisco Unity Inbox.

Same as default.

Voice message with text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Voice message with a non-WAV attachment


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access the attachment.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with voice recording and text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with text in message body


Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with non-WAV attachment


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access the attachment.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with no voice recording, no change to subject line, and no text in message body


Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with change to text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with change to subject line


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers can access subject line only in Cisco Unity Inbox.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice message with change to subject line

Cisco Unity Inbox

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers can access subject line only in Cisco Unity Inbox.

Same as default.

Reply to voice and text message with voice recording and deletion of all text


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Same as default.

Reply to voice and text message with voice recording

Cisco Unity conversation

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to voice and text message with voice recording

Cisco Unity Inbox or ViewMail

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Same as default.

Reply to e-mail message with voice recording and text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Reply to e-mail message with voice recording

Cisco Unity conversation or ViewMail

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Same as default.

Reply to e-mail message with text in message body


Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice message with voice introduction and text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice message with text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice message with non-WAV attachment


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access the attachment.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice message with change to text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice message with change to subject line


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers can access subject line only in Cisco Unity Inbox.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice and text message with or without voice introduction


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Same as default.

Forwarded voice and text message with or without voice introduction

Cisco Unity conversation or the Cisco Unity Inbox

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded voice and text message with deletion of all text


Delivers message as voice message.

Same as default.

Forwarded e-mail with text in message body


Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded e-mail message with voice introduction and text in message body


Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Forwarded e-mail message with voice introduction

Cisco Unity conversation or ViewMail

Delivers message as voice message; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access text.

Same as default.

Forwarded e-mail message with no change to subject line or additional text

Cisco Unity conversation or ViewMail

Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

E-mail message with WAV attachment

E-mail program

Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access; Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access the attachment.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

E-mail message

E-mail program

Delivers message as e-mail message that Voice Messaging subscribers cannot access.

Does not deliver message; sends an NDR to sender.

Task List for Setting Up Cisco Unity to Reject Messages That Are Sent to Voice Messaging Subscribers When the Messages Contain Text

Complete the following tasks to set up Cisco Unity so that it rejects messages that are sent to Voice Messaging subscribers when the messages contain text:

1. Identify the Voice Messaging subscribers on your Cisco Unity server. For example, create a class of service or public distribution list for Voice Messaging subscribers, and then use the Cisco Unity Administrator or Bulk Edit to assign the appropriate subscribers to it. (Note that how you differentiate Voice Messaging subscribers from Unified Messaging subscribers is up to you; nothing in the way that you created them, nor in how they are licensed, identifies them as Voice Messaging or Unified Messaging subscribers for this feature.)

2. Set up the two agents that will enable Cisco Unity to reject messages that are sent to Voice Messaging subscribers when the messages contain text. See the "To Set Up an Agent to Reject Messages That Contain Text When the Messages Are Sent to Voice Messaging Subscribers" procedure and the "To Set Up an Agent to Ensure Unified Messaging Subscribers Receive Messages That Contain Text" procedure.

3. Customize ViewMail for Outlook so that when it is installed on subscriber workstations, messages that are sent to Voice Messaging subscribers are checked for text. You need to do this even if you are upgrading subscriber workstations from a customized version of ViewMail 4.1(1) to ViewMail 4.2(1). See the "To Customize ViewMail for Outlook Version 4.1(1) and Later to Check for Text When Subscribers Send Messages to Voice Messaging Subscribers" procedure.

4. Install the customized version of ViewMail on all subscriber workstations. See the "To Install the Customized Version of ViewMail on All Subscriber Workstations" procedure.

Note If you already installed a standard version of ViewMail on subscriber workstations, you cannot simply install the customized version of ViewMail to enable the feature. You also cannot repair the existing installation to enable the feature. To enable the feature if you already installed a standard version of ViewMail, you must change the value of a registry key to 1 on each subscriber workstation. The registry key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems\Cisco Unity\VMO\NoTextToVM. It is a DWORD key. You can edit the registry on each subscriber workstation, or you can use a software publishing tool to update the key value on all subscriber workstations at once.

5. Subscribers who use Microsoft Outlook 2002 and later will get a Microsoft Outlook security alert when they use the customized version of ViewMail. Tell subscribers that they can safely click Yes in response. The standard text for the security alert informs users that an application is attempting to access the Outlook Address Book, and asks them if they want to allow it. (In fact, ViewMail does not access the Address Book, but it does check for text in each message that triggers the alert.) To learn more about the Microsoft Outlook Security feature—as well as how to customize or disable it, refer to the Microsoft Office Assistance topic "Customizing the Outlook Security Features Administrative Package," in the "Administering Outlook Security" chapter of the Messaging Deployment Guide on the Microsoft website.

6. Consider letting subscribers know what to expect now that Cisco Unity rejects messages sent to Voice Messaging subscribers when the messages contain text. Give everyone a list of Voice Messaging subscribers so that they know which subscribers cannot receive messages that contain text. In addition, tell Unified Messaging subscribers that if they receive an NDR in response to a message that they sent to a Voice Messaging subscriber, they should remove all text before attempting to resend the message. Remind them that NDRs can also be triggered when a recipient has a full mailbox.

Note When you move a Voice Messaging subscriber mailbox from one Exchange server to another, the rules associated with the mailbox continue to work after the move. The same is true when you move a Voice Messaging subscriber from one Cisco Unity server to another. If the other Cisco Unity server is not already set up to reject messages that contain text, consider enabling it so that messages to Voice Messaging subscribers are handled consistently. Alternatively, you can create a new agent to remove the rule from the individual mailbox before moving the subscriber to the other Cisco Unity server.

To Set Up an Agent to Reject Messages That Contain Text When the Messages Are Sent to Voice Messaging Subscribers

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server desktop, double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon.

Step 2 In the left pane, under Administrative Tools, double-click Message Store Manager.

Step 3 From the File menu, click New Agent.

Step 4 Enter a name for the agent, then click OK. For example, consider naming the agent, "Reject Text to VM Subscribers."

Step 5 Right-click the Included folder, and click the option that allows you to specify that only Voice Messaging subscribers are members of the agent. For example, if you created a class of service to identify Voice Messaging subscribers on your server, you would click Add Class of Service.

Step 6 Click the applicable class of service or distribution list, then click OK.

Step 7 Click the Scripts directory.

Step 8 From the list displayed in the right pane, right-click Add VM Mailbox Rules and click Activate.

Step 9 In the MSM Script dialog box, click the Schedule tab. Specify how often you want the agent to run.

Note The agent takes longer to run if any members are currently hidden from Outlook address books.

Step 10 Click OK to close the MSM Script dialog box.

To Set Up an Agent to Ensure Unified Messaging Subscribers Receive Messages That Contain Text

Step 1 From the File menu, click New Agent.

Step 2 Enter a name for the agent, then click OK. For example, consider naming the agent, "Remove VM Subscribers Rule."

Step 3 Right-click the Included folder, and click the option that allows you to specify all subscribers as members of the agent. For example, if you have an All Subscribers distribution list, you would click Add Distribution List.

Step 4 Click the applicable class of service or distribution list, then click OK.

Step 5 Right-click the Excluded folder, and click the option that allows you to specify that Voice Messaging subscribers are excluded as members of the agent. For example, if you created a class of service to identify Voice Messaging subscribers, you would click Add Class of Service.

Step 6 Click the applicable class of service or distribution list, then click OK.

Step 7 Click the Scripts directory.

Step 8 From the list displayed in the right pane, right-click Delete VM Mailbox Rules and click Activate.

Step 9 In the MSM Script dialog box, click the Schedule tab and specify how often you want the agent to run.

Note The agent takes longer to run if any members are currently hidden from Outlook address books.

Step 10 Click OK to close the MSM Script dialog box.

To Customize ViewMail for Outlook Version 4.1(1) and Later to Check for Text When Subscribers Send Messages to Voice Messaging Subscribers

Step 1 Download ViewMail or browse to the ViewMail directory on the Cisco Unity DVD, as applicable. See the applicable Release Notes for Cisco Unity ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook for the version of ViewMail that you are customizing. The document is available at

Step 2 In the ViewMail directory, browse to the ENU language folder.

Step 3 Open the VMOInit.VBS file in a text editor such as Notepad.

Step 4 Enter Session.Property("NOTEXTTOVM") = "1" immediately before the End Function line, as shown below:

Function VMOInitFn()
rem Session.Property("EXTENSION") = ""
rem Session.Property("UNITYSERVER") = ""
Session.Property("NOTEXTTOVM") = "1"
End Function

Step 5 Save the script file and close the text editor.

Step 6 Open a Command Prompt window. (On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.)

Step 7 Change to the ViewMail > ENU directory.

Step 8 Enter vmaddbin ViewMail.MSI VMOInit.VBS, and press Enter. (When the script completes, your cursor returns to the command line.)

Step 9 Close the Command Prompt window.

To Install the Customized Version of ViewMail on All Subscriber Workstations

Step 1 For the version of ViewMail that you customized in the "To Customize ViewMail for Outlook Version 4.1(1) and Later to Check for Text When Subscribers Send Messages to Voice Messaging Subscribers" procedure, review the applicable Release Notes for Cisco Unity ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook Release at for requirements, installation instructions, and other important information.

Step 2 Using the ViewMail.msi file that you customized, install ViewMail on all subscriber workstations.

You can install ViewMail by using any of the methods described in the applicable Release Notes for Cisco Unity ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook Release at

Changing the Message Playback Speed

You can specify the playback speed for the messages that subscribers listen to by phone by changing a setting in the Cisco Unity Administrator or by using the Bulk Edit utility. The speed that you specify determines how fast Cisco Unity plays the body of subscriber messages and recorded introductions for fax messages. It does not affect the speed of Text to Speech (TTS) messages, receipts, or the message header and footer. (TTS messages are always played at normal speed, while the speed at which Cisco Unity plays receipts, message headers, and message footers is determined by the speed specified for the Cisco Unity conversation.)

Do the following procedure to change message playback speed for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. To change message playback speed for a group of subscribers, use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot. Alternatively, provide subscribers with the information in the "Changing the Message Playback Speed in the Cisco Unity Assistant" section on page 7-2 so that they learn how to adjust message playback speed themselves.

To Change Message Playback Speed

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Profile page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Profile page.

Step 2 In the Playback Speed list, click the level at which you want subscribers to hear all messages that they listen to by phone.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Clarifying Cisco Unity Behavior When Subscribers Play a "Previous" Message

While listening to messages, subscribers have the option to go back and play the previous message in the stack. However, note the following:

The previous message option is not available in the Alternate Keypad Mapping X conversation.

When a subscriber presses the applicable key to go back to the previous message, the current message is left in its current state (new, saved, or deleted). In effect, the subscriber skips the current message when going back to the previous message.

You may consider clarifying the "previous" message behavior for your subscribers, to make sure they understand that the new, saved, and deleted message stacks are dynamic. For example, when a subscriber listens to messages in the new message stack, and either deletes or saves messages, those messages are no longer new, and are thus dynamically removed from the new message stack. If the subscriber then presses the applicable key to go back to the previous message in the stack, the result might be unexpected. The subscriber may expect to hear the message that was just played, but if the subscriber has changed the state of that message, it will no longer be in the stack. (Note that if the subscriber has moved all previous messages to other stacks, the conversation will announce "no previous message," and the current message will play again.)

For an updated list of phone menus and shortcuts that you can provide to subscribers, see the "Errors and Changes" section on page 7-10 in the "Cisco Unity User Guide" chapter.

Disabling Delete Confirmations in the Cisco Unity Inbox (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

You can use the Advanced Settings Tool to change the registry so that the Cisco Unity Inbox will never ask subscribers to confirm a deletion, or will ask them to confirm a deletion only when deleting the item will delete it permanently. By default, when subscribers delete messages and other items from the Cisco Unity Inbox, they are asked to confirm the deletion. This is true when subscribers delete new and saved items, as well as when they delete items that are in the Deleted Items folder (as applicable).

For details on setting up this functionality, see Advanced Settings Tool Help. The setting is called Unity Inbox—Confirm Deletes.

Disabling the "Record Your Message at the Tone" Prompt

By default, Cisco Unity plays the "Record your message at the tone" prompt after playing a subscriber or call handler greeting. Because some subscribers instruct callers when to record messages in their greetings, callers may hear the instruction twice. For this reason, you may want to disable the prompt after some or all greetings.

Do the following procedure to disable the "Record your message at the tone" prompt for subscriber templates, individual subscribers, or call handlers. (To disable the prompt for a group of subscribers, use the Bulk Edit tool, available in Tools Depot.)

To Disable the "Record Your Message at the Tone" Prompt

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Greetings page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Greetings page.

To modify an existing call handler, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Greetings page.

Step 2 Check the Do Not Play the "Record Your Message at the Tone" Prompt check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Disabling the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" Prompt

By default, Cisco Unity plays the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" prompt when it transfers a call to an extension. Some callers do not like hearing the prompt, so you may want to disable it.

Do the following procedure to disable the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" prompt for subscriber templates, individual subscribers, or call handlers. (To disable the prompt for a group of subscribers, use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that when you disable the prompt, callers still hear the transfer tones from Cisco CallManager, as applicable.

To Disable the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" Prompt

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Call Transfer page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Call Transfer page.

To modify an existing call handler, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Call Transfer page.

Step 2 In the While Transferring Notify Caller section, check the Do Not Play the "Wait While I Transfer Your Call" Prompt check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Enabling a Post-Greeting Recording

You can use the settings on the applicable Subscribers > Class of Service > Greetings page in the Cisco Unity Administrator to specify whether Cisco Unity plays a recording before allowing callers to leave a message for subscribers who are assigned to the class of service (COS). For each COS, you use the Media Master control bar on the page to record what you want callers to hear, and you indicate whether all callers hear the recording or only unidentified callers. Though callers can press # to skip a subscriber or call handler greeting, callers cannot skip a post-greeting recording.

When Cisco Unity is enabled to play it, callers hear the recording immediately after a subscriber greeting, regardless of which personal greeting is enabled for the subscriber. The post-greeting recording also plays after a call handler greeting when the call handler is configured to take a message and the message recipient for the call handler is a subscriber who is assigned to a COS that has the recording enabled. (The COS assigned to the owner of a call handler has no effect on whether the recording is played.)

By default, the post-greeting recording feature is disabled for all classes of service. Depending on your organization and the type of subscribers assigned to each COS, you may want to consider enabling it for some classes of service, so that those who call certain groups of subscribers—such as a sales team, technical support group, or a Human Resources department—hear the recording. For each COS, you can create a different recording tailored to those callers and as applicable, in the appropriate language(s). The recording can be up to 90 seconds in length.

For example, you may want to enable a post-greeting recording for a particular COS to convey a confidentiality policy or to let callers know when they can expect a response. You can also use the feature to remind callers to include contact information, invoice or policy numbers, and other such information. Conversely, due to legal or security concerns, you may want to advise callers what information not to include in messages—information like passwords, financial transaction requests, and so on.

Note that a post-greeting recording does not play when:

The message recipient for a call handler is assigned to a distribution list.

Subscribers send, reply to, or forward messages to other subscribers, and when subscribers call a subscriber extension, log on to Cisco Unity during the subscriber greeting, and then leave a message.

Note When you create a new COS based on an existing one, the new COS inherits the post-greeting recording settings but not the recording itself.

Do the following procedure to enable a post-greeting recording for a class of service. Whether you plan to enable the feature for a new COS or an existing one, consider testing the feature by enabling it for a COS that has a test subscriber account assigned to it. Then call the test subscriber to hear how your recording will sound after the greeting, and adjust the recording as needed.

To Enable a Post-Greeting Recording for a Class of Service

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable Subscribers > Class of Service > Greetings page.

Step 2 In the After Greeting, Play Recording Before Taking Messages section, select one of the following options to enable the feature and to indicate which callers will hear the recording:

Play Recording Only for Unidentified Callers—Before they leave a message, outside callers and subscribers who did not log on to Cisco Unity will hear the subscriber or call handler greeting and then the recording.

Play Recording to All Callers—Before they leave a message, subscribers and outside callers will hear the subscriber or call handler greeting and then the recording.

Step 3 Use the Media Master control bar to record what you want callers to hear, or specify an existing WAV file as the recording.

Use the Copy/Paste From File options on the Options menu of the Media Master control bar to use a prerecorded WAV file as the recording.

Step 4 Click the Save icon.

Enabling Alternate Greeting Notices (Cisco Unity Voice Messaging with Microsoft Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 Only)

Because subscribers never hear the greetings of their message recipients when they send, reply to, and forward messages, consider enabling "alternate greeting notices" for the Cisco Unity server so that subscribers are alerted when a message recipient has the alternate greeting enabled. Alternate greeting notices are a type of message receipt. When a subscriber leaves or sends a message to a subscriber who has the alternate greeting enabled, Cisco Unity delivers the message and also sends the sender an alternate greeting notice. The alternate greeting notice says:

"The alternate greeting for <subscriber name or ID> is on and will remain on until <expiration date for the greeting>. The message you sent was delivered, but the recipient may not be available to play it."

When the greeting is set to play indefinitely, Cisco Unity will indicate that rather than play an expiration date.

An alternate greeting notice is sent in response to the first message that a subscriber leaves or sends to a recipient within the time period that the recipient has the alternate greeting enabled. If the subscriber leaves or sends subsequent messages to the same recipient, Cisco Unity do not respond with additional notices (unless the recipient turns off the alternate greeting and then enables it again).

When the feature is enabled, subscribers can play notices by phone or they can view the text from the Cisco Unity Inbox, assuming that they can access receipts (you can disable receipts per server by using the Advanced Settings Tool). Though alternate greeting notices are automated responses, they are from the message recipient. Thus, subscribers can use the Message Locator to find both messages and notices from a particular subscriber. Note that like other types of receipts, alternate greeting notices do not trigger message waiting indicators (MWIs).

Cisco Unity does not send notices in response to system broadcast messages, nor does it sent notices to unidentified callers. Cisco Unity sends a notice to the sender when the message is addressed to an individual subscriber or to a distribution list of which the recipient is a member. Notices are sent regardless of whether the sender and recipient are homed on the same Cisco Unity server or are on separate servers that are digitally networked (assuming that the feature is enabled for each server). However, when other networking features (AMIS, Bridge, or VPIM) are used, subscribers do not receive notices in response to messages left for or sent to remote Cisco Unity or Cisco Unity Express subscribers, nor do they receive notices in response to messages left for or sent to remote users on a another voice messaging system—even when the recipients have their alternate greeting or similar type of greeting (such as an extended absence greeting) enabled.

Alternate greeting notices are disabled by default. You can enable alternate greeting notices only per server; you cannot specify that notices are sent only in response to messages sent to certain subscribers or a specific group of subscribers, nor that only certain subscribers can receive notices. In digitally networked environments, the feature should be enabled for all Cisco Unity servers in the network.

To set up the Cisco Unity server to send a notice to subscribers when they leave, send to, reply to, or forward messages to other subscribers who have their alternate greeting enabled, do the procedure in this section. After you do the following procedure, when subscribers associated with the Cisco Unity server enable their alternate greeting, Cisco Unity will send an alternate greeting notice to any subscriber who sends a message to them. (Cisco Unity will not send notices in response to messages sent to subscribers who already had their alternate greeting enabled before notices were turned on.)

Consider providing subscribers with the information in the "Alternate Greeting Notices (Cisco Unity Voice Messaging with Exchange Only)" section on page 7-2 so that they understand how notices work.

If you later choose to disable alternate greeting notices, any existing notices in subscriber mailboxes will no longer be available to subscribers until you enable the feature again, and subscribers will no longer receive notices—even if other Cisco Unity servers in the network have the feature enabled.

Note Alternate greeting notices cannot be enabled for Cisco Unity with Exchange 5.5 systems. In addition, due to conflicts with the "Out of Office" rule in Outlook, enabling alternate greeting notices for Unified Messaging systems is not supported.

To Enable Alternate Greeting Notices for a Cisco Unity Server

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server desktop, double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon.

Step 2 In the left pane, under Administrative Tools, double-click Advanced Settings Tool.

Step 3 In the Unity Settings pane, click Conversation—Alternate Greeting Notices.

Step 4 In the New Value list, click 1 and click Set.

Step 5 When prompted, click OK.

Step 6 Click Exit.

Step 7 Restart the Cisco Unity software.

Note If you do not restart the Cisco Unity software when you enable or disable the feature, notices do not behave as expected.

Step 8 As applicable, repeat the procedure for each Cisco Unity server at your site.

Note For Cisco Unity failover, registry changes on one Cisco Unity server must be made manually on the other Cisco Unity server, because registry changes are not replicated.

Enabling Callers to Transfer From Subscriber Greetings to an Alternate Contact Number

As a convenience to callers, you can set up Cisco Unity so that callers can transfer to an alternate contact number by pressing a key during the greetings for a particular subscriber or a group of subscribers. An alternate contact number can be the extension for an operator or another subscriber (such as a supervisor or coworker), or any other number where the subscriber or another person can be reached.

You can use the Cisco Unity Administrator or the Bulk Edit utility to specify the key that callers press to transfer and the number that they transfer to. You can specify the same key and alternate contact number for multiple subscribers, or you can specify a different key and/or alternate contact number for each subscriber. Subscribers can specify the alternate contact number by using the Cisco Unity conversation or the Cisco Unity Assistant. (Note that the option to specify an alternate contact number appears in the Cisco Unity Assistant regardless of whether you have specified a key that callers can press to transfer from the subscriber greeting.) The alternate contact number is limited to the numbers allowed by the restriction table for transfers that is associated with the subscriber who specifies it.

When you enable the feature, you may want to specify the key(s) that can be used to make the transfer and leave the alternate contact number unspecified, so that subscribers can specify the number themselves. Until an alternate contact number is specified, Cisco Unity ignores the key set to transfer the call if callers happen to press it during a subscriber greeting. Because neither the Cisco Unity conversation nor the Cisco Unity Assistant indicate the key that you specified to allow callers to make the transfer, let subscribers know the key so that they can include the information in their greetings. When transferring a caller to an alternate contact number, Cisco Unity releases the call to the phone system.

Do the following procedure to enable callers to transfer to an alternate contact number from a subscriber greeting. You can set up the feature to work for the greetings for an individual subscriber or for those subscribers who are associated with a subscriber template. Alternatively, you can use Bulk Edit to set up the feature for the greetings of multiple subscribers at once.

Finally, provide subscribers with the information in the "Specifying an Alternate Contact Number" section on page 7-5 so that they understand how alternate contact numbers work.

To Enable Callers to Transfer From Subscriber Greetings to an Alternate Contact Number

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Caller Input page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Caller Input page.

Step 2 Select a key from the Caller Input Map or from the keypad.

Step 3 In the action section, click Send Caller To and then click Alternate Contact Number.

Step 4 In the Number to Dial field, enter digits 0 through 9 to specify an alternate contact number up to 30 digits in length. You can also enter:

, (comma) to insert a one-second pause.

# and * to correspond to the # and * keys on the phone.

Do not use spaces, dashes, or parentheses between digits. Begin with an access code, if needed to make an external call (for example, 9). For long-distance numbers, also include 1 and the area code.

Step 5 Indicate whether to lock the key to that action.

Step 6 Click the Save icon.

Enabling Subscribers to Reply to Messages From Subscribers Who Leave Messages as Unidentified Callers

By default, when subscribers check messages by phone, Cisco Unity does not offer the reply option in the After Message menu when the message is from an unidentified caller. As a convenience to subscribers in your organization, you can use the Advanced Settings Tool so that the Cisco Unity conversation offers the reply option for messages from unidentified callers. Subscribers can then reply to subscribers who leave messages as unidentified callers by pressing the same key that they press when they respond to messages from identified subscribers. (Subscribers then hear the same prompts that Cisco Unity plays when subscribers choose to forward messages, except that reply to all and call the subscriber options are not available.)

To determine whether Cisco Unity offers the reply option for messages from unidentified callers, see the Advanced Settings Tool Help. The setting is called Conversation—Reply to Unknown Caller.

FAQ Available in the Cisco Unity Administrator and on the Cisco Unity Server Desktop

An FAQ is available in the Cisco Unity Administrator and on the desktop of the Cisco Unity server. The FAQ addresses questions often asked by Cisco Unity administrators.

To Display the Cisco Unity Administrator FAQ

Step 1 Click the Cisco Unity Administrator FAQ link at the bottom of the navigation bar. Cisco Unity displays the FAQ in a separate window.

Or, from the Cisco Unity desktop, click the Cisco Unity Administrator FAQ shortcut.

Step 2 Click the available links to review questions and answers.

Including Receipts in Message Locator Searches (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

You can specify whether to include new and saved receipts in Message Locator searches on the applicable Features page for a subscriber template or an individual subscriber in the Cisco Unity Administrator, or by using the Bulk Edit utility. By default, receipts are not included in Message Locator searches.

When subscribers search for messages from a particular subscriber and Message Locator is set to include receipts, the following receipts are included in search results, in addition to voice messages: nondelivery receipts (NDRs), return (read and delivery) receipts, and alternate greeting notices. Note that receipts are included in the search results regardless of whether subscribers can access receipts when they check messages by phone or in the Cisco Unity Inbox. (You can use the Advanced Settings Tool in Tools Depot to prevent subscribers from accessing receipts.)

Do the following procedure to include receipts in Message Locator searches for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. (To change the setting for a group of subscribers, use the Bulk Edit tool, available in Tools Depot.) Consider providing the applicable subscribers with the information in the "Message Locator Searches Include Receipts (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)" section on page 7-4 so that they understand what to expect when they use the Message Locator.

To Include Receipts in Message Locator Searches

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Features page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Features page.

Step 2 Check the Include Receipts in Searches check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Live Record

Live record allows subscribers to record conversations while they talk to callers. The recorded conversation is stored as a message in the subscriber mailbox, and the subscriber can review it later or redirect it to another subscriber or group of subscribers. Operators in your organization may find live record particularly useful.

Live record is supported only when Cisco Unity is integrated with a Cisco CallManager phone system. In addition, live record does not work for subscribers who have full mailboxes. When a subscriber who has a full mailbox records a call, the feature seems to work normally, but the recorded conversation is not stored as a message in the subscriber mailbox.

The Advanced Settings Tool allows you to specify how often Cisco Unity plays a beep as a call is recorded and how long the beep plays. To set up live record—including the beep, refer to the Cisco Unity Tools website at

Consider providing the applicable subscribers with the information in the "Using Live Record" section on page 7-7 so that they understand how to use the feature and can review the following disclaimer.

DISCLAIMER: The use of monitoring, recording, or listening devices to eavesdrop, monitor, retrieve, or record phone conversations or other sound activities, whether or not contemporaneous with transmission, may be illegal in certain circumstances under federal, state and/or local laws. Legal advice should be sought prior to implementing any practice that monitors or records any phone conversation. Some laws require some form of notification to all parties to a phone conversation, such as by using a beep tone or other notification method or requiring the consent of all parties to the phone conversation, prior to monitoring or recording the phone conversation. Some of these laws incorporate strict penalties. In cases where local laws require a periodic beep while a conversation is being recorded, the Cisco Unity phone system provides a user with the option of activating "the beep." Prior to activating Cisco Unity's call record function, check the laws of all applicable jurisdictions. This is not legal advice and should not take the place of obtaining legal advice from a lawyer. IN ADDITION TO THE GENERAL DISCLAIMER THAT ACCOMPANIES THIS UNITY PRODUCT, CISCO ADDITIONALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, BOTH CIVIL AND CRIMINAL, AND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UNAUTHORIZED AND/OR ILLEGAL USE OF THIS UNITY PRODUCT. THIS DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO, THE UNAUTHORIZED AND/OR ILLEGAL RECORDING AND MONITORING OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS.

Live Reply ("Call the Subscriber") Behavior When Used to Leave Messages

When subscribers use the live reply feature to return a call from a subscriber, but the subscriber does not answer and so they leave a message, Cisco Unity uses the calling number to identify who the message is from. This means that Cisco Unity will correctly identify who the message is from only when a subscriber uses live reply from his or her own extension.

When a subscriber uses another phone to use live reply and leave a message for a subscriber, Cisco Unity does not correctly identify who the message is from. Instead, Cisco Unity may indicate that the message is from an "unidentified caller" even though the subscriber who left the message was logged on to Cisco Unity at the time.

Offering Subscribers a "Quick Message" Option

By using the Custom Key Map utility, you can provide subscribers with the option to send "quick messages." After listening to a message, a subscriber can press the applicable key to quickly switch to the send message conversation to send a message; when the message has been sent, the subscriber is then returned to the message playback conversation, to the exact spot in the message stack he or she was in before sending the quick message. When the subscriber presses the quick message key, the conversation announces "sending quick message"; when the message has been sent, the conversation then announces "returning to message" as an audible cue to the subscriber.

This functionality is only available while the After Message menu plays.

Note the following behaviors:

When subscribers send quick messages, they will hear the same send menu style that they normally hear, and the recording and addressing order will be the same.

Subscribers will only be allowed to send a single quick message before being returned to the message playback conversation. If the subscriber wants to send additional quick messages, the applicable quick message key must be pressed again.

To set up the feature, do the following tasks:

1. Use the Custom Key Map utility to map a key sequence to the Send Quick Message action. For additional information on using the utility, see Custom Key Map utility Help.

2. Assign subscribers to a Custom Keypad Mapping conversation on the Subscribers > Subscriber > Conversation page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.

Offering Subscribers the Option to Change the Priority of Messages by Marking Them Urgent or Normal

By using the Custom Key Map utility, you can give subscribers the option to toggle the priority of a message from normal to urgent, and vice versa. Subscribers can toggle the message priority during message playback, and also as the After Message menu plays. When the subscriber presses the applicable key, the priority of the current message is toggled: if the message is currently marked urgent, then it will be set to normal priority; if the message is currently marked normal, then it will be set to urgent priority. The conversation announces the new priority setting for the message, and then moves on to the next message in the stack.

Note the following behaviors:

When a subscriber toggles the priority of a message, the "new" or "saved" status of the message does not change.

If the subscriber presses the applicable key to change the priority of a message while listening to it, the conversation will stop playing the message, announce the new priority setting, and then move to the next message, in effect skipping over the message.

The order of messages in the subscriber stack will not be updated to reflect the new priority of the toggled message until the subscriber leaves the stack by hanging up, or by backing out to the main menu.

To set up the feature, do the following tasks:

1. Use the Custom Key Map utility to map a key sequence to the Toggle Urgency Flag action. For additional information on using the utility, see Custom Key Map utility Help.

2. Assign subscribers to a Custom Keypad Mapping conversation on the Subscribers > Subscriber > Conversation page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.

Note Regardless of which conversation style they are assigned to, subscribers who use the Cisco Unity Inbox can prioritize messages by checking or unchecking the "Mark Urgent" check box in the message window.

Offering Subscribers the Option to Jump to the First or Last Message in a Stack

By using the Custom Key Map utility, you can give subscribers the option to jump to the first or last message in the message stack while they are listening to messages. This option is available in the new, saved, and deleted message stacks. While listening to messages, the subscriber presses the applicable key. The conversation then jumps to the requested message, announcing either "first message" or "last message" as an audible cue to the subscriber.

This functionality is available during message playback and also while the After Message menu plays.

To set up the feature, do the following tasks:

1. Use the Custom Key Map utility to map a key sequence to both the Jump to Start of Message Stack and the Jump to End of Message Stack actions. For additional information on using the utility, see Custom Key Map utility Help.

2. Assign subscribers to a Custom Keypad Mapping conversation on the Subscribers > Subscriber > Conversation page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.

Prompting Subscribers to Record Introductions When They Forward Messages

When the Cisco Unity conversation is set to prompt subscribers to address messages before recording them, you can help subscribers avoid forwarding messages without introductions by using the Advanced Settings Tool to specify that Cisco Unity will prompt subscribers to record an introduction when they press the # key immediately after addressing the message. Although subscribers are still not required to record an introduction in order to send the message (they can press # again to skip it), they may be more likely to do so when they hear Cisco Unity prompt them for an introduction.

To change how Cisco Unity responds when subscribers press the # key immediately after addressing a forwarded message, see Advanced Settings Tool Help. The setting is called Conversation—Subscriber Forward Message Flow (Prompt for Introduction). Note that the setting has no effect on the conversation when Cisco Unity is set to prompt subscribers to record first and then address messages.

Providing Caller Information with Text Message Notifications

When you set up Cisco Unity to send message notifications in the form of text messages to subscriber text pagers, text-compatible cell phones, or e-mail addresses, you can specify that Cisco Unity provides caller information in the notifications. Caller information appears after the message counts (as applicable), numbered in order from newest to oldest message. For example, a text pager notification that includes a value in the Text and From fields, message counts, and caller information would look like this:

Urgent message for Technical Support.
Urgent Voice Count: 1
Voice Count: 2
E-mail Count: 2
1. Kelly Bader
2. 2065551205
3. Kelly Bader
4. Caller information unknown
<number to call Cisco Unity as indicated in From field>

Whether Cisco Unity provides the name or number of the caller, or merely indicates that the caller information is not known, depends on whether the message that triggered the notification was from a subscriber, unidentified caller, or a fax server.

To learn more about the caller information that Cisco Unity can provide and how to enable the feature, see field Help for the Include Caller Information check box on the Message Notification pages for subscribers and templates in the Cisco Unity Administrator. You can offer caller information for a group of subscribers who use text message notifications by using the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.

To alert subscribers that they can include caller information when they set up text message notifications in the Cisco Unity Assistant, provide them with the information in the "Including Caller Information with Text Message Notifications" section on page 7-3.

Tip When message notifications include caller information, subscribers may not wish to hear the information again when they log on to Cisco Unity by phone to play the message. Consider using the Custom Key Map utility to map a key (for example, the # key) so that subscribers can easily skip from the message header to the message body. (For additional information on using the utility, see Custom Key Map utility Help.) Alternatively, subscribers can use the Cisco Unity Assistant to specify that Cisco Unity does not play caller information before playing messages.

Setting Up Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry (Cisco Unity Unified Messaging with Exchange Only)

The Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry is not a licensed feature, nor does it require that you give subscribers special class of service (COS) privileges. As long as their Blackberry devices are connected to a Blackberry server that has a Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry plug-in installed, and the devices are configured properly, subscribers can use their Blackberry devices to access Cisco Unity voice messages on a Cisco Unity server that is set up for Unified Messaging.

Voice messages appear along with other messages in the BlackBerry Inbox. To play a Cisco Unity voice message, subscribers use their BlackBerry device to open the message and click the associated link. Cisco Unity calls the phone number specified for message playback, and when the subscriber answers the call, the message begins to play. (Note that the restriction tables associated with the subscriber class of service may prohibit them from specifying certain phone numbers for message playback.)

The menu options available during and after message playback are the same as those available when subscribers log on to Cisco Unity to play messages over the phone. After saving or deleting a message, subscribers can select another message from the BlackBerry Inbox to play, or they can press * to log on to Cisco Unity to perform other tasks.

Task List for Setting Up Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry

Do the following tasks to set up Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry:

1. Optional: Set up Cisco Unity to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol in its communications with the BlackBerry server so that the data exchanged between the Cisco Unity server and the BlackBerry server is sent over an encrypted HTTPS connection. In addition, consider preventing the BlackBerry device from displaying the resulting security alert.

For detailed instructions, see the task list in the "Manually Setting Up the System to Use SSL" section in the "Using SSL to Secure Client/Server Connections" chapter of the Cisco Unity Security Guide, Release 4.x, available at

2. To allow subscribers to use the phone as a recording and playback device, specify that Cisco Unity has at least one voice messaging port designated for this purpose.

For more information, see the "Voice Messaging Port Settings" section in the "System Settings" chpater of the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide, Release 4.0(5), available at

3. Install the Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry plug-in on the BlackBerry server. See the Release Notes for Cisco Unity Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry Release 1.0(1) at The document specifies the requirements and procedures for installing the Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry plug-in.

4. Provide subscribers with the procedures in the "Using Mobile Message Access for BlackBerry (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)" section on page 7-7 so that they can set up their devices to use the BlackBerry browser. In addition, the first time that they use the BlackBerry device to access Cisco Unity voice messages, they will need to specify the phone number that Cisco Unity calls to play messages.

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Ask Subscribers to Confirm Deletions of New and Saved Messages

By default, when subscribers delete new and saved messages by phone, Cisco Unity does not ask them to confirm the deletion. Some subscribers may prefer that Cisco Unity ask them to confirm the choice before deleting the messages. Confirming the deletion of messages is particularly useful to those subscribers who do not have access to deleted messages.

To specify that Cisco Unity will ask subscribers to confirm their deletions, do the following procedure for an individual subscriber or on a subscriber template. (To make the change for a group of subscribers, you can use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that neither the Cisco Unity Assistant nor the Cisco Unity conversation offer a way for subscribers to make the change themselves.

To Specify That Cisco Unity Will Ask Subscribers to Confirm Deletions of New and Saved Messages

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Conversation page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Conversation page.

Step 2 Check the Confirm Deletions of New and Saved Messages check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Play New Messages Automatically

By default, subscribers hear the Main menu after they log on to Cisco Unity. You can customize the conversation so that Cisco Unity will play new messages instead. When you specify that Cisco Unity will play new messages automatically, subscribers no longer need to press a key to play new messages ("Press 1 for new messages").

Even when you have set Cisco Unity to play new messages automatically, the conversation that subscribers hear sounds and acts the same:

Cisco Unity plays the subscriber recorded name, alternate greeting notification, new message counts, and the Message Type menu as specified.

System broadcast messages, full mailbox warnings, reminders to reset passwords, and other such prompts are played before Cisco Unity begins playing new messages.

Subscribers must indicate whether they want to save or delete the message before Cisco Unity plays the next new message.

Subscribers can exit message playback to hear the Main menu at any time.

Also note that if subscribers have no new messages, the Main menu is played as usual.

To specify that Cisco Unity will play new messages automatically, do the following procedure for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. (To make the change for a group of subscribers, you can use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that neither the Cisco Unity Assistant nor the Cisco Unity conversation offer a way for subscribers to make the change themselves.

After you enable the feature, consider providing subscribers with the information in the "Checking Messages by Phone When Cisco Unity Plays New Messages Automatically" section on page 7-3 so that they understand what to expect when they log on to Cisco Unity to check messages by phone.

To Specify That Cisco Unity Will Play New Messages Automatically

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Conversation page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Conversation page.

Step 2 Check the New Messages Automatically check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Specifying That Cisco Unity Will Prompt Subscribers to Confirm Addressees by Name

By default, when subscribers send, forward, or reply to messages by phone, Cisco Unity does not ask them to confirm each addressee that they add—even when they address a message by entering subscriber extensions. For subscribers who prefer that Cisco Unity confirm each addressee by name (regardless of how they add the addressee), you can specify that Cisco Unity will announce "<subscriber name> added" after each addressee is added.

To specify that Cisco Unity will prompt subscribers to confirm addressees by name, do the following procedure for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. (To make the change for a group of subscribers, you can use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that neither the Cisco Unity Assistant nor the Cisco Unity conversation offer a way for subscribers to make the change themselves.

To Specify That Cisco Unity Will Prompt Subscribers to Confirm Addressees by Name

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Conversation page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Conversation page.

Step 2 Check the Confirm Addressee by Name check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Specifying That Messages Are Marked Saved When Subscribers Hang Up or Are Disconnected

By default, when subscribers listen to the body of a message by phone, Cisco Unity retains the message as-is—either as a new or saved message—unless subscribers indicate otherwise before hanging up or being disconnected. However, some subscribers may prefer that Cisco Unity marks all messages saved as soon as they access the message body.

To specify that messages are marked saved when subscribers hang up or are disconnected, do the following procedure for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. (To make the change for a group of subscribers, you can use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that neither the Cisco Unity Assistant nor the Cisco Unity conversation offer a way for subscribers to make the change themselves.

After you enable the feature, make sure to alert subscribers of the change.

To Specify That Messages Are Marked Saved When Subscribers Hang Up or Are Disconnected

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Conversation page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Conversation page.

Step 2 Check the Mark a Message as Saved Upon Hang-Up or Disconnection check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Specifying the Style of Phone Menus That Subscribers Hear When They Send, Reply to, and Forward Messages

You can specify the menus that subscribers hear when they send, reply to, and forward messages over the phone. The send menu style affects what subscribers hear after they have recorded and addressed a message.

By default, subscribers hear the Streamlined Send menu. Compared to the tiered menus that are offered with the Standard Send menu style, the Streamlined Send menu is designed so that subscribers use fewer keystrokes to mark messages urgent, request receipts, and perform other tasks after they have addressed and recorded a message. The following table compares the two send menu styles:

Streamlined Send Menu
Standard Send Menus

# - Send message
1 - Urgent
2 - Return receipt
3 - Private
4 - Future delivery (Exchange only)
5 - Review recording
6 - Re-record
7 - Add to recording
91 - Add name
92 - Hear all names (and delete names)

# - Send message
1 - Message options
1 - Change address
1 - Add name
2 - Hear all names
3 - Remove name
2 - Change recording
1 - Hear recording
2 - Save recording
3 - Re-record
4 - Add to recording
3 - Set special delivery
1 - Urgent
2 - Return receipt
3 - Private
4 - Future delivery (Exchange only)
4 - Review message
# - Send message

Note When subscribers switch from Standard Send menus to Streamlined Send menu, they may continue to use old shortcuts to set special delivery options before sending a message. For example, out of habit, subscribers may press 131# to mark a message urgent and send it. In the Streamlined Send menus, using the same shortcut marks the message urgent, private, and then marks the message normal again before it is sent. As a result, the recipient receives a private message, and not the urgent message that the sender intended. As with any conversation change, make sure that subscribers understand the implications of changing from Standard to Streamlined Send menus so that they can adjust their behavior accordingly.

Streamlined Send menus also offer easier navigation of lists when subscribers address messages:

List Navigation with Streamlined Send Menus
List Navigation with Standard Send Menus

Cisco Unity offers a "skip and scan" method of selecting names from lists. Cisco Unity presents the entire list of matches, and when subscribers hear the name they want, they press # to select it. (Subscribers press 3 to delete a name when reviewing lists.) They can also press 7 or 9 to skip to, respectively, the previous or next name in the list, and can press 7-7 or 9-9 to skip to the beginning or end of the list.

In this way, subscribers can navigate and select names from long lists more quickly and efficiently, which may reduce the time that they spend addressing messages.

Cisco Unity presents six names at a time when subscribers select addressees from a list of names. When subscribers hear the name they want, they select the name by pressing the number (from 1 to 6) that corresponds to the name; if they do not make a selection, Cisco Unity presents the next set of six names.

Note The send menu style that you select does not affect the order in which Cisco Unity prompts subscribers to address and record when they send or forward messages to other subscribers, nor does it affect whether Cisco Unity prompts subscribers to continue addressing. (You specify addressing order by using the Advanced Settings Tool to change the Conversation—Subscriber Send Message Flow setting. For details on continuous addressing, see the "Streamlining Message Addressing for Multiple Recipients" section.)

Do the following procedure to specify the send menu style for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. To make the change for a group of subscribers, use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot. Alternatively, provide subscribers with the information in the "Specifying the Send Menu That You Hear When You Send, Reply To, and Forward Messages" section on page 7-6 so that they can use the Cisco Unity Assistant to specify the send menu style that they prefer.

To Specify a Send Menu Style

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Conversation page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Conversation page.

Step 2 From the Send Message Style list, click the style of menu that you want subscribers to hear.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Subscribers Can Press ## or 00 to Switch Search Modes

When subscribers use Cisco Unity to address messages, edit private lists, or find messages by phone, they search for a subscriber either by spelling the name or by entering the extension. Subscribers can switch search modes by pressing ## or 00. By default, Cisco Unity responds to either key combination; you do not need to configure it to do so.

It is important to note, however, that when subscribers press 00 to switch search modes, they will experience a delay before Cisco Unity responds. To avoid the delay, subscribers can press ## rather than press 00. Alternatively, you can reduce the amount of time that Cisco Unity waits for key presses so that subscribers no longer experience the delay when pressing 00.

Reducing the amount of time that Cisco Unity waits for more key presses can eliminate the delay when subscribers press 00 to switch search modes, but at the same time, it also reduces the time that Cisco Unity waits for additional key presses as subscribers address messages, update passwords, change call transfer or message notification numbers, and so on. For this reason, we recommend that you reduce the value specified for the How Long Cisco Unity Waits for Additional Key Presses After Subscriber Has Pressed a Key field (also known as the Interdigit Timeout setting) only for individual subscribers who are likely to use 00, rather than for all subscribers who are associated with a Cisco Unity server.

The How Long Cisco Unity Waits for Additional Key Presses After Subscriber Has Pressed a Key field is on the Conversation pages for individual subscribers in the Cisco Unity Administrator. By default, Cisco Unity waits 3000 milliseconds for additional key presses before it acts.

Errors and Changes

The following sections apply to the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide (With IBM Lotus Domino), Release 4.0(5) at and to the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide (With Microsoft Exchange), Release 4.0(5) at, unless otherwise noted:

Changes That Affect All Cisco Unity Guides

Available Languages for Cisco Unity Components

Changing the Speed of the Cisco Unity Conversation in the Cisco Unity Administrator

Changing the Volume for the Cisco Unity Conversation in the Cisco Unity Administrator

Message Locator

Message Notification Schedule Settings

Conversation Settings: Responding to Phone Menu Field Definition

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Maximum Message Length

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Using a Graphical User Interface to Send and Manage Messages

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Using Prerecorded System Broadcast Messages

How You Can Customize Cisco Unity Conversations

Changing How Subscribers Skip Messages During Message Playback (Standard Conversation)

Streamlining Message Addressing for Multiple Recipients

Managing Security Alerts When Using SSL Connections

Subscriber Template Call Transfer Settings

Subscriber Template Caller Input Settings

Subscriber Call Transfer Settings

Call Handler Transfer Settings

Viewing and Printing Reports (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Viewing and Printing Reports (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Distribution Lists Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Transfer Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Transfer Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Outcall Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Outcall Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Port Usage Report

AMIS Out Traffic Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

AMIS Out Traffic Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

Configuration Settings: Identified Subscriber Messaging Field

Configuration Settings: Responding to Phone Menu Field Definition

Subscriber Address Book Settings (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

Changes That Affect All Cisco Unity Guides

Cross-References to System Requirements Document

In cross-references to Cisco Unity 4.x System Requirements, and Supported Hardware and Software, refer instead to the following documents:

Cisco Unity 4.2 System Requirements at

Supported Hardware and Software, and Support Policies for Cisco Unity 4.2 and Later at

Exchange 5.5 No Longer Supported

Exchange 5.5 is no longer supported as the message store for Cisco Unity messages, for either new installations or upgrades. In Cisco Unity guides and Help, ignore any references to Exchange 5.5 as being supported. (Some Cisco Unity applications may contain Exchange 5.5 references as well.)

With Cisco Unity 4.2, installations and upgrades will fail when Exchange 5.5 is the message store. Before you can upgrade to version 4.2, you must upgrade to Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000.

Windows NT Domain No Longer Supported

Making a Cisco Unity server a member server in a Windows NT domain is no longer supported. In Cisco Unity guides and Help, ignore any references to a Windows NT domain as being supported. (Some Cisco Unity applications may contain Windows NT domain references as well.)

Available Languages for Cisco Unity Components

The "Setting Up Cisco Unity Applications on Subscriber Workstations" chapter and the "Languages" chapter both incorrectly refer to the Cisco Unity System Requirements, and Supported Hardware and Software for a list of all languages available for ViewMail, IBM Lotus Domino Unified Communications (DUC) for Cisco, and the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA).

The information is in the "Available Languages for Cisco Unity Components" section of Release Notes for Cisco Unity Release 4.2(1), at

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Changing the Speed of the Cisco Unity Conversation in the Cisco Unity Administrator

The "Cisco Unity Conversation," "Subscriber Template Settings," and "Subscriber Settings" chapters incorrectly state that the Speed setting is located on the Conversation page in the Cisco Unity Assistant. The setting has been moved to the Profile pages for templates and subscribers and has been renamed to clarify its purpose. The setting is now called "Prompts Speed."

The chapters also incorrectly state that the setting does not affect the speed of recorded voice names or subscriber greetings. In fact, the setting controls the speed for all elements of the Cisco Unity conversation—prompts, recorded voice names, receipts, message headers and footers, and subscriber greetings.

Note that the information has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Changing the Volume for the Cisco Unity Conversation in the Cisco Unity Administrator

The "Cisco Unity Conversation," "Subscriber Template Settings," and "Subscriber Settings" chapters incorrectly state that the Volume control in the Cisco Unity Administrator allows subscribers to adjust the volume of the Cisco Unity conversation. In fact, it controls message playback volume.

The chapters also incorrectly state that the Volume setting is located on the Conversation page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. The setting has been moved to the Profile page for templates and subscribers and has been renamed to clarify its purpose. The setting is now called "Message Playback Volume."

Note that the information has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Message Locator

The "Cisco Unity Conversation," "Subscriber Template Settings," and "Subscriber Settings" chapters incorrectly state that when Message Locator is enabled, Cisco Unity prompts the subscriber to "Press 5 to find messages" from the Main menu for all conversation styles. In fact, for Alternate Keypad Mapping X and Alternate Keypad Mapping S, Cisco Unity prompts subscribers to press 8 instead.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Message Notification Schedule Settings

The "Subscriber Template Settings" and "Subscriber Settings" chapters do not clearly explain how message notification schedules work. When you have new messages during the active hours of a notification schedule, Cisco Unity makes notification calls. When new messages arrive during inactive hours, Cisco Unity sends message notifications at the start of the next active hour in your schedule. The chapters did not specify that Cisco Unity sends a message notification for any message that is marked new at the start of the next active hour in the subscriber schedule—even if notification has already been received for that particular message.

Note that the content has been clarified in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Conversation Settings: Responding to Phone Menu Field Definition

The description for the Responding to Phone Menu field in the "Subscriber Template Settings" and the "Subscriber Settings" chapters is incorrect. The description should read:

For each subscriber, you can specify the following:

How long Cisco Unity waits for subscriber to press a first key after playing a menu. This setting is also known as the "First Digit Timeout." The range of valid entries is 500 to 10,000 milliseconds. Default: 5000 milliseconds.

How long Cisco Unity waits for additional key presses after subscriber has pressed a key when they enter subscriber names or extensions to address a message, update passwords, change call transfer or message notification numbers, and the like. This setting is also known as the "Interdigit Timeout." The range of valid entries is 1000 to 10,000 milliseconds. Default: 3000 milliseconds.

How many times Cisco Unity repeats a menu if the subscriber has not responded to a menu. The range of valid entries is 0 to 250. Default: 1.

Note Use caution when significantly increasing the number of times that Cisco Unity repeats a menu for subscribers. In the event that a subscriber puts a call to Cisco Unity on hold and forgets to return to it, or if the call is not disconnected as expected when the subscriber hangs up, Cisco Unity can tie up a voice port for long periods of time by repeating a phone menu.

The values that you specify for the above settings control the phone menus for all subscriber conversations (for example, the Main menu, message playback menus, After Message menu, and menus for Setup Options), except those menus played to validate subscriber IDs and passwords.

When you leave a field blank, the settings specified on the System > Configuration > Settings page dictate how long Cisco Unity waits for subscribers and how many times Cisco Unity repeats a menu.

The Responding to Phone Menu fields appear on the Conversation pages of the Cisco Unity Administrator for both subscribers and templates. Note that Cisco Unity Administrator Help has not been updated to reflect all of the changes.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Maximum Message Length

The "Task List for Setting Up and Offering Access to the Cisco Unity Broadcast Message Administrator" section of the "Cisco Unity Conversation" chapter gives incorrect information about the maximum recording length. The guide incorrectly indicates that the Advanced Settings tool only allows you to specify up to 360,000 milliseconds for the maximum recording length of system broadcast messages. In fact, you can use the tool to specify up to 3,600,000 milliseconds (60 minutes) for the maximum recording length.

The Advanced Settings Tool is available in the Tools Depot. The setting is called Conversation—System Broadcast Message Maximum Recording Length.

Note that the error has been corrected in Advanced Settings Tool and Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Using a Graphical User Interface to Send and Manage Messages

The "Sending System Broadcast Messages" section of the "Cisco Unity Conversation" chapter does not indicate that there are two tools that you can use to send and manage system broadcast messages. The section details only how to use the Cisco Unity Broadcast Message Administrator—a special conversation that allows you to send and manage broadcast messages by phone.

The section does not mention that you can also use the Broadcast Message Administrator Tool—a tool with a graphical interface—to send and manage system broadcast messages for the local Cisco Unity server. The graphical interface for the Broadcast Message Administrator Tool offers an easy way to specify the recording and schedule for a new system broadcast message, to play active system broadcast messages and review who has played them, and to delete system broadcast messages. Although no class of service rights are required to use the tool, administrators must be able to log on to the Cisco Unity server to use it.

The tool is available in Tools Depot. To learn how to use it, see Broadcast Message Administrator Tool Help.

Cisco Unity Administrator Help will be corrected in the next release.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Sending System Broadcast Messages: Using Prerecorded System Broadcast Messages

The "Sending System Broadcast Messages" section of the "Cisco Unity Conversation" chapter does not indicate that there are prerecorded system broadcast messages available for use. You may want to send one of the prerecorded messages to welcome subscribers to a new system, or to summarize changes to Cisco Unity after an upgrade. The prerecorded messages are available in G711 and G729a format in the following directories on the Cisco Unity server:

CommServer\Utilities\BMManager\Example Messages\711

CommServer\Utilities\BMManager\Example Messages\729a

Alternatively, you can modify the recording scripts detailed in the ExampleMessagesScript.txt file, and record your own system broadcast messages. The script file is located in the CommServer\Utilities\BMManager\Example Messages directory on the Cisco Unity server.

Cisco Unity Administrator Help will be corrected in the next release.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

How You Can Customize Cisco Unity Conversations

The table in the "How You Can Customize Cisco Unity Conversations" section of the "Cisco Unity Conversation" chapter offers incorrect and incomplete information, as indicated below:

The description for the Double-Key Time Interval incorrectly indicates that you use the Conversation—Set "Double Key Press" Time in the Advanced Settings Tool to adjust the time that Cisco Unity waits for a second key before acting upon the first. With the release of Cisco Unity 4.2(1), the setting is now called Conversation—Set "Double Key Press" Time for Changing Addressing Mode. In addition, note that the setting only controls the time that Cisco Unity waits for the second # or 0 key when subscribers switch between addressing by name and ID. To learn more, see Advanced Settings Tool Help.

The description for Responding to Phone Menus: Timeouts for Subscribers does not indicate how the conversation is affected by the value that you specify for the length of time that Cisco Unity waits for additional digits after a subscriber has pressed a key. The value controls how long Cisco Unity waits for more key presses when subscribers spell names or enter digits to address messages, update passwords, change call transfer or message notification numbers, and so on.

It does not control how long Cisco Unity waits for additional digits when subscribers press a key that is mapped to more than one menu command (for example, subscribers can press 4 to reply or press 42 to reply to all when using the standard conversation style). For more information on the setting that controls the time that Cisco Unity waits for a second key before acting upon the first when subscribers respond to menu commands, see the "Adjusting Response Timeouts for Phone Menu Commands" section.

Cisco Unity Administrator Help will be corrected in the next release.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Changing How Subscribers Skip Messages During Message Playback (Standard Conversation)

The "Changing How Subscribers Skip Messages During Message Playback" section in the "Conversations" chapter incorrectly states that when you change the registry to set # to skip to the next message, subscribers can also press 99 to fast-forward to the end of a message. In fact, once you have made the change, subscribers no longer have a way to fast-forward to the end of the message. Pressing 99 instead fast-forwards ten seconds into a message; no keys are mapped to allow subscribers to fast-forward to the end of the message.

See Table 5-2 for a correct listing of key presses and the tasks associated with them.

Table 5-2 Shortcut Keys Affected by Changing How # Behaves During Message Playback 

Key(s) Subscribers Press When Registry Value is O1
Key(s) Subscribers Press When Registry Value is 1

Skip message and save as is



Fast-forward to end of message
(Cisco Unity plays After Message menu)


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and restore as saved (Exchange only)


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and reply


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and reply to all


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and forward message


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and save as new (or restore as new, Exchange only)


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and deliver e-mail/fax to fax


<no keys mapped>

Fast-forward to end of message and play message properties


<no keys mapped>

1 Note that the Cisco Unity at a Glance, Cisco Unity Phone Menus and Shortcuts, and the Cisco Unity User Guide reflect the key mapping that subscribers use when the registry value is set to 0.

The "Changing How Subscribers Skip Messages During Message Playback" section also omits the following recommendation:

Tip We recommend that you use the Custom Keypad Map utility to adjust how # behaves during message playback, rather than using the Advanced Settings Tool. When you use the Custom Keypad Map, you can also map a key to allow subscribers to fast-forward to the end of the message. (You assign subscribers to a Custom Keypad Mapping conversation on the Subscribers > Subscriber > Conversation page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.)

Cisco Unity Administrator Help will be corrected in the next release.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Streamlining Message Addressing for Multiple Recipients

The "Streamlining Message Addressing for Multiple Recipients" section in the "Conversations" chapter should be replaced with the following content:

Specifying That Cisco Unity Prompts Subscribers to Continue Addressing

By default, when subscribers address messages by phone ("Press 2 to send" or when forwarding a message), Cisco Unity allows them to add a single recipient and then prompts them to indicate what they want to do next ("To add another recipient, press 1. For message options, press 3. To record, press #."). Subscribers who send and forward messages to multiple recipients may find pressing 1 to continue addressing after each recipient tedious and time-consuming. If this is an issue for subscribers in your organization, you can specify that Cisco Unity will instead allow subscribers to continue adding names after each recipient. In this way, you can streamline the addressing process when subscribers send and forward messages to multiple recipients, which may be a welcome change for those who routinely send messages to more than one recipient.

However, if you make the change, consider that when subscribers address messages to a single recipient, they are now required to press an additional key to send a message in the following situations:

When subscribers forward messages to a single recipient, they will be required to press one additional key.

When subscribers send messages to a single recipient and Cisco Unity is set up to prompt them to record messages before addressing them, they will be required to press one additional key.

To specify that Cisco Unity prompts subscribers to continue addressing, do the following procedure for an individual subscriber or in a subscriber template. (To make the change for a group of subscribers, you can use the Bulk Edit tool available in Tools Depot.) Note that neither the Cisco Unity Assistant nor the Cisco Unity conversation offer a way for subscribers to make the change themselves.

Continuous (or "streamlined") addressing is available for use with all conversations and send menu styles.

Note Specifying that Cisco Unity prompts subscribers to continue addressing does not affect the order in which Cisco Unity prompts subscribers to address and record when they send or forward messages to other subscribers. (You specify addressing order by using the Advanced Settings Tool to change the Conversation—Subscriber Send Message Flow setting.)

To Specify That Cisco Unity Prompts Subscribers to Continue Addressing

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the applicable page:

To modify the template that you will use to create subscriber accounts, go to any Subscribers > Subscriber Template page, and find the template that you want to modify. Then browse to the Conversation page.

To modify an existing subscriber account, go to any Subscribers > Subscribers page and find the applicable subscriber. Then browse to the Conversation page.

Step 2 Check the Continue Adding Names After Each Addressee check box.

Step 3 Click the Save icon.

Cisco Unity Administrator Help will be corrected in the next release.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Managing Security Alerts When Using SSL Connections

The "Managing Security Alerts When Using SSL Connections" section in the "Setting Up Cisco Unity Applications on Subscriber Workstations" chapter should have been removed.

Updated conceptual information and procedures are available in the "Using SSL to Secure Client/Server Connections" chapter of the Cisco Unity Security Guide. The Exchange version of the guide is available at The Domino version of the guide is available at

Subscriber Template Call Transfer Settings

The "Subscriber Template Call Transfer Settings" section in the "Subscriber Template Settings" chapter incorrectly describes how supervised transfers work. In the Transfer Type field, the guide does not indicate that the Transfer Type feature requires that call forwarding not be enabled on the subscriber extension.

The correct description is:

Supervise Transfer—Cisco Unity acts as a receptionist, handling the transfer. If the line is busy or the call is not answered, Cisco Unity—not the phone system—forwards the call to the subscriber or handler greeting. Use Supervise Transfer only when call forwarding is not enabled on the subscriber extension.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Subscriber Template Caller Input Settings

In the "To Define an Action for a Key" procedure in the "Subscriber Template Caller Input Settings" section of the "Subscriber Template Settings" chapter, the procedure incorrectly includes the following note:

Note The Cisco Unity Administrator does not allow you to map the same action to more than one key. Thus, when you select an action that is already assigned to another key, Cisco Unity assigns the key that you selected in Step 2 to the action, leaving the other key unassigned.

In fact, you can use the Caller Input settings to map the same action to more than one key.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Subscriber Call Transfer Settings

The "Subscriber Call Transfer Settings" section in the "Subscriber Settings" chapter incorrectly describes how supervised transfers work. In the Transfer Type field, the guide does not indicate that the Transfer Type feature requires that call forwarding not be enabled on the subscriber extension.

The correct description is:

Supervise Transfer—Cisco Unity acts as a receptionist, handling the transfer. If the line is busy or the call is not answered, Cisco Unity—not the phone system—forwards the call to the subscriber or handler greeting. Use Supervise Transfer only when call forwarding is not enabled on the subscriber extension.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Call Handler Transfer Settings

The "Call Handler Transfer Settings" section in the "Call Handler Settings" chapter incorrectly describes how supervised transfers work. In the Transfer Type field, the guide does not indicate that the Transfer Type feature requires that call forwarding not be enabled on the subscriber extension.

The correct description is:

Supervise Transfer—Cisco Unity acts as a receptionist, handling the transfer. If the line is busy or the call is not answered, Cisco Unity—not the phone system—forwards the call to the subscriber or handler greeting. Use Supervise Transfer only when call forwarding is not enabled on the subscriber extension.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Viewing and Printing Reports (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

The "Viewing and Printing Reports" section in the "Reports" chapter is missing the following information:

When a report has completed, Cisco Unity sends an e-mail to the person who generated the report. To receive the e-mail, the person running the report must be either a Cisco Unity subscriber or associated with a Cisco Unity subscriber account. If the account that you use to log on to the Cisco Unity Administrator is not associated with a subscriber account, use the GrantUnityAccess utility to associate the account with a subscriber account that is in a class of service with system access to the Cisco Unity Administrator.

In addition, the procedure "To View a Report" is incorrect.

Do the following procedure instead:

To View a Report

Step 1 Click the link in the e-mail message.

Step 2 If the report is in Web page format, the browser will start automatically and display the information. If the report is in comma-delimited format, you may be required to choose an application in which to display the information.

Note that the errors have been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Viewing and Printing Reports (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

The "Viewing and Printing Reports" section in the "Reports" chapter is missing the following information:

When a report has completed, Cisco Unity sends an e-mail to the person who generated the report. To receive the e-mail, the person running the report must be either a Cisco Unity subscriber or associated with a Cisco Unity subscriber account. If the account that you use to log on to the Cisco Unity Administrator is not associated with a subscriber account, use the GrantUnityAccess utility to associate the account with a subscriber account that is in a class of service with system access to the Cisco Unity Administrator.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Distribution Lists Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

The "Distribution Lists Report" section in the "Reports" chapter incorrectly states that you can include distribution list members in the report, and instructs you to check the List All Members for Each Distribution List check box in order to do so.

In fact, you cannot include distribution list members in the report, and there is no check box for the option in the Cisco Unity Administrator.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Transfer Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

The first paragraph in the "Transfer Billing Report" section in the "Reports" chapter is inaccurate, and should be replaced with the following paragraph:

"Use the Transfer Billing report to obtain information about calls that are transferred from subscribers or from call handlers to phones. Information about calls that are transferred to greetings or to other call handlers is not included in the report. You can use this report for billing purposes or to keep track of transfers to long distance phone numbers. You can generate the report for all subscribers, a selected subscriber, all billing IDs, a selected billing ID, all call handlers, or a single call handler."

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Transfer Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

The first paragraph in the "Transfer Billing Report" section in the "Reports" chapter is inaccurate, and should be replaced with the following paragraph:

"Use the Transfer Billing report to obtain information about calls that are transferred from subscribers or from call handlers to phones. Information about calls that are transferred to greetings or to other call handlers is not included in the report. You can use this report for billing purposes or to keep track of transfers to long distance phone numbers. You can generate the report for all subscribers, a selected subscriber, all billing IDs, a selected billing ID, a single distribution list, all call handlers, or a single call handler."

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Outcall Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

The "Outcall Billing Report" section in the "Reports" chapter incorrectly states that you can generate the report for subscribers, billing IDs, or for a distribution list.

In fact, you can generate the report only for subscribers or for billing IDs.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Outcall Billing Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

The second paragraph in the "Outcall Billing Report" section in the "Reports" chapter incorrectly states that the dial time option excludes subscribers with a billing ID of 0 (zero).

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Port Usage Report

The "Port Usage Report" section in the "Reports" chapter incorrectly defines the Length of Calls field as the total length, in milliseconds, of all calls on the port per hour, day, or week for the time period specified.

The correct definition is that the field value represents the length of time in seconds, rather than in milliseconds.

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

(Links to the Domino version of the chapter and to the Exchange version of the chapter.)

AMIS Out Traffic Report (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

The "AMIS Out Traffic Report" section in the "Reports" chapter incorrectly describes the Submit Date and Time field as the date and time that the AMIS message transmission was completed.

Instead, it should say "The date and time that the message was delivered to the UAmis mail file."

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

AMIS Out Traffic Report (Cisco Unity with Exchange Only)

The "AMIS Out Traffic Report" section in the "Reports" chapter incorrectly describes the Submit Date and Time field as the date and time that the AMIS message transmission was completed.

Instead, it should say "The date and time that the message was delivered to the UAmis mailbox."

Note that the error has been corrected in Cisco Unity Administrator Help.

Configuration Settings: Identified Subscriber Messaging Field

On the System > Configuration > Settings page in the Cisco Unity Administrator, a field related to Identified Subscriber Messaging has been changed to clarify what the check box controls. The old field name was "Subscribers Are Identified as Message Senders Only If They Log On." The field name has been changed to "Disable Identified Subscriber Messaging."

The "Configuration Settings" section of the "System Settings" chapter refers to the old field name.

Note that Cisco Unity Administrator Help has been updated to reflect the new field name.

(Links to the Domino version of the chapter and to the Exchange version of the chapter.)

Configuration Settings: Responding to Phone Menu Field Definition

The description for the Responding to Phone Menu field in the "System Settings" chapter is incorrect. The description should read:

For each caller, you can specify the following:

How long Cisco Unity waits for subscribers to press a first key after playing a menu. This setting is also known as the "First Digit Timeout." The range of valid entries is 500 to 10,000 milliseconds. Default: 5000 milliseconds.

How long Cisco Unity waits for additional key presses after a subscriber presses a key when entering subscriber names or extensions to address a message, update passwords, change call transfer or message notification numbers, and so on. This setting is also known as the "Interdigit Timeout." The range of valid entries is 1000 to 10,000 milliseconds. Default: 3000 milliseconds.

How many times Cisco Unity repeats a menu if a subscriber has not responded to the menu. The range of valid entries is 0 to 250. Default: 1.

Note Use caution when significantly increasing the number of times that Cisco Unity repeats a menu for subscribers. In the event that a subscriber puts a call to Cisco Unity on hold and forgets to return to it, or if the call is not disconnected as expected when the subscriber hangs up, Cisco Unity can tie up a voice port for long periods of time by repeating a phone menu.

The values that you specify for the above settings control the phone menus for conversations that are heard by outside callers and subscribers.

The Responding to Phone Menu fields appear on the System > Configuration page of the Cisco Unity Administrator.

Cisco Unity Administrator Help will be corrected in the next release.

(Links to the Domino version of the guide and to the Exchange version of the guide.)

Subscriber Address Book Settings (Cisco Unity with Domino Only)

The following information was omitted from the `Subscriber Address Book Settings" section of the "System Settings" chapter.

The DUC for Cisco Help file, which contains instructions for manually installing csAdmin (the DUC administration component for Cisco) when adding a secondary subscriber address book, is named csUCAdminGuide.nsf and is included in the DUC for Cisco installation media. To access the Help file, open the csUCAdminGuide.nsf database in the Domino Administrator.

Before adding a secondary subscriber address book to Cisco Unity, in addition to the steps listed, you may need to add a Server document to the secondary address book database (for example, contacts.nsf) in order for the Cisco Unity server to correlate the address book with the Domino domain that is used to import subscribers. The Server document must be added to the $Servers view of the secondary address book. The Server document added to the secondary address book must be for the same Domino server to which Cisco Unity is partnered as its primary mail server. If this step is required but has not been done, Cisco Unity will display the following error when you attempt to add the address book as a secondary subscriber address book:

"The subscriber address book <name> could not be added because the address book must reside in the same domain as the Unity server account."