
This chapter has troubleshooting details of the Cisco Nexus Dashboard Data Broker.

Beginning with Release 3.10.1, Cisco Nexus Data Broker (NDB) has been renamed to Cisco Nexus Dashboard Data Broker. However, some instances of NDB are present in this document, to correspond with the GUI, and installation folder structure. References of NDB/ Nexus Data Broker/ Nexus Dashboard Data Broker can be used interchangeably.

Audit Log

The Audit Log tab displays a record of activities or actions performed on the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.


Read-only actions are not recorded.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 1. Audit Log

Column Name


Date & Time

The date and time of activity.

Module Name

Module on which the event occurred.

This is based on an internal mapping of modules, for example- logging in and logging out is part of the Security Module.


Slice pertaining to an action/ event.

Some actions are not slice-relevant and they are left blank.

Examples for slice-dependent actions- components, connections , sessions, statistics.


User responsible for the action/ event.


Description of the action performed by the user.


Object on which the action was performed.


The result of the performed action. The available options are:

  • Failure (with description)

  • Success


Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller on which the action was performed.



For Standalone Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller, is displayed.


Mode in which the action was performed.



For Release 3.10, only Centralized mode is supported.

The following actions can be performed from the Audit Log tab:

  • Fetch Records—Use this to set the number of audit logs that will be displayed.

    Click Actions > Fetch Records and enter a value for the Record Count field. Click Fetch. The Audit Log table is loaded accordingly.

Flow Management

The Flow Management tab enables you to view inconsistent connections and device flows and manage the inconsistent flows. You can view and download the details, which can be used for degugging.

The Flow Management tabs contains the following subtabs:

  • Consistency Check—displays inconsistencies for NX-API based devices. The inconsistencies are automatically trigerred if there is an ACL/ ACE mismatch with the NDB database. See Consistency Check for more details.

  • Connection Flows—displays details of the ACLs and ACEs generated for a connection. See Connection Flows for more details.

  • Device Flows—displays details of the ACLs and ACEs generated for a device. See Devices Flows for more details.

Consistency Check

The Consistency Check tab displays inconsistencies for NX-API based devices. The inconsistencies are automatically triggered if there is an ACL/ ACE mismatch with the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker database.

The Alarm icon () in the header displays the number of devices that have inconsistencies.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 2. Consistency Check

Column Name



Device name.

This field is an hyperlink. Click the Device name and a new pane is displayed on the right. For details about devices, see Devices.

Inconsistent Controller Flows

The inconsistent controller flows.

This field is an hyperlink. Click the number indicated and a new pane is displayed on the right with a list of ACLs and their ACEs. The following actions can be performed from here:

  • Fix Flows—Select the required check-boxes and click Fix Flows. The selected flows (ACEs) are fixed and the number displayed in the Inconsistent Controller Flows column is updated accordingly.

  • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs and ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine. This is useful for debugging.

Inconsistent Device Flows

The inconsistent or stale flows for a device; indicates the missing ACLs and ACEs in the device when compared to the controller flows.

This field is an hyperlink. Click the number indicated and a new pane is displayed on the right with a list of ACLs and their ACEs. The following actions can be performed from here:

  • Fix Flows—Select the required check-boxes and click Fix Flows. The selected flows (ACEs) are fixed and the number displayed in the Inconsistent Controller Flows column is updated accordingly.

  • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs with their ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine. This is useful for debugging.

Non NDB Flows

The number of ACLs present in the device. ACLs can be the default device ACLs or can be added manually.

This field is an hyperlink. Click the number indicated and a new pane is displayed on the right with a list of ACLs and their ACEs. The following actions can be performed from here:

  • Fix Flows—Select the required check-boxes and click Fix Flows. The selected flows (ACEs) are fixed and the number displayed in the Inconsistent Controller Flows column is updated accordingly.

  • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs with their ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine. This is useful for debugging.


ACLs which are Nexus Dashboard Data Broker-generated are indicated with a ndb_ prefix. Non-NDB flows are indicated by the respective component.

The following actions can be performed from the Consistency Check tab:

  • Check Controller Flows—Select a device and click Check Controller Flows. A new pane is displayed on the right with the ACLs and ACEs.

  • Check Device Flows—Select a device and click Check Device Flows. A new pane is displayed on the right with the ACLs and ACEs.

  • View non-NDB Flows—Select a device and click View non-NDB Flows. A new pane is displayed on the right with the ACLs and ACEs.

Connections Flows

The Connections Flows tab provides details of the ACLs and ACEs generated for a connection.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 3. Connections Flows

Column Name



Connection name.

This field is a hyperlink. Click the Connection name and a new pane is displayed on the right with details of the connection. For information about the actions that can be performed here, see Connections chapter.


Number of flows (ACEs) for the connection (can be across devices).

This field is hyperlink. Click the displayed number and a new pane is displayed on the right. The connection name is displayed, followed by the ACL and the ACEs that it contains. Actions that can be performed from here are:

  • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs with their ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine.

The following actions can be performed from the Connection Flows tab:

  • Check Connection Flows—Select a connection and click Check Connection Flows. A new pane is displayed on the right. The connection name is displayed, followed by the ACL and the ACEs that it contains. Actions that can be performed from here are:

    • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs with their ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine.

Device Flows

The Device Flows tab provides details of the ACLs and ACEs generated for a device.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 4. Device Flows

Column Name



Device name.

This field is a hyperlink. Click the Device name and a new pane is displayed on the right with details of the device. For information about the actions that can be performed here, see Devices chapter.


Number of flows (ACEs) for the device (can be across connections and all ports of the device).

This field is a hyperlink. Click the displayed number and a new pane is displayed on the right. The connection name is displayed, followed by the ACL and the ACEs that it contains. Actions that can be performed from here are:

  • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs with their ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine.

The following actions can be performed from the Device Flows tab:

  • Check Device Flows—Select a device and click Check Device Flows. A new pane is displayed on the right. The device name is displayed, followed by the ACL and the ACEs that it contains. Actions that can be performed from here are:

    • Export All—Select this option to get a copy of the flows listed as ACLs with their ACEs. A .csv file is downloaded to your local machine.

JSON Export/ Import

The JSON Export/ Import tab enables you to export and import the device configuration in JSON file format. The configuration file includes information about the connected as well as disconnected devices with all the configuration information (except for port-channel).

The JSON Export/ Import tab contains the following subtabs:

  • Export—enables you to export configurations from Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller (to your local machine). See Export for more details.

  • Import—enables you to import configurations into the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller. See Import for more details.


The Export tab enables you export configurations from the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Table 5. Export

Column Name



Serial number of the device.


Name of the device.

IP Address

IP address of the device.


Type of the device. The options are:

  • NX—NDB device connected to NX-API device.

  • PS—NDB device connected to production switch (NX-OS).

  • AC—NDB device connected to ACI device.


The status of the device.

The following actions can be performed from the JSON Export/ Import > Exporttab:

  • Export Configuration—Click Actions > Export Configuration to export a JSON configuration to your local machine. Select the Connections check-box to include the connections of a device while exporting. Click Export.


The Import tab enables you to import configurations in to the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Table 6. Import

Column Name



Serial number of the device.

Exported Device Name

Name of the device from which the configuration was exported.

IP Address

IP address of the device.


Type of the device. The options are:

  • NX—NDB device connected to NX-API device.

  • PS—NDB device connected to production switch (NX-OS).

  • AC—NDB device connected to ACI device.


Status of the import action. The options are- success, failure, partial, in progress, abort.


Description of the success/ failure status.

The following actions can be performed from the JSON Export/ Import > Importtab:

  • Import Configuration —Click Actions > Import Configuration and select a JSON file from your local machine and click Upload. You can also drag and drop to upload a JSON file.

  • Apply Configuration—Click Actions > Apply Configuration. The Edit Device screen is displayed. Enter the details of the device on which you intend to apply the configuration. Click Apply and Check Compatibility. The Compatibility Matrix screen is displayed. If both the devices are compatible, the status is indicated in green. Click Apply.

    The status of this action is indicated in the Import table.

  • Delete Import—Click Actions > Delete Import to delete an imported configuration.

Purge Device

The Purge Device tab displays details of deleted NDB devices. Deleting a device only removes it from the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller but the device configuration is retained, while purging a device deletes a device and also removes the device configuration from the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 7. Purge Device

Column Name


Node ID

Node ID of the device connected to Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.


Device name.

IP Address

IP address of the device.

Use the Filter by attributes bar to filter the table based on displayed device group details. Choose the attribute, operator and filter-value.

The following actions can be performed from the Purge Device tab:

  • Purge Device(s)—Select the required devices by checking the check box which is available at the beginning of the row; click Purge Device(s).

    This is useful for removing the stale device configurations from the database.


The Return Material Authorization (RMA) tab displays a list of devices that have been deleted and awaiting replacement. This feature maps the configuration from the RMA device to the new device.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 8. RMA

Column Name


Existing Node ID

The node ID of the (deleted) NDB device.

Node Name

Device name.

Serial Number

Serial number of the device.

IP Address

IP address of the device.

The following actions can be performed from the RMA tab:

  • Replace Node ID— Select a Node ID by checking the check box. Click Actions > Replace Node ID. In the pop-up window that appears, enter the Serial Number and click Replace . The selected device is replaced with the device with the new serial number.


    To get the serial number for a NX-API device, use show module command for non-modular chassis (look for Serial-Num in the output) or use show hardware command for modular chassis switches (look for serial number under Switch hardware ID information in the output.

Tech Support

The Tech Support tab displays details of the tech support jobs created on the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

For more details about Tech Support About Tech Support.

A table is displayed with the following details:

Table 9. Tech Support

Column Name


Job ID

Job id created for a Tech Support job.

This field is a hyperlink. Click the Job ID to view more details of the job. Click Actions > Download to download the details of the job to your local machine.

The Download and Delete option downloads the details of the job to your local machine and then deletes it from the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

Job Type

The Operation Type of the job. The options are:

  • Basic

  • Advanced


Status of the tech support job.

The available statuses are:

  • Success— job is successfully completed.

  • Partial— job is partially successful. For eg, if multiple devices were selected, then, may be the failure has occurred on one of the selected devices.

  • Failure— job is not successful.

  • In progress— job is currently in progress.

  • Created— job is ready for execution, but is in a queue.

  • Stop— job was created but was not allowed to complete.

The following actions can be performed from the Tech Support tab:

  • Trigger Job — Use this to trigger a tech support job. See Trigger Tech Support for more details.

  • Re-trigger Job —Select a check box next and click Actions > Re-trigger Job to re-trigger a job. In Progress and Created jobs cannot be re-triggered. The Tech Support log files are replaced with the latest set of files, after a retriggered job is successful.

  • Stop Job—Select a check box and click Actions > Stop Job to stop an onging job. Only In Progress and Created jobs can be stopped.

  • Delete Job—Select a check box and click Actions > Delete Job to delete a job. An In Progress job cannot be deleted.


Multiple eligible jobs can be removed/stopped/re-triggered at a time.

Trigger Tech Support

Use this procedure to trigger a tech support job.

Before you begin

Ensure that one or more devices are connected to Nexus Dashboard Data Broker and the AUX mode is disabled.

Ensure to have a minimum available space of 64 MB in the device; else, the operation fails and a No Enough Space error is displayed.


Step 1

Navigate to Troubleshooting > Tech Support.

Step 2

Click Actions > Trigger Job.

Step 3

In the Trigger Tech Support dialog box, enter the following details:

Table 10. Trigger Tech Support



Trigger Settings


The device for which you need to collect data.

Click Select Device to select a device.

Operation Type

Select Basic or Advanced.

The show commands for each of these options is listed.

Step 4

Click Add to collect the outputs of the show commands.



The following folders are by default downloaded besides the Tech Support folder – configuration folder, configuration start up folder and general logs. This enables the tech support team to get all the information together and results in faster analysis.

About Tech Support

The tech support for NX-API devices feature enables you to collect information from one or more switches in one attempt, instead of collecting data separately from each switch. This is useful during debugging as all the relevant logs are readily available and can be downloaded.

Tech support data collection from switches can be performed in two modes:

  • Basic mode– contains a limited set of show commands.

  • Advanced mode–contains a wider set of show commands: