Cybersecurity in ASEAN: An Urgent Call to Action
State-sponsored cyberattacks, such as those from North Korea, are another threat. This
combination of criminal and state-sponsored threats increases ASEAN’s risk profile, creating
obstacles for foreign investment and hampering the growth of the digital economy.
1.2 Policy preparedness is still nascent with a lack of institutional
oversight and limited funding to fortify digital economies
The region’s cyber resilience is low, particularly around policy, governance, and cybersecurity
capabilities. The absence of a unifying regional governance framework makes it difficult
to collaborate and share intelligence within and across countries. Businesses have also
underestimated the value-at-risk, resulting in a lack of adequate spending on cybersecurity.
1.2.1 Varying levels of cyber readiness, with some countries lacking a strategicmindset
about cybersecurity policy andgovernance
The Good Practice Guide from the European Network Information Security Agency (ENISA) cites
four steps in defining and implementing a sound national cybersecurity strategy (see figure 4).
A look at the regional cybersecurity policy landscape reveals varying levels of cyber readiness,
particularly around strategy definition and implementation, legislation, and governance (see
figure 5 on page 7).
See the appendix for more about the current situation.
Sources: European Union Agency for Network and Information Security; A.T. Kearney analysis
Four-phased approach to national cybersecurity strategy development
Deine the vision,
scope, and objectives
Follow a risk
assessment approach
Deine and identify
crucial information
Take stock of existing
policies, regulations,
and capabilities
Set a clear
governance structure
Identify and
engage stakeholders
Establish trusted
information sharing
Develop national
cyber-contingency plans
Organize cybersecurity
Establish baseline
security measures
Establish incident
reporting mechanisms
Raise user awareness
Strengthen training and
educational programs
Establish an incident
response capability
Address cybercrime
Engage in international
Establish public–private
Provide incentives for the
private sector to invest
in security measures
Deine the evaluation
approach, including
objectives and frequency
Identify an
independent entity
Adopt a quantitative
and qualitative approach
with emphasis on impact
and results
Create a data
collection scheme
Prepare an
evaluation approach
Continuously review
and update the strategy
Develop the
Execute the
Evaluate the
Maintain the
Based on available information in the public domain