Managing TLS Certificate, KeyStore and TrustStore Files

This chapter has information and procedures for generating TLS Certificates and TrustStore files.

Beginning with Release 3.10.1, Cisco Nexus Data Broker (NDB) has been renamed to Cisco Nexus Dashboard Data Broker. However, some instances of NDB are present in this document, to correspond with the GUI, and installation folder structure. References of NDB/ Nexus Data Broker/ Nexus Dashboard Data Broker can be used interchangeably.

Generating TLS Self-Signed Certification Between NDB Server and NDB Switch for NXAPI

This section describes how to generate TLS self-signed certification between NDB server and NDB Switch. You need to generate certificates and keys for each switch to enable TLS. TLS communication between NDB switch and NDB server uses port 443 only.

Complete the following steps to generate TLS self-signed certification between NDB Server and NDB Switch for NXAPI:


You cannot configure a controller to communicate using port 80 after configuring TLS.

Generating Self-Signed Certificate and Key

This section describes how to generate self-signed certificate and key.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have domain name configured on the switch using ip domain-name command for each NDB switch that acts as the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the switch. For example:
conf t
ip domain-name
hostname N9k-117
The FQDN for the switch is configured to


Step 1

Log in to the server.

Step 2

Generate the private key and self-signed certificate using the openssl req command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -out sw1-ca.pem -outform PEM -keyout sw1-ca.key

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'sw1-ca.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:CA
Locality Name (eg, city) []:SJ
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:cisco
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:insbu
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []
Email Address []



If you have multiple switches, generate the certificate file and private key for each switch.

This command creates a certificate file (sw1-ca.pem) and a private key (sw1-ca.key).

Step 3

Log in to the NDB switch.

Step 4

Copy the certificate file, sw1-ca.pem, and keyfile, sw1-ca.key, to the switch using the copy command.


N9K-117# copy scp://docker@ bootflash:
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
docker@'s password: 
server.cer                                                                                                                                       100% 4676     4.6KB/s   00:00    
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...

N9K-117# copy scp://docker@ bootflash:
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management

docker@'s password: 
cert.key                                                                                                                                      100% 
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...



If you have multiple switches, repeat this step for all the switches.

Step 5

Configure the certificate file, sw1-ca.pem, and keyfile, sw1-ca.key in the switch using the nxapi command.


N9K-117 (config)# nxapi certificate httpskey keyfile bootflash:sw1-ca.key
Upload done. Please enable. Note cert and key must match.
N9K-117 (config)# 
N9K-117 (config)# nxapi certificate httpscrt certfile bootflash:sw1-ca.pem
Upload done. Please enable. Note cert and key must match.
 N9K-117 (config)# 



If you have multiple switches, configure the corresponding certificate and private key to each switch.

Step 6

Enable self-signed certificates on the switch using the nxapi certificate command.


N9K-117 (config)# nxapi certificate enable
N9K-117 (config)# 



Ensure that there is no error while enabling self-signed certificates on the switch.

Step 7

Log in to the server.

Step 8

Copy and convert the sw1-ca.key and sw1-ca.pem files to .PEM format using the copy command.


cp sw1-ca.key sw1-ndb-privatekey.pem
cp sw1-ca.pem sw1-ndb-cert.pem

Step 9

Concatenate the private key and the certificate file using cat command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ cat sw1-ndb-privatekey.pem sw1-ndb-cert.pem > sw1-ndb.pem

Step 10

Convert the .pem file to .p12 file format using the openssl command. Enter the export password when prompted to create a password protected .p12 certificate file.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$openssl pkcs12 -export -out sw1-ndb.p12 -in sw1-ndb.pem
Enter Export Password: cisco123
Verifying – Enter Export Password: cisco123
Enter a password at the prompt. Use the same password that you entered in the previous Step (cisco123)

Step 11

Convert the sw1-ndb.p12 to a password protected Java KeyStore (tlsKeyStore) file using the keytool command. Use the jre/bin from the installed java directory.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ ./(relativePath)/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sw1-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks
Enter Destination Keystore password:cisco123
Re-enter new password:cisco123
Enter source keystore password:cisco123
Entry for alias 1 successfully imported.
Import command completed: 1 enteries successfully imported, 0 enteries failed or cancelled.  



By default an alias named “1” is stored in tlsKeyStore for the first switch. If the NDB controller is managing multiple switches, repeat this step for all the switches.When you add the second switch, the utility allows you to rename the first switch alias and also provides a provision to rename alias for the second switch. Refer examples as shown below.

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sw2-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sw3-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks

Step 12

List and verify content in the java tlsKeyStore using the keytool command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -list -v -keystore tlsKeyStore | more

What to do next

Proceed to the subsequent task, Creating the TLS TrustStore File.

Creating the TLS TrustStore File

TrustStore is created from the self-signed certificates that are generated for one or more switches. It holds certificates for one or more switches in the controller. This section describes how to create a Truststore using the self-signed certificate created in Generating self-signed certificate and key section. If you have multiple switches in the controller, each switch will have separate certificate file (For example, sw1-ndb-cert.pem, sw2-ndb-cert.pem)


Step 1

Log in to the server.

Step 2

Convert the certificate file (For example, sw1-ndb-cert.pem) to a Java TrustStore (tlsTrustStore) file using the keytool command. Enter a password when prompted to create a password protected Java TrustStore (tlsTrustStore) file. The password should be at least six characters. Use the jre/bin installed in the java directory.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ ./(relativePath)/keytool -import -alias sw1 -file sw1-ndb-cert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore -storetype jks
Enter Export Password: cisco123
Verifying – Enter Export Password: cisco123
Enter a password at the prompt. Use the same password that you entered in the previous Step (cisco123)


If a NDB controller manages multiple switches, repeat this step for all the switches to add all switch keys into the same TrustStore. For example:
docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -import -alias sw2 -file sw2-ndb-cert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore
docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -import -alias sw3 -file sw3-ndb-cert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore
// Here sw2 and sw3 are alias for switch 2 and switch 3 for identification purpose.

Step 3

List and verify keys for multiple switches in the same tlsTrustStore using the keytool command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -list -v -keystore tlsTrustStore | more

Starting NDB with TLS

To start NDB with TLS, complete these steps:


Step 1

Log in to the NDB server.

Step 2

Stop the NDB application, if running, using the command


 ./ -stop
Controller with PID: 17426 -- Stopped!



When onboarding a device, ensure to provide the FQDN or IP address of the device, that was provided during the certificate generation for that device.

Step 3

Copy the tlsKeystore and tlsTruststore files that you created to configuration folder of NDB (ndb/configuration).


cp tlskeystore /root/ndb/configuration
cp tlsTrustStore /root/ndb/configuration 

Step 4

Start the NDB application with TLS using the script.


./ -tls -tlskeystore ./configuration/tlsKeyStore -tlstruststore ./configuration/tlsTrustStore


To start NDB with default username (admin) and a non-default password (for example, pwd123):

./ -osgiPasswordSync -tls -tlskeystore ./configuration/tlsKeyStore -tlstruststore ./configuration/tlsTrustStore
If ndb password is changed, OSGi webconsole password needs to be changed. 
To set non-default OSGi webconsole password, enter ndb Admin Password [default]: (Type the non-default password which was set)



To disable TLS, run the ./ -notls command. To disable TLS and start NDB, run the ./ -notls -start command. Before disabling TLS, ensure to stop NDB. After TLS is disabled, the port number for the devices connected to the NDB server should be changed to 80.

Configuring TLS KeyStore and TrustStore Passwords on Nexus Dashboard Data Broker

You need to configure TLS KeyStore and TrustStore passwords to enable Nexus Dashboard Data Broker to read password protected TLS KeyStore and TrustStore files. To configure TLS KeyStore and TrustStore passwords on Nexus Dashboard Data Broker , complete these steps:


Step 1

Log in to the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server.

Step 2

Navigate to bin directory.


cd ndb/bin

Step 3

Configure the TLS KeyStore and TrustStore passwords using the ndb config-keystore-passwords command.


./ndb config-keystore-passwords --user admin --password admin --url https://ip-address_localhost:8443 --verbose --prompt --keystore-password keystore_password --truststore-password truststore_password
Please enter your password: <enter the NDB GUI admin password>

In case Nexus Dashboard Data Broker is configured with AAA (Tacacs/LDAP/Radius), and if the above command, ndb config-keystore-passwords fails, and you see a 401 unauthorized error, then:

  1. Go to ndb or xnc directory.

  2. Stop the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server using ./ -stop.

  3. Enable the flag enable.LocalUser.Authentication by changing the value from false to true in the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker config.ini file.

  4. Start the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server using ./ -start.

  5. Run the ndb config-keystore-passwords command again.



    In a HA environment, you need to run the above procedure for all the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker servers in the cluster.

After the TLS is enabled on Nexus Dashboard Data Broker , all the connections between Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server and Nexus Dashboard Data Broker switch are established using port 443. Ensure that you change device connections in Nexus Dashboard Data Broker to use port 443.

Up on successfully completing these steps, you can add nexus switch in the controller using port 443. Use FQDN of the switch to add the device to the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

You can verify the Certificate information using the WebUI Sandbox of the switch.

Generating TLS 3rd Party Certification Between NDB Server and NDB Switch for NXAPI

This section describes how to generate TLS 3rd party certification between NDB server and NDB Switch. You need to request for a separate certificate and key for each switch in you network. TLS communication between NDB switch and NDB server uses port 443 only.

Complete the following steps to generate TLS 3rd party certification between NDB Server and NDB Switch for NXAPI:


Complete all the steps under both the sections to ensure successful communication between the controller and the switch over TLS.

Obtaining Certificates from a Certification Authority

You can obtain certificate from a Certification Authority (CA) in two ways. You can either directly approach a CA for both the private key and certificate. The CA will generate a private key on your behalf along with the certificate that contains the public key with issuing CA’s signature.

In the other approach, you can generate a private key using tools such as openssl and generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a certificate issuing authority. The CA generates the certificates with public key using the user identity information from CSR.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have domain name configured in the switch using ip domain-name command for each NDB switch that acts as the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the switch. For example:
conf t
ip domain-name
hostname N9k-117
The FQDN for the switch is configured to


Step 1

Log in to the server.

Step 2

Generate the private key (cert.key) and certificate signing request (cert.req) using openssl command.



If you have multiple switches, generate the certificate file and private key for each switch.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/Mallik/TLS_CA$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout cert.key -keyform PEM -out cert.req -outform PEM 

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'cert.key'
Enter PEM pass phrase:                            cisco123
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:      cisco123
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:CA
Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:SJ
Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:cisco
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:insbu
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []
Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:  cisco123
An optional company name []: cisco123

docker@docker-virtual-machine: # ls
cert.key  cert.req

Step 3

Verify the CSR using the openssl command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/Mallik/TLS_CA$ openssl req -noout -text -in cert.req

Step 4

The private key is generated with a security passphrase. You may need to unencrypt the private key. To remove the passphrase from the private key, use the openssl command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/Mk/TLS_CA$ ls
cert.key  cert.req 
docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/Mk/TLS_CA$cp cert.key  cert.keybkp
docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/Mk/TLS_CA$ rm cert.key
docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/Mk/TLS_CA$ openssl rsa -in cert.keybkp -out cert.key                                                                                   
Enter pass phrase for cert.keybkp: cisco123 



Repeat this step to remove passphrase from private keys for all the switches.



Depending on the tier of the CA you choose, you can get up to three certificates (certificate chain) for each CSR. This means you get three certificates (root, intermediate and domain) from CA for each NDB switch. You need to check with CA to identify each type of certificate. Certificate naming convention might be different for different certifying authorities. For example: test-root-ca-2048.cer (root), test-ssl-ca.cer (intermediate), (domain).

Certificates are mostly shared in .PEM file format.

The cert.req file data needs to be submitted to 3rd party certification authority. Follow the relevant procedures and get the three (certificate) files.

Step 5

Create a single certificate file from the three certificate files using the cat command. The concatenation should be done in the following order, domain certificate, root certificate, and intermediate certificate. Syntax for cat command: cat domain certificateroot certificateintermediate certificate > server.cer .


$cat test-root-ca-2048.cer test-ssl-ca.cer > server.cer

Step 6

Edit the newly created server.cer file to separate the concatenated END and BEGIN lines. Do not delete anything in the file.



////// Modify the above line like this by adding a line feed between the two.



Repeat this step all the switches.

Step 7

Log into the NDB switch.

Step 8

Copy the private key (cert.key) and the certificate from CA (server.cer) to the switch using the copy command.


N9K-117# copy scp://docker@ bootflash:
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
docker@'s password: 
server.cer                                                                                                                                       100% 4676     4.6KB/s   00:00    
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...

N9K-117# copy scp://docker@ bootflash:
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
docker@'s password: 
cert.key                                                                                                                                      100% 
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...



Repeat this step for all the switches.

Step 9

Configure the certificate file, sw1-ca.pem, and keyfile, sw1-ca.key in the switch using the nxapi command.


N9K-117 (config)# nxapi certificate httpskey keyfile bootflash:cert.key
Upload done. Please enable. Note cert and key must match.
N9K-117 (config)# 
N9K-117 (config)# nxapi certificate httpscrt certfile bootflash:server.cer
Upload done. Please enable. Note cert and key must match.
 N9K-117 (config)# 



If you have multiple switches, configure the corresponding certificate and private key to each switch.

Step 10

Enable self-signed certificates on the switch using the nxapi certificate command.


N9K-117 (config)# nxapi certificate enable
N9K-117 (config)# 



Ensure that there is no error while enabling self-signed certificates on the switch.

Creating TLS Keystore and Truststore Files for NDDB Controller

NDDB uses certificates and keys to secure communication between switches. It stores the keys and certificates in keystores. These files are stored as tlsTruststore and tlsKeystore files in NDDB. Complete the following steps to generate the Java tlsKeyStore and tlsTrustStore files for NDDB Controller:


Step 1

Copy the cert.key and server.cer created in the Obtaining Certificates from a Certification Authority section into the current directory (TLS). Select the certificate and key files for a single switch. These files were earlier generated for all the switches connecting to the controller. Using the server.cer and cert.key for the current switch, create the TLS KeyStore File.

If multiple switches are connected, repeat this step for each switch separately.

Step 2

Copy and convert the server.cer and cert.key files to .PEM format using the copy command.


cp cert.key sw1-ndb-privatekey.pem
cp server.cer sw1-ndb-cert.pem

Step 3

Concatenate the private key (sw1-ndb-privatekey.pem) and certificate file (sw1-ndb-cert.pem) into a single .PEM file using the cat command.


cat sw1-ndb-privatekey.pem sw1-ndb-cert.pem > sw1-ndb.pem

Step 4

Convert the .PEM file to .P12 format using the openssl command. Enter the export password when prompted. The password must contain at least 6 characters, for example, cisco123. The sw1-ndb.pem file is converted to a password-protected sw1-ndb.p12 file.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$openssl pkcs12 -export -out sw1-ndb.p12 -in sw1-ndb.pem
Enter Export Password: cisco123
Verifying – Enter Export Password: cisco123
Enter a password at the prompt. Use the same password that you entered in the previous Step (cisco123)

Step 5

Convert the sw1-ndb.p12 to a password protected Java KeyStore (tlsKeyStore) file using the keytool command. This command converts the sw1-ndb.p12 file to a password-protected tlsKeyStore file.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sw1-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks
Enter Destination Keystore password:cisco123



By default an alias named “1” is stored in tlsKeyStore for the first switch. If the NDB controller is managing multiple switches, repeat this step for all the switches. When you add the second switch, the utility allows you to rename the first switch alias and also provides a provision to rename alias for the new switch. For example, see below.

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sw2-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sw3-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks

Step 6

List and verify content in the java tlsKeyStore using the keytool command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -list -v -keystore tlsKeyStore | more

Step 7

Convert the certificate file (sw1-ndb-cert.pem) to a Java TrustStore (tlsTrustStore) file using the keytool command. Enter a password when prompted to create a password protected Java TrustStore (tlsTrustStore) file. The password should be at least six characters.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -import -alias sw1 -file sw1-ndb-cert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore -storetype jks
Enter keystore password: cisco123
Re-enter new password: cisco123
Owner:, CN=localhost, OU=insbu, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=US
Issuer:, CN=localhost, OU=insbu, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=US
Serial number: c557f668a0dd2ca5
Valid from: Thu Jun 15 05:43:48 IST 2017 until: Sun Jun 13 05:43:48 IST 2027
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: C2:7B:9E:26:31:7A:74:25:55:DF:A7:91:C9:5D:20:A3
SHA1: 3C:DF:66:96:72:12:CE:81:DB:AB:58:30:60:E7:CC:04:4D:DF:6D:B2
SHA256: DD:FB:3D:71:B4:B8:9E:CE:97:A3:E4:2D:D3:B6:90:CD:76:A8:5F:84:77:78:BE:49:6C:04:01:84:62:2C:2F:EB
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 0D B3 CF 81 66 4A 33 4E EF 86 7E 26 C3 50 9B 73 ....fJ3N...&.P.s
0010: 38 EF DF 40 8..@

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 0D B3 CF 81 66 4A 33 4E EF 86 7E 26 C3 50 9B 73 ....fJ3N...&.P.s
0010: 38 EF DF 40 8..@

Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore



If a NDB controller manages multiple switches, repeat this step for all the switches to add all switch keys into the same TrustStore. For example:

keytool -import -alias sw2 -file sw2-ndb-cert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore
keytool -import -alias sw3 -file sw3-ndb-cert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore

Step 8

List and verify keys for multiple switches in the same tlsTrustStore using the keytool command.


docker@docker-virtual-machine:~/TLS$ keytool -list -v -keystore tlsTrustStore | more

Starting NDB with TLS

To start NDB with TLS, complete these steps:


Step 1

Log in to the NDB server.

Step 2

Stop the NDB application, if running, using the command


 ./ -stop
Controller with PID: 17426 -- Stopped!



When onboarding a device, ensure to provide the FQDN or IP address of the device, that was provided during the certificate generation for that device.

Step 3

Copy the tlsKeystore and tlsTruststore files that you created to configuration folder of NDB (ndb/configuration).


cp tlskeystore /root/ndb/configuration
cp tlsTrustStore /root/ndb/configuration 

Step 4

Start the NDB application with TLS using the script.


./ -tls -tlskeystore ./configuration/tlsKeyStore -tlstruststore ./configuration/tlsTrustStore


To start NDB with default username (admin) and a non-default password (for example, pwd123):

./ -osgiPasswordSync -tls -tlskeystore ./configuration/tlsKeyStore -tlstruststore ./configuration/tlsTrustStore
If ndb password is changed, OSGi webconsole password needs to be changed. 
To set non-default OSGi webconsole password, enter ndb Admin Password [default]: (Type the non-default password which was set)



To disable TLS, run the ./ -notls command. To disable TLS and start NDB, run the ./ -notls -start command. Before disabling TLS, ensure to stop NDB. After TLS is disabled, the port number for the devices connected to the NDB server should be changed to 80.

Configuring TLS KeyStore and TrustStore Passwords on Nexus Dashboard Data Broker

You need to configure TLS KeyStore and TrustStore passwords to enable Nexus Dashboard Data Broker to read password protected TLS KeyStore and TrustStore files. To configure TLS KeyStore and TrustStore passwords on Nexus Dashboard Data Broker , complete these steps:


Step 1

Log in to the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server.

Step 2

Navigate to bin directory.


cd ndb/bin

Step 3

Configure the TLS KeyStore and TrustStore passwords using the ndb config-keystore-passwords command.


./ndb config-keystore-passwords --user admin --password admin --url https://ip-address_localhost:8443 --verbose --prompt --keystore-password keystore_password --truststore-password truststore_password
Please enter your password: <enter the NDB GUI admin password>

In case Nexus Dashboard Data Broker is configured with AAA (Tacacs/LDAP/Radius), and if the above command, ndb config-keystore-passwords fails, and you see a 401 unauthorized error, then:

  1. Go to ndb or xnc directory.

  2. Stop the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server using ./ -stop.

  3. Enable the flag enable.LocalUser.Authentication by changing the value from false to true in the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker config.ini file.

  4. Start the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server using ./ -start.

  5. Run the ndb config-keystore-passwords command again.



    In a HA environment, you need to run the above procedure for all the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker servers in the cluster.

After the TLS is enabled on Nexus Dashboard Data Broker , all the connections between Nexus Dashboard Data Broker server and Nexus Dashboard Data Broker switch are established using port 443. Ensure that you change device connections in Nexus Dashboard Data Broker to use port 443.

Up on successfully completing these steps, you can add nexus switch in the controller using port 443. Use FQDN of the switch to add the device to the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

You can verify the Certificate information using the WebUI Sandbox of the switch.

Generating TLS Self-Signed Certification Between WebUI Browser and NDB Server

You can secure communication between a Web browser and NDB server running in centralized mode using self-signed certificates. This section describes how to generate a self-signed certificate to secure communication between a WebUI browser and NDB application. By default Cisco NDB is shipped with default certificate which is issued to Cisco NDB and issued by Cisco NDB with default validity. You can use the script under configuration folder to create self-signed certificates. For Cisco NDB releases 3.5 and earlier, these certificates are valid for 6 months. Starting with Cisco NDB release 3.6, default validity of a certificate is 6 months but you can configure the validity of a certificate.


You can create self-signed TLS certificates for NDB in Centralized mode only.

  • Generating TLS Self-Signed Certification Between WebUI Browser and NDB Server Running in Centralized Mode

Generating TLS Self-Signed Certification Between WebUI Browser and NDB Server Running in Centralized Environment

Complete the following steps to generate TLS self-signed certification between WebUI Browser and NDB Server running in Centralized mode:


Step 1

Log into the NDB server and change the current directory \ndb\configuration.


[root@RHEL-VM-NDB-ACI]# cd \ndb\configuration

Step 2

Generate the TLS self-signed certificate using the script.


[root@RHEL-VM-NDB-ACI configuration]# ./

Entor Fully qualified domain name :
NDB-browser This can be FQDN of the NDB java application as well
Enter Organizational unit :
Enter Organization :
Enter Location :
Enter State :
Enter Country :
Enter keypass :
Enter storepass :
Enter the validity in number of days :
365  in NDB 3.5 this script will let you to specify the certificate validity.
Below process will rename the existing key file to <old_keystore>, will generate a new key file. Do you want to continue (y/n) ?
Self-Signed Certificate Created
Alias name: cisco
Creation date: Jan 6, 2019
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Issuer: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Serial number: b404be5
Valid from: Sun Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2019 until: Mon Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2020
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  71:07:F6:4E:57:6A:08:3A:AD:06:32:B3:6C:5F:8F:52
         SHA1: 04:08:B9:D5:B7:EB:ED:E0:F9:22:49:14:FA:C6:09:39:22:32:43:A2
         SHA256: 34:D9:EB:34:0A:52:D1:4A:DD:F1:8B:14:D0:84:E4:1C:57:8B:2B:99:9B:E5:A1:4C:C7:8C:CD:AE:24:31:49:75
         Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
         Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 63 8A 92 8F 6F 0F 45 BD   EE 55 C5 A8 99 3B F6 F7  c...o.E..U...;..
0010: AC FA 4A 21                                        ..J!

Displayed the generated keystore
Configured the keystore details on tomcat-server.xml
The newly generated key will used on next NDB restart. Do you want to restart NDB now (y/n) ?
Doesn't seem any Controller daemon is currently running
Running controller in background with PID: 13573, to connect to it please SSH to this host on port 2400
NDB GUI can be accessed using below URL:

NDB Restarted



The script reloads the NDB application to ensure that the browser starts using this certificate when we access NDB java application from the browser.

Step 3

Decode the generated certificate using the keytool -list -v -keystore keystore_Name command. Enter the store password when prompted.


[root@RHEL-VM-NDB-ACI configuration]# keytool -list -v -keystore keystore
Enter keystore password:

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: cisco
Creation date: Jul 6, 2019
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Issuer: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Serial number: b404be5
Valid from: Sun Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2019 until: Mon Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2020
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  71:07:F6:4E:57:6A:08:3A:AD:06:32:B3:6C:5F:8F:52
         SHA1: 04:08:B9:D5:B7:EB:ED:E0:F9:22:49:14:FA:C6:09:39:22:32:43:A2
         SHA256: 34:D9:EB:34:0A:52:D1:4A:DD:F1:8B:14:D0:84:E4:1C:57:8B:2B:99:9B:E5:A1:4C:C7:8C:CD:AE:24:31:49:75
         Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
         Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 63 8A 92 8F 6F 0F 45 BD   EE 55 C5 A8 99 3B F6 F7  c...o.E..U...;..
0010: AC FA 4A 21                                        ..J!


Step 4

The self-signed certificates are generated in JKS format which is not compatible with the browsers. Hence, you need to convert these certificates into PKCS12 format before importing the certificate in the browser. Complete the following steps to convert JKS format certificate to PKCS12 format. Convert JKS format certificate into PKCS12 format using the keytool command.



Ensure that you keep a copy of the original certificates before proceeding with the conversion.


 keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore -srcstorepass cisco123 -srckeypass cisco123 -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias cisco -deststorepass cisco123 -destkeypass cisco123



The inputs in the keytool command should match the inputs provided during UI certificate generation.



The resulting certificate file (keystore.p12) is in PKSC12 format.

Step 5

Add this certificate to Trusted Root certificate store on the browser. See help for respective Web browsers about how to add the certificate to the Trusted Root certificate store.

Generating TLS Self-Signed Certificate Between Web Browser and NDB Server Running in Embedded Mode Using Guest Shell Environment

To generate TLS self-signed certificate between Web browser and NDB server running in embedded mode using Guest Shell environment, complete the following steps.


Step 1

Connect to Guest Shell using guestshell command.


N9K-C93108TC-EX-108# guestshell
[admin@guestshell ~]$
[admin@guestshell ~]$

Step 2

Change the current directory to \ndb\configuration.


[admin@guestshell ~]$ cd \ndb\configuration

Step 3

Generate the TLS self-signed certificate using the /home/admin/ndb/configuration/ script.


[root@RHEL-VM-NDB-ACI configuration]# ./

Entor Fully qualified domain name :
NDB-browser This can be FQDN of the NDB java application as well
Enter Organizational unit :
Enter Organization :
Enter Location :
Enter State :
Enter Country :
Enter keypass :
Enter storepass :
Enter the validity in number of days :
365  in NDB 3.5 this script will let you to specify the certificate validity.
Below process will rename the existing key file to <old_keystore>, will generate a new key file. Do you want to continue (y/n) ?
Self-Signed Certificate Created
Alias name: cisco
Creation date: Jan 6, 2019
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Issuer: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Serial number: b404be5
Valid from: Sun Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2019 until: Mon Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2020
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  71:07:F6:4E:57:6A:08:3A:AD:06:32:B3:6C:5F:8F:52
         SHA1: 04:08:B9:D5:B7:EB:ED:E0:F9:22:49:14:FA:C6:09:39:22:32:43:A2
         SHA256: 34:D9:EB:34:0A:52:D1:4A:DD:F1:8B:14:D0:84:E4:1C:57:8B:2B:99:9B:E5:A1:4C:C7:8C:CD:AE:24:31:49:75
         Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
         Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 63 8A 92 8F 6F 0F 45 BD   EE 55 C5 A8 99 3B F6 F7  c...o.E..U...;..
0010: AC FA 4A 21                                        ..J!

Displayed the generated keystore
Configured the keystore details on jetty-ssl-context.xml
The newly generated key will used on next NDB restart. Do you want to restart NDB now (y/n) ?
The newly generated key will be used on the next NDB restart.



Manually reboot guestshell using the guestshell reboot command to ensure that the browser starts using this certificate when you access NDB java application from the browser.

Step 4

Decode the generated certificate using the keytool -list -v -keystore keystore_Name command. Enter the store password when prompted.


[root@RHEL-VM-NDB-ACI configuration]#  keytool -list -v -keystore keystore
Enter keystore password:

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: cisco
Creation date: Jul 6, 2019
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Issuer: CN=NDB-browser, OU=INSBU, O=cisco, L=SJ, ST=CA, C=USA
Serial number: b404be5
Valid from: Sun Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2019 until: Mon Jan 06 20:22:05 PST 2020
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  71:07:F6:4E:57:6A:08:3A:AD:06:32:B3:6C:5F:8F:52
         SHA1: 04:08:B9:D5:B7:EB:ED:E0:F9:22:49:14:FA:C6:09:39:22:32:43:A2
         SHA256: 34:D9:EB:34:0A:52:D1:4A:DD:F1:8B:14:D0:84:E4:1C:57:8B:2B:99:9B:E5:A1:4C:C7:8C:CD:AE:24:31:49:75
         Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
         Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 63 8A 92 8F 6F 0F 45 BD   EE 55 C5 A8 99 3B F6 F7  c...o.E..U...;..
0010: AC FA 4A 21                                        ..J!


Step 5

The self-signed certificates are generated in JKS format which is not compatible with the browsers. You need to convert these certificates into PKCS12 format before importing the certificate in the browser. Complete the following steps to convert JKS format certificate to PKCS12 format. Convert JKS format certificate into PKCS12 format using the keytool command.



Ensure that you keep a copy of the original certificates before proceeding with the conversion.


 keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore -srcstorepass cisco123 -srckeypass cisco123 -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias cisco -deststorepass cisco123 -destkeypass cisco123



The inputs in the keytool command should match the inputs provided during UI certificate generation.



The resulting certificate file (keystore.p12) is in PKSC12 format.

Step 6

Upload the CA certificate into Trusted Root certificate store of Web browser. See help for respective Web browsers about how to add the certificate to the Trusted Root certificate store. Use the password that you created while creating the certificate when prompted while uploading the certificate to the Web browser.

Step 7

Restart the Guest Shell to restart the NDB.

Generating TLS 3rd Party Certification Between WebUI Browser and NDB Server

You can secure communication between a Web browser and NDB server running in centralized mode. This section describes how to generate CA certificates, convert the certificates into JKS format, and upload the certificates into a Web browser. To generate a CA certificate, you need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and send it to a Certificate issuing authority (CA). You can use an open source tool to generate a CSR.

  • Generating TLS 3rd Party Certification Between WebUI Browser and NDB Server Running in Centralized Mode

Generating TLS 3rd Party Certification Between WebUI Browser and NDB Server Running in Centralized Mode

Complete these steps to generate TLS 3rd party certification between WebUI browser and NDB server running in centralized mode:


Step 1

Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the openssl req command.


[root@NDB-server ~]# openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout ndb-server.key -keyform PEM -out ndb-server.req -outform PEM
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'ndb-server.key'
Enter PEM pass phrase:  cisco123
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:  cisco123
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:CA
Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:SJ
Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:cisco
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:insbu
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []
Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:cisco123
An optional company name []:cisco123

[root@NDB-server ~]# ls
ndb-server.req   ndb-server.key



The ndb-server.req (CSR) file is submitted to the certificate issuing authority (CA).



You need to use the same information when exporting the CA provided certificate into browser. The CSR file, cert.req, is submitted to CA.

Step 2

To verify or view the CSR request, use the openssl req command.


[root@NDB-server ~]# openssl req -noout -text -in ndb-server.req
Certificate Request:
        Version: 0 (0x0)
        Subject: C=US, ST=CA, L=SJ, O=cisco, OU=insbu,
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
                Modulus (2048 bit):
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
            unstructuredName         :cisco123
            challengePassword        :cisco123
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Step 3

The private key, ndb-server.key, is secured with the passphrase. You need to unencrypt the certificate private key. Unencrypt the private key using the openssl rsa command.


[root@NDB-server ~]# cp ndb-server.key  ndb-server.keybkp
[root@NDB-server ~]# rm ndb-server.key
 [root@NDB-server ~]# openssl rsa -in ndb-server.keybkp -out ndb-server.key
Enter pass phrase for ndb-server.keybkp:cisco123
writing RSA key



The ndb-server.req file data needs to be submitted to 3rd party certification authority. Follow the relevant procedures and get the certificate files.

Depending on the tier of the CA you choose, you can get up to three certificates (certificate chain) for each CSR. This means you get three certificates (root, intermediate and domain) from CA for each NDB switch. You need to check with CA to identify each type of certificate. Certificate naming convention might be different for different certifying authorities. For example: qvrca2.cer (root), hydsslg2.cer (intermediate), (domain).

Certificates are mostly shared in .PEM file format.

Step 4

Create a single certificate file from the three certificate files using the cat command. The concatenation should be done in the following order, domain certificate, root certificate, and intermediate certificate. Syntax for cat command: cat domain certificate root certificate intermediate certificate > ndb-server.cer .


[root@NDB-server ~]# cat qvrca.cer hydsslg2.cer > ndb-server.cer

Step 5

Edit the newly created server.cer file to separate the concatenated END and BEGIN lines. Do not delete anything in the file.



////// Modify the above line like this by adding a line feed between the two.

Step 6

Create the TLS NDB Server Keystore file using the ndb-server.cer and ndb-server.key files. Copy the files to switch using the copy command.


cp ndb-server.key ndb-server-ndb-privatekey.pem
      cp ndb-server.cer ndb-server-ndb-cert.pem

Step 7

Combine the private key and certificate file into a single .PEM file using the cat command.


cat ndb-server-ndb-privatekey.pem  ndb-server-ndb-cert.pem > ndb-server-ndb.pem

Step 8

CA provides certificates in PEM format and extension of the certificate is .pem. You need to convert the PEM format certificate to PKCS12 format. Convert the PEM file, ndb-server-ndb.pem, to .P12 file format using the openssl pkcs12 command. Enter the export password when prompted. The password must contain at least 6 characters, for example, cisco123. The ndb-server-ndb.pem file is converted to a password-protected ndb-server-ndb.p12 file.


[root@NDB-server ~]# openssl pkcs12 -export -out ndb-server-ndb.p12 -in ndb-server-ndb.pem
Enter Export Password:cisco123
Verifying - Enter Export Password:cisco123

Step 9

Convert the ndb-server-ndb.p12 to a password protected Java KeyStore (ndb-server-keystore) file using the keytool command. This command converts the sw1-ndb.p12 file to a password-protected ndb-server-keystore file. Create a new password for the destination JKS store and enter the source keystore password when prompted.


[root@NDB-server ~]# .(relativePath)/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ndb-server-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore ndb-server-keystore -deststoretype jks
Enter destination keystore password:cisco123
Re-enter new password:cisco123
Enter source keystore password:--cisco123
Entry for alias 1 successfully imported.
Import command completed:  1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled
[root@NDB-server ~]#

Step 10

List and verify content in the java tlsKeyStore using the keytool command.


[root@NDB-server ~]#.(relativePath)/keytool -list -v -keystore ndb-server-keystore

Step 11

Copy the ndb-server-keystore file to the /ndb/configuration folder.

Step 12

Configure jetty-ssl-context.xml (stored in ndb/configuration/etc) with key store password that was provided while generating the certificate. You can use VI editor and edit the following lines with KeyStorePath, KeyStorePassword, TrustStorePath, TrustStorePassword.


<Set name="KeyStorePath"><Property name="jetty.base" default="." />/<Property name="jetty.sslContext.keyStorePath" deprecated="jetty.keystore" default="configuration/ndb-server-keystore"/></Set>
<Set name="KeyStorePassword"><Property name="jetty.sslContext.keyStorePassword" deprecated="jetty.keystore.password" default="cisco123"/></Set>

<Set name="KeyManagerPassword"><Property name="jetty.sslContext.keyManagerPassword" deprecated="jetty.keymanager.password" default="cisco123"/></Set>
<Set name="TrustStorePath"><Property name="jetty.base" default="." />/<Property name="jetty.sslContext.trustStorePath" deprecated="jetty.truststore" default="configuration/ndb-server-keystore"/></Set>

<Set name="TrustStorePassword"><Property name="jetty.sslContext.trustStorePassword" deprecated="jetty.truststore.password" default="cisco123"/></Set>

Step 13

Restart the NDB.

Step 14

Upload the CA certificate into Trusted Root certificate store of Web browser. See help for respective Web browsers about how to add the certificate to the Trusted Root certificate store. Use the password that you created while creating the certificate when prompted while uploading the certificate to the Web browser.

Generating TLS 3rd Party Certificate Between Web Browser and NDB Server Running in Embedded Mode Using Guest Shell Environment

To generate TLS 3rd party certificate between Web browser and NDB server running in embedded mode using guest shell environment, complete the following steps.


Step 1

Enable bash-shell feature on the switch using the feature command.


N9396TX-116(config)# feature bash-shell

Step 2

Enter bash-shell mode on the switch using the run command.


N9396TX-116(config)# run bash

Step 3

Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the openssl req command. Enter the required information when prompted.


bash-4.2$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout ndb-server.key -keyform PEM -out ndb-server.req -outform PEM
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'ndb-server.key'
Enter PEM pass phrase:  cisco123
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:  cisco123
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:CA
Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:SJ
Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:cisco
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:insbu
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []
Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:cisco123
An optional company name []:cisco123

bash-4.2$ ls

ndb-server.req   ndb-server.key



The openssl command creates a privsate key, ndb-server.key, and a certificate signing request file, ndb-server.req. The ndb-server.req (CSR) file is submitted to the certificate issuing authority (CA).



You need to use the same information when exporting the CA provided certificate into browser. The CSR file, cert.req, is submitted to CA.

Step 4

To view the content or verify the CSR request, use the openssl req command.


bash-4.2$ openssl req -noout -text -in ndb-server.req
Certificate Request:
        Version: 0 (0x0)
        Subject: C=US, ST=CA, L=SJ, O=cisco, OU=insbu,
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
                Modulus (2048 bit):
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
            unstructuredName         :cisco123
            challengePassword        :cisco123
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Step 5

The private key, ndb-server.key, is secured with the passphrase. You need to unencrypt the certificate private key. Unencrypt the private key using the openssl rsa command.


bash-4.2$ cp ndb-server.key  ndb-server.keybkp
bash-4.2$ rm ndb-server.key
bash-4.2$ openssl rsa -in ndb-server.keybkp -out ndb-server.key
Enter pass phrase for ndb-server.keybkp: cisco123
writing RSA key



Depending on the tier of the CA you choose, you can get up to three certificates (certificate chain) for each CSR. This means you get three certificates (root, intermediate and domain) from CA for each NDB switch. You need to check with CA to identify each type of certificate. Certificate naming convention might be different for different certifying authorities. For example: qvrca2.cer (root), hydsslg2.cer (intermediate), (domain).

Certificates are mostly shared in .PEM file format.

Step 6

Create a single certificate file from the three certificate files using the cat command. The concatenation should be done in the following order, domain certificate, root certificate, and intermediate certificate. Syntax for cat command: cat domain certificate root certificate intermediate certificate > ndb-server.cer .


bash-4.2$ cat qvrca.cer hydsslg2.cer > ndb-server.cer

Step 7

Edit the newly created server.cer file to separate the concatenated END and BEGIN lines. Do not delete anything in the file.



////// Modify the above line like this by adding a line feed between the two.

Step 8

Create the TLS NDB Server Keystore file using the ndb-server.cer and ndb-server.key files. Copy the files to switch using the copy command.


cp ndb-server.key ndb-server-ndb-privatekey.pem
      cp ndb-server.cer ndb-server-ndb-cert.pem

Step 9

Combine the private key and certificate file into a single .PEM file using the cat command.


cat ndb-server-ndb-privatekey.pem  ndb-server-ndb-cert.pem > ndb-server-ndb.pem

Step 10

CA provides certificates in PEM format and extension of the certificate is .pem. You need to convert the PEM format certificate to PKCS12 format. Convert the PEM file, ndb-server-ndb.pem, to .P12 file format using the openssl pkcs12 command. Enter the export password when prompted. The password must contain at least 6 characters, for example, cisco123. The ndb-server-ndb.pem file is converted to a password-protected ndb-server-ndb.p12 file.


bash-4.2$ openssl pkcs12 -export -out ndb-server-ndb.p12 -in ndb-server-ndb.pem
Enter Export Password:cisco123
Verifying - Enter Export Password:cisco123

Step 11

Copy the certificate file to the NDB configuration folder.


bash-4.2$ sudo cp ndb-server-ndb.p12 /isan/vdc_1/virtual-instance/guestshell+/rootfs/usr/bin/ndb/configuration/

Step 12

Exit the bash shell mode using the exit command.


bash-4.2$ exit

Step 13

Connect to guest shell using guestshell command.


N9396TX-116# guestshell
[admin@guestshell ~]$

Step 14

Change current directory to ndb/configuration.


[admin@guestshell ~]$ cd ndb/configuration

Step 15

Convert the ndb-server-ndb.p12 to a password protected Java KeyStore (ndb-server-keystore) file using the keytool command. This command converts the ndb-server-ndb.p12 file to a password-protected ndb-server-keystore file. Create a new password for the destination JKS store and enter the source keystore password when prompted.


[admin@guestshell configuration]$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ndb-server-ndb.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore ndb-server-keystore -deststoretype jks
Enter destination keystore password: cisco123
Re-enter new password: cisco123
Enter source keystore password: cisco123
Entry for alias 1 successfully imported.
Import command completed:  1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled

Step 16

List and verify content in the java tlsKeyStore using the keytool command.


[admin@guestshell configuration]$ keytool -list -v -keystore ndb-server-keystore

Step 17

Configure jetty-ssl-context.xml (stored in ndb/etc folder) with key store password that was provided while generating the certificate. You can use VI editor and edit the following lines with keystore and keystorepass.


<Set name="KeyStorePath"><Property name="jetty.base" default="." />/<Property name="jetty.sslContext.keyStorePath" deprecated="jetty.keystore" default="configuration/ndb-server-keystore"/></Set>
<Set name="KeyStorePassword"><Property name="jetty.sslContext.keyStorePassword" deprecated="jetty.keystore.password" default="cisco123"/></Set>

<Set name="KeyManagerPassword"><Property name="jetty.sslContext.keyManagerPassword" deprecated="jetty.keymanager.password" default="cisco123"/></Set>

<Set name="TrustStorePath"><Property name="jetty.base" default="." />/<Property name="jetty.sslContext.trustStorePath" deprecated="jetty.truststore" default="configuration/ndb-server-keystore"/></Set>

<Set name="TrustStorePassword"><Property name="jetty.sslContext.trustStorePassword" deprecated="jetty.truststore.password" default="cisco123"/></Set>

Step 18

Upload the CA certificate into Trusted Root certificate store of Web browser. See help for respective Web browsers about how to add the certificate to the Trusted Root certificate store. Use the password that you created while creating the certificate when prompted while uploading the certificate to the Web browser.

Step 19

Restart NDB.