
This chapter has details about the statistics of the connections and components of the Cisco Nexus Dashboard Data Broker.

Beginning with Release 3.10.1, Cisco Nexus Data Broker (NDB) has been renamed to Cisco Nexus Dashboard Data Broker. However, some instances of NDB are present in this document, to correspond with the GUI, and installation folder structure. References of NDB/ Nexus Data Broker/ Nexus Dashboard Data Broker can be used interchangeably.


The Connections tab displays a list of connections configured on the Nexus Dashboard Data Broker controller.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Column Name



The connection name.

This field is a hyperlink; click a Connection name to get more information about the connection. For related actions, see the Connections section.

Packet Count

The aggregate traffic volume shown in packets for the connection.


The Filters tab displays filters that are used in connections.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Column Name



The filter name.

This is hyperlink; click the Filter name for more details about the filter. For related actions, see the Filters section.

Packet Count

The aggregate traffic volume shown in packets for the filter.


The Flows tab displays device flows for NDB devices.

Click Select Device to select an NDB device for which the flow statistics will be fetched. If you want to fetch the flow statistics for another device, click Change Device.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Column Name


In Port

The input port(s) from which the traffic is matched.

DL Src

The source MAC address to be matched for the incoming traffic.

DL Dst

The destination MAC address to be matched for the incoming traffic.

DL Type

The ethertype to be matched for the incoming traffic. For example, IPv4 or IPv6 is used for all IP traffic types.


The VLAN ID to be matched for the incoming traffic.


The VLAN priority to be matched for the incoming traffic.

NW Src

The IPv4 or IPv6 source address for the incoming traffic.

NW Dst

The IPv4 or IPv6 destination address for the incoming traffic.

NW Proto

The network protocol to be matched for the incoming traffic. For example, "6" indicates the TCP protocol.

TP Src

The source port associated with the network protocol to be matched for the incoming traffic.

TP Dst

The destination port associated with the network protocol to be matched for the incoming traffic.

Packet Count

The aggregate traffic volume shown in packets that match the specified flow connection.

Input Ports

The Input Ports tab displays the packet count details for the input ports of the NDB devices.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Column Name


Input Ports

The input port with the device name.

Click the Input Port to get more details of the input port. For related actions, see the Input Portssection.

Packet Count

The aggregate traffic volume shown in packets for the input port.

TCAM Resource Utilization

The TCAM Resource Utilization tab displays TCAM resource utilization details for NDB devices.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Table 1. TCAM Resource Utilization

Column Name



The device name.

This field is a hyperlink; click the Device name for more details of the device. For related actions, see the Devices section.


The utilization pattern, indicated by colours.

  • Green—indicates that the TCAM utilization is optimum.

  • Orange—indicates that the TCAM utilization is within the range.

  • Red—indicates that the TCAM utilization is nearing the full limit.

Monitoring Tools

The Monitoring Tools tab displays the monitoring tool ports connected to the NDB controller.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Column Name


Monitoring Tools

The monitoring tool name.

This field is a hyperlink; click the monitoring tool name for more details. For related actions, see the Monitoring Tools section.

TX Packets

The number of packets transmitted by the monitoring tool port.


The Ports tab displays the statistics for ports of an NDB device.

Click Select Device to fetch the port details of the selected device. Click Change Device to select another device.

A table with the following details is displayed:

Column Name



The interface of the device for which the statistcs are displayed.

This is hyperlink; click the port for more details.

Rx Pkts

The number of received packets on the port.

Tx Pkts

The number of transmitted packets on the port.

Rx Bytes

The number of received bytes on the port.

Tx Bytes

The number of transmitted bytes on the port.

Rx Rate (kbps)

The rate of receiving packets.

Tx Rate (kbps)

The rate of transmitting packets.

Rx Drops

The rate at which packets are dropped at the port (Rx).

Tx Drops

The rate at which packets are dropped at the port (Tx).

Rx Errs

Errors at the port while receiving packets.

Tx Errs

Errors at the port while transmitting packets.

Rx Frame Errs

Frame errors at the port while receiving packets.

Rx OverRu

Overrun errors at the port while receiving packets.

Click Actions > Clear Ports to clear the statistics data of the selected device.