Determine if the report is meant to be run for a whole fabric or device(s).
Find out which show command(s) should be run on switch(es) to collect the required data.
Find out if the CLI output supports xml, json, or neither.
If neither, plain CLI output is returned by the switch.
Determine if the CLI response, including the command executed, needs to be stored in elasticsearch. You should be cautious as storing responses may increase storage tremendously.
Determine if you need to pre-validate the report creation input such as Recurrence, Period, etc. For example, does the report job support a periodic report, and how frequent should the job run?
Report Presentation
If you want Summary, choose the format to display the data:
Key-value pairs
Chart (column, pie, line)
For Section (Detailed View), choose which format to display the data:
Key-value pairs
Array of JSON objects
Chart (column, pie, line)
For Formatters, the following are applicable:
Add additional formatting to values displayed in UI
Markers supported: ERROR, SUCCESS, WARNING, INFO
Data Comparison between Reports
Determine if the report needs to compare data between the current report and an older report.
If yes, report infra APIs allow you to retrieve previous report(s) like:
One or more previously generated reports
The oldest report in the report job
Summary of a particular report
A particular section of a reportCLI Output Processing